Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, May 15, 1919, Image 8

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Report of the Condition of
tiu: jiuniuni) stati: is ink
of Hubbnrd, Ncbr., Charter No. 743,
In tho Stnto of Ncbraskn at the close
of business, .May 3, 1019.
Loans and discounts $117837 17
Overdrafts 1121 17
Liberty bonds, W.S.S. and
other U. S. government
securities 12115 00
Banking house, furniture
and fixtures
Current expenses, taxes'and
interest paid
2450 00
430 79
Due from Nation
al and State
banks $99191 B3
Currency 1185 00
Gold coin 1000 00
Silver, nickels and
cents 1347 00 10272G 59
Total 230081 02
Capital stock paid in ....$ 10000 00
Surplus fund 7000 00
Dividends unpaid 803 10
Individual depos
its subject to
check $110984 18
Demand certifi
cates of De
posits 29780 7C
Time certificates
of deposit .... 7G338 28 217103 22
Depositor's guaranty fund. 1714 70
Total $23GGS1 02
State of Nebraska,
County of Dakota ss.
I, Michael Waters, cashier of the
above named bank, do hereby swear
that the above statement is a cor
rect and true copy of tho report made
to the State Banking Board.
.1. R. Waters, Director.
D. F. Waters, Director.
hubscribeu and sworn to before me
n,t. lit), ,) r it... iiiin
Geo. Timlin, Notary Public.
Mv rnmm(n!nn nvnlrna Snnf If", . 1011 I
- ,..--,- l-v. , .v..
Report of the Condition of
tiii: jackson stati: hank
of Jackson, Ncbr., Charter No. 1459,
In the State of Nebraska, at the close
of business May 3, 1919.
Loans and discounts $ 90278 30
Overdrafts - 9 28
Liberty bonds 32337 54
Banking house, furniture
and fixtures 1500 00
Current expenses, taxes
and interest paid 2822 80
Duo from National and-
Stato banks 41445 10
Checks and items
of exchange ....$ 404 48
Currency 4905 00
Gold coin 100 00
Silver, nickels and
cents 502 49
Total $180305 05
Capital stock paid In $ 15000 00
Undivided profits 3G50 71
Individual depos
its subject to
chock $ G9490 95
Demand certifi
cates of deposit 10 00
Time certificates
of deposit.... 910G4 05
Cashier's checks
outstanding .. 543 31 '
Depositor's guaranty fund. GOO 00
Total $180305 05
State of Nobraska,
County of Dakota ss,
I, C. Js Goodfellow, cashier of tho
nbovo named bank, do. hereby swear
that tho abovo stntemont Is a cor
rect and true copy of tho report mado
to tho Stnto Banking Board.
John Ityun, Director.
Hans Knudsen, Direct
SiiliB(.rlii,i .,.i .,..,,.. i.r
thi. 12th doMavriyiu. ": -
- it. ninney, Notary Public.
Commission expires Oct. 20, 1923.
Report of tho Condition of
of Dakota Citv. Nebr.. Charter Nn
994,. In the Stato of Ncbraskn, nt tho Lottlo Gilmer, Annlo Hairston, Lot
close of business. May a, 1919, tlo Hairston, Lulu Hairston, Wlllio
RESOURCES i Hairston, Sarah A. Douthit, Frank R.
Loans ond discounts $218427 40 Douthlt, Minnie F. Douthit, Mattio
Overdrafts ,.,., 19 28 K- Douthlt, Jacob W. Douthlt, Mary
Liberty bonds (MG0 00 l- Douthlt, William S. Douthlt, Jane
U. S. government secUri & Long, Israel G. Lash, timl tho un
ties 50000 00 known heirs, devisees, legatees, por-
Banklng house, furniture .sonal representatives, and all per-
ami fixtures 6000 00
OtheP reol estato irms r.4
Lurront expenses, taxes and
Interest paid 4680 15
Duo from na
tional and
state banks... $172309 05
Currency 3714 00
Gold colt 727 50
bllver, nickels and
cents .590 60 177401 21
Total $405500 58
Capital stock paid in ...$ 20000 00
Surplus fund 4000 00
Undivided profits H934 14
Individual dopos- - - i .
Its subject to
check $253535 28
Demand ccrtlfi
'dates of depos
it 1928 45
Tlmo certificates
nf ilnttr.nl t ir.nrn in
Certified checkV. 1 65 4071G9 71
j;ue to national and state
Depositor's guaranty fund.
r.'iin 7i
""'" J
to tho Stato Banking Board.
II. II. Adair, President.
Elmer Blennann, Director,
(ieo. W. Carter, Director,
TirErlTEliATTl . 1 otf'lW V
xusu ntiUAliU - J1...& J.er ir
TotuI S465500 58 Rons, c,nminr under them to tho
State of Nebraska northwest quarter (NW'4). section
County of Dakoto-ss, ?m 'Inii' JiV,",Bll wonty-soven
I, if. If. Adair, President of the JIK rnJV fiMk? tt? mi th
nbovo named bank, do hereby swear ft hi Jv, n D,?' otn S0""?' Nobrns.
that the abovo statement is n cor- J'"' ' ""."J n.1,0Ke? that ho " h,s
r..et nml tr.m mr n,.. r.f ..,. Krnntors have been in open, notorious.
.bunscrlbeu and sworn to beforo mo r,Vfnr,T i,, i.i ,..i ' , " ,
this 7th day of May, 1919. 1 f Ml'n ' I1"""'"". ' 'rs t
Sidney T Frum Nntni-v Pnlilln ,uw. .r Isra?l Lash, deceased, and
CoinmlMlon ixnlrw Sent -0 ll)"?' !V1J,0,r? nt uw of J"0""0 & Douth-
wommigioii expirm aept, u, iuj. t Snarkes. deceased: that tin, lfn.,.l.
Report of tho Condition of
tiii: rinsT stati: hank
of Nacora, Ncbr., Charter No. 1332,
in the State of Nebraska at the close
of business May 3, 1919.
Loans and discounts $ G3998 03
Overdrafts 703 73
Liberty bonds, W. S. S. ond
other Rovcrninent sccur-
itlcs 10739 51
Banking house, furniture
and fixtures 3000 00
Current expenses, taxes and ,
interest paid 527 23
Due from National
and State banks.$3G005 11
Currency 2100 00
Sliver, nickels and
cents 403 Gl 38508 72
Total $117477 27
Capital stock paid in $10000 00
Surplus fund 525 00
Undivided profits 1G28 48
Individual deposits
subject to check.$70038 09
Demand certifi
cates .of deposit 95 00
Time certificates
of deposit 34770 22 10909 31
Depositor's guaranty fund 414 48
Total $117477 27
Statu of Nebraska,
County of Dakota ss.
I, D. G. Evans, cashier of the above
named bank, do hereby swear that
the above statement is a correct and
true copy of the report made to tho
State Banking Board.
1). G. Evans, Cashier.
II. II. Adair, Director.
Elmer II. Blennann, Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 10th day of May, 1919.
Helen II. Evans, Notary Public.
Commission expires Feb. 21, 1923.
Report of the Condition of the
It 4 Vir ffcL Ik I imrm iiiTxmi
" "r iin" ii mimii
' Jackson, Charter No. 651, In the
State Of Nebniksa at the close of
business May 3, 1919.
Loans and discounts $171892 85
Overdrafts 1549 12
Liberty bonds 37874 01
Banking house, furniture
and fixtures 4357 28
Current expenses, taxes
and Interest paid 457G 03
Due from Na
tional and
State banks.. $111270 23
Currency 3000 00
Gold coin - 805 00
Silver, nickels
and cents ... 1021 99 110103 22
Total $330352 51
Capital stock paid in $ 20000 00
Surplus fund 4000 00
Undivided profits 471G 55
Individual do
posits subject
to check $154979 24
Time certificates
of deposit 149852 54
Cashier's checks
outstanding . 311 27 305143 05
Depositor's guaranty fund 2492 91
Total ., $33G352 51
County of Dakota, )
I, W. A. McNulty, cashier of tho
above named bank, do hereby swear
that tho above statement in a correct
and true copy of the report made to
the State Banking Board.
Michael Boler, Director.
T. F. Harrington, Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before mo
this 9th day of May, 1919.
D. F. Waters, Notary Public.
I Commission expires July 17, 1924.
First Pub. .May 8, 1919
... .. ,..,. - . ......
uie uibitici wjuri oi uaKOta
Charles McGrnw. Plaintiff, vs. Loz-
zctta C. Douthit, Hamlin S. Douthit,
Luura A. Douthlt, Mary J. C. Douth
it, Byron B. Hausor, Charles M. Haus
er; Sarah C. Hauser, Fannie L.
Wilson, Flora E. Wilson, Theo
philus C. Wilson, Llzzio George,
sons interested In tho estate of Is
rael u. i.asn; i-Jmeiino K. Douthit
Sparkes, and the unknown heirs, dev
isees, legatees, personal representa
tives, and all persons interested in
tho estate or Emeline E. Douthit
Sparkes; Stephen A. Douthit, and tho
unknown hoirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives, and all persons
Interested in tho estate of Stephen
A. Douthlt; Henry A. Wilson, and tho
unknown helm, devisees, legatees,
porsonal representatives, and all per
sons interested in the estate of llon-
ryA' Wilson, Defendants.
.Io tho ",)0V0 ""! defendants:
, UX Issuance of an order or Gu
y Graves, Judge of tho Distric
Court of Dakota County, Nebraska,
mado at Chambers In Pender, Thurs
ton County, Nebraska, on tho 14th
day of April, 1910, in tho abovo en
titled cause, tho defendants and each
of them are hereby notified that on
vno iin uuy oi April, lull), plaintlll
filed his petition in tho District
Court of Dakota Countv. NidiMBkn.
JV"' Petition
tno ouJect and prayer of which are
l0 Su,ot tho tltl ,n tl10 plaintiff and
nnlnst tho defendants and all nor-
" "U,"S . e" ,us. " , 'lvo
& twenty I frTo' yc'a last'past; that
wiu uuienuunis ixuzeua u. Douthlt,
Hamlin S. Douthit, Laura A. Douthit
anu wary J. u. Douthlt, claim
?,nts By"" D. Hausor, Charles M.
Hauser and Sarah C. Hauser, claim
some interest In said promises as de
visees under the will of T. C. IInii3
er, deceased; that the defendants
Fannie L. Wilson, Flora E. Wilson
and Theophilus C. Wilson claim some
interest in said premises as heirs at
law of Israel G. Lash, deceased, and
as heirs at law of Henry A. Wilson,
deceased; thot the defendants LIezIc
George, Lottie Gilmer, Annie Hairs
ton, Lulu Hairston, Lottie Hairston,
and Willie Hairston. claim some In
terest in said premises as devisees
under the will of Mary Lash-Dillard,
deceased; that the defendants Sarah
A. Douthlt, Frank R. Douthit, Minnie
F. Douthlt, Mattle E. Douthlt, Jacob
W. Douthit, Mary P. Douthit, and
WHHatn S. Douthit, claim some inter
est in said premises as heirs at law
of Stephen A. Douthit, deceased, and
Emclinc E. Douthlt Sparkes, deceas
ed; that the defendant Jane E. Long,
claims some interest in said premises
as an heir at law of Emcline E.
Douthit Sparkes, deceased; that Is
rael G. Lash and the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represent
atives and all persons interested in
the estate of Israel G. Lash, deceased,
claim some Interest In said premises
by virtue of the former ownership of
said Israel G. Lash, therein; that Em
cline E. Douthit Sparkes and the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives, and all parsons
Interested in tho estate of Emeline
E. Douthit Sparkes, claim some in
terest in said premises as heirs at
law of Israel G. Lash, deceased, and
Emeline E. Douthit Sparkes, deceas
ed; that Henry A. Wilson, and the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives, and all persons
interested in tho estate of Henry A.
Wilson, deceased, claim some inter
est in said premises, as heirs at low
of Henry A. Wilson, deceased, and Is
rael G. Lash, deceased; that Steph
en A. Douthit and the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represent
atives, and all persons interested in
the estate of Stephen A. Douthit,
claim some interest in said premises,
as heirs at law of Israel G. Lash, de
ceased, and as heirs at law of Steph
en A. Douthit, deceased. The plain
tiff also prays for general equitable
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before the 16th day of
June, 1919.
CHARLES McGRAW, Plaintiff.
First publication April 24, li)l!)-cw
simuFrs sviii:.
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of an order of sale Issued by Jus
tin S. Bacon, county clerk and ex
ollicio clerk of the district court of
Dakotn County, Nebraska, and direct
ed to me, George Cain, sheriff of Da
kota Countv. Nolwn.qUn. mmmnnillmr
mo to sell tho promises hereinafter
described to satisfy a certain judg-.
mentof tho said district court of said
county and state, obtained at the
March, A. D. 1919 term thereof, in
favor of Julia Clark Hallam and,
against Alfred Hallam, for tho sum
of thirteen thousand four hundred'
and clghty-nino dollars and sixteen
cents ($13,489.16) with interest on
one thousand two hundred and eighty-1
three dollars and fifty-five cents
x,uBj.tti; ai tno rate or eight (8)
jti ijni, pur annum, mm iun tnous-1
and five hundred and thirty-five dol
lars and fifty-three cents ($10,535.53) I
at. the rate of seven (7) per cent per
annum from tho 11th day of Septem
ber, 1918, and tho costs in the sum !
of seven dollars and forty-five cents
($7.15) taxed in the Stato of Iowa,
and tho sum of threo hundred and
eighty-five dollars and sixty-nine
cents ($385.69) attorneys fees taxed
under the laws of Iowa rts a part oft
said judgment, and tho further sum'
of thirty-three dollars and twenty-,
fivo cents ($33.25), costs in said ac-1
tion accrucu in tno District Court of
Dakota county, Nobraska, and accru
ing costs, and ordering the real es
tato heretofore attached In this ac
tion sold,
I have levied on tho following de
scribed roal -estato situated in said
Dakota county, Nebraska, to-wlt:
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12, 13, 14, 15 und 10 in block 5; lots
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
13, 14, 15. 10 and 17 in block 7; lots
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 in block 8;
lots 1, 2, 4, 5. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,
23 and 24 in block 10; lots 1, 2, 3,
4, 5. G, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 in. block
11; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,0, 7, 8, 9, 10,11,
12, 13, 14 and 15 in block 12; lots
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 7 and 8 in block 1;
lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
13, 14, 15 and 16 in block 2; lots 2.
4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
and 16 in block 3; lots 1, 2, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 10
ln block 4; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8,
9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 in block 9; and
all of block 6, all In Lakeside Park,
Dakota County, Nebraska, and tho
unplatted portion or lot threo (3),
section thirty-two (32), township
twenty-nino (29), range nine (9),
East of the Gth Principal Meridian, in
Dakota County, Nebraska.
And I will, on tho 2Gth day of
May, A. D. 1919, at 10 o'clock A. M. of
said day, at tho soutli Trout door of
tho Court 1 Inn so. In llnkntu Citv nn.
kota County, Nebraska, proceed to
soil at public auction, to tho highest
bidder, for cash, tho abovo described
real estate, or so much thereof as may
bo necessary to satisfy said judgment
and order of sale Issued by said Justin
S. Bacon, county clork and x-officio
clerk of tho district court of Dakota
county, Nebraska, tho amount duo
thereon In tho nggrcgato being tho
sum of thirteen thousand four hun
dred and oighty-nino dollars and six-
tiin cimtti Sl!l.tR0 1(n tulM. !..
on ono thousand two hundred and
elghty-threo dollars and fifty-five
cents ($1,283.55) at tho rate of
eight (8) per cent per annum, and
ton thousand fivo hundred and thirty
live dollars and fifty-three cents
($10,535.53) at the rate of qeven (7)
per cent por annum, from the 11th
day of September, 1918, and tho
costs In tho sum of seven dollars and
forty-five cents ($7.45), taxod In tho
Stato of Iowa, and tho sum of three
inunureu anu cigtiiy-uvo dollars and
fifty-nino cents ($385.69), attorneys
I fees taxed under tho laws of Iowa
ns n part of said judgment, and tho
I furtlwr Kiitti nt tlilrtv.tl,-n ,nii.
I . ' "- ...i. v...vw UUIIU1B
and twonty-five cvnts ($33.25) costs
in said action accrued in the Dis
trict Court of Dakota County, Neb-
High War Prices
Are With Us Yet
( Ml y
raska, and accruing costs, and order
ing the real estate heretofore at
tached in this action sold.
Dated this 19th day of April, A. D.
Sheriff of Dakota County, Nebr.
1st Pub.May 1, 1919 4w.
Estate of John Merkle, Deceased,
in the County Court of Dakota Coun
ty, Nobraska.
Tho State of Nebraska, To nil" per
sons interested in said estate,' credit
ors and hoirs take notice, that Will
iam Lahrs, has filed his petition al
leging that John Merkle, died intes
tate in Bradford County, Pennsylva
nia, on or about May 10th, 1879, being-a
resident and inhabitant of said
Bradford Co., Pa., nnd the owner of
the following described real estate,
to-wit: West half of tho southeast
quarter, southwest quarter of the
northeast quarter, and the northeast
quorter of tho southeast quarter, all
in section seventeen (17), township
twenty-eight (28), rango nine (9),
East of tho Gth P. M., in Dakota
County, Nebraska, leaving as his sole
anu only neirs at law the following
named persons, to-wlt: Louise Mer
kle, his widow, sometimes called Lou
isa Merkle, and now re-married, and
known as Louiso Merkle Storms, nnd
John D. Merkle, his son, and only
eniiu, ootn oi legal age, ana praying
for o decree barring claims; that
said decedent died intestate; that no
opplication for administration has
been mado and tho estato of said de
cedent has not been administered in
the Stato of Nebraska, and that tho
heirs at law of said decedent ns here
in set forth shall be decreed to be
the owners in fee simple of the above
described real estate, which has been
set for hearing on the 31st day of
May, A. D. 191J.
Dated at Dakota City, Nebraska,
tins 24th day or April, A. 1). 1919.
(Seal) County Judge.
How's This?
TVo offer One Hundred Dullm-t RewarJ
lor nny cuse of Catarrh tliet cannot be
cured by Hull's Cutnrrli Mtdlclne.
Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken
by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty
five years, and has becomo known as tho
most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on
the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Poi
son from the Blood and healing the dis
eased portions.
After you have taken Hall's Catarrh
Medicine for a short tlmo you will see a
great Improvement In your general
health. Start taking Hall'n Catarrh Medi
cine at once nnd get rid of catarrh. Scad
for testimonials, frco.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. Ohio.
Gold by all Druggists, 75c.
MIU,OHKn(ltc.r16illUUnf nuttrUUt
lo 70a. Doat ntltf r tiu ln until you hTienl
A lllg yielding Ofl-Dny Variety.
Eield, Grass and Garden Seed.
Free Uook
Ay Urns.,
Hlair, Nebr.
With lighting endqd, tho trooubles war brought us did
not stop.
Daring the war telephone companies, like most other
institutions, were hit hard by high prices for equipment
and by the loss of trained employees.
Now our former employees are gradually being reletioed
from military service and resuming their old positions.
Although the price of telephone equipment is still very
high, we are able to obtain it more promptly than a few
months ago. "
Our plant facilities, which during the war were extended
only for urgent needs, are gradually being restored to a
normal condition.
And telephone service, too, is steadily improving and
getting back to our pre-war standard.
But the cost of furnishing telephone service is much
more than it was when the war began. - . '
And high prices for equipment and jrj"acVtIi Iiigh opdr-
ating expenses are problems we shall no doubt have to
meet for several years. " ,
.VE1H.ASKA TErl'.rilON'K
'" w r - i
Highest Market Prices Paid for
We have a Complete Line of
Oil Meal, Shorts, Middlings,
Bran, Meat Meal, Tankage,
Baled Hay, Chick Food, -Etc.
Coal from $4 to $7 per ton
Just received a car of Nut Hard Coal
Slaughter-Prestcott Elev. Co.
Phone 4, Dakota City, Neb.
Pure Bred Stallions
i rut I PMRiliiioisBl
First Prize Winning Stallion
Those horses are inspected by the State Sanitary Board
of Lincoln, Neb., and will stand the season of 1919 at
my place at HUBBARD, NEBR., at the following terms:
'-20 to insure colt nine days old.
$15 to insure mare in foal.
$12 for the season, paid iu advance.
For full Pedigree and other information, see me at
Hubbard, Nebr.
Lrpiis E&ogg
Phone No. 2!).
Abstracts of Title
A $10,000 Surety Bond
13. ,1. KiaiEKS, Itomled Alislrnctor.
Successor to tho Dakota County Abstract Company I
' COSIL'AX'vT-'?"''
. n., tr"
Herman F. Foley, Mgr.
No. 9II97.-.
urniiAiii), n io nit.
Guarantees the Accuracy
..J f
V' 1