pv ttt rTry"-nW,ww;, fffirmr'7'f jwbim" wywWT,fwkQWt t?"" w,lw ""' tuy yi &AKOTA COUNTY llKItAU): DAKOTA (W, NEJBR. VKltY IMiKYAI.KXT lUTO- INTOXICATION, OH SLOW SKLP POISONING, CtlJSU OF most ill health and disiiahi:. -mm e 1754 v43; 'j& m 3S& ,T I I), f J I'M tM - mm :.$.$v Advanced medical authorities as sert that nuto-lntoxication ie the foundation of most of the Ills and diseases to which the human flesh is heir. This condition is nothing more nor 'less than the slow self poisoning of the vital organs produced by the excessive mental and physical strain which we are forced to endure, and which renders the organs lame and inactive, and permits toxins actual poisons to he generated within one's own body. Usually the trouble starts in tho intestines; sometimes it starts in the stomach, liver or kidneys, but in any case the blame lies wjth tho faulty method of living, and may be traced to ovcr-cating, excessive ncr oiis strain, lack of exercise, or oth er causes. At any rate it is the more important organs that suffer the final damage and when they falter or fail in their duties the body fills up with acids and poisons, and the vic tim often yields to their baneful in fluences. Dright's disease, heart trouble, high blood pressure, catarr hal affections, and other troubles are frequently the result of self poison ing or auto-intoxication. A tired, draggy feeling of the body, n sluggish mind, and dull memory, intense nervousness, headache, stom ach and bowel troubles, poor, circula tion, imperfect digestion, constipa tion and despondency arc common symptoms of auto-Intoxication; ind nfno out of every ten of the Ameri can people are likely to be so nfTect ed.' Tanlac, the powerful reconstruct ive and systemic tonic, was designed especially to overcome these very troubles. There Is not a single por tlop of the body that is not benefit ted by the helpful work of this cole-' hrated preparation, which begins its action by stimulating the digestive and assimilative organs, thereby en riching the blood and envigorating the entire system. Composed of tho most beneficial roots and herbs known to science, It enables the stomach to thoroughly digest the food, thereby permitting the assimilable products to be converted into blood, bone and muscle. It overcomes that great exciting cause of disease, weakness. It renders the body vigorous and elas tic. It keeps tho mind clear and en ergetic, and throws off the symptoms of nervousness and Indigestion. It builds up the constitution weakened by diseased or mental and physical over-work, quickens convalescence of the, invalid, and Is a sure and unfail ing, source of rtmfort to thoso who u suffering from tho effects of npr vousnoss and overwork. That Tanlac does these vory things Is proven by tho fact .that It now has" tho largest sole of any tonic on the American market. Millions have used It with tho most astonishing and gratifying results. Tanlac Is sold In Dakota City by Nelswanger Pharmacy, in South Sioux City by Shanes Pharmacy, mid In Jlomor by Wagnor Pharmacy. LEGAL NOTICES 1st Pub. May ill), 1910tw. NOTICK OF llFAHINd. Estoto of Mobile Graham, Deceased, In tho County Court of Dakota Coun ty, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, To all per sons interested In Bald estate, cred itors and heirs take notice, that Thomas Graham has filed his potW tlon alleging that Molllo Graham died Jntestato In Dakotu county, Ne braska, on or about. July 1G, 1015, bo Ing u resident and Inhabitant of Da kota county, Nebraska, and tho own er of the following described real es tate, to-wlt: Tho southeast quarter of-tho northeast quarter of section thirteen, township twenty-eight, range- seven, In Dokotn county, Ne braska, leaving as her sole and only heirs ut law the following named persons, to-wlt: Thomas Graham, and praying for n decree burring claims; that said decedent died intestate; that no application for administration lift been mado and the estato of suld decedent has not been administered in the State of Nebraska, nd that the heirs at law of Vald d.eid.ni ii herein set forth shall be .decreed to and no muro than $10 00 W,"n ""UU be the owners in ,fee simple of tho Section 2. Section 1 of this ordl above described renl eatntiv whlnh nn.. l.,.n , i. ..'.'", u,u' ha been set for hearing on the 30th mm doy of Juno, A. D. 1910, at 10 A. M. Dated at Dakota City, Nebraska, this 27th day of May,' A. D. 1919. S. W. McKINLKV, (Seal) t County Judge. Geo. W. Learner, Attorney. Not leu for Tax Deed. ' To Ucrtha Nelson, tho person in whose name title appears of record In tho office of tho Clerk, ox-olVlcio Register of deeds, of Dakota county, Nebraska; and to C. W. Duwnll and K. F. Clinkenbeard In actual posses sion of tho real estato described bo low: You, and each of you, are hereby notified that at a public sale of lands and lots for taxes, held on November 1st, 191C, by tho Treasurer of Dakota county, Nob., to-wlt: south half of lot 3, and lot 1, block -12, Joy Place, an Ad city of South Sioux City, In Dakotu cuuiuy, iNcnrasKa, tow;t: South half of lot 3, block -12, Joy Place, an ad dition to South Sioux, City, Nebraska, was sold to C. S. ilrlgham for tho delinquent taxes, interest and costs for thu year 1914; that said real es tate was assessed in tho name of Win. Gordon for tho years 19M and 191b and in tho nninu of Uertlm Nelson for the years 191G, 1917. 1018 and 1919; also taxed for all the A-ears 1911. 19115, 1010, 1917, 1018, and 1919; that after tho expiration of three months after tho date of tho service of this notice on you, application will be mado for tax deed to said real es tate. C. S. niUGHAM. Purchaser. Pub. May 29. Juno 5 and 12, 1919. OHDINANCi: NO. L'l.',. AN ORDINANCE prohibiting tho discharge of firearms within thu lim its of tho Village or Dakota City, and providing a penalty for tho vio lation thereof. Ho It ordained by tho Chairman, Hoard of Trustees of tho Village of Dakota City, Nobraska: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to shoot or discharge any gun, revolver, pistol, or firearm of any description, within the corporate limits of this village, and every per son so committing such offense shall ik ueemeu guilty of a mlsdumeanor. nrwl mrn rnni'ln n,! Y " .t T" ' " "'.u'. ""'' tlon thereof, shall bo nrevent tho Vlllnm. m,-i J. " MSi fDzwc&jjt K nA6 tgreaaiBftK ' ifu rjiwxjimxmsmvavfv gj.fc n. ommmru ynri urn, m i , u u 1 1 . i n mi millt nr-rtti?tmi MMimvAKUxsnairA' ? X " jr.lt.. i u && )0 you know that a National survey shows 75 per cent of all money invested-in homes an$ buildings in this community is being gradually lost thru lack of paint protection? Do you realize that this tremendous loss can be prevented ty the use of proper Paint Products on all surfaces such as walls, woodwork floors, radiators, furniture, picture frames, bric-a-brac, wage ns $fcolements, automobiles, barns, silos, etc. Are you going to lost 'percent of your'irivestment? Can you afford it? Devoe Paint Products, tttarufactured since 1754, offer you this protection: "USE Devoe accbrdmg to directions with the understanding that if you kelieVe it faulty at trie time you put it on, or after wards in the wear, we-will make you satisfactory restitution." . ' - Watcl spa eSSSraBSa m S RAaBCis0aiKVci(n;kCKCfutixrmwsxs9:nx jnwrjrasKerznae-HMMwaa aumm3Ui.uan-w,. i iir.i - discharging firearms in tho disch.i e of tho duties of his office. Section 3. This ordinance sli ll take effect and bo in forco from 'd after its passage, npproval and p i Ilcatlon, 03 required by law. Passed and approved this 3rd y or June, 1919. (J. K. BKOYUII.I Clinlrnnn Hoard of, Trustu . Attest: -Sidney T. Fruni, Village Clork..- (Seal.) - .: ;c Driving tho Brain often Affects the 'Nerves, caus ing Nervous Irritation and Nervous Headaches. When Nervous, try usinp I o Tiie Standard Remedy for many yeais for disorders of the Nerves. t y& 1 1.a " w 3 mt AT ALL DRUGGISTS MILES MCDICAU CO., Elkha.t, Ind. 1 " "'" ' " ' ' ' i in. s'm :MI&BSS18L J I 1H.-T ' . ftLA Eft-"? a) rfl I At hi ,imu.VK&uiituuunrni ?taiiRBnRjisainmMtirmn!T m b4&4. M A U Wk. V .o " vX JL. JL MAGAZINE Fash to ;i Authority For Nearly 50Ycarsl Jo'n ho 1,300,000 women 'wbo turn Ito lucCALL S every month for correct fash ions, for paMerns, for cconomicnl buylne, lor lancy needlework, for rjood stories for Pleasure, for help, for style. McCALL Patterns fit. 1 '75c a Year njTFI SEND A POSTAL CARD AND ASK FOR MONhV OT t to V ,.m, n urUA ..f OVn7irlvV,, iilunt re t or HU'M t.U oirer to i.n i ioi- EiitW"1,' smw ,,fU0 0&' iDEKiaa co.. rjs :;o wm 374 strut kwyl. h. y. fWH 'liliiH i 1,1 1 111 LOMBER U II m OllK and irncral Imlldln; material at ' 25 OR MORE SAVING to you IWt.-Tfnepn.ldarbnjIni natll ,ouhaTfnt FAPVorS LUMBER CO. awo ni)STiti:iT oiiaim, m:u. S100 Reward, $100 Tho renders of HiIh napt-r will bo pleased to l.nrn thut there" Ib at lonst ono droadid disoa- that vrleneo lina Ivecn nblo to cure In all Its slnces nmj tlmt la raturrii. Cnianh llnrr jttontly Influenced ,y poiwtittitUinil conditions rjqnlr ronadtutlontl tr.otment. Jlwll's Catarrh Mwtl. inn l tnkvtt lnteintlly and act thru tl HUdoh m th Mumus Sur Thcm of t ho Byntem thcr. hy iiostroylns tho fouiuiHilmi iif tin. iiiui.iiL. ii. 1. ,.n. i"PftitQ? trojili i.v luiliiiDir iin the con f Mltutlon and auMlaMna nnttirc In doing Ita Kifl '-iixtSi . XsCAS ( UuD WjrK. -in pinprn'tora lmv ao mu' fnltli In tho curative nowars of Ilnl pjlbirrli. Medicine that thoy offer o" T!umltl DoUars f, 1 uiy cea that It Ll to cure. Send r,r ltyt ef testimonial. OWo. So d by all Urnist. & 'lu km's1M iniiMi IMS ll - r IF HE; Name of the NT re Bred Stallions I'Miftt Prize Winnintj Stallion WVI-LVCi: .No. I2I.VJ!) These horses are inspected by the Stale Sanitary Board of Lincoln, Neb., and will stand the season of 1919 at my place at HUBBARD, NEBR., at the following terms: $20 io insuri' roll nine diiys old. $15 lo insure 11111 ro in foal. $2 for tht' .season, paid in advance. For full Pedigree and other information, see me at Hubbard, Nebr. Lroxiis E&ogg Phone No. 29. HUIHIAIM), XKHK. f ...M ,'" mi OFNcwfUveM.C0NMcciicvr rjvv ill in LosCbfci mm iii CAPTAIN .o. !)(I!I7.-, t JOHN H. REAM, Agent Dakota City, Nebraska. U I r 1 ,. ,HiA- i-v, ,. . JMxaxicKiiiSiais s.tisai)ttanbtfce' -