DAKOTA COUNTY IJERALD, DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. J fit". f, WtJr iKu Mifir . . If J. f v p THE MOST DANGEROUS OF ALL DISEASES No organs of the human body are so Important to health and long life as the kidneys. When they slow up nud com menco to lag in their dutleB, look outl Sanger is in Eight. Find out what the troublo is with out delay. Whenever you feel nervous, weak, dizzy, suffer from sleeplessness, or have pains in tho back, wnko up at once. Your kidneys need help. These are signs to warn you that your kidneys arc not performing' their functions properly. They nro only half doing their work and nro allowing impurities to accumulate and bo converted into uric acid and other poisons, which are causing you distress and will de stroy you unless they aro driven from your system. A Rebuke. "So this Is the olllco of tho Clarion?" "Yes," replied the editor, proudly. "A temple of truth." "'Tell the truth nnd shame "tho devil,' eh?" "Sir, the office 'devil' hn nothing to do with the editorial policy of our paper' Birmingham Agc-llorulC. ASPIRIN FOR COLDS Name "Bayer" is on Genuino Aspirin say Bayer Insist on "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" in a "Bayer package," containing prop er directions for Colds, Pain, Head ache. Neuralcia. Lumbago, and Rheu matism. Name "Bayer" means genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineteen years. Ilandy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost few cents. As'tln is trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Mono ncctlcacldestcr of Sallcyllcacld. Adv. Butter Problem In Ireland. The recent ministry of food order Inci easing the price of butter from 0(5 cents to 72 cents per pound Is expected to stay the decline in butter making by the creameries? whh'h have lately found cheese making more profitable, says a Christian Science Monitor let ter fropi Dublin. The experience bf butter ret niters Is that butter Is bought at practically any price In preference to margarine, even by the working classes. If the price had not been raised there would have been a butter famine. ' w? . I '' War on Hnwkc. So important are the bcrvlces. of carrier pigeons in time of wnr that any birds that prey upon them are prompt ly marked for destruction. Tliaf Is why hawks have been the special tar gets for the American soldiers, as these fierce birds that are so swift of wing take great delight In chasing down the carrier pigeons and then making a feast on their tender flesh. To keep the carrier pigeon In active service the hawk must be exterminat ed, for In attacking the "arrlcr pigeon the hawk virtually attacks the army whose, message Is entrusted to tho car rier pigeon. In the Majority. Mrs. Bacon I seo tho judges at a baby show at Cedar Falls, In., did their best to please everybody by awarding every contestant a prize. Mr. Bacon There must have been n lot of booby prizes awarded, then. Some men would rather owe you a bill forever than put you to the trou ble of collecting It. The man who finds fault with his neighbor's religion should spend a little time repairing his own. pyn Nervous? Restless at Night? Ever Have Headaches? How about your daily cup of coffee? Suppose you try a change to nt (BS9 tHX) u9 Tfr b7 WV This delightful cereal beverage possesses a fine coffee-like fla vor, but has none of the harm ful after-effects thru which coffee so often prevents vigor ous, red-blooded health. Costs less, too. Made by Posttfro Cereal Company, Battle Creek, JVlichfgan Sold by Grocers and General Stores. Get some GOLD MEDAL ITsarlera Oil Capsules at once. They are an old, tried preparation used all over the world for centuries. They contain only old-fashioned, soothing oils combined with strength-giving and system-cleans ing herbs, well known and used by phy sicians in their daily practice. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are im ported direct from tho laboratories in Holland. They are convenient to take, and will cither glvo prompt relief or your money will bo refunded. Ask for them at any drug store, but be euro to get tho original imported GOLD MEDAL brand. Accept no substitutes. In scaled packages. Three sizes. Any man can can make n fool of lilinsolf by trying to act smart. No ugly, grimy streaks on the clothes when Red Cross Ball Blue is used. Good bluing gets good results. All grocers carry it 6c. About DO per cent of what passes for thinking is putting old thoughts into new clothes. Important to Mother Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOUiA, that tamous oiu remery for infants and children, and see that it Bears the '&vtf&t Signature of In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Their Job. "There Is n chotus of butchers and bakers in that vaudeville act." "I suppose they are feeders for the star," Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as tlicycannot reach the diseased portion of tho car. There Is nnVv nnn wav to euro CJntnrrhal Deafness. and that la by a constitutional remedy. HALila uataiuui aijuluuijnis acis through the Blood on the. Mucous Surfaces of the System. Catarrhal Deafness IS caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube. W'hon this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hoartac, aud when It Is entirely closed, Deafnssr la tho result. Unless tho inflammation can bo ro duccd and this tubo restored to Its nor mal condition, hearing may be destroyed forever. Many cases of Doafness ara caused by Catarrh, which is an Inflamed condition of tho Mucous Surfaces. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. All Druggists 75c. Circulars freo. F. J, Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. His First King, One of the national treasury .ofuelals who helped put over the national lib erty loan campaigns nnd his colored man-servant George were coming through Rock Creek pnrk, Washing ton, tho other morning nnd they met King Albert of Belgium taking a con stitutional afoot. Tho trio stopped and chatted for n few minutes and the king shook hands with George tho same as ho did with the official. After the king had passed on the ofllcfal turned to George nnd asked him what he thought of his majesty. "Afore Gawd," George said, "tint am tho first king I over saw outside of a deck." Snake's Rattles. -The rattles of the rattlesnake are but a number of small bones on tho tall io loosely fastened together that they make a clinking nolso when shaken. Light Waves' Pressure. , By tho uso of dellcqte apparatus which he Invented u Russian scientist has demonstrated that light wnve ex ert n mensureable mechanical pres sure. Depends on the Style. Parkoi" "Is your wife a woman to look forward to something to worry about?" Tucker "Yes, yes, ludeed, sho Is if it Is In style." Judge. An old bachelor says It Is better to die for a woman thnn to live wftti some of them. ' Postum -sZSr&l X W ST MH Jfj IliSr wjr imm mm maM- yn&Qfv-K': I. ' n KQiBYlar HJP2v(lk.vV 5? ill HIHiY M&&?&&&&g&S& TIMP aLBMBVaBM.Lti.MVOA' iT A TP,T,lJ,IJI'iSIF- vsx Bh. Paper, as a substitute for linen, Is making itself valunble to the house wife and to tho mnnagers of tea rooms and cafes. Not so much In the former case as a matter of economizing in linen, as economizing In labor. Nap kins, tray cloths, dollies and center pieces of linen are so cleverly mndo of paper that they aro proving altogether satisfactory substitutes for It, except upon occasions of more or less formal ity. Napkins, once used, are thrown away. Centerpieces, tray cloths and dollies of paper can bo used until soiled. Thoy are prettify made, very cheap and eliminate laundering. Be sides a very pretty table may be sot forth with them. Besides these paper furnishings for the tnble, paper decorations for house hold use are gaining ground. There Is a fad for lamp and candle shades of parchment paper. These nro hand painted and do not suffer by compar ison with silk or glnss shades, but aro tar less expensive. Besides they allow variety when thoy Anally becomo polled there fs no great loss in destroy ing them and providing new ones. Paper rope Is fashioned Into handsome baskets for fruits, bonbons nnd flow ers. Lamp stands and vases are also made of It nnd serving trays as attrac tive as those of wood. Gradually the paper handkerchief Is making a place for Itself and the pa per hand towel. These commend GARBED AS FOR THE OPERA "Where ure you going, my pretty mnld?" is answered In one of two ways by the picture shown above. Either tho theater or tho danco Is evi dently ahead of the fair and youthful lady in silk attire which the camera has caught so faithfully. Wo should say sho Is garbed as befits her for tho opera, and thero Is plenty of time to auatyzo her outfitting. It Is very much to the point, being tasteful and appro priate, as well ns In tho mode. Tho frock of light-colored Bntln has low-necked bodice and draped skirt, with long tunic at tho front and sides and shorter flat loops of tho satin nt tho bnck. Tho neck and short sleeves are finished with luce, and a big rose Is posed nt the front of the girdle. Hut the frock Is really less Important In this costume than tho long, black net scarf, run with gold tinsel, that Is thrown about tho shoulders. Any light or bright colored gown, simple enough to prove successful In tho role of n background, will borrow splendor and provo effective with n scarf of this kind. Tho gold Is put on in nn In genious, pattern, which kIiowh to good advantage when tho scarf is worn as pictured. In the snmo clnss as- tho scarf, tho gilt and sliver wreath that adorns the bend Is an achievement to bo proud of. A silk morning glory, shot with silver, stnmps this hair ornament as suited to youth nnd loveliness, nnd the coif furo is of like character, No matter how striltinjj tho toilettes that vie onomy oriver themselves to the motor tourist who Is making a long run, as especially practical. Even hospitals are using surgeons' caps of paper nnd small pa per handkerchiefs for patients?. These are mndo very soft and absorbent, like the towels. Oilcloth finds a placo on breakfast tables and on porch tnbles In center pieces and dollies that aro prettily painted or stamped In sets of three sizes, Including ono large plaquo for the center of tho tnble, six or twelve snmller plaques for plates, nnd tho same number of still smaller ones for cups and saucers. These aro wiped off when necessary with a damp cloth nfler uso and put away on a roll of stiff pnperhoard or wood. The smooth, light oilcloth Is for sale In department stores and lj sold by tho yard. It may ho had In white and black and the sets cut out nnd dec orated nt homo; or tho sets are to bo had rendymade, nt a reasonable price. They nnswer the same purposo as lin en sots or those thnt wo Import from Japan of printed cottons. Sets mado of cretonne having the edges finished with a crocheted border of mercerized cotton nro very pretty, and they are Inexpensive nnd durable. They have proved attractive for tho breakfast and ten tablo and, of course, require occasional washing. Light-colored, gay-ly-flowcred cretonnes, make cheerful sets, and these provo cherished Christ mas gifts. with ono another nt the opera or tho play, none of them enn boast of a' charm outstripping this, which Is gay and Hooting youth Interpreted In ap parel. Youth would better leave moro splendid things to older women. Among these splendid things n gown of nasturtium velvet from Paris has a draped skirt with n bouffant puff about tho hips, bordered nt the bottom with velvet grapes In small clusters nnd In their natural colors. A gray satin with silver roses scattered over tho surface looks at Its host nmong tho stronger colors. Illack velvet, black spangled net nnd black lace chnllenge anything to look moro regal tiiuu they do, even In tho company of gowns In which masses of colored sequins nro used. It takes an artist to manage spanglesthey may not bo used too liberally In colors, and oyen In blnck or whlto glitter may lo over done. Lace a Factor, Laco Is a dominant factor In tlio de velopment of evening gowns and frocks for special occasions. Illaclc lace, whlto and cream and ecru lacd aro used sometimes singly; sometime! two luces aro combined, thou again laco is combined with chiffon, geon gettw or metal cloth. What Neighbors Say Wnlden, C0I0.J "I arn Rhul to ndd my testimony In regard to what Dr. Pierce Anurio Tablets have dono for mo. I am suit tuoy savcu my iu; and if I can be in etrumcnUl in help ins others I will feel well repaid. My kidneys and bladdcv wero in very bd condition for a long time and got worse) every day. I xatA ono bottle of n well known kidney medi cine without any re lief, then I took two bottles of anothes remedy nnd usod thorn but cot woreo every day. I was in torriblo shapo, was disturbed eight to twelve times in a night and suffered excruciating pain and thorn would be a thick brownish sediment. I w as despondent. At last I saw 'Anurio' advertised in Knnsaa City paper nnd I thoucht it Just suited mv caso so I sent to Dr. Tieron's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for n trial packago, which was ten cents. I took two tabids at lu'nlit nnd felt much hotter in tho morning nnd by thq s(ond morning I didn't feel any pain at all when voidins tho kidney secretion. In a week thoro was no sediment in tho wnler, nnd it has been normal over since. That was elghtocn months nno, thercforo it would bo hard to mako tho claim for 'Anurio' too atrong.'Ji Q. L. DUNDY. ' When Run-down and in Need of a Tonic Kansas City, Kans. "About the only tnodicino I havo cvor given my llttlo boy it Dr. Picrco'a Golden Medical Discovery. Ho novcr was very stronit, and being doll cato would becomo run-down very QuicklyJ woutd BufTcr loss of appetite I would cive him tho 'Golden Medical Discovery and it always built him up in nood health. I have) also given this mcdlcino ns a spring toniot for such 'Golden Medical Discover'' has no equal. I do recommend its use." MfiSt QEO. MAUL, 1012 N. 13th St. TO TREAT XXORS9D COLIC No Drenching A Child Can Civ 16 e OOS(S SOCI aUUHNTHD Old Kentucky Mfg. Co., Inc., Fadncab, Ky TOEK ON ItEQUKST A VIVID BTOKT f th wondertul 'Ctxtut Oil fields based on b Kolule trulli. Write Chan. 10, Jacluwn, Box S:c, Independence, Kansas. Uiirllnstuii, Colo. -320 u. unimproved: fln In ve.trnent, Ideal farming country. $46. T.rms. Owner, Frank Uun, 40U6 N. 2Cth St., Omaha, W. N. U SIOUX CITY, NO. 50-1910. FINALLY SUBDUfe FOREST FIRE Thousands of Volunteero Overcome Conflagration Which Threatened Overwhelming Destruction. A forest llro that threatened, In 18 dnys of unimpeded destruction, to con sumo tho whole of Angeles national forest, In southern California, was finally brought under control by tho despcrnto efforts of hundreds of volun teers. The unceremonious drafting of curiosity seekers swelled tho ranks of the fighters until, In ono district rilonc, around l'oiuonn, moro than 1,000 were working day and night to stay tho on rushing flnmes. The kindling of tre mendous back fires nt critical points, guided by nlrplnno Inspection, suc ceeded In holding tho fires within the originating area. Many resorts and summer homes wore menaced! but only a few cabins wero lost. As a re sult of tho fire, tho city waterworks of Pasadena is to be protected by a giant firebreak, which will bo con structed Immediately by tho rangers of the United States forost service. Popular Mechanics Magnzlno. Concerted War on Tuberculosis. A systematic campaign of nntt-tiber-culosls education has been conducted In Franco for moro than a year, Under tho putrouago of the KockefelJor foun dation. Three traveling exhibits and groups of lecturers visited ten depart ments, and In Ml towns of 0,000 or moro population gave exhibits. Dur ing thu. year moro thuu 2,000,000 pieces of printed matter, posters, pamphlets, postcards, games, etc., wero distrib uted through tho wholo of France. It Is stated that the ' public material, written by French men nnd women, tind charmingly Illustrated by French artists, has hot a now standard for popular health public educntlon. The Idea. She Don't you think It is very fool ish to sit holding hands? Tie Not If you're holding trumps. fails' ecuc.dit, If I tyjgEASWVWf There's something really fascinating aboUt,the nut like flavor of GrapeNuts The strength and nutrition gleaned from this -wheat and malted barley food make it a most sensible breakfast cereal, while its low cost adds true economy. "CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP" IS CHILD'S LAXATIVg Lock at tonguel Remove poltonl from stomach, liver and bowels. Accept "California" Syrup of Flgi only look for tho nnmo California OM tho pneknge, then you arc suro yea child is haying tho best nnd most harm less laxative or physic for tho HUH ( stomach, liver nnd bowels. Children love its delicious fruity taste. Fall directions for child's doso on ench bofr tie. Glvo It without fenr. Mother 1 You must sny "Cnllforn!lu', Adv. Agricultural Policy. "An Intelligent agricultural policy" bj the basis of n grcnt Industrial policy, and n systematic effort must bo mad to bring the people back to the land, A great agricultural policy relieves thtl labor market, nnd when thero nro port, odp of depression there is always tilt land. Thero Is not tho same competi tion which throws men out of employ tnenh On tho other hand, thero is k nursery to train vigorous men who will sustain other Industries, nud unless thexo is agriculture this cannot do that, nn Industrial system c'nnnot be kept nllve." Lloyd George. TONIGHT! Take "Cascarets" if sick. Bilious, Constipated. l I I I I M"- 1 III. Enjoy life I Straighten up I tour system is filled with liver nnd bowel poison which keeps Jfour skin sallow, your stomnch upsot, ' your head dull nnd nchlng. Your meals are turning Into poison nnd you cannot feci right Don't stny bilious or constipated. Feel splendid nlways by taking Cascarets occaBlon&lly. They act without grip ing or inconvenience. They never sick en you like Calomel, Salts, Oil or nasty, narsh pills. They cost so llttlo too-40aa-carcts work whllo you sleep. A4t. Replacing Sugar With Cottonj According to tho South African Jour nal of Industries for July, 1010, tho re placement of cano by cotton In parts of Zululnnd Is bolng taken notlco of by tho sugar Industry. A number of planters declare that they find cotton n moro paying and ft more promising crop than sugar. A great ndvantage In fnvor of cot ton is that a crop can be planted na handled within about six months an4 does not involve th'e henry expcndltari for wagons, track and vehtclcB, suck as la essential with enne. ( Preparedness, The stago coach bumped along ovw a very mountainous country road, ttfl It came to n place noted for Its aJ5 holdups. The' passengers were some what uneasy lest a highwayman might step out Into tho middle of tbo road. "Ah, friends, don't bo' alarmed I" sal a pompous old gentleman. "I foresaw the possibilities of an attack and X havo two londed revolvers In the Mr torn of my trunk." His Only Chance. "Can I get a room for the nlghtf asked tho man to tho hotel clerk. "No," replied tho clerk, ''wo haven't got n room in tho house." "Where in thunder am I going t sloop then?" "Why, thcro'B n movie picture show In tho next block. They hnve coa.tb uous performances, I believe. Proof of Merit i "Your poem wnH roturncd?" ' "Yes, but reluctantly; I had to writ tho editor flvo times for It" A lot of men chnmp on the bit whUs letting tho ovener rub. ! 0 a m 1,1 i O i (f y J