Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, June 12, 1919, Image 4

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DAKOTA COVNTV 1I1.lt AL1) hnvlnc landed In the United States.
i lit" Misses j.uiu iiiiu iiruiui null in
JOHN If. HKAM, l'nbllslii r.
Permission has been RrnnU.l for
1.10 transmission of this papci thru
the mails as second class matter.
Subscription Price, 51.25 I'cr Year.
Telephone Nos. 1.1 nml 1
Official Paper of Dakota County.
Tliri:.tl)V). .MM. 12, ll!
Huby Harris of Hubbard, visited
i datives in Homer last week.
Miss Gertrude McKinley of Sioux,
visited her parents, 15. McKinley and
wife, Sunday between trains.
Roy Crippin and wife and Nelson
Smith and son Raymond, were Sioux
City visitors Sunday night.
The Misses Nadlnc Shcpardson,
Olive and Alice Learner and Edna
Ochandcr went to Hosalie Sunday to
fan for the baseball team. Eleven
innings were played, ending in a tic
of 1 to 1.
The Misses Pomeroy went to Rosa
lie Sunday to the ball game.
Prof. Swctt and wife were dinner
guests at the Chas. Hiserote home on
Mrs. Alico Walters, of Des Moines,
Iowa, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jane
Mrs. Green, who visited her daugh
ter, Mrs. Pete Kautz, for a week, re
turned Monday to her home In Hos
Icins. Mrs. Geo. Skidmore, of Sioux City,
was a between train visitor at the
Mrs. Rachael Kinnear home Sunday.
Miss Aiveeta MidklfF came home
Saturday from Sioux City, where she
took treatments in St. Joseph's hos
pital for a few days.
Frank Beardshear has returned
from Texas for tho summer.
Mrs. Maj. Stidworthy and daughter
Margaret returned Saturday from
Lincoln, where Miss Margaret has
been attending high school. Dr.
Stidworthy is tho happiest man in
town noto.
Raymond Smith arrived Friday
from overseas. It was quite a sur
prise, as they had no word of his
were guests at the T. I). Curtis home
over Sunday.
Harry Hrnwn was down from Sa
lem Friday and called on his brother,
S. A. Brown.
Mrs. Clyde Meyers and baby of Km
erhon, came down for the play.
Harold Lothrop and Frances Davis
motored to Sioux City Friday.
Albert Probst and wife were Sioux
City visitors Saturday.
Willie Nixon came home Saturday
from Atchison, Kan., where lie had
been attending college, he being one
of the graduates.
Mrs. Leslie Churchill visited her
brother, Dick Wilson, and wlfu in
Minneapolis several days last week.
Mrs. Vic Nelsen of Jackson, visit
ed at the Jinimie Nelsen home Fri
day and took in the play.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Black
eter, Juno 7, a daughter.
The sidewalk bicycle ordinance
here amounts to about as much as a
Gorman threat to lick the U. S. A.
The boys parade the sidewalk on
their wheels two and three thick on
the Ride streets a block from the
marshal's home and keep one eye
that way to see if he is coming.
They exceed tho speed limit, too, and
if a child happened in their way I
don't know what would happen.
Mrs. Rasmusscn Fredcrlcksen and
daughter Stclla,of Newall, Iowa, ar
rived Friday for a several days' visit
with relatives.
Peter Sorensen and wife wore Sioux
City visitors Saturday.
Miss Helen Bolster went to Sioux
City Saturday to spend Sunday witli
her friend, Miss Mildred Webb.
We havu had several billion dol
lar rains now we need a billion
dollar sunshine to even things up.
Sam Garner had the misfortune
to run a runty nail in his foot last
Norman Loomls is orf this side of
tho pond, returning from France,
and is expected here soon,
Hans Olson is another overseas
boy homo Inst week.
The senior play was well rendered
and well attended. Everyone did
so well that it is hard to say which
was best. They showed good train
ing and deserve praise for their ef
forts. E. J. Earnes, one time editor of
the Homer Eclio, but at present
register of the land office at North
To tho Board of Trustees of the Village of Dakota City,
I herewith Hubmlt a report of tho receipts and dis
bursements of tho Village Treasurer of Dakota City, Ne
braska for tho year ending April 30, lOl'J.
April 27, 1918, balanco on luind S 402.99
May 21, 1918, received from Fred Bargmann,
pool table license 30.00
July 31, 1918, received from county treasurer... 1012.37
August 20, 1918, received from S. T. Frum, ped
dler's license fco
November 5, 1918, received from S. T. Frum, ped
dler's license fco
February 12, 1919, received from Wm. C. Slcrk,
1919 ront on North Market square 27. BO
Ap'Il 28, 1919, received from S. T. Frum, 1918
rent on Cemetory block 40.00
April 28, 1919, received from S. T. Frum, 1919
rent on Odd Follows block 27. GO
30. H. II. Adair, Village Treasurer's salary, 1917-
1918 , $ 20.00
37. S. T. Frum, Clerk's salary, last half year
1917-1018 52.00
39. Wm. Lahrs, Marshal's salary, for April, 1918 15.00
40. G; F. Hughes & Co., account -20.25
41. John II. Ream, printing 35.85
42. Wm. Lahrs, Marshal's salary, May, 1918 15.00
43. Wm. Lahrs, Marshal's salary, Juno and July,
VJ18 30.00
44. C, II. Ream, InBuranco premium 10.20
45. Transferred from gonoral fund to road fund 200.00
40. Wm. Lahrs, Marshal's salary, August, Sep
tember and October, 1918, and expensu 47.00
47. Jennie E. Ross, account 2.35
48. G. P. Hughes & Co., account 10. CO
49. G. P. Broyhill, account 17. ir
50. 1). Van do Zeddo, express and drayagu 1.70
5K Wm. Lahrs, Marshal's salary for November
and December, 1918, and expense 31 ,00
52. Wm. Biermann, work ...' 2.50
53. Wm. Lahrs, Marshal's salary, January and
February, 1919, and work 31.40
CI. Fred Schrlover & Co., account 2.25
55. Wm. Lahrs, Marshal's salary, March and
April, 1919 30.00
50. S. T. Frum, Clerk's salary, 1918-1919, and
postago 102.50
07. ucorgo Harnett, election official 3. 30
GO. Fred Schrlever, election olflclal 3.30
01. Charles Ream, election official 3.30
407. Transferred from general fund to cemetery
fund 100.00
408. Transferred from general fund to road fund 200.00
Itlation and banquet at Emerson on
Sunday. On account of the rain
several had to leave their cars and re
turn on tho train. Among those
going In with the class from here
were John Hccnan, sr., Harold Hall,
Harold and Frank Boyle, Wm. O'Neill
and Geo. Hcffernan.
A very creditable play was pre
sented by the senior class of Saint
Catherine Academy Tuesday evening,
June 10th. Tho title of the play
was "The Unknown Martyr." The
scene is laid in Rome during the
days of the persecutors of the Chris
tians. Each member of the cast
did their part exceptionally well and
the play was mudh enjoyed.
Misses Nell and Mildred Maloney
departed for Chicago to attend the
graduating exercises of their sister
Mayme Maloney and cousin Madeline
Davey, from the Chicago School of
Physical Education.
Invitations are out for the gradu
ating exercises of Saint Catherine
Academy Thursday morning, June 12,
at 9:30. The graduates are: Eileen
Margaret Hartnett, Mildred Rosalie
Ryan, Madeline Cecelia Hall, Mona
Gertrude Nordyke, Mary Celestine
Sheahan, Helen Teresa Twohig, Mild
red Genevieve Cavanaugh, Josephine
Ann Tate, Rosann Catherine Suing,
Helen Josephine Beacom, Anna Evan
geline Curley, Mary Cecelia Mills,
Bernadttn Marion Pexa, Marie Ger
trude O'Rourke, Helen Marie Swift.
Carmcl Hartnett came up from
Omaha Monday to visit relatives.
Margaret Hartnett was an over
night visitor in Sioux City Sunday.
Fred Bartels was in Sioux City last
Herman Renze and family motored
to Sioux City Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goertz enter
tained at dinner Sunday.
The dance given at the Fred John
son home Monday night was very
largely attended. ,
Anna Beck was an over night vis
itor Saturday in the E. Christensen
A dance was given in the Nels
Hansen home last Saturday night. A
good time is reported.
John Green motored to Sioux City
las Thursday.
Mrs. Mads Hansen has been quite
sick the past week, Imt is now get
ting along nicely.
Mrs. Louis Larsen spent several
days with her mother, who has been
53. Win. Lahrs, work 28.25 ,lu"-. tne past weeic.
54. D. Van de Zedde, freight and drayage G0'T L?u's Larsen, Louis Mogensen,
55. Gen. Electric Co., meter repairs 5.G0 -f"l Pedersen and Mads Hansen were
50. Wm. Lahrs, work 28.75 s,tock shippers out of here WeUnes-
57. Mld-West Electric Co., meters 25.47 aaX T ......
58. City of South Sioux City, light rentals .... 87.75 John Jcssen was a visitor out in
59.' Nels Krogh, bal. in full for wire and trans- tho country last -week.
former 22 52 en Harris and family were Sunday
GO. Wm. Lahrs,' 'work '.! !.!!.!"!....!!!!..... ! 28i70 di"ers " the Peter Jensen home.
l Mrs. C. Rasmussen and Mrs. Mogen-
Total Warrants Paid $1083.78 .en visited friends and relatives in
Balance on hand in electrical fund 1402.99 Sergeant Bluff, Iowa, Saturday.
I Peter Jensen will build a new
TOTAL S48G 77 dwelling this summer for Marcus Mil-
J ' .ler, also one for Henry Filmore.
imAn n-vrn ' Thorvald Reise has just finished
a m J.., imo . i --UAIJ i'UND painting a barn and hog house for
April nJ' imL8' bn,?nci ? n hln Y -i' $ 3f 'll FreA Johnson.
June 27, 1918, received from Wm. Lahrs 1.00. o
July 31, 1918, from general fund 200.00 wniiTir aimiv nintv
July 31, 1918, from county tresaurer 115.36 ,,,"?, Iu . i
$r SSfBS.-oVv ::::::::::::: iS sir JgS jp&3.
tvpai c r.oo r.u hostesses were Mrs. Dennis Flynn,
Platte, with his wife and youngest
child passed through Homer north
bound Sunday, going to Rochester,
Minn., for nn operation. Those who
saw him say he is so thin they hard
ly knew him. He was familiarly
known here as "Fatty Eamcs."
Miss Marjorio McKinley spent
Saturday and Sunday at the B. Mc
Kinley home.
- -o
M. Qulnn is having some cement
walks laid around his property this
Mrs. II. F. McKeevcr and son Eu
gene, left this week for JeiFerson, S,
I)., to spend the summer vacation in
the home of Mrs. McKeever's sister,
Mrs. Maggie Molvln. Eugene ex
pects to assist his cousin, Will Mel
vin, in the bank.
The Misses Pauline Hall and Kath
leen Ryan arrived home from Akron,
Iowa, tho last of the week, where
they closed a term of school.
Minnie Mixer departed Monday for
Fremont, Nob., to attend summer
school at the Fremont Normal.
Joseph Carney, of Wichita, Kas.,
was a guest in the C. J. Goodfellow
home last Friday.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mon
gar June G, 1919, n son.
James Mitchell and Silius NeUen
nrrived home last week from over
seas. Mike Mitchell had a load of hogs
on the market last Thursday.
Mrs. C. J. Goodfellow entertained
the senior class of St. Catherine's
Academy at her home last Fridny
evening at a 5 o'clock luncheon.
Mrs. Victor Nelsen and little son,
Freeman, returned Saturday evening
from a week-end visit with relatives
at Homer.
Rose Hartnett spent several days
last week with friends in Sioux City.
Mrs. Fred Schneider arrived here
Monday from Sioux Falls, S. J)., for
a week's visit in the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Riley.
Thos. H. Sullivan has been appoint
ed agent of the Atlas Elevator Co.
here, II. Goodfellow, the present
agent, having resigned to take charge
of the Elevator at Goodwin, which he
recently purchased.
Harry Eckland, of Mandan, N. D
arrived here Monday to visit his sis
ter, Vera Boler, and other relatives.
Quite a number of the local
Knights of Columbus attended an In-
Wm. Lahrs, work $
I Mrs. Agnes Turner, Mrs. Harry Meade
and Mrs. John Sivlll. The high
q 7. score was awarded Geo. J. Boucher;
Q'QQ consolation, Mr. Balser, of Allen. Rc-
fi nn iresnments consisting of ice cream
anu cake were, served.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carney, of
Wichita, Kan., arrived Wednesday to
visit their daughter, Mrs. James Ho-
gan, who underwent an operation
E. L. Illlcmnn, work dragging ond hauling.
U.J. t,. it. rrcdericK. work on crossings
33. Wm. Lahrs, work on streets 12.25
34. E. L. Hileman, street work 1G.80
35. G. F. Hughes & Co., material for crossings. 02.75
30. 13. L. Hileman, dragging streets, hauling
dirt etc
37. D. Van de Zedde. dravaire on crossings ....
38. Wm. Lahrs, road work 30.00
39. Earl Frederick, work on crossings 7.50
40. Henry Krumwiede, work on crossings 5. GO
41. Win. Biermann, hauling dirt 1.00
42. E. L. Hileman, street work 37.00
43. Wm. Lahrs, street work 3G.50
AA 1? I. TltliittrTi nti ctMnni- !. nu Ort
45. Fred Duensing street work 11 .20 S"? patient, at & ,JoPh hospital
40. Henry Beermann, street work . 80 fc Z?'1.?1 t0 leaVC
47 . Wm. Lahrs, street work 27 . 50 , thW?l J,08,' T7 , . , M
48. G. F. Broyhill, culverts 57 68 iA ?-. Bhniby i"18
49. Oscar Snyder, street work 10.75 iK'nL0rder, of, .?ister wl,U clse
50. Win. Lahrs, street work 21 70 fnr&n?ven,n,r W'th a scho1 onteI"
Cl . Wm. Lahrs, road work fflLOS , nd Mrs. P. M. Cunningham of
Total Warrants Paid $442.03 &nvCity' visited friends n town
iJttlanco on hand in road fund " 140.55 i '
f. .q K", iiu unuui wuiu an ujjuruuuj
inn for appendicitis at St. Joseph's hos
I'lbt.l JtlOL JLllUlDUUy lllUtlllii.
Special services were held at St.
Michael's church Sunday. In the
evening the sermon wa3 preached by
Rev. A. E. Zimmerman, of Sioux
Dennis Flynn, ir., of Omaha, who
TOTAL r. $ 582. C8
o '
April 27, 1918, balanco on hand
Oct. 18, 1918, S. T, Frum, forC. B. Lee
April 28, 1918, from general fund
Mrs. Chester Heikes and children
from Obert, Neb,, spent a couple of
20.77 dnys this week with her parents, Mr.
2.50 and Mrs. Steve Joyce.
100.00 Mrs. Guy Sides and children spent
monuay with Mrs. Alice aides in So.
Total Warrants Paid $992.05
Balance nn hand in general fund 012.71
TOTAL , $1035 30
April 27, 1918, Balanco on hand $ 497.17
May 21, 1918, April light rentals 120.30
Juno 18, 1918, May light rentals 115.30
July 25, 1918, June light rentals 100.90
August 21, 1918, July light rentals .' 115.80
Sopt. 17, 1918, county light rentals for Dec. 1918,
and Jan., Feb., March, April, May, June and
July, 1919 73.05
Sept. 23, 1018, August light rontals 127.40
October 30, 1918, September light rentals 149.95
December 10, 1918, October light rentals 158.30
December J, lUIo, November light rentals 179.70
TOTAL S 123.27 Sioux City.
. Mrs. Will Brady spent SatUiday and
CEMETERY FUND WARRANTS PAID . Sunday with her paronts, Mr. and
August 7, 1918, II. Poinrehn . $ 35.00 Mrs. Will Broyhill, In Homer.
Balance on hand in cemetery fund 88.27 Hi, to Mr. and Mrs. Charley Fish-
er, Juno 5th. a daughter.
TOTAL $123.27 Ky Heikes has purchased a new
Veillo car.
WATER FUND irtrs.vrchlo Coughtry and children
April 27, 1918, balance on hand $ 103.82 VTn,!?d Sunday evening at the Luther
July 25, 1918. water rentals ai .00 1Ie'kes home.
September 17, 1918, county water rentals 12.00 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Armbright
October 30, 1918, water 'rentals 40 GO nnd clldron spent Sunday at the Mrs.
January 23, 1919, water rontals '.'. m'.w Molllo Broyhill home in Sioux City.
January 23. 1919. Win. Lahrs. water sold ' 'nn
January 23, 1919, water connections 7. 00
April 23, 1919, water rentals 32.00 -
January 23. 1919, December light re nt uls
Januuy 23, 1919, S. W. Foltz, for wire bought...,
February 27, 1919, January light rontals
March 19. 1919, February light rontals
April 23, 1919, March light rontals
April 30. 1919. county light rentals for February
and March, 1910 25.40
TOTAL $248G77
39. Wm. Lahrs, work $ 10.75
40. City of South Sioux City, light rentals 59.00
41. J. A. Hill, mutcrial and labor 125.00
42. Wm. Lahrs, work 10.75
43. City of South Sioux City, light rentals .... 53.00
44. Wm. Lahrs, work 2 1 1 25
45. City of South Sioux City, light rentals .... 121.00
40. Mid West Electric Co., meters 15.44
47. J. A. Hill, material and labor 25.00
48. City of South Sioux City, light rontals 195.50
4P. J. W. Clark, work 13.20
50. Wm. Lahrs, work .- 34.00
Cl. G. P. Broyhill, account to dato 3.75
52.. City of South Sioux-City, light rentals 1G2.G0
TOTAL $ 272.12
M. E. Church Notes
Rev. S. A. Dralse, Pastor
The Sunday school Children's day
is June ICth. Exercises will be held
at 10 o'clock. At that time will be
19. Win. Lahrs. pumping and flushing mains.. $ 9.25 . UDPVsinK of children. Parents
20. Novolty Mfg. Co., pulley 7 90 , dcsiro ny have their children
21. Wm. Lahrs, pumping, etc ' 1200 ,J.C nml nrrange for the service.
22. Wm. Lnhrs, work 34 'no rhe program committee would like
23. Win. Lahrs, pumping, and Hushing mains '.'. 3900 for "I1 who ,,ro to ,tako Part in tl,c
21. Win. Lahrs, putnplngf, etc , 00 e.xercis(!S to he at tho church Thurs-
25. Win. Lahrs. mntminir nml flnsliim- m.,1,,0 " Ttn' ak ny and Saturday at 3 o'clock, for
27, Wm, Lahrs, pumping, etc '.,.'. 25.90
Balunce on
Total Water Fund Warrants $ 18 1. 00
hand in Water Fund '." 88.12
.$ 272.12
The Norfolk district federated meet
is on this Tuesday and Wednesday
at Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Dralse, An
na Evans, Elda Berger and Genevieve
Mason are in attendance.
It is with great satisfaction that
As shown by report the balances , in the dUferent funds & &ntffiT.3!tKL "pTs-
.... "ro us loiiows. j nn,i , ,,i0- . , 1' ,i
"" v -, , j jiiutiVJ nub tCb llUillll
General Fund
Electric Light Fund
Road District Fund
Cemetery Fund
Water ' Fund
t 4)
.$ 012.71
Total funds in Village Treasurer's hands. $2302.04
Kcspecuuuy suimiitted,
Cheap, a Faultless Range stove, prac
tically new. B. M. BOALS.
, Rt. 1, Dakota City, Nob.
H. II. ADAIR, village Treasurer. '-THE UEKALD - $1.25 ler Yr
Keir Bros.
Grocery Co.
for Saturday Only
. n
We pay Sioux City 3Iar1u;t Prices for ltuttcr, EgS rgi
and Poultry (SJ
We also carry a full line of Fresh Fruits and 5
Shreded Wheat I
Corn Flakes j
Post Toasties ' Per
Grape Nuts Pkge
Puffed Wheat
Puffed Rice
Puffed Corn
Lard Compound, per pound 32c
Matches, per box 5c
Duch Cleanser, per can 10c
Gold Dust, per pkg . '. 5c
Light House Cleanser '. . . . 5c
Brooms (90c value) ,'. 70c
Telephone No. 31
Buy Here and Save $$$$$
11 ItM a i 13 i It 1! i
G. F. Huahes
& Co.
Lumber, Building Ma
terial. Hardware, Coal
We have now been in Dakota City in the
Lumber, Hardware and Coal business, a little
over three years. Our aim has been to please our
customers, to treat every one right and alike; and
to give satisfaction as nearly as possible in all sales.
We still carry the best Lumber, Building Material,
Hardware, Paints, Greases, Oils, and nearly every
thing in our line. We thank each, and all Patrons
for their past patronage, and will give you the same
courteous service in the future.
If. K. GltEEK, Manager. Dakota City, Neb. K
ra isssmssim
Highest Market Prices Paid for
We have a Complete Line of
Oil Meal, Shorts, Middlings,
Bran, Meat Meal, Tankage,
Baled Hay, Chick Food, Etc.
Coal from $4 to $7 per ton,
Just received a car of Nut Hard Coal
W. ML Slaughter Grain Co.
Phone 4, Dakota City, Neb.
Herman F. Foley, Mgr.