JJf-' w - DAKOTA frwrrT3SOirfjr.jiiLWiaiiiifciWttiwwwjWM mmm nfl COUNTY HERALD: DAKOTA CITY, NEBR. TTTSBSTBvST "ntuM-Mii ii iiri 'i, iii, Hi f on's McKelvie & Public Sa?e of Poland Chimsx frdl Sows To lie Held III Pender. Nebraska, Tuesday, Jan. 28th "orly-('iKli llend ' MR-Type l'oliuiil China Ilnd (Jilt Three registered spring boars. A uniform offering from Ne braska's pioneer hr-rd, repre sent k the blood of the Inter national champion, Mc'h Samp 8on, nml the National champion, Uljr Price, breeding. Offering i.s immuned and fully ffuaran tood. Every animal bred l)y the sollers. Pedigrees furnish ed sale day. A worthy offer ing in every respect thnt are in the pink of breeding condi tion. For catalog, write to . McKBLVIE, Clay Center. Nebr.'Sfd Cl.lS. Klir-clinn, Vojrl mid Cniwc, Auclliiiii'ci's. THK II KHALI) - $1.25 Per Yr CLAIMS CENTURY-OLD FUND Chilean Government Aiks Return ol Unexpended Portion of In- demnlty Paid In 1821. Tho full bench of tho Miissn'chusetti Btiprcmo court hns boon called npoe to dotormltio the ownership of u fuiKl nenrly u century old, which la clnhnei! by tho commonwenUh of Massachu setts on ojie hand nnd tho Chilein gov eminent (in tho other. In 3821 iwt American ship rcturnlni from Cliltyi to Boston was seizofl bj Chilean revolutionists nnd Its cnrg confiscated. "When norinnl cnndltlom ' prevailed In Chile tho Unlte'd Slntei demanded Indemnity and Chllo pnN $70,400. William II. Gardiner of llrooMlne Mnss., wis selected to distribute tin money nmong thoso entitled, to II. Hi executed tho trust except ns to ttr Chinese known only ns I'nqim urtf Moqun, inerchnnta nnd Thomas Vw her of Hoston. Mr. Gnrdlnor failed U locnto these persons or tliolr reproaen tntives.' When ho died tho trust wiu transmitted to his son, and upon tin hitter's death to tho grandson nnd great-grandson, Kobert JI. Gnrdlnoi and Jlobert II. Gardiner, Jr., who an' now Its custodians. Tho present holders of tho , ftiiH Imvo senrched through tho records a' tho state department, through tin American consulnr norvlco at Canton China, and through vnrlous othoj sources, for tho liolrs of I'aqun, jIoh nnd Thomas Furbor, without success DESPEWfte LEAP 6r uh mmHiiMitil Parachute tho Only H' s ol Occ pant W OhaVVfttlcn tfoltoon Destroyed t tho Front A British oliscfration !nllm, no chorctl tit tho western front and it cable cut by onotrty airplanes, naJI the balloon soared fhousrmds of fcrt upward Into tho. clouds A writer in London Mall, who tvlrn"l ilif Incident, describes tAmt 'followed. Front the point iWhrrs U finished, he sdys, we presently uv one wnnll speck, then mother, dropping from the clouds. For some hundreds of foct they fdl like (load tteiahte, then piirn diutes npeuetg' nnd Hie sprtjkfc now revealed as tte,n, wore steadied In their earthward com-re, floating rop Idly, but safely, to tho'cToundk Aft i-r the balloon got free, they, had destroyed their fttpfcr nnd tawdro ments, clnhifte'rcfl over tho side of the basket nnd lecped for life Into the great void boneath them, trusting that the parachute' strapped round their waists -would open when they should. Think erf that deifwrato spring into the vast, gtajr rape, nothingness be neath the "balloon s the feelings of the men ps they made It, uncertain of what would happen; the nwful aenwf tlon of casting yourself blindly from such nn appalling height -with the knowledge tlmt only a flimsy, piece ef. manorial, which might net rightly and might not, intervened hctvoen your self and o crash Into the earth ninny thousands of feot below; the-, tense strain of the stone-liko drdn through two IjnndreU feet of the void before the pnrnthntc opened wd .thru the nnrlous mentHr qacry, .through the later atagps of the descent: ,rVhat ehall I Hht rowM" a mnttr of Wi prprae emreiiafteo that rtwneo gor erna absolutely. In this east!, the- men mnfle n safe landing. SPLENDID WORK OF DIVER Feat of UnaVwater Rspalrtng on Wrspked SI-erisp la Given Hlflh PraUe by Ghjpplrrj Men, "Cleans" Crowd of Cnnh. ' Vacuum gleaning monoy from stroc. crowos was tno Kirnting sciiomo em ployed In ono of the largo cltlos Ronu weeks ago for tho 'bouollt of tho 1q( Cross, says Popular Sclenco Mngnzlno A suction plpo was held over ihi hends of poisons congregated on th Rldownlk, and contributions solicited by n lenthcr-lungcd seaman who shout oil through n megaphone. CrlRp doj lar bills and worn greenbacks, it matt ,torcd not which, wero drawn In bj strong suction forco when inserted hi i tho nozzlo of tho tube. ' Tho novelty of tho plan nttractc 'Pnssors-by, nnd drow forUi many, flonn tlons. Onn of the most remarkable feats In the history of Amorimn labor, ncfwl- Ing to Cnpt. Louis Turner, repwent Ing mnrino unrt' niters, ws tho subi marine i'epflirtn( of a Etnmci' Bab vftged off the Cnllflornls const hy 0 diver nnmod Theodore Wtek's. Th aueces of this njiin fn his perilous wor).nin(le it possible to ralap the ves sel foi' further important .service in the government's tnr progrnra, wlwfo ship ping ii so wmently needed. There were rally 100 patches of, tem porary nrtiira to uo put ontba fjhatter- ed aides of thn vessel while It van bmtipln!? nboat on the rocks, voicing H by all oi'tla the hlggest Job of the Wnd ever attempted on th$ paeltlc coflftt The Mg-rc-t patch W te feet wtd and KJ feet hjnjfc Three layers of Inch plank, with ennva? between, were nsed in patching. This kept tho water out while the ship was being pnttfped. T.nrjo iHMiiben of shipping men vis ited the dry doek where the .ship went after Pher Wick's opttH, and were astonished that it had been possible to salvage the e-,el at H. The diver' work is vioMcd nil along tho eoaat nt an inspiration to lnbor hi its great task of winning the war. KEOAL XOTJCES. rirt Jtrfj!icatlon JAU.Jt, 1M9 4w ION OF IT PMWtCK ()F 1icr.i! P iN(om,liJUTtN coMiufy. i '& & IJJ j ra iMBuaMuaauii " KoWsl'e is heretoy Jftven that th"M hiti be'n, .' '.ni.-.fd uajMr nod ' i:int tv tho Inun nt 'thm Kf.at .' Nebraska., a corporation, the ta.nz i m of which5 i Htttihttrd F(jm-Jft!j Sltppiy 'piy.' , . ( , in pr'iit-ip'1 piaetr oi. ranscc tlftir the bttiiiiess of said cortratkj shall be at Huh bardt 'Dakota oount, CLOSING OUT. ii wjnrsmifisswiiiiiiii iBsisiBiisiiiiBiBisisBusisssiiiiniiiMi us-- iii Msiin fcwiBs rit ssn T" ii f 1 1 in mi sit MM Mi i rtinirmattTinii Tirirr1 mmsm . mmmrmtjmm7M f 'S1,-iv'0r1 S! i ? M . ( Ia PM ..-. II . . d . . HI . . . . . ... jtuviiiK ni my Tumi.. I win won, 4 miles hoiIIIi et of .Istclcsuii, At'biv, iiml I nuns northwest 1 iftibbnid, JVebr., and 5 inlloni Pa-t uud 1 iniln smitli of "WnU'rliury. Xoli., hijr)n hithior, witltoui rose no, till m Hhraski. TJ1.3 o.hj b. Ct fof Wbithr this r irnor- ation is farmed is to 'bur, sell, 3 ') and' tvuffie An mtirchftridlso of all kinds at rettt of wfcolwale, and ib ovn, old, rint, ii.sc, mortgage, ncil Mid .oohvey.rcal estate and persoiml IpffalJ'ty may bettttne desifftM-. or nifcossary in nc oonauct ox M lulrtoes, ' The ttuthojriznd csnttal stock ,t said torpor-itin ehafi DeiSooo.y(1, of which ful'y $12,W4& shall heva bcon pTiul in tt the tl -of thu ctmm;ftcoment of bualnjs, which shall Jinsttecl in rrfiarescf ihe pur val ' qf -$HX).00. This, coitorittion shall eomtne. en sinosa on the Lst day of Aueu--t. 191R, and shall continue i.nttl the 1 ' diV t? Aueist. Ift:i8. with rifhk nf renewal w dissolution, as provide-''' oy law. IhelndeMcliiess of thlj corpor al! n, ht)r Ht no time e 'coed otw halt' of its cnp'tal stock, except ;j. Ul 1TWIB8 PTOVIU50 y. ,W. " he affnvrs xf this rporaticn. shtllhe undor the control pnd man age m9nt of a Bo,rd of (ivo Directors who shall io stockholderr, whose teem of offlca shall be for one year or urittl their successors fvro elected nrd qnaiiflod. The iJnni'd of Directors jihall elect from their number a nresulcnt. and shull elect or appoint a. treasurer a.id sctKetary. and mav create such ' othr 1 offices and appoint uon qtiur asrenn nff tho busi- nej -. of the corporation m.-y require. Until the ' regular Atnty.d meeting S the frtockholdett which shall ho hail os tho third Tueaflay in May of each year, the, following named per itm shall constitute the Hoard of Dhectors: George, Trmlfn, Fred Unrteis, L. Brown Palmer, John Fct lor aivl Samael Knox, and until said annual meeting in Mm,, 1019, tho following ucnMns Ehall constitute the generals off.cera of kl corpora '.ion, vlx George Timlin president, Mm I'eller, treasurer,, and r George Timlin, sccr-(,Bry. Huhbafd rannws fiuppry Censpapy. i)y George Timfto, President. Atxo&t: Georeo Timlin, Secrteary. (Seal) Dandacjes Now Made Quickly. A recent invention which has no been marketed ns yet, hut Is reporto to bo n groat success, is nn olcctrlt roller for tiso in making the much needed ilvo-yard rolls of bandagos This now device Is not only a greui tlmo nnd lnbor fnivor, but require! Uttlo practlco to learn to operate. Tin rollers operated by hand, ns they Jmvi been heretofore, require skill nni training to opernto them successfully nnd tho work Is strenuous, liy rolltiu oloctrlcnlly tho operator bj able t( keep both hands on the Immlnga while .in hand openitlon one ham guides the roll or bondage and tin other operates the roller. Swamp a War Garden. Too old to be taken into tho servlc Gcorgo Hoy, 11 Japanese resident 01 Junotiu, Alaska, -has turnod 11 inos qullo uwnnip Into a potrlotlc gurdet nun uas oocome ttio auinlratlon of th city. Itndlshos in this unique garden send tholr groen tops upward to forw tin w6Vd "Llborty," untl near y is formei ti bell. To one sldo a cross blooms in rot Hweet peas, wlillo tiny wnlks, wrlgglj fences and rocks with flowers wnndw ing over thorn add to th attruQtloni of, tho place. Nw Light en Term "O. K." 1'iwldent Wl'son has his own, wsij of doing things, and he nlpo has very good reason for doing; them hit own wnjr. Not only does that apfclj to matters of world-wide IniportftuW but to trivial things-Wwell. In signing unofficial documents-'KU ofllclnl doruraentwhe formally wrttei "Approved" the prnsldcntof iho "Dtolt ed .States precedes his,slfflfttnr 11tl tho word "Okeh." One of his secretaries, sndrfoolj realizing the slgnlflcanee of th WdxlT asked the president why he did HO) write 'U' iC" "lieeause that's wroii,M said V?ll son. "Wrong?" echoed Jhs secretary "Isn't it derived from Andrew jtocfc eon's f)rl Krechtf" "No," said Wilnod. - 'O. K.' Is oftet erroneously used for dkph,' which (r the Choctaw language moons, -'It It so.' " Whrat Net Nsostsury Pood. wheat Is not neccstinry, ye accustomed fo regard wheat as a raor or less IndlapeaeablQ article of diet It n't. It Is an nrtlele of luxry RXii absolutely nothing else. Wheat no sesses over oats, corn and ri liso- luttly no nutrltiounl quality for mttr or beast. It hns no more protein one no Letter protein. It has no more fnt and 110 better fat It has no mineral salt better or in larger amounts. 41 has no more fuel or better fuel. It Ii Just one of the cereals, and thert isn't the slightest evidence that It Is th be. one, because so fur as compara tive tests are rojieernqd In animals it ln't the host one; It Is very fat from the best one. A. M. Taylor, M.D. O. 8. Food Administrator. Coct of Infectious Diseases. Scarlet fever, incasle and dlphthe rlu cost tho peoplo of Chlcnjco 17,802, 'M2 during tho courso of iho year. Thli huge bill represent! so much paid ou' as the price of cnrclessnosa nnd in difference, for much if not nil of AhUK disease might Jmvo boon prarontid l? precautions, moralizes tho Journnl t. the American Medical Astoria ti i urging the dollars and cents vnluo 0 disease crv.ejitlon. Qermwy PreM tn ltfd. "lUadii." lUekohhaclter ti quoted i saying: "thi nany hwks ifther pencefr... from anove ami there , trau to be Utttt rtlstmlili v iii 11. t : ! a - -,- trap th' lllio Tt ,11 l-t h ! tin : Cn': polr t cf , ti. , 1 .. '1 , (. wn 1 I. II i'. ' OU 1 ' ' ' I lint very urn. Aii.t .. . ,,... l ,. 1 Wi'.K (lUr.i; s tiH)k4 rtft : ml - i ; ,1' ' I'.'r t pulf;eation,datt, 9, 1919- Iw Order of Hearing and Hatlco en etl- I top fr HetiIeHKwt,f .Aeeon,t. In the Counte Cotflir-vof Dakota County, Nebraska. State of Kebrjfefca. Conntv of Dako ta -BS. T6 Jennie father Jacobrfpn. Sarah Maria Jkta. Jihm, E. lieasank G. Hc'ia, Vinctfnt .Boss, Edp.ir t, Itoss", Bernard fi. Kof and to all peraans irtteroeted in -the estate of Leonard IXw.', Am as,ed: - Ort leading the petition of Sidney T. Fri'm; praylnir a final settlement nd i.llovVtmco of his account filed in this Cyurt on the 2nd day of January, 'WO, and for prooft of helrshl. it ij Hereby ordered that fan nnd all pfirsbm Interested In Mtid mutter may, end' do appear M the County Cort to be held Jrt and for said County, on the 31st, day of Jauuary, A. 1. 1919, at ten o-'clock A. ?,!., to sliow Cftuse; if any tbere.be, why the prayer of tho petitioner jhouh! not l).o granted, and that notice of the pondoncy of said petition and the hearing thereof 1j given to all pwv sori interested in said matter by publishing a coyy of v this order in tli Dakota County Herald, a weekly nowepapw printed In said county, for four successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, ' S. W. McKINLKY, (Seal) County Judge, First publication JaJlTl010-4w Probate Notice to Creditors. s In the County Court of Dnkota County, Nebraska. In the matter of the Estate of Pete Gigear, deceased. Notice In hereby Riven,, that tho creditor of the said deceased will meet the n.lmlnistrarix of mid es tate, before me. County Judge of Da koto County, Nebraska, at tho County Court Room in said county, 011 the 4th day of March, 1910, and on the ?th clay of April, 1919, ut 10 o'clock A, M. each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for elimina tion, adjustment and nllowance, Thico months are allowed for credit ors i present the? claims from Jan uary 4, 1019, and one year for the ad ministratrix to settle oaid ostate, fi-oi the 12th day of Qetobc, 1918. This notice will e published in the Dukota County Herald for 'four weeks successively prior to the 4th day of March, 19It. Witness, my hand, -and seal of said eourv, IWH -;tn cl.y of January, A. D. S. W. MCKINLEY. County Judge. nih$$ C&aaot ;.-; Cared u pojttv 1 ft iu i 1lir ' i' t tr ft iumiIi uni-tl i.ioi.uy. i-i.vl p. ikncji 1 ciu 1 b nn la- 1 U4liu . m- rr,, ro'i lln.nc of i.i Han Ti " When iLi mho t j M"j ',iv .1 n tuliojc, di-u il "r lm- It would x t ". . i f r-.! i t i-tiiti ' ci.tly." fl .. ! 191J), (Seal) Cr:-., mt'v ' Vtt llI- II US-i j lattn- Pitt' l h hiIhh, 01 j vfto it is wUr-cly li'l. Disftirwi.ti ti Kditt. jiith liiftdtoir .' -i n!t3 h i.Jituv nd Uila Uib :r il t M dpi mf rftTndHtiMJ, borls MflH 4trv)4 i'rrnr. Uu-iy ttis. it a.ar.-. t or JM.U3 j bv Clnn, -V;lvu to 5ei t.iv.i-4 couaiitni) nt iu on lS. J4H' Htrr JHaien .- thrtj tjocd 11 ()) lir,i4 tmfav.j -if IU W Will irli" " ' T9 tor r" ' vnnnut v. cir- Pfti k4 T home r.xvzcr ' IRQ rUL!3 0 TtLXi .EM Aix AB r.tiii't. -'" '. W-ir'tSsi .' if" .1! 1 j. 1 .11.' j .1 . 1 . .. mm 1 nun; Houui or MOimwin, A(jr., to tilt Iovoiin! property, oti- Thursday, HAUi Ti) 'tftAUT AT 11:00 fJ'CLOCK .' - t ;l 30, J''KKK LUXCI1 AT X00X i 8 head of Ho 1 $na of roan inn res, 3 and i yeHrs oh', wt. 2300 lbs. 1 gorrftv uu've', 5 years ohl, wl. 15100 lbs. ,1 Hh of good mnles, IS yejiM old, rvi. 2200 lbs. 1 roan mare, 13 year old, wt. 1200 Um. ' t bay gelding, 14 years old, wt. 1100 fbs. 1 black mare, 5 years old. wt. 1400.1 In. J coming 2-ycar old cdH. 1 good coining yearling coll. 16 lied qf. Cattle .'"'"' kVJI m $l Mules fiS W m m KV5 choice milk cons. (J yeariings ow fvlll feed. 21 aoo'l i'vlv 3Q'"Ghester White Hog 1 rlioicft brood sows, all bred to pure-bred Chester 20 good shoa, al good owes. immtHp SR vmt White 'boar. 1 boar. m iwwit ii Minaart A Complete Line dt .Farm Machine rv - SIJK SAf BILLS FOB TOSTIlBBrAKTlClIliAiiM. iy 20 bnshelH potatoes'. 11C0 hwliefa good eom itirrib. 200 bu&bels good oats. J 2 btushelg wheat. 10 bushels good seed corn. 11 oih alfalfa, cloror and .timothy. - X lot of good chickens. 1 well drilling out-fit, complete. . TERMS 10 months time at 8 OQr cunt-interest; Rums under ?10, Cash. ' PETER ANDERSO! wner s ' 1?A Col. E. F. ItAS3IUSSENT, Auctloaoer. 3f. ,T. EJOLEll, Clerk. W, mmiimfmiM w?vmmmg&Fy 1 U iiiiisiSaiiiwas ii'ipiisaswspwiis'jwiaifcrfc'iw m,mmyiii uw-mli4 . iSMiiyiPimi wwnfisisaiawuiiania.s i iwiwm tmnwm as TT T mcmmtm,mm- .iisiiumiisswssiw s. uH mi isii i susws i sisi i ,,. ..i. .,..- ZZH. ''--''-'--'--" v sr CLOSING &UT af A I'll 'I 1 1 1 N SA- h Ttaving decided, to quit farming, I will well at Public Auction on the lluMin t.. ..... 1 ,..:!.. ......1-1. ..!.'' 1...!.. l.t-. I j, i n iir-n. j's"" miiu ""mi ui, uvuuiviii .nut mue.s Houiuwesi or williS'Tiic ing described icrsona1 property, On- old 3Iike follow- I ii-jJ( ay, Qu& Oilo I 1 !) I !) COMSIKXCING AT 11:00 OTHOCK SUA H f bay mare, 10 years old, heavy in foal. Hir Icon grey hordes, U yr., wt. 2200. brovui borne, 10 years, wt. Ilo0. 1 good saddle horse, ii 1 1 I roan horse, 12 years, i. 1200. black horse, S years, wt. 1200. grey horse, 10 years, wt. 1100. wt. 1000. 37 head of a 0t L 3 n n I l(P 2 cowa with calvoH. H2 springy heifers. l-yctir-old bull. '0 2 yearling bulls. 15 Read of FAR good &fao& Mg MACHINERY a T. J. Mandt Avagons, complete, II boxes with scoop endj wagon, i Iioxcm withlnlgate. (jood hay rack and wagon. ale. True Stoughton truck k wagon. Ituggy. nrr. IT cm "jM u...S ,..f 3t nv MF CUttM JHclorniick 8-ft. binder. 2 McCQrmick mowerw. McCormick hay rack. 2 Dsiiii Kwet4ps. 2 good (Ukcm, 1 new last spring. :1 Moliue cultivators. 2-row Culti vator: tSulkey plow, walking plow. John Deer'coru planter, new last year and 100 rods wire. 2-row istalk cutter. 2 drug, 1 il-section aiid 1 2-section. New harrow cart. Cloverleaf nianuro .spreader. Hoosier drill. Large Economy King cream Hepnralor. (lood buucli of took". Pitchforks. (Jood as now, sad dle and bridle. '1 sett., li-incli harness, almost new. (Jood set driving harness. (lood net Hingle haraosa. Xumerous XetH. Illankets. Collars. Set H-inch hantesH, praclically new. SIiovoIh, scoops, etc. ; dozen mixed hens. House hold goods and other articles too numerous to mention. TKRMN -10 month' time at ljer cent interest; Sums under $10, (Jasb. DEAN CORNELL O Col. Ii". 1; UASJIUSSBN, Auctioneer. wner C. ,1. (JOODFIOLLOW, Clerk. J if. II VI aaaaf"fa.T wt-n.... w?, M'li1'wWIlEA ! AC4.-W', -'J"y