Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 07, 1918, Image 1

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    Dakota County Herald.
!tiit, Historical Society f
Established August 22, 18D1 "
VOL.27. NO. 11
(J leaned vmm
I yons
the middle
i ill -U;i', iiuu
of tho coinbinntion .
loavinir it standing,
wnlkml to tlin rnliimr and iumncd i
'ir4n I tin plum- Ulfm-t a In vnpnvnv I
im nvnn ivni'C the body failed. Knecht was 24
Ul'H J'iAl IIAAUI'j?) ycnrs 0i(j nn(i mntie his home with
, Ins parents, six miles irom winne
hniro. Neb. Officers who have it de-
Mirror: Our old friend scrfption ot the suicide say mere is
J u dire It. E. Evans, republican candi
date? for congress, was a pleasant call
er at this olHce yesterday.
Sioux City Journal. 31: Albc,J
G. Cownie, a son of A. B. Cownic ol
South Sioux City, has been appoint
ed a corporal. Ho is stationed at
Camp Dcvlns, Mass.
no doubt but what it is Knecht.
Knecht's parents offered a reward
of $100 for the recovery of the
'-ONTA nni.l) NAM HI) IN
Bequest for Change Jliulc to Hnr
Depart incut nnd This Has Been
Fonda Ibwa, Times: Chas. West- K Rhinchart b flyinB ctrcus. This
, representing the Curtis Sash "m " .;". ' " "'u"
Door company, was n caller on '" "'"" ,c" r"""-" """ ""'""" ";
Dorton at the Dixon Lumber '" ,U"V, ll" !. . "l i" ?
Newcastle Times: Mr. and Mrs. i
Conrad Jacobson returned home from t
Dakota Citv Wednesday. Mrs. Ja
cobson has been helping in her sis-' "
tor's store there. Professor says he San Diego, Cal., Union, Oct. 15: i
picked some real corn while he was Onconta, rated as one of the finest,
away. and most efficient aerial gunnery
.schools in the world, has been ofTi-
Sioux City Journal, 1st: The Mid- daily named Ream field in memory
West State bank has received from 'of the late Maj. William Ream of
the treasury department a certifi- San Diego. I
rat" of distinguished financial ser-l Lieut. Col. Harvey Burwell, com-
vice for having subscribed for 100 mander of Rockwell field, requested (
per cent of its quota of certificates the war department to name Oneonta
of indebtedness for the fourth Lib- in honor of the popular flight sur-J
orty loan. igeon. The war department promptly!
' 'granted Colonel Burwcll's request
Walthill Citizen: Mrs. Chas. and in a special oder. a copy of
VanCleave of Homer, came today which was received here yesterday,1
for a visit with her relatives, Mr. the crack aerial gunnery school's
and Mrs.' Chas. Jackson. ..'.Mrs. W. name was changed to Iteam field. i
E. Clooney and baby returned home Major Iteam had the distinction of
to Sioux City last Friday night af- being the first surgeon in the Amer
ter a visit at the George H. Lamson ienn air service to qualify as a mih
.home. , tary aviator. He was killed in
i August while living with L.ieut. uoi
nda Iowa, Times: Chas. West-
...,! AJ,iir.lnm
yuiu iKuirauuv. 1.11. ,t v-ulk 11 v , ..,.-., ,iitv f vlnw.
at bouth bioux L-ity anu is one ol the """- -;r , "-v
live Dires of that town. He called "Allied warplanes. ,
at the Times ofTice while here and MaJor Ream. was one of the pion
n..,,i nLninhnm , ecr surgeons in the air service. He
renewed acquaintance. cRmQ N(jrth ,glnnd ghort,y after
, . , m o u the first squadron of army aviators
Ponca Advocate: The Spanish nrrived from Texas in 19i;. in
fiu continues to claim its toll Mr. aeronautical circles he is credited
tree Pounds dying Sunday. Mr. wRh m innovations relating to
Pounds was an excellent man and is tho jnedical treatment and care of
highly spoken of by all his neigh- mcn enf,are(i in flight duty. . Major
bors. This is a particular sad case. Ream was klled near Effingham,
About two years ago Mrs. Pounds In Aup 2-l, while flying as a pas
died leaving her husband and three cengcr in a military airplane enroute
small children, ranging from two from Indianapolis to St. Louis,
weeks to five years, who are now Ma-or Ream was born at Homer,
orphans. The children will undoubt- Nob He was ,l2 years of age and a
edly be cared for by their grand- 3ond degree Mason,
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Leedom. , I
Pender Times: -- The hearts of the Demonstration Farm Flocks ;
people of this corimunity go out to The Extension Service of the Uni
the family of the late Free Pounds versity of Nebraska College of Agri
in their bereavement. He was well culture has established or will soon
known and esteemed in Pender, establish demonstration farm poul
where he grew to manhood. Among try flocks in six counties. Flocks
those who attended the funeral have been selected in Saunders and
from a distance were, Mr. and Mrs. Gage counties and one will soon be
Claude Pounds and M. C. Pounds of designated in Lancaster, Clay, Saline
Scotts Bluff, W. E. Pounds of Pipe-' and Cass counties. The purpose of
stone, Minn., Jesse Graves and these farms is to demonstrate the
daughter of Hubbard, anu Joe Lee- possibilities of profitable poultry
iat- keeping as a side fine on the general
and farm, to establish centers from ,
! which standard bred poultry can be
I distributed throughout the commu-
Miss nitv. and to secure data on the cost
Veronica Prager was a recent vis- of poultry production on the farm.
itor in the home of Miss Mario The work is carried on co-operative-
Bourdelais, at Hubbard, Neb.... The ly by the poultry owher, the county
body of a man believed to be Fred agent, and the Extension poultryman
Knecht was found in the Missouri of the University. The Extension
river near the Floyd monument by worker visits the farms about four
two boys, L. J. Lambert and Otis times a year, at which time all in
Ballard, yesterday. Knecht com-iterestcd in poultry keeping in the
1 nirrht- rt I 1t- ' rtAntmittr nre mtrifAM Ti o Umnn.
AWBMMBBirhBHIIMMMIIIMll imiilWMIIIlll llBBlMll jB-'llgS.UBgg. A
(itwJ Keep tax smiling fjKS-)
1 1 This home is helping 1 1
1 1 oiir boys over there 1 1 1
Hero is u small picture of the colored emblem that soon will flash forth
from every loyal American hope and from the millions of olllccs throughout
the land. Pasted on your window or your desk, It will show that you liavo
contributed to the support of tho seven organizations who arc looking after
the comfort of the boys "over there" and at the various camps at home.
The seven war work organizations united In this drive are tho Young
Men's Christian Association, Young Women's Christian Association, National
Catholic War Council (Knights of, Columbus), Jewish Welfnro Board, War
Camp Community Service, SalvatiolWriiiy nnd American Library Association.
In the border of this poster are the ofllclal seals of theso societies.
The American people are asked to give approximately ?1260,O0O,OOO in tills
drive. The drive begins November 11 and continues for one week. Au army
of volunteers has been mobilized to solicit the money. Your subscription will
entitle you to one of these badges of honor.
dom and wife of Hubbard the
ter being the father-in-law
mother-in-law of the deceased.
Sioux City Journal, 3rd:
Comforts for "Our Boys" in the Mili
tary Service Furnished by
Allied Organizations. .,
mitted suicide on tho night of Oc-' community are invited to
toner 18. He drove his car out to stration.
a demon-
Your Buriness Solicited. Phone 121
A Specialty of Pure Bred Live Stock
Farms, Live Slock and City Property
South Sioux City Nebraska
"Seven Big Drives in One" During the
Week of November 11-18.
Beaooms Big
Duroos at
FRIDAY, NOV. 15, 1918 j
9$ I will offer 35 Big Typo Boars for sale that aro big and
growthy. Many of them are sired by that great big typo Boar, k
'JGrand Model lGth," that I won third on at Sioux City. Ho
8 weighed over 800 pounds at 21 months. Others aro sired by Orion 9
9 King E., Cherry Orion A., and Long Critic. This will bo ono of
U the good offerings of tho year, so don't fail to attend.
i J. P. Beacom, O
wner i
Hubbard, Nebraska
You are u&kcd to give two days'
pay to the United War Work fund
during the week of November 11-1S.
Heretofore, each of the seven Inde
pendent war wotk organizations rep
resented In this campaign put on Its
particular drive whenever additional
money was necessary. You contribut
ed, no doubt, to each.
president Wilson has now usked
that these organizations unite to raiso
their funds and pro rate the total ac
cording to the needs of each.
"This united drive," a national of
ficer explained, "means that you, and
every other loyal American, must glvo
more this time than you have ever
given before. But in doing this you
will liavo given no more- in tho end
than If you should contribute a small'
or sum to each of the seven different
drives which othorwlso would bd
made. And you will save tho cnor
mous work and heavy expense of coii'
ducting seven drives.
"To raiso the quota under tho unit'
.'d plan, it has been found that two
days' pay for all of us will suffice,
Two days' pay wages, salary, total
Income or whatever It may bo in youi
case will mean, that tho boys fighting
your battle, offering their lives foi
you, will liavo tho little comforts thai
keep up their fighting spirit. It will
moan more than that; It will mean
that the war will bo brought morn
quickly to the only end that can coma
a victorious peace.
"Do your little bit hero and th
boys will do tho rest over there."
Ne Intension Specialists
C. E. Gunnels, director of tho Ex
tension Service of tho Universitv of
Nebraska College of Agriculture, an
nounces the addition of two now
specialists. They aro II. O. Werner,
horticulturist, who will give special
attention to potatoes and truck gar
dening; and C. T. Cornman, poultry
specialist of tho United States do
nartmen of agriculture, who will bo
located at Lincoln and work in con
junction with the Stat poultry specialists.
Over the Top
mm ImP
hkh wsmmm
iiiT inniiBiTri in
9 ' (fc na
Justin S. Bacon, Clerk
MJss ltcruice Branson of Illverside
Farm, near Lincoln, who contributed
scores of her Interesting sketches to
tho Nebraska University "Corn
husker," has reproduced a most nt
tractlvo poster on tho Women's Build
ing, United War Work Campaign,
which is on tho Douglas county court
lioubo grounds.
Tho young Nebraska artist de
veloped a splendid portrayal of tho
great work being dono by women to
win tho war and make It posslblo for
men to do their great part. Hor post
er la tbrco by flvo foot.
Miss Helen Eastman, a young
Omaha artist, reproduced her beauti
ful War Work Campaign poster on the
other side of the building while Miss
Branson was painting hers.
AViir rund l)rlo, Kov.Jl-18.
How War Work Money Is Divided.
Tho financial harvest to bo gar
nered In behalf of United States sol
diers by tho United War Work cam
paign November 11-18 will bo divided
sis follows: Tho Young Men's Chris
tian Association will receive rS.059o,
Young Women's Christian Association
s?nc, Kntional Catholic War Coun
cil (Knights of Columbus) 17.00,
Jewish Welfaro Board 2.03, War
Camp Community Service 8.80,
American Library Association, 2.03,
Salvation Army 2.05. This Is tho
quota each has asked for.
Tho seven great organizations
amalgamating for the United War
AVork campaign aro working splen
didly together, racial, religious and
ncctional feeling being practically ob
literated. In Omaha, for example, it
la pnnnrteil tliat a Catholic priest se
cured a contribution ot a dollar from
n Chinaman for the benefit of the
Jewish Welfnro Bonrd.
All (ho organizations of the United
War Work campaign, ever since the
war started, liavo extended practical
help to soldiers, at homo and overseas,
without- thought of race, nation or
I I KOHMIIflRHHHttUMHiiiifiiUC&i' '"
C (ieorgo Cain, Sheriff Walter Miller Treasurer
'".t-t' waKjr ,viacaiv . ' iibwi
I. i i i
S. W. McKlnley, Juilgo
Wilfred L. Yoss, Superintendent
1 Lumber, Building Ma
Iterial, Hardware, Coal
wi: buy old j'ai.si: tbltii
Wo pay from $2.00 to $35.00 per sot
(broken or not). Wo nlso pay actual
value for diamonds, old Gold, Silvor
nnd Bridge-work. Send nt onco by
parcel post and receive cash by re
turn mail.
aiA.i:it'S tooth specialty
Dept. X, 2007 So. DthSt
Philndolphio, Pa.
To Vhe People qf
DakotiBt City (SL Vieixvity
WE .have succeeded Mr. Fred Lynch in the
Hardware and Lumber business in Dakota
City, and are hdrc to stay. Our aim will be
to treat everyone right, and alike, and will guaran
tee satisfaction on all sales and work done at our
place of business. We will carry a full line of
Lumber, Building Material, Hardware, Coal, Paints,
Plumbing Material, Greases and Oils. We have a
well equipped shop where we will do all kinds of
Plumbing, Tin Work, Furnace and Stove Repairs.
Also Concrete Work of all Kinds.
Come irx and see us
IeVs Got Acquainted.
H. R. GREER, Mgr.
Dakota City, Nebf.