t I- tf "-. - fwiaiifrjg r ... .ww.. , A kr- " iv 4. I V DAKOTA COUNTY HMALDt DAKOTA CITY, NElBAflKA GRIND PUBLIC AUCTION HAVING SOLI) MY FARM, I WILL SELL ALL 31 Y PERSONAL PROPERTY OX THE FARM ADJOINING GOODWIN ON THE EAST; 5 MILKS WEST OF JACKSON; 7 MILKS NORTIIWIOST OF HURRAHD, AND i MILKS EAST OF WATERBURY, NEBRASKA, ON Wednesday, Dec 7 1919 SALE STARTS AT 12 O'CLOCK SHARP FREE LUNCH SERVED AT 11 O'CLOCK i v 5 Head Good Work Horses I 34 head of Choice Hereford Cattle One Span of Hays, Marc and Gelding, 7 and S yours old weight 2,500 pounds. One Black Mare, 12 years old, weight 1 250 pounds. One Hay Gelding, age 12 years, weight 1,150 pounds. One Sorrel Gelding, age 1 years weight 1,100 pounds. i: Choice Hereford Milch Cows II are Fresh. 1 Good Hereford Hull. 20 Choice Hereford Calves. 62 head of Hogs 62 30 Heud Choice Sows. 1 Choice Duroe Hoar. HI Shouts. CG00 Bushels of Corn. : ' 'IVi: Alulta lWi. 200 Fence Posts. Some Stove Wopd. 8 Do.eu Chickens. FARM MACHINERY, ETC. 3 lumber wagons, 1 hay rack, 1 buggy, 2 seeders, 1 McCormick binder new, 1 Clover Leaf spreader-rncw, 2 mowing machines 1 new, 2 hay rakes, 2 disc cultivators, 2 shovel plows, one 3-section drag, 1 corn planter, 1 seeder,.l disc, 1 riding plow, 2 walkers, 1 hay stacker, 2 hay sweeps, 1 feed grinder, 1 buzz saw, 1 fanning mill, 1 roller, 1 hog oiler, 1 hand sheller, 3 feed bunks, 3 sets of harness one good as new, 1 bobsled and a lot of tools.' Household Goods: 1 range, heater, oil stove, bedroom set complete, 3 beds and springs, 2 dressers, 4 rocking chairs, 12 good chairs, large rug, 2 wardrobes, cupboard, sewing machine, dining and kitchen tables, and lounge. TKHMS OF KALI.-Twelve Months Time will he gi;en on all sums over $10, at 8 per cent interest. MARTIN HOGH, Owner 7. COL. E. F. RASMUSSKN, Auctioneer. HAY F. QUINN, Clerk. Home Demonstration Note , Miss Florence Atwood Homo Demonstration Agent t The fruit cake, which udds ho much to tho pleasure of tho holiday sea son, can ho prepared abend of time, as its doliciouR taste is only mmlo better by beipg soveral weeks old. When fruit is added to a cake, It is usually floured to prevent it set tling to "the bottom. This Is not necessary If it Is added directly af ter tho sugar, which Is desirable in all dark cakes. If . a light friUt coke -is made, fruit added in this way discolors tho loaf. Tho citron is first cut in thin slices, then in strips and thea floured It is better to cut tlui raisins rather than to chop them. DARK FRUIT CAKE 4c oleomargarine. 2 eggs. , brown sugar. c milk. c rai sins, cceded nnd cut in nieces. 2f flour, $ currants, i.t soda. c citron. It cinnamon. Jt allspice. 'lc molasses, t maco. t cloves. ',t lemon extract. Measure out ingredients, sifting spices ond soda with flour. Cream tho fat until soft and of a creamy consistency; then add sugar and con tinue beating; then fruit, liquid, egg. and (lour. Bako in deep cuko pans ono and one-quarter hours. LIGHT FRUIT CAKE V.c oleomargarine. jc raisins--seeded nnd cut in pieces. lc sugar. 4jC milk. 2 ounces citron thinly slicod and cut in pieces. One and seven-eighths c. flour. at baking powder, One-third c. walnut moats cut in pieces. Whites of four eggs. t vanilla. In making the mixture rosorvo ono tablespoon flour to use for dredging tho fruit. ordered to locate n road commencing at tho southeast corner of Section Nineteen (19), Township Twenty-eight (28), Range SoVon (7), Dakota Coun ty, Nebraska, thchco north along the Section lino between sections Nine teen (19), and Twenty (20), Town ship Twenty-eight (28), Uango Seven (7), in said County to thu northeast corner of said Section Nineteen (19), ond Intersecting tho Section line road running along; tho north lino of said section Nineteen (19), in Dakota County, Nebraska, has reported in fa vor of tho establishment thereof and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed In tho County Clerk's offico on or before the 19tn day of January, 1920, or such road will be established. J. S. BACON, County Cleric. School Children Need Hot Lunches Few naronts would n in ...., .i... cold lunch their children have to eat at school There Is nothing ngreea bio about a cold lunch on a cold day and it offers littlo nttrnctlon v.. for the hungry. Hot lunches uru now Doing served In many schools ii uurusKa, aim homo states even re- qulro them. Children with something hot to eat at noon, If nothing nioro than some .oup or a hot drink, Teui better and learn better. A littlo work and thought will make It pns.sU blo for every school to servo the children something hot. "HotLunche;i for the Rural School," dietetics cir cular M of the Nebraska College of -grlcultUro, sets forth somo reason " for the hot lunch, how it may bo had, nnd gives the method that is being used successfully in schools In the state. " LEGAL NOTICES J'irst J'ulj, Nov. 13, 1919-fiw. KO.II) notiui:. JTo Whom it May .Concern: The" County Surveyclryfylid hiwbteh First Pupllcotion, Dec. 11, 1919 4 w. NOTICK OF INCORPORATION Of the (ioodwln State Dunk, or good will, Nebraska. l, mo name by which this cor poration shall bo known is Goodwin State Bonk. 2. The principal nlacc of business of this corporation shall bo at Good win, County of Dakota, State of Ne braska. 3. Tho object for which this cor poration is formed is to carry on a commercial banking business. I. The author zed Can to Stock of this corporation shall bo Ton Thousand no-100 ($10,000.00) Dollars, oi wnicn at least Ten Thousand no 100 ($10,000.00) Dollars shall havo been paid In at tho tmo of com mencement of business. C. Thd indebtedness of this corpo ration shall at no time exceed tho amount of Its paid in capital and surplus, except for deposits. G. This corporation shall begin business on the 1st day of October, 1919, or us soon thereafter as auth orized by tho State Banking Board of tho State of Nebraska, and shall ter minate on tho 1st day of October. 19G9. 7. Tho affairs of this corporation shall be under tho control and man agement of n board of directors con sisting of not lsss than three nor more than five shareholders, whoso torm of oirice shall bo for a period of one year, or until their successoio are elected and tiuallfled. B. Tho regular annual meeting of uio siocK-noiuors or this corporation shall bo held on the 2nd Suturduy 'of January each year. 9. Liich stock-holder shall at any regular or sneclal meetintr lm i.nti. tied to ono vote, either In person or by proxy, for each share of stock neiu. 10. The articles of Incorporation nut- uu iimt'iiuuu n uny regular or special meeting called for that pur pose by a two-thirds vote of all stock J. C. DUGGAN, RAY F. QUINN, II. U. ADAIR, WILL HAYES, Incorporator.. The 'Herald for News when it Is News. Public Auction! HAYING SOLD MY PLACE, 1 INTEND TO QUIT FARMING, AND WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION ALL MY PERSONAL PROPERTY LISTED BELOW, WITHOUT RESERVE, AT MY PLACE 3 MILES WEST OF GOODWIN; 3 MILES NORTHEAST OF WATERBURY, AND 7 MILES SOUTH OF PONCA, NEBRASKA, ON Thursday, Dec. 18, 19 09 SALE BEGINS A'P 12:30 O'CLOCK SHARP. HOT FREE LUNCH SERVED AT NOON. 12 head of Horses 1 Spun of Buckskin Mares, and 8 years old, wt. SIMM). 1 span Gray Geldings, J) and 12 yrs. old, wt. 2800. 1 Slum of Gray Mares, 0 years old, wt. 3000. 1 Buckskin Horse, 8 years old, weight 1200.' 1 spanMure and Gelding 5 and ( yrs. old, wt. 2G00. 1 Buckskin Mare, weight 1000, with suckling Colt. 1 Gray Colt, coming 3 years old. 18 head of Cattle Five Calves. One White . Face Hull. Nine Cowfi, Giving Milk. Three Yearlings. Farm Machinery, Etc. 3 Wagons 1 Disc. 2 Riding Cultivators. One 14-inch Gang Plow. 2 Walking Plows. 1 Corn Planter, with 100 Rods of Wire. 1 McCormick Mower. One 20-foot Flexible Harrow. J Corn Sheller. 1 Bobsleigh. 1 l)e Laval Cream Scpruator. 2 Sets of Concord Harness. 1 Tank Heater. , hc if j T Cl X WEIGHING FROM 100 TO 200 POUNDS. UO rlead Or JLUrOC OnOatS ONE GOOD DUROC JERSEY ROAR, Wt. About 200. 1200 bu. of Corn. 400 bu. of Oats. 60 bu. German Millet Seed. 20 bu. of Potatoes. 10 Tons Hay in Stack. 10 Tons Alfalfa Hay. One Stack of Oat Straw. One Stack of Wheat Straw. 10 DOZEN RHODE ISLAND RED CHICKENS. TERMS OF SALK -One years time will be given on bankable notes bearing 8 per cent interest. All sums untlor $10, cash. No property removed from premises until settled for with the clerk. COL. 1J. F. RASMUS,SEN, Auctioneer. 'wner GEORGE SMITHS Clerk. Vs- Afc . - w n . ' - ..., t rt