Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 11, 1919, Image 4

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-swumir ie Jn.
0nm (wjnl' "
An Opportunity
to Share in
the Profits, of
Montgomery Ward & Co.
Great Mnll Order IIousp
Everybody knows Montgomery Ward &
Co. It numbers its customers by the
millions. Probably you arc one of its
patrons know from personal experi
ence the advantage of trading with it.
You can easily appreciate, therefore,
the opportunity for gain that awaits
you if you are enabled to become one of
its stockholders to participate in its
510,000 Shares Common Stock
at $45 per Share
When, as and If Issued and received by us, '
" :
To meet its rapidly growing business
Montgomery Ward & Co. is expanding.
It is increasing its capitalization. As a
result it seems certain to do a greater
business than ever before to earn oven
larger profits.
510,00.0 shares of the new common stock
were offered to the public for the first
time on Monday, Dec. 8th, 1919, at
$45.00 per share. Due to the wonder
ful reputation of the house of Mont
gomery Ward & Co., this stock was in
; ihstant demand. Prompt action is
therefore necessary 1'f you wish to ac
quire some of it. . .
Write for Circular Today!
A 'circular fully describing this stock
issue' has been prepared. It tells of
the gigantic nature of the business
the earnings of the company of the
dividends that have been paid. Write
for. this circular today. Learn how you
may become a partner in the business
of Montgomery Ward & Co. Write for
the, circular NOW!'
.' ..
- ?
John Burnham & Co.
. 41'Nouth I. Salle Htrei't, Chicago, III.
Tho statements In this advertisement, while not guaran
teed, are baaed upon In formation and advico which we
liellevo to be accurate and reliable.
Mrs. Corn Love returned last week
from a Thanksgiving visit In th
home of her daughter, Mrs. Ruth
Martin, at Cambridge, Iowa.
Stephen Hassel and family have
moved here from Mott, N. D., and
will work for Tom Sullivan the com
ing year
her home near Watcrbury, after an
extended visit in the home of her
Mrs. C. M. Rasmussen and Mrs. F.
Nelsen were Sioux City shoppers on
Mr. and, Mrs. Wm. Goertz enter
tained several relatives and friends
on Thanksgiving day.
Augusta Larsen visited friends in
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gross departed on .,,.,, Q.fl.i
Wednesday for Hudson, S. D., whew, Several from jj;re nttended
Mr. uross nas a iarm renteu .or . Dick Hftwk 8al(J Mnndnyi
coming year. , M gto vigited friends in South
Mrs. J. M. Barry spent over last q. Mondav
Thursday night with friends In Sioux blBUiu ney was clty goer Tues.
C1&- .. .... .. ., ...., ..... day.
Air. fticarmy 01 wddm, uuu uus- - . -ninned a car of cattle
last week. lie , . 4. JIr..,i,
W siiiuitu bite uwk ni.bni
Arnold Knudsen and sister
Iness hero one day
expects to move here March 1st.
Frank Francisco, who spent
left Friday for an extended visit to
LntVJV iS Texas, where they will spend some
time with relatives.
Mrs. Sam Garner and infant son
came home Saturday from the hospi
tal. The little one is getting alonp.
father's farm here, departed last
Thursday evening for his home at
Royal, Neb.
Chas. Baney underwent an opera
tion for appendicitis at St. Vincent's nc'ejy
noT" ,T ?A1' ,. ,Baf MJ. P.. Jensen spent Thanksgiving
o. ,... " -" ., .1 v. i. the Hansen home.
f,r l?1"8"' .Neb,Qi V A , P' Mr- nd Mrs. Henry Thompson were
daughter, Minnie. She expects later passenKers t0 Sioux fclty Tuesday.
to go to Montann. , M H , ,t d ,n the parontnl
E. A. Leahy has gone to Tulsa, . ,, , ,,,
Okla., from where he writes that the ,, T ' .,,i m0'
Mrs. P. Jensen and Mrs. Harris were
city goers last week.
weather is mild, and no worrying
over the coal situation there.
The Misses Mildred and Ilene Car- o
penter, of Willis, Neb., visited in the SALEM
Mrs. Anna Carpenter home last Sat
urday. Mrs. H. Wesley Brown returned
Ellen Nelson is attending the Dana saiurtiay 10 ncr nome ai nerncK, o.
College at Blair, Neb. D., after a several weeks' yisit with
Mrs. Will Hayes and baby visited relatives and friends hereabouts.
over Sunday in the M. Quinn home. I Mrs. Joe bbel was hostess to the
Mr. and Mrs. Uarrod, of Washta, . . " ciuu jast weunesuuy, uec.
Iowa, are guests in the Horace Dugan 3rd. The afternoon was spent in
home. .listening to the vlctrola. A dainty
Lee Odell and wife of Winnebago, '4 o'clock luncheon was served. The
Neb., are visiting in the Fred Andei- club was so much interested in the
son home. music and other entertainment that
Dr. Maglrl made a professional trip the customary guessing contest was
to Homer last Friday. , completely forgotten, and the mem-
Trains 163 and 104 were taken oil hers are still guessing what the con
the Burlington line, and mall is now test was to have been,
being carried on a mixed freight1 The ninth grade pupils of tho
train, jBrushy Bend school gave a sleighing
Dick Hogh, who had an auction sale party last Thursday evening for their
Monday at Willis, is moving this teahers, Prof. Emery Austin and his
week to Sioux City, where he has
purchased a home.
Phil Renz was a Sioux City busi
ness visitor Thursday of last week.
Joe Renz who is staying for a time
with his brother, Tom and family .it
Wayne, was a visitor here with homo
folks several days last week.
Miss Mary Renz spent Friday al
the T. D. Curtis home.
Bob Harris, Ed Harris and Miss
Johanna Harris motored to Sioux Ci
ty Thursday.
assistant Miss Anna Austin. Everett
Blessing and Wm. Ralph furnished
the teams and sleighs and showed the
crowd a merry time. A lunch was
served to the party at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. frank V. Larsen, which
was enjoyed very much.
Lutheran Church Notes '
By Rev C. R. Lowe.
All arrangements have been made
for the Christmas program and tree
at Salem. The time is set lot
Dr. Da lv and familv. Helen Bol-. Christmas Eve. The full program
ster and Tom Allaway were Sioux will be published next week Now
City visitors Thursday. 111 await the time and an auspicious
Dan Purdy and wife .arrived Satur- J night. The committee met at tho
day. home of Mrs. Geo. Bates last Tues-
Carol Pomroy was an incoming .day and completed their work so fat
passenger from the north i Saturday. as It could be competed up to that
Mrs. Norval Church of Sioux City, J time. The goodly number of young
was a Homer visitor Saturday. folks met at the home of Mr. C. C.
A student from Midland College is Jbeermann last, Saturday evening and
holding services in the Lutheran
church here every Sunday morning.
Wo hear him well spoken of.
Born, to Ray Hoch and wife, Thurs
day, December 4th, a son.
Seth Barns visited last week in the
Sophia .Lake and Alfred Harris
Amberry Bates returned last week
from his trip to visit relatives, no
visited an uncle in Oregon. He re
ports 4 feet of snow there.
Harold McKinley was a visitor at
home Saturday and Sunday.
1 Mrs. Ed Pilgrim visited her hus
band In the hospital in Sioux Citv
Saturday, returning Sunday. She
reports him getting along' fine.
Prof. Swett and wife were Sioux
City visitors Saturday by the auto
Mrs. Goff was a Sioux City visitor
Saturday to see Mr. Golf, who is re
covering from an operation in St.
Joseph hospital.
Miss Helen Bolster was entertained
for dinner Sunday at the Audry Alla
way home. ,
Sam Gardner was a passenger to
Sioux- City Friday night and brought
his wife and littlo son back with him
Saturday. Tho child was a patient
in St. Joseph's hospital 7 weeks.
did. Borne good practicing for the pro
gram, and what do you think, right
in the midst of the practice, Mrs.
Beerinann suggested that they need
ed a. rest, and asked them all to the
dining room, and O Boy, and oyster
stew prepared by Mrs. Beermann.
Mrs. Bates and Mrs. Bobier. Whet
wouldn't rest? It was all apprec
luted very much indeed., Later the
singers returned to the piano and
went through their program. The
young folks will meet at the home of
Mr. Herman Ebel next Friday even
ing. They will remember the night,
It is our intention to get the mens
class of the Sunday school organized
at as early a date as possible how.
It is encouragihg indeed the way the
men are taking hold of the work in
the class, and the opportunities they
already see for definite work thru tho
class for the betterment of the whole
church work. This is a mighty good
sign among us, and when all the men
see the things going on, they will
he interested. There is a place for
every man in the community. When
every one is interested, there will be
some thing doing, indeed. If you
want to know what is going on and
what Is the mind of the men, con e
Keir Bros.
Grocery Co.
Specials for Saturday
Peacljes, in gallon cans, each $1.35
Apricots, in gallon cans, each $1.35
Black Raspberries, in gallon cans, each $1.85
Laundry Soap, 4 bars for 25c
Salmon, in 1 lb. cans, per can 25c
Karo Syrup, gallons, Light, per can $1.05
Karo Syrup, gallons, Dark, per can $1.00
Preserves, all flavors, per jar 35c
Sweet Pickles, nice size, 2 dozen for 25c
Powdered Sugai , bulk, 2 lbs for 25c
We pay Sfoux City Market Prices for Butter, Epgs
and Poultry
We also carry a full -lino ? lYoli I'suiti and
Telephone No. 31
Buy Here and Save $$$$$
JOHN II. REAM, Publisher.
Official Paper of Dakota County.
Permission has boon granted for
l o transmission of this papor thru
tho malls as second class mattor.
TclephoHO Nos. 43 and IS.
Subscription Price, $1.G0 per year.
Conditions surrounding the inade
quate supply of coal, as a result of
strikes, are rapidly becoming unbear
able. Unless relief Is obtained ,.t
th. earliest possible moment, thnro
in no, telling the extent to whlcli
disaster1 may be visited upoTrthe peo
ple of our commonwealth. It is no
lopge.'r h matter of ascribing causes
results alone will su trice.
Therefore, In this great emergency,
and in sympathy with movements
that have already been started in this
state, I have the following to sug
gest; Five hundred students of the Uni
versity of Nebraska have volunteered
for service In the mlnM in territory
from which Nebraska obtains its sup
ply of eoaU This volunteer forco
may be greatly augmented by enlist
tnent from al parts of the state.
I have wired governors of adjoining
coal producing spates to tho oiled
that these forces are available for
emergency service, with the under
standing that "they are to bo givon
adequate police protection and tho
necessary comforts of living." I am
expecting prompt advico from the
governors of thews states as to whut
tho possibilities are of producing re-
iter through these channels, and I
am In hopes that by tho time their
unswors are received, the movement
for voluntary service In this state
will have been sufTlclenlty well ot
ganlzed to go at once to any Held In
which the opportunity Is allorded for
In order that organization mny bo
eoected most expeditiously, it Is re
quested that all those who desire to
enlist for volunteer servlca shall
make tho fact known to tho county
clerk, who In turn will report to this
oirice. The more prompt and libenu
the rcsponso, the groator the hopo
for relief.
i Governor of Netoasko,
Ytilt BALK
Wo have a few of the strictly Iig
Tyiio Chester White boars loft for
quick sale. They ore February and
April farrow, and cholera immune.
Helkes Bro., Dakota City, Neb.,.R.2.
ursc an operation lor annendlcitts. to thn iln:a vt Kuruinu w i,ji.
then pits? in the leg which caused a It would be a good Idea to take a
great deo of trouble. Dr. Stldwor- Httle time Sunday morning to do a
my nns cnargo oi me cnuu until its little of the organization. Let's do
complete recovery. lthat. If we cannot do it all in one
Mrs. Day s of Sioux City, a cousin day we will finish another time. Of
or James Allaway, sr., arrived Monday course It will be impossible to set
to visit in the Allaway home. It forth all wo want to do at once, and
was the first meeting for forty years, it would not bo desirable. Wo want
It is needless to say It was a joyful to grow into'the work. We want to
one. Her son accompanied her, re, bo allied with the other men of the
turning to Sioux City. Monday even- United Lutheran church, and fee!
Ing. Mrs. Davis remalnod till Tues- thijt .we are a part of tho whole or
tlay evening. ganzatlon, and not just an individual
congregation set here all by our
HUIIHARD selves. That increases interest In
Mrs. Anderson and son Albert visit. 'tso"-
ed tho past week In the E. Christen-' 0ur communion services were very
sen home.
well attended last Sunday for a cold
We have onlv four nassencrer trntnu winter day. There was a trood snlr
now two going each way, owing to 'l n tno congregation. We rejoice
tho coal shortage. , in that. If we would make an effort
.John Jesscn was a Sioux City goer to "eet some business engagement
Monday, on.n co n' an most of us would,
Georgo Timlin was In tHe city ono we uKht also to make the same ef
day the past week. fort to be at the house of God, fot
Mike Green was n" business caller tot 's ns ,mch our business as any
In Homer the first' of the week. thing els, and is as necessary for
Our R. F. D. man got stuck in a the spiritual life as the other is for
snow drift Tuesday and came pretty our ,lfe nuK men. God honors
near not getting out. .the "man .who is punctual to 'meet
Tom Iona sold a bunch of fat cnt. 'his obligations. His first command
tie this week. is to love God dnd the second is to
A hard times party was held in ,ove our 0iw men. Let us not
the Plum Grove school Friday even- Ket t"6'" reversed.
Ing. A jolly good time was had by ' SALEM
her native land, where she expects to
make her homo permanently, t
Mr. F. Welch left Wednesday for. The Herald for News when'it is News.
Westcott's Undertaking
Old Phone, 426 New Phone, 2067
Buy your Boar Early and have the advantage of
a Wider Selection.
I am holding no Boar Sale
This Fall
This saves you money, for it costs to run a sae.
I have a large number of big-boned, stretchy boars
of good quality and breeding They are priced
to sell quickly.
Crystal Lake Stock Farm
John B. Evans, Prop. Dakota City, Nebr.
E. F. Rasmussen
Ponoai Neb.
Write or phone me early for
dates, as I will sell nearly ev
ery day this season. I am sell
ing for tho best farmers and
stockmen in Northeast Nebras
ka. I have some good farms
and ranches for sale.
Yours for Business.
Dr. Koch
Sells a 10-oz. Bottle of Vanilla Extract for 90c, and
Lemon for $1.00. And our Spices of all kinds are
the Cheapest sold on tho market. ,
We put out a 50-lb. Pail of Toultry Tonic for
$8.00, and we guarantee it will make your hens lay.
We also sell Stock Tonic, and No. 1 Dip. You
can get these goods from the wagon, or at tho
C. W. Hitts residence, South Sioux City, Neb.
E. J. GARLOCK, Agent
South Sioux City, Nebr.
r "
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