Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, July 03, 1919, Image 7

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    MMiW iJ JPrmjWHWikw
Pretty Party Frocks
r m wy Pit Mtywmp, V My -My
For Infants and Children,
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
feMNct rnnte.ntsl5Fluid Drachm
1 ISi
111111 WJrJmM
pmMzzt&T -i&SFiii1- I'SHEBpji
The tenderness and
flavor of Libbs Dried
Beef are f rcquehtly com
mented upon.
New Rule Which Hao Abolished For
mat and Elaborate English Style
of Former Days.
English ns commonly written todny
certnlnly seems to linve lost the purity
and strength that It ltml n century ago,
observes the Spokane Spokesman Re
view. Then such masters of the lan
guage ns Cobhe, Coleridge, DeQulncey
or Ilazlltt were Journalists as well ns
poets or essayists, and their leading
nrtlcles lost nothing of effect on tho
public from being literature.
, The arrival of the ago of s'tenm; elec
tricity arid cheap postage was followed
by a change, not for the better, In the
popular style of speaking and writing.
"Say what you have to say as briefly
and quickly as possible, ami don't
bother about fineness of expression,"
became the general rule and practice.
The new millions of readers demanded
that their reading be expressed in the
lungunge of every-day speech. The
obligation of compressing conclusions
about Important matters Into 1,000
words or fewer, Is death, in the end,
to stylo. The literary form favored is
In touch with the turned-up-trousers
fashion of wearing one's clothing. It
Is free and easy and crammed with
linguistic atrocities. Plural subjects
are polygamously wedded to singular
verbs, and I.lndley Murray turns In his
grave on account of the death of gram
mar. " ,
Animal Disease Costly.
Animal disease, such as hog cholera,
the foot-and-mouth disease, etc., are
costing the farmers and the general
public an enormous sum each year,
although agricultural leaders have
been waging an effective fight upon
such epidemics. Ultimately the farm
ers will bo enjoying the use of nbout
$200,000,000 which they now lose each
year through these causes.
Hard Drink Seller, but Safe.
"There goes a man who lives
water all tho year round."
"Pshaw 1 That's Impossible."
"Oh no, It Isn't. Ho cuts It and
stores It In winter and sells It In sum
mer." Boston Evening Transcript.
As without oil the best engine Is
useless, so without friendship society
Is a sham.
Some men reach the wrong destina
tion by traveling he right road; they
travel In the wrong direction.
I '
I When You're Tired 1
t and need the invigora- ,
E tion of a well-flavored,
full-bodied hot cup,
there's nothing superior
I. to
i Postum Cereal
Delicious and healthful,
it supports and cheers
I with its refreshing good-
l ness, and it is an eco-
nomical table drink as
At Grocers.
I two sizes, usually sold at 15c and 25c
" v '
Yes, Luke, a woman should trust
her husband, but It Is not always ad
visable to let him know It..
Allen's FootEase, the antiseptic powder
to bo slraken Into the shoes and sprinkled
In the foot-bath. It relieves painful, swol
len, smarting feet nncTtakes the stlnp out
of corns and bunions. Allen's FootEase
Is a certain relief for sweating1, callous,
tired, achlni feet, and makes walking a
delight. Sold everywhere. Adv.
Proving It.
"Pussyfooting is a calamity."
"I suppose it Is something of a cat
astrophe." San Frnnclsco Chronicle.
Buy a Farm Now.
Because land Is cheaper than. It will ever
be again. The U. S. ruilroad Administration
Is prepared to furnish free Information to
homeseeker.1 regarding farming opportuni
ties. We have nothing to sell; no money to
lend: only Information to give. Write me
fully with reference to your needs. Name
the state you want to learn about. J. I
Edwards, Manager, Agricultural Section,
U. S. ltallroad Administration, Room 70,
Washington, D. C. adv.
He Can't Now.
Some years ago some genius Intro
duced a bill compelling everybody to
qualify physically and mentally for
marriage. Unfortunately, It was lost
In committee; It should hnve gone
through. Tho necessity of It was dis
closed In a Main street car last eve
ning when seven or nine of us heard
a prospective bridegroom coyly con
fess he was Indeed "nbout to become
n benedlctlne." Buffalo News.
Creatures of Circumstances.
Judge What is a fair compensn;
tlon or tlie. receiver and his attorney
In this case?
Attorney I should say, your honor,
$1,000 for the attorney and $500 for
the receiver would bo a very meager
allowance, considering tho great
amount of actual, work performed.
Judge The amount in the hands of
tho receiver Is how much?
Attorney Fifteen hundred dollars.
Couldn't Hear Him Crow.
Baby Marie Osborne was being fea
tured at an East side theater. It
must have been a show particularly
suited for the Httlo folk. At ont
point In tho story a rooster flow on a
fence in the early .morning, flapped
his wings proudly and crowed lust
ily. When ho appeared on tho fence,
so renllstlc was the picture that the
audience became silent. Then the
stillness was broken by n small voice,
lost In tho realism of tho thing:
"Mother, mother, I can't hear him
crow!" Indlnnnpolls News.
f asssski. """"S I IH BbsS IsbBbW 1
7K SSBBBtfCijAVflB?'Sf JSlirrij JISSSH 'KTi i tl iSBr rt I X v IP? C S S I
If you would forget that there Is
anything in tho world but Joy, spend a
little time looking at the party frocks
in which tho summer girl will dance
some hours nway. If these dance
frocks flourished in tho daytime, bees
and butterflies might pursue them, for
they certainly borrow from flowers
their color and piquancy nnd sunshine
glimmers in their brocades and era
broideries. Evening gowns Indulge in
sumptuous materials, in gold nnd sil
ver tissue, in rich cmbrblderles and
twinkling sequins and nil kinds of
shimmering things including the new
shot taffetas. Finally they turn to
tulle and laces or sheer crepe. A world
of fine nnd frngllo fabrics belongs to
Tho two pretty party frocks shown
hero are of tho simpler designs, one
of them In white and tho othpr In
blnck with embroidery nnd brocade
sash in metal and colored brocade The
white frock has a slim undersllp of
embroidered satin, draped about tho
ankles and full draperies of flno net
ending in points about tho bottom,
hang over it. A vestco of twinkling
sequins fills the V-shaped opening of
tlie bodlce the net makes- a filmy
drapery that fnlls from tho shoulder.
For n lovely finishing touch a narrow
ribbon hangs In loops and ends from
tho girdle.
Hats for Midsummer
Dress hats for midsummer, as coin
pared to other millinery, are as orchids
compared to other lovely blossoms.
These millinery blooms nro tho most
fragile, most splendid of all, tho fairest
and the shortest lived. They ure mid
summer Interpreted In hats by de
signers whose fancies nro unhampered
by thoughts of anything but beauty.
They look to the sheerest fabrics and
to the most beautiful colors to trans
late their thoughts into inllllner'y.
In tho group of three hats mndo for
the heart of summer, two aro of print
ed georgetto and ono of plain geor
gette In the sheerest quality. The samo
wide-brimmed, graceful shapes ap
pear dcvclopwl In laces, mnllnes and
nets. Brims usually have Hues In
flowing curyeH about tho face and
crowns aro often flexible. Tho hat nt
tho right of tho group is a lovely ex
ample. A vaguo flower motif against
a black ground provides color. There
Is no trimming except the sash of vel
vet ribbon, In one of the colors In the
crepe, that Is brought nbout tho crown
and tied In a bow nt the back.
In tho hat at th left there is a
(hint of sport styles In the covering, it
Is of white crepe georgetto with gny
figures of Itlu-tin-tln and Nnnetto dis
porting themselves jiver Its surface. A
covered silk cord with small tassels at
the ends disposes itself In a cureless
bow on tho crown to answer "pres
ent" In ease any one askB for tho
v l.ereubo'its of trimming.
Black georgette over a satin Blip
serves for tho dignified gown at tho
left of the picture. Its construction is
so simple thnt the picture tells about
all that can bo told. It has a very
plain bodlco with round neck, bound
with brocade. Tho skirt Is gathered
to this and hangs straight wl(h an
overhanging panel nt tho front thnt
Is embroidered near the bottom. TImj
samo embroidery appears at the sides
below tho hlpllne. A very gorgeous
sash of Heavy brocaded ribbon makes
the wide glrdlo with one long hanging
Petticoat Substitute.
The long, slim suit and dress skirts
almost -make the wearing of petticoats
an Impossibility. But we may be Just
as modestly and comfortably clad, for
there are the long bloomers to take
their place. These bloomers or pan
tnlcts are usually chosen In dark suit
colors nnd may be had ankle length or
shorter nnd with or without ruffles.
A new style has an accordion plaited
piece set In just nbove the shoe tops.
For summer tho short silk Jersey
bloomers in flesh nnd pink with un
even Insets of lace at tho knee, nro
perhaps the newest. Camisoles of silk
Jersey with lace or embroidered in
pink nnd blue silk are also very new.
In tho Inst hat, georgette Is shirred
over n wire frame with n wide ruffle
flowing about tho brim edge. This la
one of a few models In which tho
crown Is not flexible. Although In this
particular hat there arejio flowers or
fruit In tho trimming It Is an exception
to the rule, the designer having placed
a sash of ribbon about the crown, tied
In a generous but simple bi w near the
Substitute forFurj.
The reported decision or clothing
manufacturers, particularly npeclnlty
houses, of going more Into leather-lined
or convertible overcoats for next full
nnd winter finds an echo in Hiq wom
en's wear trade. According to a dross
goods representative tho suggestion
thnt' lenther he substituted in somo
cases for fur trimmings hns met with
quite a Httlo response. The prlco con
slde'ratlon Is not one that holds the Im
portant place for the change, even
though there Is n difference In fnvor
of the use of leather, but tho novelty
of leather trimmings Is expected to bo
n big factor. ,
Bluo and orchid Is a color combina
tion much In evidence thl season, es
pecially for evening and Frml-ovcri!ti;j
ttow us.
hm m&?gm
.!-.t.l.C..,.(,cnnitHrtfmOI I
ua;uJlm""" -
Thereby lVomoUnSDIfcsuon!
u. n.t... rnrnfitne.nori
w, f r."WAir.rTIC,
fiuicnn. xm """v-
i" mi. rv
, )Ai
PiaudAStnt V
mm JW
AhclpfulRcmcdyfor 1
i ?..rctiness ana 11
Loss ofSleep
resulting Uicrcfromjnlafany-
GEWTAim Compaq
Exact Copy of Wrapper,
'Saves the Bacon"
t A Tonic, Laxative and Worm Expeller
Mt. Pleasant, Iowa "I used a large bucket of Hog Remedy. It was so satis
factory that, without solicitation I got a barrel. Am well pleased with results
of my feeding." C. N. McGOHAN.
Horse Colic May Come at Any Time If your horse does not get relief, he
soon dies. Take no chances. Get FARMS COLIC REMEDY today. No
trouble, no drenching. A child can give it
BA THOMAS' PROFIT M STOCK Increite yourprofit
. ' U."la?. . by Rivinit them B. A. THOMAS' STOCK
Ponlhrv Kemedv Makes Hens Lav
iuuiu; ncuicuy manes iicus i.oy
Chicks healthy in every way
Keeping evciiustlngly ul it linn turn-
ed mnny n good tempered mnn or
woman Into u dribbling fuult-flndcr.
Grow Wheat in
One Crop Often
Western Canada offers the createit ndvontaces to home seekers.
Larue profits are assured. You can buy on cay payment terms,
Fertile Land at $15 to
land similar to that which through many
hiifthclfi of tvhent to tha ocro.
lundrecis ot
Canada a alnnlo crop has nald the cost of
ments of the Dominion and Provinces of Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta want
mi... no v iiiv wiiiutiuii ui.u a ,utiiiwc. ui it.aiiiiuiyai m,thaiuicni( eiiiu niuciku vvui
the farmer to prosper, and extend every possible encouragement and help
Grain Growing and Stock Raising.
ThougfiWetternCanadaoffers land atauehlowfigures, the high
prices of uralti, cattle.shecp andhaaa will remain.
Loans for the purchase of stock may be
there are eood shipping facilities; best of markets; free schools;
churches: solendid climate: low taxation (none on Improvements).
Forptrtlcaltri ai to lacklion of landt for ul, mtpi, lllattrated lltenluro.
rtducod rallwsy rates, etc., apply to Uupt. of Immigration, Ottawa, Can., or
Canadian Oovernmont
For a Rainy Day.
Cullieilne How mnny dozen potato
bugs did you get t'duy, Mnrllin?
Martlin (llio youngoHt) I'npii owes
mo 120 ct'iitH. I got twenty dozen.
Cullierliio 1 bent you K I got thirty
dozen, Wo must be direful n not
spoil tli' Httlo yellow tlilpgR on tlie
leaven, Mnrllin, ViuiM! lliey'ie eggH,
Man of Letters.
"A man of letteni, Isn't lie?"
"Sure! Huns u thriving innll-order'
busIpcsH." Iltiffulo UxpresH.
Kver notice that tho bird who I'es
to hear hliiiHclf talk Ik usually his
own best nutllcnce?
'lIS'S Heals Keen vour Eves
Strong and Ileal thy."' If
theyTire, Smart, Itch, or
ffslinEvtV uurn ll 5ore irniuicj,
IUUK LltUJ Inflamed orGranulated.
use Murine often. Safe for Infant or Adult.
A I al! DrUQBlato. Write for Frea Eve Book.
I :!oo Eye Kemedy Company, Cblcego, U.S. A,.
Beaxs the
For Over
Thirty Years
tmi ovimua MNr. dmww orrr.
REMEDY. Removei worms, tonic and con
,,., Y hows. ttl mul .Wn on
ditioner. Your bones, cattle and iheep net
all tho food value out of the Brain they eat.
It fiometliucH linnpeuH tlmt u iiuihIc
composer's' wife thinks It is up to-
I her to put on airy.
Western Canada
Pays for the Land
$30 per Acre
years has averaged from 20 to 45
cases are on record wlicro in western
land and production. The Gove
had at low Interest;
Itching Rashes
1 ' " Soothed
With Cuticura
AHdruffg!ittHoipZV Ointments A W.Talcuiu 26.
HuTnj If ch trt of ''CaUgqrt, Dpt K, Boiton1
EvcryWomnn "Wants
Dissolved ia water for douches stops
pelvic catarrh, ulccrotioh and inflam
matloo. Recommended by Lydia E.
Plnkham Med, Co,'for ten years.
A healing wonder for nasal catarrh,
sore throat and sore ey ci. Economical.
H tjUlordmtrjr rltanibg and gernlclJal power,
Sampla Fraa. 50". all rlrutgixi, cr ponraid t"
'sjnaJ. Tnal'ailon loilrlCcirpany. tlotto. .Nlaa,
, '.,. N U., SIOUX CItV r.
Ar aJ