Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, May 15, 1919, Image 6

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By Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Winona, MInn.-"I Buffered for moro
than a year from nervousness, and was
rest nt night
would lio awake and
get so nervous I
would hnvo to get
up and walk around
and in the morning
would be all tired
out. I read about
Lydia E.PinUhnm'o
Vogotnblo Com
pound and thought
I would try it. My
nervousness Boon
left me. I sleep
well and feel fine in the morning and
nble to do my work. I gladlv reconv
mend Lydia E. PJnkhom'o Vegetablo
Compound to make weak nervea
otrong." Mrs. Albert Sultze, 603
Olmotead St, Winona, Minn.
How often do wo hear tho expression
nmongwomen, "I am so nervoui, I can
not sleep," or "it seems as though I
ehould fly." Such women should profit
try Mrs. Kultzo's experience and givo
this famous root and herb remedy,
Lydia E. PJnkham'a Vegetable Com
pound, a trial.
For forty years it has been overcom
ing such serious conditions as displace
ments, inflammation, ulceration, irreg
ularities, periodic pains, backache, diz
ziness, and nervous prostration of
women, and is now considered tho stan
dard remedy for such ailments.
Kill Aimies! "ass?5
IlftM! anywhere. DAIS VLY KltXEIl attract! mru
kill a)l flf. Nei, tUn. omtmental, con?tnUnt ami
fton, Mnd of raUJf
ant anlllerttnovan
will not fU or Injure
m m i J
Air Smuggling
Is New Problem
Customs Officers Puzzled to Find
Way to Prevent Threat
ened Evil.
anything, Uutrtntwid.
at vrar dealer or
11AEOLD B0ME113. 1W Da Kalb Ava..llrooklra,M.?.
A toilet preparation of merit.
ITelpa to erttflctt dudroff.
ForRcitorint Color and
Beauty taCrarorPtdsdlUlr.
toaand tl wet Imirrl'ti.
Immediate Action Necessary.
Kind Old Gentleman Wlint are you
ciylng for, my little man?
Tommy Tuff I enn't think of a
name for (hit guy.
K. O. O. And why should It be
necesMiry for you to think of n nuino,
iny little clinp?
T. T. Ver wouldn't ask that If ycr
heard Hie one hn cull'Ml me.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
by LOCAL Al'l'UUATlONU, us they
cunnot roach tho neat of tho dlnoaso.
Calurrh Ih a local tlliiouno. croatly Influ
enced by constitutional cundltlona. HAI.l.'H
CATAUItll MED1CINI2 will euro cntnrrh.
it In taken Internally and acta through
tho Illoml on tho Mueoua HurfacoR of the
is composed of aomo ot the limit tonics
known, comblnod with aomo of tho best
blood purlllrrri. Tho jporftct comblnRtlon
of tho ingredients In HAMS CATAUItll
MBDICINH la what producos fltich won
derful resultn In catarrhal conditions.
nruRGlMH 76c. Tentlmonlnls free.
K. J. Chenoy & Co.. I'rops., Tolodo, O.
MlfltrpRS So you arc tho brother of
my took? Her only brother?
Policeman I hope so.
Now li the Time to Ctt Rid of Thtie Ugljr Spoil
TUtre'a no longer tbe il(btrtt need of feeling
aihtmrd of your freckle. Olhloe double
ttrnjth U suaronteed to remote three homelj
Hlinplr et an ounr of Othlne loubla
Blrmilli from your rtnucxtst, nil nIr a Uttla
of II night nnil morning anil rou ahouUl loon '
that ctcn tbe wont frecklre bY beeun to U
appear, while the lighter onei bare TinlihM en
tlrrlj. It la eelilora that more than one ounce
ta nrrriml lo completely clear tho a!n and KIn
Itaullftil clear completion.
Be auro to aik for the double atrength Othlne,
a tbla la aold under giiaranle of money M
If It talla to rcmure f reck lea. AdT,
Treasury Department Bombarded
With Requests for Rulings Air
planes and Hydroplanes Classed
ac Automobiles for Time
Washington. Smuggling by nlrplnno
Rounds exciting, nnd In proving so to
tho cimloms division of the troiiBiiry,
which Is, so to speak, "up In tho air"
about It. For tho time being, the de
partment hns ruled tlmt nlrplnnos nnd
hydroplanes nrc nutomohllcs so fnr
as It Is concerned, but It Is well nwaro
that cnlllng n bird n wagon will not
bring It down to enrth whero It can
tell what kind of a bird It Is.
So far there has been no report of
Illicit Importations by nlr lino, but ex
pectation of such trafllc Is not denied.
How to prevent It Is a perplexing prob
lem, KrowliiR more and moro pressing
an requests for rulings como from dep
uty collectors on our northern nnd
southern borders. In the latter enso
they hnvo' had to do with tobacco
brought In from Cuba by way'of Key
West and Tninpn.
Hero Is an entirely new problem for
the treasury to deal with In tho col
lection of revciuiQ through customs du
ties. It Is one to bo solved by treas
ury regulations (born of decisions) for
which no additional legislation Is need
ed. That It may be solved by a com
prehensive order Is nhnost despaired
of becauso tho best thought of tho de
partment, although tho need of deal
ing with tho situation lias been long
foreseen, has not been nble to hit upon
n method to closo this door tn secret
Importations thrown open by a mod
em method of transportation most dif
ficult, if not impossible, to control.
May Require Registration.
It Is believed that some schemo mny
ho worked out whereby, all airplanes
leaving tho country will bo registered
at tho nenrest custom houso on tho
border, whero n ccrtlflcnto will bo Is
sued to bo presented nt any custom
houso In returning, ns Is done now In
the enso of automobiles. This would
In most enses bo a moro formnllty, but
would permit search In suspicious
corcs nnd would tend to keep down
smuggling. "Will bo registered" Is rec
ognized ns putting It strongly, ns It
Is admitted It would, bo Impossible to
compel such registration of n machine
miles nbovo tho clouds. The nuto
moblllst finds It best tocomply bc
ciiubo without his ccrtlflcnto to surren
der on return ho must prove his car
is of American make or pay perhaps
45 per cent ad vnlorom duty. Thero
would bo no way to stop the flying urn
chine, coming or going.
Deputy Collector Haydcn L. Moore,
nt San Juan, I'orto HIco, seems to
think ho hns thctu going, If not com
ing To him airplanes are not auto
mobiles but seagoing vessels. Serious
inquiries from business men on the
Island have caused him to mnko this
"In the nbsencc of specific Instruc
tions from tho department, I shall re
quire airships clearing from I'orto
HIco for foreign ports to bo properly
documented under tho rules of tho de
partment of commerce In tho same
manner as seagoing vessels are regu
lated, entries and clearances to be
made nnd all dues paid at custom
houses In districts whero landings nre
effected or voynges started."
This Is very simple, but nlrplnnos
nro peculiar In their mode of travel.
The colletcor does not say how he pro
poses to enforce this requirement, nnd
has received suggestions from some of
tho I'orto Itlcans that an aviation
school for euMoins men bo established
to bestow degrees of "sky Inspector"
and "custom uce." Service windows In
ilit custom liotiNU nlso are urged bear
ing tho legends "Airships entered" nnd
"airships cleared."
Deputy Collector nrngasso, at Key
West, has his troubles over what Is an
airplane. Ho recently wrote to Collec
tor Arthur O. Wntson, nt Tampa, that
It was nlmost a dally occurrence for
nlrplanes to go over to Cuba nnd re
turn. One day his messenger boy over
heard n man who had been a passen
gel on n bont from Ilnvann tell the
difference between traveling that wny
nnd by airplane. He said ho had just
pnld $20 duty bn a lot of cigarettes,
when the other dny he had brought tho
snme nmount home by nlr and did not
pay a cent. Collector Brngnssa want
ed to know, "How about It?" Collec
tor Watson told him to talk to the
navy people about It. He replied:
"I have conferred with Admiral
Decker, who hns Issued Instructions to
tho Key West nlr station that civilian
passengers will not bo permitted to bo
carried In nlrplnnos unless permission
lias been granted by the customs offi
cer In charge of the port, and illso have
Issued Instructions that all airplanes
arriving nt this port from foreign
countries will comply with the navy's
end of the regulations tn connection
with tho reporting to tho customs of
ficer tho arrival of Amerlcnn nnvnl
vessels from foreign ports."
Greek Refugees
Tell of Outrages
"Thero nro two sides to every qucs
"yen," replied Senator Sorghum.
"And too many of us chaps who poso
ns powerful thinkers don't tuko tho
troublo to get to tho Inside."
will quiet ycjur cough, sootho tho In
llatnnmyon of a soro throat nnd lungs,
Ktop Irritation In tho bronchial tubes,
Insuring u good night's, rest, free from
coughing nnd with easy expectoration
in tho' morning. Made and sold In
America for fifty-two years. A won
derful prescription, usslstlngNnturo In
building up your general health and
throwing off tho disease. Especially
useful In lung trouble, nsthmn, croup,
bronchitis, etc. For snlo In oil civil
ized countries. Adv.
Salonlkl. High upon the hills of tho
hustling Macedonian city Is a pic
turesque settlement whore 3,000
Greek refugees, driven from Anla
Minor by tho massacre of 1014, make
their homes. Hundreds of other
Greeks who were Interned by the Bul
garians In Dobrudja during the war
hnvo Joined them recently. Tho
houses In this refugee camp were con
structed by tho Greek government. A
spaco equivalent to u large New York
furnished room Is allotted to a fam
ily of from Ave tp eight.
The settlement has been given the
pretentious nnmo of "The Quarter of
the Triumvirate" In honor of Greece's
three great modern patriots Premier
Venlzelos, Admlrnl Kountourlotls nnd
General Dnnglnls, who, repudiating
King Constnntlne, espoused the cnuso
of tho allies when Gcrmnny sought to
win over the Greek army.
Grateful to United States.
Many of the people have been
helped by the American lied Cross
nnd speak gratefully of tho United
States and its people.
As the Associated I'rcss correspond
ent was visiting the village, two ox
carts londcd with Greek refugees who
had been driven by tho Turks from
tho villages along tho sea of Mnrniorn
In 101 nnd 10M, and who, during tho
present war, wore expelled frpm Mace
donia by the Bulgors, mado their way
slowly up tho steep mountain road.
The refugees had just come from
Dobrudja, to tho south of Itoumnnln,
where they wero practically exiled by
the Bulgnrs. They had been nearly
two months on tho way, and virtually
all tho food and uld they got camo
from tho Amerlcnn lied Croas, which
has relief posts along the line leading
Fish Day.
He By Jove, Betty, you look nlco
nough to cat. She Well, don't forget
this Is Friday. Bo3ton Transcript.
Proving It
Pussyfooting is a cnlamity."
"I suppose It Is something of n catastrophe."
What is Castoria
C ASTORIA Is a harmless oubatituta for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant It contains neither
Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guar
antee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for tho relief
of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverish
ncsa arising therefrom, and by rogulating tho Stomach and Bowels,
aids tho assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural Bleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Tho Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for ovor
30 years, has borne the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been mado under
his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-os-Good" aro but Experiments that
trifle with and endanger tbe neaitn or lnianta and
Children Experience against Experiment
Genuine Castoria always bears the-slguature of
Tuition Will Be Free.
"She suys she's going to give sing
ing lessons." "She'd have to. No
body'd ever pay her for them."
Authorities differ as to whether n
.poker room should be classed ns an
ante room or drawing room.
Rely On Cuticura
AlldrcEslrtsiSoepX, Ointment IStfO, Talcum JS.
Sample ench free ot "Catlenre, Dept. E, Beiten."
There is nothing more idiotic than I When a man begins to discuss mat;
tho smllo of a pretty girl when dl- rlmony with a widow the result Is
rected toward some other fellow. I usually n tie.
":t r: - ''"'"'-'TM-iiMBa r1
v, ,;SJM?MF!J
feassaaasMWWBwiitwiiffiTiwimi r m&ss , 's:'
from Bulgaria into Macedonia. Many
wero Httlo tots from one to flvo years
oki. Uho wonder was how theso lit
tle ones, sickly and under-nourished,
were able to survive tho long trip by
train, motortruck nnd ox enrt.
Tho faces of theso returning refu
gees woro nn Inexpressibly snd and
harrnssed look. For flvo years they
wero driven hither nnd yon by Turk
and Bulgnr, and had never known
what It was during that time to have
n roof and shelter. Under the Bulgnrs
I hoy were forced to live In ho open
fields or In dugouts or stables. Eight
een hours n dny nt hard labor under
constnnt Intimidation was tho lot of
some of them. Three-fifths of a
pound of black brend n dny was the
pitiful recompense they received from
the Bulgnrs. Often those too weak to
work were beaten by their ruthless
One refugeo declared to the corre
spondent that at one time there were
more thnn sixty deaths a day among
the refugee colony In Dobrudjn from
malnutrition, exhnustion nnd expos
ure. In ccrtnln sections, he said, the
Greeks were forced to live largely on
tho rinds of wntermelons which the
Bulgarian soldiers threw In tho
Tell Bitter Experience.
The older residents of this refugee
"submit" of Salonlkl, most of whom
had fled from different pnrts of Asia
Minor during tho wholesale massacres
there In 1014. have bitter experiences
to relnto about their trentment by the
Turks. Some of those pcoplo lived In
the city of Phocls, whero the whole
Christian population either hnd been
driven out or were killed by tho Turks.
The women wept ns they told about
the outrages of tho Moslems. Tlie
worst story was that told by an Intel
ligent pensnnt woman, who declnred
thnt In n butchershop opposite her
homo In I'hocls she saw tho Turks
lake a young girl who was considered
tho most nttractlvo In town nnd cut
her body Into pieces. They hung the
pieces on meat hooks nnd offered
them for public sale, she said, to show
tho Turks' contempt for Greek Christians.
Wbnt most Impresses tbe eye of the
visitor In speaking with these unfor
tunate people Is their sad, wan nnd
furrowed faces. They hnvo been
driven about by tho invading foe
until they have renchod the point al
most of despair nnd distraction.
Ask for "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" in a Bayer
package marked with "Bayer Cross."
Don't- buy Aspirin tablets in n pill
box. Insist on getting tho Bayer pack
age with tho safety "Bayer Cross" on
both package and on tablets. No other
way I
You must say "Bayer." Never ask
for merely Aspirin tnblets. The name
"Bayer" means you are getting the
genuine "Bayer Tablets ef Aspirin,"
proven safe by millions of people.
Beware of counterfeits! Only ro
cently a Brooklyn manufacturer was
sent to the penitentiary for flooding
tho country with talcum powder tab
lets, which he claimed to bo Aspirin.
In tho Bayer package nre proper di
rections nnd the dose for Headache,
Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Rheu
matism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Colds,
Grippe, Influcnzal-Colds, Neuritis and
pain generally.
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," Ameri
can made and owned; arc sold in vest
pocket boxes of 12 tnblets, which cost
only n few cents, nlso in bottles of 24
nnd bottles of 100 nlso capsules.
Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer
Manufacture of Monoacetlcacidester
of Snllcylicacld.
Danger in Abbreviation.
Even the school nurse has her fun.
In a talk before the central philan
thropic council the other day, Miss
Helen It. Stewart of the board of
health told of one little boy who,
after he had been examined by the
nurse, went to the teacher In tenrs,
complaining that'the nurso called him
t) names.
When the teacher expressed her
surprise, the boy sought to prove his
case by handing her the card the
nurse had given to him ns her record
of tho examination.
"Look nt that I" he cried.
"Poor nut," read the card.
"Poor nutrition," explained the
teacher, finally sending the child away
with a better opinion of the nurse.
Dallas News.
iD Weilrrn Newitmper Unlun
Tin eo giibrt looking out of the muzzle.s of the big guns on our latest and
largest battleship that was recently launched at Philadelphia. The Idaho Is
the largcHt ship In the United States navy.
Cook Wanted.
Portland, Ore, Advertising doesn't
always bring results. Tho city has
been unsuccessfully advertising for
some time for a cook In the municipal
smallpox hospital.
Millions Have Malaria.
Washington. Tho United Stntes
public health service estimates that
over seven million people In tho Unltod
States nro Infected with malnria.
9 , None Satisfied.
Olllccr But surely you, a million
, til re, have llttlo to complain about.
M unit Inn Magnate Oh, I don't
kuW, 1'ho multimillionaires treat uh
like so much dirt. Loudon Opinion,
Shave With Cuticura Soap
And doublo your razor clllclcncy ns
well as promote skin purity, skin com
fort and skin henlth. No mug, no
Bliray soap, no germs, no wnste, no
Irritation oven when shaved twlco
dally. Ono soap for all uses shoving,
bathing and shampooing. Adv.
Always look on tho bright sldo of
things ami If you nro buying them
look on both sides.
Technical Agriculture Offers
Thousands of Positions.
WtavM unBuIites Eyelids,
f JfWm Eyet inflamed by "po-
i nna
quickly relieved by NwIh
i CytlMHrsy. NoSmuttoc,
luit Ere Comfort At
Your Dnigjjitli or by mail COc per Bottle.
hor hosx ai im tys tree write ta
Mnrlno Dye Remedy Co Chicago
Servo as Stepplnn Stones to Higher
Promotions nnd Better Com
pensation. Washington. Technical agriculture
offers thousands ot positions ns associ
ates, nsalstnnts, helpers, extension
workers and county agents, and this
work Is particularly suitable for re
trained, disabled men, according to n
statement issued by tho federal board
for vocational education.
Theso positions servo ns stepping
stones to higher promotions nnd better
compensation soon In tho agricultural
colleges, experiment stations, agricul
tural extension service and In slate
agricultural movements, Theso Insti
tutions unti employments lost thou
sands of men from their student
bodies, tholr faculty nnd their staffs.
Hundreds of men formerly agricultur
al xtenslon workers nnd agricultural
county ngents will never return to
those occupations. These places woro
temporarily filled by unprepared sub
stitutes who will bo replaced by
trained men as rapidly as possible.
Tho experlenco abroad, wherein op
portunity was given to study tho In
tenslvu nnd scientific ngrlculturo of
Franco and other countries, has great
ly stimulated Interest In theso lines,
nnd disabled, men with n background
of agricultural experlenco nre mani
festing keen interest In trnlulng for
thn Hues mentioned. Many others
who, by reason of tholr disabilities,
aro compelled to equip themselves in
other lines, nnd preferably for out-of-door
occupations, nro nlso manifesting
a keen deslro to tnko up tho special
ized branches of ngrlculturo In tho
training offered by the federal board.
Von Tlrpltz a Pauper.
The Tribune do Geneve Is informed
that Grand Admiral von Tlrpltz Is
stnying at Wlldegg. Switzerland, ns
tho guest of Lleut.-Colonel WIllc, son
of the former conimnnder-In-chlef of
the Swiss army.
Tlrpltz has lost nil his fortune'. Ills
pon Is n clerk In a bank at Zurich,
and his daughter Is a governess in a
Zurich family.
To avoid paying tho German war
tax of 1913 Tlrpltz Invested his money
in Italian securities, with tho result
thnt he Is now penniless. What n
patriot 1
Information Needs Confirmation.
"Old .Dorsey Dudgeon prides him
self on knowing where the conflagra
tion is as soon as ho hears the fire
bell ring," related the landlord of
the Petunia tavern.
"By the time half a dozen whangs
hnve chnnged he has scrabbled Into
n garment or two nnd is out on his
front porch, hollering to the people
running by just where he knows the
fire Is."
"Ho should be of considerable as
sistance to the volunteer firemen and
others In sending them in the proper
direction," commented tho interested
"Eh-yah 1 He would be If he didn't
nine times out of ten know It wrong."
Kansas vClfy Star.
Glossing Over tho Facts,
"Pa, what is a euphemism?"
"I'll have to explain that by giving
you nn exnmple, son."
"Yes, pn."
"The dictionary says a euphemism
Is 'n figure of speech by which n word
or phrase more agreeable or less offen
sive Is substituted for ono more ac
curately expressive of what Is mennt,
ns In the case of the society reporter
who states that n widow who has been
married three or four times is 'led to
tho ultar' by n wealthy old codger who
never had the slightest notion of get
ting mnrrled until lie faced the preach
er." Birmingham Age-Herald.
British Family Endowment Committee
Seeks to Increase Marriage and
Birth Rate.
London. Tho family endowment
committee would endow motherhood.
Tho proposal, as laid before the nn
tlonnl birth-rate commission, Is thnt
tho stnto provide n regular weekly In
como for families with children undet
15 years of age.
Emlle Burns, representntlvo of the
family endowment committee, con
tends thnt tho effect of tho endowment
would bo to Induce enrller marriages
and tend to reiuovo tho qcouomlc re
striction of tho birth rate.
Tho cost to tho government would
bo nbout $1,200,000,000 a year. .
Old Boiler Safe.
Nelllsvllle, Wis. Tho boiler in thn
Wren sawmill, near the city, was test
ed ufter U7 years of almost continuous
uso and was found in perfect condition,
being submitted to 1(50 pounds of hy!
drostutlc pressure,
Economy in Postum
Boil Postum as long .as you please,
and you will extract only healthful
goodness. You'll get no caffeine
the coffee-drug for there's none in
The Original
Postum Cereal
in fact, should be boiled fully 1 5 min
utes, and if desired the pot can be
kept going from meal to meal, adding
more Postum and water for the new
Postum is the favorite of large numbers
of former coffee-drinkers and can be
secured from grocers everywhere.
Two Sizes, usually sold at 15c imd 25c
Ji Delicious, Invigorating
and Healthful Drink
"There's a Reason"