XwZm7rwviiWB IWJfSgfcWjtfaf?cM&iMKifflt aitii'i. 1uii,Mi'SbaA,viYa nittf.i'i';,"1. aui'amtiH vTttEaasag&ta soaxonouev DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD: DAKOTA CITY, NEBR. K!itijijMiMiir-itKA'jxtXTVirmTvvarBXUia!crBBmjexutsiari 6atftftsffl&3Baa DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD .10IIN IF. JtKAM, l'ulil her. Permission lias lieon grafted for 1.10 transmission of tills paper thru the mnils ae second dim matter. Suuicription Price, $1.2.i Per Year. Telephone Nn. lt nml IS. Offlclnl Paper of Dakota fount j. lfe COHKKSrOXDUNOH : HI'IUIAIU) A goodly number of fridnds of Mrs. E. Chrlatensen came in Sunday to help celebrate ho'r birthday. Mrs. Carl Andorscn, who hns been MiirerinK from a severe cold, is ngnin able to be about. Carl Andersen wag in tho country Saturday looking after auto insur ance. The Dr. McGIrl rosidencc is roady for plastering. Mrs. Jim Smith went to Carroll, Nebr., last wook to visit in the home of her brother, uinrnc jnompsou. Mrs. I Andorscn of Sioux Cit; snent last week visiting in tho Christenscn homo. Fred Saunders and wife motored to Sioux City Monday. George Saundors went to Allen t,hc first of the wcok. Guy Andersen was in Martinsburg last week. Mrs. A. Larson and daughter, Au gusta, visited in the E. Christenscn home last week. Christino Heck spent Saturday and Sunday in her home. Mr. and Mrs. Len Harris motored to Sioux City last week. A. Eichorn with his family, moved Wednesday. Art has been hero for a few years and is a good business man. Mrs. Mogensen and Mrs. Larson vis ited one day last week in tho Ilas musscn home. Uev. Andersen of Sioux City, con ducted services here in the Luther an church Sunday. Mrs. Henricksen visited Sunday between trains in the E. Christen scn home. Mrs. Andersen and son, and Mrs. Hillings were guests in the E. Chris tenscn homo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walsh re turned Friday from their Honey moon trip to Omaha, and arc at homo to their friends near Watorbury in tho homo owned by the groom, and which was furnished and ready for occupancy. Mrs Hasmusscn, Mrs. Mogensen, Mrs. Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson wero Sioux City shopjjers last week. Emil Andersen was in tho city tho first of tho wcok. Hen Long, Elmer Hartols, and John Ilnrty attended tho dance in Homer Friday night. Margaret Hnrtnctt was in Sioux City the latter part of tho week. Mr. and Mrs. Hill Ilouney returned last yeok from an extended visit in Minnesota. Tom Long was in Dakota City last wcok. F. Hawk returned to "Wayne Sun day after spending Saturday and Sun dny in the parental home. Miss Walsh of Jackson, biicnt bov oral days of tho past wcok in the Tom Long homo . Little Jimmy Timlin rocoived a Shetland pony, buggy and harness. Santa Claus is awfully good to somo little boys. Carl Hanson returned Sunday, having- boon mustered out from tho training camp. George Johnson al so arrived homo last wcok. Henry Cain motored to Sioux Gity last Wednesday. Vic Harris and Oscnr Sharp spoilt Sunday p. m, in Sioux City, Mr. Sherlock was hero Monday. Mrs. Itay Baker is sick with tho Flu. Mrs. Hans Jensen and two children aro qulto sick with tho Flu and nro under quarantine. Fred Bartels was In tho city last wcok. Mrs, Lou Dcroln was In tho city last Saturday to boo her daughtor-ln-law, Mrs. Frank Deroln, who recently ""underwent an operation at tho hospi tal. Jim Green and Henry Cain wore stock shippors out of hero last wcok. O, E. Beacom also had a car of hogs on tho market. L. Deroln moved into tho Duggan and Hcffornan house last week. Mr. Deroln recently bought tho houso. Mrs. A. Andersen was in South Sioux City tho first or tho wcok. Poto Andersen sold his farm and will move to town. Noli Anderson wiui visiting rela tives near Jackson last wook. Christino Heck -was In Sioux City Saturday. Ethel and Millie Andersen wont to Fremont last wook. Mrs. J. Smith roturned homo Mon day evening from hor vijdt at Car roll. Peter Jonsen is out doing tomo building on tho Larson Bros. farm. Tho Mlstes Long wore In tho city last wook. John Hayus wont to South Dakota last week to look after his ranch. Martin Hansen' is on tho sick list. o J AUKS ON Mrs. I). J. McDonald of Sioux City, is a guest in tho John Kynn homo. Tho pupils of tho Jackson High School will give nn entertainment Friday evening, Jnnuiiry 2-1, 1010. A (mall admission feo will bo charg ed for which to purchase books for, their library. Sophus Autzeu arrived homo liut week from Eust Lansing, Mich, whoro ho was hoporably discharged from a icuicni corps training school. Mary Mullen has entered St. VI n cent's hospital where sho will under go nn operation, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sevorson and daughter, Ogln, wore guests in tho Win. Schroer homo In Sioux City, Sunday. Mrs. John Carpenter, who under went nn operation at St. Vincent's hospital Monday for 'the removal of n tfunor, is doing nicely, as tho oper ation was a serious one. A very pretty wedding took plncu in tho Catholic chureh at Jackson Wednesday morning, when Miss Cath erine Heenan was united in marriage to John Englo, of Ponca. Rev. Father McCarthy officiated nt the ceremony. The attendants were. Mary Heenan, sister of the bride, and Pole Engle, brother of tho groom. After the ceremony the wedding party repaired to the homo of the bride's aunt, Mrs. C. J. Goodfellow, where a wadding breakfast was served to the immodfatc relatives of tho young couple, Aftor a wedding trip they will be at homo on tho farm the groom haa prepared near Ponca. Michaol Heenan of Newcastle, at tended the C. J. Goodfulioiv salo hero Tuesday. This beautiful January woathor has started the moving bee, as Jnw. Ryan has moved to the John J. Ryan farm vacated by Joe Hoenan, and Jo IlecAan has moved to tho J). F. Wat ors farm .vacated by the lato Geo. C. Toller, jr. The Misses Thelmn Zulauf nnd Min nie Mixer returned to their school duties at Lyons, Nebr., Sunday, after spending tho week end in the Zulauf home. Helen Knudson returned from St. Vincent's hospital last Saturday, whoro sho had boon the past six weeks recovering from an operation for appendicitis. Mao White is visiting relatives at Lyons, Nebr., the past weok. Werner Anderson is attending the Wayne Normal. Quite a number of the young folks attended n dancing party at Homor last Friday night. G. J. Ryan has accoptod a posi tion with the Wcstraund Elov. Co. at Watorbury. Herb Kinney who began his duties as Oil and Food Inspector last week, spent Sunday at homo. Mary Mnckay is assisting in the Roy Powers homo while tho family is recovering from the Flu. Scrgt. Walter Zulauf of Camp Fun ston, is enjoying a ton (lays' furlough In tho home of his parents hero. Mr. Pritchard of Gleenwood, Iowa, had purchased tho Peter Anderson farm property. Mrs. Marg. Boylo was looking aftor her farm near Homer last Thursday. Enos Hlatt departed last Thurs day for Sioux Falls, S. D., to consult a fipecialist in rogard to having a cancer removed from his lip. Eugono Nordyko of Sioux City has purchased the lato Mrs. Ann McKoev er home horo. Jas. P. Twohig and wife of Sioux City, visited in the Mrs. Catherine Twohig homo tho last of tho wcok. Mrs. J. C. Carpenter ofthis place, entered tho St. Vincent's hospital, Sunday night Tor an oporation which was performedi Monday morning. ' o - iumv.il. Earl Rasdal nnd family wero Sun day visitors at tho homo of his par ents, H. C. Rasdal and wife. Ruo Altemus and family of Cor rcctionvillo, In., camo Sunday even ing lor a short vis t with Mrs. AlteniuH' parents' James Allaway, sr. and wlfo and other relatives. Alfred Harris and wifo worn visi tors Snturday evening in tho Bob Jones home.- Miss Helen Holster, tho Misses Cora and Alverta MidkiiT, Lewis Smith nnd wlfo, nnd Miss Mnrion Curtis spent tho afternoon Sunday nt tho Phil Uenz homo, Mnrtin Fillman, wlfo and daughter, Evelin and Mrs. Aug. Filman motored to Winnebago Sunday. Mrs. Aug. Filman and sister, Mrs. Mnrtin Filman motored to Sioux City Saturday. Roy McKInloy has boon honorably discharged from tho Army nnd is visiting his paronts, B. McKInloy and wife. Mrs, Lillio Lewis of Tulsa, Okln., Is visiting her paronts, Henry Math owa and wlfo. Daisy Mathews roturned from Kin nard, Nobr., Friday where she visited friends. E. II. Nowoll of Ohiaha, wnsa visi tor nt tho Sam Coombs homo for tho first of tho week. Dick Harris was n wcok end vlsi tor in Omaha. Thomas Carey of Lincoln, is mana ger of tho Ashford salo which will bo from Jnn. 22 to Feb. 8. Mrs. Leroy Kocklor of Morningsido camo Tuesday to visit nt tho N. R. Smith homo. Mrs. B. McKInloy was a guest in tho Mart Mansfield homo in Winne bago several days last weok. Fred Wilklns went to Rochester, Tuesday or last weok to Mayo. Bros, for treatment for nn injury to his side. Mri. Annie Weander of Sioux City, viBltod her mother and othor roi "yes from Monday till Thursday, Mrs. Walter Smith was an incam ing passenger from the north Thur. -day of last weok. Llttlo Moa Mason, second daughter of Garrett Mason was taken to Sioux City Saturday, expecting to have an operation for appendicitis, but camo back that evening, the surgeon thinking that sho might bo restored to health without tho operation The Missoa Alary and Helen Kens wore passengers to Dakota City Fri day, going to Sioux City Saturday and returning to Homer Sunday. Mrs. Harriott Andurmn nmi in.. Ocea Bawling aro enjoying a visit from their friond, Miss Austinburtr, who arrived I'YIdny. All tho Flu patjonts seem to be getting along nicely and we have not hoard of any now cases. Miss Alloon Stinson was a Homer visitor Saturday. Mrs, Frod Nelson and little son or Allen, camo Saturday for a visit ut tho homo of hor sfstor, Mm. Pete Knut and family. Frank Kettlor visited his wlfo In Sioux City Saturday to Monday. Miss Frodn Mcnorick who has been visiting hor sister, Mrs. Goo. Rock woll, returned to hor homo in Sioux City Sunday. Ed Nixon Is again nt homo aftor u visit with frinnda. Born to Mr. and Mm. Cllon Dujilnp. 1 iVrv. ii S " ,",u ""ui Kin. Iwl Polly and wito ox-porlanoed an unploaaant accident when thulr light plant tunlodoil burninir thorn both qulto painfully. Tho Herald 1 year, 1.25. 'i?233slES$SHg2 m roblic &32IJ na.itr.at .as.trrr.'ssr's rer-'rrrarg.Trssw.mii KTuvexxtK?3:3R7iLrxBXubuiGKXisxatzj HAVIXG R! XTFD M FARM THREE arm Property -gTTBnffniHrn .MILES XOHTH-L'AST OK HOMER, AX I) SIX MILES SOUTH-WEST OF DUiOTA CITY. 1 WILL ON Friday, ot ivi (aJC&Ii toiTTsLllj 1919 OX SAID PLACE, COM3IEXCING AT 12 O'CLOCK SH.AHP, SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION, THE FOLLOWING PHOPHRTV, AS WELL AS 3IAXV OTIIKK A1UICLES NOT LISTED HEREIN. MMM4M hea of H ." fcoort work, marcs, two of whieJi sire registered pereherons. 1 coming two year colts, oho of which will he registered for tho purchaser. I saddle pony. orses old colt, and two weanling 30 neaa o Cattle Constating of, S milk cow.s, mostly fresh or oming fresh hy date of sale. 11 coining two year old I I steer, and live calves,. and one regis!ered Shod-IIorn Hull, coming Ihree years old next 31 ay. cows and heifers are mostly grade Shori-Iiom. Some of !he cows are exceptionly good milkers, an and heifers are hreiLto !he Short-Horn luill r'xive mentioned. leifers, and The above I hoth cows Iktnary Wscm l&ic I S-fl. Illilwauhee hinder, in good condilion. 2 31cCorinick mowers, one new. 1 new ir' 'V . h".. I.,iy rake. I new Jenkins stacker. SJ sweeps. 1 new Emeison disc, l(!-l(i, with truck. 1 CO-'!., i-.-,ection harrow, thangr ahle to either 2 or :5 section, and one harrow cart, both new. 1 i:-inch gang plow, new Ijincrsoii foot lift. 1 Mi-inch Hock Island sulky plow. I new FmerMni cultivator, 1 shovel. 1 new New Century cultivator, (', shovel. 1 disc cultivator. 1 2-row Iron Age potato cultivator. 1 new end-gate seeder, with grass seed swMachmeut. 1 fanning mill. 1 a'H. J Wisconsin gas engine. 1 pump jack. I (JO-gal. 0. K. hog waterer, Avith.t;o lamps and fountains. 1 Hayes corn planter, new. 1 feed grinder. I lawn mower. 1 )e Laval Cream separator. 2 luniher wagons, one nearly new. 1 new spring wagon, extra weight, with top. 1 road wagon. 1 new hob sled. 2 cutters. 2 scoop hoards and buck boards, and a niiniher of tools and other articles. HARNESS 2 nearly new sets Concord Harness. 1 old set work harness. I single harness. 2 sets itv nets. SEED WHEAT, ETC. A ff w hundred bushels of extra nice 3Lircu.s seed wheat, will he oiVeied. Some oats, and about lifty bushels of potatoes. About 20 tons good alfalfa. POULTRY Several dozen Rhode Island lied chickens, hoth hens and roosters, well bred, and nice birds. A few S03IE HOUSEHOLD EUKNITUKE, and a power washer heater. and wringer. Metal hath lab and watc TEJRMS OF SALE: $10 and Under, cash. FJ5EE "LUNCH PJRIOlt Credit on larger sums, 12 months, interest, 10 pe TO OPEXIVO OV SALE cent. W M WARNER KELLY it RASDAL, Auctioneers. -ssissfisssea&ss Owner C. ,T. O'CONNOR Clerlw mj'M-n.,.--..-r 1 Ti ,r l-im I III.. .Ill.l ll . I llmWII.H IMH.Illl IIMIMMIII1I I.MIL.WI..JI J l liliilliillillSlllllllIilllllllllllilllllillllllllllllllll m lw m m M& COl'dJ'lIl d 1 III 111 U IIC LI m I .. Duroc Sows . I n . . m 1. ' At, Public Auction IHU JBJ ,. . 40 m m m m m m m m m m m m u n m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m 151 m Mammoth Bred Sows 40 Feb, lp 19 -BEGINNING AT 1 O'CLOCK- I will sell 40 of the best sows that will go through a sale ring this winter. These are in prime condition to bring forth litters that will possess vigor and size in a marked degree, having been fed a halanced' ra tion of corn, incut meal, and oats out of a self-feeder A great many of them are sired hy Grand 3iodel Kith that great show and breeding boar. He sired the Jlrd prize gilt, also the :ird prize litter and stood third himself in a class of 11 good age boars at the Inter State Fair at Sioux City. I Avill sell the ttrd prize gilt, also the JJrd prize litter, and many other tops. These sows are hred to (Jrand Model Kith, the largest Golden .Model bred boar living. He sires them big, high and smooth. King Quality, I believe this is the. largest and longest fall yearling living, he would weigh. if in show condition right at SOO lbs. I guess that is big enough, he was third at Sioux City. I believe you will agree with me that this is the best lot ever sold from this herd, and 1 do not know how 1 could praise the o lie ring higher. They are bred right, big, stretchy and vigorous, in nrinie condHimi in iiring lortli litters that will make lots of money for their owners, the herd hoars, whether you wish to buy or not. (SEND FOR CATALOGUE) Come to this sale and see these sows, also I OWNER HUBBARD, NEBR. Auctioneers COLS. THOMPSON, VOGT and RASMUSSEN. SJ II 1 u u m m m m m m n m u m m m m m m m m u m m m d i m m m m m m m m m ii cgop IGiDilllGIDilllllIiQI! n