Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, August 07, 1919, Image 2

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"Aren't you nfrald to wear a bath
lng suit like thnt?"
"Afraid of what?" asked the girl.
No References
Tones "ll.ive you refcrcno" from
your former employer?" Typist
"Well, no; I'm unfortunately married
to him."
Should Read Mrs. Monyhan's
Letter Published by
Her Permission.
Mitchell, Inch "LydiaE. PInkhnm'a
Vegetable Compound helped mo so much
during mo timo i
was Iookinpforward
to tho coming of my
little ono that I am
recommending it to
other oxpoc tan t
mothers. Boforo
taking it, Bomodaya
I Buffered with neu.
ralgla bo badly that
I thought I could
not live, but nftcr
taking three bottlcB
of LydiaE. Pink
'ham's Vo go table
f!nmnnnnd 1 was en-
V tirely roliovod of
neuralgia, x nnu
gained in strength
ana was auie to go
around find do all
Mv babv when soven
months old weighed 19 pounds and I feel
bettor than I havo lor a long time, i
never had any medicine do mo bo
much good. "Mrs. Peakl Monyhan,
Mitchell. Ind.
Good health during maternity is a
most important factor to both mother
nnd child, and many letters havo been
received by tho Lydia E. Pinkham
Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., telling of
health rcstoredduringthis trying period
by tho uso of Lydia 13. Pinkhom'pVcgo
t&blo Compound.
Kodak Finishing
Expert work. Prompt return. Special
mail order department. Wc pay
return postace. Write for price list.
Tha Robert Dempster Co., Box 1138, Omaha, Neb.
"i T vn
mv housework
iwBm $ ii mm i i&Salsi' w if
wmv''$ i " 29ffl"!r "W
1 "yr ?&,,.'-"" " '"
June Advice.
Illshop IJrlstol, In 1111 address In
Chattanooga, was giving advice to pros
pective bridegrooms.
"Whatever you do," said the bishop,
"don't spoil everything on your wed
ding day by telling your wife what
lino pies your mother used to make.
Swallow the bride's creation, even If
you have to break the crust with n
sledge hammer, assure her It's a cull
nary chef d'neuvre, and then take a
pill on tho sly."
Mildew usually appears on the
fibers of cotton and linen; It takes tho
form of small round dark spots; In
.reality It Is a vegetable, growth, or
form of fungus, which develops on the
fibers of the material. Its appearance
Is due to dampness and rellects dis
credit on the work of the housekeeper,
as tho clothes must either have .been
put away damp or kept In a damp cup
board. Owing to the nature of mildew It Is
dlfllcult to remove. Ono of the sim
plest remedies Is to moisten the stained
fabric, rub It thickly with soft soap
and .sprinkle It with common bait,
l'laco the material on tho grass in the
sunshine and keep It moist. Renew the
treatment each day until the stain dis
appears. A quicker method, and a surer ono,
Is to keep the stained part In white
material In a solution of bleaching
liquor. To prepare the bleaching
liquor, put half a pound of chlorinated
lime Into a basin and pour half a gal
lon of boiling water over It; add two
tablcspooufuls of washing soda, nnd
stir to break up all tho lumps, and to
enable tho water to extract nil the
chlorine. Strain carefully to remove
all the powder and to make the liquid
clear. Uottlo and keep ready for uso.
This liquet Is used chiefly for tho re-
A Lady of Distinction.
Is recognized by tho dellcnto fasclnat
lng Influence of tho perfume sho uses!
A hnth with Cutlcura Soup and hot
water to thoroughly cleanse the pores,
followed by a dusting with Cutlcura
Talcum Powdor'nsually means n clear,
sweet, healthy Bkln. Adv.
moval of obstinate organic stains, such
as dyes, fruit, wine and old tea or
colTco stains, lint It should only bo
used for fabrics mude from vegetable
fibers, such as linen and cotton, us Its
application to wool and silk proves fatal
to the fibers. The solution should
never be stronger than one part of tho
liquor to four parts of hot water.
Tonic for the Bath.
A bath much favored by the Kncip
plsts, along with tho bare-feet habit,
Is formed from n solution of pine
needles nnd pluu cones. Cover with
cold water about n pound of fresh
plno needles and pine cones, broken in
small pieces. Knll for half an hour,
strain and add tho .solution to the
bath. If you do not want to use tho
entire amount at once It can be bot
tled anil kept for future occasions.
This has a tonic effect both on tho
nerves nnd the skin. It can be used
on nlternnte days with a bath of sea
Fresh Gloves.
Moves should be kept as clean as
possible, and of course should never
reveal a slit. Silk the same color
should bo used to keep gloves In ;re
palr. For general street wear dark
or medium toned gloves are to bo pre
ferred, unless one can afford whito
kid gloves of Immaculate freshness.
Old Masters Taken by British Officer
From the Ruins of Yprc3
Tho king of the Helglnns will shortly
have returned to him two famous pic
tures which were rescued, four yonrs
ago, from Ypres cathedral. It ap
pears that during the bombardment of
Ypres In 3015 a young Drltlsh artil
lery officer noticed Inside tho cathe
dral, which was being heavily shelled,
that the only things not shnttcrcd by
Germnu fire were two lnrge Flemish
mnsters, dated 1000, hanging some 20
feet high on the walls. How to get
them and save them for Uelglum was
tho question which immediately pre
sented Itself. The officer called two
private soldiers to help him, nnd with
the aid of some long gas pipes which
had been blown down by tho German
fire, and two largo hooks, the pictures
were lowered to tho ground. The of
ficer, Lletitcnnnt Daniels, It. A. then
cut the pictures out of their frames
and put them In a large sack, which he
used for n time as a bed. In the end
he took them to London, where, with
the approval of the Belgian minister,
they havo been placed on exhibition
prior to being returned to King Albert
nt Brussels.
In the Mazy Whirl.
Eleanor, five, had seen her first
dance. She wns frankly delighted
watching the dancers, but had little
to say when sho got home that eve
ning. The next morning mamma told her
to tell daddy about tho dance, thnt
daddy had never seen a dance. She
explained It thus to daddy:
"Well, you see, daddy, they sort of
cuddle up with their hands out this
way on one side and hug with the
other hands and then they scrape their
feet on the floor nnd sort of run up
one side of the floor, scraping their
feet, nnd down the other other sldo."
"Aly husband slept all through tho
f.ei':!.oii In church yesterday morning." I
"That's nothing. My husband even '
gw". to sleep at a moving picture
show." I
easy Guess.
Shu I have a Jowel of a dish for I
your dinner today,
lie It must be a diamond back.
tii. i
That "bnd back" In nrobablv due to
vpnl: kidneys. It bIiowb in a dull,
Back Giving 0
throbbing backache, or sharp twinges
when stooping, You have headnches,
too. dizzy xpells, a thed, nervous fcclhiK
irregular kidney action. Don't neg
lect it there is danger of dropsy, gravel
or lirisht'H disca&cl Uso Doan's Kid
neu PillSi Thousands have saved them
selves more acrioiw ailments by the
timely uso of Doan'8.
A South Dakota Case
:OTvJ nil
atTMV cy . Ill l
II ,".M lBA--WI
August "Wach
liolz, rotlrod far
mer, Salem, S. D.,
ouy ii : "i cauKbt a
com wiilcn Bottled
enmo weak
y ltiunoys.
kltlnoys bo-
my liack ached
terribly. Tho kid
ney nccretlons
passed lrrogulur
ly, I was told
ntioilt Donn'n lilil-
npy l'llla liclntr Rood nnd decided to
try thorn. Doun's tellovud mo In a
Bhnrt tlmo and I kejit gottltifr bettor
every day. I hadn't used them Idiik
before I was entirely ovor tho trouble."
Cat Doau'a at Anr Store, 60o a Do
Ill I ---u')U.uuaTr- -
a A 0mfh
mmwM. m&2h vlw
Perhap3(fe Had Repented.
A funny one happened the other day
in the office of u justice of the peace.
A young couple were being married,
surrounded by several friends. As
usual, the ritual came to that place
whore the justice said:
"Does nnyono present know of any
reason why this couple should not be
come man and wife?"
And to everybody's amazement, the
groom spoko up, "I do."
As he said nfterwards, "that's what
conies of too many rehearsals."
Putting It Up to Grandpa.
Ilownrd had not had his breakfast
ono morning when his grandfather
drove up In his car. Howard wanted
very much to go along, but his mother
said : "But you haven't had your break
fast yet, and grandpa doesn't want to
Howard studied a moment nnd then
replied: "Well, if t was a grandpa
and had a little boy, I'd say, 'Go on
nnd eat your breakfast and I'll wait
for you.' "
Don't Poison Baby.
lT0SFAR?iAai0 n.lmosfc ?vo,7 mother thought her child must liars
wmiuuuu uriuuuiinum w maito ii Bleep. Theso drugs will produce
Bleep, and a FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produco tho SLEEP
havo been killed or whoso health baa boon nilnrvl fnr iSf h- .,..... i...ii
num and morphino, each of which ia a narcotic product of opium. Druggists
are prohibited from Boiling either of tho narcotics named to children at all. or
to anybody without labelling them " poison." Tho definition of "narcotic"
is : "A mcdiane which relieves pain and produces sleep, but which in poison'
ous doses produces stupor, coma, convulsions and death," Tho tasto and
emeu of medicines containing opium aro disguised, and Bold under tho names
of "Drops," " Cordials," " Soothing Syrupa," etc. You should not permit any
medicino to bo given to your children without you or your physician know
of what it ia composed. CASTORIA DOE3 NOT
CONTAIN NARCOTICS, if it bcara tho Bignaturo j? -,
of Chas. II. Fletcher. I JS'7-i&
Genulno Castoria alwnys bears tho signature of Owa-VTSS
Hammer and Tongs Type.
Tho Girl "I udmlre that pianist's
finish. Don't you?" The Man "Yes,
but I always dread his beginning."
All Sound.
"Is your husband a sound sleeper?"
"Is he? You just ought to hear him
For 200 yeara GOLD MEDAL Ilaar
1cm Oil hns enabled suffering human
ity to withstand attacks of kidney,
liver, bladder nnd stomach troubles
end all diseases connected with the
urinary organs, and to build up and
restore to health organs weakened by
disease. These most important organs
must be watched, because they filter
nnd purify the blood; unless they do
their work you are doomed.
Weariness, sleeplessness, nervous
ness, despondency, backache, stomach
trouble, pains in the loins and lower
abdomen, gravel, rheumatism, sciatica
and lumbago all warn you of trouble
with; your kidneys. GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules are the remedy
you need. Take three or four everv dnr.
'liie healing oil soaka into the cells and
lining of the kidneys and drives out
tho poisons. New life nnd health will
surely follow. When your normal vigor
line lionn vsnf-nml m.l;.... A. A
has been restored continue treatment
ior a wane to Keep yourself in condi
tion and prevent a return of tho dis
ease. Don't wait until you are incapable of
fighting. Start taking GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules today. Your
druggist will cheerfully refund your
money if you are not satisfied with
results. But be sure to get tho original
imported GOLD MEDAL and accept no
substitutes. In three sizes. Sealed
packages. At all drug stores.
Bad Sickness
Caused by
it ptopla only rtalliad the hnatth-dcatroy-Inr
powar ot nn ncld utomach of tha many
klnda ot alcknean and mlaary It caviars of
tha Uvea It literally wrccka they would
guard acalnat It aa carefully aa thay do
ualnat u. daadly lilattue. You know In an
lnatant th flrat aymploma of Bcld-atotnach
palna ot Indloatlun. dlilrcaalnir. painful
bloat, aour. iraiar atumach, ixlclitnr; food
rapeatlnjf. heartburn, etc Whenever your
atomach feeli tit 1 at way you ahould lota no
time In puttlne It to right. If you don't,
erloua con(iuenrfa are almost aure to fol
low, auch pa intratlnal fermentation, auto
tntoilcatlon. Impairment of tha entire ner
voua aetem, headache, blllouanrat, clrrhoela
of tha liver; iomMlm" even catarrh ot the
atomach ana Inteatlnul ulcere and oncer.
If you am not fcalini right, are If II lan't
acld-atomach that la tha cauae ot your III
health. Taka KATONIC. the wonderful mod.
rn atomach remedy DATONIC Tablela
quickly and enrely relieve tha pain, bloat,
belching;, and heartburn that Indicate acid
atomach, Make the atomach etronf, clean
and eweet. Ily keeplnn the atomach In
healthy condition ao that you can set full
atrani tb from your food, your general health
teadlly tmprovca. lteaulta are marvelouilr
quick Juet try KATONIC and you will be
aa enthualaatlo as tha thouaanda who have
wed It and who aay they never dreamed
uythlns could brlnr auch "rvoua relief.
Bo get a bl 60-cent boi of UATONIO
from your druitrUt today If not aatlafao
torr return It and he will refund your money.
LiuKorlo seems to have reached the
crest of the wave In Kheerness and
daintiness; one wonders what will hap
pen next. Its loveliness is not born
to waste Its llesh-plnk blush unseen,
but ipilto the contrary. Camisoles and
chemise, combinations and slips are
all visible through sheer blouses that
depend upon them for added charm.
Tho blouso often serves merely "to
veil the rose's bloom ;" tho camlsolu or
other underbodleo providing tho most
Interesting contribution to tho cos
tume. Figured Kt'oi'KClto, erepe de
chine, lawns, laces nnd nets all play
their exquisite parts In nmkltiK up
these undies. The linest batiste also
holds tho nllonlniu:i! of Kentlewoinen
who never waver In their loyalty to
this soft fabric and the hand embroid
ery that It makes worth while.
An envelop cheinlso nnd a combina
tion, both of American ilcslpi mid
iimnufaeture, are shown In the picture
above. Flesh pink crept) tie chine
makes the pinetical chemise" shown at
tho left, trimmed with insertion nnd
oduMiiK of tho familiar val laco that
women love. A small yoke of Irish
lace Is set In at the front. Pink satin
tftrnpy with bows suspend the chemise
from the bhoulders and the same rib
bon makes a dlKiillled bow with Iiiuik
Inn loops and ends to embellish the
front. This unrmeiit la delightfully
cool for warm weather when tho light
est union suit proves burdensome. A
shntt undervest and corset are worn
under It.
Just becaiiho they are so pretty null
for no other reason, tho pink silk gar
ters, with wldo lace frills, Haunt their
charm In company with this sensible
elioiulHo. Theru Is a fad for such
('liurmliij little frivolities and womun
UfllKhl t I'lebent each other with
After He Had Declined It?
"What made Latin a dead lanpuage,
pa?" "Oh, I nuess somebody doctor
ed It." Cartoons Magazine.
II r0trfti(SSlh vL-.
V9 i
x?7? easy war
No Drenching
A Child Can Give It
Results Guaranteed
Better buy a 60c bot
tle and never need it,
as to need it and not
have it and lose a $300
horse ormule.
Use B. A. Thomas9 Poultry Remedy
Get More Eggs Raise Healthier Chicks
The Cost Is Small The Results Great
B. A. Thomas' Stock Remedy
A Tonic, Conditioner, Feed Saver and
Worm Expeller
Some men Imagine they are the
whole orchestra because they have
drums in their ears.
A Tonic, Laxative,
Worm Expeller and
Gentlemen: Your Hog Powder has almost performed miracles, as it has
cured several cases that were too sick to eat.
Sincerely yours, W. H. Herndon, Warren, Aik.
them. Boudoir slippers of ribbon nnd
lace match up with theso dainty be
InncJiiKS. 'I'lio combination at the rllit Is
made of floured georgette. The body
Is shirred ou two cords mid edged with
a full frill of plain georgette. Another
frill froths about the witlstllno where
tho knickers aro set on and ribbon
forms the suspenders over the shoul
ders. Finally a butterlly of plain
georgette Is the last beguiling touch
that Is sure to tempt feminine -eyes
Into looking too long nt a garment thnt
Is bound to prove Irresistible. While
georgette has proved much less fragile
than it looks, underwear made of it
Is a luxury that the average woman
will hardly Indulge In. Hut crepo de
chine has wearing qualities that make
it really economical.
Qeorgettc Coats.
Oeorgette evening coats or after
noon coats aro not unusual. And real
ly tliere is enough warmth In tho
georgette coat, light as It is, to protect
the wearer from discomfort. Many of
the best ot theso coats aro trimmed
with narrow bands of fur. Tho fur Is
not wldo enough to seem bulky, but It
Is In charming contrast to tho trutis.
parent material ot the coats.
if s toasted
To Stop Falling Hair.
When the hair falls out In spots ai
ply tho following: Diluted rose water,
ISO grams; aromatic vinegar, twenty
grams j pure glycerin, ten grains';
tincture of mix vomica, tlfteun grams;
tlncturo or cantharldes, ten grams.
Hub gently into the tculp.
V"OU know how
much toasting im
proves bread. Makes
it taste good. Of course
more flavor.
Same with tobacco
especially Kentucky
Buy yourself a pack
age of Lucky Strike
cigarettes. Notice the
toasted flavor. Great!
Nothing like it. The
real Burley cigarette.
Ci7 .Guaranteed by
$i Jrmea od