V e fc ''IBg v-TZZSZ1 Hti ' . DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD: DAKOTA CITY, NBBK. TOO WILD IN CELEBRATION ANOTHER SPHERE FOR WOMEN ammvsmmvEmmmmmv&wmmGi -V" k t 3 ;- I I Delicate Mechanism Despite its scope Swift & Company is a business of in finite details, requiring infinite attention. Experienced men must know livestock buying with a knowl edge of weight, price, the amount and quality of meat the live animals will yield. Each manufacturing operation must be done with expert skill and scientific precision. A highly perishable product must be handled with speed and care, to avoid loss. Chemists, engineers, accountants, and other specialists are required to take care of our intricate problems. Alert wisdom and judgment must be used in getting stocks of goods into the open channels of demand through our four 'hundred branch houses. Branch house .organizations must show activity and energy to sell at the market in the face of acute competi tion from other large packers, and h'undreds of small ones. All these requirements of intelligence, loyalty, devotion to the task, are met in the personnel of Swift & Company. Yet the profit is only a fraction of a cent per pound with costs at minimum. How can the workings of this deli cate human mechanism be improved upon? Do you believe that Government direction would add to our efficiency or improve the service rendered the producer and consumer? Let us send you a Swift "Dollar". It will interest you. Address Swift, & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. v. i Swift & Company, U.S. A. aVM$mmm& 12.96 i attutt 85 ToShdcbixer y THIS SHOWS WHAT BECOMES OF THE AVERAGE DOLLAR RECEIVEO BY rsWIFT& COMPANY1 FROM THE SALE OF MEAT AND BY PRODUCTS 6S CENTS IS PAID rOR THE LIVE ANIMAL 12.06 CENTS FOR IADOR EXPENSES AND FREICHT 2.04 CENTS REMAINS WITH SWIFT & COMPANY' AS PROFIT Pure Bred Stallions First Prize Winning Stallion WALLACE No. 12159!) CAPTAIN No. 00D75 These horses are inspected by the State Sanitary Board of Lincoln, Neb., and will stand the season of 1919 at ;'my place at HUBBARD, NEBR., at the following terms: $20 to insure cU nine days old. $15 to insure mure in foal. -sjl2 for the season, paid in advance. . Ftir full Pedigree and other information, see me at Hubbard, Ncbr. Loxii& Bogg Phone No. 29. HUM. Alt I), XKKK. "KNW PH . .MriA t m f ! ,M fM I M ' iMJPA7? J' yisuutcttpaij or New Haven.Cohmcticui JOHN H. REAM, Agent ' Dalrotu City, Nebraska I Americans In Paris, Released From tho Horrors of Trenches, Somewhat Astonish thd French. I Not the Iwist of our prlUo In-tho pcdltlonnry forco wns Its good behav ior. For general morals wo were the prize winners. But, of course, soldiers In u nonprohtbltlon country will get drunk now and then. One renson for our prohibition vi;e Is the fnct thnt ninny Amerlciuis linvo no moderation lu their use of ulcohol, and that they sometimes tend, wheu drunk, to tear up the sidewalks, writes Will Irwin, In the Saturday Evcilng Post. l"our French pollu, who, lu lilseac tlou from tho trenches took to liquor, got a blissful and genial Jag, which ex pressed Itself lu talkutlveness and lu lllrtutlon. The American whooped It up. As two coyotes on a moonlight night can give the Impression of a whole wolf puck, so two drunken Americans could give tho appearance of a drunk en army, They might be surrounded by fifty pollus, all half seas over fit was the Americans whom one noticed. This tendency brought Its most de plorable effects In Paris. The cupltnl of the world was not a leave center. Nevertheless all sorts of commissions and activities centered there; soldiers wore constantly coming and going ou military errands; moreover, though Paris was olllclally barred, men never theless got Paris leave by pull or ca jolery. In spite of the provost mnrshal and the military police, we uhvays had the American drunk with us; aud when present he always announced himself. Tho French, who, as I have said, grow merely genially expansive with liquor, did not like this. LEARNED MUCH IN FRANCE Doughboys, Back In America,' Are Not Quite the Same as When They Left. "The boy Just back from France Is a mighty different chap from the lad who went over there," says William Howard Tuft, adding, with n laugh: "He's learned a lot he didn't know be fore. Take two Instances that came to my uotlcei recently. "Onu was the case of a doughboy who before the war had been a hotel clerk. On his return to .merlcn he applied In New York for a place. "'What references have you?' de manded the manager. " 'Been over in France a year, and before that ' "Never mind tho 'before that,"' said tho manager. 'If you've been In France a year you know all about do mestic work. I'll make you head chambermuld.' "The other one," continued Mr. Tuft, "was quite different. He, too, .(had come, back fr,om France, and he, too, had learned n lot. " 'Do you think you could ever learn to love me?' he nsked tho girl of his choice, and she answered: " 'I don't know. Anyhow, you might continue yrnir course of Instruction. Gee! It's so different 1'" Cause of the Querry. As soon ns women have the. vote and the league of nations becomes a reality, says Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, tslie Is going to be a "gay young girl." As It Is, no one would suspect her of being past seventy. And she likes to tell stories on herself. This Is one she told In Indlannpolls to a group of friends: "When I was In California recently, folks kept coming up to me and' say ing. 'How young you look, In most surprised tones. Well, it began to wear on inc. Why shouldn't I look young? So when a young girl "came up and said It for the 'ateenth time, I said, 'So do you look young.' "And then I learned the reason for all tho surprise. The newspapers had been told that I was In California In '00 with Miss Anthony. It had some how got twisted to read: 'Dr. Shaw was ninety-six when she was hero with Miss Anthony. That would have iiinde me about 120 years old." Caught at Last. A father suld to his pretty daugh ter one morning: "What time did you send that young Simpson home last night?" "Oh," replied the girl, "I don't think It was very late." "It must linvo been close to mid night !" "Why, father?" "Didn't you send Iilin out the back door and hurry off Ui bed when you heard me coming ln2J' "Why, father, I had been In bed for hours." '"You heard me, then?" "Yes, you woke me up." "And you had been In bed for hours?" "Ur huh!" "That certainly Is funny!" "Why?" "BccauFC when I went to light the lump I nearly burned my hands off ou the hot chimney." Youngstown Telegram. No More Insects or Plant Diseases. Now that plant quarantine No. 37 of 'the Agricultural depaitment Is In ef fect, piohlhltlng the Importation of plants without a permit, there will be no more garden Insects or plant djs enM'H. If theie arc It will the fault of the federal horticultural hoard, for lio Insects or diseases can enter now except with the permission of the bounl. Do not discard the sprayers and Insecticides, however, ns they will still bo useful to combat the old and new troubles that are bound to appear, Possibility That the Fair Sex Will Carry Off Honors In Field of Naval Architecture. "The women who hnve stormed- tho fortress of naval architecture huvo won n place In what Is perhaps tho most Interesting professions In the world," says Manchester Guardian. "Mr. Chesterton tins commented on the odd fact thut, while men have been building houses from the beginning of, time, they have not nchleved anything like a perfect house, but the position ns regtuds ships is 'still more curious. Your house may not be a perfect house, but, with proper precautions, y6u can be sure of getting vOiat you planned and of getting a house that will stand. Kven now It Is far otherwise with ships. Take the case of racing yachts. Two yachts may be built on similar plans by the same firm ; one will be a tilumphnnt success, the other n rank failure; no one seems to know why. Big liners nre built nowadays In pairs or triplets; yet nny senfnrlng'mun will maintain that they are entirely distinct lu every essential particular, and even In the matter of speed there will al most certainly be n difference. Stranger than all Is the case of warships, which seem to delight in puzzling their archi tects. In the case of .one class of splendid cruisers In our own navy rad ical changes had to be made after trial trips, and It Is pretty well known that some designs hnve been far from, com ing up to what was expected of them ; yet nt this date It would have been supposed, that experts could not be de ceived. However, It may perhaps be said that woman will find a natural affinity for these little peculiarities." REGULAR CYCLES OPTHOUGHT Might Be Described as Periodical Waves 'Passing Through and Agi tating the Human Mind. - Just as wc find n mathematical rule at many of the bodily movements, Just so thought may be supposed to have Its regular cycles. Such or such a thought comes round periodically. In Its turn. Accidental suggestions, how ever, so far Interfere with the regular cycles, that we may find them prac tically beyond our power of recogni tion. Take all this for what It Is worth, but at any rate you will agree that there arc certain particular thoughts that do not como up onco n day, nor.once a week', but that a year would hardly go round without your having them pass through your mind. Here Is one which comes up at Inter vals In this -way. Some one speaks of It, and there Is an instant and eager smile of assent in the listener or listen ers. Yes, Indeed; they have often been struck by it. All at once a conviction flashes through us that we have been in Clio same precise circumstances as at the present instant, once or many times be fore. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Origin of Japanese Language. "The closest relation of tho Jap uneso tongue Is with ancient Hebrew, although, in some cases, words show a great resemblance to Arable, which conserves the more archaic features of tho parent speech." This conclusion has been reached by Dr. Robert Armlstead Stewart of Johns Hopkins university after an in vestigation of the origin of tho Jap anese language, according to tho Ja pan society, for which he has prepared a statement. Continuing, he says: "In the course of the investigations thero were established the mutations that go far to proving tho original unity for the Aryan and of tho Se mitic speech and that explain the points of correspondence noted be tween Japanese and Indo-European. Hence, It develops that primarily through the Semitic, and secondarily through tho Indo-European, Japanese Is related to our English tongue a fact that should conduce to quickened Interest of the two peoples In one nil other and lead to a better understanding." Romance of Business. Platinum worth ?ii,41.r,000 and weighing 23,000 ounces was recently brought Into this country. It traveled from Russia as the personal baggage of a Massachusetts business mnn, who had undertaken on his own re sponsibility to sccuro it for tho gov ernment. To this task he gave over a year of his time without enumera tion, advanced his own funds, over came an uncounted number of dan gers, obstacles and hardships, and sacrificed his health. A tragic ending to tho story of commercial romnnco is supplied by his death, four houra nftcr his return, from exhaustion. Popular Mechanics Magazine. Now They Help Missionary. The death of a cat caused u tuuii and his wife, members of tho Trinity M. Ev church lu Washington, to dc .cldo that It would bo possible for them to support a nativo missionary fri China as their contribution to the centenary movement in which tho Methodist Episcopal churches nre to spend 5105,000,000 for war reconstruc tion and homo and foreign missions during tho next fivo years. It vuh costing them $3 a month to feed tho cut, and until kitty passed ou (hey didn't bco how they "could afford to give $50 a year to support a nntlvo missionary in China, Not Worried. Tho Dentist I'm afraid I shall have to kill the nerve. Tho Hool?, Agent Go ahead. I gueBs i G. F. Hushes & Co. Lumber, Building Ma terial, Hardware Coal We have now been in Dakota City in the Lumber, Hardware and Coal business, a little over three years. Our aim has bten to please our customers, to treat every one right and alike: and to give satisfaction as nearly as possible in all sales. We still carry the best Lumber, Building Material, Hardware, Paints, Greases, Oils, and nearly every thing in our line. We thank each, tind all Patrons for their past patronage, and will give you the same courteous service in the future. CO MK OFTKX II. It. GlttiJHt, M n linger. Dakota City, Ncli. m8&Q88zmzmmzemz ri ...Farms Listed and Sold... EHliiiliiflilllillilM lili'lllilVliiWliPI'iliiUlllllIiliillPirilinii:!!!;!! E. F. Rasmussen Auctioneer Ponct, Nebraska. NEB vicn Ova First Bi REUNIOr Utt FAIR Of World War VETERANS 19 sT TltTtf-lsrW "M " a mm a August si to Sept- se UNQJJE5TI0NABLYIG0EST AND BEST FAIR EVER ATTEMPTED LIVE STOCK SHOW Or BEEP AND DAIRY CATTLe COUNTY AND INDIVIDUAL DISPLAYS OF A9RICULTUM POULTRY SJHOW'APPLB SHOW. MANOWCTUR1W EXHIBIT MACMINBRY. TRACTORS SCHOOL AND EDUCATIONAL OISPLAYS INCLUDING BOY5 AND CIRIS' OAUDCN CANMlNO CLUBS I, BEST AND CLEANEST ATTH&llo 925000 PRODUCTION IN TIHEWOKKft OP JSATTLH OP SAINT MIHIBL " and PCACI JOBIUSS TMRee RING CIRCU3 AUTO .HARNCSS-AND RUNNING RACu5 FAMILY OUTINO RELAXATION DIVERSION IDEAS "A. OB EATER T4ENU SERVICE" v I Abstracts of Title A $10,000 Surety Bond Guarantees the Accuracy of every Abstract I mako J. ,!. EIMEltS, Ilomlud AbHliuctor. Successor to tho Dakota County Abstract Company Westcott's Undertaking: Parlors r AUTO AMWJLANOi: SIOUX CITY, IOWA Old Phone, 42G Now Phono, 2007 Everybody-. Reads the Her&ld V ? M l .a I yi I S .3 . 5 1 , M I y n r ,' i a va '