Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, January 30, 1919, Image 4

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f -
Swift Dollar
for 1918
12.96 obc? A
Expenses f J o if
VlW ToStockRaiwrJ M
The above diagram
stion of the average
from sales of beef, pork and mutton,
and their by-products, during 1918,
1919 Year Book of Interesting and
instructive facts sent on request.
Address Swift C& Company
Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois
Swift & Company, U.S. A.
Just Like Father.
"How was the bnnquot?"
"Fine. Father gave the toast to
the indies."
' "He did, eli? That's just like him,
letting on to a lot of other women
that lie's so kind and considerate when
he wouldn't make toast for me In the
mornings If my head was splitting
Put your shoulder to fortune's wheel
and turn it o nult yourself.
Spanish Influenza can
be prevented easier than
it can be cured.
At the first sign of a
shiver or sneeze, take
5 -
StandirJ cold remedy for 30 yeara ta tablet
form safe, sure, no opiate. break, up a cold
In 24 hour. relieve, crip In 3 dya. Money
baclciritfails. The cenuine box ha. a Red top
with Mr. Hill's picture. At All Drue Stores.
For centuries all over the world
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem OH has af
forded relief In thousands upon thou
sands of cases of lame back, lumbago,
sciatica, rheumatism, gallstones, grav
el and nil otheraITectlons of tho kid
neys, liver, stomach, bladder and al
lied organ3. It acts quickly. It does
the work. It cleanses your kidneys
and purifies tho blood. It makes a
new man, a now woman, of you. It
frequently wards oft attacks of the
dread and fatal diseases of tho kid
neys. It often completely cures tho
distressing diseases of tho organs of
the body allied with the bladder and
kidneys. Bloody or cloudy urine, sed
iment, or "brickdust" Indicate an un
healthy condition.
Do not delay n minute If your back
aches or you aro sore across the loins
r have dlfllculty when urinating. Go
to four druggist at once and set a
shows the distribu-
Swift dollar received
You Never Can Tell.
"You can't believe everything you
see In a newspaper, can you?" sug
gested the chap who never advanced
with the re9t of civilization.
"No," answered the policeman. "I
pinched a fellow once because he had
a suspicious-looking bottle wrapped up
In -a dally paper, and it proved to bo
a bottle of horse llnlrnent.'-'-
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTOIUA, that famous old remedy
for Infants and children, and see that it
Dears the
Signature of
in use for Over M xeurs.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Easily Accomplished.
Rich Bachelor '".My only ambition
Is to die poor." Married Friend "And
have you picked out the girl yet?"
Red Cross Ball Blue Is tho finest
product of its kind in the .world. Ev
ery woman who has used It knows
this statement to be true.
In tho glorious feast of knowledgo
some people never get any farther
than the boup.
box df Imported GOLD MEDAL Ilaar
lem Oil Capsules. They arc pleasant
and easy to take. Each capsule con
tains about one doso of fivo drops.
Take them Just like you would any
pill. Take a small swallow of water
If you want to. They dissolve In the
stomach, and the kidneys soak up. the
oil like a sponge does wnter. They
thoroughly cleunse and wash out the
bladder and kidneys and throw off the
Inflammation which is the cause ol
the trouble. They will quickly relieve
those stiffened Joints, that backochp.
rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, gall
stones, gravel, "brickdust," etc. Thej
are an effective remedy for all dls
eases of the bladder, kidney, liver
stomach nnd allied organs. You
druggist will cheerfully refund you
money If you are not satisfied after i
few days use. Accept only tho pur
origlnnl GOLD MEDAL Ilnnrlcm 0'
Capsules. None other genuine. Ad
JmMfJmflfmm'tm W I'M El
M iwMMmmuuK llf R f BUI i
MUMUitilK lAf r IT)
L-v &gra&J JJ
Mr. Davison's Announcement.
As Henry P. Davison, chnlrmnn of
tho war council, said In announcing
flic organization's aftcr-the-war policy:
"Always, ns heretofore, any plans
adopted will assure complete co-operation
with the respective' governments
and with any agencies with whom re
lations mny be established.
"What tho future Is to be, no one
can say. But that there will bo an np
penllng cry of humanity from nil over
the world, no one can doubt. The
needs of Franco, Belgium, Italy Rus
Bla and tho Balkans will not terminate
with tho formal declaration of pence.
A hard winter Is ahead. Exposure rtnd
tlio hardships of war and the dislo
cated Industrial conditions of tho
World have produced liutfger, want and
"Politically the outlook for a new
and better world is bright, but the
pconomic conditions are ominous.
There will bo such distress In tho
World thnt It cannot be met by volun
tary organizations. Governments them
selves must bear tho chief burden, and
I am confident that co-operation, be
tween tho governments may be -relied
hpon In nn endenvor to meet this
Wholesale work of relief which will be
"In addition to this, there will, how
ever, be tho necessity and opportunity
Tor supplementary work which Rod
Cross organizations throughout tho
World can do, should do and must do.
Certainly tho women of America,
Working through "tho Red Cross chap
ters, and tho women in other countries
hble to do similar work will find their
A Criterion iii
Corset Styles
fW: mbiwv '
aaaaKPfSfc " BaiHHHS
.VfNHl' vTSViV k X1bbbMb1
W-??'b -- - "W t$& "H": ;iHBBBBBl
W &F$&i&'' v" "" ZirQ&&fc-'K' ''t!XX'vC r''&-J?4'-T HHriFSfli
iiiiiiV . v. sOV?v-s w HaaH
aaaaaV y " v 'HaB
V ).' aaHHaMH
M,' -v; :: "-':-aaHflalaai
kvH '!'' kkkaHHHllM
ararars .- .- PPiPPHPPJ
:(' ?.- "r?"A '-',-' mH
UK ,t HIHaKaHllllllHi
aaaanwttwaWKtt T- ftnT O i
It seems a fur cry from tho grent
world wur to styjes In corsets. Yet
oven In; corsets, which seem so Incon
sequential and so small an Item In
tho world's busfness, tho war has
changed manufacturing methods, nnd
it looks ns If It would have a lasting
effect on tho garment. Prices of cor
sets went up with scarcity of mate
rials and Increase In cost of labor.
There Is no lmmedlnto prospect of
their coming down again. For a year
at least the French corset fabrics will
not bo Imported In sufficient quanti
ties to Influence price and the labor
Item Is difficult to handle, j Manufac
turers who are willing to shave ex
penses In every other direction will
hesitate to cut down wages. So wo
must reconcile ourselves to the pres
ent required expenditure und hopo
that It will not advance.
.Tho low bust proves Itself tho most
comfortable and the most grucoful of
corset models. In fact there Is no
particular reason for mentioning tho
bust nt nil In connection with new
models that extend only nn Inch or so
ihove the wnlstllno. Tho bust Is really
corseted by the 'brasslero nnd the
'ungs and diaphragm aro not subject
ed to tho slightest pressure. Curycs
iro long in figures corseted In this
.vny n consummation devoutly to be
Fewer bones or steels aro used
n the now models fhnn ever before
This came about through tho short
'go of boning materials and proved u
dewing In disguise. Even tho stout
vomnn finds her figure well support
l by corsets In which few bones nro
i-vt' Instead of many und the gain In
henrts dictating more than their hands
can do."
Tho Red Cross work in north Rus
sia has Included tho establishment of
an American hospital of 100 beds nnd
the dnlly feeding of 5.000 school chil
dren. Activities have been extended
from Archangel to many small vil
lages. An nuxlllary ambulance service
Is operated for the medical officers of
the army, and everything possible is
being done for tho caro of our sol
diers In thnt frozen corner of the
Hero nt home tho effect of pence
has been noticeable In a diminution of
personnel nt national headquarters
In Washington, as well as in the di
visions and chapters. The Christ
mas roll call for 1010 memberships,
however, brought opportunities for a
largo majority of tho workers to
keep busy until the end of the year,
and the permanent future of tho soci
ety Is so well settled In tho public
mind thnt It Is safe to predict u con
tinuance of effectlvo chapter organi
zation throughout the country. At nn
tlonnl headquarters many df the vol
unteers have remained on duty at
great-personal sacrifice. A change In
the war council has been tho election
of Jesse II. Jones nnd George E. Scott
to succeed John D. Ryan and Harvey
D. Gibson, resigned.
A complete review of Red Cross
work In any period, even In one
month, would fill volumes. But a
glimpse at the high lights, a skeleton
outline, suffices to tndlcnto how wide
has been the organization's range In
wartime and how grent arc Its possi
bilities In peace.
suppleness Is obvious. Tho wits ol
corset designers hnve'been put to the
test and sharpened by necessity which
Is Uio mother of Invention. .The nrt
of the corsetlcr Is a great art and
an example of Its late achievement
appears In tho plcturo shown hero.
This corset may be accepted as a
criterion In corset styles.
& )(rfl?7?iMji
Kitchen Curtains.
Tho very prettiest way of curtaining
tho kitchen window Is by using tho
double-sash curtains. Dutch curtains
they arc called. Make tho two pairs
of crisp muslin, or soft voile or cheese
cloth, us preferred, and sew down the
sides "and across tho bottom a baud of
plain color to match the kitchen color
scheme. These bunds mny to from
two to four Inches wide. The bottom
curtains, nro usually kept closed, but
tho upper ones nro always open to
allow sunlight and air to come In nnd
the bit of color nt the edges seems to
be Just what so many kitchens need to
brighten them up..
Washing Fluid.
Tho following will bo found an ex
cellent washing fluid: Five pounds of
washing soda, otic gallon of cold wa
ter; put to boll. Wlillo boiling, add
one pound of chloride of lime nnd stir
well; set osldo to settle. Strain
through a cloth and oork up In n Jug.
Put your soiled clothes In ten quarti
of water, or enough to cover them,
with two hnndfuls of chipped onp uut
oii0 pint of fluid.
Australian Authorities Recognize Ne
cessity of Town Construction
Along tho Latest Ideas.
Tho grent mind of France, renas
cent, is manifesting itself In the field
of town planning. Sho has a central
town-planning commission with sub
agencies throughout France, for tho
rebuilding nnd replnnnlng of not only
tho cities destroyed by tho guns, but
also tho others outside tho war zone.
Belgium's parliament, sitting in
Franco today, hns passed u city-plan-nlng
lnw, In readiness for tho pcaco
which will restoro her to a plnce in
tho sun. What an example, and an
Inspiration for us who sit hero in
peaco nnd security.
America has shown us a splendid
exomplo in tho organization of her
military towns. The town planners
were mobilized under Mr. Olmstend's
leadership and they co-operated with
tho military and engineering experts
in building training camps for millions
of soldiers. Sho has spent 25,000,000
on 10 model military cities on tho most
modern Hncs. Housing und planning
nro going hn'nd In hand under tho
United States government's cucour
ngement nnd supervision.
If for no other reuson, tho calling
of a conference is Justified by the
fact that the government of Queens
land hns made our deliberations clus
ter round tho welfare of tho returned
soldiers, and has invited us to apply
tho resources of the town pinnner to
the problem of making those who hnvo
fought for our lives and liberties hap
pier than they could possibly be under
the old conditions. Wo eagerly re
spond to this Invitation nnd I hopo
thnt out of our deliberations mny como
practical and helpful schemes that
will assist tho returned e6ldler. -Sir
Sam Hughes.
More Food Than Ever Before Should
Be Raised by Amateur Growers
This Year.
Tho ending of tho war lias placed
additional obligations on tho Amcrcun
people. Wo have not' only our frlemU
tho allies to feed, but our former ene
mies must also bo kept from starva
tion. Tho larger part of tho pcoplo of tho
evacuated regions nro destitute ; they
must have food, and this country is
tho ouly place It mny be had In suf
ficient quantities. This means thnt
wo will bo nsked to get along with less
meats, fats, grains nnd sugar nnd
mnko up tho difference with things wo
can grow in our own gardens. Tho
home gardens of America must bo re
lied upon for a larger proportion of
our living than ever before.
Potatoes, beets, carrots, peas, corn
nnd tomatoes aro among the most im
portant garden crops from n food
fctnndpoint. Radishes, lettuce, onions,
cucumbers, turnips, squnsh, cabbage,
cauliflower, spinach, parsnips, egg
plants, peppers, etc., ndd to tho va
riety. Potatoes, peas, beets and carrots
can bo planted almost ns soon ns tho
frost is out of tho ground, nnd then
can bo followed by tho more tender
cr6ps as soon as tho ground has be
come, reasonably warm.
When there Is sufficient room nn
asparagus bed should bo planted, nlso
rhubarb and tho small fruits, particu
larly raspberries.
Lnrger grounds afford ;oom for
grapes, blackberries, currants, goose
berries, strawberries and possibly n
few npples, peaches, pears, cherries
and plums nnd the children especial
ly enjoy and thrlvo on plenty of fresh
Preventing Cracks In Pavements.
At n recent meeting of tho American
Society for Municipal Improvements
held nt Buffalo, an Interesting paper
was read on frost-proof foununtlnnH
for hard-surfaced pavements, In which
It was suggested thnt tho sub-grado
should bo laid with a courso of hollow
tile of say four-Inch height, ovcrlnid
with n foundation of two to four
Inches of concrete On this, tho pav
ing material may bo laid. Tho tlio
nets as a non-conductor of heat, pre
venting tho frost from penetrating to
the sub-grado and also acts as a drain
for moisture. Should frost reach tlio
Bub-grade, tlio tlio will break under
tho pressure and to insure Its break
ing, tho tile may be scored nt tho bot
tom. Tho overlying ctoncreto will
bridge tho breaks In tlio hollow tlio.
This will prevent upheavals of the
pnvement. Scientific American.
Prepares Dwelling and Storage Models.
Working drawings for farmhouses
and hunkhouses, designed to meet con
ditions in vnrlous sections of the coun
try nnd nsslst In obtaining additional
labor for farms, have been prepnrcd
by tho bureau of public ronda of the
United States department of agricul
ture. Working drawings have been
prepared also for storage houses for
small grains, corn, combined grain nnd
corn .and other crops. Copies of these
plonu will bo sent freo on application
to tho division of rural cnfluecrlug ol
the bureau.
Need Help to Pass the Crisis Safe
ly Proof that Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
Can be Relied Upon.
TTrfinnn Til riiirlnitrainnm. . T ir.v
In addition to its annoying symptoms, I
nau an aitacic or
grippe which lasted
nil winter and left
mo Jn a weakened
condition. I felt at
times that I would
never bo well again.
I read of Lydia B.
PJnkham'a voge
tablo Compound
and what it did for
women pasoins
through the Chang
ofLifo, sol toldmy
uoctor l wouia try
it. I soon began to
train in Qtrongth
and tho annoying
svmntoma dis
appeared and your Vcgotaolo Compound
has mado mo a well, sfrong woman so
I do all my own housework. I cannot
rocommend Lydia E. Plnkham'a Vege
table Compound too highly to womea
passing through tho Cnnnrro of Life."
Mrfl.FiUNKHENSON, lolGS. Orchad
St, Urbana, 111.
i Women who suiter from nervousness,
"heat flashes," backache, headache
and "tho blues" should try this famous
root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Fink
ham'a Vegetable Compound.
Use Cuticura Soap
All druigtrta; flonptS.OtntmenlKAK). Talcum J6,
pampio men rrre or "Cailcor. Dipt, E, Bolton." .
Not Very Fetching.
He "The doctor says Mnymo baa
ncuto Indigestion." Sho "I don't sco
nnythlng cute nbout that."
No wnltingl When menls don't flt
nnd you belch gns, acids and undigest
ed food. When you feel indigestion
pain, lumps of distress In stomach,
heartburn or headache. Hero Is instant'
Just as soon ns you eat a tablet of
Pupo's Dlapcpslu all tho dyspepsia, in
digestion nnd stomach distress ends.
Theso pleasant, harmless tablets of
Papo's Diapcpsln always malco alck, up
set stomachs feel flno nt onco and they
cost so llttlo at drug stores. Adv.
Every woman Is apt to tbo in tlio
wrong until sho begins to cry then
she's all right.
Etn cln Inilde it rrell is ontatdo br liktn
f entl liiatlre t least onco a vretk, tucbi M "
Doctor rierce'i I'leuant rolled. Adr.
It often costs u lot to keep virtue
in repair, but the s,elfstiirlor of vice
Is always In working order.
Confined to Her Bed
Days at a Time "
But Doan's Brought a Quick
and Lasting Cure.
Alra Trl-MMnri T) Mast lilj-n J TTrttfVi
St.. Long lalnnd City, N. Y ays:
"Tlio pains Jn my buck rcro almost
unbearable. 1 always felt tired and
llstlces nnd found it nlmout impossible
to attend to my housework. Gradually
tlio pains increased dayvjjy day my sui
fci'inu licc.imo worse. Of
ten Hashes of light and
black Mccks would np
jcnr before my eyca nnd
dizzy upells uould como
over me. My hands and
feet were swollen and my
head ptlnod mo so nt
times 1 thought it would
emit, iuy kidneys nn
.noycu mo, too.
emtio dcenorulcnt.
I be- m nvt.
times l uoum nave to tnko to my bed
for threo or four days nt a time. I
had tho pood fortune to hear of
Doan'a KUlncu Pills, bo I begnn us
inn them nnd was oon back in per
fect health again. My cure has stood
the test of time, po I am only too clad
to recommend Douu'a to other kidney
Mrs, IlUBchko gnvo tlio above state
ment in April, 1010, and on April 4.
1017, she added: "1 gladly repeat all
I have said about Doan's Kidney
Pills, for they have cured mo of kid
ney complaint."
Got Doan'a at Any Store, 60c a Boa
For Hogs and Poultry
Sold direct from factory to
consumer. If you want to
get the best results for the
least money write or call on
Consolidated Products Co.
Harding Cream Company
' V. tl. y"siOUX CITY, NO. 5-1919.
stfT I CSVjW J iHamf