Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, October 23, 1919, Image 7

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r ,h
Serious Ki.irnv Trouble Had Made
Life MisrraMo, Hut Donn's
Rcmo.cd Ml tin Trouble.
Hasn'f .Si.ilcrcd Since.
HOI W. Inrihm.-t Atcntin. l'lilliitl.d.
phln, I'll., "HnMhey iilnioU doubled
m up. AJ" v a 11 y I , oulil not do
my housowo.-k and at ovorv move
it tiwmcu n-i u inv
bnik would brink in
two. My (( jiud
nnklos fmeli. 1 until
I had to wear large
sl'.fd slIprtT-t and
sometlmea I couldn't
stand tip.
"1 had dls-ej spoils
and dreadful lie id
nolieH u n,d ,1crv
Hashes pa-nd lic-
Mrs. AUroyJ
fnre my eve; Il-id a heavy weight
boon real it g on my head, llii pain
could uot have been more distress
ing. The least noise startled nip, r
was so nervous. I couldn't eoutrol
the kidney secretions and the pain
In passage was awful.
"It begun to look as though my
case was beyond the reach of medi
cine until I used Doan's Kidney
Pills. The first box benefited mo
and four botes cured all the trou
bles. I have had no further causo
for complaint."
Sworn to Wforp mc,
Thos. 11. Walters, Notary Public.
iet DccnV t Anr Store, 60c tlox
" P2I.LS
Caused by
If peoplo who are bilious are treated ao
conlltiff to local aym-ilum they seldom ret
very much better. Whatever relief Is ob
talne 1 Is usually temporary Trace bilious
ness to its source and rritiure (lie c'lune and
the chances are that the patient will re
main strom; nnd healthy.
Doctors say that more than 70 non
organic dlsiar can l traced to an Achl
Ntnmnch. Iltllousness In one of them. Indi
gestion, heartburn, belching, squr stomach,
bloat and jras are, other signs pf (jcld
stomnch. EATONIC, the marvefous m'ode'r'n
stomach remedy, brings quick relief from
these stomach miseries which lead to a long
train of ailments that make life miserable
If not corrected;
EATONIC lltorully nlnorlis and carries
away the cxc"4t acid Makes the stomach
strong, cool and comfortable. Helps diges
tion. Improve he Rppetlte and you then
get full strenxtli iron) your food. Thousands
say that EATONIC Is the most effective
stomach remedy In tlm world It Is the help
YOU need Try It ' on our money back-K-not-sntlsfled
cum intee At all druggists.
Onlv 50 cnnti i Ulir boi.
(Tor xour acid-stomach)
. -v,p -
Expression Defined.
"Pa, when Is a man a confirmed
'?" n
"When nothing he says can be con
rallied, my joi."
Imrjortnnt to KlotMers
Examine carefully every bottle oi
('ASTORIA, that famous old reinery
tor infants tand children, and see that It
Benrs the sj? ' &'
SIaturc C&zffi&&i
In Use for Over .S0 Years.
Children Cry for Flei flier's Castoria
Something for Nothing.
"How much?" asked the man ns he
s'epped from the elewitor In the Kcd
eml l-i 'Jdlng.
"Hylrenirncrt II. N. Wadli'lgh.
Me tloMitor man. '
"How much?" again asked the man
as he pulled a large roll of bills from
his pocket, '
"What for?" Wadlelgli Inquired.
"Why. for the ride up to the third
floor?" said the stranger.
. Wadlelgh' thought ho was being kid
ded, so replied, "Oh. I guess' $l.f0
will cover it."
The iunn,.renciod In his pocket and
got the amount. N
"Say, where are you from that you
have to pay for elevator service?" the
elevator pilot tisRcd. '
"My name is Carl John Joseph
Aaron Peterson, and 1 have lived in
youth Dakota for ten years," he Said.
"My sister's child is going to be chris
tened Carl John Joseph and I'm going
to he there," came the detailed an
swer. Bank by Christening.
Two negroes were carrying a heavy
piece of timber. Moth wanted to "boss
the lob."
"Lay It down here," ordered Tine.
"What you-nll a-lalkln to. man?" tho
other demanded, "Does you-nll think
3 on Mn boss me around llko dat?"
'Sure f kin," said tho first darkey,
"Mali name is Lew Tennant."
!Iuh! dat's notliiu," responded the
se ond son of the sunny South "Mali
name is Sam Browne."
Build Up
" - -
tt-OT ffi W UmmiLHJ?
iPopular for ha delightful
flavor and because it furnishes
certain food values neces-'
soryT for bulldingf the best
in body and brain
Users Icnow by test
Name "Bayer" is on Genuina
Aspirin say Bayer
Insist on "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin'
In a "Bayer package." containing prop
er directions for lleaoa I e, Colds
Pain, Neuralgia. Lumbago, and Blieu
inatlsin. Name "Bayer" means genuine
Aspirin prescribed by phsicltui3 for
nineteen years. Handy tin loxes of 12
tablets cost few cents. Apirln Is trade
mark of Bayer Manufacture of Mono
Rcetlcacldester of Snlicyllcacid. Adv.
Asking a Favor of a Flyer.
Small Boy (to alnuan) "If you he
a-goin' up, 7.ur, would ye zee If ye
can find Billy's kite drlftin' about, wot
'e lorst larst Toosdny?"
-"" .HM...ni't mi
Keep Liver and Bowels
Clean and Active
with "Cascarets"
Sick headache, biliousness, coated
tougue, sour, gassy stonmch always
trrtce this to torpid liver; delayed,
fermenting food In the tmwels.
Poisonous matter clogged In the in-
trvtsHnoc tna!rtwl ft linlnr micf- rtiif nf
the svstem Is reabsorbed Into tho
- 'i'
blood, when this poison reaches the
delicate brain tissue It causes conges
tlon nnd. that dull, throbbing, sickening
hea'dacho. '
Cascarets immediately cleanse the
Klnmneh rmnvo Hio Hrtiir utiillr'natnd
food and foul gases, take the excess,
bile from tho livor nnd rrv out all
the constipated wnste matter and pol
sons In the bowels.
A Cascaret tonight will have you
feeling clenr, rosy and as fit as a fiddle
by morning. They work while you
sleep. Adv.
Only a Few.
"Everybody knows about It. Some
people take her part and some lake
her husband's part."
"And I presume there are a few ec
centric Individuals who mind their own
Cuttcura Scothe"s Itching Scalp
Onretlring gently rub spots of dan
druff and itching with Cutlcura Olnt
meilt. Next morning shnrapoo with
Cutlcura Soap and hot water. Make
them your every-day toilet preparations
and have a clear skin and soft, white
hands. Adv.
Great Britain's Supremacy Passing
Into New Hands, Says Na-
val Expert.
In Great Brllain fear .s being felt
that the trident of the ocean Is pass-;
lug Into new bands. This at leant fs
the note sounded by Archibald Hard,
the naval expert, writing in the Lon
don Daily Telegraph. I
"It Is an arresting fnct," he says, i
"that, Judged by the strength of its
battle squadrons In active comiiil- '
slon, this country's supremacy has at
least temporarily passed away.
"The United States has now in com- r
mission 111 battleships, and Washing
ton plans to have '20 next year, tlm
reduction in number being balanced
by the Increased power of froine of
the ships now approaching eoniple
"We have In a similar state of read
iness 22 battleships and T) cruisers,
and, In nccoidaiico with 'the order
published with reference to reduction
to a iesorc basis, our Instantly ready
battle force will fall at an early date
to 1(1 ships. 10 or them forming th'
Atlantic licet and the other 0 cruising
In the Mediterranean, It may lie some
what f mi nitron t to our national
pride lhat no should have reached this
secondary position nt sea,"
Mr. Hunl consoles himself with tht
reflection thnt the British admiralty
Is saving money. s
Thrift Is better than an annuity.
a Reason
(fiWnJ V5 Hill Mill nm I ifr .
r i''T imiiWITllllttWj T "if M HWI?9k1
t it TTii1" ttii irnn ii "" . r a v ua :'uhiii . .uibm?' u ffm v'kn a. s
.sli iI '''KK 0 S , ?: ,mL I:
mMJSSm i yMMWia.wiu.iui .JwSftiJKigilgBS WKftSIS'Sfi'1 MHsKmu ci SO
rf-1 v w,.via C ' sllt'Yt 1 " ffir I J rfT. . T. m.BVr vv-i'VI
i :JKBffiniflr.?FaSr'T -
" gK1 1 , LL-v 5-tu'Wij""-.iI lavNiat!t " ! jU. V'.w
v- -s . J .r nr
' .. - T . " Jjl t
b--. c . . .- x j.?" r,,v' r
liit ..i-f . "T f .s5vi .. , . V Jf' - . ,, is
- - --
Be Sure to Use Only Suitably Equlpjjfd Cars for Shipping Dr3sd Poultry.
(Prepared by the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
Scrupulous care In pro-cooling n re
frigerator car for shipping dressed
poultry, always a matter of impor
tance, Is doubly so nbw, In the opinion
Jf food-research experts. The greater
accesslty for care comes, In the llrst
place, of the fact that there is a nation-wide
Ice shortage. The second
Important element Is that, following
ihe stress of wnr-tlmo transportation,
Hie rerrlgerntor equipment of tho coun
try Is in a run-down condition. Tho
:ar should bo carefully examined, the
jxpertu say, to see that It admits not
jven n pin point of light. Then II
ihould be tested andjf It fall short of
Jtandard, there should be no heslta-
:,on a,)out rejecting It and calling on
the railroad agent for u car that will
neet the requirements. Extreme care,
.he experts believe, Is essential just
low for the preservation of poultry In
Irauslt, and the chief of the depart
ment's food research laboratory has
iust ,ssuctl .the ""owlnu definite In
formation as to how satisfactory re.
lults are to be attained:
Select Car Day Before Loading.
"When the refrigerator car Is set for
clng, enter It and with doors and
"latches tightly closed look carefully
i tor any crack or point of daylight.
j L'he car should bo absolutely black
nith not a pin point of light anywhere,
f there aro distinct cracks around the
Soors or hatches, the car will not main
ialn sufficiently low temperature and
Ihould not be Iced for the hauling of
Jressed poultry or any other cotnmod-
1 !ty requiring Ice and salt refrigeration.
Be sure also thnt the drain pipes are
pen nnd In good working order.
"Tho selected car should ho set for
ciug nt least 24 hours beforo It Is to
So loaded. Its bunkers should then
e filled three-quarters full with finely
jroken Ice ; that Is. no piece should be
larger than a man's fist. When tho
Minkers are three-quarters full, tamp
!ho Ice down well so -that all cracks
md crannies nre filled. Then add one
juarter of the calculated amount of
tnlt on tho 12 per cent basis. For In
Itnnce, If the bunker holds 5,000
pounds of Ice, when three-quarters full
It will contain 3,750 pounds. On top
if this amount of lco scatter 150
Insect Is Serious Menace
American Agriculture..
Has Become Vell Established In Both
Massachusetts and New York.
Most Energetic Measures Fa-.
vored for Eradication.
(Prepared by the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
The Europenn corn borer undoubt
edly is a serious menace to American
agriculture. The United Slates de
partment of agriculture has for some
time called attention to the extreme
danger from this pest, whkU has be
come well established In both Massa
chusetts and New York. Now comes
this reinforcement of that Judgment:
"We, the Nntlonnl Association of
Commissioners of Agriculture, with
olllclal entomologists from many
states nnd representatives of the
United States department of agricul
ture, together with representatives
of the Canadian government, present
as exports in conference upon the sit
uation, express ourselves, after
examining the Infested area, aR thor
oughly comlncod that this pest Is one
of the most dangerous Insects which
has become established In America,
nnd we hereby place ourselves on
record In favor of most energetic ef-
i forts on tho part of federal and state
agencies to control and, If posHlblo,
to exterminate thlj Insect, Including
In the program vigorous quarantines
to pi event Its distribution."
That Is a part of tho resolutions
adopted by the European Corn-borer
conference, begun (it Albany, N. Y
on August 28 and concluded nt Bos
ton, Mass., an August 21). Tho atnte
commUnloners of ugrlctilture, stato
entomologists and othorfi went over
tho corn fields around Schenectady,
N. Y and I lout on. Mans., and iw Uio
methods of dostruullon practiced by
the United States department of agri
culture and tho ntato agencies, to-
-. v.
piunds of conrso gray roH salt. Mix.
this salt very lightly with the ton lco
and directly on top of t place moro
crusiied lco until the hunker Is full.
'rhcn ndd the remainder of tho calcu-
lited amount of nlt, which, In this
case, would be- 4f0 pounds. Mix It
very lightly with the lino Ice so that
tho salt does nor. penetrate Into tho
mass of Ice more than -I or 5 Inches;
level the surface nnd quickly close tho
Right Temperature Is 34 Degrees.
, "With both bunkers so Iced and salt
ed, the cur should stand for 24 hours.
Then, In order to make sure that tho
temperature Is right for loading, a man
provided with a thermometer should
enter as quickly as possible by open
ing one sldo of one tlor, uhieh should
be lightly closed Immediately. Tho
man should stand midway between tho
doors holding the thermometer about
4 feet from tho floor until the mercury
has responded to the car temperature,
which ordinarily Is accomplished In
from three to live minutes, depending
on the quality of the thermometer. The
temperature of the car at this point
nhould not be above 34 degrv""' P.
If It Is more than US degrees nt this
point, It Is dnngerous to load the car
for a haul requiring Intensive refriger
ation. Unless the shipper Is willing
to take chances on the condition In
which his lend will arrive at the mar
ker, he should communicate with tho
railroad agent and request a car which
la able to refrigerate the dressed poul
try properly.
"AH refrigerator cars should be pro
vided with a floor rack 4 Inches In tho
clenr, built of lengthwise stringers
made from 2 by 4 lumber nnd crosswise
slats made from 1 by 3 lumber, with
1 Inch spaces between. These cross
wise plots are nailed to the lengthwise
stringers. They do not Interfere with
trucking the load Into the car. They
should extend ncross the doorway,
since It Is this part of tho car which
Is hardest to refrigerate nnd whore
uir circulation Is most needed. All
rnllrood owned refrigerators as rapid
ly as possible are being equipped with
racks which are fastened to the sldo
walls so that they can bo turned back
1 for cleaning."
gethor with the damngo caused by
the borer.
The commissioners of agriculture
returned to their states convinced of
the reality, of the peril and of the
necessity of unifying all efforts to pro
tect the farmers of tho country from
a destructive Insect that may quickly
spread over very largo ureas unless
most energetic control work Is done
on u large scnle.
noUQheet Areas on Farm Present Most
Favorable Localities for Suc
cessful Growth.
(By W. J, MORniT'U Colorado AKrlcul
turnl College, Fort Collins, Colo )
Trees, especially eono bearing trees,
seem to prefer newly eroded soil.
Steep slopes nre exposed to compara
tively .rapid erosion and here trees
do the best. Level ground Indicates
old soli, old In the sense that 1 as
derived from rock, as a rule, longer
ago thnn soil found on steep slopes.
Old soil probably contains nn excess
of soluble salts, too much for best
tree growth.
In tho mountains one sees tho steep
slopes clothed with trees, while the
occasional flat spot Is likely to ho
hare of trees. The roughest areas on
the farm present tho most favorable
localities for successful tree growing.
Temperature Slightly Above Freezing
Point lo Preferred for Beets,
Turnips and Carrots.
(By A V. YKACIKU, North Dakota Ag
rloulliiral Collie)
Turnips, beets, nnd. carrots will keep
best at a temperature slightly abovo
freezing. Cabbage, will stand consid
erable freezing, nod salsify and pars
nips mny bo loft in the soli over winter
If desired. Squashes and pumpkins
will keep best In warm dry place.
A warm attic whero It does not freeze
Is good. Potatoes require a cool place
pot too dry. Calbagi' and nearly all
root crops may bo atored In tho ground.
They must bo ptr deep enough to ho
below tho frost llf.e nnd should ho sur
rounded with straw to keep them froi"
dhect contact with Uiu tall.
toESfejiMiRar5' LJ!.. ..ji
The First
NpfJ Bottle of
' Al
nr, .ii. inniiiii-cii. Kartlncor, G.
n.AjT.Uv.17 HlElUitna BUOrana
lttttldii. MUa
Cold Day for Him.
"Sr. ,11m married n cold million, ch?"
'Colder than he thought. Ills wife
ft cozes onto every cent of It."
"Pnpe's Cold Compound" instantly re
lieves stuffinsss jnd
Don't stay stuff cd-up I Quit blowing
nnd snuffling 1 A doso of 'Tape's Cold
Compound" taken every two hours un
til three doses are taken usunlly breaks
up a severe cold and ends all grlppo
The very first dose opens your
clogged-up nostrils and the ulr pass
ages of the head; stops nose running;
relieves the Jiendnche, dullness, fevcr
ishness, sneezing, soreness and stiffness.
Tape's Cold Compound" Is the
quickest, surest relief known nnd costs
only fi few cents nt drug stores. It
nets without assistance, tastes nice,
contains no quinine Insist upon
Pope's 1 Ad?,
"Animal" Had a Stranao Fascination
for the Thirsty Easterners of.
a Century Ago.
Tin present prohibition law Im much
nio't stringent than was tho dry law
of Massachusetts of 100 years ago,
when the "Striped l'lg" gained Its
fame. At that time tho law read that
llouoi could not he necured, save In
Ifi-gnllon lots. Thnt gavo the "pig"
Its chnnco.
At. enterprising resident attended
the military muster on the Headvlllo
fair grounds, and established a sldo
show A banner beforo the tent
flaunted the likeness of a red am", hlnck
pig which, a sign snld, could he seen
for four pence. Many men wen! In
to see the strange animal, nnd returned
many times. As the law did not pro
bib'l tho exhibitor from giving away
liquor he gave each patron n generous
glnsi of the forbidden drink from n
huge stock he had laid In. The "Striped
Big' became famous over night. Songs
were written about thtvnnlmnl, n bev
erage was named after It, and a bur
lesque piny In New York adopted tho
absurd title.
These Balance Men.
I profess no special pnrtlnllty for
nny critic, who, holding balance In
band, weighs eagerly whatsoever of
learning comes to his counter. I ques
tion whether he Is not taking less of
the quality of the wares, than of
the fashion of his Kcnles, never ques
tioning their accuracy nor his own
levity. -SUM It must be admitted that
these bnlnnce men are not without
their usefulness, being convenient for
appraising market values. A, Bronsnn
A Saver to pocket
book and health, and
a delight to the palate;
Do as your neighbor is
doing and cut the hiaht
cost of living by drinL
Instead of coffee..
No Raise In. Price
CugTlns 30PI00-CupTinsS0
Made by
Hostum Cereal Company
Battle Creek. Mich.
5old by Grocers and General Storey
i T--' larTmnSyyai'-Tr iTT" -rir
Entirely Free from
Catarrh of the Stomach
Teruna fins ponttively dono for
mo wljnt mn it y doctors fnltcrl o
at. I linvo bn timo nnd arjAin
compellxd to tnlto towiy bod for
Jayn. Tlio Urat UottW of Poruna
ko,vo rollof and whllo I nlwaya
ltep It In tli bouse for cmorp
encles, I consider injur If ntlrclr
trto from rufnrrh of tho atomnch,
th trotiblu front which I Buf
fered for ho lonir beforo taklns?
thin remedy,"
Jiiiqulil or Tnlilct Form
Sold fCvcryuIirre
Aak Your Dealer
You can prevent this loathsome, dlseaso from running
t iroutrlt your ntablo and cure alt the colta Buffering with
it wlu-n yon bOKin tho treatment No matter how younir,
SIMIIl.V.S tUSTUMI'Ktl COMPOUND la BJlfo to Use on imy
colt. It In wonderful how It prevent! all distempers, no
mutter how colta or horses at nny ouo aro. "exposed."
Sl'OlIN MKIHCAI, CO., Ooshen, Inil., V. . A.
ii iTmB yi
tt t. Pleamtil U "When If fonnd slcsncss aitprn.
Ini In uir hrJ 1 rot a X lb. us.ll or II A. lhninu'
Uo HrmMlj- llrforo I (tnlitirft inedliin It. I to
istunrt thnt I kh another, ami xtim oir i'ca ner
til ll I ma a third pall and tlnd that tnlrra nek
Ited keeps Uioro noil " JlmXermeen, )C ho L ,
OLD KENTUCKY MFC. CO.. Inc.. Paducab.Ky.
W. N. U., SIOUX CITY, NO. 43-1919;
Farm Note. v
"Pretty girls attract other boarders."
"And pay hoard themselves Yes,
they're a great help."
Hiato ot Uhlo, City of Toledo, iucas
County m.
Prank J. Chonoy makes oath that ho Is
senior partner ot tho linn of I J. Chonoy
& Co., dolnir bimliiuss In tho City of To
ledo, County and Stato aforesaid, and that
gald Orni will pny tho Bum of ONH X1UN
DH1CD DOLLARS for any case ot Catarrh
that cannot lie cured by tho use ot
Sworn to before mo and subscribed In
my presence, thlB Cth day of Docombor,
A. D. 18SC. '
(Seal) A. W. Oleason, Notary Public;1
en Internally and arts throuch the Blood
on the Mucous Surfuccs of the System. .
F. J. Choney ft Co., Toledo, Ohio.-
IT. J. Cheney &. Co., Toledo, Ohio.
v - -. .
Grateful Colored Man Promised to
Go if Services Should
Be Needed.
1,1 l
"The race riots in Chicago remind
me of the faniu sort of "excitements
that ran around Atlanta when Iyas
living then; ns a young man,". tm?d
George McDnnlcl of Metro; Cal., re
cently. ' . -
"My brother nnd I were both medi
cosowners of smooth nnd virgin
sheepsklnsv We shared tho same of
fice and lunched nt the snnio counter.
In the midst of wild confusion, ono
day, a wounded negro rushed Into our
olllco and begged for protection. Tbjn
was freely grunted, for wo had no
raco prejudices, In spite of our South
ern upbringing. We also poured salvo
on the negro's bruises.
"'Yo' shuah been good to me.'.snld
tho grateful darkey, turning to my
brother who, by tho way, Is. now
practicing In Los Angeles 'nn I'll
'member It, doc. Say, If -yo' over kills
anybody mob friends and I'll get .you
out If we have lo bust tho Jail to do
It.' " Lo;i Angeles Times.
Animals Slaughtered.
It Is estlmnlyd by competent author
ities that 30 per cent of the leather
furnishing animals of Italy have been
slaughtered for food purposes during'
the war. Some years are necessary to
recoup thrso losses. ; '
I "i