Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 13, 1919, Image 1

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Stato Historical Society
VOL. 28.. No.-ll.
zmmmm 'ammm "t
Orchard News: Freeman Francis- In a game featured by bitter fighting
en rotnrnnil to his homo at Lu.sk. and several fist fights which wero in-
Wyoming, after spending a couple ol terrupted by the referee tho Trinity
weeks nere.
college second stringers defeated the
Jackson high school eleven by a 13 ti
0 scpre. A general melee in which
tho players of both teams mixed fot
several minutes resulted in breaking
up the game between the Sioux City
high school scrubs and the South Soo
Ponca Advocate: The Butler Cty high schoo team. The 12 to 0
brothers visited relativos at Dakota victory was only incidental to tho
City tho first of tho week.... Tho that several, of the Sioux City
Ponca football team was defeated bv Payers came
Hartington Herald: Mrs. Chas.
Provancha wont to Emerson Wednes
day to see her sister-in-law, Mrs. Gi
gcar, who Is very ill.
South Sioux City last Friday, while
the basket ball girls won.
j o-
Wayne Herald: Mrs. L. B. Palm
er of Hubbard, formerly of Wnym
shopped here Monflay. . . .Mrs. Har
vey Neely arrived home Tuesday
evening froih a visit at Grand Island
nml was accompanied by her mother,
i.irs. Eva Orr.
Wisner Chronicle: Mrs. Helen
Rich came homo Saturday from a vis
it with her son, Supt. A. B. Rich, anJ
family at Bloomfield....Mrs. Walter
Cheney returned home to Plalnview
Wednesday after a visit to her moth
er, Mrs. Helen Rich.
throughout tho vihlerrequires an investment
which promises excellent but not (immediate
returns. v$
Larger herds of cdttlejjgrcator flocks of sheep,
mean added prosperity for the stockraisorn
of this community hence for the community
itself. 1
home literally with
their ounonents' scalps in their hand3.
Black eyes and marred features will
be tho marks of special distinction
among the substitutes of the Institu
tions this week.
Emerson Enterprise: Several mem
bers of thp Graves family from Hub
bard spent Sunday with Mrs. Julia
Kerwin....Mr. and Mrs. James Hoe-
nan, of Willis, and Mr. and Mrs Joe
Heeney, of Nacora, visited over Sun
day at Mrs. Kate Kerwin's and tookJ
in the K. C. doings. ...Mrs. A.j VK.
Linafelter and daughter Miss Cora,
of Waterbury, spent Monday night ut
the Henry Linafelter home, anuwent
ion to Bloomfield Tuesday for a visit
with friends there.... Mr. and Mrs.
Allen News: Mr. and Mrs. Jerry, Chas. Goodfellow and Mr. J. Heenai),
DeForrest and daughter MlssThelma,of Jackson, and Joe Heenan of WNjis,
and Mrs. DeForrest's sister of South, were 6ver Sunday Visitors at Wm.
Sioux City, drove up to Allen -Sun- Dougherty's. They were here to ob
inv nffomnnn t.n visit with Mr. a'nd serve Knights of Columbus'. day. .. .
. ... .. .. .. ..r nr-ni 1 .. Yirn14-MH
Mrs. J. ivicriierruii uiiu buii uuivci,
went to Omaha Saturday for a feW
days' rest and, visit. They will visit
Mrs. McPherran's sister, Mrs. G. C.
Mlerjurgen,' and her mother, Mrs. E.
TJ 0uln tlA Vinn lmnM ihnxl tf
&. ouiucii wiiu iia uccii biicii; iui i . . ,, . .- ", . ,
dW nt his home in Onm-1 several weeks. ...Tom Bracken ' sold P W " .F?"'
: .r ----- . - -..- ... . .. mi. ,.i 4.1. .. 4 una no one in oiuux ijiiv kiiuwwiiuiu
nis resilience in iiiu wesi ijui ui , , , - r.L.n"i ., -t.- ,
town to A. Schwartz who lives on a
farm near Nacora, who expectc to
retire from the farm. The consid
eration was $4000. Mr. .Bracken will
We. shall be glad to assist with loans farmers
who wish to addito their herds ..and develop
the profitable business of feeding livestock..
Mrs. Millard Martin, and finding that'
they were at the Wm. H. White home
neor Martinsburg, drove on out there,
returning home by way of ronca
Wakefield Republican: H. S. Carl-
Jackson State Bank
Jacksou. Nebraska
C. U. Young, County Agent
At a recent mooting of tho Dakota
County Shortcourso board, scveial
changes from tho past threo years
wore made. It was tho unanimous
opinion of tho board members pres
ent that it will bo best to go back,
to moro of tho old Institute plan.
Meetings will thoroforo bo held for
but two doys instead of four, as this
has provon to bo long enough for
most farmers to bo away from their
work at any one time. Especially
this is true if tho weather is bad.
All tho mombcrs favored tho offering
of prir.es for exhibits of farm pro
duce and tho women's work. Then it
was voted to take tho Institute to
ped tho gathering of a crowd at Da
kota Uity, ii tno weather was very
cold. A desire to placo tho agricul
tural gatherings of tho county in
ditferent places was also a factor In
making tho change? Tho splendid
days beginning Docomlier, 1st. Wo
arq wondorimr if many of our peo
plo will bo going 'and if it would not
bo a pleasant trip for 'all to go to
gether. Let us hear- from you.
ii i...M-iii..
A sosslon of tho district court was
hold hero last Thursday by Judge
Guy T. Graves, at .which tho follow
ing cases were actqd upon:
Tho Equltablo Co. vs. Alfred Sav
idgo ct. nl. Court finds that the
payment of $85.00 -and tho payment
of $G0.00, dato December 30, 1919,
should bo endorsed 'on back of note
sued upon: finding and judgment for
'nlaintlff against defendant Savldffe
Homer this vear. as It offers better for balance duo on said note: case
facilities for storing automobiles, a dismissed as to Cora B.Miller,
factor which has greatly handicap-) Ben Fidlor vs. Harry H. Adair et
al. Demurrer sustained; (plaintiff
Hannah Williams vs. Laura "Will
iams ot nl. W. V.. S taut e villa Esq.,
appointed guardian ad litem. for Ray
'McAfee. Mcrl McAfee . nnd-iHannah
train servico from Dakota City to McAfee, mtnors,randiLaura Williams
Homer and return also showed that of unsound mind; fihdingsahd judg
tho larar number of pcoplo In tho mont; S. W.iMcKlnley and M. R.
couj..v ..ould bo served by holding Bolor hereby appointed referee to
tho s.. . ns at Homor. December mako partition. and report. v
10th ...- 11th havo been selected aai p. L. Hngan vs. John P. Walsh et
tho dates. Tho program and prom-' al. Report of referees '-approved and
ium list will bo announced as soon as confirmed;'salo ordered;, bond fixed
fully decided. Begin now tosoloct . at 540,000.00. - ,
tho best of tho farm and home. This John Mulhall vs. Thomas W Grlb-
Ql(aHHI9ISHDHHHnfllliillE.HR51t3(SlBniISlR3 Is ? county institution. Lot every- ble. N Parties appeared .for-trial with
" "- " r-rr- "-"- -" -"" iinnv rnnrrinurn T.n mnvn T.mn
court. Mis,s Bradshw was an em
ploye of th'e Car "Barn restaurant, In
West Third, street, at the time of tho
shooting; nnd'was in the eating' house
when the police and bandits engaged
in the gun duel. Shortly boforc the,
trial was.to'be called in the district
court here during ttho October "term
Miss Bradshaw was. missing. She
. ha last Friday. October 24th, death
being due to spinal meningitis. Tho
funeral services were held there Sun
day, October 2Gth. His mother died
.of the same disease but n week bo
A. H. imUNELTE, Principal
the biggest and best meeting of its
, kind ever held in Dakota- county.
i j Watch for further announcements,
J We aro having less cholera in tho
. ' county this year than formerly. But
unfortunately other diseases aro gain
ing prominence, tho more common of
these 'bolng hemorrhagic septacemia
ono witnesses;, case submitted to,the court;
The deceased was a son-; give possession next March, and does
not know what ne will ao niter aunt
for a dwelling.-... Glen Dunlap of Ho
mer, was in Emerson on business last
Saturday and made this office a pleas
ant -visit. He is engaged in the gar
age business, and when the wan come
on donned the U, SI uniform, turning
over his business to Mr,, uuy Policy,
fore him.
in-law" of Mn and Mrs. C. T. Barto
of Wakefield. He leaves to mourn
him his widow, and two sons, aged
three and five years.
Laurel Advocate: H. H. Killackey
of. Bloomfield, son-in-law .of Mr. and,
Mrs. C. S. Ford, has been in St 'Jos
eph'V. hospital, $tSioux .City, seven I He saw service in France, but since
,nn.VeWm(rtnrAfnMn.ii.lrUnii.- om1 i iAtiirni np-hnmi iifis iissuied charcrG
WJeksrisufferlngAfroinkdney and
bladder .troubles, friends who call
ed on' him this week' say that he is
able to sit up only two hours a day.
Hoskins items in Wayne Herald:
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kautz of Homer,
Neb.-, came Saturday via auto and
visited a the home of Mrs. C. Green
until fednday evening.
School items in PotycajJ0urnal
Leader: It is with regret that we
write about tho black eye given Pon
ca by someone here. South. Soo's
cars were badly defaced and scratch
ed genej-allyj The guilty ' parties
will bo found in duo time". The
school 'is dbthg all it can to locate
them. No such lawlessness or van
dallsnf should be countenanced by
any citizen in -Ponca or South Soo.
But weregrotvto say, not? in defense
of last week's trouble, that South
Soo. also has the same lawlessness.
-Two pt thp cars Fonca drove to South
Soo a month 'ago we're badly damaged
during the games there.
Sioux .City' Journal, 8: Fist fights
and hair'pullln'g featured two foot-
ball games played by1 the scrdb teams
of two Sioux 'City schools .yesterday.
return) nnorae nas assumed cnargc
of his' busihess " "f?v"i
fit oitftvtft lnmi am1 lrtMthrrsit t mmaii.
An assembly was held Friday, of - Kefther of theak the
the pupils in the high school and h toU th t h , t d
fifth to eighth -grades, for a discus- 'u ,,.,. ..- L.,n..
slon of the moro common precautions trcnted with mixed vaccine.
33iJ2Jn7nuK.,fci.:K:' .Mny oi? d bual?s3
Sheriff Jones learned 'Miss BradshftW 3i ; X Z.n: tl ii,- V i, men snouiu oo planning, lo tittond
hndt relatives in South Sioux Cltv. . j 11. "I'.r " .." .r "" tJ-' international, Uvo-btock show at
she had crone. Sheriff W. H. Jones'
- -n ---r --if- - - ngpiuab iitvst aiiu uiike xrviv mji- i
"."" "f"UJV! "". . " ".".-." 2,""K''" on tnciudea carelessness in tno nan
and UDon.communicatlmr with them "T1 ", r" :""5 " "" "T" VncnS?. xsoyemuor 2 to December
fnitud th. ,lfnpM ' M Rmrialinw ,c"" ul aw",v.ca' "'" "w tatu "i v?v"
,. i ,,. , , . ,, j. . i iltca, us wen us mu uunucj ui o
saidhodid not know about tho trial jng usolcss Inflammable materials
sought. , '
Sioux City Journal, 6: Diners at'
the Oxford restaurant last night
scrambled madly for every exit when
a man entered and, after seating
himself at a table, produced a revol
ver and announced that he was goj
ing to keep order. Ono of the pa
trons informed the police and Patrol
man Murphy went to the cafe, where
he arrested Clyde Lake, of Hubbard,
Neb., on a charge of carrying con
cealed weapons. Most of Lake's brav
ado disappeared at sight of tho po
lice, and he submitted to arrest with
out resistance. At the jail he beg
ged for freedom, saying he was in
toxicated and was ordinarily a peace
able man. He was unable to- furn
ish bond..., Miss Violet Bradshaw,
star witness for the stato in tho pros
ecution of James Davis, Burzette
gangster, for tho murder of Detect
ive James BrlttonJuly 22, has been
located in South Sioux-City, and will
be called to Onawa-this week to tes
tify in the trial,- Miss Bradshaw
has been missing for several weeks,
and her absence caused the postpone
ment of tho trial at the lost term of
Protect Young Trees Against Rabbi tf?
Paper, wire "or wooden veneer
wrappers will protect young tree
against r&npits in thowinter, accord
ing to Nebraska! college 'of agricul--
wfrnnmtfetnr Is.finnlHprfV thn brSt.' w
Paper serves very well 'but should be
removed in tho spring. Cornstalks
split' and tied about the trees also
work well., It Js advisable to pull
away any grass that may bo close to
the trees, to prevent mice nesting
there, as they sometimes damage tho
young trees.
nnd manage
Miss Bradshaw g SffVS, Tange? of sC 6th! ,,lJMi th l ff
nhnnf thn trinlJ'"3' M. wetl J?3 tno. ?ane lor" position of tho kind over hfeld intho
mg useless inuummuuie maieriais. United States. A. new foaturo this
Onq shipment of new Physics appa- year will bo tho grain and jiay show,
ratus has been received and a second Prizes amounting to $10,000.00 aro
shipment may bo expected wljhin a offered for these items alone. The
fev weeks. This increase is pocesl- brilliant h6rso show every evening
sary both to make the -laboratory wlllvbe a leading feature. This will
work more extensive, andto allow uo an opportunity to see thov arifito-the-jmehjbers
of tho class to work ' crts,o theHvo .stock wofld,"a5f only
ptiui ueinKvuuuBsu.ijy ihd--ck. mo very uest rp sent 'to xnis great
fenou'ghvapparatus toKbaroufi)a.8feeWK5JIrtli'ai,S6athDfcata are
during- labbratory periods.- ,. 'planning to send eight" or nine spec-
Superior weight combined with - tnl trains. Tho County Agent 'Is
gresslveness and n better brand of planning to attend for two or threo
football science, avo Dakota City .
Bemuse of its all-around utility, the
Ford 1-ton Truck with worm drive has
made itself an absolute business necessity,
It's so dependable in servico wherever
placed, flexible and sure in control and
low cost of operation and maintenance and
possessing that vanadium steel strength, it
has become the want in every line of busi
ness from retail merchant to manufactur
er, from engineer to contractor, from cor
poration to farmer. Let us tell you details
and give you -a demonstration.
Truck chassis $550 f.o.b. Detroit.
iwiwwi iminnu i mm "l
homer Motor co.
Home Demonstration Notes
Miss Florenco Atwood
Home Demonstration Agent
brief of councilt to pe! admitted. n
Helena Donlan v'yoKn IV. Donlan.
Plaintiff appeared for-triai'wlth wlt
nesses; court finds all aHations of
petition to be true, tandithat plain
tiff is entitled to care, 'quatody, con
trol and education of,mirior child;
docree as prayed and costs 4taxed to
plaintiff. , s
J. P. Rogers vs. Nicholas, Mtchaelis'
ot al. Court finds allegations of pe
tition to beutrue;, decree? granted as
prayed; J. J. Elmers appointed re
ceiver bond fixed atili000;,,receiver
uuecitju 10 maKe settlement ' wnn
Charles F. Durham for altcropsBold.
Mary r urceii, va. Michael iPurcell.
Hetiring oftvtemoorarKiisHiionv vl.
denco submitted; i court f ordered de,-
icnaant to pay, to clerk of, this -court
theJ. sum ofi$50. for.'u'seiof.solftlntlff
within 10 days. ,
Uavm M.sNeUwanger vs. C, S. Holl
man et al. W. V. Stutvill an.
pointed guardian 'ad Jlteraffoc'iUde-
lHiiuHiiuitwiui mnv iia .in jr iiitbiu
or naval;'wry,HTof ithe UtftSDHs;
all fMti'aaultediltmlsMd '
.. .. -hat flu
aa to. lof 8' a.hleekV, i '! Jt
tions of petition -ta pSfmSm 4r
as.prayea; cost tBxea to piawtinv f
During tho coming year Dakota
county is to haveHwo Poultry Dem
onstration Farm Flocks one- will bo
at'M. G. Learner's; the other one will
be at T. F. Monahan's.
The object of these poultry farms
are of three fold: (1) To demon
strate the possibilities of profitable
poultry keeping as a side line on the
general farms of Nebraska. (2) To
establish community centers from
which standard bred poultry.- can bo
aistrinutea inrougnout tne communi
ty. (3) To secure data on tho cost
of poultry production as carried on
the farms of, Nebraska.
An Extensloh'-Poult'ryman wilf vis
it the demonstration farms about
four times ayear and will conduct
demonstrations on, seasonal poultry
work. Assistance in tho matter of
selecting breeding stock; sanitation
and disease control; feeding of poul
try for egg prpduutlon; control of
poultry parasites; marketing of poul
try products; change of yards where
fowls are confined; housing, and simi
lar work will be given whenever seasonable.
Several inquiries have como in
concerning tho lessening of egg pro
duction. This might bo caused by
mites and lice, as they frequently
sap tho vitality of the fowl and less-
fen tho egg production. A thorough
cleaning of the housq, regular appli
cation of disinfectants to -tho roosts
and nests, and x frequent dusting of
tho fowls will control these pests.
Chickens should always be provided
with fresh, clean drinking water.
Charcoal, grit, and oyster shell should
bo placed before the fowls so that
thoy can havo access to them.
In many places poultry raisers havo
materially increased tholr egg pro
duction by culling and proper feed
ing. In this day of high feed and
labor If is rood usincss to cull out
tho non-myers and glvo tho prcpor
raw material for egg manufacture.
Poultry llulhrra Keep On Culling
Successful poultry raisers never
quit culling, college of agriculture
extension poultrymcn obsorve. Just
now they aro getting rid of their
surplus cockerels) non-layers andpuU
lets that will not produce before
spring. With feed and labor at
present prices it will not pay to car
ry anything but producing stock thru
tho winter. "Pointers on Culling,"
poultry, circular 8. gives suggestions
on culling. The circular will bosenM
free upon request to the Extension
Service, College of. Agriculture, Lincoln.
a victory over Newcastle last Friday,
In sharp contrast with tho Jackson
game, this gamo was featured by
consistent gains through tho line and
around end, with but little uso of the
forward pass on tho part of tho local
team. Newcastle was most dant:ar-i
ous soon after tho opening of tho
game, making good gains with appar
ent caso until Dakota City's defense
stiffened. Thereafter, though their
lino was hit several times for good
gains, they put up a stone wall de
fense in every pinch, Newcastle
executed one long and perfect for
ward pass, but except for this, their
passes were generally futilo, being
either intercepted or incomplete.
In tho second half, Dakota City made
the serious mistake of trying a pass
wtihin close range of their own goal
posts; but although Nowcastlo inter
cepted tho pass, Dakota City's de
fense was by this timo strong enough
to prevent any real danger. The
most brilliant feature of the gamo
occurred shortly after tho beginning
of tho second half, when KInkol
caught a long pass and ran thirty
five yards for a touchdown. Grlbblc
and Blessing each executed a spec
tacular play, tho former breaking
through tho line, lifting a Newcastle
player off his feet by ,a hard tackle,
and laying him down for a big1 loss.
Blessing, on a line smash, pushed
back threo' Newcastlo players by
sheer strength, carrying the ball for
a good gain. Blessing, who has had
but two days nractico in tho back-
field and practically none In tho lino,
has tho making of a great backfield
man. Ho has weight, muscles of
iron, speed, aggressiveness, and a
good football head. Tho final score.
Dakota City, 27; Nowcastle, 0. Line
Krumwiede .... R. E D. Hansen
Grlblilo R. T ,... Bird
Bobier It. G Taylor
Culbcrtson C Armstrong
Morgan L. G Cryan
Ebel L. T Mounsey
Graham L. E........ Talboy
Frederick Q. B Dickinson
Antrim (Capt.) R. H Canfiohl
Anderson L. II..., Ehlo
Blessing F. B Thoman
Substitutes: Kiukcl for Anderson,
Heikcs for Krumwiede, Anderson for
Heikcs, M, Hanson for Dickinson.
Referee, Culbertson; umpiro, John
son. Timo of quarters -12 minutes.
State Tests Heed rVeo of C'finrge
The stato seed Laboratory, State
House, Lincoln, tests seeds for germ
ination and purity freo of charge,
Buyers of seed nro neglecting their
opportunities and aro occasionally in
viting upon thomsolves serious finan
cial loss, when thev do not aval!
themeslves of tho servico of the stato
seed analyst and the protection which
such action affords. Agronomy Cir
cular 1, Nebraska College of Agricul?
turq Extension Service.
E. F. Rasmussen
Ponca, Neb.
Write or phone me early for
dates, as I will sell neui'ly ev
ery day this season. I am, seH-J
ing 'for the best farmers and
stockmen in Northoast Nebras
ka. I have somo good r farms
and ranches for sale.
yours for Business.
mntimmr1 kBmmLmmmmmmm
. t
i-S :a
v iii;piimi""
You'll nqver know How goo'd pimcftke8v
can-be until you hav,o made "them with.
Gooclis (rSBj
Best A
"1 ii 0
Makes delicious cakes initantly
Economical because it, requires no milk or
eggs Just add water and your battet is.
j i i . ' j
zeaay, to Dane.
ft '
' 'Ml ' M
mmmmmmmmm j
. 'l
H .