DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD: DAKOTA CITY, NEBR. I ! AMERICAN FOOD SAVINGS LARGE United States Sent to Allies, .141,000,000 Bushels of Wheat. CREDIT DUE TO WOMEN. Allies Got 844,600,000 Pound More Meat and Fata Irt 1017.18 ,Than In Year Before. it AMERICAN FOOD SHIPMENTS TO ALLIE3 MEAT. 1010-17. 2,100,500,000 lbs. 1017-18 3,011,100,000 lbs. Increase 814,000,000 lbs. CEREALS. 1010-17 2C0,000,000 bu. 1017-18 010,800,000 bu. Increase... 80,000,000 bu. In f)lte ot n subnormal food supply in this country the American peoplo bavo been nblo to ship to the Allies as well ns our own forces overseas 141,000,000 bushels of wheat, besides 844,000,000 pounds of meat, during tho year ending Juuo HO last. This has been mado possible by tho whole souled cooperation of tho people, who, beBldos practicing self-denial, havo speeded up production and re sponded nobly td tho appeal from abroad. Food Administrator Hoover, In a letter to President Wilson, jjlves a brief summary of tho results of food conservation In tho United States and of tho activities of tho Food Admin istration to this end. Tho conserva tion measures havo been put through practically on a voluntary habit; which Is regarded as a splendid tnbuto to tho patriotism of tho American people. Meat shipments wcro increased 814, 000,000 pounds during tho 11 rat fiscal year, as compared with our meat ex ports during the year beforo America entered tho war. "Tho total valuo of theso food ship ments," Mr. Hoover wrote President Wllfcon, "which were In tho main pur chased through or with collaboration of the Food Administration, amount to, roundly, $1,400,000,000 during tho fiscal year." In 1010-17 tho United States Bent tho Allies 2,100,500,000 pounds of meat In 1017-18, with voluntary con servation practiced in Amcrlcn, and aided by extra weight of animals, wo sent tho Allies 2,011,100,000 poundB of meat, an Increaso of 814,000,000 pounds. Wheat Saving Enormous. When tho Food Administration be gan operations in tho summer of 101.7, this country was facing n largo deficit in wheat Counting in all carry-over wheat from tho 1010 crop, wo hod at the beginning of tho 1017 harvest year Just enough wheat to tnlto caro of America's normal consumption, not a bushel of surplus. At tho closo of tho 1017-18 harvest year tho Food Administration's official reports showed that our total wheat shipments to tho other sldo had been 141,000,000 bushels. Every bushel shipped was wheat saved by the Aniorlcan peoplo from their normal consumption. In cereals and cereal products re ducod to terms of cereal bushels our shipments to Allied destinations were 1340,800,000 bushels, 80,000,000 bushels, uioro than tho amount sent In 1010-17, Included in theso figures are 13,000,. 000 bushels 'of ryo and tho 141,000,000 bushels of saved wheat In addition wo sent tho neutrals dependent on ui 10,000,000 bushels of prlmo breadstuff "Theso figures do not fully convey tho volume of tho effort nnd sacrifice mado during tho past year by tin wholo Ameilcnn people," tho Food Adi mlnlstrator wrote "I urn suro thai all tho millions of our people, ugrlcul tural as well as urban, who havo con trlbutcd to theso results should feel a very defialto satisfaction that In a year of universal food shortages in tho Northern Hemisphere, all of those peoplo Joined together ngalnst Ger many camo through to tho now hun vest, not only with health nnd strength fully maintained, but with only tem porary periods ot hardship. "It Is difficult td distinguish be tween vnrlous sections of our peoplo tho homes, public entlng places, food trade, urban or agricultural popula tions In assessing credit for thesu results, but no ono will deny tho dom inant part of tho American women. TIME TO EXERCISE PATIENCE Machinery of Butlnen, at Present a Little Out of Order, Will Soon Be Running Smoothly. Now Is the time for nil good Ameri cans to be patient. It is true that the times arc ut of Joint. Nothing is done the- wny it thould be done, n plngue of Incompetence Is upon us, there has been n general slowing down In nil branches of business and Industrial life nnd n general lowering of the average of social efficiency. But It Is the war, nnd wo must have patience. Don't flare up nnd tell us that it takes ten min utes to get your "party" on tho tele phone, nnd then, like ns not, it isn't your pnrty nt nil. You ought to bo thnnkful for nny party. And the elevators I And the clerks 1 They do not wait on you. You wait on tho clerks, oh, so long. And it is going to bo worse for n while. But it Is the war, and It Is to be expected nnd wo will have to put up with it. Busi ness nnd Industry nro In tho hands of recruits who have not been to training camp. But they nro being trained na fast ns possible, nnd by and by tho re cruits will bo veterans, tho limes will get back In Joint, things will bo done the way they Hhould bo done, efficiency will again reign, business nnd indus try will bo speeded up and all will bo well. In tho meantime, while the cap tains of Industry nro training tho rook ies nnd doing their best to get tho world running simfothly ngnln, it is up to us to bo more pntlcnt than we ever wcro before nnd snillc nil the while. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. STEP IN FOOD CONSERVATION Minnesota Physician Has Discovered Method of Condensing Buttermilk and Retaining Nutritive Value. In n roecnt interview with Dr. Wll Ham Grclck of St. Paul, Minn., the fact was brought out that Immense quantities of buttermilk hnvc been wasted. Doctor Grelck Is n menibei of tho American Chemical society and for years has devoted much study tc tho milk problem. As a result of hit efforts a method Iiiih been discovered for condensing buttermilk Into n semi solid smooth substance of tho consist ency of Ico cream. All tho nutritive valuo of the but tcrmllk Is conserved In this product nnd it is especially sullnblo for uso t bread ninklng. From eight to tec pounds of this mntcrlnl when added tc n borrel of flour produce u loaf oj greater food value. The milk protclr helps to make up the deficiency in oui present-day flour substitutes. Th( vltamlnes of tho butterfnt help la do lino tho Btructuro of tho bread, besldci producing nn agreeable milk flavor) und tho sugar of milk, aside from bo lng of great food value, when com blned with tho dextrin in flour make' n lino brown crust at n compnrntivelj low baking temperature. It saves fuel nnd prevents unnecessary loss oJ moisture. Highest Market Prices Paid for Grain We have a Complete Line of Oil Meal, Shorts, Middlings, Bran, Meat Meal, Tankage, Baled Hay, Chick Food, Etc. Coal from $5 to $9.75 per tdn Slaughter-Prestcott Elev. Co. Phone 4, Dakota City, Neb. Herman F. Foley, Mjrr. How is YOUR Subscription? Those wishing Buicks this year will please their orders in early, as we will have only a limited number of cars, both in Roadster and Touring Models ?. Buick get 1 The Powerful Overhead Valve G. B. Martin Sales Agent for South Sioux City Dakota City " Jackson Horner and Surrounding: Territory Hubbard Sioux City Address, Box 70. DAKOTA CITY, NEBK. 8 I ffi I m M3 Confession of a Teacher of German I began bravely this difficult woiL of teaching Oennnn slnco 1014, by th hypothesis thnt the best In Teutonic literature is n revolt ngnlnst this verj mllltnrlsnl wo nro now lighting, nnc" for n tlmo I deluded myself with tin great good thnt could bo accomplished by emphasizing tlds in such men n Schiller, Lesslng nnd Goethe, na well as in somo of tho things from suet moderns ns Wlldcnbruch nnd Theodoi Sturm. Hut tho newspapers made cur rent events too vital for ono to spend Ills hours shoring up tho totterliu etructuro of German popularity Eighteenth century nobility wna over enst by twentieth century Inhumanity September Atlantic. SUGAR SHORTAGE HITS SPAIN AND PORTUGAL In Spain nnd Portugal sugar prices are soaring. Doth countries havo been seriously affected by (ho short beet sugar crop in Europe and the lack ot ocean toncogo to move stocks ot cauo sugar Isolated la far away ports. Granulated sugar, homo grown, wni being sold in Barcelona, Spnlu, during the early summer at It) cents A pound. The price of brown sugar in Lisbon, Portugal, fired by governmental order, was $1.01 to $1.12 n pound. By comparison tho price o bat DSJ fp Sweden is 14 cents a pb4. Ghoits In Maine. Tho most tragic incident of tho sum mcr Is recorded In tho town of Nortt Edgecomb. An elderly couplo coming homo from church saw two ghosts Tho ghosts wcro flitting without ap parent feet or legs through tho gloam lng nnd over tho ctosh and thrnupt other things. They wcro dressed, ol course, in tho conventional whlto ol ghosts nnd ghostesses. Tho clderlj couplo legged it like mnd. They fell Into n cucumber pntch nnd could nol cxtrlcnto themselves. Tho old gentle man was rnthor badly injured. Thej were rescued by tho ghosts, whe proved to bo n counlo of fnnnprottni In calico overalls. Lewlston Journnl Value of Discarded Bones. Tho Moat Trndo Journal of England snys that Hlrmlnghnm lias n way ol dealing with old bones which Is hold up by tho nntlonnl salvago council foi Imltntlon In other parts of tho conn try. Butchers who sell bones under tako to buy them back ntlcr tho house wife has mado full uso of them, pay lng tho customer half tho proceeds o their disposal for national purposes, In this way they are saved to tho na tion, which Is urgently In need of th glycerin they contain, as well ns ol tho phosphates for manuro nnd the vnluublo pig nnd poultry foods whlcl can bo extracted from them, riouso wives nro showing themselves cngei to respond to tho government's appeal for bones. Omar Repudiated. "A book of verses underneath tin bough," began tho man who quotes. "That's far enough," Interrupted Miss Cayenne. "Tho loaf of brenC must bo curtailed to limit tho when' consumption. Tho Jug of wlno is ou of placo In u prohibition community nnd oven ns to tho book of verses I'd rather hear somebody read tho wo; new-" . - trai iXi." rr 's:z '1Tl't11'1TiT ! VI' niTHl I'ril ii' mm mi i 2m222mi2Mi3SSSSS Third Annual Sale of DURBC JERSEY Bred Sows and Gilts Crystal Lake Stock DAKOTA CITY, NEBR. Farm Monday, Feb. ft 19 U ui!! sell 10 head of tho best Sows iiimI Wills to be offered at I'ubHc Auction ift thjs section of the country. I hey ,ir.j by some of the most noted Hires of the Duroc Breed, mm-!, ns Orion Cherry Kin, Grand Model Challen ger, Lg Sensation, Grand Model, Pathfinder, Kin tho Col., and other They five bred to two of the best needing hoars iu the Middle West, llifr Sensation 2nd, by the Ciiamnlon Big Sensation, and Crystal L,.kp Model, by (J ni nd Model Challenger out of a Col. (Juuo Dam. This will be very high class offering. Only the tops of our herd are being put in this sale. This offering is tar superior to any we have heretofore presented the public. Tt is a strictly Big Type Sale. There are 15 .liuiior Yearlings, 10 Full Gilts and 15 Spring Gilts. Willi tills array of breeding and individuality offered to you at your own price, why would it not pay to Buy a Bred Sow and Raise Your Own Boar, and One for Your Neighbor M.E.Ladics Aid will aerve a hot dinner to all. He our guests sale d.iy and let us show you oui breeding herd, whether you wish to buy or not. AM, TILVI.VS WILL K 31 KT SALE DAY AT DAKOTA CITY, ALSO STRKET CARS AT SOUTH SIOLY CITY, CATAf OGVK READY FOR HAILING. Crystal Lake Stock Farm The Home of the Big Kind. JOHN B. EVANS, Dakota City, Neb. sr a 1"VI f - A "" .