Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, May 01, 1919, Image 7

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    , -JW- AjH
- '
Have You Tried Tuxedo in the New
It is the most popular innovation
of many years in smoking to
bacco packages, bmokt rs are
delighted with its many ad
rantages. Handier fits
the pocket. No digging
the tobacco out with
the finger. Keeps the
pure fragrance of
Tuxedo to the last
pipeful. Not quite
t much tobacco
4as in the tin, W rR 3nMIH
c iHBti
"Your Nose
Finest Burley Tobacco
Mellow-aged till perfect
dash of Chocolate
The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe
) ' Guirdn1Mrdty
? v CV
fts sr&ncu4. ce
On the Job.
"He liatl a clover way of getting
votes." , ., . i
"So? What was It?"
"Pushed out cigars to the women."
"I should think that would have of
fended them."
"Not at all. Told them to take
them home to their husbands, and they
all fell for the plan."
will quiet your cough, soothe the In
flammation of a sore throat and lungs,
stop Irritation In the bronchial tubes,
insuring a good night's rest, free from
coughing and with easy expectoration
In the morning. Made and sold' In
America for fifty-two years. A won
derful prescription, assisting Nature in
building up your general health and
throwing oft the disease. Especially
useful in lung trouble, asthma, croup,
bronchitis, etc. For sale In all civil
ized countries. Adv.
His Prospects.
"Mr. Moneybagg, I'd like to marry
your daughter."
"What are your prospects?"
"Von know better than I do. The
fellows nt the club say I haven't got
it chance." Louisville Courier-Journal.
Anxious Suspense.
"Are you going to keep your- new
cook?" "Cnu't say. We ilou't know
yet whether we suit her."
One Exception.
"A soft, low voice is peculiarly a
woman's possession." "What's the
matter with speakeasies?"
WtW r
m IK
Now It the Ti to Get Rid of Thau Ujly Spoil
Tlitrr'a no loujer the allghtrat need of feeling
aahamrd of jour freckle, tt Otblne double
trenfth -li (uartnteed tu remote theee bomelj
Simp! fet tn ounce of Othlne double
trength -from your dniMlat, end apply t little '
of It night end morning and you iliould toon tee
that etrn the norit frecklee aie begun to dli
appear, while the lighter enea hare eanlahed en
tlrely. It It seldom that mora than one ounce
la needed to completely clear the akin and gain
beautiful clear completion.
lie lure to aak for the double atreogth Olblae,
a thla It aold under guarantee of money back
If It falla to remote freckles, Ade.
The Old Lady Again.
"Yes," said Sirs. Iilundcrhy, "my
nephew Is home again, and you should
Just see his collection of momentums
of the war." Iioston Transcript.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
by JAiC.KU A IHM-I CATIONS, us they
cannot reach the m-at of the disease
Catarrh Is u local disease, greatly Influ
enced by constitutional conditions, HALL'S
CATAHtlll MKDICMNK will cure catarrh
It In taken Internally anil arts throucli
the Blood mi tho Mucous Surfaces .of the
.Kyteni HALlS CATAIlltli .MEUlUINk
rls composed of some of the beat tonlci
known, rnmhlned with some of the heal
Mood purifiers. The perfect combination
of the Ingredients In HAUL'S OATAIUU!
MBDiriNK Is what produces such won
lcrful results In catarrhal conditions.
DriiKGlsls "& Testlmonlnls free.
I' J Cheney & Co., Props,, Toledo, O.
The optimist fees a better world
through all the smoke; the pessimist
inly note the destruction of flniium.
JC two people can live on less than
one H Ik because thry have to.
,kj A Wholesome. Cleansing,
I lUSlf Kelrcshlng nd Healing
X. LolUn Murine for Red
EJ ness. Soreness, Granula-
wift'Sl tion.Itchingand Burning
"" of the Eyes or Eyelids;
"2 Drops" After the Movief. Motorics; or Goll
will vna your confidence. Aak Your Onumst
for Murice wLen nur Eyes Need Care. M-U
Murine Eyo JiutDKiXy Co., C!cfO
When tho
neau iceis
thick or
aches, when
ope feels all
perhaps a
tongue it
is the signal
that poisons
are accumu
lating in tho
system, and
should be
cleaned out
at once.
Auto-intoxication can be best
ascribed to our own neglect or
carelessness. When tho organs fail
in the discharge of their duties,
the putrefactive germs set in and
generate toxins actual poisons,
which fill one's own body.
Sleepiness after meals, flushing
of the face, extreme lassitude, bil
iousness, dizziness, sick headache,
acidity of the stomach, heartburn,
offensive breath, anemia, loss of
weight and muscular power, de
crease of vitality or lowering of
resistance to infections diseases,
disturbance of the cj'e, dyspepsia,
indigestion, gastritis, many forms
of catarrh, asthma, ear affections
and allied ailments result from
auto-intoxication orself-poisoning.
Take castor oil, or procure at
the drug store, a pleasant vege
table laxative, called Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets, composed of
May-apple, aloes and jalap.
Proper Habitations Most Important
Things In the Development of
a Nation Worth While.
Hotter homes make better people
and, therefore, u better nation. Hdu
entlon which will bring about a gen
eral appreciation of absolute Justice
Is the need of the world.
Centuries ago all the laws necessary
for the good or mankind were summed
tip in ten brief clearly stated laws.
Ever since that time tho politicians
of the world have been trying, with
out success, to make better laws.
Laws there are without number, but
not one Is an improvement, not ono
Is necessary if the original ten were
generally observed.
The second Is "Love thy neighbor
as thyself." And In referring to the
first: "On these two coinmantlinents
the whole law hangeth."
Got tint the nihlo and read the first
two and then the other elghtt
llurul adornment through gardening
Is one way to make better homes.
Give the family an attractive abiding
place outside and In. Not wealth
alone run make a home. There are
many attractive and beautiful homes
where money Is scarce. Tho memory
of a beautiful homo is a power for
good as long as ono of tho family re
mains, or any who know them.
Growing things have a tondencj to
elevate one's thoughts and aspirations.
They cause us to think of hotter liv
ing and show that really beautiful
things may be ours for a little effort.
Hooked to Death!
This may happen If your cattle have horns, or
they may injure each otlierand keep the whole
herd excited. HE HUMANE. Prevent horns
growing while calves are young. It means a
contented and more prolltable herd. Ueo
.At our dealers or
Coniult I)n. IJAVID HOnF.RTfl
rtbout ikll animal ailments. In.
formation free. Bend for price
lint of medlclurs und uet KltEIC
copy of "The Cattle Speclallat" with full iiifor
nation on Abortion in Cowl. DR. DAVID ROUKRTS
VETERINARY CO., 100 Grind Ave., Wauknba. Wit.
A tollt t prPvatlon t uuvlt.
I!lt to aradloata Hasina.
For Reitorln Color od
Beauty toCrar or Faded Hair
Uk and ti to at UrarrUa.
i i...atr i-' I hi' Uinoua Judith tlap dlttrlrt
tV T NOItrU.IM). Jjiilth Oa iljntana
W. N. U., SIOUX CITY, NO. 18-1919.
Country Will BetBenefited If Each Lot
Is Made a Permanent
Food Producer.
Tf you started a homo gnrdon last
season how about making It a perma
nent food producer?
A bed of asparagus is known to have
given continuous service for more than
thirty years, and asparagus is ono of
the first of the spring vegetables. A
row of blackberries along a garden
fence has produced abundant crops for
twelve successive years. A few hills
of rhubarb have provided delicious
sauce and helped with the making of
pies season after season, with very
little cost or attention. Strawberries
require more cure, but they furnish
the llrst ripe fruit In tho springtime,
and u very small plot of ground In one
corner of the garden will supply the
Put into a home garden a little
money, knowledge gained from com
petent ndvico and your spare time.
Draw from It an insight Into tho work
ings of nature, healthful exercise and
a reduction In your food bills. A home
garden Is a gootl thing to keep going
year after year.
Own a Home.
The Chicago real estate board linn
decided to launch an effort to encour
age home ownership throughout the
city, that Chicago may regain Its title
of "The City of Homos."
The department of labor nt Wash
ington Is engaged in a national cam
paign to encourage the construction of
homes for the purpose of avoiding any
disarrangement of our business fabric,
because of the discontinuance of wur
work, and to provide employment for
our boys returning from tho army.
The Idea has been tried with astound
ing 'success in many cities. The ad
vantage to tho city as a whole, from
tho standpoint of better citizenship
alone, is so groat as to inoro than jus
tify all tho efforts that may bo expended.
Urges More War Gardens,
increased efforts of horticultural so
cieties to co-oporato with war garden
ers and thus continue the fruitful back
yard gardening which attained such
prominence during tho war emergency
was advocated by Leonard Harrou of
Gulden City, X. Y authority on garden
topics, in a lecture before tho Massa
chusetts Horticultural .society. "Gar
dening," ho said, "is a national asset
because it gives outdoor occupation,
production occupation, with recrea
tion, education and profit, all at tho
same time." He believes that tho
gardening movement will continue.
His Sweet Disposition,
"So you lost your case In court, Mr.
Gloom?" said an acquaintance.
"Yes," replied .1. Fuller Gloom. "And
still I am not soured by it; I do not
think all lawyers are dishonest. Lin
coln was a lawyer, and lie was honest.
IltifiiH Chouto was honest. Probably
some of tho blgners of tho Declara
tion of Independence wero lawycra
and honest. Ahd I know tho mimes of
several other lawyers, also dead, who
are honest." ICitusub City Star.
Buy Good Trees.
It does not pay to purchase poor
trees of any kind. Heal economy con
sists In paying reasonable prices for
high grado trees. A few good trees
are better than more piinlmit'd at
the oxpent-o of quality.
Two Goed Ideas.
A splendid plan Ik for planting
mete rial trees by church congrega
tions and for planting trees along mo
tor hi;;hviiiy.
Physicians Recommend Castoria
YU know the real human doctors right around in your neighborhood : the
doctors made of flesh and blood just like you: the doctors with souls and
hearts : those men who are responding to your call in the dead of night as readily
as in the broad daylight; they are ready to toll you the good that Fletcher's
Castoria has done, is doing and will do, from their experience and their love
for children.
Fletcher's Castoria is nothing new. We arc not asking you to try an experi
ment. We just want to impress upon you the importance of buying Fletcher's.
Your physician will tell you this, as he knows there are a number of imitations
on the market, and he is particularly interested in the welfare of your baby,
Wrt finntonts i5T?luitl Praohnl
SMS ?r-w-Ufj3--5
fcM rsrsvhrv'tiaja
Children Cry Fop
i simiiaumjuivuj r i, v
J hlno. thcStofMcis ardBawtbcfl
S?K!'Xi??K3?S? '
I !MHi f ll fal
I Mineral. NoTNAncoTic
VnnJtn Aft
ASno . I
'amSiri I
Constlpau-onand Diarrhoea
.LOSS" "-. -a
"8189 cafjti
Do the People Know?
Do you know why you are asked to call for Fletcher's Castoria
when you want a child's remedy: why you must Insist on Fletcher's?
For years we have been explaining how the popularity of
Fletcher's Castoria has brought out innumerable imitations, sub
stitutes and counterfeits.
To protect the babies: to shield the homes and in defense of
generations to come we appeal to the better judgment of parents to
insist on having Fletcher's Castoria when in need of a child's med
Icine. And remember above all things that a child's medicine is
made for children a medicine prepared for grown-ups is not inter
changeable. A baby's food for a baby. And a baby's medicine is
just as essential for the baby.
The Castoria Recipe (it's on every wrapper) has been prepared by
the same hands in the same manner for so many years that the signa
ture of Chas. H. Fletcher and perfection in the product are synonymous.
Bears the Signati
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
S) Bears the Signafaira nf Bg
Less Wool Used,
lloports from iiianufaoturcrs as re
colvcil hy the bureau of markets, de
partment of agriculture, show that
there was less wool used in February
tlinn at any time since such statistics
have been compiled. Thu February
consumption amounted to 27,500,000
pounds In tho urease, compared with
03,700,000 pounds In February of last
year. Strikes which shut down mills
and tho Inability of small mills to se
cure wool because the wool sold hy
the government at auction was sold
on n cash basis, furnished the reason
for the .small February consumption.
"What sort of a fellow Is he?"
"I'll tell you. He'd mnke a per
fectly lovely manicure sirl."
Enough to Condemn Them.
The Customer You seem very hit
ter against the holshevlkl. What's your
objection to their principles?
The Tonsorlal Artist I don't know
nothln' about their principles, hut nil
the pictures I ever see of 'em show 'em
In long hair an' whiskers.
NAs a Horrible Example.
"There ought to be some way of
perpetuating the wrangles of tho peace
table diplomats.
"To hcrve as a warning to the next
fellow who thinks ho wants to start
a war."
The needless Infantile death rate
owing to neglect and Ignorance costs
this country $3,000,000 a day.
Grown Wise.
Chief of I'ollco llutler of Los An
geles was questioning n woman who,
through mistake, had been brought In
on n vagrancy charge. It turned out
that she was qulto the contrary, being
a working woman whose husband was
In France. They grow qulto chatty
and Butler remarked:
"Vou seem to bo doing qulto well ns
a business woman."
"You bet I urn," sho retorted. "And
right now I'm just waiting for that
husband of mine to como homo and
spring the old gug about my not being
able to get along without him."
"Sir, your talk Is a tax upon my,
patience." "Good heavens I Is eve
talk going to bo taxed?"
Have you ever heard this?
"My baking powder," says the
smooth solicitor, "costs less than
But he omits to say that it often
leaves a bitter taste, that food made
with it is likely to stale in a day and
that it contains alum, which is con
demned by many medical authorities
for use in food.
England and France prohibit the
sale of alum baking powders.
is made from Cream of Tartar
derived from grapes
Royal Contains No Alum
Leaves No Bitter Taste