Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, October 09, 1919, Image 7

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'H $1
should be made
artistic, sanitary
and livable.
These walls should be Alabastined in the latest,
up-to-the-minute nature color tints. Each room should
reflect your own individuality and the treatment
throughout be a complete perfect harmony in colors.
The walls of the old home, whether mansion or cottage, can be
made just as attractive, just as sanitary, through the intelligent use of
Instead of kalsomine or wallpaper
How much better, when you have a new home, to ttart right than to have
to correct errors afterward from former treatment with other materials, when
you come to the use of Alabastinc, as docs nearly every one sooner or later.
Once your walls arc Alabastined you can use any material over it
should you desire, but having used Alabastinc you will have no desire for
any other treatment.
Alabastinc is so easy to mix and apply so lasting in its results so
absolutely sanitary and so generally recognized as the proper decorative
material in a class by itself that it is becoming difficult to manufacture fast
enough to supply the demand.
Alabastinc is a dry powder, put up in five-pound packages, white and
beautiful tints, readv to mix and use by the
addition of cold water, and with full directions
on each package. Every package of genuine
Alabaitine has cross and circle printed in red.
.B 1 fcf-
Harl Harl
First Minstrel Tambo, enn you toll
1110 why buscball and pancakes are
Second Minstrel No, 1 can't. Wlint'H
tlin renson?
First Minstrel They both depend
upon the batter.
Better write us (or hand-made color designs and
special suggestions. Give us your'decorative problems
and let us help you work them out.
Grand Rapids - Michigan
How much easier It Is for some
folks to make their won't than it Is to
make their will.
Just say to your procer Red Cross
Ball Blue when buying blulnp. You
. will be more thnn repaid by the re
sults. Once tried always used. 5c
Study in Eugenics.
My grandfather lived to be ninety
two. At eighty-five he felled the giant oak
that stood near the gate In the south
One summer during court week he
went to town and stopped a runaway
horse with his tlst in front of Sutter's
lln'ckct store.
Now and then he sipped n hot toddy
before breakfast. He chewed Grevelcy
& Miller's best since the age of
twelve and passed away smoking un
cured leaf in his pipe. -
His boy Henry could hold a barrel
of Hour out straight.
He played fullback at Missouri
And won two silver cups for stand
ing jumps.
I am Henry's son.
Yesterday I watched a man washing
a window on the thirtieth floor of tho
Woolworth building.
And went home fnlnting In a tail
cab. New York Tribune.
Reconstruction, in a Manner.
An unwonted noise of saw .ami ham
mer greeted me as I entered the
usually quiet little restaurant where
1 am in the habit of doing much of my
writing, while a disagreenhle array ol
raw white planks disturbed the repos
of Its dark wood paneling.
As I dropped Into my usual corner 1
saw thnt the panels were pitted nnd
scared In a score of plnces, whllr
even the plastered frieze was chlppeo
and marred ; and I wondered.
As the waitress laid my table, how
ever, I heard the story:
"Reconstruction?" she remarked in
answer to my Inquiry. "Oh, no! We
had the burglnrs In last night, nnd
they blew up the safe just where you
are sitting, nnd Incidentally perforated
all the walls. That's all !" London
Urgent Reason Given by Practical Men
for tho Elimination of Unslght- ,
ly Dlllboards.
A fctcp, nnd one of considerable lm
portance. toward tho exit, at least It.
many plnces, of the much-discussed
American blllbonrd was taken In At
lantic City when the National Asso
ciation of Real Estate boards agreed
In condemnation of this form of out
door advertising, without a dissenting
voice among the 2,000 delegates. This
sweeping agreement followed an ad
dress by the president of the Chicago
Municipal Art league, In which he de
clared thnt the advertising billboard
Is now generally recognized ns one of
the lending nuisances In the home life
of American cities. The case ngnlnst
"thoe purveyors of Information to an
unwilling public thnt line so many of
our public streets" hns ceased to bo
one of esthetics nnd become a matter
of practical business concern to n large
group of Tery practical men because
they lower real estate values. And,
with the campaign against them rein
forced by teal estate dealers -nil over
the country, tho blllbonrd may well
tremble on Its often unstable founda
tions for Its future existence. Chris
tian Science Monitor.
Importer): :o Mothors
Examine cart fully every bottlo of
CASTOIMA, that famous old remedy
for Infants and children, and see thnt it
T?pnrs lu
Signature C&X&fflJC&tt
In Use for Over 30 Years.
children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
That Depends.
"Do you think nny woman believes
rou when you tell her she Is tho llrst
A'onmn you ever loved?"
"Yes, If you are the first liar she
ins ever met."
Don't Forget Cutlrura Talcum
(Vhen nddlng to your toilet requisites,
fcn exquisitely scented face, skin, baby
md dusting powder nnd perfume, rcn
IcrlDg other perfumes superfluous,
toil may rely on It because one of tho
Uutlcurn Trio (Soap, Ointment nnd
Talcum). 25c each everywhere. Adv.
Ignorance Is bliss until It begins to
associate with egotism.
Tho tortures nnd discomforts of
weak, lame and aching back, swollen
feet and limbs, weakness, dizziness,
nausea, ns a rule linvo their origin in
kidney trouble, not "female complaints."
These general symptoms of kidney and
bladder dlsenso aro well known so Is
the remedy.
Next time you feel a twlngo of pain
In tho back or nro troubled with heart
acln, indigestion, lnsomnin, Irritation
in the bladder or palu in the loins and
lower abdomen, you will find quick nnd
euro relief In GOLD MEDAL Haarlem
OH Capsules. This old and tried rem
edy for kidney trouhlo nnd nllicd do
rangemonts has stood tho test for hun
dreds of years. It docs tho work.
Tains and troubles vanish and new life
nnd health will come as you contlnua
their use. 'When completely restored
to your usual vigor, contlnuo taking a
capsule or two each day.
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Cap
sules arc imported from the laborato
ries at Haarlem, Holland. Do not ac
cept a substitute. In scaled boxcf,
threo sizes. Adr.
llMMWIM I II. n i i
Do your work cheerfully, heartily
and effectively, and then be prepared
for the place farther up.
i. ." k
i M&memQK
Mt. PUnsnt, U "When I fonnd sickness appear
' Ing In hit herd 1 rot a SO lb. pull of II A Thomas'
llu llomedr I!for I flnlstfd feeding It, 1 was so
illtnxd that I cot another, and when tnjt boss wera
all ll I acta third vail and And that twicer, netk
I toed .pi theui noil Jim Kermeen, It No. 1.
OLD KENTUCKY MfG. CO., Inc.. Pailucah.Kr.
Quick and Positive relief.
r'LANTOF," tho world's
ereatost discovery. Guaran
teed. Ask drupclst or writs
Hot B, tutu Co., 2)30 Glrard, $., Deal. 7, Miiuiiapolls, Bits,
HI) bllsholn (.'Ol n, Hi Data, Una Alfalfa, well
Irrltfuti'il, near city. 50 new mmlern build
lciK 535 pnr acre) Inolutlrs 1,000 henil stock,
new J50.000 farm equlpmant Need partner
or hcII nil. amalter rarinn, Send for ptio
I os. Itlclilnnd McaiUiwa lunch, Sidney, Mont.
Orejsnn l-'iirms Improved, $50 to ISO per a.
Uooil climate, school, roads. Send stamps
for lint (leo Melvln Miller, KiiKtnu. Ore.
UemKlltrlilmr unl I'lcotliiR. Attachment that
work on nil rewlnt mchliif, f 1 60. Add.
J F. I.lKht, llox 137, lllrinlneham, Ala.
Illusions nro like Intense sunlight
very beautiful, but blinding. Get rid
of them.
W. N. U.( SIOUX CITY, NO. 41-1919.
There are moments In the life of
every married man when he wishes
he liiiiln't.
Corner of Old Box, With Proper Treat.
ment May Be Utilized for
the Purpose.
A wall pocket to hold a plant can bo
easily made out of the corner of an old
box. It consists of three triangular
pieces two for the sides and one for
Uie back. The sides are, of course,
A iT
Rank by Christening.
Two negroes were carrying a heavy
piece of timber. Both wauted to ."boss
the job."
"Lny It down here," ordered one.
"Who you-all a-talkln' to mnnr
the other dctnnnded. "Does you-all
think you kin boss me around like
"Sure I kin,", said the first darky.
"Mah nnmo is Leu Tenant."
"Huh I dat's nothln," responded the
second son of the sunny south, "Mali
.name Is Sam Browne." Yank Talk,
Trench nnd Billet.
Faithful Until Death.
The death of Nnvarre, the famous
young French ace Navarre wits con
sidered the best flyer In the world led
Orvllle Wright to say:
, "The fasclnntlon that flying exerts
over Its devotees Is the strangest thing
Imaginable. If men and women were
as faithful to their love as airmen nre
to their art the divorce courts would
"Two young airmen were talking
one day at our flying school at Issou
don. " 'I hear that Jones has given up fly
ing,' said the first ulrinnn.
" 'Gee I' sKJd the second, 'when's the
Getting On.
Old Pa Pscadds Won't have you
marrying a more clerk. You tell thnt
young tnnn to keep aVhy until he has
an Interest In his firm.
Myrtle Pscadds Why, dad, he hns
that now. The manager told him he'd
have' to take some Interest In his work
or he'd lose his job, and he's already
done It.
I ' I li" '
1 fitoTif MM '?,
M AtlvCR.OK j
aonaraftna k
a sk
A Drink
That's Part
of the Meal!
lias a flavor tfiaiJs sure
ix pltoa.se. An eco
nomical factor m
housekeeping A
health builder, -used .
instead of coffee
No Raise in Price
Two sizes usually sold at 15 &;25$
Made by Postum Cereal Company
Cattle Crech.fiJchlgnn,
tut from the box without being sep
arated from each other. Several of
them nailed to a fence, and each filled
with n growing plant, present a very
pleasing appearance, and ns four pock
ets may be made from each box there
Is no trouble In matching them. In
cutting the box, the saw should bo
hold at an angle of not more than thir
ty degrees to the vertical. Mrs. Grace
K. Willey, Concord, N. II., in Popular
Mechanics Magazine.
Teach Proper Housing.
Cincinnati Is said to be doing more
to solve the problem of the careless
tenant than any other city In the
United States. Tills Is being carried
on through a better housing league.
The Ohio city put into effect the llrst
systematic plan for teaching housing
In the public schools, It Is declared.
Three visiting housekeepers are at
work In various districts of the city.
Euch has a district small enough so
thnt she can get to all the houses in
her territory frequently. She gets In
touch with the owncV, explains tho
work, seeks his co-operation, nnd nsks
In return for her services that he
mnke reasonable repairs that she may
It Is not claimed by the league that
the visiting housekeepers will revo
lutionize conditions in n day or u year.
What Is being accomplished, It Is
stated, Is so satisfactory that the
league hopes to gradually extend tho
work so that It may reach every tennnt
In the city.
City Planning Proposed.
The city of Auburn, Maine, Is to try
the city planning method. Last fall
It contracted with a park building as
sociation of Chicago, to draft a plan
for tho city, and It will be ready In
October. It wll be nccompanled by
a comprehensive report of Its construc
tion nnd suggestions relative to Its
execution. Tho cost of the plan Is
$3,(500, and It provides for the great
est possible development In the next
r0 years. It Is being udopted by Au
burn In preference to haphazard meth
ods followed by many cities.
Town Plants 900 Trees.
The city of New Bedford, Mass., sot
out 000 trees in spring, and the city
claims It almost holds the record for
the number of trees It possesses in pro
portion to street mileage, according to
a report of the American Forestry as
sociation of Washington, whoso cam
paign for memorial trees for soldiers
Is nation-wide nnd which Is registering
nil such trees.
Town Arboretums.
In time wayside arboretiims might
become national or municipal posses
sions of very grent value, for with In
telligent forestry bundling tho trees
could he cut down at the proper time,
with replacements so arranged that
the npppnrnnce of the shaded avenues
would not he appreciably affected.
to Work
Scores of Women
in homes, stores, offices and factories are not fit to be at work.
They toil on day after day and year after year suffering
with distressing weaknesses and derangements, hoping against
hope that they will soon feel better, but how can they hope
to do good work or escape permanent invalidism?
Such women are in danger of derangement of women's functions. They
owe it to themselves to try that good old fashioned root and herb remedy
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which for more than forty
years has been restoring American Women to health and strength.
Here is a Notable Examples
Joplin, Missouri. "I took Lydia EL
Pinkham's Vcgdtablc Compound to
cce if it really would do as it was ad-'
vertised arid it sure did, and more. I
was weak and could not do much
work, had bearing down pains and had
to go to bed. I learned about the
Vegetable Compound from my mother
and my husband told ms to get it.
After taking one bottle I was able to
-he on my feet most of the time and
do my work again. I have a baby
eleven months old and 'I have done all
my own work, even the washing and
ironing since she was three weeks old.
I certainly recommend your great medi
cine to everyone who complains of
female trouble and I am more than
willing for you to use my testimonial."
Mrs. Timothy graney.
426 Connor Ave, Joplin, Mo.
And Another
Chicago, Illinois." I suffered for four
? rears with pains in my sides, hips and
egs and a terrible backache. I could
not do any work at all. I was treated
by many physicians but they did not
help me. I read in one of your books
where other women have been helped
by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, so I tried it and it helped
me very much so that now I can do
. everything in the house. I have told
my friends about Vegetable Compound
and you have my permission to use this
letter." Mra. I. OVENSTEIN. 902
S. Marshfield Avenue, Chicago, ill.
Thousands of such Letters
Prove the Curative
Value of