Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, October 31, 1918, Image 10

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LiijijianimirfrTTl it rtfift '-fi - it ir 1 1 1 ' - itkriltfiMitiMasmtutnmmMkmmHmmtum
Storges Bros, Have Moved
to 315 Pearl Street
when! we will be glad lo see all our old pat.ons.
and wc hope, many new ones. This move is ncc
eSSitry, as the building we now have is too small
for our growing business
.Stiires Bros.
Old Local ion, 411 Pearl St. Sioux City, Iowa
" Spokes"
and the Swift
Wheel "
What would you consumers think
of a wheel without spokes ?
What would you think of a man
who would take any or all of the spokes
out of a wheel to make it run better?
Swift & Company's business of
getting fresh meat to you is a wheel,
of which the packing plant is only the
hub. Retail dealers are the rim and
Swift & Company Branch Houses are
the spokes. '
The hub wouldn't do the wheel
much good and you wouldn't have
much use for hub. or rim if it weren't
for the spokes that fit them all together
to make a wheel of it.
Swift & Company Branch Houses
are placed, after thorough investiga
tion, in centers where they can be
successfully operated and do the most
good for the most people at the least
possible cost.
Each "spoke" is in charge of a man who
knows that he is tlhere to keep you supplied
at all times with meat, sweet and fresh; and
who knows that :if he doesn't do it, his com
petitor will.
How much good would the hub and the
rim of the Swift "wheel" do you if the spokes
were done away with ?
. S, Jbj
McCook Rrci'UDMCAN: " Judge Rosi
hiis been serving as a Judge of tin
Supreme Court Since 1908 and has madi
a mmt creditable record on the Bench
ns well as in every position he has evci
held, administering the affairs of thai
position without fear or favor.1'
Nkuhaska Democrat (August, 1918):
"Judge Rose is broad. Ho does nol
jump at conclusions. His motto is U
give every party in his court a squari
deal and that is all the American peopli
want. The judge is in th6 prime of life
strong, robust, healthy and a constanl
Tkcumsuh Ciueitain: "It can hi
Raid of Judge Rose that he has uniformh
discharged the duties of his high oflici
with rare ability and has contributec
powers of analysis ami discrimination ti
the court which have been of iiiP3timabli
value to the tlute."
Formerly Attorney General. Ten
years devoted to the legal business of
Ihe state. Now hclpinn Supreme Court
lo clear Its docket.
The Omaha iSxaminer saye: "Grant
G. Martin la a persistent advocate of
speedy termination of litigation In
order to cut down expense, both to
litigants and Kio state. That's the
kind of a Judge the people want on
the supreme bench."
,i , N I"
iV.m'.uJi KViiiP'f .ui'nuiii:
,'i :,'!iui ,w
Keep Your Pledge
Make Good for Our
Fighting Men
? Swift & Company, U. S. A.
ijatti.i: r no nts of wuoim:
iisi:asi:' can m:
! Beacom'
S Big
Ourocs a
FRIDAY, NOV. 15, 1918
T will oiler 35 Hip; Typo Hoars for salo that are big and
growthy. Many of thorn nro aired by that great big type Boar,
"Grand Model 16th," tliat I won third on at Sioux City. Ho
weighed over 00 pounds at 21 months. Others aro sired by Orion
King E., Cherry Orion A., and Long Critic. This will' bo one of
thu good offerings of tho year, .so don't fail to attend.
J A 9
Beacom, O
Hubbard, Nebraska
moved Promptly
Conserve for the Governm't
Telephone 786, Sioux City, Iowa.
After 6 p.m., Phone 148.
Srouix City Rendering Co.
According to carefully compiled
statistic it is an indlsputabl" fact
' that ho Spanish Influenza epidemic
which is now sweeping all parts of
tho country is daily claiming fhr
more victims than German bullets
on the bnltle fronts of Europe. Al
though civil and military authorities
have succeeded in checking the dis
ease in some localities, it is growing
worse in others and contlnuos to
spread at an alarming rate. That
the disease can be avoide'd there is
no longer any doubt. According to
lending authorities the powers of
resistance "of the human system can
be so pehfected that it can throw oil
almost any infection, not oven excep
ting Spanish' influenza, which is one
of the most contagious diseases
It is persons who aro suffering
from lowered vitality, who are weak
and rundown and who have not the
strength to throw ofF who are the
earliest victims. Persons who have
bad colds, who are suffering from
catarrhal troubles, or inflammation
oT tho mucous membranes aro espe
cially susceptible,' as tho inflamed
mucous membrane linings of the
nose and throat are an open door to
tho germs. This condition is almost
always accompanied by a weakened
condition of the system.
If you are suffering from any of
theso symptoms, nothing on earth
will build you up and strengthen you
like Tanlac, which contains the most
powerful tonic properties known to
This statomont is easily proven by
the fact that Tanlac is now having
the greatest sale of any system tonic
in the history of medicine. In less
thnn four years time over Ten Mill
ion Bottles have been sold and tho
demand is constantly increasing.
Thousands aro using it daily for t"he
above troubles with tho ,most aston
ishing and gratifying results.
Tanlac incronsos your strength and
weight and crcatos a good, healthy
appetite for nourishing food. I.t
keeps you physically fit and helps
every organ of tho body perform its
proper function in the natural way.
In connection with tho Tanlac
Treatment be sure and keep the bow
els open by taking Tanlac Laxative
Tablets, samplos of which are includ
ed in every bottle. , j
Tanlac is sold in Dakota City by
Noiswangor. Pharmacy. :Ad'.
1 110 rULtd To TEI.L. 'EM ALL AUOUT
Exhilarating Burlesque; Vaudovillo
!( ilsiri Flllid illh rnllr Clrli, Funny Clotni, Owtnit
Eqvlptff. Biilllint Scioic EmliDtunent
llverybo'Jy Goo: Ask Anybody
First pub. 10-17- 3w.
Oriler of llearlimr and Notice of
Probate of Foreign Will.
In the County Court of Dakota Coun
ty, Nebraska.
St n't c of Nebraska, County of Dako
t i, as.
lo Archbishop Hanna, Babies Home,
Gertrude Collins, Clarence Collins,
Cfdierine McCuno, Milton McCuno,
Minnie Kasmussen, Mary J. McBride
(sunictimcs known as Mrs. .1. J. JUc-
Biide), and to all persons interested
in i lie estate of J.C.Collins, deceased.
On readinir the petition of Mary J.
McBride praying that the instrument
filed in this court on the-9th day of,
October, 1918, and purporting to be
a duly authenticated copy of the'
la t will and testament of J. C. Collin-.,
deceased, that said instrument
be admitted to probate, and the ad
ministration of said estate be grant
ed to Mary .7. McBride as executrix
for the State of Nebraska. It is
heieby ordered that you and all per
sons interested in said matter, may,
and do appear at the County Court to
beheld in and for said county on the
2nd day of November, A.D. 1918, at 10
o'clock A. M., to show cause, if any-
there be, why the prayer of the pe
titioner should not -be granted, and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and the hearing thereof be
given to all persons interested in
said matter by publishing a copy of
this order in the Dakota County
Herald, a weekly newspaper printed
in said county, for three successive
weeks prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand, and the seal of
said court this 9th day of October,
A. D. 1918.
(SEAL) County Judge.
Triggs' New Restaurant and
Pool Hall
I have, re-arranged my Rt staurant building and
will install pool tables in the front part of building.
All my restaurant patrons will be cared for as be-,
Tore. Meals and lunches served at all rta-on:ible hours.
Everything New, Clean
and Uo-tc-Date
. t f r" r- i o ir k
First Pub. 10-21 3v.
Order of Hearing and Notice of
Probate of Will.
In tho County Court of Dakota
County, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, County of Dako
ta, ss.
To Cecelia Longkar, .Tuna Grand
singer, ."Jury J)i.".u), Myrtle L.tst,
Catherine Twohig, Mnry J. Mellide,
Henry Didior. ana to all persons in
terested in the estate of J.vin Di
dier, deceased:
On reading the potit'on of Joe M.
Twohig praying that the instrument
filed in this court on the 22nd day of
October, 1918, and purporting to be
the last will and testament of the
said deceased, may be proved and
allowed, and recorded cu the last will
and testament of John Didior, de
ceased; that said instrument be ad
mitted to probate, andtho adminis
tration of said estate bo granted to
Joe M. Twohig as executor. It is
hereby ordered that you, an J all
persons interested in said matter,
may, and do, appear at the C' unty
Court to be held in and for said
county, on tiic 9th day ol November,
1918, at ten o'clock A. M to show
cause, if any there be, why the
prayer of the petitioner should not be
granted, and that notice of ttie pen
dency of said petition and th,t the
hearing thereof be given to f.ll per
sons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in the
Dakota County Herald, a weekly
ncw."paper printed in said county,
for three successive weeks piior to
said day of hearing.
Witness my hand, and seal of said
court, this 22nd day of October, 1918.
(Seal) County Judge.
wi: itiv oi,i falsi: tj:i:tii
Wc pay from $2.00 to $35.00 per set
(broken or not). We also pay actual
value for diamonds, old Gold, Silver
and Bridge-work. Send at once by
parcel post and receive cash by re
turn mail.
Dept. X, 2007 So. GthSt
Philadelphia, Pa.
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local amplication!!, a tin cannot roach
the illa.'Ostil portion of tho" cm- TJicn Is
only on' wny to euro catarrhal dvafm ss,
ami Uittt Is tiy a constitutional rimnly
Catarrhal Doufnesi. Is tauEctl ly an ln
lUmt'd condition of the muroua lining of
tho Uuatachlan Tube. Wli, n this tub.' is
inllnmcil you linv a rumbling sound or Im
perfect hearing, nnd wlim it la entirely
cloird, Dinfmas la tho rault. Unlras tho
Intlammatlun can 1 r.du.id and this tube
rcatored to lis norinnl condition, litarincr
will be destroyed forever Many oaa.a of
doafmas aro caused by catarrh, which ia
an inllamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru
the blood on tho mucous surface.) of lha
We will give One Uundr. d Dollars for
any cobii nt Catarrhal Deafness that cannot
be cured by Hail's Catarrh Mediune Cir
culars free All ImiKKlsts, 71c
IV J. CUU.NLY ii CO , Toledo, O.
' !1!.1ii:iliJi:!iiiiii!ii'i!ifB!iiiiiiiiii'i!i1Mi1l' ii ;'Mumu i wr& '' ''i v ' Jll ' Z 1 7 fi I
J r L,
r r-wr.raxTTT'.r'' r T."rr TgargTTTi:v'grp-yyifvpff yfyTnVTItnBy.g
8 FUIilv ADMINISTRATOR GARFIU'LD has asked us to
h GUT COAL NOW, so we can supply our customer's with
a their winter :ued FwOW.
We have on hand some Fancy Illinois Uj?g Coal,
Hocking Valley Coal, and have some Choice Wyoming
Coal on way.
We can supply vour need-? NOW, but get your orders
in early, while Coal can us secured.
Call on Mr. Ured Jensen, at the Ulevator.
SS'ao.gliter-Pirestcott Elev. Co,
is a wonderful wheat country, and a
big success with Beans, Sugar Beets
and Potatoes. Corn, Alfalfa and na
tive grasses enrich the dairy or live
stock man.
OM TrT7T;Tirr'f,T'jrM ranches mean more than a grazing
SOU TH W ESI KN Place for cattle. Corn, Oats, Rye,
uariey anu Aiiaiia are grown to nn
ish for "topping" the markets.
"& T'V.rt'WL HTTrf" vt i p unexcelled deeded irrigated lands,
W Yf flVilllf -s tl A.N nlso irrigated homesteads under gov
VV 1 IVIAl'Li ilkv eminent ditch-20 years to pay water
right, no interest. Ten thousand f
ree GlO-acre homesteads. Take
some of this excellent land and keep your profits instead of turning them
over to a landlord. Let me help you locate.
S. 15. HOW Alt 1), Immigration Agent
uiirliiigtou ltoiito, 1001 Farnniu Street, Omaha, IN't'br.
se ff emsoa vsxzant 0
n O
Afost3ra.ts of Title J
l A $10,000 'Surety Bond Guarantees the Accuracy
of every Abstract I inako
.1. .1. EIMEltS, Itomled Alish actor. S
Successor to tho Dakota County Abstract Company
Westcott's Undertaking
Parlors Auto Ambulsiiice
Old Phone, 420 New Phone 2007
. Sioux CXiy Sowa
hxm iue eiisEsr no utsi sxaw tmi or cmcuo