STT" DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD, DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. V. K attrtj- fl I Don't 'wait until your cold develops Spanish Influenza or pneumonia. Kill it quick. ikffr CASCARA WL QUININE & -'CIMV Standard cold remedy for 20 years In tablet form safe, sure, no opiates breaks up a cold In 24 houri relieves grip In 3 days. Money back i ( It falls. The cenuine box has a Red top with Mr. Httl'i picture. At All Drua Stores. Cutieura Best for Baby SoapKo., Ointment Znoo.,'Tatcum So. Sample eacto mailed free br "Cutieura, Dept. E, Boston," Soap Sioux City Directory "Hub of the Northwest." Ship Ua Your Dressed Turkeys, Ducks and Geese S&t&Z" XV. JL. OODKN A CO., SIOUX CITY, IOWA fSs""Tractors--AttacliinBnts Dart Trucks; Datt " Blue-J " Tractor j Panhard Trucks. 1 ton $1,193; 15 ton $1,590. Phenlx Truck Makers for any car. Pulllord Tractor Attach, menu $153. Send postcard for full tnformatlcn. FORRY TRUCK & TRACTOR'CO. 311-13 IVarlSL Sioux City, low S.OUX CITY WELDING & MACHINB WORKS Welding Auto cylinders, Castings. Auto parts, brats, aluminum and other metals. UtctJc, work-dear cuttlnif, cylinder grinding, new pis tons, latiin wori, gas and steam engine wort Sale Kt41aUr Baptlriar. Cr, W. Ilk r.lrl (U.,SIOVXClTt , I0H w ORIGIN OF WORD "ROORBACK" Name Given to First Notable Cam--I palgn Lie, of Which James K. Polk WaWs the Victim. Iu 38-M James K. Polk was nomi nated by the Democrats for president. After the nomination the Albany Jour nal published what purported to he on extract from ltoorback's Journal, of a trip through the South, repre sented to have been made some few' years before, In which he told of see ing (a gang of colored men being driv en to the southern market, all branded "J. K. P.," as the property of James K. Polk. The object was to stigmatize Polk as a heartless slave owner. The publication was resented by the Demo crats as n forgery and a libel on their Candidate, and so It proved to be, for It turned out that there was no such person ns Iloorbnck and that the pre tended letter was written by a -disreputable politician of New York who posed as an abolitionist. The incident caused much hard feeling and the word roorback became a synonym for n campaign He. HUMPHREY The Dry Cleaner and Dyer Expert Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing. Hats Cleared. B21 PIERCE ST SIOUX CITY. IOWA Radiators Fixed PAIMTINQ Blectrlo starter and generators! noldlngi reborlng and general ma chine work; general repairing ot all kinds of autos, trucks and tractors. HANDEL AUTO REPAIRING CO. 219-221 Serenlh St. Sioux CO, lows Can You Dress On $125 a Year? A Bribe. Lady of the Housl You sny you will do me n great favor if I give you n meal. Bagged Itogcrs Yes, lady. De hobo sign on ycr front gate says you are "old, homely and stingy," an I'll change It so's tor make it read, "young, handsome and generous." Boston Transcript. He Knew Her. Mrs. P'lgg I really ought to go to that club meeting this afternoon, but I cant get up enough energy to start. FIgg Won't It help you along if I tell yon not to go? Boston Transcript. Every woman's pride, beautiful, clear white clot hca. Use lied Cross Ball Blue. All grocers. Adv. It's easy for an editor to drop Into poetry. AH he hns to do Is to sit down In his waste-paper basket. GUARANTEED TO INSTANTLY RELIEVE OR MONEY REfUNDEO ASK ANY DRUGGIST Sioux City Directory "Hub of the Northwest." Every Car Has Our Personal Attention AcmeHay&MillfeedCo. Receivers and Shippers of Floor, Mill Feeds, Tankage, Potatoes Wholesale and Retail All Kinds of Hay and Straw 301-303 Pearl St. Sioux City, Iowa FOP"ClFWANTi Highest market price paid. Advise quantity and variety. Address, AMERICAN POP CORN CO. Dept. A. Sioux City, Iowa West Mole! 3d and Nebraska Sts., Sioux City, la. Stockman, Farmer and Shopper Wo cater, too iVear all Depots. Frank J. Donohoe, Prop. We Buy tlides9 Furs, Poultry, Junk Pay TOP MARKET PRICES and make Immediate returns. Also do all kinds of CUSTOM TANNINO. Writs for Ucs and our BEST PRICES. Address all inquiries to Desk "C." HAWKEYE HIDE. CO.. 409-411 Water St., Siota Ciy, I. TANNED HIDES We make horse and cattle bides into warm Fur Coats, Robes, Jllt tnfl, Caps, Furs, etc We rellue ond repair old fur coats. Illobtst Price Paid lor lilies Write lor Catalog sad Tags SIGUX CITY ROBE & TANNING CO. Sioux City, Iowa The Warnock Electric I Lighting and Farm Power Plant Wm. Warnock Go. Sloua City, Iowa Write or call for catalog and. prices y JfQk. New Management New Service The Chicago House R. N. KOEN10SDERQHR, Mst. and Prop. Elegant Cafo in Connection 41b and Jones Sis. Sioux City, Iowa SIOUX CITY HAT FACTORY 300 4th St, SIOUX CITY, IA. liats Cleaned ana uiociea. Old hats made as good as neir.iaaies'ana genu'. Bneclal attention irlTen mall orders. Mall us jour old hat and get a new one back ""1 x7Sx Ship Your JUNfek HIDES and FURS fa YANOWITCH BROS. 315 Court St. Sioux City, la. Scrap iron in carload lots a specialty. Ship Your HIDES, WOOL and FURS TO Bolles & Rogers, 1st & Iowa Sts., Sioux City, la. Highest price nt all times. SIOUX CITY, IOWA Corner 5th and Jackson Sts. 125 modern rooms, popular prico cafo and private dining room in connoction. O. K. Non-Frcezable Waiererfor Horses Cattle, Hogs and Chickens Enquire of your dealer or writo THE PHILLIP BERNARD CO. 3000 Floyd Ato. Sioux City. la. J. C. Renmson Co. The Only Retail FLORISTS in Sioux City, la., crow ing their own flowers. SIXTH AND PIERCE STKKETSj Bell Phono 002 Now Yonr. Since the days of the Roosevelt administration In Washing ton depressing statements have comu from the social center nnent tho cost of being well dressed. Depressing for tho reason that they were so uppall ingly low. Nothing so produces dis couragement In humans, writes a fash ion nuthority, ns to bo told that they should and can accomplish u desired result on a sum of money that they consider plniost too small for the pre liminaries. You aa a womuu know that full well. What would reduce you to greater rage or a feeling of utter hopelessness than to bo told by tho head of the family of tho amazing achievements of an other woman in regard to money, to Clothes, and to food? You havo dono your best with your allowance, of that you are sure. Such is the feeling that surges In every woman's mind nud heart when Wash ington informs us, Infrequently, whnt can bo dono In our own chosen line of work nt a slight expenditure of money. Now, when Washington through tho bureau of labor statistics, not through tho White House gives as tho averngo cost of being well dressed the following figures, ono feels llko giving up the whole problem of how to look well on little. Tho total yearly allownnco for dress of theso women who mako u smart appearance (the phraso belongs with the statistics) is $125 a year. Can you do it? Here Are tho Figures. Outsldo clothing (suits, coats, sweat ers, dressS, waists, dress skirts), $57.58; hats, 511.59; shoes, $14.20; gloves, $3.82 ; stockings, $5.53 ; corsets, $3.41; undenvear, $7.18, and miscel laneous, $14.27. "As regards external clothing, It would appear that tho nverago wnge- earnlng woman who is well dressed usually chooses these items of her wardrobe from tho following priced articles: Suit or coat (altcrnnte years), $25 to $30 ; shirtwaists, $0 to $15 ; one piece dress, $15 ; wool skirt, $5 to $10 ; summer skirts, $3 to $5; party dress (worn fop two years), $25. "If close economy Is necessary, a skirt nt about $5 may bo worn with pp gfr- - uuit.Mat Auto Phone 2023 UKhU Wholesale Scrap Iron, Metal, Rags, Rubber, Wasto Paper, Hides and Fur 221 Pearl St; 101 S. Court SL, SIOUX CITY, IA. m iiWMm TT$W WA rimterim&B mn jscW IWmm. fir i MTkv&SS Duo-Tread Tire Co. 411 Fifth St. SIOUX CITY We can rebuild, retread worn tires exactly as good as new and look like new et one-nail the price ot a now tire. AU work cuaran teed. We do all kinds of tire repairing. Everything for the Sportsman and Athlete Atk far Catalogum 406 Pearl Street, SIOUX CITY, IOWA THORPE IB. COMPANY JEWELLERS 509 Fourth St. Sioux City, Iowa SEE US FOR DIAMONDS rTwgTtH&GOOPS! KODAKS Films and Photo Supplies Finishing for Amateurs Eularr.iuc Prices on application ZIMMERMAN BROS., EASTMAN KODAK CO. 60S Pierce St., Sioux City, Iowa High Grade Dyeinir. Pressing and Repairing. Special attention given mall order. Parcel post paid one way. W00US0W & CO., 612 Pitta St, SIOUX CITY, IA. Try . "Peerltw" White and Yellow Cornmeal "Peerlew" Self-Rising Pancake Flour We handle flour, grain and hay. Ask for foed prico list. AlU-on Milling CcSiouscCitv TA DryCleamiij International Motor Trucks Servico and satisfaction a sire for every need a postal will bring you catalogue. International Harvester Company of America, lac. Branch SOO W all bi. Sioux City, lo. Viti.t I nli . k X'lN'V m; Will CTRIC NQTSHR1NKW0 5PM gay mM&fg -SI w mis "Like Lightning In the Laundry." MADE FOR USE IN T MIDDLE WEST BY Haskins Bros. &. Co., Sioux City, low I and told by all first clan dealerw and furthermore, ns Idlers are rnra these days, the budget may be taken as Intended for tho nvernge woman. No one includes the millionaire tn any form of appeal, lufo.inutlon, or ndviee to women ou the matter of clothes. That Uncorteted Figure. Figures belong to the Individual, but fashions to the multitude ; therefore it is easier to be dictatorial about tho latter than the former. Tho law Is better established; the mathematical average has no part. Fashions are, or they aro not. They nro launched even if they do not succeed; und tho ex ceeding Interest In them is ofteu caused by the great gamble which Is connected with them. Tho dlrcctolre inspiration In tho un corseted uguru is c gamble, roughly speaking. It was launched soino months ago, bat tho public thought It ono of those revivals that rarely get beyond the salons of tho extreme de signers. Yet this Inspiration has sur vived the months, nnd It grows In fashion, if not in grace. Wc call It dlrcctolre merely because that epoch in dress exploited It, nlong with a host of other fashions that were taken up In the name of "classic." It started as n reaction from tho furbelows of tho prc-Hevolutionnry time, as worn by Mario Antoinette. It was called tho Greek costume, and tho historians tell us that It came about through tho attempt of two famous young sculptors to cut u pattern for such a robe for a stout and matronly "mere do famllle," who Insisted upon It. The clinging effect of the skirts is as strongly accentuated now as then, and we, llko the women of that day, have discarded the chemise; yet It must bo quickly said that wo uso n substitute. We nro not going In for the transparent drapery without n lining. No scandals like those of Mine. Ilamclln's day for us I All Skirts Must Cling. No imposed drapery on tho skirt of this winter is permitted to give it bulk or bulging curves. Lines must follow those of tho body. In so much havo wo adopted tho classic. Therefore soft materials are preferred. Satin, panne velvet and chiffon velvet nre I ' 1st iffl I .. it ill attHHRkMaL I 1 t-iAii- mi feMl JKBoKOfol TWO AFTERNOON FROCKS TRIMMED WITH FUR. On the left Is one showing a short, loose tunic of terra cotta chiffon, trimmed with skunk and embroidered In black. There is a narrow skirt of black satin and a long chain of Jet. The large hat Is of fur. On tho right Is a black velvet frock fastened In back and trimmed with narrow bands of ermine. There is a sash of black and silver brocaded ribbon. Bepiirato waists In lieu of a $15 one piece dress, or a dress waist worn with a suit may bo substituted for un eve ning dress, or n winter coat may be worn for three seasons, or an evening dress for throe or four years. In view of the range of choice, It uppcars that n woman may reasonably be expected to secure outside clothing for a good appearance at an expenditure of from $70 to $75. "As regards articles of dresB other than outside clothing, tho necessary expenditures would ho distributed roughly as.follows: liats, $10 to $15; shoes, $12 to $17; gloves, $2.50 to $5; stockings, $3 to $7; corsets, $2 to $5; underwear, $5 to $10; and miscella neous, approximately $10. Allowing for Individual variation In prices and choice, tills means an annual expendi ture of from $50 to $00 for these ar ticles, which as a rule havo to be re placed each year. "Combining these two amounts out side clothing $70 to $75, and other articles of dress $50 to $00 the total yearly expenditure would range from $120 to $135, averaging approximately, say, $125." True, these are wage-earning wom en, tho story points out; but It adds that they uro us well dressed us the immense majority of women who havo no more, and often not nearly as much as tho wage-earner to spend on clothes ; chosen more thnn other fnbrlcs for those frocks. Chiffon itself has taken a second or third place, and dyed lace Is pushed forward as a substitute. Even cream lace is revived for cntiro frocks, but it does not havo the prestige of gray or brown. Both these colors are draped aver tullo or Hutln in tho same or n contrasting color. The odd feature about this revival of an old, old style of fastening 1b that tho exclusive tailors have applied It to coats. In that touch wo get something novel. Juckets of peltry aro fash loned in this manner, and thcro arc combinations of velours and Boft fur that aro put together llko u culrasi blouse, In u very loose fashion, to gc with skirts of tho cloth, but they runl as coats nnd not blouses. Heavy furs nro worn thut give sufll dent protection in tho open. And thl verdlct for peltry placed ou pcltr; pleases the public. Somo women loo' llko pack-mules with an overload. (Copyright, 1918, by tho McCluro Newspt per Syndicate.) Frock of Trlcolette. A striking frock of trlcolotto lit n rolling collnr of white georgette, heavily braided with white unutacl that it is stiff enough to hold Its ro ing shape ua if It were stiffened wh wires. An International Service Built on Tiny Profits Per Pound Some industries have been able to get in step with war demands more quickly than others. . In many cases mighty plants have sprung up but at a prodigious cost. The packing industry was able to adapt itself to unheard of demands more quickly, perhaps, than any other industry. And this was because the vast equipment of packing plants, refrigerator cars, branch houses, etc., had been gradually developed to its present state of efficiency, so that in the crucial hour it became a mighty international system for war service. And how had this development taken place? Not by making vast inroads into the capi tal wealth of the country, but largely by using, from year to year, a portion of the profits, to provide for expansion. Swift & Company's profits have always been so tiny, compared with sales, that they have had practic ally no effect on the price of meat (amounting to only a fraction of a cent per pound). And yet the owners of the business have been content with reasonable returns on their capital, and have been able, year after year, to put part of the profits back into the business to provide for its expansion. Theso fractions of tiny profits have been repaid to to the public many fold in the form of better service, and better and cheaper meat, and made it possible for Swift & Company to meet, undaunted, the sudden cry for meat for overseas. Could any other method .of financing 'a vital industry involve less hardship" to the people of the country ? Could there be a better instance of true "profit-sharing" than this return in added usefulness and in national preparedness ? Swift & Company, U. S. A. Up to the Barber. Frances was told to take her little brother to the barber to have his hair cut. Her father gave her a quarter, saying: "I do not know whether it will cost ten or fifteen cents." Thereupon Frances skipped off to the barber. "How do you want little Jack'shnlr cut?" asked tho barber. "Well you can tnke off ton or fif teen cents' worth," she smilingly remarked. A small boy likes to hear himself whistle almost as well as u big man likes to hear himself talk. Pity nnd sympathy. Ono is thrown at you, tho otlier walks with you. Lillian Bell. Authoritative. Mabel That fish looks llko troi I'm very fond of trout. I wpndcr if is trout. Norma Why don't you ask tl chef? Mabel (to chef, sweetly) Whnt kli of fish Is that? Chef That Is fried fish, ma'nm. Judge. Talking In a Circle. "Why doesn't that fellow como the point of his speech?" "Thero isn't any point." Mean Suggestion, lie Thero nre many profou thoughts to bo tend in my mind. She Bound in calf? i? ' l&cnftfmipp W" ' V, m$mn m rnrntnc to tarmpm frnm tht rich mhnnt fiMa nt Western Canada. Where you can boy good fans land ,x at $15 to $30 per acre and raise from 20 to 45 bushels of $2 wheat to the acre it's easy to make money. Canada offers in her provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta 160 Acre Homesteads Free to Settlers and other land al very low prices. Thousands of farmers from the U. S. or their Eons are yearly taking advantage of this great opportunity. Wonderful yields also of Oats, Barley and Flax, mixed Farming la fully as profitable an industry as grain raising. Good schools; martcets convenient: climate excellent. write tor literature and particulars as to reduced railway rates to Supt Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or to M. J. Johnttoas, Drawer 197, Wstertowo, S. D. ; R. A. Garrett, 311 JickicaS., St. Paul, luW Canadian Government Agents -Cs;..y.!,s fSASMOi yjSSA M Bronchial Troubles Sotho the Irritation and you lelleve tho di tress. Do bctU quickly and effectively by using promptly a dependable remedy PISO PLEATING Done promptly. BUTTOr Free price m W. N. U., SIOUX CITY, NO, 49-' i i i i 1 1