' s. DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD, DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. THIS WOMAN SAVED FROM AN OPERATION By taking LycHaE.Pinkham'i Vegetable Compound, One of Thousands of Such Cases. BUek River Fulls, Win. -"As Lydla E. Pinkhom's Vegetable Compound savca mo irom an operation, I cannot Boy enougn tn prnis of it I suffered from organic troubles and my nide hurt me bo I could hardly bo up from my bed, and I was unablo to do my housework. I bad tho best doctors in Eau Claire and Uicy wanted me to have an operation, but LydiaE.Pinkhnm'n ilK'L..I.l!ll....ii PSH Vcgctablo Compound cureu me so a aia not need tho operation, and I am telling frfonrin About it" Mrs. A. w. nil mv Binzer. Black River Falls, Wis. It is just ouch experiences as that of Mrs. Binzer that has mode this famous root and herb remedy a household word from ocean to ocean Any woman who Buffers from Inflammation, ulceration, displacements, backache, nervousness, irregularities or "tho blues' should not rest until she has given It a trial, and for special advico write Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Your Best Asset! A Skin Cleared By- Cuticura Soap All drotttaUi Soan . OlabiMtit 8 AM, Talrara O. Fampla aach In of "OatUaia, Tt. 8, BMMm." DAIRY PROFITS BIG Splendid Returns From Farms In Western Canada. Production of Butter and Cheese, Com manding Highest Prices, Increases Steadily Live-Stock Raisers at Height of Prosperity. PRESIDEN WILSON T TELLS POSITION ON ADRATG QUESTION Couldn't Be Happy. "Whnt are you grumbling about,' Bald the city man to the discouraged farmer. You ought to bo the hap piest mnn In the world. You own a farm and enn spend your llfo out In the open." "Mister," replied tho farmer, "all I've got to ay to you Is that I'm not rich enough to be happy on a farm that won't raise enough to pay the In terest on the mortgage." There la nothing more satisfactory hftcr a day of, hard work than a lino full of snowy white clothes. For sucb results use Kcd Cross Hull Blue. Age sometimes brings wisdom teeth, according to tho price we can offord ta pay the dentist. Work Too Hard ? - ... . . ----,?- nurrying to get toe home cleaned up Thii time of the year finds everyone for summer. It's a pleasure, too. when you're well, but no man or woman with n "bad back" enjoys doing anything. If your back is lame, if sharp twinges catch you when lifting and you feel tired and worn out. kidney weakness is tired and worn out. kidney weakness is likely causlnir vour trouble. Don't wnltl Delay may cause gravel, dropiy or Bright's dinease. Doan's Kidney Pills have helped people the world over. An Iowa Case T h o in a s Pnvsy, roll rod farmer, Vin ton, la., says: "My kldnoyit were disor dered anil I suffered from pains In my back. I could hard ly Ket out of lied In tho morning because of o v o r o pains inrousn my kidnoys. The action of my kidneys was too fre quent and the kidney secretions wore high ly colorod. I had dizzy spells and often ramo near falllm over, I read about Donn's Kidney Pills and used two boxes. They wired me." Cat Doan'a at Any Stora, 60o a Bos DOAN'S fJLV rOSTER-MU-BURN CO- BUFFALO. N. Y. ' TVi tr?f III wrxm. I Now Is the Time to Buy a Farm in Good Old U.S.A. Although tho wr In uvcr, tlm ila nutiil for fmul continue. Tlir. Cualnaaa of producing tlilnca to rut, thirrtoro. slo uromlas ut iiaylns anllafuclory tllvldoiuU. Ttie 11 S ItAlI.ltOA!) AUMINIH TKATION otteri ttie cii-oiierutlon of Ita llOMKHMKKICHS' 1IUUKAU to tlioaa who wlih to arwaita In farming, atook ralalrig, lUtrylns, poultry mlalng, fruit growing Biui Ulnilrril nuratilta Krva Information will It furnlaheil about farm onportunltlaa In any Slats on raqilfat. Writ today. Cllva me the name of tlia Hlole you want Information about; amy what Una of farm activity you wins to follow. and the nutnhar of arraa you will neail, and let ma know what kln.t of tartna you ilaalrn. Tha nor partlculara you can aenil recard Inc your reiiulremtnta, tha battar I can iara you Watklit ta Ml. Onlr IshrnutUn ta Girt. J. I. KUtVAIlDH. Mnnugor. Agrl. beet ion. U. H, lullroad Ailinlnla trutlnii, Itoum 2000, Wuahlnston, I). C Dairying is rapidly approaching one of the first positions in WeHtcrn Can odn agriculture. This docs not apply particularly to any one of the three Western Canndu provinces, as they ail participate in the distinction. A report recently published by the Alberta Department of Agriculture shows thnt in 1D18, in spite of adverse conditions of Inbor and the high cost of feed there was no decline In the Industry. It will be Interesting to know that the average number of milch cows per farm Is 5.0. Tho total pro duction of creamery butler In the provinces In 1018 was 0,100,000, as against 8,011,000 pounds in 1017. No better evidence of tho growth of Western Canada enn he given than by the fact that In ten years the produc tion of butter has Increased from 2,000,000 pounds and of cheese from 88,570 pounds to 050,000 pounds. When It Is known that In the production of grain m much energy was placed, and through which bank deposits were Incrensed, homes made comfortnble, farms carefully tilled, It will be real ized that tho increase In dairy produc tion has b6cn remarkable. During the pnst four years tho price to the pro ducer Increnscd 75 per cent. Further evidence of the great inter est tnken In tho dairy and livestock Industries Is found in recent bull sales. At Edmonton tho nverngc price of 141 was $231.00; at Calgary 784 head were sold, bringing an average price of $209.13; while at Lacombc 170 bulls brought an average of $101.31. Sales in Manitoba n few days ago gavo fully as good an average, or better. Tho sales were attended by farmers from nil pnrts of tho country. The high prices pnld show that good stock was required, and, no innltcr the price, the fnrmcr had tho money to pay for it. As evidence of this we find that at a sale recently held nt Carman, Mnnl toba, buyers wcro present from nil parts of the province, besides some from Sakatchewan points. Five head of Herefords brought $500 each. A Shorthorn bull was sold for $700 and registered Shorthorn cows brought $500 each. The establishment of creameries and cheeso factories throughout tho entire West Is on the Increase, and it will only bo within the period of n very few years before Western Can ada will occupy it position In tho first ranks In tho dairy production of the continent. There Is complete government su pervision over creameries and cheeso factories. The government takes care of the sales, looks after tho manufac turer and employs as bends of tho In stitutions highly paid nnd efllcleut managers. It may well be said that the dairy Industry in Western Canada Is rapidly coming Into Its own. At present it Is but an adjunct to tho parent or fore most Industry of the country the growing of grain, but whllo nn adjunct, It Is a highly Important one. Tho price of farm lands Is gradually Increnslng, but not In tho rapid proportion that has been shown In other countries. This rise In price does not materially Increaso the cost of production, not lessen tho profits that may bu derived from an aero of wheat, outs or barley. Tho advance In tho prices of these grains hns more than doubled ; the uso of tractors has lessened tho cost. The reports from government sources are that the present year will show a great Increase In Immigration over the past four or live years. Tho mnn who hns made n tour of Inspection of the country will give you the reason, lie will speak of thu fertile soil, of the good crops, of the attractive climate, of compliance with tho law, the splen did school system, the almost perfect social conditions that prevail. lie will have visited settlements composed al most solely of Americans, who have built up their homes mid villages, who have brought, and are applying, to day, their experience In economic laud culture as applied to largo tracts with thu result that he obtains yields on $30 an acre land equal to that former ly produced on laud that ho had sold for $200 an acre. Tho story of his success he has bent buck to his friends lu his home. Mate. They In turn follow him, and so It goes on, and Immigra tion to Western Canada Increases. Advertisement. Declares Italy Not Entitled to Fiume; Latins Defiant. ROME CALLS CHIEFS HOME Premier Orlando Says: "We Will Hold What We Have" U. S. Pres ident Declares 14 Points Are Basis of Peace. icoMtoitea i CALIFORNIA FaoUo drove. with Ita Ideal climate fa rnoua aunimer anil winter raeort city on charmtntf Monterey Ily 1 miles aoulh r Marf Krancleoo Wonderful (Whins, world- renowned auto drlvte alone russed alioree ad lu beautiful pine, oak and cypreaa foreela. Kree literature, Adilreee Chamber f Commerce, I'aclrlo drove. Cat. Pctrless Chick Food and poultry food are the IBmsi for OMokmnm Ajlt for prices and samples Akroa MiUto CctsaEMusy, Sioux City, hwm No Wonder. "I understand she carried tho hoaso by storm." "Suri- no wonder sho did a light ning chnugo right In front of tho au dience." I-'lorldu 't'ltnes-Unlon. To Havo a Ctear 8weot Skin, touch pimples, redness, roughness or Itching, If any, with Cutlcura Olnt meut, then bathe with Cutlcura Sonp ind hot water. Ulnae, dry gontly and dust on a little Cutlcura Talcum to loftTo a fascinating fragranco on skla. Everywhere 25c each.- -Adv, An overyday man Is not neveasnrily weak minded. Keep your lleer active, your bowela clean kr taklm Or l'l.rce'e IMeaeant l'ellete and you'll keep healthy, wealthy and wlae. Adv. For n merciless critic commend n to the mvesnful author. Paris, April 2 1. The Italian vice ad miral, Thuon Dl Hovel, former chief of staff, hns left Paris for Home. Gen. Armando Dlitz, commnnder In chief of tho Italian armies, it is announced, also Is leaving. "I hnvo not yet decided whether to reply to President Wilson with a state ment or with nn net," wns Premier Or lando's remark when the Wilson state ment wns translated to him. Tho Italian pence headquarters Is practically unnulmous In the belief thnt tho president's statement means that Italy must withdraw from the pence conference. "Wo have no pence terms to make with Germany, except n trifling bill for reparations," an Italian diplomat Bald. "Wo can arrange that any time or let it go. Wo can't very well mnko peace with Austriu, as tho Austrc Uungnrinn empire doesn't exist Wo can, however, return to Homo and keep whnt we have, which Is all wo de mand." President's Statement. In n statement Issued by President Wilson explaining his position on tho Adriatic question he declares thnt Flume cannot become a part of Italy. The text of tho statement follows: "In view of the capital Importance of tho questions affected, and In or der to throw all possible light upon what Is Involved in their settlement. I hope thnt tho following statement will contribute to the final formntlon of opinion and to a satisfactory solu tion. "When Italy entered the war she en tered upon the bnsls of a definite pri vate understanding with Great Krltnln and France, now known ns the pact of London. Since that time the whole face of circumstances has been nl tored. Many other powers, great and small, havo entered tho strugglo with no knowledge of that private under standing. "The Austro-Hungarlnn empire, then tho enemy of Europe, and at whoso expense tho pact of London was to bo kept In the event of victory, has gone to pieces and no longer exists. Not only that, but the several parts of that empire, It Is agreed now by Italy and nil her associates, are to be erect ed Into Independent states and asso ciated In n lengue of nations, not with those who wero recently our enemies, but with Italy herself and the powers thnt stood with Italy In tho great war for liberty. "Wo nro to estuhllsh their liberty as well us our own. They are to bo among the smaller states whoso Inter ests are henceforth to be sofegunrded ns scrupulously as the utcre3ta of the most powerful states. How War Ended. "The war was ended, .moreover, by proposing to Germany nn nrtnlstlco and pence which should bo founded on certain clearly defined principles which sot up n now order of right nnd Justice. Upon thoso principles the pence with Gernmny has been con ceived, not only, but formulated. Upon those principles It will be effected. "We cannot ask tho great body of powers to proposo and effect pence with Austria and establish n new basis of Independence and right In the states which originally constituted the Aus-tro-llimgarlun empire and In the states of the Hulknu group on principles of another kind. We must apply the same principles to the settlement of Europe In those quarters ihat we havo applied In the peace with Germany. "It wns upon the explicit avowal of thosu principles that the Initiative for peaco was taken. It Is upon them thnt tho whole structure of peace must rest. "If those principles nro to be ad hered to Flume must serve as the out let of the commerce, not of Ituly, but of the land to the north and northeast of that port; Hungary, ltohemln, Hon mania and the states of the new Jugo slav group. To assign Flume to Italy would bo to create thu feeling thnt wo have deliberately put the port upon which all those countries chiefly de pend for their access to the Mediter ranean In the hands of a power of which It dltl not form an Integral part and whoso sovereignty, If set up there, must Inevitably seem foreign, not do mestic or Identified with the commer cial and industrial life, 'of the regions which the port must serve. It Is for that reason, no doubt, that Flume wns not Included In tho pact of London, but there definitely assigned to the Croatlans. "And tho reason why tho line of tho pact of London swept about many of the Islands on tho eastern coast of the Adriatic nnd around the portion of the Dalmatian coast which lies most open to the sen was not only that hero and there on those Islands, and hero and there on that coast, thete are bodies of people of Italian blood and connec tion, but also, aatl uo doubt cblufly, be cause It wns felt that it was necessary I for Italy to have a foothold amidst tho f-llftnnnta nf 41in nnutrti AflrlflHtf In I order that she might make her own coast safe against tho naval aggres sion of Austro-IIungary. "Hut Austria-Hungary no longer ex ists. It is proposed that the fortifica tions which the Austrlnn government constructed there fchnll bo razed and permanently destroyed. "It Is part also of the new plan of Kuropenn order which centers In the league of nations tliat tho new states erected there shall accept a llmltatloq of armaments, which puis aggression, out of the question. There can bo no fear of tho unfnir treatment of group of Italian people there, because ade quate guarantees will bo given, under International snnction, of tho equal and equitable treatment of all racial or national minorities. "In brief, every question associated with this settlement wears a new ns pect a new aspect given it by the very victory for rigtit for which Italj has made the supremo sacrifice ol blood nnd treasure. Italy, nlong with tho four other great powers, lias be come one of the chief trustees of the new order which sho has played sc honorable a part in establishing. "And on the north nnd northeast hei natural frontiers are completely re stored, along with the whole sweep ol the Alps from northwest to southensi to the very end of the Istrlnn penin sula, Including all the great watershed within which Trlest nnd Pola He, and all tho fair regions whose face nntur has turned towards the great peninsu la upon which the historic life of th Latin people has been workwl oui through centuries of famous etorj over since Home wns first sot upon hoi seven hills. "Her ancient unity Is restored. Hei lines are extended to the great wall! which are her natural defense. It l! within her choice to be surrounded bj friends ; to exhibit to tho newly liber nted peoples across the Adriatic thai noblest quality of greatness, magnum lmlty, friendly generosity, tho prefer enco of Justice over interest "The nations associated with lac the nations that know nothing of th. pact of London or of any other special understanding that lies at tho begin ning of this great struggle, nnd whe have made their supreme sacrifice also in the Interest, not of national ndvun tage or defense, but of the settled peace of the world, nro now united with her older assoclotes In urging her to assume n leadership which cannot be mistaken In the new order ol Europe. U. S. Italy's Friend. "America Is Italy's friend. Her peo ple are drawn, millions strong, from Itnly's own fair countryside. She Is linked In blood, as well as in affection, with tho Itnlian people. Such ties can never bo broken. And Amorlcn was privileged, by the generous commission of her ussoclates In the war, to Initiate the peace wo are about to consummate to Initiate It upon terms which she hnd herself formulated and In which I wns her spokesman. "The compulsion Is upon her to square every decision she takes a part In with those principles. She can do nothing else. She trusts Italy, nnd In her trust believes thnt Italy will nsk nothing of her thnt cannot be mada unmistakably consistent with those sa cred obligations. "Tho Interests are not now In ques tion, but the rights of peoples, of states new and old, of liberated peoples and peoples whose rulers have never ac counted them worthy of n right; above nil. tho right of tho world to peace and to such scttlenients of interest ns shall make peaco secure. "These, and these only, nro the prin ciples for which America has fought. These, and these only, are the princi ples upon. which she can consent to mnke peace. Only upon these princi ples, she hopes nnd believes, will tho people of Italy ask her to make peace." America's peaco delegates are not nlarmcd over possible effects of tho Italian situation nt home. In other qunrters anxiety is freely expressed lest Home-lnspirtd agitation mjght spread to tho Italian colonies In the various big American cities, but It Is generally believed this sort of throat will blow up In the same way, as did tho German-American scare Immedi ately prior to America's entry Into the war. As for Italy's thrents of military ac tion, they nre not taken too seriously. The Italian money stnndnrtls today are absolutely and solely maintained by the hacking of the United Stntes treas ury, while her fond situation nlso de pends largely on American shipments. Application of economic pressure would be n very simple problem. Withdrawal by Italy from the pence conference would Immediately result in her loss In tho right to charter mem bership In tho lengue of nations, In which case she might come nt some future time ns n new member, when tho Adriatic question Is settled. Xf.A. U2UM.Mlew or-zo-aay ?!! J.V-i.lf,,, MTv V- .1 f l.f l e. . . ,,Jv-( Kfil neaimanaatrengtn t, oi toe wives and mothers v Rests the Future Integrity of the Nation. Wo must preserve our womanhood. There is need, greater ttian! ever for strong women. Apparently, tho race is not as sturdy as formerly or our women aro yictims of an over-civilization and less able to resist disease. irf H fe taare-v -ih r v jth aeJaVfc rJ m&$ Si) HO. W Thousands Buffer and thousands more are destined to suffer from that most Insidious of diseases, catarrh. Ninety-seven per cent of the people havo catarrh. It Is not confined to the head, noso and throat as many suppose. Catarrhal Inflammation may attack tho stom ach, bowela or nny portion ot tho body where there are mucous lin IngB. It la no respector of persons or position- Everyone Is liable to attack. i- Mrs. Mary Frlcke, 607 Bornman St., Bellovilto, III., was ono of Its victims. Sho says: "I havo weighed as llttlo as 100 pounds. For years I suffered with my stomach, cramps and severe headaches. After road InB Dr. Hartman's Health Book, I decided to try Peruna. Tho first bottle brought good results, but a I was bound to get well, I took twelve. Fifteen years ago. I Btarted with Peruns and I wouldn't bo without It. My weight Is now around 209 pounds and I am halo and heartr at the age of 63. I can do as much work as my daughter." Tho uso of Peruna for forty-flvs years in the American family lias proved Its worth. If you are sick, do not glvo up. try Peruna. Writ The Peruna Company, Dent. B, Co lumbus. Ohio, for Dr. Hartman'a Health Book. It Is free. Peruna Is sold everywhere In liquid and tab lets. Insist upon liavlnp Dr. Hart man's Famous Peruna Tonic. Aste your dealer for a Peruna Almanack BROOD MARES In foal or foal at foot, having Distemper or Influenza, or any other form of Contagious Disease, mny with ab solute safety to Mare and Foal, be given SPOHN'S DISTEMPER COMPOUND It is also the very best Hemedy to prevent mares slip ping foals, and should be given to all Marcs, Colts, Stallions and all others, In bran or oats, or on tke tongue. Then you will have very little trouble with sickness of nny kind among your horses. Sold by druggists. Write for booklet. SPOHN MEDICAL CO., GOSHEN. INDIANA On the Fence. "Do you believe," asked the thinking mnn whose heavy thoughts had worn wrinkles up and down his forehad, "In a Hades of fire and brimstone, where evil souls nre sent to sizzle for all eternity?" "Well," responded the chronic con sidered "ns n matter of reality, I don't; but ns a matter of advisability I certainly do." One Obstacle. "Do you believe you can drown your sorrows in drink?" "Of course not. My wife can swim." Ancient Precautions. "We'll rave this friendly agreement of ours carved upon a monument of stone," said one ancient king. "So that all the public can read It?" added the other. "Not only thnt. It will mnke It Im possible to treat it as a scrap of paper." Come to think of It we can't remem ber ever seeing a mudslinger with clenn hands. Some men, like wells, are driven to drink. FAKE" ASPIRIN WAS TALCUM Counterfeiter Caught 1 Tho New York health authorities had a Brook lyn manufacturer sentenced to the penitentiary for selling throughout the United SUtes millions of "Talcum powder" tablets as Aspirin Tablets. Don't ask for Aspirin Tablets Always say "Bayer." Don't buy Aspirin in a pill box! Get Bayer package! Always say, "Give me genuine TSayer Tablets of Aspirin.' " Insist you want only the Bayer package with the "Bayer Cross" on the package and on the tablets. The genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" have been' proved safe by millions for Pain, Headache, Neuralgia, Toothache, Earache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Colds, Grippe, Influenzal Colds, Joint Pains, Neuritis. Proper dose in every "Bayer" package. American owned! Boxes of 12 tablets Bottles or 24 -Bottles of 100 Also Capsules. Aspirin U Uw trU maxk of IUyer Manufacture ef UoaoaxetltMliUaUr ol SalkrliestU Didn't Really Mean It. An old lady walked Into the judge's office. "Are you the judgo 'of reprobate?" Bhe Inquired. "I inn the Judgo of probnte," replied his honor, with a smile. "Well, that's It, I expect," answered tho old lady. "You tce," she went on confidentially, "my husband died de tested and left several little Infidels, and 1 want to be their executioner I" Chlcngo News. Artificial Warmth, "What's the Idea of the gas stove and the fur overcoat?' "Isn't It April?" asked Mr. Penwlg gle. "It Is." "April with the balmy breezes and the skies of blue?" "Thnt's according to popular fancy." "There you are. There's no use try ing to turn out delicate creations of thought about April unless by some means you enn provide a temperature approximately seasonable." ENGINEER HEROES BACK HOME Yanko Who Fought Huns With Shov- els Reach New York Other Arrivals. New York, April 24. Some of th fnmous Kleventh engineers, who used their picks nnd bhovels ns weapons In helping to stem the Oertnnn advance near Cambral, wore among tho 1.S20 troops arriving on the steamship Santa Teresa from Hordennx. Forty-six ofll cers nnd 000 men of the nrmy ambu lance service, Including qunrtermas; ter, headquarters, hospital nnd motor repair shop detachments, arrived on the steamship Ducn d' Abnur.l from MarM'llle. The vessel brought 33 Illinois cnsunlt. The man who goes around wishing he hnd never been born Is not the only I one who regrets It. Thrashing doesn't always separate boy from his crop of wild onts. OLD, AGE STARTS WITH YOUR KIDNEYS Bcltnea says that old se btns with weakened kidneys and digestive organs. This being true, it Is easy to believe that by keeping the kidneys and dlges Uf e onani cleansed and in proper work ing order old age can be deferred and llfo prolonged far beyond that enjoyed b the average person. ( ' For ovsr 200 years GOLD MEDAL naarlem OU Has oeen remmuK ....u...g .n.i ,nnhllitY due to advanc- ine years. It la a standard old-tltue home remedy and needs no i introduction. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Is Inclosed In odorless, tasteless capsules contain ing about S drops each. Take them as yon would a, rlll, with a awallow of water. TUs til stimulates tb kidney action and enables the organs to throw off the poisons which cause prematura old age. New life and strength iacreaso as you continue ine ireaimeni. vvuen completely restored continue taking a capsule or two each day. GOLD MED AL Hanrlem Oil Capsules will keep you in health and vigor and prevent a return of the disease. ' Do not wait until old ago or disease have settled down for good. At the first sign that your kidneys are not working properly, go to your aruggiat ana get a box of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem OU Capsules. Money refunded if they do not help you. Three sixes. But re member to ask for tke original Importnd GOLD MEDAL brand, lit sale4 pack aea. f ); -- LK1 i