DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD, DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. V ir ( K iJ.V- k.U THE . MOST DANGEROUS OF ALL DISEASES HOME S No organs of the human body are so Important to health and lone life " the kidneys. "When they slow up and com mence to lng in their duties, look out I Danger is in eight. Flml out what tho trouble is with out delay. 'Whenever you feel nervous, weak, dizzy, suiter from sleeplessness, or have pains in tho back, wnko up at once. Your kidneys need help. These aro Eigns to warn, you that your kidneys are not performing their functions properly. They aro only half doing their work nnd aro allowing impurities . to accumulate and bo converted into uric acid and other poisons, which aro causing you distress and will de stroy you unlcsa they, aro driven from your system. Get eomo GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules nt once. They are an old, tried preparation used all overtho world for centuries. They contain only old-fashioned, soothing oils combined with strength-giving and system-cleans-ing herbs, well known and used by phy sicians in their dally practice. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules aro im ported direct from the laboratories in Holland. They are convenient to take, and will cither give prompt relief or your money will lie refunded. Ask for them at any drug store, but be suro to get tho original imported GOLD MEDAL brand. Accept no substitutes. In scaled packages. Threo sizes. IUWN HELPS REFUGE FROM SUDDEN STORM WATCH YOUR COLTS For Coughs, Colds and Distemper, and at tho first symp toms of any such ailment, give small doses of that won derful remedy, now tho moat used lnexlstcncc, Sl'OHN'S DIST12MIM2H COMPOUND Safe for all ages, Colts, Mnres In foal, Stallions and all others. An excellent preventive as well as n cure. Sold by druggists. SPOIIN MKDXCAI, CO., Mfrn., Goshen, Ind., V. S. A. Stop Losing Calves CALIFORNIA You can Stamp Abortion Out of YOUR HERD --and Keep It nt By the use of Vm. DAVID ROBERTS "Anti-Abortion" Small Expense Easfty Applied. Sure, Results. used succeasrauy tor iv years. Consult Dr. DAVID ROBERTS about all animal ailments. In formation free. Bend for FREE copy of The'Cattle Specialist" with full Infor mation on Abortion in Cowi. OR, DAVID ROBERTS VETDUNMU CO 100 Grind Av Wmkcths. Wire. White Diamond I'hnnoeraph Needle Co., Min neapolis, Minn., oftora J to cash for boat let ter describing merits of Its needle, pkg. 25c. W. N. U SIOUX CIT.Y, NO. 20--1919. racMc Orove with Its Ideal climate fa mom aummer and wlnttr reaort city on charmlnc Monterey Bay 128 mllea aouth of Ban Francisco. Wonderful flihlnc: world renowned auto drivea along rugged ahorea and In beautiful pine, oak and cypreaa foreata. Fre literature. Addreaa Chamber of Commerce, Pactflo Qrove, Cal. Kodak Finishing' Expert work. Prompt return. Special mail order department We pay return postage. Write for price list. The Robert Dempshr Co., Box 1138, Omaha, Neb. MONTANA 1V1IKAT LAND FOR HAMS DY OU'NKK in tho fiimoun Judith Gap district. W. T. NORDI.1ND, Judith Qap, Montunn. Easily Constructed Shelter Which Should Have Place on Every Pub lic Picnic Ground. There Is not much pleasure to ho hnrt In the woods If no shelter Is nenr when rnlu threatens nt any minute. Jinny picnics nrc broken up by show ers which lust but n few minutes, sim ply becnuso there Is no wny to protect the food or to keep dry until the squull passes ovor, writes C. L. Meller, Fargo, K D In Popular Mechanics Mag nzlnc. A shelter, such as Illus trated, will take the discomfort out of walks nnd picnics, and will Induce people to tempt the wenther more often, since (hey know that protection Is within easy rench. A dead tree, the trunk of which Is still quite sound, makes an excellent stnrt for such n shelter. It should be cut off about ten feet from the ground, enre being tnken to make the saw cuts ns even as possible. It may be necessary to erect scaffolding to mako this cut properly. After the cut sur face Is worked smooth, eight rafters nro fitted Into the top of the trunk, Tho rafters are 12 feet long, four of them being two by four Inch timber, nnd four, four by four Inches. They nrc supported tit the outer end by four by four Inch posts, driven Into tho ground nnd extending eight feet -Slender Returns. "Did you raise anything on your promlso ito pay?" "Oh, wes; I raised n smile." A buzz saw enn teach nn Inquisitive ntim more In n minute than the best instructors ran teach lilin In n lifetime. Just Bcnlnnlna. Mrs. Klnebrcd "Is yours 'nn old family, Mr. NcwpopT' Mr. Newpop ! "Mercy, no! We've been married only a year." i If Eve hadn't 'been forbidden to cat that apple the t'hances are that It wouldn't liave happened. The Flow of Meat Two-thirds of the live stock in the United States has to be raised in the West One-half of the consumers of meat live in the East. In other words, most of the live stock is one or two thousand miles distant from most of the people who need it in the form of food. Fifty years ago, when live stock was raised close to every consuming cen ter, the country butcher could handle the job after a fashion. But the job got too big. Now millions of animals have to be moved hundreds of miles to millions of people. Somewhere on the way they have to be turned into meat. The packers solved the problem. They set up plants where the "live haul" and the "meat haul" were in the right balance. They built up distributing systems refrigerator cars, refrigerating plants, branch houses. They saved time, money and meat everywhere. The stockraiser bene fited in better markets and higher prices; the consumer, in better meat and lower prices. As the country grew, the packers had to grow, or break down. Because of its present size and efficiency, Swift & Company is able to perform its part in this service at a fraction of a cent per pound profit Swift & Company, U. S. A. Picnickers Have Little Fear of Pass ing Rainstorms When a Substantial Shelter Is Near to Protect Clothing and Food. above It. The four by four Inch rafters should be lltted into the log llrst, the two by four Inch being ndded later. Upon this framework, wlilch forms an octagonal, umbrella-shaped structure, seven-eighths Inch boards aro nailed to form tho roof, nils may be cov ered with shingles or some -rooting ma terial. For greater comfort, a sent built around the trunk may be added, and other seats may he built near It. The whole structure should be flnlshod In n dark, neutral lirown, with Just u touch of white trimming. If the roof Is stained a moss-green, the color scheme will be In Harmony during nil sensons of tho year, with tho prevail ing colors throughout the -surrounding woods. BUILD TO SUIT HOUSEWIFE Designers Appreciate Importance at House Construction From the Standpoint of the Women. The average citizen, supported by the women of his household, is de manding Improved home building nnd this will, of course, Influence nil future building operations. From now on consideration of ,the housing question must be primarily from tho point -of view of tho housewife. Consequently, labor-saving devices will be increasing ly stressed. Landlords have lenrned that It can he Just as proiltnhhj to own well-kept properties as It Is to own dilapidated tenements, or vacant lots tilled with rubbish or billboards. The United States Housing corpora tion, however, has not adopted any Utoplnn building scheme. It has sim ply recognized that the elllclency of the workman Is .seriously depreciated If he and his family must llvu In un sanitary dwellings, it has been proved that If ho Is to work to his best ca pacity ho must bo not only well housed, but housed adequately and comfortably within reasonable distance from his workshop and at a rental he will bo able to pay. Industrial housing Is n comparative ly new proposition In Amcrlcn. It is nn old one In England, and In many ways It has been adequately solved. The problem there Is now largely dealt with from the woman's angle. Need for City Planning. The need of city planning and the pushing of public work Is greater to day than ever before, said Waiter I). Moody, managing director of the Chi cago plan commission, In nn interview with a representative of the Christian Science Monitor. Not only Is this true because public work needs to bo done to aid In tho solution of tho labor problem, continued Mr, Moody, but the cities In tho United States hnve grown bo rapidly In the last twenty years and the problems of city life are so complex that tho new conditions can not be coped with for the well-being of the people In thorn without n dell nlto city plnn to work to. The prol. leins of parks, better housing, sanita tion, ample means for recreation, ami facilitation of trallle and the relief of triilllc congestion, must ho Kiveji hj.o clal attention. aLaHfclkfjiHl SAYEH BY A FAITHFUL WIFE Suffered Thirty Years With Stom ach Troublo and Hemorrhages of tho Dowels, Tho Story of a Wonderful Recovery Thero is hardly any ono who does not cxporlonoo eomo troublo with tho stomach. It la bo common that wo frequently pay lit tle or no attention to It. Yet, tho stomach Is very easily upBet, and catarrhal Inflam mation of tho mu cous llnlnc dovol- ops, grows worse tho pain and dis tress is Incessant nnd tho truth dawns that wo havo chronlo stom ach trouble. Tho case of Mr. Louis Young1, 205 Merrlmao St., Rochester, N. Y Is typical. Ho writes: "I suffered for thirty years with chronlo bowel trouble, stomach troublo and hem orrhages of the bowels. "Wo bought a bottlo of Pcruna and I took It faithfully. I began to feci better. My wlfo persuaded mo to contlnuo and I did for sorao time ns directed. Now I am a well man." Mr. Young's expcrlenco Is not unusual. If you Buffer from catarrh In any form, whether of tho head, Btomach, bowels or any otlfer part of tho body, try Pcruna. It may bo Just what you need. Pcruna comes In either liquid or tablet form and Is sold everywhere. Your dealer ha3 It or will get it for you. Ask for Dr. Hartman's World-Famous Pc runa Tonic and insist upon having it. If you want your health accept nothing else. . All tho Blck and suffering aro in vited to write Tho Peruna Company, Dept. 78, Columbus, Ohio, for Dr. Hartman'a Health Book. The book is freo and may help you. Ask your dealer for a Pcruna Almanac. YIELD BEG CROPS THIN PEOPLE Grain Seeds From Western Can ada Do Well in Ohio. MOULD TAKE PfSATE Now Is the Time to Buy a Farm in Good Old U.S.A. Although the war la ovpi, tlio de mand for food continues. Tho business of producing thlnea to pat, thcrofoic, elves promise of paying aatlutactory dividends. Tho U. 9. nAlLUOAD ADMINIS T11AT10N onVrs tho co-operation of Its HOMKSKKKEUH' HUKKAU to thoso who wish to engage In furmlng, stock raising, dairying, poultry raising, fruit Krowlng, and kindred puraultn. Free Information will bo furnished about farm opportunity in any State on request. Wrlto today. Jlvo mo tho nnme of the State you want Information about; say what line of farm activity you wish to follow, and the number of acres you will need, and let mo know what kind of terms you desire. Tho more particulars you con send regard ing your requirements, the better I can lerve you. Hotiunc to Sell. Onlr Informttlen U Clve. .1. I.. .r.mVAKDS, Malinger. Agrl. Section, U. H. llullroud Admlnls. tuition, itoom 2000, Washington, 1). U. OII.A. AND MOHAWK Valley Ijiuil, lllrli na Valloy Nile, on Main lino 8. 1'. lly. Level, productive, ranches ndjnlnlng producing ubumlnnro cotton, alfalfa, barley, corn, vege tables, fruit, $10 to J20 per aero. This prim good 60 daya only, McCoon and Thcrlnult, 331 Citizens' Nat'l Bank, Los Angeles, Cal, Mlsslnslppl Fur ins Handles. Idonl climate, excellent schools, plenty rainfall, good roads, fertile soils. Miss. Land Co., Canton, Miss. There is nothing In which people be tiay their character more than In what they 11ml to lnugh about. Goethe. Baby's llttlo dresses will Just simply dazzle if Bed Cross Hull Blue Is used In tho laundry. Try It and sec for your self. At nil good grocers,' 0c Tho same hammer that breaks a piece of Iron in two can bo used to weld two pieces of Iron Into one. Demand for Them Is Oound to Add Value to the Land of Our North-' ern Neighbor, Now to Do Had Cheap. A largo area of the Innd In several counties In Ohio prepnred for sprlug seeding will bo seetU'd with Mnrnuls wheat a spring variety. This wheat Is' Imported from Western Canada. It was about three years ago that the flu of this seed was Imported Into the States, nnd the result, watched each succeed ing year, proved that Ohio soil and spring seeding was n success The dtmniul for the seed has now become so grent that one of the largest seed houses In the state, that has boon pur choslng from Western Canada farmers nnd Importing It, has decided to pur chase a large block of land In that country for the purpose of growing tho grain themselves. They will devote n considerable portion of their West ern Cnnada holdings to growing onts, barley and rye. Their action Is a strong Indorsement of the product. For some time past n considerable quan tity of seed oats has also been Import ed. Tho proline yield reported wns what probably gnve an Impetus to tho Introduction of wheat. It was found, though, after a couple of years tho quality of tho oats, as well ns the yield, began to deteriorate when grown seed was used, mnklng It necessary for fresh Importations every couple of years. It Is possible that tho same experience may follow tho growing of Western Canada wheat. In fact It Is quite probable, and tho Ohio farmer will And It necessary to Import every two years. With tho success thnt has followed the Ohio farmers' experiments with this Imported seed U Is possible other states now growing winter whent will begin growing spring wheat It may therefore bo taken for granted that Western Cnnadn, In addition to Its ability to produce hundreds of mil lions of bushels of wheat possessing the greatest percentage of gluten of nny wheat In the world, will shortly he called upon to provide the seed that will ho grown on the additional acres In tho United Stntes thnt may ho devoted to spring whent. It Is a well-established fact that the further north any product of the farm can bo brought to n state of maturity, tho more vigorous It becomes. This has been proven In the grains that havo been 'produced In Western Can ada; It has been shown In the devel opment of Its horses, Its cattle, Its sheep and Its hogs; also In Its people. Tho neighbor to the north really hns a splendid future before him, and ninny yenrs will not havo passed be fore tho lands that are selling today at much less than their producing value will bring prices more commen surate with their true worth than they do today. Think of lands that yield In their operation n profit of from Ilfteen to twenty-live dollars an acre a year gelling at figures less than ?10 nn acre. It does not require a mathematician to figure the percentage of profit. It Is unfair to these lands to ask them to contlnuo these profits for long. So It Is safe to make the prediction that In a very few years they will plaeo themselves on a parity with other lands that today produce less and sell for much jnon. Advertisement. The Benlnnlno of Economy. Husband Wo'll hnvo to economize, dear. ' Wife Well, let's smoko less. PHOS Nothing Llko Plain Bltro-Phosphat to Put on Mrm, Honlthy Flesh nnd to Inorenao Otroncth, Vlcor ' and Norvo Force, ' Judging from tho countless preparations ind treutmi'iits which are continually ba Int; advertised for tho purnoiio of inuktnc thin peoplo llesliy, developing nrrns, neole and bust, and replacing tiirly hollows and uncles by tho bo ft curved linos of health and beauty, thero nro evidently thousand of mon and women who keenly tool their excessive thinness. Thlnnom nnd weakness aro usually du to starved nerves. Our bodies noctl mor phosphate than In contained In modern foods. Physicians claim thcro Is nothing; thnt will supply thin deilcloacy bo well r thoorcanlo pliosphnto known umongilrUR cists ns bltro-phosphate, which Is Inex pensive nnd Ih sold by most all drucclsta under a cunrnntee of satisfaction or money back, lly feeding tho nerves directly nnd by supplying: tho body cells with tho neces sary phosphoric food elements, bltro-phos-phato quickly produces a welcome trans formation In tho nppcarnnco; tho Incrcas In weight frequently belnc astonishing. This mcreaso In weight alBo carries wlta It a general Improvement In tho health. Nervousness, sleeplessness nnd lack of energy, which nearly always accompany oxcesslvo thinness, soon disappear, dull eyes becomo bright, and palo cheeks glow, with tho bloom of porfect health. CAUTION! Although bltro-phosphat Is unsurpassed for rollovltiff nervousness, sleeplessness nnd gcnoml weakness. It should not, owing to Its rcmnrknblo llcsh growlng properties, bo used by anyone who docs not deslro to put on llesh. Ho Knew Them. "I told you," said tho merchant, "to mnrk this box 'llandlo with care. What's this gibberish you've scrawled on It?" "That," replied the college graduate, "is tho Latin for 'Handle with enre.'" "Huh I How do you expect a bag gageman to understand thnt?"' "Hu won't, and therefore he won't get mad ana mnnsh tho box." Boston Transcript. , Much of mother's popularity with her children Is duo to tho fact that shn Is willing to wait on them. Back Lame and Achy ? There's little peace when your kid neys nro weak nnd whilo at hrst thero nuiy bo nothing more serious than dull backache, sharp, stabbing pains, hend nches, dizzy ppclls nnd Kidney irregu larities, you must net quickly to avoid tho uioro.scrioUB trouble, dropsy, gravel, heart disease, Uricht's disease. Use Doan's Kidney Fill", tho remedy thnt is so wnnnly recommended everywhere by grateful users. An Iowa Case C. I). Weston, Jus- tlco of tho pence, Trnor at., urceno, Iowa, says: "I havo used Donn'ft Kidney .rum qil mm uii iui rr? attacks of kldnoysL Anmn1n(li4 'WTItmi I &J tnko cold It sottlcs on my kidneys nnd brings on tho at tacks. Moriilmrii I havo a IrunenesH in I tho nnin.ll nt mv linrlc1 nnd tho kidney so crotlons nro unnat urnl nnd Irregular In passu co. I nlwnvH ubo Donn'a Kldnoy Pills nt thoso times nnd iccoivo prompt relief." Get Doan's at Any Store, COe a Dos doan's "ysss FOSTER-MILDUIIN CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. a. . rjss LM'W& mm Vf, Could Not Resist His Appeal. "No, Mr. Smith," sho said, gently but firmly, "I can never bb your wife." Then ho struggled to his feet and said In broken tones: "Aro all my hopes to bo thus dashed to pieces? Am I never to be known as tho husband of tho beautiful Mrs. Smith?" This was too much for the girl, and she succumbed. BaaaaaaaafaaaaaBfaaaaaaajaaatasj 4 I 1 11 Tlww II IwY aaW WB'r W Q! Betty Said She Could Bake "I knew she never had baked a cake and I was doubtful. But I told her to go ahead. "She got my treasured Royal Cook Book, my can of Royal Baking Pow der and all the fixings and sailed in. "Honestly, it was the best cake we. ever had, and now I believe anyone who tries can bake anything with Powder Absolutely Pure Made from Cream of Tartar derived from grapes Royal Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste Tho Royal Cook Book, containing ovor 500 recipes for all kinds of cookery, mailed free. Write for a copy to ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., Dopt. H, 13G William Street, Now York .1 t ' ft ! n A m mSxi is Y-.