Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 11, 1919, Image 2

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'VDanderine" creates mass
of thick, gleamy waves
In n few moments you can transform
your plain, dull, flat hair. You can
hove It abundant, soft, glossy and full
jDf life. Just get at any drug or tollot
jpountor u stnull bottle of "Danderlno"
for a few cents. Then moisten a soft
Uoth with the "Dandorlne", aud draw
his through your hair, taking one
imall strand at n time. Instantly, yes,
inmcdlately, you have doubled tho
icauty of your hair. It will bo n mass,
Bo soft, lustrous and so easy to do up.
All dust, dirt and czccsslvo oil la re
moved. Let Danderlno put more life, color,
vigor, and brightness In your hair.
.This stimulating tonic will freshen
your scnlp, chock dandruff and falling
hair and help your hnlr to grow long,
thick, strong and beautiful. Adv.
Difficulty of Uncompromising Stand.
"Where Ifl that speech you were go
ing to deliver?"
"I still hnvo It under consideration,"
Answered Senator Sorghum.
"Is It n hard speech to wrlto?"
"Very. Kvery time I get at It I hnvo
the greatest dlfllculty In keeping my
pilnd from digging up the best poo
Bible nrgiitnents on tho other side."
Tapft'a Cold Compound" then break
up a cold In a few i
Belief comes luatantly. A doso taken
Ivery two hours until thrco doses nro
tekcu usunlly breaks up n sovcro cold
Mid ends all tho grippe mlsory.
Tho very first doso opens your
fcloggcd-up nostrils and tho air pass
Bos in tho head, stops nose running,
relieves tho headache, dullness, fover
lslmess, sneczlug, soreness and stiff-
8S. j
5' Dpn't stny stuffed-upl Quit blowin
ndsnumingl Clear your congested
cut 1 Nothing clso In tho world gives
ncli prompt relief ns "Pnpo's Cold
Compound," which costs only n few
fonts nt any drug store.' It ucts with
out assistance, tastes, nice, contnlna no
gulnlne Insist upon Papo'sl Adv.
New "Aristocracy."
It's uo longer tho "movie," If the
motion jnlcturo engineers hnvo their
way. ''Cinema" Is tho correct term.
"MovIo" IS too plebeian. I'lttbburgh
' Freeheu a Heavy 8Wn
.With tbo antiseptic, fascinating GaU
fcwa Talcum Towdcr, an exquisitely
icentcd convenient,- economical face,
kln, baby und dusting powder und
perfume, Renders other perfumes eu-
KriluouB. 'Ono of tho Cutlcura Toilet
to (8oap, Ointment, Talcum) .-Adv,
j , Aselstanco Unnecessary.
' Dolly Didn't you call for help when
&e kissed you?
Molly My dear, ho didn't need any I
' ',.,, ...... , , .-a
Ask for
) Sr"-v
Standard cold temedy for 20 yrt
in tanut form , sure, n
opiates breaks up a com in 3
Hours- relieves grip in aar.
Montr bick 11 It UW. il
genuine, dox nss hi
top who Jar, iima
At All Drug Sfr
rtrmflri' oraeci
.Hbortborn eui ir p
ed to
nuuuB ui iu iHiuimii
ftMlUttnf intln 1'tiM
.. . .
armor. r
are of qnltt taittr-ipl
flier Ukvon lob qatefctr,
ordinary rough pro-
" ' "" rmnctiM. It dim to aro
kortbors. riaformtuonwrHoUi
SS?rte (Kmhewi BriMK1 Aiiocltttaji
IS IHxtvr Vvb A. ChlOS". HJ
aufiaa qb uia i&rms mna
-t.-t m
MlsssV 117 n iU
fcC" 4
Irritating Coughs
fpmuitiy Ut count. eoWf, l'J"!
vCBodKtom ot tlo Uut witit Utted remedy
Cities Tackle the
Food Problem
Variety of Ways, Some of Them
Unusual, Are Being
Tried Out.
Houston, Tex., Handles Fruits and
Vegetables In Competition With
Tenants of Its Municipally-
Owned Market House.
(Prepared by tho United fitatcH Depart
ment of ARrlculture.)
Washington. That municipalities
nro tuckllng their local food problems
In n variety of ways, some of them
unusual, Is evidenced by reports re
ceived by the city marketing division
of the bureau of markets, United
Slates department of agriculture.
From establishing curb markets, re
modeling, or building retail market
houses, efforts of cities have expanded
until some nro actually Helling food
supplies, while ono city of about 0.r,
000 population Is operating a farm
and selling produco from It at retull.
How One City Sells Food.
Houston, Tex., which has u munici
pally owned retail market house, has
taken over three stalls In the build
ing and Is handling fruits and vege
tables In competition with its tenants.
In order to bo fair to other retailers
It charges Itself with nil overhead ex
penses paid by other dealers, Including
rent, und nlso pays wages higher than
those paid In other stalls. Itcports
on ten weeks' operation of tho city
managed stalls show that It Is possi
ble to buy and sell produce In com-
It ,-.,,,, -,,,-.,,,,, ,
First Battle of the Marne
Oner Mnoflti 7Kf HOCl Mnn
,;, UMJ.-WW,,,,,
rriift iii.iAiinii i.n,i.. n .it
iuirlfl wnp iuiiu tlin tlal- linttln
ui miu i'luiuu". viuciiii UKUira j
... ,, .,.. . ,
Just Issued In Paris show tho il
it losses were:
Dead 320,000
Wounded 400,000
t Total 720,000
'1 his means that this oile bat
ii tie cost nearly tlirou-quiirters of
it million men. The figures In
clude, ot course, the losses on
X both sides.
A most roimukulilu launching was
when the steamer llnditot, n 13,500 -
cent completed.. Steam was up und
the water,
IWIIiidnot Is "430 feet in
Minnesota Girl 8ays He Ordered Her
i Out After Enticing Her to
His Home.
Duluth, Minn. A damogo suit for
Budd of Duluth, department comnuui
der ot tho O. A. U.
Mls Hudil Is tho daughter of th
Duluth physician and philanthropist by
tv former marriage und did not learn
Mr. Hudil was her father until she hud
reached maturity.
Sho charge that Doctor lludd In
duced her to abundou tho name of
her adopted father, Miller, and to coma
to his home In Duluth, where ono hour
after arrival, she snjd, ho "directed
and commanded her to lenvo hU homo
and Informed her that her presence
whs lint desired,"
Spantoh railroads nro conducting
nunji'iluns of (Munition along their
Vivn to improve agricultural cuudl-
i -HIS
erl mlUBij, Ml SiKXKlKK) UUS Iieetl IlliMl in UlHlHCt coun
msVMnsJreV wefiiS by Miss IMiiii O. UmW, forty-two, of
ttrtriS8'7tin??o,'n u) St. Paul, iiRulnut her father. Dr. J, D.
petition with local merchants nt both
a direct nnd Indirect saving to con
sumers. The experiment Is to bo en
larged to Include food products other
than fruits nnd vegetables und Is snld
to bo already serving as n stabilizing
Influence on prices In thnt city mar
ket. Competing merchants have be
come Interested In tho methods of do
ing business of the city-operated stalls
and appear nnxlous to try out prac
tices that would enable them to lower
their prices.
Allcntown, Pa., hns gone Into farm
ing on a form acquired for other pur
poses which, through changes In mu
nicipal plans, was lying Idle. Under
tho direction of one of the city nlder
men this farm Is producing vegetables
and selling them nt retull In competi
tion with shlppcd-Iu produce. Tho
farm nlso feeds 1,000 head of hogs on
city gnrbage. Local advocates of the
plan now propose to Include tho use
of an old brewery as a storage ware
house for potatoes nnd other products
grown by local fanners, so ns to lessen
tho city's dependence on shlppcd-ln
Although the burau of mnrkets,
through Its city rnnrket division, Is
keeping In touch with developments
In many cities and Is compiling In
formation for use In nnswcrlng In
quiries, It stntes that It would bo glad
to hear from any cities, not ns yet
reached by formnl Inquiry, which are
working on local food problems
through municipally owned shops and
by other methods differing from those
that hnvo been followed In the past
"Old Razor Man"
Was a Woman
San Frnnclbco. Tho death of "John
Young," known for years along tho
highways between this city and Los
Angeles ns "tho quaint old razor man,"
discloses a secret long kept thnt the
real name of tho old peddler was Annn
O'Connell. For many years, left alone
In tho world, she had worn men's cloth
ing to enublo her to earn a living un
molested. Dies on Doorstep.
She died on the doorstep of the home
of Edwin A. Turner, a toy-maker, In
Green street. The Turners were her
recently executed ut Fall Hlver, Mass.,
ton tanker, was launched 00 0-10 pur
her whistle was blowing when bhe hit
length, GG feet wide uud can make 10
Mexican Merchants Refuse
Make Small Sales.
Silver Coins Are So Valuable They Are
Delng Hoarded and Sold for
Their Metal.
Mexico City, The most persistent
phrase encountered by tho buying pub
lic In Mexico ut present Is "No hay
cnmblo," "there Is no chnnge." The
silver In the Mexican peso, r0-cent
piece, nnd the smaller coins Is worth
more than tl" fnco value of tho coins,
so this money has been hoarded by
many persons and sold for their silver
Tho result Is Hint "cnmblo," or
change, has dlsuppenred nnd persons
who buy or sell ure forced to pay from
1 to 7 per cent for silver pieces front
broker. Most merchants refute to
make small sales It they are forced to
WW TMia '.stUfr ' '"rr.'r
T"1X .:: TlfcsiV . . A v.-jy
-iwn win : v -i
;; . w.
This photograph shows Bishop
Hayes, who Is soon to go to Franco as
head of the American nrmy chaplains.
Ho will go ns a civilian, having de
clined n commission.
The bureau plnns to make available In
formation In regard to tho successes
nnd failures of cities In their efforts to
solve; their food problems In order that
municipalities contemplating special
nctlon may have tho benefit of the ex
perience pf communities faced with
similar conditions.
friends of early years. When her wan
derings brought her to this city sho
always went to their" home. They
chanced to be out this time when sho
called. A Iqdgcr In tho house Informed
her they would soon be back. She was
weak nnd 111, and us she turned on tho
doorstep sho sank down, clutching at
her heart, und died. Mr. Turner now
feels free to tell her story.
"More than twenty years ago," ho
said, "ray wife and I made the ac
quaintance of n Cnnndlan gentlewom
an, Mrs. Annn O'Connell. Klin wn
then living In Montgomery block, with
her only child, Mnrle. Her husband,
n Canadian nrmy ofllcer nnd n natlvo
of Yorkshire, Englnnd, had died.
"In the Are and earthquake of 1000
Mrs. O'Connell nnd her dnughter
dropped out of sight. We heard noth
ing of them, and, finally, we went on
n long visit to the Island of Guernsey
in the English channel, my native
place. About Ave yeurs ago we re
turned to San Francisco..
"Ono evening when my wlfo was
alono nt home there wns n knock nt
tho door. Opening It sho saw n llttlo
old mnn wearing n smnll mustache.
T am n brother of your old friend,
Mrs. Anna O'Connell,' tho caller said.
Don't I resemble her? My wife re
plied: 'Yes, the likeness Is striking;
come In.' They Uud a cup of ten and
Tells Her Story.
"Suddenly, the old man rose, put his
arms nround my wife nnd snld : 'I nm
Mrs. O'Connell ; look well nt me.'
"My wife was too surprised for
words. Then the old-peddler explained
that Bhe had adopted men's clothes in
order to mnko n living, for her daugh
ter linu died nnd fcho wns alone. Sho
was In tho honso when I returned
home. My wlfo nnd I both promised
to keep her secret. From thnt time sho
visited us once a year. Wo were her
only Intimates. Sho had wished to
llvo In San Francisco, but tho cllmnto
of tho south suited her delicnte health
better, nnd so sho made her home In
Pnsadenn. We knew from her that
sho sold razor nnd knlfe-blndo shnrp
cners, walking from place to place, and
getting frequent lifts from passing mo
tor cars. We will sec that sho has de
cent burial."
Denials make llttlo fnults great.
give change, assorting they would losp
money In tho transaction.
The "nztecu," or Mexican 20-pcso
piece (gold) Is practically useless ns
money In stores or cafes when Uio
purchnso Is for a smnll amount.
"I might ns well be broke ns hnvo
an ajitoca." complained nn American
who was hungry nnd could not find a
cafo to chango his gold. Later he Hit
upon n unique scheme. Ho deposited
tho "aztcca" with the cafe proprietor
and proceeded to ent at Intcrvnls until
ho had no more credit, which, with
prevailing prices, wns not a long time.
Child Put $1,950 In Kitchen Stove.
Sioux City, In. When Nlkolnl Pelelo
soul Ills Httlu homo ho received $1,050
In Mils. Tliq followlnc morning ha
irnve the money to his wife, who laid
It on tho tnhlo und stepped Into anoth
er room. Wlillo sho wns gone her tire
yenr old child nluced the roll In the
kitchen stove
Here Is the Scenario for a Real
Being the True and Authentic History
of Muggerby Blffgang, With Full
Explanation of His Long
Stay In Jail.
Synopsis of preceding chapters:
Muggerby Blffgang Is a dangerous
criminal n gambler for high stakes,
a. man mighty hard to catch because
of his uncanny Impersonal genius. The
detectives follow him to n restaurant
of underworld rendezvous, surround
the place, put n squad on the roof nnd
two under the oellnr.
They go In, only to find n waiter
and several customers. They search
and research the place, arrest tho
whole bunch, only to find that Mug
gerby Blffgang had been the very cook
who hnd generously given them each
n piece of dried apple pie and whom
In gratitude they had left behind.
Things nre getting desperate for the
police force. Several times they have
burst Into his gambling den only to
find nothing; no faro tables, no rou
lette wheel; not even n deck of Old
Maid cards.
Dear, dear! Then one day, Chln
clillln, tho pretty daughter of n Span
ish' sombrero, rushed into headquar
ters and Informed tho "police of n dun
gerous counterfeiting den. She has
heard tho clinking of coins, nnd curses.
But tho police fly on the instant and
it Is only when they have gone 40
miles thnt they remember they had
forgotten to ask Chinchilla whero the
den was.
Ilowever, they scour nnd find It and
break In upon tho counterfeiters with
wielded clubs nnd drnwn revolvers.
And Joy of Jubllntlons! Who should
be the leader of the band but the
treacherous thug, Muggerby Blffgang,
tho great nnd dangerous gambler of
millions I Seizing the unlawful para
phernalia, they kick the whole gang
Into Jnll. But mystery of mysteries!
The only'tlilngs they find In the Junk
nro double-headed pennies. The plot
Is apparent. In shooting the pennies
nnd by taking heads, the gang al
ways played to win. Very simple.
The warden of the Jail asks each pris
oner tho same queer question. "Do
you play checkers?" Afraid thnt this
Is somo sort of n trap -they each say
"No!" very vehemently.
But Muggerby, when his turn comes,
Is so deep In thought that his caution
deserts him and he says: "Yes I" The
next day all the prisoners nre released
but Muggerby, who Is given n year's
sentence with 11 months off for good
"Dear warden," nsked Muggerby,
U0 years later, now a white-haired
man, "why, when my sentence was
a year, have you kept me 20 years?"
"Because, dear prisoner, you were
tho only one who could beat me at
checkers nround there, nnd I've kept
you here until I found out all of your
pet moves," answered the wnrden,
wondering why Muggerby hud never
nsked him before. Detroit Free Press.
Change In French Marriage Laws.
That tho nge of brldo nnd bride
groom need no longer be inscribed on
the marriage certificate Is a new rule
In regnrd to French marriages. It Is
sufficient if they are declared of age,
or over thirty, n statement of specific
ugo being unnecessary.
Hitherto it hns been necessary to
have tho banns posted up on the door
of tho town hall for ten days, Includ
ing two Sundays. The latter clause
lnthe rule hns been abolished, while,
If desired, the civic authorities can
celebrate .the mnrrlage at tho house
of either the bride or bridegroom,
says London Tit-Bits.' Two witnesses
Instead ot four will also In future be
Tho names of the respective par
ents will no longer appear In the offi
cial publications. Tho mother of one
of the contracting parties will In fn
turo have the right to oppose the mar
riage, a right which before was only
attributed to the father.
Game Laws Working Well.
Wild duck nnd wild Reese, since tho
federnl migratory bird law took full
effect under n speclnl treaty with
Cannda nnd Great Britain, hnve been
ftendlly Increasing. They hnve grown
inoro tame, too, nnd In places where
they have found a welcome and where
they hnve been fed nnd protected they
now flock by the thousands. In tho
city limits ot Onklntuf, Cnl., there Is
n smnll hike where wild gee.so and
ducks hnvo been fed. nnd within n
few years thnt hike, even though It bo
within tho city, has eomo to be tho
meccii of thousands upon thousands
of ducks which In previous years were
unseen there.
Tree-Spraylnn Apparatus.
One of tho developments of tho tight
ngulnst tree pests Is a mobllo power
sprayer thnt Is touring tho middle
west, working In certain localities
only so long ns Its services are de
manded, then moving to nnother field.
A. bolutlon contnlnlng arsonnte of lnul
's used In the sprayer In warm weath
er, and ono mado with llnnj nnd sul
phur In cold weather. I'opulur Science
Nailed at Last.
"Aren't you a bit of'a profiteer on
then eggs?"
"No," protested Farmer Corntossel.
"It's the hen. She Insists on the most
expensive food In unlimited quantities."
How Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Is Prepared For
Woman's Use.
A visit to the laboratory where this
uccessful remedy is made impresses
even the casual looker-on with the reli
ability, Accuracy, skill and cleanliness
which attends the making- of this great
medicine for woman's ills.
Over 350,000 pounds of various herba
are used anually and all hnvo to be
gathered at the season of tho year when
their natural juices and medicinal sub
stances are at their best.
Tho most successful solvents are used
to extract the medicinal properties from
these herbs.
Every utensil and tank that comes in
contact with the medicine is sterilized
and as a final precaution in cleanliness
the medicine is pasteurized and sealed
In sterilo bottles.
It is the wonderful combination of
roots and herbs, together with tho
kill and care used in its preparation
which has made this famous medicine
o successful in the treatment of
femalo ills.
The lotters from women who have
been restored to health by the use of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound which we are continually pub
lishing, attest to its virtue.
Makes 9 Out of 10
People Suffer
Doctors declars that more than 79 non
organic diseases can be traced to Acid
Stomach. Starting with Indigestion, heart
burn, belching, food-repeating, bloat, sour,
gassy stomach, the entire system eventually
becomes affected, every vital organ suffering
In some decree or other. You see these vic
tims ot Acid-Stomach etery where people
who are subject to nervousness, headache,
Insomnia, blllousnoss people who suffer from
rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica and aches and
pains all over the body. It Is sate to say
that about 9 people out ot 10 suffer to some
extent from Acid-Stomach. ,
If you suffer from stomach trouble or,
even If you do not feel any stomach distress,
yet are weak and ailing, feel tired and
dragged out, lack "pep" and enthusiasm and
know that something Is wrong although you
cannot locate the exact cause ot jour trou
bleyou naturally want to get back your
grip on health as quickly as possible. Then
take EATONIC, the wonderful modern rem
edy that brings quick relief from pains of
Indigestion, belching, gassy bloat, etc. Keep
your stomach strong, clean and sweet. See
how your general health Improves how
quickly the old-tlmo vim, vigor and vitality
comes back!
Get a big BOc box of EATONIC from your
druggist today. It ts guaranteed to please
you. It you are not satisfied your druggist
will refund your money.
Cuticura Heals
Itching Burning
Skm Troubles
All drngcisUt Soap ZJ, Ointment 25 and CO, ToJmialt,
Sample each tree of "Caucus, Dipt. E, Bgitcn."
I Restores (.olor and
Beauty to Grayand Faded Hair
duo. ana i.w ai arnsirisii.
niscoif Ctaem. Wks. ratchotrue. K.T
AND XrOUISIANA, also timber and cut-over
lands. Correspondence oollclted. Boyle &
Connor, Boyle Building, Little Rock, Ark.
Co., 2978
mai . 6A
uiDcnBi-XBfjr tun
B'aaoMk. Dr. C.H. ESny
chlf an Averuc, Chicago.
More Than Enough.
I was one of a compauy of teachers
being entertained nt dinner one eve
ning. Our hostess urged me to eat
more of some delicacy which she
pnssed to me, but L declined, saying:
"No, thank you; I'll do well If I get
jld of what I have here." Amid the
roars of laughter from my fellow
guests I realized what a tactless re
mark I had made. This, I am quite
sure, has been tho most embarrassing
moment in my life. Exchange.
Constipation Invites other troubles
which como speedily unless quickly
checked nnd overcomo by Green's
August Flower which Is a gentle laxa
tive, regulates digestion both in
stomach and Intestines, cleans and
sweetens tho stomach and alimentary
canal, stimulates tho liver to secreto
the bile nnd Impurities from the blood.
It Is n sovereign remedy used In many
thousands of households all over tho
civilized world for more than half a
century by those who have suffered
with Indigestion, nervous dyspepsia,
sluggish liver, coming up of food, pal
pitation, constipation and other In
testinal troubles. Sold by druggists
nnd dealers everywhere. Try n I bottle,
tako no substitute. Adv.
Not Restricted.
"That gentleman who Just entered Is
a free thinker." "Oh, Indeed I Is ho
a bachelor or a widower?"
Yes, Ilnzcl, when a mnrrled man
loses anything, ho accuses his wife of
taking It.
if I Niht
m P- ' Morning !
KeepYbur EVes
Claan - Clear HoolthV
Writ rWTtM & Cars Both Mucin Co.Oilcac9.UU,
H.NDERCOKPJS Removes Corns. Cat
louses, ete stops all pain, ensures comfort to tbo
feet, makes walklnz easy. tic. by mall or at Jmg-J
gists. niacxCbMalcaltvorlu,C'tcnogae,J!I.T.. ,
L frfrWtilpL
;& 'wWiWfati