Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, January 09, 1919, Image 7

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, a
I .
Look at the tongue, mother 1 It
coated, It Is a sure sign that your little-
one's stomach, liver and bowels
needs a gentle, thorough cleansing at
When peevish, cross, listless, pule,
doesn't sleep, doesn't cnt or net natu
rally, or Is feverish, stomach sour,
breath Hid; has stomach-ache, sore
throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a
teaspoonful of "California Syrup of
Bigs," and In a few hours all the foul,
constipated waste, undigested food
and sour bile gently moves out of the
little bowels without griping, nnd you
have a well, playful child again.
You needn't coax sick children to
take this harmless "fruit laxative;"
they love Its delicious taste, and It
always makes them feel splendid.
Ask your druggist for n bottle of
"Onllfornin Syrup of Figs," which has
directions for babies, children of all
ages and for grown-ups plainly on the
bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold
here. To be sure you get the genuine,
ask to see that it is made by the "Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Company." ltofuse
any otlver kind with contempt. Adv.
Art of Oratory.
"Didn't you ever catch yourself talk
Cog nonsense when you wore making a
"Yes," replied Senator Sorghum.
"You have to give some nudlcnces n
afew sentences they can't understand.
It Impresses them with n sense of Ig
norance and tends to make them sort
of dependent."
Don't Forget Cutlcura Talcum
"When adding to your toilet requisites.
An exquisitely scented face, skin, baby
and dusting powder and perfume, ren
dering other perfumes superfluous.
You may rely on it becauso one of the
Cutlcura Trio (Soap, Ointment and
!Talcum). Soc each everywhere. Adv.
Financial Arrangement.
"What does nnturo do when raols
fture falls duo?"
"I suppose she collects it by means
of grassy banks."
Many a girl with teeth like pearls Is
as stupid ns an oyster.
What Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound Did
For Ohio Woman.
Portsmouth, Ohio. "I suffered from
Jrregulanties, pains in my side and was
no weak at times I
could hardly get
around to do my
work, and as I had
four in my family
and threo boarders
it made it very hard
for me. Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vege
table Compound
was recommended
to ma. I took it
and it has restored
my health. It is
rnrfjilnlv thn heat
medicine for woman's ailments I ever
maw." Mrs. Saka Shaw, R. No. 1,
Portsmouth, Ohio.
Mrs. Shaw proved the merit of this
medicine and wrote this letter in order
that other suffering women may find
relief as she did.
Women who are suffering as sho was
ehould not drag along from day to day
-without giving this famous root and
herb remedy, LydiaE. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound, a trial. For special
advico in regard to such ailments write
to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn,
Mass. The result of its forty yeara
experience is at your service.
Hooked to Death!
This amy happen if your cattle havo horns, or
they may Injure each othcrnnd keep the whole
herd excited. BE HUMANE. 1'revcnt horns
growing while calves aru yountf. It meaua a
contented and more profitable herd. Use
At our dealers or
.about all anlintl allmentu, In
formation free. Bend for price
lut ni medicines and tret KItKII
copy of
I'h. r .Hi. Snrrllllal" With f llll lllfoi-
i.i h,.: i Cm.. UK. DAVID ROBERTS
VETERINARY CO., 100 Grind Ave.. Waukeiha, Wit.
togloa. I) U. UooU free, lilftx
cil ttttrencti. UmiimuIi
MM.Iaa II laa- laa
Uncle Sam WHI Take Good Care
of His Merchant
Contains Passports to Good Health by
Providing Free Hospital Treat-
ment Anywhere Days of the
Dog's Life Now History.
Washington. Uncle Sam Is getting
more watchful of the health of his
merchant crews us the great Anierleun
peace-time tleet continues to grow.
The latest Innovation of the United
States shipping board In ihe"seuman'B
bottle," which has now becomo one of
tin cherished possessions of hundreds
of American seamen.
This little glass bottle, small enough
to be carried In the est pocket, con
tains passports to good health print
ed forms which, when tilled out by a
ship's captain, will gain admittance for
the holder to any United States mi."
nine hospital or relief .still Ion of thn
public health service in every impor
ta in port in the United States. On u
foreign voyage the application will pro
vide the seaman with the best niedltnl
care, free of charge, on application to
the United States consular otllcer.
At present the bottle Is being pro
vided only for men who have been
trained for a sea career by the recruit
ing service of the shipping board, but
in the oplulou of Surgeon General
151 tie every American seaman should
have one.
It Is in port that the new "seaman's
bottle," which was originated by Dr.
Louis W. Croke, medical director of
the shipping board recruiting service,
plays Its chief part. A seaman la need
of medical attention has merely to dig
the bottle out of his kit, bring the
printed form to his skipper to be filled
out und then go ashore to the nearest
federal olllclal.
Free Hospital Care.
The label which bears the imprint of
the board's recruiting service Informs
the seafarer that he is entitled to free
hospital care no matter what his sta
tion aboard ship. The term "seamen,"
it says, means not only the men who
are employed on deck but persons em
ployed on board In the care, preserva
tion or navlgatlot. of the ship, and it
even includes those who are In the
service, on board, of those engaged in
such care, preservation or navigation.
When discharged by the medical au
thorities the American seaman is
given free passage to the port from
which he originally signed, unless the
articles provide for discharge else
where, or If In a foreign port to some
port In the United States, lie must
serve on board the ship on which his
passage has been arranged If possible.
The "seaman's bottle" not only will
Impress upon Americans who are going
to sea the privileges to which they are
Refugees who have been held In
ore at last taken to a place of safety.
shows the refugees being escorted In
5 "v- 4m AJ
: wj i v S .XZl .M S 1 3M53t: I
i &': ttm - ,trift! , 11 ,. I m&xM
fr XwL-v iw V ." S HT. Sjj u Tic 4 WHnee. v 1 v. i ja x UK He v i 1
Airplane Manufacturers Make
Long-Distance Machines.
Tempted by Big Prizes Offered by
Newspapers and Aviation
Paris. Airplane manufacturers are
losing no time In developing long-distance
machines for transatlantic
flights for which tempting prizes have
been offered by vnrlous newbpnpers
and aviation clubs.
The rumors persist In Paris that a
nnndley-Pnge mnchlne has already
,-nsxed the ocean, from Newfoundland
to Ireland, but that the flight was
kept secret In order that the Germans
might not know that a machine had
been produced which could bomb Ber
lin. The allies had secret Informa
tion that the enemy folt perfectly se
cure about the inability of airplanes
entitled ns seamen of the United
States but will preserve the certificate
und keep It clean.
, Years ago, In the days of the clipper
ship, and oven since that time, the sick
or disabled American sailor at fcu or
In a foreign port had no resource but
the charity of Ills captain or ship
mates. Old-time skippers generally
prescribed and supplied a blue pill nnd
the crews were not burdened with
funds to lend.
Harrowing tales have been told of
those dark days of the inerchnnt ma
rine, of men forced to lie for weeks
In cramped, foul-smelling forecastles,
often beset by rats and without proper
food, light, air or clothing.
If the man lived until the ship
reached port some sort of care might
be provided for him, but hundreds
died, were burled at sea ; their togs
were sold and they were soon forgot
ten. Must Carry Medicines.
Hut the days when the life of a sail
or was a dog's life at best are now his
tory. Kvery vessel flying the Ameri
can Hug nnd engaged on long voyages
French Judge Returns to Battered
Remains of Cambrai
Refused to Leave Post When Hun
Hordes Poured Through His Coun
tryTells of Cruelties Inflict
ed by Invaders.
Paris. There reached Paris recent
ly a line-looking old French gentleman,
sad-eyed, hollow-cheeked. Por four
years he had been held prisoner by
the Germans In the city of Cambrai.
He had seen the Hun kaiser Uirec
times passing through the streets of
ills city which previously had been
swept by the French women. Night
after night he had been forced to go
nnd sit In the railroad stations of the
city while the British bombed them.
He had seen his friends, people once
wealthy and of high birth, sent out to
dig trenches, to bury the dead and to
cultivate and weed the fields. For two
years he had only soup and cocoa for
ids dinner and a semi-monthly allow
ance of three-quarters of a pound of
meat and black bread.
Henri Ucrgler reached Paris just as
the news came from the front thnt
British and American troops had freed
his home. As soon ns lie Is strong
enough to travel again he will return
i)tywy.ywwwwyMw....iwtfwiiwwwww.vyTW,WMv. swhw....
lu German lines for four long years
This British naval otllclal photograph
wagons by the British troops.
to fly thnt far Into the fatherlnnd and
get buck nnd had practically no anti
aircraft batteries posted to protect his
capital. It was realized that once It
became known n plane had crossed
the Atlantic the Boche would take the
tlii and strengthen his defenses at
Farman has constructed a quadru
ple motor biplane equipped with four
propellers nnd driven by engines gen
erating more thnn 1,000 hor.M'-power,
which he believes can negotiate the
transatlantic flight. This machine will
have an average speed of 110 miles
an lmur and can carry gasoline and oil
for !WJ hours. Tho body of the ma
chine extends the whole length of the
fuselage, from the noo to the tall
piece and tho crew can walk up and
down through the paswigowny. .Mul
tiple wlmOls make landings easier
and safer.
Blerlot tins also constructed a bl
motor mnchlne, with two tractor uiid
Is required to carry a chest of medi
cines suitable for the treatment of
common aliments and Injuries. Fail
ure to comply with this law subjects
the master or owners of the vessel to
a heavy lint.
Scurvy, that scourge of the old days,
has practically disappeared from the
American mercantile marine because
of the liberal supplies of lime or lemon
Juice, sugar and vinegar that are now
required to be carried on every ship
on a long vojage and to be given dally
to the crew within ten days after salt
provisions have been chlelly served to
them. In the days of yore "salt Junk"
was the main item on every foc'sle bill
of fare. This food, consigned to the
vessel In barrels, was generally stowed
below as ballast and sometimes re
mained there fot a long time before
being requisitioned for the crew. This
diet, with the lack of frush vegetables,
caused scurvy.
Adequate hospital facilities aboard
ship also are provided. The law re
quires that In addition to the space al
lotted for lodgings, which must be
roomy nnd well ventilated, all mer
chant vessels of the United States,
which ordinarily make voyages of
more 'than three days' duration be
tween ports and which enrry more
than twelve seamen, shall have a suit
able hospital compartment with at
least one comfortable bunl; for every
twelve seamen aboard.
there to llnd, If possible, the priceless
records of the city which he hid In
1014 when the Huns swept ncross Bel
glum and Invaded northern France.
As n Judge of a tribunal or court
of Cambrai, Bergler refused to leave
his post when the Gorman hordes
poured through his country In August,
1914. By a trick of chance be hud
just sent his wife and three daughters
to Boulogne-sur-Mor, on the coast of
France, for a holiday and was plan
ning to Join them early In September.
The meeting was deferred just four
years. He was captured, but was
spared the bitterness of seeing his
family subjected to the humiliations
which came to the other women of
Cambrai. 111b wife and daughters at
once volunteered for hospital service
and worked so heroically for three
years that they were decorated by the
French government with tho mednl
"des ep!demlessct du devouement."
The story which Bergler brought
back was one of want and suffering.
The Germans held him ns hostage so
he was not maltreated. Whenever tho
city was bombed, however, ho was
sent with three other Judges, also held
as hostages, to sit In the railway sta
tions so that they would be killed If
the tralllc centers were destroyed.
The people of the city who did not
hold otllclal positions were treated
more ' summarily. The women were
nil made to do menial work of some
kind, such ns sweeping the streets
of the city or cultivating and weed
ing the fields. The young boys and
men were sent out to dig trenches and
to bury the dead.
Turned Out of Homes.
Family after family was turned out
of homes to make place for the wives
of tho German olllcers who enme to
stay In Cambrai with their husbands
and for German actresses nnd sing
ers who were brought from Germany
to stage performances of grand opera
and to make merry in tho casinos.
The prisons were kept filled with
Early In September Bergler was told
I that an exchange find been elected
and he was to return to France. lie
would be permitted to take with him
what belongings he could carry, no
found an old baby carriage with two
wheels off and patched it up with
wheels from a dismantled gun. His
clothing, though threadbare, still held
together, but he hud no shoes nt all.
He took the leather portfolio which
his youngest daughter had used to
carry to school and made a sort of
footgear out of It, using for soles the
belting from a machine In nn aban
doned factory.
Part of his Journey to Belgium ho
mnde on foot, pushing his belongings
along In the old baby carriage. Pari
he made by train.
From Belgium SI. Bergler went to
Switzerland, finally arriving In Paris
where he rejoined his family.
ij: Huntington, W. Va. Uso of :
;ij: moonshine whisky Is spreading :;:
:i;:. Insanity throughout West Vlr- :j:
:: glnln, according to J. B. Coster ::
;: of the state Im-iiue asylum. In- ij-j
ijij sanity Is epidemic In the coal re- :i;
;; glons of Logan county, Coster :
:; snys. All kinds of Ingredients :;
:: are used In the manufacture of ::
:: the whisky and much of It, uc- '::':
;: cording to the asylum officials, -::;!
i;: wrecks mind and body. ::
two pushor prop-lles, which ho be
lieves can fly 2..00 miles without a
stop. The. Blerlot machine Is a bi
plane, but the lower wings are much
smaller than tho upper, along the
lines of the Nleiiport chasse model
The Blerlot plane is expected to main
tain a speed of ISO miles an hour for
vu hours.
It is of creat value when
ally checking it and overcoming it in a few days.
Ample evidence has proved that it (a even of more value in over
coming chronic catarrh, dispelling the inflammatory conditions, enabling
the diseased membranes to perform their natural functions, and toning
up the entire system.
The experience of thousands Is a safe guide to what It may bo ex
pected to do for you.
Liquid or tablets both tested by the public and approved.
Not In Vain.
They had arrested him on Uroadway
for profanity.
"Don't you know that it Is against
both the religious and civil laws to
take the name of the Lord In vain?"
demnnded Judge White.
"Wal. It wnrn't 'zactly In vain,"
drawled the man. "You see, yer honor,
a yaller cuss had Just started to steal
my lllvver, but when 1 unloads my vo
cabulary, you orter have seen him
run !"'
To linlf pint of water add 1 oz. liny
Ruin, n Binnll lox of llnrbo Compound,
nd Vi oz. of gl curiae. Any druptzist c.n
put this up or you can mix it at home at
very little cost. Pull direction for mak
ing nnd uho come in each box of llnrbo
Compound. It will gradually dnrken
streaked, faded gray hnir, and make it coft
anil gloAHy. It vill not color the calp, is not
sticky or.Brcasy, and does not rub olT.Adv.
Dividing the Bird.
"To be happy u man needs a won
derful digestion and a woman needs
beautiful attire," said Mr. .Tones.
"Yes," commented Miss Brown;
"one wants the stomach of an ostrich
and the other wants the feathers."
London Answers.
Important to Mothors
Examine carefully every bottlo ol
CASTORIA, that famous old remedy
for infants und children, nnd seo that It
Bears the
Signature of
in uso ror over ao rears.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
A Good Haul.
"Did Miss Port catch anything on
thnt fishing party?"
"Sure! She caught a beau."
Mau ailLa.rfe dun '"
sr ins rlu
Clean the Acidity and Toxic Poisons
Out of the Digestive Tract
Millions arc now suffering from the
nfter effects of the deadly "ilu," n
fever or a cold. Their ifppetltes nro
poor; they are weak, and they nro
waiting, for their strength to come back.
If these people could only realize
that the return to health and strength
would lie greatly helped by giving at
tention to the stomach that Is, remov
ing the acidity and toxic poisons from
tho entire digestive tract, stinking It
act naturally, so that the body will
receive the full strength of the food
eaten a great deal of suffering would
be saved to humanity.
Kveryone knows that the disease It
self, and the strong medicines Unit
have been taken, upset the stomach,
leave It hot and feverish, tho mouth
dry, the tongue coated, a nnsty taste,
and no desire to ent. This Is n poor
foundation to build new strength on.
Now, tens of thousands of people all
over this country are using 15ATONIO
for the purpose of cleaning these
poisonous after-effects right out of the
system and they are obtaining wonder
ful results so wonderful thnt the
amazingly quick benefits aru hardly
believable, Just as shown In the re
markable letter which Is published
upon the request of this sturdy old Civil
War veteran. He Is 77 years old. Read
what he says EATONIG did for him:
"I am nn old loldlrr, pant hot-i-nljf
km en jenrn. I hid the Span
lull liitliicntii and It left rar atutnacb
IWNOTr Oier 20,001) ilrur ntorea tliniURlintit the United Stale ell anil ruarnnlaa
KATOMU. If jou cumuil uliluli) KATONIf quickly lit jour lima atnrc, do not lie n It limit
It. Write hi and e will mull yuu a tile 60c hot at mice nnd you ran neiiil u thn .in
after yuu eet II. Add.l 11. L. Krumer, l'rei., ICATON10 U12MUUY CO., 1044 H. WabnaSi
At., CIiUuko, 111,
Betrayed His Weakness.
"Is he a tightwad?"
"Is he? Say, listen: When ho enmo
to propose to me ho thought he'd havo
to get down on his knees, nnd, would
you believe It, ho camu In tho oldest
pnlr of troubers ho hud l"
Headachea, nlllous AtttrVi, Indigestion, art
cured by taking May Apple, i.loe, Jalap mad
luto I'lMMQt I'elleta (fJr. I'lerce'a). Adr.
Probably the most dangerous men
are those who havo honest motives
and dishonest practices.
W111M Granulated Eyelids,
1 JMtTEyct Inflamed by expo-
uic iu auu, uuaiaru muu
S quickly relieved by Murlno
Eye Remedy. No Smarting,
lliat Rve Pntnfnrt At
Ycur Druggiite or by mail COc per Bottle.
ror dook oi ine eye tree write bii
Murine Eyo Remedy Co., Chicago.
A trinity of evils, closely allied, that afflict
most people, and which follow one on the
other, in the order named, until the last one
is spread through the system, leading to
many evils. But their course can be checked.
used promptly for a cold.usu
Cynical Youngster.
"Isn't my picture thut I mnA pret
ty?" nsketi Robert of u UHJ arl scrt
"Oh, it Is very pretty," tto suM ad
miringly. "Well, sister Mary ftajrs R n't a
hit," said Robert.
"Well, what of It?" remarked tho
next door one. "Ton cim't expect
praise from one of your w fiiiMbly."
Children's handkerchiefs often loolc
hopeless when they coino to the laun
dry. Wash with good soap, rinse la
water blued with Bed Ctosh BnU Bine.
Not Much.
Recruiting Sergeant "Ai ja pla
gle?" Will-Be Rookie "Do 1 kwk IBra
twins?" Leatherneck.
Men know thnt men are not bora
equal, but nobody will admit Wu
Some men nro quite regular ra taelr
habits but their habits are had.
Don't trifle with a cold
it's dangerous.
You can't afford to risk
Keep always at hand a
box of
Standard cold remedy for 30 yrar In table
form afe. sure, no opiatt a breaks tip a cola
In 24 hourv relieve cril In 3 days. Money
back If It falls. The srnuine box baaRrd top
with Mr. JIlU'i picture. At All Druu Btorrt.
In in awful ahapr. 1 tried thrr
different ductora Let rut mi relief.
Aa a Ual rmel I aeut and rut a
Ikii of KATOMO and to lay ;m.
et nirprtw lb feiy flrat talilet (
took bvlprd me. I ran kw tat any
thing t want, ami reel fine."
Ymira ttunkfally,
1'irwler, Indian
Dec 4. 1S1H a 8. Martla
I", H.: ir you ran maae nmj m
of Uili letter for niffeflae kaiaaa
Ily, you are at liberty to di ao.
a H- U.
This Is only one case out of thousands.
You should make the KATONIC teat
In your owu case at once. You have
everything to gain not a penny can
yon lose, for wo take nil the risk. Your
own common sense, your own feelings
tell you that n good appetite, good di
gestion, u good Btomncli, with the fever
poisons nnd effects of strong medicines
out of your system, will put you on th
road to strong, robust health again.
You tvnnt to enjoy tlfe again after
you hnvc battled with the "flu," fever
or colds, or any other Illness that hits
taken your strength. You want to get
back your old-time vigor, be full of pep
and enthusiasm be able to work with
ease, instead of listlessly, hnlf-henrt-edly
drugging out u mere existence.
So be sure to take n box of RATONTO
home wltli you todny. We cannot nrg
this too strongly. If KATONIC falls
to give you positive beneficial results.
It will not cost you a penny. There Is no
riHk the benefit Is surely all for you.
Why take Chances when tho
Reputation of
Rice Brothers
Litie Stock Commission Merchants
Sioux City Stock Yards
' Guarantees
Successful Sellers of Cattle, Hoga and
Sheep. Write us! Wire usl Ship us!
Accurate Market Reports gladly furnished.
A totltt preparation of merit.
Il.lpi to eradicate. ilandrulC.
For Reitorina Color and
Beauty toGrar or i'adedllalrJ
ue. aua i.ixjat iiruririiii.
W. N. U., SIOUX CITY, NO. 2-1919.