Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 20, 1919, Image 7

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Oh! My Face
People who
have impure or
blood should
bo careful to
take only n
remedy made
of wild roots
and barks etuli
ns Dr. Pierco's
Golden Medi
cal Discovery
is and has been
for nearly CO
years. Ingre
dient) printed
on wrapper.
The first day you Btarl to take this
reliable medicine, impure germs nnd
accumulation begin to separate in tho
blood and are then cxiwllcd through tho
eliminativo organs.
In place of the impurities, the arteries
and veins gradually get fresh vitalized
blood and the action of this good blood
on tho skin mcana that pimples, boils,
carbuncles, eczema, rash, acne and all
skin blemishes will disappear. Then you
must remember that wncn tho blood is
right, the liver, stomach, bowels and
kidneys become healthy, active and
vigorous and you will have no more
trouble with indigestion, backache, head
ache. Get Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery to-day nt any medicine dealers,
in tablet or hrfuid form, or fiend 10c for
trial package to Dr. Pierce's Invalids'
Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.
Occasionally one should "clean house"
with castor oil or tiny pills made up of
the May-apple, leaves of aloe and root of
jalap, first put up by Dr. Pierce and now
sold by almost all druggists in this
country. as Doctor Pierce's Pleasant
Pellets. Always convenient to take.
Children Who Are Sickly
When your child cries at night, tosses
restlessly in its sleep, is constipated, fev
erish or has symptoms of worms, you feel
worried. Mothers who value their own
comfort and the welfare of their children,
should never be without a box of
Mother Cray's Sweet
Powders for Children
tor ass throughout tba sea
son. They tend to Break
up Colds, relieve Feverish
ness. Constipation, Teeth
ine Disorders, move and
regulate the Bowels and
destroy Worms. These
ponders ate pleasant to
lake and easy for parents
tocive. Thev cleanse lha
stomach, act on the Liver TraduUark.
and give healthful sleep Don't accept
by regulating the child's anytubstitutt.
Uttd by muthtrt for ever 30 nars. Sold
by all druggists. Sample mailed FREE.
Address, Mother Gray Co.. Le Roy, N. Y.
Do sure you ask for and obtain
Molhsr Graj's Swap' Powders for Children.
Skin Tortured
I Babies Sleep
'After Cuticura
All druggiita; Soap2S,Ointinent2&andC0,TalcnmZS,
Sample each fre of "Ovilenra, pt. E, B.iton."
A toilet preparation ot merit
Help to eradicate dandruff.
For Restoring Color and
Beauty toGray cr Faded Hair.
Mo. and 1 1.00 at Drnggleti.
W. N. U., SIOUX CITY, NO. 12-1919,
"Is your dnughter taking singing les
sons?" "That's what you heard, nil right!
I hope you don't think for n minute
that I hud started heating my wife."
Buffalo Express.
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Curei
by local applications as they cannot reach
tYi diseased portion of the ear. Thero li
only one way to cure Catarrhal Dcalrer
&nd that is by a constitutional remedy,
through th3 Blood on the Mucous Surfacci
of the System. Catarrhal Deafness li
caused by nn inflamed condition of tin
mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube
When this tube Is inflamed you have t
rumbling: sound or Imperfect hearing, an
when it Is entirely closed. Deafness Is thf
result. Unless the Inflammation can be re
duced and this tube restored to Its nor
mal condition, hearing may be destroye
forever. Many cases of Deafness art
caused by Catarrh, which Is an Inflamed
condition of tho Mucous Surfaces.
case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot
be cured by HALIS CATARRH
All DniBKlsts 75c. Circulars free.
r, J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
She Whnt do you think? A bul
nearly got In my head lust night.
He You're lucky." Mine always gel
In my feet.
Una been used for all ailments that
are caused by a disordered stomach
and Inactive liver, such as sick head
ache, constipation, sour stomnch.
nervous Indigestion, fermentation of
food, pulpltatlon of the heart caused by
'gases In tho stomach. August Flower
is n gentle laxative, regulutes digestion
both in stomach and Intestines, cleans
and sweetens the stomach and nlltnen
tary canal, stimulates tho liver to se
crete the bile and Impurities from the
blood. Sold In nil civilized countries,
"'ve It a trial. Adv.
The Wise Chief.
Iteportcr "Whnt started the blnze.
ohlof?" Fire Chief (In a whisper)
"Spontaneous Insurance."
More married couples would be Imp
py If tl)e husband was deaf and the
wife blind.
. A Wholesome, Cleansing
IT Ollf4 Kelresblng md Ueallni
ness, Soreness, Granula
tlon, Itchlngand Burning
of the Eves or Evelids
'2 Drops" After the Movies. Motortnz or Goli
will win your confidence. Ask Your Druggist
for Murine when your Eyes Need Care. M II
Marina Eye Remedy Co,, Chicago
A Gasoline Engine Furnishing Power to Pump Water.
(Prepared by tho United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
When nn exnmlnutlon has shown
that a good spark Is being obtained at
the right time, the next step Is to see
whether the engine Is receiving tho
proper mixture of fuel nnd air. Many
carburetors nre mude so that it is
easy to remove the cover and see
whether there Is gasoline In tho bowl,
and where this Is possible It Is tllo
easiest way to determine whether tho
fuel supply Is all right up to that point.
Other types of curburctor have tight
covers, but are equipped with small
petcocks, by opening which one can de
termine whether a supply of fuel is
If there is no fuel In the carburetor,
either the tank Is empty or thero Is
some obstruction in the pipe line be
tween the tnnk nnd the carburetor.
Water In Gasoline System.
To see that tho carburetor contains
11 liquid which looks like gasoline,
however, is riot enough, as water and
gasoline look very much alike, and It is
not nt nil uncommon for water to bo
present In the gasoline system. Neith
er does this water always enter tho
system when it is being filled, as is
generally supposed. It Is often tho re
sult of condensation of moisture on the
sides of the gasoline tnnk, which runs
down and settles at the lowest points
in the system. This may be in the
bottom of the carburetor, in the supply
pipe, or In the strainer, or settling
chnmber. Where strainers or settling
chambers aro provided, these should
be drained nnd cleaned frequently, es
pecially in cold weather, when any wa
ter present may cause considerable
trouble by freezing.
For Removing Water.
A petcock on tho curburctor is a good
means for removing any water which
may have settled at the bottom of tho
bowl of the carburetor, and which,
when present, will cause difllculty in
starting. When making ti test in this
way, it is usually advisable to allow
enough gasoline to run through to
make suro that the carburetor has n
full supply, as sometimes ft pnrtlal
stoppage of the pipe will allow a smnll
amount of gasoline to get by into the
carburetor, but not enough to allow
the engine to start easily. Allowing
a half-cupful of fuel to run through It
eliminates this possibility. It Is easy
to nsce'rtaln whether water jg present
In the carburetor by catching In a glass
bottle or tumbler the liquid which runs
through when the petcock Is open. Any
water present will settle at the bottom
of the glass and u thin line will bo
visible between the water and tho
Air Is Important,
It is not enough merely to have fuel
in tho carburetor; it must bo mixed
with the proper amount of nlr ns it
Is drawn into the combustion chnmber.
It sometimes happens that the necdlo
valve is closed or stopped with dirt,
and that while thero is fuel In tho car
buretor none can get Into the combus
tion chnmber. If the engine has a pet
cock leading into the combustion
chamber, by opening this nnd crank
ing ' tho englue a few times one
can tell by smelling the escaping air
whether gasoline Is entering tho cham
ber. The snmo result can be obtained
by smelling tho exhaust when the cu
glno is turned over, or by removing
a spark plug, closing the hole during
the suction stroke nnd opening It dur
ing the compression stroke.
Make Engine Start.
By alternately opening and closing
the needle valve, first being careful to
noto the original position so that It will
he possible to readjust It If necessary,
It is easy to see whether a different
mlxturo will mnko the englno start.
Or, when thero Is doubt whether
enough fuel Is entering tho cylinder, n
small qunntlty of gasoline (nbout a
teaspoonful) may bo poured Into the
combustion chnmber through the prim
ing cock or spark-plug hole and nllow
ed to stand for a minute or two to
vaporize and mix with tho nlr before
cranking tho engine. If then ono or
two explosions occur and no more, It Is
an indication that only tho priming has
burned, nnd that fuel Is not being fur
nished In HUfllcIent quantity through
tho carburetor.
, Mixture Too Rich.
It sometimes happens that too rich a
mixture of fuel and air enters tho
combustion chamber, which Is practi
cally as had as no fuel at all, as tho
rich mixture cannot be exploded by
the spark. This does not often happen
with a cold englno nnd with the grades
of fuel now on, tho mnrkct, but it Is
not ot all uncommon with a warm en
glno. There nre several ways of over
coming this dldlculty. Closing tho
needle valve and cranking tho engine
n few times will remove tho rich mix
ture quickly and replace It with prac
Moally pure air. Hemovlng a spark
plug or opening tt petcock leading Into
tho combustion chnmber and then
cranking the enghro slowly n few'
times, mny answer tlie purpose, al
though as long ns tho needle vnlvc is
open some fuel will continue to be
drawn Into tho cylinders.
Testing the Compression.
It seldom happens thnt the compres
sion of nn engine suddenly becomes
so poor through ordinary wear as to
make It Impossible to start with the
methods commonly used. An open
valve, however, will bring nbout this
result. Anyone who has ever started
a gasoline englno "vhen It wns In good
working order should bo able to tell at
once whether tho compression Is en
tirely gone as soon as ho undertakes
to crank tho engine. When compres
sion suddenly falla it is probable thnt
the trouble Is due to leaky piston rings
or vnlves nnd the remedy is usunlly ob
vious when once the cause is located.
The hiss mndo by tho escaping air dur
ing tho compression stroke is often
enough to Indicate tho plate where it
Is escaping.
Campaign Being Waged In Louisiana
to Secure Planting of Only High
Yielding Varieties.
(Prepared by tho United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
Because tho best yielding varieties
of cotton produce 20, 30, and even 40
per cent more than the poor varieties,
as shown by experienced results, a
campaign Is being waged In Louisiana
by the State Agricultural college, in
co-operation with the United States
department of agriculture, to secure
the planting of only high-yielding vari
eties. It Is emphasized that wjint
over variety is planted, It should bo
pure; thnt Is, every stalk should bo
similar In appearance and In produc
tive capacity to every other stalk.
Tho mixed or hybrid vnrfety will
never do this, for many of tho stalks
will bo barren or will bo "shy" pro
ducers. It is also emphasized that
the cotton grower should not depend
wholly upon Improved seed ns his"
means for Increasing yields, for a for
tllo soil Is the most Important feature
In successful cotton growing. "It is a
very poor policy," sny ofllclals In
charge of the campaign, "to plant very
poor land In cotton nt nil."
Disinfectant Given to Put Coop and
Fixtures in Sanitary Condition
Use Pump.
Tho followlnc disinfectant whirru
'wash may bo used to put tho poultry
nouso aim uxtures In a sanitary con
dition: Five quarts cream of lirao,
ono qunrt kerosene, ono pint ,coal tar
disinfectant nnd equal parts of water.
This Is applied with a force pump if
possible, as this method will drive tho
material into overy part of tho Inte
rior of the house. The doors and win
dows aro left open for a couple of
hours In order thnt the house mny be
come thoroughly dry. Tho floor and
nests nre then rellttered nnd tho birds
allowed to go back Into tho house.
Proven by Experience That 10 Per
Cent of Farm Area Should Be
Devoted to Trees.
No farm aero should He Idle. All
land may bo made to respond with that
product which It Is most capable of
sustaining. In tho case of tho non
agricultural and rough farm land, n
portion of It mny ho maintained In n
farm woodlot. Experience hns proved
that 10 per cent of tho funn area
should bo maintained In tree cover,
used for woodlot purposes. Still oth
er Innd thinly set with trees or without
forest cover, but agriculturally un
profitable, may well be devoted to spe
cial tree crops, and among theso nre
tho nut-bcarlng trees.
Variety Known as "McAdoos" and Aro
as Widely Distributed as '
Liberty Bonds.
(Proparcd by the United Htaton Depart
ment of Agriculture)
Farmers who want to buy quantities
of the variety of field pea introduced
several yenrs ago by tho United States
department of agriculture from Ger
many, and then known us tho "Kaiser"
pea, will savo trouble by not using thnt
name any more. These peas aro now
known ns "McAdoos," and they nro us
widely distributed through tho North
west ns Liberty bonds, which causeJ
the substitution In nomenclature.
Look nt tho tongue, mother 1 If
coated, It Is a suro sign that your llt
tlo one's stomach, liver and bowels
needs a gentle, thorough cleansing at
When peevish, cross, listless, palo,
doesn't sleep, doesn't cat or act nntu
rally, or is feverish, stomach sour,
breath bad; has stomach-ache, soro
throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a
teaspoonful of "Callfornln Syrup of
Figs," nnd In a few hours all tho foul,
constipated waste, undigested food
nnd sour bile gently moves out of the
little Lowcls without griping, and you
have a well, playful chld again.
You needn't coax sick children to
take this harmless "fruit laxative;"
they love Its delicious taste, and It
always makes them feel splendid.
Ask your druggist for a bottle of
"California Syrup of Figs," which has
directions for babies, children of all
ages and for grown-ups plainly on tho
bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold
here. To bo sure you get the genuine,
ask to see that It is made by tho "Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Company." Bcfuso
nny other kind with contempt. Adv.
Albert Explains.
"Albert Pennyroyal Jones, tell mo this
minute where you nro going," demand
ed the head of the house.
. "Why cr my dear," explained Al
')ert meekly. "I w: ser going to
lodge "
"A likely story, indeed. You were go
ing to do nothing of tho kind."
"Yes, I wns nbout to sny that I was
going to lodge cr n complaint with
your dressmaker thnt sho was making
your clothes too cheap looking."
Now Is tie Time to Get Rid of There Ugly Spoil
There's no longer the slightest need of feeling
shamed of jour freckles, as Othlnc -double
strength Is guaranteed to remore these homely
Simply get in ounce ot Othlnc double
strength from your drusslst, end apply a little
of It night end morning ond you Bhould soon sco
that even the worst freckles bare begun to dis
appear, while the lighter ones hare Tanlshed en
tlreljr. It la seldom that more than one ounco
is needed to completely clear tho skin and z'tn
a beautiful clear completion.
Be sure to ask for the double strength Olhlne,
as this la sold under guarantee ot money back
If It falls to rcmoTe freckles. Air.
Natural Procedure.
"Whnt do you think of thnt now
gas pchemo?" "Oh, everybody Is milk
ing light of It."
Usually n big man Is too busy run
ning his own( business to bother nbout
other people's.
Bake More
Save More
More and more, thoughtful women are de
creasing the cost of living by increasing the
variety of their home baking. They have
learned to bake the Royal way with fewer
eggs. They have found that more baked
foods mean less meat They have further
discovered that their baking keeps fresh
longer when made with
JEiii i
Absolutely Pure
In many recipes, only half as many eggs are required, in
some none at all, if an additional quantity of Royal Baking
Powder is used, about a teaspoonful in place of each
egg omitted
Try it with your favorite recipes
Royal Contains No Alum
Leaves No Bitter Taste
Out of Pain
Proved Safe
For Pain
Adults Take one of two "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" wltH
water. If necessary, repeat dose three times a day, after meals.
Ask for and Insist Upon
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
American owned Entirely! ,
0 cent Bayer packages also larger Bayer packages
Buy Bayci packages only Oct original package.
Atpirin I the trade mark ot Bayer Manufacture ot Monoacetlcacldetter of SaUcrllcacid
Experienced Lover.
William J. Burns, the detective, sntd
In n Scrnnton lecture:
"To n well-trnlnetl detective every
incident Is pregnant with significance
yes, every Incident Is as full of mean
ing as well, 1 am reminded or n story.
"A young man sat in a parlor alone.
To him n beautiful girl entered. There
upon the young man tose, took six
cigars from his upper waistcoat pocket,
laid them carefully on the piano, nnd
then advanced toward tho girl pan
slonately, his nrms outstretched.
"But tho girl drew back.
" 'You have loved before,' she said."
Apply Cream In Nostrils
Open Up Air Passages.
Ah I What relief I Your clogged nos
trlls open right up, tho air passages of
your head aro clear and yon can
breathe freely. No moro hawking,
8nuflling, mucous dlschnrge, heudnchc,
dryness no struggling for hrcnth nt
night, your cold or catarrh is gone.
Don't stny stuffed upl Oct a small
bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your
druggist now. Apply a llttlo of this
fragrant, nntlsoptlc cream In your nos
trils, let It penetrate through every nlr
passage of tho head; sootho and heal
tho swollen, Inflnmed mucous mem
brane, giving you Instant relief. Ely'a
Cream Balm Is just what every cold
and catarrh sufferer has been seeking.
It's just splendid. Adv.
"Wiggins seemed exceedingly thank
ful yestcrdny."
"Yes. But he somehow manages to
make his gratitude sound like sheer
personal boasting."
Sometimes you meet nn nutomoblle
drlvcr who needs u new Inner tube
In his head.
Often tho npology Is worse than tho
Mi JmSL Jul
to Comfort I
by Millions I
Stiff Neck
Joint Pains
Wild Horses a Problem.
France has courteously but firmly;
refused to consider the strlugy meat
of Uio bony Montana wild rnnge horse.
Wnshlngton dispatches dechwo that
United States Senator T. J. Walsh of
Montana, who took the matter up with
the French high commission, wns told
thnt France was not In Uie market
for Montana horse meat on nny terms.
Sale of the rantro horse for food
FhnH long been agitated, as he devours
the range, lie Is worthless as a horso
fund to round him up, slay and bury
Lhlm would cost too much money. Ho
Is too numerous to kill mul let He,
PHlnce he might start a plague. Va
rious projects to can him huve been
gently, scorned by American meat
packers, and the solution of tho prob
lem, It would seem, is not yet.
Don't suffer! Go about your duties -
Relief comes the moment you
Apply "St. Jacobs Liniment."
Don't stay crippled I Bub this sooth
ing, penetrating Unlmeut right Into tho
sprain, ache or strain, and out comes
pain, soreness, stiffness and swelling.
Nothing else penetrates, heals and
strengthens the Injured muscles,
nerves, tendons nnd ligaments stf
promptly. It doesn't burn or discolor
tho skin nnd can not cause InJuryJ
Don't surfer 1 Get n small trial bottW
from nny drug store now limber upf
Bub tho misery right out. A moment
nftcr "St. Jacobs Liniment" Is applied?
you can not feel tho slightest pain or
soreness, and you can go nbout your
regnlnr duties.
"St. Jacobs Liniment" conquers pnlrj
It hns been used effectively for spralnaJ
strains, soreness nnd stiffness for cdf
years sir gold mednl nwnrds. Adv.
Downtrodden Aristocracy. 1
"Jinks Is walking on his uppers.'
"What I Has ho Joined the Bolsht
If n man hns neither friends nor c:
cmles ho has lived In vnln.
.sew it -j r