DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD: DAKOTA CITY, NEBR. f if I Abstracts of Title " A $10,(100 Surety Bond Guarantees the Accuracy I of every Abstract I makg .1. ,1. EIMERS, lloiideil Alwhai'tor. Successor to the Dakota County Abstract Company Official Proceedings of tlic lizard of Commissioners The bonrcl of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Mem '.Inlin Fpllrr. Win. II. Rockwell, mom I hers also, Geom" W. Lennier, county (Attorney ana J. S. Bacon, clerk. I "When the following business was transacted, to-wit: Now nt this 2.00to 125 1.50to .75 1.00 to .60 .50(o 25 wk flMSBBKie twrffiTmiaff Jin TiTirfiMTniJwfTi m iiifiiiifcMlUAiwT'trllBBB W."KroVH"?!'f'lBy -a MHiiwrwriTiwii mm iiwin imi ikj ZftSajl''lRVr N?l,OTRA URGE MI.LARGE N9I.MEDIUM N'l.SMAlL I GOOD UNPRIME I POOR UNPHIME KfTKf MXB EXTRA TO AVERAGE c TO AVERAGE EXTRA TO AVERAGE EXTRA TO AVEPACE ASTOSHUQUAUTY AS TO SHE aQUAUTY m :-(Vcl?LACK 12-00l10-00 J 8.50 7.50to 7.C0 6.50lo 5.50 5.00to 2.50 fc Jfes5H0RT 9.50lo 8.00 V.w., C CO 5.75 to 5.25 S.OOto 4.50 4.00 to 2.00 VnmiMis NARROW 7-00 lo 6.00 5.50 to 4.50 425 to 3.75 3.50 to 3.00 3.00to 1.50 5KUNK 'qroad 4'00to m Z75to 2-50 22So 2-C0 L75( l-50 1-50l ioo B Liberal Assortment NHEXTRAIARGE N' I. LARGE N9I.MEDIUM N? I, SMALL mucim "wwuucm EXTRA TOAVERAGE EXTRA TO AVERAGE EXTRA TO AVERAGE EXTRA TO AVERAGE UIICnAT WINTER 3-00, 225l 175 lMo UQ uo, -90 1-00to 75 pIUjaKAI j 90 j 80lo 160 j 50lo 120 IMq 80 85l0 60 Hi fk. THE OUOTATIONS IBOYt V.V Rf "" IMMEDIATE- KJkSHlPHENT 019W V A.B.S., V DON'T SELL YOUR FURS AT"ANY OLD PRICE" when "SHUBERT" is paying such extremely high prices. "SHUBERT" Wants Nebraska Furs-AH You Can Ship For more than thirty-five years "SHUBERT" has been giving Fur Shippers an honest and liberal astortment paying the highest market price tending returns out promptly rendering "better service." "quicker." A "SHUBERT TAG ENVELOPE" on your shipment means "more money" for your Furs "quicker" "the best and promptest SERVICE in tho world." GET A SHIPMENT OFF TODAY. SHIP YOUR FURS' 'DIRECT TO A.B.SHUBERTm: THE LARGEST HOUSE IN THE WORLD DEALING EXCLUSIVELY IN AMERICAN RAW FURS 15-27 W.Austin Ave. Dept. 1787 Chicago, U.S.A. time tho mutter of selecting' sixty nnmes of persons legally qunlificd to servo a3 petit jurors, for tho regu lar March term, year 1919, of tho District Court of Dakota County,' liiuk jjursuum lu uujuuniuii'iii. mum- i hcuiiumii whs uiim-ii uj', iiiiu ik up- bcrs present, 0. W. Fisher, chairman, 'wearing from tho poll books, nt the last general election mat n total or, 1312 votes wero cast in the several inccincts in Dakota County, Nebras ka, divided as follows, to-wlt: Hubbard. MO: Emerson. 125: Oma- di, 242; Dakota, 172; Covington, 358; St. Johns, lit; Summitt, 88; Pigeon, .64. Whereupon tho Board selected from tho poll books the names of sixty persons having tho qualifications of jurors and bolntr divided nmonc tho several precincts In Dakota County, iviournsKo, as loiiows: Hubbard, 7; Emerson, G; Omadi, 11; Dakota, 8; Covington, 1G; St. Johns, 5; Summitt, 4; Pigeon, 3; consisting of tho follow ing named persons: S. II. JJriden baugh, Treir Deroin, Michael Hayes, C. 11. Heeney. Frank Lussier. lien Moddemeyor, -Louis Knudsen, Chris Harrigfeld, Ed V. Maurice, John Bondorscn, William Wilko, William Hiede, II. II. Stolzc. Jacob Jacobscn. John B. Harris, T. D. Curtis, Thomas Allawny, Peter"" Sorcnsen, William Cox, Phil Van Cleave, It. G. Owens, Antonious Nelson, Raymond Voss, H. C. Itasmusscn, Louis Krumwiede, Chas. U. Perry, Alfred Seymour, A. F. Sanford, S. A. Mason, J. B. Leech, Milton J. Foreshoc, Chas. S. Blivcn, Jerome A. Russel, Albert Andreon, J. L. Ayres, Clay Armstrong, Lewis Bicrmnnn, L. P. Boacom, Clias. S. Buckley, jr., W. L. Rummcl, John V. Sivill, Lee Parker, Henry Pilgrim, Oscar Stamm, Nels Krogh, John Jen l''ns. II. W. Meeker. Josenh Elinl. . '... i M. Heenan, Patrick Hickey, , Clnis Smith, Chris Severscn, George i"-(rar, Michael Hyncs, Thomas D. Joiks, Richard Long, Matt. McKivcr G 1 N2 AS TO SIZE aQUAUTY N9 3 ASTOSIZEftQUAUTY .50to .40 .35lo .25 gan, John Hinkon, D. A. Woods, N. Provancha. I On motion tho sum of $8?.08 was ordered transfered from the Inheri- , tance tax fund to the County Gener- I al fund, account of bill favor of the Pollard Oil Co., allowed on the coun- ty general fund when as a matter of I fact it should have been allowed on the Inheritance tax fund. I The second Semi-Annual report of tho 1918 teachers institute tunc! of Dakota County, Nebraska, of receipts and expenditures by Wilfred E. Voss, Supt. of Public Instruction was read, ijpproved and on motion duly accept- -SS5s535EES5Ri2xVTT:S SEi? LM-Wi. IO:.i.V 'v ' '. A. - i A .-.. '" A." ' McJ 'M tm i .' ii - . it r- 'V "V ". '-rf". . - 'H ? - -'PA A .v WF' ,i Ilv. Illjif al r M.tv , i:;i.; ' . t t rf-" ..., T-Ti1 m l-7K m ".:: . t . i 5 m ""I mm WA . tut .r. f2 - - .a u l AM THE TIUOC MARK Hal mJKmJt WtA LOR vvTnr.KOs laurttr-w Ithaoc MAOK ?jfe ORIGINAL PATENTED PIPELESS FURNACE I AM a Gift of Science, marking another step forward in the progress of the human race. I HAVE revolutionized the old methods of furnace I SAVE yoii money by heating your whole house with heating by doing away with all heat-conducting pipes. a i mwv uur. onp register i,q neat alt your Home, be 3 itthrCC rooms OK f;lllirAn trmrnnnrrilv nnfl rvpnlv nn. stair3 and down. I am, therefore) as suitable for your old house as for a new one. Just a corner in your cellar for me and my fuel and a place above for my register. - I AM now heating more than -50,000 other homes, as weil as Hundreds of churcjieq, etorga, factories and other buildjngs, I HEAT by Natures own method circulation. Sending up great volumes of moist, balmy warmth, I draw in through the outpr section, of my register the cool air my hea,t displaces. This is rc-heated, purified by my flre and eent forth again to add to your comfort. no more fuel than you need for heating two or three rooms with stoves. Thousands of my friends say I save onc-iniru to one-nau. l uuru coal, cqKu, wood, lignite or gas. I AM built by expert workmen who "live" their jobs in the homo of the oldest and largest makers of warm air furnaces. I am sold by several thousand of the leading dealers throughout the country. Both my makers and your dealer guarantee my claims to the utmost. I WILL bring to your home increased comfort, greater convenience, better health in winter, and with it all a great saving of money. Will you have me? I can come right away, as my installation can usually be made in one day, without interrupting your present heating arrangements, I SAFEGUARD the health of your family. Just as Write, telephone or call for our very intoiestingcata- running water purifies itself, so my method of circulating log telling all about pipele3s heating in general and me in heat means pure warm air to breathe, particular. H. O. DORN, Agent $outh Sioux City! Nobvaska y H 1919 TMC MONITOR STOVC COMPANY: tt'-A-J-i5 -- r3Zrtv , ar- -"- -ai- .-tit" ' T":s SnT35SW,,,afc f ' - i F. Hughes & Cor Lumber, Building Ma terial, Hardware, Coal Wo have now been in Dakota City in tho Lumber, Hardware and Coal business, a little over three years. Our aim has been to please our customers, to treat every one right and alike; and to give satisfaction as nearly as possible in all sales. Wo still carry the best Lumber, Building Material, Hardware, Paints, Greases, Oils, and nearly every thing in our lino. We thank each, and all Patrons for their past patronage, and will givo you the same courteous service in the future. COME OFTEN H. It. GHEEIt, Manager. Dakota City, Nob. ed. Tho official bonds of tho following named persons wero road, approved and on motion duly accepted: Louis Peder.sen, Overseer of Road District No. 4, D. M. Nciswanger, Justice of tho Peaco in nnd for Dakota Precinct, C. E. Doolittle, Constable in and for Dakota Precinct, M. T. Boacom, Itoad Overseer for Uoad Dis. No. 0, Joo M. Leedom, County Surveyor in and for Dakotn County, Nebraska. The following bills wero read, ap proved and on motion duly allowed on the Road Dragging Fund: .Louis Knudsen, man and two toams, 5 hours, 3.75. Herman Sund, man and two teams', GC hours, ?19.50. Chas. Bounmoistor, man and two teams. 12 hours, $9.00. ' W. II. Sundt, man and Iwo teams, 52 hours, $36.40. Albert Lischke, man and two teams, 38 hours, $28.50. Elmer Ebel, man and two teams, one day, 57.50. Fred Krumwoide, and tvo tooms, 4 days, $30.00. Frank Bierman, man and two teams, 1 day, $7.50. Oscar Snyder, man and tractor, 24 'n hours, $30.75. Harry Ostmeyor, man and two teams, 10 hours, also freight on road drag, $8.70. Ernest Harris, man and two teams, 9 hours, also man and ono team, 4 hours, $9.75. Bills wero allowed on tho various Road Districts as follows: Ira Z. Thorn, Aug. 5th, 2 men and 1 team, also on Aug. 22, two men nnd two teams, road dis. 17, $17.50. Carl Hansen, day and half with two men and two teams, Road Dis. 17, $18.00. Louis Pedersen, Oct 8th, two men and two teams, day, Oct 29th, two men and two toams, ono day, Ont. 2flt!i. irnn nnd tnnm. nnn flnv. Itoad Dis. 4, $26.50. Nels Jensen, Oct. 11th, man and team, Oct. 29th, man and-team, Road Dis. 4, $12.00 II. C. Mahon, Road work, two men nnd two teams, 2'$ days, Road Dis. 8, $27.00. Mike Loguo, man and team, two days, Road Dis. 8, $10.00. Matt McKivergan, two mon and two teams, B days, also two men and one team, 1 day, Road Dis. 8, $08.50. Joo Twohig, three mon and two teams half day, Road Dis. 18, $6.50. Bills wero allowed on tho County General Fund as follows: North Nebraska F' j as per bill attached, etc., $167.75. Walter E. Miller, oxpress, drayago, postago, also money advanced for ex penses In arrest of Otto Fiscus, $20.60. J. L. Phillips, rent on barn for tractor, SI 5.00. Edwards & Bradford, merchandise furnished Mrs. Christine Hansen, $6.40. University Publishing Co., supplies for Co. Supt., $7.66. Farmers Exchange, supplies for Win. Baker and others, $30.80. Nebraska Tclephono Co., tolls and phono rent for month of February, $19 39. Knowlton & Manning, Mdso. fur nished to Pearl Voach on Widow's nnnelnM ficotrvnn1 C7C Aft I Miles T. Riley, for boarding John Burns, John Hogan, John McKonsie, ijeorgo Long and Sena Murtensen, during tho month of January, 191D, $88.35. John II. Roam, fees, local regis trar, quarter ending Jan. 20th, $.75. II. N. Wagnor, same, $1.50. M, J. Flynn, aamo, $2.75. Georgo Haoso, some, $2.00. S. T. balance, on Insurance policy, $.75. ' W. E. Voss, cash advanced to Mrs. Mcrlo Ebner, for 35 hours work cor recting eighth grado papors, $9.45. Villago of Dakota City, Electricl ty, $15,15. W. E. Voss, fourth quarter Balary, postage, drayaga nnd express, $285,24. J. S. Bacon, postage, drayago nnd express, $31.05. No further business appearing, board adjourned to moot Monday, February 24, 1919. J. H. BACON, Clerk. M. !E. Church Notes Rev. S. A. Draise, Pastor Last Sunday was a rainy day for church goers. Thcro was a rainy day Sunday school nt tho church. Every teacher was present. Every class was working. Tho attendance was fifty-five noarly all stayed for church service. Somo of tho child ren aro going to invito their, parents to church next Sunday, Will they do it? Certainly tho papas and mamas of this community aro wide awako enough to see that that is tho thing to do. After all who would want to Hvo around horo if tho in fluence of tho churches was taken away. Tho church 1b mado up of folks somo of them aro not bo bad either. E. M. Furman, superintendent of tho Norfolk district was in Dakota City Sunday morning hold tho quar terly conferenco Monday evening. Communion next Sunday morning. MATRDIONIAL VENTURES. Tho following marriage licenses wero issued by County Judgo Mc Kinley during tho past week: Name and Address. Ago. Bertram N.McCHntock, Sioux City.32 Didamy M.Smith, Sioux City 27 Geo. L. Canada, Contervlllo, S. D. .24 Gydn Blckc, Contervlllo, S. D 22 S. C. Sloano, Sioux City 38 Thresa Guluman, Sibley, Iowa ,...20 WIso Choice of Furniture If n woman chooses her furnituro wiBely, sho will put each piece thru n sort of cross examination, say tho University of Nebraska homo econom ics extension workors. In tho first place, is it strong and will it stand woar, or will it soon fall to pieces? Does it havo good simple line;) and proportions instead of elaborate enr ving and ugly curves? Can it bo oasily cleaned and kept in good con- uibiuu, ml uun it, oiiuvy npuui ur scratches? la it similar in typo to what is alroady in tho homo, or is it entirely different and not at all re lated? Last but not least, is it comfortable? If each pleco of fur nituro wero put to such teats, fewer crimes in tho matter of furnituro selection would bo committed. HATCH EAKLY. When tho time of hatching is early, tho period boforo cold weather sets in is no lontror than if tho chicks wero lato hatched. It is during this poriod of spring, summer and fall weather that tho chicks should mako their growth and tho pullets mature and got ready to lay eggs. Tho ear lier tho hatching, therefore, tho long er tho growing season for tho young stock, and tho better chanco they havo to mako a full growth and roach maturity' before cold weather sets in. A long growing season is especially important with tho hoav ler broods which aro commonly kept on tho general farms, such us tho Plymouth, tho Wyondotto, thoRhodo Island Rod and tho Orpington, Pul lets of theso breeds will rcquiro at loast six or Bovcn months in which to muturo and begin laying, and some individuals will rcquiro longer. If tho pullots aro to mako their growth nnd commonco to lay in the fall, they must bo hatched, early.. I'rofUublo Work .for Boys Mid Girls An opportunity for boys and girls to mako money and at tho Bamo tlmo roceivo valuablo freo instruction. In somo branch of agriculture will bo ofTored by tho State this cummer. By registering with a school teacher botuecn Fobruary 10 to 14 any boy or girl 10 years old or oldor, or under 10 if in tho fourth or n higher grado, becomes a member of a boys and girls club. All Bummer long they can obtain freo instruction from tho University of Nebraska Collogo of Agriculturo Extension Service, Junior Section, in such subjects ns garden ing, potato growing, pig raising, chicken ralsincr. rabbit rulsintr. can ning and dryrng, bakirig, nnd'garment making. Monthly correspondence 1 0330 lis aro sont to each boy and girl. Thirty thousand boys nnd girls en rolled In the work lngt year. Mr- IU & ' i ftf i r . ' Otf ?''"' S'"f & . ..-. .-