DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD, DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. i V h ii- i Start Your MAi. AtrA liarden Kight Snd for Maule's Seed Book. 176 pages of most helpful garden Inform iiHnn. Q-SFe !W rw- , i.t: i Beat the high CfKW1 fc-UBfc Ul 11V Q with a Maule gar den. Maule'i Seeds tarted thousands of new gardens last year big crop MAULE SEED BOOK 17G Par., of Practical PDrr Information JT tLtL Learn what, when, and how to plant and prepare your ground for best re sults. Paper scarcity has limited our 1919 Issue. Send for your copy today. WM. HENRV MAULE. INC. 214S Arch Stret Philadelphia Mauk'g SteJ$ Mean Pndiulloe Gar Jem m His Raise. "How high did yo' git In de ninny, Sam?" "Bout ten feet In de nlr; 1 was kicked by nn ninny mule." Cale'n CnrhoIIn.He Quickly Relieves Jtnd heals burning, Itching nnd torturing .akin diseases. It Instantly stops the pain of burns. Heals without scars. 25c and EOc. Ask your druggist, or send 23c to The J. W. Cole Co., Rockford, 111,, for a pkg.Adv. There's nothing n red-blooded man liatcs more than being being made a 8icro and n pet of. Explorer Stefnnssnn believes arctic regions may be reclaimed and mado 'to sustain human life. Weekly Health-Talks The Many Mysteries of Nature BY L. W. BOWER, M. D. You can take an onion seed and a pansy seed, and plant them side by side in the .same spot of ground. In one case, you ;get an onion, with its peculiarly strong odor, and in the other you get a flower of Tare beauty. You can plant a poppy seed and get opium (a dangerous, habit-forming drug), or you can plant a rhubarb seed and get something that helps constipation. No scientist, living or dead, can explain these .mysteries of Nature. Behind the invisible life germ in each seed is hidden the deep secret that noboa understands. Every thing growing out cf the uni seems in tended for some se In establishing natural conditions. Dr. Tierce, of Buualo, N. Y., long since found out what 3 naturally best ior women's diseases, lie ! irned it all -through treating thousands i es. The 'Jesuit of his studies was medi.ine called !Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prcscrip on. This -medicine Is mado of -Vegetable growths that nature surely ntended 3r backache, head .ache, weakening drains, bearing-down pains, periodical irregularities, pelvic in flammations, and for the many disorders common to Vtomcn in all ages of life. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is made of lady's slipper root, black cohosh root, uni corn root, blue cohosh root and Oregon grape root. Women who take this stand ard remedy know that in Dr. Picrce'd .Favorite Prescription they are getting a tsafo woman's tonic so good that druggists everywhere sell it. Favorite Prescription should have the (full confidence of every woman in America (becauso it contains no alcohol and no nar cotic. Dr. Pierce knew, when ho first imadc this stand ird medicine, that whisky -and morphine are injurious, and so he has lahvnys kept them out of his remedies. Send 10c to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Ilotel, Buffalo, N. Y for trial pkg.of tablets. Why Lose Your Hair The Cause is Dandruff and Itching; The Remedy Cuticura AUdragftbts; Sosp28,Olntment2S&W,Talcmn2S. I B.mplo -ac h hot at "Catlewa, Ppt E, Bolton J Su7frrrtNVli- y V t'T'ZKylJ' s THCTiTri..M, .iijjia--"'?-.!!' vmMijm gg&rk Contents 15Pluid Draoh mm , mi LmiJ);Tfl'J.i ?. Hr l-Stf '"5v -a.'-ii mm vittzw.'si' : efof 17HiT7,l V-i'nll n't uI"Jr i .AI.GOHUiJ-o.rE, uu." d AVciefablcIYeparau'oafhrAs Suniinunv;uiGiiniiiuj-B 1ln6UicStomacfcandDovrctscr w - -iflffl hT I 111 i i , TlicrcbyPfomoUnDificsUOTJ Lhccriuincss ana iicsv.wu'-rj j neither Oplam,Morphlnenot3 ! j Mineral. NotNaiigotic j 35 i juxsnno JlrSrwta 1 Mi SfcStPSN ArrrmmO . JUntSmi AC' r.rti.' iia wn r 1 hhinrmnhtrr (.&. s (-r,.iDAmoivfnr awi Constipation widDiariy auu xcvi.ij""- - resulting tticrefromjnjntoncy JjS TSEvjuiGi w Exact Copy of Wrapptr. a Mr LOOK AT CHILD'S TONGUE IF SICK, CROSS, FEVERISH HURRY, MOTHER! REMOVE POI- SONS FROM LITTLE STOMACH, LIVER, DOWELS. GIVE CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS AT ONCE IF BILIOUS OR CON8TIPATED. Look nt the tongue, mother I If coated, It Is a sure sign that your lit tle one's stomach, liver and bowels needs a gentle, thorough cleansing nt once. When peevish, cross, listless, pale, doesn't sleep, doesn't eat or net natu rally, or Is feverish, stomach sour, breath bad; has stomach-ache, sord throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give n teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and In, a few hours nil the foul, constipated waste, tindlgestcd food nnd sour bile gently moves out of tho little bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. You needn't conx sick children t6 take this linrmless "fruit laxative;" they love Its delicious taste, and It always makes them feel splendid. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has directions for bnblcs, children of all ages and for grown-ups plnlnly on the bottle. Bewnrc of counterfeits sold here. To be sure you get the genuine, ask to see that It Is mado by the "Cali fornia Fig Syrup Company." Itefuso any other kind with contempt. Adv. Put Auto Before Wife. Men are taking good care of their automobiles these days. Most of them don't know where they will get an other. The other dny a man ran away with our neighbor's wife and his automobllo at the same time. Our neighbor came up out of the basement just In time to see him driv ing away, and he yelled nt the driver: "Don't forget to send the car back." GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER lias been used for all ailments that are caused by a disordered stomach and Inactive liver, such as sick head ache, constipation, sour stomach, nervous Indigestion, fermentation of food, palpitation of the heart caused by gases In the stomach. August Flower Is u gentle laxative, regulates digestion both In stomach nnd Intestines, cleans nnd sweetens the stomach nnd alimen tary canal, stimulates tho liver to se crete the bile nnd Impurities from the blood. Sold In all civilized Countries, dive it a trial. Adv. Cruel Advice. "I must brush the cobwebs from my brain." "Then you hnd better do It with a vacuum cleaner." Charity consists of gifts. Probably that Is why a girl thinks It charitable to give her rival's ago away. Many a man would act otherwise but for fear of legal consequences. OASTOREA For Infanta and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Bears Use Over Thirty Years CASTORIA Tut ccwTtua mmny, MtwTenii omr. yrSr- -V lk Always . ' the fiuW Signature ffc ir of tt W W For The. Glory of MP jj n IBs Jk I 111 bMbMbBRiIk 1 1111 PJHtlWjrt bb& IK s9 II ?i1bL fill ran HBPt bSMll H sKfwldBBWBBHMttUKICam& !J$3fCJv BW B&wcbkdW SSBBBBBtBBFfiV' ' SkSAji KA,4BSt BBI ii BBsWMJffifiB lip lil'411 1 if H tfA BBaBSSSnlBBr ' )t("iiiM .iiwii ","s 'jS wjkPB i? fl hi BBBBBHBBBBJ!:?'' H ' ' ',.-.''0;-? s i "tV&SBm Bh8 m bbbMbbI "'"' Vs-?Vv--' i .k 9bK H p bIBHmm b "$$ : si1 ilB Tl The glory of evening wraps has re turned. Sumptuous Is a good word to use In describing them; they combine the richness of costly brocades and velvets with the hnndsomest furs, nnd extravagance In furs Is written Into the history of this winter's fashions. Hut extravagance In furs is not reck lessness; they have Intrinsic yalue, lileo jewels or fine oriental rugs. The wom an who owns good furs should cherish them, for It seems. Inevitable that they must advance In price. There Is noth ing In apparel that may be remodeled more successfully or that gives such a certain return In satisfaction upon the required Investment as good furs. Such a thing as a furless wrap Is hardly to be found. In evening wraps ample fur collars are tho rule, but there are gorgeous models In which wide borders of fur divide honors with regal fabrics Jn the body of the wrap. These wraps are full, voluminous, tho Chambray Finery The little girl with saucy eyes- und bobbed hair bbown In this picture Is evidently posing under protest. Kven so, she ennnot contrlvo to look any thing but pretty In this new llnery of chambray, which anticipates spring (lowers by blossoming out In Jnnunry. Along conies a troop of pretty frocks early In the year, In gayly colored cot tons nnd In white, so that the outfit ting of tho small fry nnd of Ilapptrs may be disposed of. Weightier matters will dUtrlct tho mind of mothers when Easter approaches, and the more seri ous matter of choosing her own or oth er grown-up apparel takes the atten tion of the head of the household. Two of tho now frocks inado of chambray are shown here. Both em ploy white cotton material with a color, nnd the color may bo any ono of the usual popular tones of blue, pink, rose, tan, yellow or light green that are suro of a welcome every spring. These stnple fabrics and colors nro al ways used. It Is tho variation of de sign nnd simple ornamentation that ndd Interest to tho season's styles. Tho frock nt the left has a triple box plait down tho front of tho short walstcd body nnd the skirt. This Is broken nt tho walstllno with gather ings, and a narrow braid Is sewed on In such fashion as to simulate smock lug. The belt of white cotton termi Ih -' -' h : l 1 V ''- - '- - l 1 1 p ', 'A'- ' f '& ff h a' I'll Evening Wraps style- llttlng tho character of stulfa used for making them. A good exam ple, not nn extreme, but u handsome wrap, appears In the style shown In tho picture above. Huge silver rosea on a dark satin ground mnke.the love ly brocade of which this capellko wrap Is fashioned. Nothing could look bet ter with It than the luxurious collar(of dark, glossy and long-haired fox fur that finishes it. This collar fairly In vites Its wearer to cuddle down Into It nnd makes n beautiful background for tho evening dress It reveals when thrown back from tho shoulders. The dress In this particular Instance appears to be of black satin and black velvet, which Is a happy choice to wear with a glorious wrap. One must know where to leave oft In the use of color. Everything In the toilette pic tured Is commendable; tho neatness of the colfCuro nnd all tho care of details which Insures exquisite tlnlsh. Blooms in January nates at thu sides or this panel, Or gandie might be used for a belt of litis kind, as It Is laid in plaits. A pretty, childish decorative feature Is made by two Hat pearl buttons sewed down with black cotton. Dlngonnl silt pock' ets are outlined with needle work In black also, and little embroidered (low er motifs uro made to correspond. This piquant touch of black Is note worthy In spring style for little folks. With collar and culTs of white this frock Is n crisp nnd brilliant accom plishment, employing only simple and familiar means. At tho right nn equally clever de sign shows the same simple menna used In a different wny. In tills frock the bodice Is lengthened Into front, bnck nnd side panels, with the chain bray set between them by Inverted plaits. A tiny chemisette, set In nt tho front of the collar, adds ono moro un expected Joy to life for tho small girl, Hats of Monkey Hair. Monkey-hair hats are qulto tho thing In Paris, but nro said to be rath er unbecoming to nny but the truly brunette type. Women with very light or gray hair (Ind them Impossible Is PERUNASHZ 1 Breaks up a Cold. Good for Brtnciual Inflammation. Those who objeot to liquid medi cines oen tec uro Perun Tablets NOT STRONG ON ACCURACY General March Compares Average Macjazlno War Story With That Told of the Doughboy. "The average magazine war story Is amusing," said General March In a recent Interview. "It's nmuslng, I mean, In Its Innccurncy. 'Tcs, the average magazine story is as Innccurato as the story of tho doughboy who rushed from the front line trenches with his cheeks puffed out and his mouth tightly closed. Ho hopped Into a lorry without u word, and waved his anus towards tho rear In a frantic wny. "'He's crazy, poor feller,' said the driver. 'Shell shock, of course. It's drove him as crazy as a bedbug.' "And tho lorry set off. The driv er's Idea was to convey the stricken doughboy to tho nearest hospital. Tho patient still sat with cheeks puffed out uhd lips tight closed, while he now held his nose with one hand as well. "'Crazy,' muttered tho driver. "But It turned out that the dough boy wasn't crazy at nil. He was em ployed In the gas defense, and had been sent forward to a recently raided trench for n sample of tho German's latest brand of phosgene." Coney Island "Mining." Of the many varied and extraordi nary sights at Coney Island, New York, none Is moro surprising than to find men digging In the sand of tho beach for gold and precious Btones. Some of them make a regular business of It, wearing hip boots llko placer miners of tho MO's, nnd armed with shovels and sieves. On good days the "dirt" has paid as high as $30. This search for gold differs from mining In the West or elsewhere, however, In that rings, chains, stick pins, lockets, etc., are recovered. What tho patient men dig up Is, of course, tho Jewelry which careless bathers, who frequent tho beach by tho tens of thousands, hnvo lost. No doubt tho original own ers of these, treasured articles have assumed that their recovery was abso lutely out of the question. Popular Mechanics Magazine. Yes, Why? Customer "Will this Jmthlrig suit shrink If It gets wet?" Clerk "It might; but why got It wet?" Acid-Stomach Ruins Health of Millions Besides thoso painful attarks of ln digestion; thnt awful bloatU, lumpy feeling after eating and, downright stomach misery that you who havo experienced It know so well; besldea disgusting belching, food-repoutlng, sour stomach nnd distressing heartburn besides all this, ACID-STOMACH undermines the health and sups the strength of millions. If you don't get rid of thoso stomnch miseries there Is no tolling wheroyour stomnch troubles will end, for It Is a well known sclentlflc fuct that many serious aliments havo their stnrt In an acid-stomach. Start now this very day to get rid of your stomach miseries. Take KATONIC tho wonderful remedy that absorbs the excess acid from tho stomach and brings INSTANT relief. You simply have no Idea how much better, stronger and brighter you feel nt once. It drives out all the gas and bloat, nilts an Immediate Htmi tnliolidi. Ing nud heartburn, ends stomach suf sFATONIC E MBsiCTOR YOUR ACID-STOMACH )y The Spirit of MB. "Is your father In, my boy?" "No, sir; father's In France. I'm In command whllo lio's away." Ilrown- Ing's. Significant. "I shuddered when Tom proposed." "Was ho so awkward?' "Oh, no; ho did It so well." .---A WboImqbb, Cleansing, OOsrRu,rcshlnfl ndM"ll m v" LolUn Murine for Red- W-m r .- nea8 Soreness, Granula- W V S t,on.ltchlngnnd Burning of the Eyes or Eyelids; "2 Drops" After lha Movies. Motorloir or Ggu! will win your confidence. Ask Your movies, iv ence. Ask iiuenc. Ask Your Druggist our Eyes Need Care, i M-1J ior saunas wnen yoi Murine yi Riaudy Co., Chicago Mr. Robert McDougnll, R. R. No. C, Liberty, Indiana, writes: - "I wish to state that I nlwaya keep Pcruna In tho house. I think It Is a cood mcdlclno to havo on hand. If I commenco taking n cold, I take Pcruna and It brcakB It up for me. It In also good for tho Bronchial Tubes." Peruna fiat served the Amor loan people for more than forty years. Those who know Its value always have It at hand. Why not you? DISTEMPER or Strangles in stallion, brood nvtrcs, colts mul nil others Is most destructive Tho perm ciuihIiijt disease muat bo removed from tho body or tho animal. To prevent the trouble tho samo must bo done. SIM) UN'S COMPOUND will do both euro tbo sick and provont thoso 'Vxponod" from Imvlnpr tho dtnenne. Sold by vour dniKRlut or tho nmnufacturorH. hpolin airdleul Co., Mfrn.,Goiilicn,lMri.,U.8.A. Chinese Bamboo. Tho number of different varieties of bamboo found In China is over thirty. Mr. Krank N. Meyer, agricultural ex plorer for tho United States In China, mndo nn extended study of the bam boo for the purpose of demonstrating Its utility for Introduction Into tho United States. Tho results of his studies can bo obtained from tho de partment of agriculture. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County fs. Frank J. Cheney makes oath thnt ho Is eenlor partnor of tho firm of P. J. Chonoy & Co., dolwr business In tho City of To ledo, County and State aforesaid, nnd that snld firm will pay tho sum of ONE HUN DRED DOLLARS for any caso of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by tho uao of HALL'S CATAIUUI MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to boforo me nnd subscribed In my presence this 6th day of December,. A. D. US. (Seal) A. W. Glenson, Notary Public. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is tnlt en Internally and acts throuch the nlood on tho Mucous Surfaces of the System. Druggists, 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Chenoy & Co., Tolodo, Ohio. -r Some Exceptions. "Women are not given to abstract reflections." "Aren't they nlways stonllng glances at a mirror?" Don't Go From Bad to Worse! Are you always weak, iniscrnlilo and half-sick? Then it's time you found out what is wrong. Kidney weakness causes much Buffering from backache, lnmcncss, BtifTncs and rheumatic painB, and if neglected, brings danger of serious troubles d i onay, gravel and Itriitht's disease. Don't delay. Use Doan'3 Kidney PIVs. They have helped thousand and uliould help you. An Iowa Caso SESSCf Bardner, Forest City, lunu, miyai i Huuur- cd untold ajjony from kidney trouble. It bo- f;an with backache. I md headaches and wus vory nervous. My unities, loot and wrists began to mvoll and soon I was all run down. I hnd to tako to bod nnd Ho thoro six weeks. I tried dif ferent remedies, but Kot no hotter until I used Donn's Kidney Pills. In a short While I will nbla tn walk around and was soon onttroly ro llcvcd of tho trouble." Cst Dosjq's st Any Store, COc a Dos DOAN'S'iSJ!? F03TER-MILBURN CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. W. N. U., SIOUX CITY, NO. 6-1919. fering and makes It cool, sweet, com fortable and strong. Thero can bo no further excuse for you to allow acid-stomach to wreck your henlth pllo up misery upon mis ery until you get to the point whoro you feel down and out and thut llfo hns lost all Its Joys. Itemcmber, just oh acid-mouth ruins teeth, so acid stomnch ruins health. Tako EATONIO. It's good, Just llko a bit of candy and makes the stomach feel fine. You can then eat tho things you like and, what Is more, every mouthful you out will count in creating; power nnd energy. You'll feel ho much better have punch and pep the pow er and will to do things nnd get re sults, nnd your stomach misery will bo gone. Take our advice. Oct n big box of KATONIC from your druggist today. It costs so little. If It falls to remove your stomach distress, ho will refund your money. Thut is guaranteed ; you aro to bo satisfied or money refunded. HARkR'& , HAIR BALSAM A tollat r.rsiratlfin nf m-r Im IQtrlt. Iruff. and J Hair. IIslpi to craullcMe dandruff. r or Kaitorinf Color Bt)ulytoCrarorPdod tOo.MMltl.OQal UruniUta. ATTENTION-Thc Kaiser's Last Will and Testament Livta"t InteroHtluc War fnroat ' , 'sample ronlei, postpaid. 15, whllo they last. Hurry. JOHNS SALES COMPANY. B14 IUsota Uulldlnfr, Mluaeapolls, Mlmieaoto! RnfllfQ Pn Memory Training, Mind Power, f,KJ.ir'3.. l'orninal Mam.etlnu, Concentration, (ttnral Healing, i-to Write for our KUItll catalog, nlana Hook Co., S Inland llldg., run Wayne, Jnd. KODAK PII.Ma developed free, pay for prints wnen ruu get them. Heturn mall service- Circulars free. UUtfejILl. 1'IIOXO CO , Vond-dU'Lac, Minn. PATENTS Wntson K.Coleman.W uh Ington.U (J. Hooka free. Uljn est references, ltoil result. JgaETSJn