Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 06, 1919, Image 8

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    tfMtkmtm jj.j.'nwm ipj, nmmii ouumwimnujiiajm.
(Dr. Burrle Jenkins In Kansas City
Here is a nows dispatch icnt to
The Post by J. W. Pattce, who genres
The Post as correspondent art Smith
Center, Kas. that is, Mr. Pattee sent
It as a news dispatch, but concealed
betwesn its linos thera is such a won.
Jarful teat for a sermon on thrift that
the contribution Is beinr borrowed
from the news department. But
You're beginning to wonder what
this is all about, anyway, so go ahead
nid read:
"Smith Center, Kas., Oct. 17. When
the zorornment first began maktag
.-tickets with buffalo heads on one
ilde, Mrs. O. P. Khly of Maakato,
Kas., started sating erery buffalo
nickel that came Into her possession.
3ho made a practice of dropplag auca
nickels into a chute that ran fro as'
her kitchen to at wooden box In the
cellar. A few days ago aho took as
luToIce and found that she had 14,060
coins, aggregating 1700. Her husband
bad long plnod for a "flfTYer." Now
he's got th "flirrer."
Isn't that an tsaproHsrva demonstra
tion of the Talue of earing small
Doosn't it prove bow aaay H.la far
su to sire mosey if wo try?
Just figure, for m mlsrate, what the
result would hare bsea tt dine bad
been used iastcad of atclttls, or aaar
ters lastsa'd of dimes! Moreover,
while we are about it, lftt's estimate
how many, many nickels, alases and
quarters we turn loose wMfcout get'
ting anyihlag tangible to ahow where
the Boonejr went.
Reaaember bow, it hasn't been
iuy years siace the tint buf
falo nickel was coined, and further '
more, bear in Blind that the Kansas
-woman who amassed S70O wortfa of
iv.i. At ..v..i. ... ...
sregato of mosey from which to
tract her small coin savtaas
iraci asr statu coin saviBfi.
, x im iv """ urn. w ui n jcvv Dottles ot raninc. my nus
uway more moaey each- year than we band had been trying to get me to
are aware of, unless wa stop and trv Tanlac for some time, but I re
If- aall . .. riMm 4k.t . It ao
take tardea of ourselves and our re
sources, and it further tsaacesses up
on us the trmth ot the old aaying that
it isn't so much what we make, aa
what we. save that counts.
We were taught thrift duriag the
'. Now 1
o wb pi
ut thrift,
w that the war is over, sup-
practice woat we
andletTa utraet a lessen
from the ezamnle nt un br th km.
.i-! P y
as woman
PIQUTINn TMtr U r- riC m
I I.
.Eeonemv la a Point at VImm Juat
, , . . . ,. ---
as Extravagance Is
The natlonaffbugaboothe VH. C.ol
.-.-....... .-..,., ...
taumerous authorities have laid down
uacucs lor ZlgnilBg It. Among IBS
!be.t are those horn the pea o
M" b fl8Bon' ar,B lnto
iCountry Qantleman, as follows:
"Kconoiay 1b r household consists
9n mtaisalslDg ths bobmsUJs. That
lis, ecoaomtm in the thtags ycu daa't
ued, aad the thlags ou do Med will
.take care of themslva. Remember
this: that if you are on the right road
what you don't need today 1a often
what you thought you must hara yaa
terday. Ecoaoaay Is a point of tUw
Just as extravagance is. No Battel
who you are or what you do, you c
get ale oa what you hay sd ha
fcappy. Those neaole who &r. aiwava
w0v imfrtZZi 1L? ."&?.
worrylag about mosey are the ot
who are always waAtlag things duty
don't need. Hare ara faw rales
that members of every hftusahsld
should keep la mind:
"The xaer you wast arUtlat
rthlag the aere yo sheU wmH tMti)
ttha day after tomorrow baft getting
"Making an iaapressloa o others U
nften rebbbag the future; beside, la
isoue Mysterious msjsaer overrh8
ikaaws whea you are dolag things that
tyou cannot afford.
' "Pay tho hivtiMt tnr .. .-..
Itbe lowest for thwirt '
' !JLi . ! W?r8t; .
"Whea you. shrUk from kaowlng
.whero you staad you need: a guardian,
"The thlags that aaoaey fecya are in-
cldentalvwhen you canaot atffora to
ibuy them.
"When yom find it necessary to
ecoaoailse on having the right Wad
of good tiaie, then there i. something
rwreag with your system
nir (th vnn. .w..
"Bay what you can't afford
whea you cau afford it.'r
'Attorney General Palmer Says lt?s
Every Patriotic America'.
First Duty.
t 4 a mm Miajklw St.. .l.a. -. At-
.v .. on ui.u iub uu.y ut iao pa
trlotle Ataertcaa eUlseas to
tnlx M Jt was whea: our hoys wsrs
orsr thare." says A. Mitchell Palmar
ttarssy Qsfteral of th Vattad StaUs
in charge vt tha Ooreramaat's tares-
tlgatloa of Koftteerlag. "All public
Mea,,as wall as tha arsis aad tkM pul
pit, shaald Breach satlsur. Thsy
should. itoU with tha M1a ta do
thasa thlags-iiradaca aaara. saasasas
lass: wars: aad save.'
""- -
Tha BaviBtTB Divtsisa Of sa Traas-
liry PsMSitassat. aad Ut IMWt War
tfavla Sls44 at Us sssaatry haT
rhMawBS)fisssMvg. vwssh.Hr. JPalaasr
uad Us 1 stWtiasat'laUs-slsstt to
' reduaa tha oast of Uvtag, ahtosr ths
' .. - --..-. waste aadrtittis
yr-"lrL::j:Ziir:C Ti
h saw wssjaais ytsaaaiat'aaa asts
aisUthattsa al Wat
Mrs. Baughman
Gains 23 Pounds
"Resides tretting relief from
awful sulFcrlntf I hnvc nctunlly train
ed twenty-three pounds in weight
and you may know by that what I
think of Tnnlnc," snid Mrs. Sadie
Hauglnnnn, residing at 1252 F Street,
East Cednr Jlnpids, Iown, in nn inter
view, recently. Mrs. ltaufdunan is
the wife of Harry C. Bautrhman, u
valued employee of the Quaker Oats i
Compnny. Her statement while, in-'
deed, remarkable, is by no means un-t
itriinl no mnntr flmtiearwla lirnlltlimit" I
the United States and Canada have
testlllcd to havinc used the Master
Hff .If ..f u ...f,t It.n n.n iiinMilnHflll 1
"It has been something less than
three months now," continued Mrs.
Baughman, "since I begnn taking
Tanlac and If nnyone could feel 7nf
a new person I do. I had been suf
fering from stomach trouble, rheu
matism and extreme nervousness for
five years. Twy liver wns nlso in a
very bad condition ns my skin was
as yellow as a pumpkin. My food
would sour on my stomach causing
gas, pains and spells of palpitation
of the heart when it just seemed like
mv breath would stop. It seemed
that l was rignt on
the verge of
nervous nrostration and my lower
limbs ached so with rhcumntism thct
I could hardly stand It. I could
neither rest myself or let anyone
else In the house rest, I wns so nerv-
iOus and miserable. These troubles
had reduced my weight until I was
almost a living skeleton and was so
run down nnd felt so badly I could
not attend to my household nnnirs.
"I had used everything in the way I
nf mfwltdnnn nnd lind heen told a 1
number of times that an opernt on
. wns my only hoPc of rccoverv, uut
,h d f ,t , taking
- ... .
fused to do so because I -thought it
was llko other things I had taken
and would do me no good. But I
kept on sullerlng and getting worse
iinfl nnn flnv lim lirnturhf hnmo n
bottle and insisted so that I began
taking it. Well, it wasn't long un-1
til I found Tnnlnc wus altogether ,
dilFcrcnt from nny other medicine 1 1
hod over used, for soon after starting
" "y second bottle there was a won-1
derful change In my feelings. I am
n.i nnt Inir 1'iiof nnvtlilnrr T tunnl nnrl
am never 'troubled the least hit with
n. ..n mi. ofnnmKli nnln tn Inn n( Mm I
heart or nny uncomfortable feeling.
afterwards. My' complexion has1
... -v. , ,,.:
cieareu up uniu u is iikc new.
rhfitmnti'c nnln hns dlsnnnenrud frcn I
my limbs and my nerves have quieted
down until I can sleep just like a
Jng llKe n nCjyf person, ond owe a
oil to Tonloc."
-inninc is boiu in uimuiu iwy uy
Nelswanger Pharmacy in South
T..l,n to -M In rinbo Pit., l
r.7r,u7w;;ovph Z
in Homer by Wagner's Pharmacy.
. I
Tin: iiOAiti) op
Dakota City, Neb., Oct. 27, 1919.
The board of county commissioners
met pursuant to adjournment with
tno following members present: O.
w- Fi8her chairman; John Feller and
William H. Rockwell, commissioners,
lso Georgo W. Learner, county attor-
ncy, and a. b. uacon county cicrK.
At which time tho following busi
ness was transacted, to-wlt
D. A. Wood, cattle chute and cul
vert, referred to John Feller; nlsj
Henry O'Neill road to cattle posturo
in the hills, was referred to John
Feller, commissioner.
Mr. J, G. Portis nppoarod before.
tho board asking that road north of
Hubbard, known as tho Portis rond,
bo widened and trees removed from
same. Board took same under ad-
Resolution that tho county treus-
"Per bo and is hereby instructed to
Btriko from tnx ,,st 1918 tho tn5fCS
on lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12 nnd hlock 30, joy Pneo AddU
tion for tho reason that said prop-
orty is tho property of St. Michael's
Parochial school and not subject to
taxation, Passed unanimously.
Report f s- W. McKinloy, county
J,UUK "ummiiou report nt tins time
a.i.f...""!, iT,
" """-" ii
and accepted as renilore.il,
ly Heating of vault In county clurk's
office was discussed at this time and
clerk was authorized to hnvo heating
apparatus installed.
uoard decided to rent a strip o'
,lIV s!xfy feot, wide tho contor of
'" "P " " " ffi Tk
28, R. 9, CO rods west of the ens-t
llttk tt untrl on.t Inn ilinn annt 1 t
- ................- v.. w. ..
straigni iin 10 me Bouin line 01 me.
,i,.i .,..,. r Di,i n
The following bills were nllowed
i uituvHiw nuitikvi amu acLbiuii,
on tho various funds as follows:
Road District Funds-
George A. Penry, road dlst.
No. 1 $
George A. Penry, road dlst.
30 00
20 00
13 50
2G 00
81 00
No. 1
E. S. Reddin, repairs, road
dist. No. 1
US ed'-rd.! UsLNo. F 20
.George A. Penry, work on
,n,.ia Minii ,uKt. Nn. 1 Hi
jj q( Owon. work on roads,"
rofui d8t. No. 6 .,,,,.,,,, (i
E. S. Redden, blacksmithlug,
road dist. No. 6 -14
Henry Mahon, work oniondc,
road dlst. No. 8 , - J(l
Wm.'Domsch, work on roads,
" ., ... vt o n
11.1. u InwiMrtll.. Min.l .i.rtb
i rand dlst. No. 8 54
M, F. Loruc, work on roads,
road dist.No. 8
Jess Kcnody. work on roads.
6 00
I road dist. No. 8 12 0U
Henry Jiarg, jr., work on
I roads, dlst. No. 15 ........
Henry Peters, work on roads,
I road dist. No. 15
7 ."0
15 0
Otto Gloe, work on roads,
rood dist. No. 15
Ferdinand Harp, filling in
hole in road, dist. No. 15 ..
Emll Barg, grading Bnrg hill,
rond dist. No. 15
Chn.s. Bnrg, grading Bnrg hill
road dist. No. 15
Peter Maurice, filling in ,mud
hole Barg hill, road dst.
No. 15
William P. Kuhl, work on
roads, road dlst. No. 15 . . .
William P. Kuhl, grading
roads, dist. No. 15
William P. Kuhl, road work,
dist. No. 15
John Bonderson, filling in
mud hole at Barg hill, road
3 75
3 75
18 00
3 75
3 73
140 00
1,00 00
78 00
(H Sto", flf,; ,''d
,y.nU nf n' ,,,,, " n,, ,,(of
dlst. No. 15
3 70
. '
No. 15
Jno. C. Smith, work on roads
dist. No. 16
Protest Fund
Alice Cameron, refund for
year 1917, receipt No. 2113$
Inheritance Tax Furid
87 00
37 64
Standard Oil Co., oil 5 25 49
Dixon County, Neb., grading
road on county line 220 00
W. L. Broyhiil, operating
county road grader 114 00
W. L. Broyhiil, operating
county road grader s 60 '
E. S. Redden, sharpening
trrnder blndcs 24 00
'Standard Oil Co.. 370 callons
gasoline 93
County General Funds
Huffman General Supply
House, legal blanks $
.)mah. Printing Co., supplies
Omaha Printing Co., supplies
Wm. II. Rockwell, cash paid
out for freight and sup
plies K-B. Printing Co., 52 teach-
1 'M
1 "0
25 30
6 28
ers card sets and post cards
18 4o
Walter Miller, cash advanced
24 2Q
,0. J. .Polly, hauling sand to
, Poorn f "J,"1 : ', 37 49
John P. Olson, repairs and
work on grader ; . . 7f 57
Village of Dakota City, light 19 90
.1. P. Meredith, coal for coun
ty poor farm 12 75
Knowlton & Manning, Pearl
Veach widow pension .ac
count for groceries furnish
ed bill assigned 25 00
George Cain, salary for Octo
ber ..................... ,
' uocKweii, deputy sner
Iff .sry for October, lul9 70 00
J- H.amport on vital
statistics to state .
.Geo H. Haase, report
'4 25
1 00
2 25
3 00
on vi-
tttl Statistics tO Stntf
," N. Wagner, report of vital
statistics to state
M.' J. Flynn, report of vltn!
statistics to state
'fhciW. J. Shane, teport ot vltul
statistics to state
2 25
1 iV
20 50
3 68
..Hubo ulj'ish'ng Co., supplies
SSS SIlfihKS: & SuSSlI
"" . !., jiuihihB,
'wnn ,orl, mierial ;, 10G 60
"" I""K "., BUUUHOS., Ol I
Rtato Jmirnnl onn Vih Ino-A
VeXecord bookie
35 00
25 70,
,Vi of Dakota City, light
nnrl uintni
j g nncon feL.8 :n crmnnl
I cases , . . 27 d5
IW. E. A en. sunn es ....... in K.)
W. E. Allen, supplies ..:.... 27 50'
MeorusKa Telonhone Co.. tol-
epiioue rents G9 15
. r. M. Beardshear. work and
I supplies 200 00
D. M. Nelswanger, supplies.. 60 (C
a. yy. wctvmioy, costs in
criminal case, State vs., Da
S. W. McKlnley, criminal
costs In county court .....
Borroughs Adding Machine
Co., repoiring adding mach
ine University Publishing - Co.v,
bnlanco on account .......
H. H. Foltz, fixing electric
lights ."....
M. T. Rollly, boarding county
poor, for October, 1919 '....
Farmers Exchange, isupplias
for county poor
14 3u
1G 00
5 32
7 71
G 1..
.58 -il
63 25
Alleen Stinson, sulary ,'...,. 104 10'
j. a. uucon, salary 1C0 GO
uari Anuersen, work op re
disricting committee
34 51
W. E. Voss, expenses on
districting committee ....
Milburn & Scott, supplies . ..
S. A. Stinson, supplies for
county poor
Wilfred E. Voss, postage, ox-
nritea nntl linti iirm
18 12
9 23'
41 85
3G 2.1
L. R. Willis, supplies 11 15
Rond Dragging Funds
H, H. Stolz, dragging roads.. $ 30 75
Chris Rnsmussen, dragging
Thomas Gormally. dragging
6 40
38 -10
19 20
Horluf Nelson, dragging road
John D. Thnekcr,
roads .,,,.,,,,
(luorge A, I'cnry,
20 25
58 00
ronub , , , ,
George A. Penry. dragcino:
ronda ..,,, 12 0')
commissioner District' No, 1 Funds:
Raymond II. .Ream, running
tractor engine ,.... $ 65 00
.. , . ,. ',- .
-: -., ......, uv-
tor 115 oft
. ------ -.
' pmmlKslonor ,DsU-Nq- 3 Funds:
l'v """" grading rpads. 5 28 00
E. HLoomls, .grading roads .
William II, "Rockwell, . work
28 00
with county grader 127 50
Board ndJourndtT to meet Monday,
November 424,, 1919.
J. S, BACON, County Clerk.
Dakota City, Neb., Oct. 7, 4919.
nn Bonrd met in reirulnr seaalnn wtih
members present Adair, Buchanan
00 nnd Broyhiil.
j The minutes of the previous meet-
TO ll)g were read und approved.
I On motion the following bills wero
00 allowed and warrants ordered drawn
Jon tho proper funds for the same,
n nruniAi. vin
MlAmnnn PmnnPttlm Jr. Iiiita
00 1 cleaning cemetery ...... ,S 22 60
S.T. Frum, freight and dray
age advanced 75 1
Win. Lnhrs, marshal, August '
and September 30 00
South Sioux City, light for
July, Aug. nnd Sept $ 208 00
Harry Foltz, light, work .... A 75
Alia-west cicctric company,
meters 25-17
"Wm. Lahrs, work and collect
ing, Aug. and Sept 31 U0
Wm. Lahrs, road work, July,
Aug. arid Sept 37 80
G. F. Hughes & Co., crossing
material CO 70
Earl Frederick, assigned to
H. H. Adair, cement work,
35 hours -. 21 00
E. L. Hileman, road work
45 30
Geo. Barpett, work and fit
tings, water mains $
Wm. Lahrs, pumping, etc.,
August -and September . . .
H. E. Hulse, 9 hours, on water
2 50
49 70
4 50
Clerk was instructed to
proceedings in the Dakota
On motion Board adjourned.
Sidney T. Frum, Village Clerk.
First Pub. October 23, 1919 4w.
, In the County Court of Dakota
County, Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Estate of Ed
ward Cyril Oliver, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, That the
creditors of tho said deceased will
meet the Administrator of said es
tate, .before me, County Judge of Da
kota County, Nebraska, at the County
Court Room in said County, on the
17th day, of November, 1919, nnd on
the 26th day of January, 1920, at ten
o'clock A. M. each day, for the pur
pose of 'presenting their claims for
examination, adjustment and allow
ance. Three months nre allowed for
creditors to present their claims and
one yeajs for the Administrator to
settle said estate, from the 23rd day
of October, 1919. This notice will
be published in The Dakota County
Herald for four weeks successively
prior to the 17th day of November,
Witness my hand, and seal of said
court, this 17th day of October, A. D.
(Senl) County Judge,
PIrst Pub. October 9, 1919 4w.
Order of Hearing.. anil Notice on Pe
tition for Settlement of Account.
In the County Court of Dakota
County, Nebraska. '
btate of Nebraska, County of Da
kota ss.
To Cecelia Longknr, Julia Grand
singer, Mary Deroin, Myrtle Last,
Mary J. McBride, Catherine Twohig',
and Henry Dldier, and all persons
interested the estate of John Did
ier, Deceased:
C;h reading the petition of J'oe M.
Twohig, praying a final settlement
and. allowance of his account filed in
this Cour on the 1st day of October,
1919, and for the final settlement oi
said estate, and for his discharge as
Executor of said estate. '
It Is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may," anil" do, appear at the County
Court to be held In and for said
County, on the 1st day of November,
A. JD. 1919, at. 10:00 oclpck A. M., to
show, cause, if any there be, why
the, prayer of the petitioner shoqld
not be granted, and that notice of
the. pendency of said" " petition and
the hearing thereof be given to all
persons .Interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in
the, .Dakota County Herald, a weekly
newspaper printed in,said.j;punty, for
four successive weeks prior to snid
day of Hearing.
(Seal) County Judge.
First Tub. ,Oct 30, 1919 4w.
Order of Hearing and Notice ,011 Pe
tition for .Settlement of. Account.
In the County Court of Dakota
County, Nebraska.
State iof Nebraska, Dakota Coun-
,ty.s8. '
-To Irene Pounds, t Kenneth A.
Founds, .Joseph W. Pounds, and all
persons interested in the estate of
Free L. A. Pounds, deceased:
On reading tho petition of W. W.
Pounds praying a final settlement
andfallownnce of his account filed in
this .Court on the 14th day of Aug
Mst,l 19ip, and for his discharge as
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested In said matter
may, and do, apponr at the County
Court to be held in and for said
County, on the 25th day of Novem
ber, A. D. 1919, at la o'clock A. M.,
to show cause, if any' there be, why
tho prayer of tho petitioner should
not be granted, and that notice of
tho pendency of said petition .nnd
tho hearing thereof be given to all
porsons interested In snli .matter by
nuhlishing a.canv.uf thia:ocder tavthe
Dakota County Herald, .a weekly
newspaper printed in said county,
for four auccewivo .weeks prior to
said day of .hearing.
(Seal.) County .Judge.
CaUnMl DssiMitCw(MCwfi
by jociil ppictloti, ,' tbty.aaBnot rtich
that aiau tlwrMon of, theiar. 'There la
ut on way to cur catarrhal Saatnr.
ami- that la br a oonatltutlosat rtiuedy.
Catarrlii-.utatntaa U ,ause4..br an, in
Saioid eBlU'an..o(.tti-mu(U)ua.lllni or
tha .Kuatavhlan Tub. Whm tlila tub la
taSatntyut,hav.a.iutablt)couna or Im-
.Mrlwt haaa,lan4.iaBpnt:lUlaUfely
Vud. rfoa to Jh jult,TJum the
tSSaHon can Dercaucca-anaiuua.iuiM
rMfwtd to ,lta normal condition, ;hrlnc
wlir'bvAtf9yt4 torertr. HaniCcaa of
Saft)M r cauaed by catarrh, which la
an .InSaratd conalllon of th mucoua aur
(aca. .Hall's Catarrh MdlUn,aota thru
thl blood on th mucous curtacr ot th
W arlU.aliOn..Hundrtdt.Doltar. for
any caa ot Catarrhal VarnaJihat aacnot
b curtd by Hall's Catarrh JtalOn. Ctr-
wars ira. aii ufuasuis. jc.
srtEi M
CO...T0UdQ,, O.
Live Stock
At Auction
Jliiviii on hand a hIiijIuh amount of Htook for the wilt
ter, I Iiavo ducidtMl to red tire iny Htofck at a Public Auc
tion to he held on the farm known as the Ftirtly place,
1 mile north and 1J miles cast of Hoiiier, and 1 mile
west and miles south of Dakota City, NehniNka, on
Friday, Nov. 7
Sale Commencing at 12 sharp Free Lunch at Noon
77 Head of Cattle 77
40 Milch Cows, 18 giving milk now, and 37 good spring
calves. '. Also 2 good saddle horses, three years old
141' Head of Hogs 141
70 spring Shoats, weight
sows, and 60 fallpigr. A.i nogs are vaccinated.
I will also sell 3 nearly new Walking Cultivators.
TERMS: $10 and under, cash; over that amount 6 mos.
time on bankable paper at 10 per cent interest. . No ar
ticles to be removed from premises until settled for.
L. L. Howard
Kelly & Ilasdal, Auctioneers. C. J. O'Connor, Cjerk
Flynn Commission Company
301 Exchange Building.
... k., .. .,. ijfcB'i f.Ut,-.;il
UV -j".T.'tf- J'Oft' -jcSaflBBBBBw. 1 i
i JrassssMr'y-.sssm'-
Absstrea.ct of Title j
A $10,000 Surety Bond Guarantees .the Accuracy
of every Abstract I inaka
J. J. EIMERS, Bonded Abstractor.
Successor to the Dakota -County Abstract Company
Buy your Boar Early and have the advantage of
a Wider Selection.
I am holding no Boar Sale
This Fall
This saves you money, for it costs to run a sale.
I have a large number of big-boned, stretchy boars
of good quality and breeding. They are priced
to sell quickly.
Crystal Lake Stock Farm
John B. Evans, Prop.
Westcott's Undertaking
Old Phono, 426
about 50 hz. ccL: 11 brad u
I believe that I have as
many or more personal
friends in the vicinity of
your city than any other
man at the Stock Yards.
As you know, I have been
nn active and earnest sales
man here for n number of
4 years. I have established
the above firm, and have
with mo the strongest men
with long experience in
this line of business, and
nm ready, willing, and In .1
position to render you ser
vice that will please.
Let me hear from you,
or when at the yards I will
' certainly be glad to have
you call on me.
Office Phones, Iowa, 361
" Auto, 9239
, Residence " Auto, 88262
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Dakota City, Nebr.
.Ishsy Phone, 2067
. k.4KVlWN