t.au -,, . JS Jfc. -.-, V- ,'n 4 .Ji. - ,,.--. x-" ;o' DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD, i i DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. i.-Y X maSjHMSSSSMSHIH Choice bits of veal, creamery butter and fresh eggs combine with other tempting ingredients to give Libby's Veal Loaf its delicate, appetizing flavor. Order a package from your grocer today. Libby, M9Neill & Libby, Chicago How superior an old codger with eight hairs on his head looks at n bald-headed man. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for lufants and children, and see that It Tlonro flirt S,ature lu&&ffi$&i In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria You Know Who He Meant. Hacholor (chlrplly) "Well, old man, how's everything?" Benedict (gloom ily) "Oh, she's nil right." "BAYER CROSS" ON , GENUINE ASPIRIN "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" to be genuine must be marked with the safety "Bayer Cross." Always buy nn unbroken Bayer package which con tarns proper directions to safely re lieve Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Colds and pain. Handy tin bores of 12 tablets cost but a few cents at drug stores larger packages also. Aspirin Is Uie trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlc ticldester of Sallcyllcacld. Adv. Birds Have Right of Way. Fiuvl have the right of way in air, warns the director of military aero nautics. This Is jubtlce Indeed, since biro's flew first. But this Is not nil. Recently many towis along the Atlantic coast have biu visited with dend bird showers. Aviators Hying by a town would see a thick of wild fowl coming their way. They would set their machine guus and let the bullets fly. 1'rescntly n prominent citizen walk In; below would be hit with a large bloody bird. He complained to the town, and the town complained to the department of ngrlculture. Then the federal migratory bird Inw between the United Stntes and Great Britain was referred to, and it was found that shooting birds from airplanes is un lawful. Golf Bugs. Ills father had taken him out to tho golf course. That evening he seemed to be ill-nt-ease. "Willie," said his mother, "what is the matter with you? I wish you'd stop scratching yourself." "I don't know what's the matter, but I guess I must linve got some of those golf bugs on me," was WIlllo's reply. Keep Electric Fan Busy. An electric fan properly placed In an open doorway or window will quickly chase away tho flics and mosquitoes and doubtless scatter the mischief uiaklng microbe. Prldo has hut two seasons n for ward spring and an early fall. -) i:c.7rjtt?;; i Safer, tan Rape is a notorious, knocker 'of ill-health! Try It. It contains the vital mineral elements and all the nutriment of wheat and barley. These Irritating Husbands. "You must buy me some new clothes. Other women can't tell me from my cook." "Now, why do you say that, my dear? Has any lady tried to hire you away?" Louisville Courier-Journal. 'AS YQUNGAS YOUR KIDNEYS Tho secret of youth ia ELIMINA TION OF POISONS from your body. This done, you can lire to be a hundred mid enjoy tho good things of life with as much "pep" as you did when in tho springtime of youth. Keep your body in pood condition, that's tho secret. Watch tho kidneys. They filter and purify tho blood, all of which blood passes through them onco every three minutes. Keep thorn clean and in proper working condition and you have nothing to fear. Drivo tho poisonous wastes and deadly uric acid accumula tions from your system. Take JOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules and you will always be in good condition. You will feci strong and vigorous, with steady nerves and elastic muscles. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules arc imported direct from the labora tories at Haarlem. Holland. They aro a reliable remedy which has been used by tho sturdy Dutch for over 200 years, and has helped them to develop into ono of tho strongest and hcarthlcBt races of the world. Get them from your druggist. Do not take a substitute. In sealed packages three sizes. Adv. No Way to Beat the Game. There Is no way to dodge tho high cost of living. Once we thought there wn. It was a fine plnn and we determined to try it out. Meat wns too expensive. So we would quit entlng ment. Therefore we ordered cnbbnge and asparagus and spinach nud beets. Im mediately the price of vegetables went up. We found you couldn't fool the food man. He has a sure system. Tho price is high on whatever you want to buy. You can switch from one dish to another as often as you choose, but tho little old price tag will beat you to It. Went Too Far. "The aged caretaker of a certain castle In England was prostrated the other day." "How did that happen?" "A facetious visitor, just for a Joke, asked to bo shown a room once occu pied by the kaiser." Birmingham Age Ilernld. Newfoundland's Memorial Day. Newfoundland celebrated July 1 tills yenr, but not ns Canada does. It was observed throughout the lslnnd as Me morial day, in honor of those who laid down their lives during the war. Next year It Is proposed to hold tho com memoration earlier In the season. Lots Better. Smiley I hope you won't mind If I bring n couple of friends home to din ner tonight, my dear? Mrs. Smiley Oh, nn; that Is better than being brought home by a couple of friends after dinner. Steam mny be a good servant but It occasionally blows up Its muster. Busy men nearly always are happy men. t i tmmt. ttomdown ROOFS GIVEN MORE THOUGHT Proper KJare Bestowed on Them Hat Been Found to Pay In More Ways Than One. In course of the clenn-up nnd paint dp movement, wlilr-h produced good re suits in mnny towns and cities, repairs of all sorts were brought about. The householder who looked over his prop erty in the spring, with a view of merely removing rubbish from back yards nnd alleys, found tlmt there wns much to be done, nnd as a result of recent experiences in war economies has been inclined to study methods of saving. One of the interesting features of the "paint-up" activities has been un usual enre in choosing colors. Since tho ending of the war n wide scale of colors is again offered, and more atten tion than at any previous time has been paid to general effect, according to reports received by the own-your-own-home section, Information and ed ucation service, United Stntes depart ment of labor. Roofs have been recog nized as important in the color schemes, artistic results being ob tained by the use of paint In harmonlz lng or contrasting hues. As a matter of conservation In the clenn-up and pnlnt-up campaigns the repair of roofs has been studied and various methods have been employed to prevent the expense nnd lnbor of replacing wooden shingles. Prepara tions of asphalt are now commonly employed, for they have the advan tage of recommending themselves to fire Insurance companies nnd they are inexpensive. In several cities the slo gan, "Save tho old wooden shingles" has been Incorporated with the regu lar paint-up and clean-up watchwords. MADE ATTRACTIVE BY VINES Row Rapid-Growing Plants Will Hide Bare Appearance of Garden Flower Box. A flower box with the side covered by vines presents nn attractive appear ance. Sucli n box is cuslly made by boring large holes in the side of the box and planting vines in the dirt in side of these holes, taking care to leave tho foliage nil on the outside whllo Betting tho roots deep Into tho soil. If planted with VInca or Wander ing Jew vines, which grow very rapid ly, the box will be entirely hidden In a very short time. Popular Mechanics Magazine. Pride of the Home Owner. "That little place yonder, In the blossoms, where trees wave welcome that's my home." It Is the true home maker the real home lover who says that, coming from the day's tasks, with all the prlda of home ownership. And that Is the pride that's felt by the thousand owners of the homes ol city streets, or the little home places that help brighten city borders where a greener world begins, remarks the Atlanta Constitution. It's the pride of proprietorship life's happiness summed up In a hrlei sentence: "That's, my home!" Business enterprise builds cities, but It builds them around homes. "A city of homes" is the phruse thai awakens Interest everywhere. Ano the age of ownership Is coming to lie the wonder of the time, with youti' looking providently to the future planning for II, working for It, with nil youth's hope and strength I Tho humblest shelter mny hold hap piness enough If the one who walk? the way that leads to It can say, In tho heart's pride: "That's my home!" American Shoes In China. American shoes are In high favor i among all classes of Chinese. The av erage native, however, Is unable to secure them because of the high prices, and Is obliged to content himself with cloth footgear, or with very poor Imi tations of the American style of shoes, feather shoes are only for the wealthy, Practically all of the high grade leather Imported Into China for use In shoes comes from the United States, wlille the lasts are made In Japan nnd are copies of staplo Amerl , can styles. A Question. VAfter all, there Is no place llko Pecweeeiiddyliuiiip I" appreciatively said the, landlord of the tavern, who was distended with local pride. "Probably not," replied a disgruntled guest. "Nut why don't our people go to work to Improve It have cleau streets, a decent lighting system, and acquire other luxuries and necessities until It resmhles n modern and pro gressive town?" Knnsus City Star. Jap Merchants In Philippines. Of the nppioxtnmtoly 10,000 Japan ese In the Philippines, 2,000 are said to he mei chants. Some birds will take the wrong side of nn argument as quick as tho other, Just to he arguing. Fair Question. "I see a llolsteln bull Just brought $100,000." 'B the pound?" C0ULDN0T SLEEP Mr. Schleusner In Misery From Kidney Complaint. Doan's Gave Complete Relief. "Heavy work brought on my kidney complaint," says Win. Sclilcu-mcr, t( suburban Ave., Wollston, Mo. "Ono morning when shoeing n horse 1 wna taken with a sudden pain in my back and fell flat on the floor. If I had been hit with a trip ham mer, I couldn't have suf fered more. I stayed in the house for fie weeks nnd the pnin va wearing the life out of me. At times, I couldn't get n wink of sleep because of the misery and 1 had to set up oven' few moments m. rXi to pass the secretions that nr. sclutointr ,vnl(, i,,.,!,!., r,,inrivi nf foul odor, filled with sandy sediment and terribly scalding. My bladder felt as though it vcre afire. The pain brought stupor and a reeling sensation in my head; the torture ot it cannot be described. If I got onto niv feet I couldn't walk but felt dizzy arid all in a, flutter and everything would turn black. My head oched so it seemed as though my eyes were being dragged out. I started using Doan's Kidney Pills and I was soon rid of all tho trouble." Subswibcd and stcorn to before me. C. II. COaOESTIALL, Notary Public. Get Doan's at Any Store, 60c a Box DOAN'S "pTAV FOSTER-MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. V. YOUR OWN OIL LEASES Wo arrange and furnish combinations of either wild cat or medium price leases. Texas Production 225,000 Barrels Daily A few hundred dollars placed Intelligent ly will win tig. JVob It Iht ttmt to huvhoiei. J. F. MARION COMPANY Lease and Royalties 304 Burkburnett Bldg. Fort Worth, Texas Exit Dlshtowels. No more btlcky plntes and no more dishes dried on dlshtowels. These nre two of the things for which the Y. W. O. A. training schools for home assistants Is standing. The school wns started In answer to the demand for home assistants on the new domestic service plan which have come Into tho central branch employ ment bureau. Within the last six months COO calls for home assistants have come In, and 170 have been suc cessfully filled. "There should never bo a sticky plate after the home assistant has fin ished the course," Miss Grace II. White, placement secretary, says. "The girls are taught how to make their own soda preparation for cleansing the Ice box, the kitchen closets, etc., and how to clean n sink and n kitchen range so tlmt It shines. "Dishes nre never dried with n dish towel, but always scalded and nllowed to dry without a streak." Baffling Simplicity. "A writer of detective stories says the criminal who commits crimes In the commonest way Is the hardest to catch." "Maybe he's right." "Yes J" "A tap on the head with n club offers few opportunities for expert analysis and deduction." Dlriiilngham Age Herald. , As a substitute for horsehair In up holstery the waste from cleaning Hit llama sisal fiber Is being used. A milkman doesn't cry over split milk If there Is u pump handy. Ml 25 Cents will buy a big package of POSTUM weighing over a pound, net. What are you paying for coffee? BELCHING Caused by Acid-Stomadi Let EATONIC, the wonderful modern stomach remedy, Rlvo jou quick relief (rum dlitsustlmr belching, food-repestln;, Indigestion, bloated, irassy stomach, dyspep Bin, heartburn and other stomach miseries. They are all camed by Aclil-Hloniacli from which about nine people out ot ten suffer in one wnv or anotner one writes a fol lows. "Before 1 used KATONIC, 1 could not eat a hlte without belchtnic It right up. sour and bitter. I have not had a bit ot trouble since the nrat tablet." Millions are victims ot Acid-Stomach without knowing It. They are weak and alllnic, have poor dlrestlon, bodies Improp erly nourished although they may eat heart ily. Grave disorders are likely to follow It an acld-etomach Is neglected Cirrhosis ot the liver. Intestinal congestion, gastritis, catarrh of the stomach these are only a few ot the many ailments often caused by Acld-Stomnch. A sufferer from Catarrh of the Stomach of 11 years' standing writes: "I had catarrh of the stomach for 11 long years and 1 never found anything to do me any good Just temporary rellof until I used EATONIC. It Is a wonderful remedy and I do not want to be without It." If you are not feeling quite right lack energy nnd enthusiasm and don't know Just where to locate the trouble try HATONIC nnd see how much better you will feel In overy way. At all drug stores a big box tor SOo and your money back It you are not satisfied. ATONIC Qroinfoim acId-stomacH) Sioux City directory "Hub of"the "Northwest." TniGks Tractors Attachments Independent Trucks, 1 ton $1,550; M ton $1,890; a ton $2,290. All standard parts, I'henlx Truck Makers lor any car. Pulllord Tractor Attachments $159. Send postcard (or lull information. FORRY TRUCK & TRACTOR CO. 311-13 Pearl St. Sioux aty. Iowa HUMPHREY The Dry Cleaner Dyer Expert Cleaning, Dyeing nnd Repairing. Hats Cleaned, J 521 PIERCE ST.. SIOUX CITY, IOWA ziWTA Everything for tha Sportsman and Athlete urM,wr&ii xsivmrMrxi L spnHTiw&OOQDSS A$k for Catalogue 6&llb! 315-317 4t STREET, SIOUX CITY, IOWA MARRIED IN BATHING SUITS Ceremony Certainly Saved Bride and Groom Considerable Expense In Wedding Finery. The funniest wedding I ever saw was when camping last summer, writes n correspondent of the Chicago Trib une. A girl friend and her father were (hero and she mot n young man whom she grew fond of In a short time. One night he asked her father for her hand, but father objected he cause of the short acquaintance. Tho next morning tho couple met" and planned to elope, but somehow father "got wise," so this was spoiled. When swimming that afternoon they mot again anil the girl happened to men tion that her father hud gone to the vilhigo and would not return until eve nlng. The boy said: "This Is our time." A minister was on tho shore and they went to him and asked to be married at once. The ceremony was performed on the beach, tho couple nttlred In their bnthjng suits. Japan to Start Colony In Peru. A Jnpanese syndicate has bought 800,000 acres of land near Iluanuco, Peru, on the Amazon watershed, ac cording to a report. Three hundred thousand more acres are In negotiation. The land Is suitable for raising sugar, cotton, coffee, cocoa and similar pro ducts. Fitting One. "What kind of a pet has your col lege tutor?" "Naturally, he has u coach dog." Travel Is fatal to prejudice. gffcp Sioux City Directory "Hub of tho Northwest" Films and Photo Supplies FinUhhtr for Amatnra EnkrtiBi Wees on application ZIMMERMAN BROS.. EASTMAN KODAK CO. 603 Pierr St Sioux City. Iowa HOTEL JACKSON SIOUX CI IT, IOWA Corner 5th and Jackson St. 126 modern rooms, popular pries caf and private dining room in connectms. New Msnacement Nsw Sanrks) The Chicago House R. N. KOEN1QSBERQER. Mr. and Prop. Elegant Cafe in Connection 4th and Jones Sis. Slaax City, fowa High Grade Dry Cleaning Dyoinc Pressing and Repairing; Special attention siren mail orders. Parcel post paid ono way. Have a cood proposition ( offer anyone. Interested In handling an agency lor to. Let us. hear (roni you. WOOirSON & CO.. 612 Plert St, SlOOt CUT. U- West Hotel 3d and Nebraska Sts., Sioux City, la. Stockman, Farmer and Shopper Wo cator, too Near all Depots. Frank J.D8Bok9e,Pr9f. I W. N. U., SIOUX CITY, NO. 35-191. It Has Happened Before. As Ills relatives and friends arts aware, George Wharton Pepper la uonsmokcr. Not long ago Mr. Pepper was abont to entertain some distinguished guests whom liLdellghted to honor. Ills first move In the direction ot their entertainment was to procure and send to the house some particu larly choice Havana cigars, which "set him back" to the tune of 50 cents each. But It seems the cigars arrived beforo It was made known at home that tho guests were expected. That evening Mrs. Pepper said to her husband: "Somo cigars came for you todayevidently a gift from somo one. Knowing you didn't smoke, I gave them to' men who wero working In tho house." Philadelphia Ledger. Couldn't See It, Fortune Teller (reading cards) "Ye havo money coming to you, but.noslck' nrrs whatever." Client "That's slnga lur L Pin the now doctor across Iks way." lloston Transcript. True. "Pa, what Is the most difficult kla4 of hunting there is?" "House-liuntlng, my boy." One of tho ever present difficulties of a married man Is to account for his absence from home. We don't euro how wlso a man Is his wife can prove In five minutes that he's a six cylinder Idiot. Money Is ogllcd the circulating me dium because It Is difficult to circulate without H. KODAKS l ite A'?3HJJ!.syw-'ii. ?.' : y " ."