Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 06, 1919, Image 3

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Instead I took Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound
and Was Cured.
Baltimore, Md. "Nearly four years
I Buffered from organic troubles, ner
vousness ana head
aches and ovory
month would have to
stay in bed most of
tho time. Treat
ments would relievo
mo for a timo but
my doctor was al
ways urging mo to
navo an operation.
My sister asked mo
ito try Lydia E.Pink-
h a m's Vegetable
y Compound bef ore
ff consenting to an
yl operation. I took
five bottles of itand
( it has completely
v cured mo and mv
Work is a pleasure I tell all my friends
wb) have any trouble of this kind what
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound has done for mc. Nellie B.
Brittingham, 609 CalvertoaRd., Balti
more, Md.
It is only natural foi any woman to
dread the thought of an operation. So
many women have been restored to
health by this famous remedy, Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, after
an operation has been advised that it
will pay any woman who suffers from
such ailments to consider trying it be
fore submitting to such a trying ordeal.
s, I Wl i i i
Keep Bees!
Interesting work with Rood profits. Help
supply the world's demnnil for nature s best
weet Wo can help you. Write for Information.
$1.00 AN ACRE!
Tex&slsnds,G40 to 40,000 acres.U.OS totl.iO; one-tentn
tub, balance 0 years 6. Mexico lands, 1,000 U
100 0UO acres on Itlo Grande, 1100 per acre cash.
l'HXAS-MHXICO KANCII CO., ban Antonio, Texas
MAIL 0RDFR J N pABDSf 2o each. Joseph
riHllt UIVUEn. Curln, 1807 ilsk St., Chicago, lit
1 Re-voltlng.
Colored Patient (In hospital) Boss,
how do you;iil) do younh coolcln' in
Orderly Well, Snm, you know we
have the latest fnndnnglcil methods
over here; la fact, we do our cooking
by electricity.
Patient Hum, by e-lcctrlclty, huh?
Well, boss, you alio' ought to have
given dem beans anothn shock.
When meals upset you and you belch
gas, acids and undigested food. When
you have lumps of indigestion pain or
any distress in stomach you can get
relief Instantly No waiting I
As soon as you cat a tablet of
Papo's Dlapepsln all the indigestion
pain stops. Gases, acidity, heartburn,
flatulence and dyspepsia vanish. Pope's
Dlapepsln tablets cost very little at
drug stores. Adv.
Many n temperate sexton (Ills a
drunkard's grave.
Look out for Span
ish Influenza.
At the first sign of
a cold take
Standard cold remedy for 20 years in tablet
form safe, sure, no opiates breaks up cold
In 34 hours relieves grip in 3 days. Money
back If It falls. The genuine box has a Kc-d top
with Mr. Hill's picture. At AU Drug Stores.
SaltB and oil are DANGEROUS.
Few cattle die of constipation; many of
PARALYSIS of tho bowels. Give
dry on the ton (rue. Posltlrely
nrerents and orercomes both,
Excellent for loss of appetite,
or Postpaid SO Cents.
Bend for price list of medicines.
about all animal ailments.
Information free. Get a FREE copy of Tat Ctttlt
tjetlillit" with full Information on Hortlos la Cci
M. DAVID 10IERTS in. CO, 100 Cued hi. , Wiuktihi, Wli,
For Coughs and Colds
take a tried and tested1 remedy one that
acu promptly and lectlrely snd contains
no opiates. You get that remedy by aiklngfor
village: life fo
"Social Unit" Experiment in Cincin
nati Has Been So Successful That
It Mau Be Generally Adopted.
AN TUB advantages of village life
ho restored In the city? Can city
dwellers have the friendly and
neighborly feeling which marks the
relations between men and women
in tho small town, where no one
can bo 111, or out of work, without
receiving neighborly assistance?
Can wo find for the cities some
thing to tnko the place of the town
meeting, where till the population
gathers together to discuss common problems and
government is interpreted in terms of community
service, instead of being housed in sonic remote
city hnll?
The "Social Unit," newest experiment In ap
plied democracy, believes that these advantages
can be restored to citea, and in a section of Cin
cinnati Is attempting to prove that they can. So
successful has this experiment been, In the few
months during which It has been tried, that peo
ple all over the country are beginning to watch It,
and to talk about It, and influential men and
women are even saying that tho "Social Unit"
has tlie biggest reconstruction program to offer
Amerlcn which has yet been formulated. Tho
little, Cincinnati district, which Is trying to re
establish the sort of nelghborlincss which exists
In small towns, has tho most distinguished of
visitors, men on reconstruction missions from the
European countries, medical organizers and so
cial service workers. For Instance. Dr. Keno
Sand of the University of Brussels was recently
sent to this country to study methods for re
habilitating and reorganizing Belgium. Ho vis
ited Cincinnati and said of tho Soclnl Unit: "I
shall carry back to my people no more construc
tive suggestions than
those which I have got
ten from the Social''
This Social Unit
district of Cincinnati,
has acquired fame be
cause tho people are
trying to be helpful
each to tho other and
have gono to work to
effect an organization
which would ' mnke it
possible for every one
to be of service.
Nelghborllness in the
In the small villoge It
Is Impossible for any
one to be sick or be
reaved or out of em
ployment without tho
folks of the yillago
knowing about It and
wanting to do some
thing about it. A death
or a contagious disease
affects the entire vil
lage and the only people who go unbefrleniled
are those who rebuff kindliness or who wear it
out. But In tho crowded city peoplo get away
from this nelghborllness, and seem to care noth
ing about tho folks nround them. Babies die be
cause the mothers do not know how to caro for
them. Many peoplo who have consumption and
other diseases livo with small children around
them, exposing them to sickness. Many invalids
spend months at home, nlono and unbefrlended.
All this Is not because the peoplo of the city are
not as kind hearted and as willing to bo helpful,
but because the city is too large for every one to
know every one else, and mnny peoplo lve near
each other for years without knowing even each
other's names.
Tho Social Unit organization has divided the
district of 15,000 people in which It Is working
into thlrty-ono small blocks of about 500 people
each. Tho plan Is to mako each of these blocks
a tiny vlllago where folks will come to know one
another and to be Interested in having their neigh
bors happy and contented. In a country vlllago
thero Is usually somo one woman who is n sort of
village mother to whom folks go in times of trou
ble, who knows every one and Is always busy
getting people to help those In need. Taking her
as an example, tho Social Unit organization has
found In each tiny block village a woman who
serves ns a "block worker," who knows when
anyone needs help of any kind and sees that help
Is given by tho right agency. This worker Is
chosen by the peoplo of her block and Is paid
enough 60 that she will be enabled to employ
someone to do part of her housework during the
times that she Is "mothorlng" her block. Tho
thlrty-ono block workers, together, form what Is
cnlled tho Citizens' Council. The work of this
Citizens' Council Is to learn what tho needs of
every part of the district nru and to see that plans
nre worked out for meeting these needs. In do
ing this it uses the knowledge of the different
skilled groups In tho community.
Use People With Expert Knowledge.
In every community there are certain groups,
each of which knows more about one particular
thing than any other group. For example, the
doctors know more about the prevention of dis
ease than anyone else, the teachers know more
about educating children, tho plumbers about
plumbing, the business men about business', and
so on.
The Social Unit has organized people with spe
cial skill for the good of tho community ns a
whole. The doctors oro the hoard of health of
tho district; tho employers and trade unionists
are the Industrial experts; tho soclui workers nre
tho department of public welfare; the teacher
tho bourd of education, nnd so on. When the
Citizens' Council, or tho "block representa
tives" discover n henlth need In tho district it
puts the problem up to the doctor group. From
that time on tho doctors are responsible for find
ing n solution for tho problem mid for submitting
the plan they devNo to the Citizens' Council. If
lll?CiwC''- ill.
- II 1 Tll-f III I. !
the block workers In tho Citizens' Council should
llnd that there nre many men out of work In the
various blocks, the business and labor groups
would be hold responsible for the working out pf
some plnn to meet the problem. In this way.
everyone In tlib Social Unit district Is ennbk'd to
woik for the whole community at tho same time
(hat be Is working for himself. Everyone Is a
part of the big force for good In tho community.
Slowly, one by one, ench occupation Is being or
ganized nnd will hnvo an executive In charge.
The committee made up of tho executives of all
I lie occupational groups Is called the Occupational
Council of the Soclnl Unit. The Occupational
Council nnd the Citizens' Council acting together
nre the means by which the community governs
Children Given Medical Attentfon.
When the doctors and nurses of the Soclnl Unit
district Were organized they found tliii, thero
wore mnny babies dying every year quite unneces
sarily, either' because little diseases which they
contrnctt-'il were not tnken In time, or because
their mothers wero not properly educated In car
ing for them. Tho doctors asked the Citizens'
Council to go into their blocks nnd find out how
many children under six years of age there wore.
They found that there wre 1,170. The doctors
decided to give each of these children n com
plete medical examination, nnd tho "block work
ers" went back to their blocks nnd told tho moth
ers nnd fathers that the district physicians would
examlno their children nnd tell them If there was
anything wrong and how It could be remedied.
One thousand and forty-three of the children, were
brought to tho district health station. Hundreds
of defects wero discovered and remedied. Clashes
were organized for the mothers; tho district
nurses went Into tho homes to follow up the chil
dren who had been examined and see that tho par
ents were giving them the right care.
When the epidemic of Influenza broke out, every
one knew Unit somewhere In his or her block,
within calling distance, was a womnn who would
exert the utmost effort to see that those who were
ill got hell). The doctors and nurses wero mobl
Hzed through the district hendquurters, so that
cases could be cared for in the shortest possible
time. There was hardly n case In the district
wlileh wns not reported, and when the epidemic
was over It wns found that the death rate In this
district had been a third
lower thnt In the rest of
tho city.
Census Is Taken,
A 'little while ago the
peoplo of this district
decided that they could
not work out their prob
lems as they should un
less they knew more
about each other, so they
decided to take n census
of themselves nnd find
out who they were and
where they lived and
what countries they
came from, how many
rooms they lived In mid
what they did for Halv
ing. "Uplift" organiza
tions have taken census
of this kind before, but
probably never beforo
has a district voted
through Its block rep
resentatives nnd Its
skilled groups to make
a study of Its own life
and present that study
to the world. The peo
ple were willing to make It, because they were
doing It themselves, and because they knew that
If they found housing conditions bad they hud
an organization which could remedy them. If
they found children and young people without
opportunities for healthful, happy play they could
see that such a condition did not continue.
Secret of a Successful Community.
The men and women who are hacking the Social
Unit experiment for tho Cincinnati district Is
really n laboratory for 'social experimentation,
nnd hundreds of men and women of vision are
Interested In It believe that thn secret of a sue
cessful community organization lies In making
evcrynno feel that be Is Important. It Is hard to
feel that you uio Important, and Unit what you
do counts for good or III, In a city of half a mil
lion or more. But In a city block, which Is ically
:i little village, with Its own council. Us own
"block worker," Its own program of henlth, recrea
tion and civic endeavor, every man, woman and
child Is Important. If they fall to do their part
they can see Immediately tho effect upon the life
of their little community. If they work In the
Interests of their little community they can ree
the good effects as well. And this, after ail. Is
the advantage which the village has over the city
People don't get lost In the village ns (hoy do In
the city. And no one can '"get lost" In the Social
TrtJPFC moisAJtffi CMl0StJ.AUJYCt
i im
i small bottle of "Danderinc"
keeps hair thick, strong,
Girls! Try this! Doubles beauty
of your hair in a few
"You made a bud break Just now when you re
marked thnt congressional humor wns dry stuff."
"I noticed one gentlemnn In the party looked
hurt. What was wrong?"
"The person you speak of Is a professional
writer of anecdotes. I understand ho does a brisk
business with congressmen." Birmingham Age
"Doesn't your wife find the demands of the
soclnl whirl very wearing?" asked the Inquisitive
man of the husband of a society butterfly.
"Wealing, well, I should say they are wearing,"
commented the poor husband as ho remembered
half a dozen dressmnkers' bills In his pocket.
mo thnt I was through. The expjoslon tuni'd
mo quite over where I lay flat, all huddled up.
... At the end of -in or 50 minutes the cii
tnln decided thnt we might duck, one at n time.
We rolled out of the shell hole on all fours tor
an old wall 100 yards away. I don't know what
the all-four record for 100 yards Is, but I think
I hold It." Outlook.
"A fine looking hoy."
"My grandchild."
"Got nny teeth, bus he"
"I wish I had as many," said the old man sadly.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
- "Say, waiter." growled thn chronic customer,
"there's a dead fly In my soup."
"Well, what of It" muttered the knight of tho
tray and napkin. "You'd he dead, too, If you'd
been In hot soup since (he day before yesterday."
Ituw Itecrult (late of the criminal bar) I say,
old top, do you believe In corporal punishments In
the nrmy7
Seasoned Soldier Naw, tllo corporals Hln't n
bad set, but these dem sergeants ought to have
sumpln' comln' to 'cm.
A correspondent of Collier's, who was under
xhell fire on 1 1 111 212 In the buttle or the Ourcq,
says: "I think It wns the ninth or tenth shell
that for the fraction of on Instant fully convinced
"Are you down on matrimony?"
"Not at all," said the old bachelor. "Matrimony
Is well enough."
"And I believe In letting well enough tilon"
Louisville Courier-Journal.
-ssssssr- v H
JtFf 'ffHflsH
Jrxiirt k 'mijj&lH
kV'itltV JBbHbbsH
. tiwv -. ''JElflsHsW
rsBI' - 'bIbbbbbW
Wv ftmssBSsssaVM . m vZbSsMbbBBbhshsbbjbv
Within ten minutes after nn appli
cation of Dnudeiinc you can not flud a
single trace of dandruff or falling hair
nnd your scalp will not Itch, but what
will please you most will bo after n few
weeks' use, when you see new hair, fine
and downy ut first yes but really
now hair growing all over tho scalp.
A little Dnndciino immediately dou
bles tho beauty of your hair. No dif
ference how dull, faded, brittle nnd
scraggy, Just moisten n cloth with Dnn
dciino and carefully draw It through
your hair, taking one small strand ut a
time. The effect Is amazing your hulr
will bo llght.'tluffy and wavy, and hnvo
nu nppouruucQ of abuudnncc; an in
comparable lustre, softness and luxu
riance. Get a binull bdltlo of Knowiton's
Dnndcrlno for n fow cents nt any drug
btore or toilet counter, and provo that
your hulr Is ns pretty and soft as nny
that It has been neglected or Injured
y careless treatment that's all you
surely can have beautiful hair and lota
of It If you will Just try a Uttlo Dnn
dcrlno. Adv.
To Wax Paper.
If ono needs some waxed paper
quickly and thero Is none hn'ndy, melt
some parafllu In a shallow pan nnd
put strips of thin paper (tlssuo paper
Is good) through It.
The "Come-back" min wns really never
down-and-out. Ills weakened condition
becnuso of overwork, lack of exercise, im-
f roper catiua nnd living demnnds stimula
ion to satisfy tho cry for a health-giiitig
nppctito nnd tho rcfrcRhlng sleep essential
to strcnttth. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil
Capsules, the National Remedy of Holland,
will do tho work. They nre wonderful.
Three of these capsules each day will put
a man on his feet before he knows it:
whether his trouble comes from uiio acid
poisoning, the kidncyn, gravel or stone in
tho bladder, ftoinaoh dcrntiKOinent or other
nilmcnU thnt befall tho ovcr-zcalouti Amer
ican. Tho best known, moat reliablo rem
edy for thcBo troubles i GOLD MUDAL
Haarlem Oil Capaulca. This remedy has
stood tho test for more than S00 years
sinro itsi discovery in the ancient labora
tories In Holland. It nets directly and
gives relief nt once. Don't wnit until you
nrn entirely down-nnd out, but lake them
today. Your druggist will gladly refand
your money if they do not help you. Ac
cept no substitutes. Look for tho naino
GOLD MEDAL on every box, three sizes.
They aiu the pure, original, imported
Haarlem Oil Capsules. Adv.
Good Delivery.
Illllf. I hear jour new minister Is
a great success. Ono of those straight-froin-t
he-shoulder speukers, who can
put 'em oer tho plate.
Plodder Yes, mid In tho plate.
To halt pint of water add 1 oz. Hay
Hum, a small box of Il.irho Compound,
and V oz. of glccrino Any druggist can
put this up or you can mix it at homo at
very littla cost. Full directions for mak
ing and ui.0 co mo in each box of Harbo
Compound It will gradually darken
streaked, faded uray hair, and make it soft
and gloHsy. It will not color tho scalp, is not
sticky or greasy, and docs not rub ofl.Adv.
Life's Minor Worries,
h'reqiiontlv u woman worries a great
deal over the question of culling on
another woman who doesn't care In
tho least whether shu calls or not.
Boston Transcript,
A Lady of Distinction.
Is recognized by tho delicate fascinat
ing Influence of the perfume sho uses.
A bath with Cutlcurn Sonp and hot
water to thoroughly clennso tho pores,
followed by n dusting with Cutlcura
Talcum Powder usually means n clear,
ewect, healthy skin. Adv.
" s
People who blot out the past should
destroy the blotter.
HeltltdiiicsK Is tho greatest enemy of
(he human family.
' -M'S