DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD, DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. ' , I... CaW-VUkiW. " '! Wfet Contents 15Pluid Drachms EM s si v r- IS5S fi OKA, Ru'cf fSE2w BfUt III II." ILvJJt ,71 AY.mnor.-a PER CENT. AVcrffnbte?rcoaratiofl6fAj' ei'mllnUndthcrood bYRcutS UniltlicStoffladisandlkwrelsrf KWHVWVHvSTTl I 1 l Is Thereby Promoting DMcstionl Cheerfulness and Mow""! neither OpItim,Morphlncnor Mineral. ot aakw v il..im rt v JbchtLVJk ClanlMSfiB' ftdhjnmhnr AfcMnfiitRcmedvfoC sGonstlpationnndDiarrhoei 1 nH rnnr!:hnCSS ana lOSS OF SLEEP racSinulcSnatareo' NEWOiiiii- CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears tho Signature of fAtW LM 11 ff Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA Vmi otKTAun enrNT. ntwvoss, cmr. Fell Down. WUIIsWlmt's the mntter with Bump? Olllls Ho wns playing on a margin nnil fell off tho edge. Judge. GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER In tho good old summer time when fruits of nil kinds are getting ripe and tempting, when cucumbers, rad ishes and vegetables fresh from the garden nre too good to resist, when the festive picnic prevnils and everybody overeats and your stomach goes back on you, then Is tho time for "August Flower," the sovereign remedy for tired, overworked nnd disordered stom achs, n panacea for Indigestion, fer mentation of food, sour stomach, sick headache and constipation. It gently stimulates tho liver, cleanses the In testines nnd alimentary canal, making life Avorth living. Sold everywhere. AdT. KNEW SOMETHING ABOUT IT Englishman Need Not Have Been Sur prised at Acquaintance's Knowl edge of "Jim Bludso." In Iiis book, "Winnowed Mem ories," Sir Evelyn Wood relates how I io once met n quiet American gentle innn In Knglnnd, nnd they began to talk 1 American poetry. Sir Evelyn mentioned tho well-known poem "Jim ltludso," which he highly eulogized. "My enthusiastic praise of the poem excited, I thought, nn appreciative purr in my companion, but ho re marked quietly : " Mini was u line fellow.' "I anltl, 'Or the author made him Ml?' ' 'Oh, but he was.' "'Why, was he rtnir " 'Yes, I knew him well.' " 'But don't you think that the poet embellished Jim's act?' " 'No ; I am sure he did not.' " 'Well, but bow can you be sure?' "And he replied, quickly. 'I wrote It.' " The gentleman to whom Sir Evelyn was speaking proved to bo Col. John Hay, author of the "Pike County Hal lads," who was then the United States ambufsador In London. Soft Pedal. Jones This Is n free country. Brown Yes, but speak lower; some secret service man may overhear you. $100 Reward, $100 Catarrh Is a local dlsoase greatly Infltt. need by constitutional condition!. It ttiereforo requires constitutional treat raent. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINH Is taken Internally and acta through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces ot the Sys tem. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICI NB destroys the foundation of the disease, Elves the patient strength by Improving the general health and assists nature In doing Its work. 100.00 for any case of Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE) falls to cure. Druggists 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney Co., Toledo, Ohio. WAR HAD WROUGHT CHANGE Doughboy Found It Hard to Realize the Difference Two Years of War Had Made. A now story of the Hod Cross bag comes from Hurvey D. Gibson, former lied Cross commissioner for Europe and president ot the Liberty National bank of New York, lie got the story from one of the workers In a hospital hut In Dijon. Everybody who has ever seen n wounded so Id 1,0 r knows the bag of gaudy cretonne with the little Bed Cross In tho corner, In which each boy keeps the bit of shrapnel the doctor dug out of his knee, the last letter from home, the picture of his girl, his toothbrush and nil his most cherished possessions. One of the boys in the Dijon hospital had jilst been presented with his hag, a pluk-and-whlto one. He accepted it gracefully, then ho began to laugh. "Say," ho declnred, "if some one had told me two years ago that I'd be ugoln' to war with a wrist watch on one wrist and a bracelet" lie held out his identification disk "on tho other and n cretonne bug In my hand I Say, I'd have pusled him one!" Foreeeeing a Funeral. Blank Is tho greatest blunderer In making excuses we ever knew. The nthor day n lady he did not particu larly care for met him and said: "We -rail be bnclr from thu beach pretty xoon, nnd I'd be glad to have you come nnd lunch with us. Suppose we make H Thursday, three weeks from todny." Wishing to get out of It, Blnnk stnininorei: "Ah er let me set three weks from todny, you say? Oh, 1 hlinli be going to a funeral on that day.'' Boston Transcript. Where Poor Sermons Come From. The little group on tho steps of Say mouth's general store and post office were discussing the ministers conven tion, then In session at tho slato capi tal, and Squire Lane, who hud been "assessed" for his share of Bev. Mr. Lamb's expenses, said that In his opin ion there were u good many better ways of spending live days. "Cheaper, too," he added feelingly. After a sigh of sympathy had com pleted a circle of the little group, Joe Bolllns, who In village estimate, "wn'u't all there," asked "what they held them conventions for, anyway," "They meet once a year to swap ser mons," replied the squire. "Now I know why wo get such poor ones I" said Joe, momentarily enlight ened. "Mr. Lamb never did amount to anything In u trade," Youth's Com panion. ' Tyranny often defeats Its own aim. 322s A dishyovill - always relish At breakfast or lunch with either milk or cream. GxopeNuts fills arequirement for nourishment not met v many cereals. No cooking No waste At Grocers Everywhere. HOME TOWN MELPSt PfflSS ERROR HOME BUILDERS MAKE Too Many Seem to Forgot That IndU vlduallty Is a Requisite for Attractiveness. The house which Is the real home, beautiful and yet Intimate, whether Its possessor be rich or poor, Is hard to tlnd. Go among the dwellings of the rich, ntfd you will And thousands of hand some places, architecturally correct, supplied with every convenience, nnd yet lacking something. Something which you are puzzled to put your fin ger on the home note withul. Cities of the country have numbers of handsome residences of tho more expensive typo. Some of thorn are ad mired academically for their correct ness and their mngnlflcenee ; tney np penl to one's sense of the beautiful nnd to one's civic pride, but of the thou sands of these houses there are only a few that bca tho aspect ot real homes to the average man. Wander nuong the houses of tho poor and you will flutl row on row of dingy habitations, crowded one on top of the other, perhaps pnlnted it gray brue and sadly In need of another coat. Not n tree, n shrub nor n flower near by. Houses nnd grounds so much alike that a man might go Into any one of a dozen of them for his own, In a fit of nbsent-mlndedness. Vet the owner could be no more pos sessed of money than ho Is and still own a much more attractive place. Ills Initial mistake was in picking a house, of tho same pnttern as all tho others In the street, lie could have picked one, not more expensive but less com mon, If he hnd tried harder. One, too, that had an inviting cont of paint on It. Then he should have proceeded to develop a front lawn nnd garden, to plnnl some trees, If needful, as well as some vines to decorate the house nnd redeem It from the commonplace. MODHL VILLAGES IN ENGLAND Country is Recognizing Necessity of Improvement in General Hous- Ing Conditions. It Is Anh. that the aveinge English mlddle-clnss home Is so ugly It ought to be Just burned down, and English men are just beginning to realize this fact, with the result thut all over Eng land plans ure nfoot to build model villages and model suburbs. Brighton Is the ilrst to lend the way. It Is building a super-suburb, consist ing of 000 houses, so planned that there will be not more than ten to the acre. This will allow each house a gar den of 10 rods or 010 feet. i The suburb Id to be built In an or chard setting. Fruit trees will line the roadway. There will be no walls, the gardens being divided by hedges. There will be recreation grounds, al lotments and common playgrounds. The houses are to be built on modern nnd artistic lines, the Internal arrange ments being the last word In house comfort. The only fly In the otntment Is the question of the small boys. Will they be model enough to inhabit n model suburb, or will they help themselves to the fruit thut abounds In the public thoroughfares? It Is hoped they will become imbued with a great respect for communnl rights and thus grow up first-class .democrats. Fruits on Highways. We hnve much to learn from other countries, and the general pica for the fruit tree along highways Is not so im practicable as many seem to think. Jnpiinose cherries ure famous tho .world over for the beauty of their flowers and foliage. Community spray ing would at once change the possi bilities of fruit raising nnd lessen tho number of decayed orchards of which we hear, Many a township might easily become famous through the com munal fruit It might raise along l(s roadside and Induce Its farmers to take up as well, sending to the markets only the perfect fruit and preserving tho rest In marketable form. A furmer, observing a dozen fine Bnldwln apple trees otlhe roadside by bis place bear ing a full harvest of perfect fruit, will not long resist the temptation to try some over ills fence. For Town Improvement. New .England has an Organization known as the clenn-up campaign com mittee who.se work apparently covers all the six states. It offers as u prize ' each year a loving cup to the town or j city showing the best results in tho way of neatness and beautlflcatlon. The award has Just been made for this j year and the cup Iiiih gone to Maiden, I Mass., for the third time. Other towns j which have received 11 are Manchester, i, ii., which won me prize iwioe; ami Hartford, Conn. Gardens in Cities. It Is (ho city dweller who needs Hie garden most. Anyone who has a back yard and refuses to turn It Into u gar den has a burden on his soul ! Be sides yourself muiiy people look down into a city back yard they can't he shut off like a country estateIt nitist speak of ugliness and neglect and IH couragemenl to many or It muy Mim nt morning, noon and night a froxli hymn of hope and beauty, of fri-Klinex ond new beginnings. Exchuii'.je. 'BAYER CROSS" ON GENUINE ASPIRIN r I j "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" 6 bo genuine must be marker with the safety "Bnycr Cross." Always buy an unbroken Bayer pnekngo which con tains proper directions to safely ro llovo Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Colds and pnln. Hnndy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost Ini a few cents ut drug stores lurgcr packages also. Asplrl" Is tho trade mark of Bayer .Manufacture of Mononcotlo ncldester of Snllcyllcacld. Adv. Often the Case. White Is he In business? Black No, ho Is tho president of our Business Men's association. BACK LIKE A , BOARD? IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS There's no use suffering from tho awful ngony of Inmo back. Don't wait till it "imsses off." It only comes back. Find tho cause nnd stop it Diseased conditions of kidneys are usually indi cated by stiff lama backs and other wrenching pains, which nro nature's Bie nnis for helpl Hero's tho remedy. When you fool the first twinges of pnin or cinori enco nuy of those symptoms, get busy at once. Qo to your druggist and get a box of tho pure, original GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, Im- Jiortcd fresh, every month from tho laboratories in llnnrlcm, Holland. Pleasant and easy to take, they instant ly attack the poisonous germs clogging your system and bring quick relief. For over two hundred years they havo been helping tho sick. Why not try them? Sold everywhere by re liable druggists in sealed packages. Three sizes. Money back if they do not help, you. Ask for "GOLD MEDAL" nnd bo euro the name "GOLD MEDAL" is on the box,-Adv. No Help. "Now that the war Is over I daro say your boy can write you where ho Is located In France." "Oh, yes," snld Mr. Cobbles, "but the Information doesn't do me nn' mother nny good. He might just ns well say he's 'somewhere In France.' Tho names of them French villages don't menu anything to people who've never been outside of the stnte they were born In." Birmingham Age-Herald. BITRO-PHOSPHATE IS GOOD FOR THIN NERVOUS PEOPLE A PHYS1CIAN8 ADVICE. Frederick S. Kolle. M. D.. Kdltor of New York Physicians' "Who's Who," says that weak, nervous people who want Increased weight, strength and nerve force, should take a 6-Km In tablet of Ultro-rliospliato just beioro or during each meal. This particular phosphato Is tho dis covery of n famous French scientist, and reports ot remarkable results from Its use have recently appeared In mnny medical journals. If you do not feel well; If you tire easily; do not sleep well, or are too thin; no to nny cood druggist nnd got enough Bltro'Phosphnto for n two weeks' supply-It costs only fifty cents a week. " Eat less; chow your food thoroughly, and It at tho end ot a few weeks you do not feel stronger nnd better thnn you have for months; If your nerves nro not steadier: If you do not sleep better nnd havo more vim. endurnnco nnd vitality, your money will ho returned, nnd the nitro-rhospliato will cost you nothing. Uncle Eben. "Do tlredest business man I ever saw," snld Uncle Kbeu, "Is one dut tried to go to do races, play golf nn' take In n music show, nil In he same day." Sioux City Directory "Hub of "the Northwest" HUIVIPHREY The Dry Cleaner ni Dyer Expert Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing. Hats Cleaned, 521 PIF.RCE ST, SIOUX CITY, IOWA HOTEL JACKSON SIOUX CITY, IOWA Corner 5th end Jackson Sts. 128 modom rooms, popular price cafe and private dining room in connection. New Management New Service "tesMacoiv MU Pleasant, ta, "When found glcYne w appear I lilt In my hord 1 got a 80 lb. pall of 11. A. Thomas' Hog Heniedr. lloforo I tlnlibrd feeding It, 1 was to isllaned that I sot nnotbei, and when nir hogs nero all well 1 got a third pall and nnd that m Ion a week. fed seepi ineni well," Jim Kertueen. II. No. I, OLD KENTUCKY MFG. CO.. Inc., Padutah, Ky. Signs Pointed That Way. , Visitor What makes you think Wil liam will grow up to be n great doc tor? Fond Mother While playing doctor with his little playmates, ho snld: "Gentlemen, before wo begin to oper ate you hold the patient's hands and feet, I'll get the three cents out of his right hand pocket." IFfRINR Resls Refreshes, Soothe, lttllw Heals Keep your Eyea Strong and Healthy. If tney i ire, smart, Itch, or 7K'C Burn, if Sore. Irritated. lUUn CaBL Tnftamft nrf?paniiafA,t use Murine often. Safe for Infant or Adult. At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book. HirtM Eye leaeiy Ceaaaov, Chicago, U.S.A. MILLIONS Suffer from Acid-Stomach Millions ot people auffer year nfler year from allinenta artectlntr practically every part of the body, never drenmlnit that their 111 health can be traced directly to acld tomach. Here la the reaaom poor dUteatlon means poor nodrlahment of the different organ and tlaiuea of the body. The blood la Impoverished becomes weak, thin, slug-Blah. Ailments of many kind sprlnit from such conditions. Dlllouineir, rheumatism, lum bago, sciatica, general weakness, loss of powor and energy, headuche, Insomnia, nervousness, mental depression even more serious ailments such as catarrh and cancer of the stomach. Intestinal ulcers, cirrhosis of the ltver, heart trouble all of thesn cau often be traced directly to acid-stomach. Keep a sharp lookout far the first symp toms ot acid-stomach Indigestion, heart burn, belching, food repeating, that awful painful bloat after eating, and sour, gassy stomach. EATON1C, tho wonderful modern remedy for acid-stomach. Is guaranteed to brlnir quick relief from these stomach mis eries. Thousands say they never dreamed that anything could bring such speedy relief and make them feel an much better In every way. Try KATONIO and you, too, will be Just as enthuslsstlo In Its praise, Mako your life worth living no aches or pains no blues or melancholy no mare of that tired, listless feeling. He well and strong, Oet back your physical and mental punchj your vim, vigor and vitality. You wilt always be weak and ailing aa long aa you havo acid-stomach. Bo get rid of It now. Take BATONIC Tablets they taste good you eat them like a bit ot candy. Tour druggist has BATONIC CO cents for a big box. (let a box from him today and If you are not satisfied ha will refund your money. The Chicago House n. N. K0EN1QSBERQER, Mgr. and Prop. Elegant Cafe in Connection 4lh and Jones Sts. Sioux City, Iowa SeDryCIeaning Dyoin?, Pressing and Repairing. Special attention given mall otdert. Parcel pott paid one way. Have a good p oposltlon to offer anyone Interested In handling an agency for us. Let us hear from you. W00LFS0N & CO., 612 Men St, SIOUX CITY, U. Everything for tii Spertamaa and Altdel Aik for Catmlotwm &ft&7&.12 3)5417 tt STREET, SIOUX CITY, IOWA XMitWnMtFtf KODAKS E ATONIC C TOR YOUrfAClP-BTOMACK) Films and Photo Supplies FlfrieaiBf for Amateurs Enlanla Prices en application ZIMMERMAN BROS, EASTMAN KODAK CO. M Piste Sl, Stats Chy, Iowa West Hotel 3d iRd Neknska Sts.. Sim City, It, Stockman, Fanner and Shopper We cater, too .Near all Depots. Frank J. Dwelt, Prep. frucjractors--Atiaclimwits Independent Trucks. 1 ton 41.880: lKton$l,890 9 ton $2,290. All standard parts. Phantx Truc't Makers for any car. Pulllord Tractor Attachments IBB. Send poca.nl for lull Information. FORRY TRUCK TRACTOR CO. 311.13 PaariSt. , Sioux City, ! mAjplmfl Oregon Farms Improved, (50 to tlto per a. (lood climate, school, roads. Bend stamps for list. Geo. Melvln Miller, Kugtne, Ore. W. N. U., SIOUX CITY, NO. 39-1919. Y. bbbbbbL 'IbbV F'NBBBBaaBaaKaVflBBB Bl ' SIpsK CIGARETTE jmm ' t " Kt 4 ' r 'I' r VITHEN you see this famous trade-mark, think a minute! Think of the delicious taste oi a slice of fresh toasted bread! That '8 the real idea back of the success of Lucky Strike cigarettes. Toasting improves tobacco just as well as bread. And that's a lot. Try a Lucky Strike cigarette It's toasted fbf) OonrontceJ jy ThisJtK HrV&aAj &?L toZ&r' If J MmtW asfeT laW TlStt n't laK ValttLllWW I 3'. Wl 1 , .