DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD, DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. l-v k iCl '! S vu, ; iW mV L ' ST: "CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP" IS CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tonguel Remove poisons from stomach, liver and bowels. Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only look for the name California on the. package, then you are sure your child Is having the best and most harm less laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bot tle. Give It without fear. Mother I You must say "California." Adv. Reasons for Corduroy. Eight-year-old John had been gent along with his young nunt to buy n pair of blue serge school trousers. The salesman showed them several differ ent pairs, but none seemed to suit John. Finally while the salesman was hunting for some other?, John took occasion to say to his aunt: "Oh, auntie, please ask him to show us 6omo corduroys. The principal Ttt our school has n brand new paddle." Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the oar. There Is only ono way to euro Catarrhal DeatnesB, and that Is by a constitutional remedy. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Catarrhal Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed, Deafness is the result. Unless the Inflammation can be re duced and this tube restored to its nor mal condition, hearing may be destroyed forever. Many cases of Deafness are caused by Catarrh, which Is an Inflamed condition of tho Mucoub Surfaces. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. All Druggists 75c. Circulars free. P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. The Easy Way Out. W. C. Bullitt, an expert on foreign affairs, was talking about the bol sheviks. "The bolshevik leaders," he snld,v "are In a bad way. They will proba bly abandon tho bolshevik game short ly, but first they will smash up every thing. "It will be like the case of the two boys who were sent out to buy a pitcher of milk." Mr. Bullitt contin ued. "The boys helped themselves to the milk freely on the wny home; then at the last minute their courage fnileu them. "'Gosh,' said the first boy, 'we've drunk too mit.-h of it I What Miall we .lo, Joe?' " 'That's eusy,' said Joe. 'We'll drop "the pitcher.' " A Salutary Lesson. "You've been up In an nlrplane?" "Yes," replied tho prominent citi zen, "and It did me a lot of good." "flow was that?" "At an elevation of 7,000 feet In tho nlr for the first time In a long and active enreer I realized how little I really amounted to." Uncle Eben. "A man dat keeps talkln' 'bout hls self," said Uncle Eben, "sometimes surprises you by de way ho manages to ninko a purty good speech on a mighty slim subject.". ' A childless marriage is not n howl ing success In one sense of the term. Some puns are almost as pointless aR women's pencils. If you want health a habit and coffee interferes, try a change to POSTUM the wholesome table-drink with a rich coffee-like flavor. You'll find Postum satisfies without any penalty. Boil for fifteen minutes after boiling begins. Delicious. Refreshing. Economical. Two sizes, usually sold at 15c and 25c Made by Postum Cereal Company Battle Creek, Michigan COLDS traJan. Spud INFLUENZA KILL THE COLD AT ONCE WITH HILL'S CASCARAfcJQUININ Standard cold remedy for 20 ytttt n tablet lonn Hit, sure, no opiates breaks up a cold in 2 nour relieves grip in j sin. Money back if it falls, ine genuine box nas Kta top witn Mr, urns picture. At All Drug Start To Utilize Tidal Power. In view of the shortage of British coal for export purposes It is reported that French scientists and industrial ists are endeavoring to supply power by harnessing the tides. For several years French scientific men havo de clared that this was no fantastic dream, and already considerable data on tho subject havo been collected. In order to apply these theories to the test of practice, a small scientific compnny has been formed to carry out experiments nt Ploomanach, on the Cotes du Nord. . liH I I ' i' TORPEDOED.! Don't blast your Liver and Bowels, but take "Cascarets." SSSISSSSS You men and women who can't get feeling right who have headache, coated tongue, bad taste and foul breath, dizziness, can't sleep, are bil ious, nervous and upset, bothered with a sick, gassy, disordered stomach and colds. Are you keeping your liver and bowi els clean with Cascarets, or shocking your insldes every few days with Cal omel, Salts, Oil and violent pills? Cascarets work while you sleep ; they cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, undigested, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from tho liver and carry out of the system all the constipated waste matter nnd poi son In the bowels. Cascarets never gripe, sicken or cause Inconvenience and CaBcarets cost so little too. Adv. Airship Construction Complex. Some Interesting facts regarding tho work required in building a large modern airship Is given In n recent Issue of the Engineer, which states that the general problems of design are closely allied to those of naval architecture j although the airship de signer must bo a highly skilled me chunlcnl engineer and also must have a knowledge of textllo technology. For the work of construction, owing to the multiplicity of parts required, a very efficient shop organization is necessary. In u rigid airship struc ture, excluding the machinery, there are 20,000 different parts, a total length of structural material of 20 miles of wire, and more than 2,000,000 rivets. Entirely Incredulous. "I can mako you young again," said tho doctor. ! "I don't believe It," replied Fdrmer Corntosscl. "I used to -think I was Jes' ns young as anybody when I was dancin' the tango up to the town hall. But It didn't amount to nothln', an' I don't believe the doctors Is goln' to do any better helpln' mo fool myself than the dancin' tencher did." An Old-Fashioned Girl. Mrs. Olden What did you marry for; my dear; love, money, position or what?" Mrs. Brldey For a husband. Most people havo little use for a "knocker," yet pounding the iron gives It new character. to make good J 1 Tr ATTfirA fimxrr To t tt FOR EVENING COSTUMES iWt. . wm Y7 we am Jf&frv v vB JLl JmP&K nmTTTTTrnttifl It ts evident that blouses and smocks nro aspiring to rival evening frocks and the chances are that they uro go ing to succeed. There Is no end to the fanciful ways In which they nro made and nothing Is too extravagant In tho wny of trimming them. For din ner and theater wear they have ad vantages and they appear In 'brilllunt nnd light colore, and In combinations of two colors In materials, with dec orations that call Into play many ad ditional hues. Tho pcplum blouse, the apron blouse nnd tho smock havo u ,gny future' ahead of them. Georgette crepe, chiffon nnd net with chnntllly and gold-run laces now ly recruited In their company nro the filmy mediums In which evening blouses nro made. Worn with skirts of black satin they achieve a toilette that may be worn with assurance Among color combinations, emer ald or even more vivid greens with black are distinctive. Copper colored crepo with gold lace, champagne with blnck embroidery, pencock bluo nnd light green show the fondness for vir ile colors. There Is a new sort of dpc oration thnt looks like tho finest bead work done In many colors. But It Is Velvet Becomes Satin's Rival sssLasaasisBasii ? Yf T' ' 2" sssssssssssssKsMsflsHllir ilisssssssssssssr W l .lust how it happens hns nover been explained, but It happens every little while thnt a certain stylo seizes the at tention, simultaneously, of women all over tho length nnd breadth of the land.' Merchants wnko up some morn ing to find that apparently every worn nn tins mndo up her mind over night that she wants ono kind of fabric, one particular color, ono style. Just now it seems that every woman wants a Velvot gown, In addition to tho satin frock for which there hns been a uni versal demund. It seems that tho Khops saw this wave of demand rolling In, nnd that designers nnd manufac turers wero prepared for It, Designers require supple mntorlnls for frocks and they hnvo determined on chiffon velvets in very wide widths, and tho finest grades of velveteen, as best suited to their purposes. These aro used for afternoon and evening dresses. The heavier grades of vel veteen will answer for suits, but tho more flexible stuffs ure liked for every thing nnd chiffon volvets uro In such clemnnd that they bring very high prices. Tho best grades of velveteen are by no means cheap. By way or recompense, velvet frocks nro very simply designed und fussy decorations nie -conspicuous by their absence on them; so that tho minimum of goods Is required. These points are apparent In the pretty frock for ufternooif, shown ut the left of tho two pictured here. It Is of wide, llglit-wclglit velveteen In innrlno blue. This skirt hns six round plitltN vjI on at each side widening the lilu a sort of paint put on In dots set close together and appears In motifs on girdles of georgette like tho blouse. Blouses In ono color nro enlivened with rich girdles of gold or silver bin cade. Embroideries In silk nnd In heads, often used together, nnd oc casionally mdck jewels nnd gold tl8ue confess that nothing Is too splendid for tho blouse which Is to bo worn In the evening, and narrow bands of dark fur find themselves placed to tho best advantage on lace and georgette. Two pretty examples of tho mode are shown here. In ono of them crepo de chine nppears with satin In an odd, original model with woodblno leaves In silk and bends, embroidered on tho satin. It lias an apron at tho front, Moused nt tho wnlstlrno nnd bordered with tho embroidered satin. Tho long sleeves flaro nt tho wrlpt and nre fin ished with a sntln band. Palo gold and turquoise blue nre. ns always, hap py together In tho blouso nt tho right. Blue beads givo a good account of themselves ns a trimming nnd tho sleeves chnllcngo us to pronounco them tho most graceful of the many styles that help to make the Benson Interest lines nnd this arrangement of tho ma. terlal Js borrowed from a I'nrls de signer who Introduced It enrly In tho season. Asldo from this small vagary. It Is plain. The bodice has a plain back and surplice front filled In with flesh-colored georgette. Ono sldo of tho front Is extended Into a soft girdle, finished at the front with a handsome bended ornament. The long sleeve have n turned-back frill of velveteen. Tho small lnuillor collar Is n separate nffalr thnt swathes tho neck In soft folds and buttons nt the side. It mnj bo taken off Indoors. Satin gowns rovenl that their design ers ate moro or less devoted to draped skirts, tho model pictured being among tho simplest of these. In this frock n smock of Mitln, split to tho waistline nt the left side, Is covered with a sun burst pattern and points made of silk brnld couched on. Tho design Is art Aztec Inspiration pure nnd slmplo ami a long girdle of satin ending In tassel)' repents It. A plain turndown collai ami deep cuffs of tho satin nre Impor tant details In this frock nnd help to account for Its distinction. !& $&&. 7 Batik decorations In nil their high colorful effects will unquestionably bo xeon to a great extent In uutuiiiu blouses, overblouscs nnd negligee ot all kinds. flP"MM55cf!PnSNQaw. aa. 4MWKRJ Hfe H flsV M flnntenta lBFllridPfao t rminr.-n PKH OBNT. iiuAfnMTVnnratiaa&rAs i :miin4:nAthcraodbyRcuU.- j tlnthcStoroacnsandBogfarf H Thereby PromotlniDKcsl Cheerfulness ana KC5UABi- ndthcrOplum,Morpalncn Ilncflvl.NoTKAncuiiv, jjaroaaixsi0 JnfUiMm MKrtmmtl J WvwJW 1 a Infill Kcmcdy for Constipation and Diarrhea .! VrwiM-lshncss ana TccnpSLEEP rcsulUnftctxfrcMnlnW- rocSImllcSlinsJff?' iBBdnrrATmCoMPai NEW ymii rIsttM Exact Copy of Wrapper. Means Plenty Eggs and Healthy Chicks OLD KENTUCKY MFG. CO.. Inc.. P.ducaii. Ky. UseaShorthorn Bull Ton will loeroaM the weight and lmprora tbe qualltr of roar caltn by tuing a rvatitcrcd Short horn bull The caWei will make better galni and nll for more per pound at U market. The belfort will make better breeder and better mllken. Shorthorn teen top tbe beef marketa and tbe cows make bleb milk record). Write forlnformaUontotho American Shorthorn llreedera' Association 13 Dexter l'ark Ave. Chicago, 1U. mmmwu SijlVM l. . rt A - ?(MH!IBVP witticut um DnifUlt; Utf, Oistntat Tilcaa tic Mdu OLD.AGE STARTS WITH YOUR KIDNEYS ' Science save that old ago begins with weakened kidneys and digestive organs. This being true, it Is easy to believe 1 that by Keeping tno Kiuneya anu uic tive organs cleansed and In proper work ing order old age can bo deferred and life prolonged far beyond that enjoyed by the average person. ( i For over 200 years GOLD. MEDAL Haarlem Oil has been relieving the wrnknrtaaAH and dlaabilltr duo to advanc ing years. Jt ia a standard old-time home remedy and needs no introduction. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Is inclosed in odorless, tasteless capsules contain in? shoufc (s dronii each. Take them tin you would a pill, with a swallow of water, Tho oil stimulates tho kidney BAD BREATH Often Caused by Acid-Stomach How can anyone with u our, eatty atomach, who la constantly belching, haa heartburn nnd aufferp from Indlnentlon hava anything but a bad breath T All of time atomach illnorUers mean Just one thine Aclil-Slnmnrh. KATONIO, the wonderful new atomach remedy In plcanunt taillni! tablet form that you oat llkn a bit of candy, brings quick relief from thma atomach inleerlea. HAT ON. 1C aweetena the breath because It makee the atomach aweet, 'cool and comfortable. Try It for that naaty tmte, conceited throat and "heady feeling" after too much rmolclng, If neglected, AciU-Htomnch may cause you a lot of aerloua trouble. It leada to ner voujnera, headache, Insomnia, melancholia, rheumatism, sciatica, heart trouble, ulcer and cancer of the atomach. It mnkea Ita million of victim weak and miserable, listless, lucking In energy, all tired out. It often brings about cltronlo Invalidism, pre matura old Ke, a shortening of one's days. You need the help that KATONIC can give you It you are not feeling as strong and well as you should You will be surprised to sea how much better you wilt feel Just as aoon aa you begin taking this wonderful atomach remedy. Get a big 60 cent box from y-tir druggist today, He will return your money If you ar not satisfied. E ATONIC f TDK YOUrTATlD-STOriACafJ PARKER'S HAiR BALSAM KemoTesDsjulrorl-BtnpslIalrrsJlhuH Kestores Color and Beauty to Cray and Faded flak Illsfot Criom. Wt. I'sUhjrue.W.Y, ium unit mi nu a.E nniffniu. HINDErtCOftNS lleroores Ores. Oat- irns. Oat-1 rt to thai athroe-J louses, cut,, stops ail ln. ensures comfort iri, lasses naming rasr, idc. ut iusii wr guts, uueuabbeuuau noru,s-s,waa(vo, W. N, U., SIOUX CITY, NO. 00-3019. BtNB Vfi&vmZ i iifte s unifi For Infant! and OhildrairJ Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the SJimnafviivi M f w3 I of USB For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA l twb araua mmmv, wcw rn mm. Something to Boast Of. 'Tm not bragging or anything." "Yes, yes, go on.'1 "Out I do want to say t that I hav been n landlord for 17 years and In aS that time I haven't had a slnglo com plaint filed agnlnst mo by a tonnnt." BREAKS YOUR COLO IN JUST A FEW HOURS "Pape'a Cold Compound" Instantly rft lleves, stuffiness and distress Don't stay stuff od-up! Quit blowln nnd snuffling t A dose of 'Tape's Ool Compound" taken every two hours ttsv til thrco doses are taken usually break up n severe cold and ends all grlpp misery. Tho very first doso opena yon cloggcd-up nostrils nnd tho air paas ages of tho head; stops noso runnings relieves tho headache, dullness, fever Ishncss, sneezing, soreness nnd stiffness. "rnpo'8 Cold Compound" 1b Uu quickest, surest rellof known nnd cost only a few cents at drug stores. It acts without assistance, tastes nlctv contains no qutnlno Insist npos Papo's IAdv. A 8ure Bet. v "How did you make out ut the race track yesterday?" "Fine. I didn't go." action and enables the organs to thretr off the poisons which cause prematura old ago. xsew lite ana strength meres as you continue the treatment. Whs completely restored continue tsklnc st capsule or two each day, GOLD MSD AL Iiaarlcm Oil Capsules will keep yoa in health and vigor and prevent a return of the disease. Do not wait until old age or dlaeas have settled down for good. At the first sign that your kidneys are not worktop properly, Jro to your druggist and get E box of GOLD MEDAL Uaarlem Oil Oupsulos. Money refunded If they 4 not hell) vou. Three sizes. But r member to ask for tho original lraport4 GOLD MJ2UAL brand, la soalod pack- ages. Who Does? "Hero's n man who claims that t Icnowlcdgo of Greek nnd Latin Is nee eisnry In order to write English cor rectly." "Hut nowadays who considers II necessary to wrlto English corroctlyT Merrltt Dlspntch. GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER. Stop a mlnuto nnd think wbnt It means to unythnt "Green's Augncfc Flpwer has been a household remedjf all over tho civilized world for more than hnlf n century." No higher praise Is possible and no better remedy c&ri ho found for constipation, Intestinal troubles, torpid liver nnd the depress ed feeling that accompanies such dis orders. It Is most vuluiiblo for In digestion or nervous dyspepsia nnflf liver trouble, coming up of food, pal pitation of heart, and many other symptoms. A few doses of August Flower will relieve you. It is n gentle lnxutlvc. Ask your druggist Sold 1 all civilized countries. Adv. A holder for a boiled egg that clumps to tho sldn of n pluto Is aa Italian Inventor's Idea. Now obsolete; "Begin tho day trot" pencils nre better lead." Niht KA " 5 'om ns 'u eeoVour Evfei Clr - Clear ni Healthy jrlu Ut Tree U Care 0oh Murine Co,ChliSLsV m iJr llX' l 1 V 1 JxUT ft iKV III I V & m UsyH Urt' M. 3 4 1 1 fcW i&itAiMfafcmrikJLik :.u'- ' : ,1 Jifc ' 1 lAAUtu .tfwJU. As. I VJttf rtodr"j . k Vt ' V m JUSlk.'i X 'TtsijalW'U .jy-iESlL