Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, August 07, 1919, Image 8

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Great Waterways of United States
Seem to Visiting Europeans
to Be Neg'reeted.
A Chinaman who travels In the
United States Is certain to remnrk;
"What Erand rivers, but how lonely I"
By utilizing their rivers 400,000,000
Chinese linvc lnnnngcd to get along
without railroads, a feat Incompre
hensible In occidental countries. A
visitor from continental Europe would
say: "Your rivers of the Mississippi
valley are unequaled ns a sift of na
ture. But where is the commerce?
Where the permanently deepened
channels, united with correspondlncly
deep canals for heavy freight, like
those connecting the Ithlne, Danube,
lthone, Loire and others?" Our only
answer could he that we have as yet
fccarcely made n beginning with our
splendid Htrenms in the most pro
ductive valley on earth, says the St.
Louis Globo-Democrat. Yet with re
markable energy, promptness and
success we constructed the great canal
between the Pacific and Atlantic
oceans, paying the entire cost our
selves and opening It on equal terms
to all nations. One rcuson for the
backwardness with our majestic rivers
nnd tlicir many navigable tributaries
is 'hat wo have never taken up the
Mibject with duo seriousness nnd de
cisive purpose. Wc have been dis
mayed when told that the problem in
volved hundreds of millions In money.
But since 10M, Including the next
fiscal year, congress has appropriated
$47,000,003,000. 'Ilio word "Impos
sible" should not be reserved for use
against a profitable Investment like
Improved waterways.
Necessity knows no law. A vast
emergency presented Itself that de
manded the expenditure of the $47,
000,000,000 In five years. Ono of the
first problems In the national emer
gency was transportation, lite rail
roads, of course, were pushed so hard
that the government felt compelled to J
take them in hand. Adequate water
ways would 'have been of enormous
advantage, but tho big rivers heard, lit
tle sound eavo their own daBhlng.
"Wo can't nfford to Improve the
rivers," was tho old view. The ob
vious truth Is that we can't nfford not
to improve them.
Only Memory of
Troubles is Left
"Tanlac has clone me so much good
that I am feeling more like myself
than for a long, long time," said Mir.
Andrew Hatlem, of .'1485 22 avenue,
South, Minneapolis, Minn., to a Tan
lac representative, the other day.
"My trouble was a generally run
down condition," continued Mrs. Hat
lem, "and I had been suirerlntf for -
good ninny years. I had a very poor
appetite and I never felt like eating
any more than just enough to keep
me alive and it just looked like the
little I did eat soured and formed
gas and this gns pressed so against
my heart that I sometimes had diffi
culty in breathing, I was troubled
with terrible headaches, too, and nt
north nnd south between the north
cast quarter of section 10 and the
northwest quarter of section 20, nil
in said township 28, range 9, cast, all
in Dakota County, Nebraska.
The county surveyor reports as fol
lows: "I nave carefully examined
the proposed road as above described,
and the roads in tho vicinity of tho
proposed rond, and have made a care
ful inquiry concerning the proposed
matter In tho petition, nnd I report
5th day of November, 1917, F. A.
Wood purchased from tho Treasurer
of Dakota county, Nebraska, nt a pub
lic tax sale of Lands and Lots for
taxes the following described real
estate, to-wit:
Lot Four (4), in Block One hund
red Seventy-one (171), of the Village
of Dakota City, Dakota County, Ne
braska, for the taxes for the years
iyi5-lU10, interest and costs; said
real estnto was assessed for the years
In favor of establishing the above de-191f, 1917, and 1918, in the name of
scribed road, it being practicable and B. Bates. Said property though reg-
for the public good, and should be
established at once and I further re
port that road cast of the C B. & Q.
Railroad on the north line of section
30, in township 28, range 9, and at
least V4 of a mile of the road on the
east line of snld section commencing
nt the northeast corner of said sec
tion should he vacated, and proper
protection put up in both of these
vacated roads, so that the traveling
public would be warned against the
Missouri River." All objections
thereto ot claims for damages must
he filed in the County Clerk's office
on or before noon of the 22nd day of
September, 1919, or such road will be
established as above set forth: also
ularly assessed for the year 19lG was
not assessed In the name ol any per
son. After the expiration of three
months from the date of service of
this notice I will apply to the
Treasurer of said County for a deed
to said Lot.
Dated this 23rd day of July, 1919.
Owner of Certificate of Tax Sale.
First Pub. July 17, 1919 4w.
Estate of Lawrence Crosby, who
was also known as L. Crosby, Law
erns Crosby and Lawrance Crosble,
rinronQprl In fhn Pnnnfv f!mirf nf Thi.
11A1 A I '"-'''-1 "- ..,, ww-- w
wie rouu recummuuucu 10 ue vacuiuu j0ta (jounty, Nebraska.
will be closed and vacated.
(Seal.) County Clerk.
1st Pub. Aug. 7, 1919 4w.
To Zelma Stella Hnnscn, Defendant:
You aro hereby notified that Ed
win C. Hansen, Plaintiff, filed his pe-
times they were so bad that It just'tition on the 18th day of April, 1919,
felt like my head would split and I , tVj Nebrnskn, the object and prayer
rind nehes nnd pains all over my body of which is to obtain a decree of di
vorce of the marital relation hereto-
nnd was so weak nnd insomuch mis- iv, nvUHntr hnt.wimn t.lm PlnintifT the southeast auarter of the north-
ery sometimes that I just dragged. nnd the Defendant and to obtain awest quarter (SENW4) and the
' decree of divorce on the grounds of north half (N1) of the northwest
around the house nt my work. I also desertion, and also for general equi-lqunrter (NW14), Section six (6),
suffered a trreat deal from constipn- table relief. You are required to township twenty-eight (28), range
suucreu a j,reat cieni irom consupn gald t,t,on on or Defore the ' seven (7), and there was deeded to
tion and dizzy spells nnd felt so tired fifteenth day of September, A. D. the heirs of the said LAWERNS Cros-
nnd restless nf night that I would ,1919- -. n uamo1?vt DI - ilir
iLnim j. nniiuun, x luiiiiiiiii
The State of Nebraska, To all per
sons interested in said estate, credit
ors and heirs take notice, that Thom
as F. Crosby has filed his petition al
leging that Lawrence Crosby, who was
also known as L. Crosby, Lawerns
Crosby and Lawrance Crosble, died
intestate in Dakota County, 'Nebras
ka, on or about April th, 1900, be
ing a resident and inhabitant of Da
kota County, Nebraska, and the own
er of the following described real
state, to-wit: The north half (N)
of the northeast quarter (NE) and
Record Said to Have Saved Many
Thousands of Dollars: for Bin
Telegraph Company.
Ono of tho big telegraph companies
po long ago completed a chart that
Hhows nil tho wires used in the land
servtoe of the company. There are
about 1,000,000 miles of wires la all.
Each wire Is represented by a lino on
the chart, and it number, with figures to
Indicate the material and tho gauge.
Tho chart also shows the route- of
evtfry cut-In, whether It Is for opera
tion or for testing. Besides that, the
map allows tho cross connections be
tween the various wires In each office,
and even tho office assignments of the
various circuits.
The chart cover 70 sheets, each
three' feet by five. If mounted edge
to edgo It would form ono map 27
4ieet High and 05 feet long. In order
to handlo tho record conveniently, tho
sheets are mounted In steel framo pan
t'W1 that swing llko tho leaves of a
gigantic booUj It Is said that -this
chart Is tho first .single comprehensive
record of tho material, the size, the
position and tho purpose of every wlro
operated by the Western Union Tele
graph company. Having such a record
hag already uaved thousands of dol
lars that might have been spent In
construction work had not the chart
shown an alternative scheme that waa
1 'is.
The Parlor Bolshevik.
A parlor bolshevik at a tea In Green
wich village shrilled:
"Our army ot occupation Is tyran
nical and unjust. All the other po
litical parties are permitted to hold
meetings and canvass foty vofen, but
tho SpartnclstH nro rigorously forbid
' den to push their causo In nny wuy."
"Quite right, too," suld Novelist
Theodora Dreiser.
"Why?" shrieked the parlor bolshe
vik. "Why is It right to squelch the
Spurtnclst movement In this maimer?"
''Bccuuse," sold Novelist Dreiser,
"tho Spartaclsts are puttlftr too much
ruction lu reconstruction.'
To Boost U. 8. Food Products.
'Tho first agricultural trade 'coramls
sloner to work In foreign lands for the
Interest of American food producers
has been named by tho United 'States
department of agriculture. Up s Ed
ward A. Foley of San Francisco, Cal.,
who has been appointed to represent
tho department's bureau of markets In
tho United Kingdom. Mr. Foley will
investigate condition in the United
Kingdom nnd study the marketing and
distribution of farm products with a
View to Uio development and improve
ment of foreign trade in American ag
ricultural products.
Economy In Iodine.
Instead of throwing away tho nun
dreds'bf. gauze and cotton "mops" used
In the surgical ward of it groat army
hospital, they nro now treated in an
wpparatus, shown in Popular Mechan
ics Magatlnci 1" oriler to recover the
Iodine In them. Alcohol evaporates
and - condenses in tho cooled upper
tube, then falls back through the wops.
carrying tho Iodine down with It la tlie
simply lie awake for hours at a time
not able to sleep a wink nnd my
nerves were in a bnd condition, too.
I took a lot of medicine and treat
ments for my trouble, but nothing I
did or took seemed to help me one
bit until I began taking Tanlac.
"I had road about Tanlac nnd how
it wns helping others, so I decided
to try it myself nnd I nm certainly
glad I did, because it began to help
me almost from the beginning. My
appetite got better nnd I commenced
to pick up strength nnd my whole
system seemed to be benefitted nnd
I kept on improving right nlong un
til now I have a fino appetite and can
First Pub. July 24, 1919 3w.
To Olivia K. Ruth and tho Sioux
City and Western Railway Company,
In whose name title appears of
record in tho office of the County
Clerk of Dakota County, Nebraska, to
the Lot hereinafter described;
You are hereby notified that on the
5th day of November, 1917, F. A.
Wood purchased from the Treasurer
of Dakota county, Nebraska, at a pub
lic tax sale of Lands and Lots for
taxes the following described real
estate, to-wit!
LoC Eleven (11), Block One hund
red and Thirty-five (135), of the .Vil
lage of Dakota City, Dakota County,
Nebraska, for tho taxes for the years
,19,15 and 1916, interest and costs; said
real estate wus assessed for the years
1915, 1U1Y, ana iuim, in the name or
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Rail
way Company. Said property though 7i, n.o r r".i,.,
eat just anything I want and I never ( regularly assessed for the year 1916 by uee Crosby Annie C
. .!,. ... .......!. ...i.u .. was not assessed In the name of any fl ,, o,i 'w rv.
nnvo u iiiruciu ui iruuuiu whii Kua
by, who is the same person as Law
rence Crosby, the southwest quarter
(SW4) of the southeast quarter
(SE), Section thirty-six (36),
township twenty-nine (29), range six
(6), by the Stnte of Nebraska, the
same being school land; also the
east half (E1) of the southeast
?uarter (SE), Section thirty-six
36), township twenty-nine (29),
range six (6), southwest quarter
(SWiX) Section thirty-one (31),
township twenty-nine (29), range
seven (7), all in Dakota County, Ne
braska, leaving as his sole ana only
heirs at law the following named
persons, to-wit: Mary Crosby, his
widow; T. F. Crosby, who was also
known as Thomas F. Crosby; John
Crosby, Mary Crosby, Kate Crosby,
Nellie Crosby, Annie Crosby, Maggie
Crosby and Nora Crosby; Thnt since
tho death of said Lawrence Crosby,
his widow, Mary Crosby, died intes
tate on August 30, 1903, leaving as her
solo and only heirs: T. F. Crosby, who
was also known as Thomas F.Crosby;
Kate Cros-
Crosbv. Mncr.
nny gie Crosby and Nora Crosby; That
since the death of said Lawrence (Jros-
E. F. Rasmussen
Poncai Neb.
Write or phone me early for
dates, as 1 will sell nearly ev
ery day this season. I am sell
ing for the best farmers and
stockmen in Northeast Nebras
ka. I have some good farms
and ranches for sale.
Yours for Business.
U. r. riuanes
..... -.. i . .. .. t . ii
any more. All I have ot those mis- Alter ine expiration oi mrec by nnd Mary Crosbv. their son John
erable headaches is just the memory Siis not ce I will app ly toS the I Crosbv died intestate on the 10th
. . , , ,, , v ' n noilce Y" "PP'y lo ,in day of September, 1911, a sngle man,
of them and those dizzy spells hne Treasurer of said County for a deed leaving as his only heirs, T. F. Crosby,
left mo entirely and I enn sleen ustl n-Vr.iTuL on.i .i.. i..i.. ,n,n .wno was also known ns Thomas '.
, 1.UICU una miu uny ui uuiy, iviv
lllro n lift., child thn uhnln nltrht I
through and nm feeling so good ev
ery wny now thnt I can do all my
own housework and never feel any
more tired thnn n person naturally
would under the same circumstances.
Tanlac certainly has helped mo n lot
and I am glad to recommend it to
others for thatTreason."
Tanlac is sold in Dakota City by
Noiswanger Pharmacy, In South
Sioux City by Shane's Pharmacy, and
in Homer by Wagner Pharmacy.
First Pub, July 17, 1919 4w.
In th5 District Court of Dakota
County, Nebraska.
Elsie M. Johnson, Plaint))!,
Chnrle C. Johnson, iioji-njsldont, Po-
You are hereby notified that on the
11th day of June, 1919, Elsie M, John
son filed a petition against you in tho
District Court of Dakotu'County, No--braska,
tho object nnd prayer of
which aro to obtain a divorce from
you on tho grounds that you have
wholly and willfully abandoned plain
tilt and refused to contribute in
whole or In pnrt to her support, with
out good cnuso, for more than two1
yenrs last past, though ablo nnd com
petent to do so. nnd thnt further.
disregarding your marital duties and
obligations toward the plaintiff, you
hnve been guilty of the crime of
The plnintui thcrcroro prays a al-
Owner of Certificate of Tnx Snle.
First Pub. July 31, 1019 3w.
To Orin J. Elliott, Amzi A. Adams
nnd R. B. Hnllnm,
In whoso nnme title appears of
record in the office of the County
Clerk of Dakota County, Nebraska, to
the lots hereinafter described;
You are hereby notified that on tho
6th doy"of November, 1916, Fred
Wood purchased from tho Treasurer
of Dakota county, Nebraska, at a pub
lic tax sale of Lands and Lots for
taxes tho following described real
estate, to-wit:
Lots Ono (1), and Two (2), Block
Eight (8), Martin's Addition to the
City of South Sioux City, Dakota
County, Nebraska, for the taxes for
the year 1915, interest nnd costs;
said real estate was assessed for the
years 1915 and 1916, in the name of
Amzi A. Adams, and for the years
1917 arid 1918, in the name of K. B.
After the expiration of three
months from the date of service of
this no.ipp I will apply to the
Treasurer of sajd County for a deed
to said Lots,
? Dated this 23rd day of July, 1919.
PwfW f Certifisntp of Tax Sale.
Crosby, Mary Crosby, Kate Crosby,
Nellie Crosby, Annio Crosby, Maggie
Crosby and Mora Crosby; all of the
abovo mentioned heirs are over the
age of 21 years; and praying for a
decree barring claims; that said de
cedent died intestate; that no appli
cation for administration has been
made and tho estate of said decedent
has not been administered ill the
State of Nebraska, and that the heirs
at law of said decedent as herein set
forth shall be decreed to be the
owners in fee simple of the above de
scribed real estate, which has been
set for hearing on the 16th day of
August, A. D. 1919, at 10 o'clock A.M.
Dated at Dakota City, Nebraska,
this 14th day of July, A. D. 1919.
(Seal) County Judge.
Geo. W. Learner, Attorney.
Plrt Pub, July 84, WP-w,
To Augustus Kountze. Kelly W.
Frnzcr nnd tho Sioux City nnd West
ern Rnilwny Company,
In whoso nnmo title appears of
record in tho olfico of the County
Clerk of Dakota County, Nebraska, to
the lots hereinafter described;
You aro hereby notified that on tho
5th day of November, 1917, F. A.
Wood purchased from tho Treasurer
vorco from you upon snld grounds, f Dakota county, Nebraska, at a nub-
the restoration of her maiden He tnx sale of Lands nnd Lots for
described real
lou are wicroioru requircu 10 nns- nnt
wer said pcUtiim on or beforo Mon- 0f
day, tho 26th iJoy of August, 1919. i,rr
ELSIE M. JOIINSQN, Plaintiff. l'Jl
and for
nnme, Elsie May Craven, nnd for such tnxes tho following
oilier win luruiur runui iia jusucu estnto, to-wif.
and equity require. Lot Ten (10), Block One hundred
juu r wiciuiuiu ii-iiiuiuu iw mm- nnu thirty-live (laoi, ot the Vlllnirc
I uaxotn city, Dakota county, No
raska, for tho taxes for tho years
!)1fi nnil lfllfi Inlnrnflt nnrl pnclu
By Win. P. Warner, Her Mprney. sniu- renj cstnto wns ngseascd for tll
rr"77; iii tnm i " yenrs 1915, 1917, and 1918, in the
First Pub. July 17, 1919 -4w, ome f Ch,cnR0( Burlington, &
KOAD NO'iifl',, Wwfwy Railway Company. Said
Dakota City, Nob., July 14, 1IW, ropr.y thouwh regularly assessed
TO WHOM IT MAY-CONCERN: for th W JPJ6 ;yas not assessed in
The County Surveyor of Dakota the name of nny person,
County', Nobroskn, appointed to view After the expiration of three
nnd to ronort unon thu exnmllnncv months from tho dnto of service of
of tho proposed road, alteration or this notice I will npply to the
vacation, ucscniicii as ioiiows; '""" " ai wuumy iur u ueeu
A county rond commencing nt tho to 8n Iots.
southwest eorwr of tho southenst "nted this 23rd day of July, 1919.
quarter of AMtton 30, township 28, F. A. WOOD,
runge 9, east, Utfnefi north on tho Owner of Certlllcnto of Tax Sale.
half section line to vAtfffi it strikes
of tho F,rst 1u,)' July 24 191i 3w.
'Fa B. Bates. Bates & Collier
mile or more, thence northeasterly Hnrnulu )afcs.
ulontf tiu east, bkio oi huiu right oi in whose muuo f.lfe appears
and Intersects tha ciut
richt oi wny ot the Chicago, liumtur-
inn nnil Ouinrv Unllrniul. nluint n hnlf
.. ' ---- j ...-..- . v .. .......
, carrying the lotnneuown wiui ii in uc.-ot h rM Chicago, Uurllngton record in the office of tl,e County
bottom of tho iliuk in tho form of a nn,t Qulney liaijroad, about ono and Clork of Dakota County, Nebraska, to
tincture. The mops are saved, tou, Tjy K fourt, miles (o where such lino the Lot hereinafter described;
rtrieolutt wumimi; sou wcriiiwu. strikes .the uuuc utyvny, running lou are hereby notified thnt on the
Impurities from your body
at you would dirt from
your home.
Constipation is the cause
of much disease.
Keep your system clean
by using
Safe Mild Sure
Highly recommended for
1 Torpid Liver, Biliousness,
Constipation and Indiges
MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind,
& Co
Lumber, Building Ma
terial, Hardware, Coal
.We have now been in Dakota City in the
Lumber, Hardware and Coal business, a little
over three years. Our aim has been to please our
customers, to treat every one right and alike; and
to give satisfaction as nearly as possible in all sales.
We still carry" the best Lumber, Building Material,
Hardware, Paints, Greases, Oils, and nearly every
thing in our line. We thank each, and all Patrons
for their past patronage, and will give you the same
courteous service in the future.
II. It. GREEK, Manager. Dakota City, Neb.
Our First Bh
Of World War
rrio wisb' lo -
August 31 to Sept.
unqjjestionablyTbiggest and best fair ever attempted
exhibit' machinery-tractor; 'W02
A $10,000 Surety Bond Guarantees the Accuracy
of every Abstract I make
,T. J. EIMEKS, Bonded Abstractor.
Successor to the Dakota County Abstract Company
Westcott's Undertaking
Old Phone, 42G New Phone, 2067
Everybody Reads the Herald
' .B-?3 Jor jtfc ,
ltikJiiiU:iki fc t !&&& MtJ-.'