Dakota County Herald ALL THE NEWS WHEN IT !S NEWS K stablishc 1 August 22, ,1891 DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1918. VOL-. 20. NO. 62. w Ik IK r m' 5BT: r t.Jaui Historic! ,. luh sterns or mtei-cov ,. w"y, the Gleaned from Our Exchanges o Dloomficld -Monitor: Mrs. .John KUlackey, who has been visiting f i-:--nds at Laurel, -'otitrncd home yes terday. Pender Republic: Nick Ryan r. ceived word Monday tcmoon that his brother Dan was drov-'ind at Crys tal lake. He leaves a wife and on child. ;1, was sentenced county jril by Judge Id i Mritey today. Salix itoms In SMonil, la., Star: In Sunday's casualty list from overseas appeared the naino of Charles Van Cleave of Homer, Neb. .Ho was re- j ported as missing in action, and Is o relative of Mrs. Jesslo Sands, of this place.... Mr. and Mrs. S. 1). Cone re turned Monday evening from Nebras ka, where they havo been visiting latives, and on Tuesday received a ' -wge that Mrs. Cone s sister at j oln had suffered a stroke of pa- j i ' -is and they loft for th'.t place on . . nesuay maming. Sioux City Journal, 17: Horn In Sioux City, la., Thursday, August lb, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Da voy, jr., 1414 West MoUrteenth street, a daughter. Wakefield Republican: Mr. nnd Airs. Walter Miller qf Dakota City, cai-ie up Saturday for a few dayj visit with relatives. . . ,Mrs. L. K. Priest and daughter Blanche, of So, SJIlux City, spent Su.-.day at home ofMrs. Priest's danghtci. J.' It. Feauto. Lyons Mirror: Mrs. Blanche Sv itlge and two daughters, of SoUlti S.uux City, are guests at the Chard home.... Mrs. H. G. While nnd two soii3 of Jackson, Neb., wore here fo:' an over :-"unuay virlt ut the Clarence Loomls home. Airs. White is Mrs. Lo6mis! mother. Sioux City Journal, 10: Mr. and Mrs. John Voss and cnildren, who havo been visitinir Mrs. Voss' parents, I ,Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin -Schaffor, 200 Sioux street, and their son, Di Jo Voss of South Sioux City, Nob., departed jfor their home In Kansas City, Mo., 'vestcrday. ...Lon Devore, of South Sioux City, Neb., who was in an auto accident at South Sioux City, Nebr., recently, has enlisted in the navy and Is in training at Great Lakes, Til HPUrt cannrf flint n Qlinnlu nf 11. tn0 1nitm wna -frmnrl in DovntAft ntitn nt. Mr. m. li.nn nf Vin nnpttlonr. tunc flnniAfl . V..W W....V V- V.-W . ... .. .. by the South Sioux City police yes Pender Times: W. J. Shopfa-dunn, formerly of Pender long ngo-tis now one 6f the proprietors of the Picree CalL Wilbur's old friends ore glad that he is getting along nicely. Lakeport items in Sloan, )a.. Star: Aliss Nora O'Neill has returned from a week's outing at Crystal lake. ' Walthill Citizen: Mrs. Paul Hali.s , of South Sioux City, visited In tow:. Monday.... Mrs. W. E. Clooney re turned to Sioux City Friday, after visiting at- Geo. Lamson's....The Rickerson family and Miss Hilda For dyce were entertained at the Mason homeit a 7 o'clock dinner lastThuts day evening in honor of Bryne F. Rickerson, of Camp Cody. Emerson Enterprise: Miss Daisy Thaeker of Homer, visited Miss Floy Pcole this week.? .Mr. Ti Jensen. Helen Wallwey and Morris Johnson successlully passed through opera tions for the removal of ton.'iils last w,vycek... Walter Mcl'ncrran, who was -v. injured .in an accident in the. Gibson garage, -went to v.ortf there again Monday, fully l'ecovered from his in ' Juries. Allen News; The many friends of W. J. Pcttit and family will be glad to learn that they are greatly cnjr.y- ihg their trip to California by auto. A letter which the editoi received , from Mr. Pettit this week staTod that they had made a side tour of the Yellowstone Pari: and vere busy chasing bears out of camp most of the time. They left Allen .bout a month ago. Ponca Journal: A son was born to Mr. and Airs. Ben Hall. Mother and child doinp; nicely. . . .Dorothy Ahv.i kell, who has been visiting with her uncle,- Harry Wellington, at Cote" ridge for tho past week, returned home Alonday....Mrs. Grace Walluck Lund, of Newcastle, is in Ponca this week, moving out their furnitme. etc. Her father sold his residence last Saturday to Ben Hall.... Mr. cud Airs. E. D. Surber am; daughter uo.- , othy, of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McAfee or Waterbury, ai.d Mr. 'uid Airs. Harry Wellington of Coleridge, were guests at the A, H. Maskel home Alonday, Sioux City Journal, 18; Born--ln Sioux City, la., on Saturday, August 17, 1018, at St. Vincent's hopital to Air. ad Airs. Archie Meyers, of South Sioux City, Neb., a son. .. .Eighty boy scouts from Sioux City, South Sioux City, Neb., and Akron, la., t'eparted yesterday morning for the boy scout camp on the south shore of Crystal lake. Tho number of boys in camp this year exceeds that of lest year by sixteen, despite the fact that last jcui nil; uuuiLj?. imiiMKiu dcuuui from Bronson, la., Hinton, la., and Wayne, Neb. Tho camp this year is being held a month later than it was last year because of the boy , scout drive. The boys Will have charge of the care of the camp except for the preparatio nof meals. The camp will be military in all re3pect3. The pro gram of tho day will correspond to the regular soldi.-r -uci.ic in enmp life. The day wiJJ be spent im drill camp sports, swiir.n ng and intend ing to camp duties. At night camp papers will be read, talks will bo giv en by camp leaders, and song, yells and camp stunts will furnish recrea tion before retiring. F. C. Wool worth, scout commissioner, is in charge of the camp. , Sioux City 'Tribune, 15th: Aliss Alarion Murphy, of South b.oux City, js spending . few days with ner grand parents, fv. anl Mis. E. II. Wsllc'ns. . ...Josso Aliiuh.isrn, l7-e.ir- U So. Sioux City youth, returned jcr.torday to Dakota :ounty jail from O-inha, where ho had (led Ib'l.mln the theft of three watches '.Voni Cry;T,.l lake Sioux City Tii'uine, l-'.th: Daniel Cooper, pioneer resident- of Sioux City and South Sioux City, died at the homo of his soninlaw, C. C. Hul ing, of South Sioux City, Wednesday morning at 10:30 o'clock. Air. Coop er was Ivjrn January 29, 18-11, and has been a residu-it of this vicinity sinca 1894. Funeral services wore held at tho First Alethodist church, Dakota City Grocery Specials for Saturday 1 lb Bulk Corn Starch 9c 3 can Three Star Baked Beans -,45c 2 cans I.ibby's Spaghetti 35c Red Onions per lb . . '. .' 6c 0 Sweet Pickles per doz 10c 2-packages IIux . . , ; 25c 2 cans Sardines in Tomato Sauce ,..35c 3 packages Jelly Powder 25c Fresh Vegetables and Fruit for 'Saturday HigRest Price Paid, for COVNTRY PRODUCE ROSS GROCERY Dakota City, Nebraska UNCLE SAM'S PARTNER m&s&t- l ' L yos-, .-tMJI... .. -' cV.L(rEJ9l8) --"v: ' (Ppurtcpy of Uto and Churlcff Dana Gibson.) Planting home gardens, producing more food, and saving food are all war-time efforts of this government in which the women of America havo co-operated loyally. We are all in the home army; the home army here must help the fighting forces and home armies over there) 120 million Allies must eat. Rev. Mr. Vhilllps und Hey Mr. Trus cott officiated. Interment will be in Gracoland Park ccaiotei. Airs. C. C. HulinK, a daughter, dl S -uth Sioux City, is tho only survivor, be sides a sister who, lives at Laona, Iown...L. 0. Khutson of South Sioux City has asked tho stato rail way commission to "talk lurlfey" to tho Alissouri Ulver Bridge company because of its conduct with l elation to tickets Issued by it, but Iho com mission has replied that tho company does an interstate business and is be yond its jurisdiction. Mr. Knutson says that tho company soils commu tation bridge tickets, of which he is a purchaser. These are signed by tho purchaser, and a contract attach ed says they cannot be used by any body (but tho purchaser. Air. Knut eon's complaint was that tho company would not honor his commutation ticket" when presented by members of the "family and insir.ted that all tho tickets in tho lyiok lie used be fore the expiration of Iho m .th in which .they were bought or they would not bo accepted in pivment of 1 are. now. Thoro is no incentive for growers to hold over any quantity more than for their own needs nnd next spring may present a soiioii'j shortage that can only bQ supplied hrough tho elevators at an 'advanced ilguro and an uncertainty as to vari ety. Even though other crops may prove more profitablo, Dakota county must show her patriotism 03 she hos in tho past and sow a largje acreage' to wheat. If you havo good coed wheat for sale kindly let us know. Calls from many places aro now coming In for alfalfu hay. If you havo any lor sale, wo will noip you to hnd.a market lor it. During the past wuek hog lias appeared o.i tno lams o Forbes, Guy .Sides, Win. Ketcko and Q. E. Kline. ri4eso men havo all ac c'inated or aro preparing to do so as soon as scrum can bo secured. At present there Is a serious shoitagoof serum at -all factories so that per sons contemplating vaccinating soon should figure ahead for lha material. County Agent's Tield Notes C. II. Yomiy, County Agent Tho auto tour which was iiiude last Wednesday in pite t iho al most constant drizzle which prevail ed throughout the day, w.u w: much of a success as wo could hope fot under tho condition?, 'iho miMer ous phono calls which camo eafly in tho morning asking if he tour would be made that day, nnd tho manyperp sons who havo since expressed regret becauso they did not go, shows that a largo crowd would havo been on Hand, had the day boon mcfe promt-ting. Thirteen we.l filled cars made port or all-ofltha trip, although there were but -seven or tight to finish. All expressed thvnsolves as plad they went, feeling hat their time had been profitably dpent. Kvoryono enjoyed tho hospitality showod at each farm whero Jjlopj were made. County Agent Leader It. 10. Holland and Airs. Emma It. Davisson of the Stnto University-, made their i.cnud'iy addresses from under a trto while the people rat in their cars Uj keep from tho rain. Mr. K. F. Warner of tho Stato 1-arm gave an illuiitn-tcd talk on sheep-husbandry at tho Chas. ttoisworui larm. it is very posiuio that a second tour will bo an this season In which mi.o of tho most i interesting farm1) on tho lova ."ido of the river will bo studied. These tours havo an educational value that cannot be gotten fron reading, col leges, experiment stations or any la boratory, Thu&c vho go onco never fail to go again if possible. If you aro going to need heed wheat for this fall or for next spring's sowing be " sure to buy It LET OS PRINT IT FOR YOU Lutheran Church Notes By Rev. C. It.. Lowe. Preaching services next Saaday ut tho Salem Lutheran church. Proba bly some of our people did not got out last Sunday bcuauso they rather expected tho p.astor to bti away on his vacation trip, of which ho had talked a good deal, but for various reasons tho trip did not materializj and so we keep up tho work. It is too" lato now nnd so wo pass it .'p for this year. It has como 'cimo now to gotioady i for Synod which meets in about six icy. more nro arrears In their r-c- volenccs. It would be well lor thoso who know tlivy nro in arrears to sco that Air. Culbortson gets the amount in hand at your onrllost con venience. Our apportionment is a, matter, that must bo looked nf tor and paid. Of course there is no compul sion in tho mnttor, only your interest , in tno worK or tno cnuicn. ino pastor has always felt It was a per sonal dlsgraco for any of tho rnstors to go to Synod not fully paid np in benevdlcncea. I nmahuel church has three dollar id Salem olghty-eifht to pay up c i. I'hls Mim will bo raised and forwarded before Svnod- leal books nro closed Sept. 30. VouS aro trolntr to help. Dr. Yorlan, of Omaha, president ofg Synod, was a pleasant visitor at thej pastor's homo Monday. Ho was oiik his way homo from nn over Sunda visit nt Ponca. It Is n mighty good indication vynciJ people got out of tho church ami immediately put Into practice snmel of tho things tiio preacher h'b jusi spoken in tho pulpit. It means that the pcoplo havo heard as thoy ought to hear. "Lot him that hath ears to hoar take heed how lie hears." "Do not bo a hearer of tho word only bull a door. They havo nniiMcd the word and It becomes holpful to the! hcarer'and to tho man who has beer served. it is a snu staio nt ait'iir: when anvono thiiiKs a serinoa arplicH to Air. X fine but not to himself! Likewise- when any hnrdons his heart against what ho may hoar of tlvl word of God. A preacher oup.ht tl ways to apply tho word to tho proli lcms of Ilfo and if ho does truly v ought to bo received at tho word o God. Ft is only by so doinu; that vi can profit by tho proaching, hoarinj with a sympathetic car nnd puttin; tho truth into practice, li a mai feols that he chut'eh is doing him m good, ho should nsk himself if ho i trying to livo and operate tho Chris nan principles, suppose you nai typhoid fever,, called tho doctor am then neglected or refused to tak any medicino or follow instrUCtlQm How would you bo healed; " i N ii HOJIK -DEMONSTRATION NOTItf Aliss AI. Hall, Homo Agent. I find u great many won.on becopi ing alarmed over tho dill pickles lha they havo canneu uy tho roclpe tha was published a few weeks ago. L order to luvo dill pickles they nms go through a lot mentation process A few days after tho cucumbers ar canned tho liquid will turn whit and appear to bo working. Innhou tcrt dayif'or two wceka tho jar wll clear Up, the fermentation is cor uloteu. and tho pickled srq roady t use. It is a little safer after soali incr tho lar and ic has cooled, to di in melted paralln just below tho in b'or. Somo people havo gotten tho tde that with tho good whoat crop w are no lomror required to use subst tuto3. Tho C0-G0. rulo has not bee changed and wo nro still gottin nlong with as litlo whoat as possibi Tho following recipe lor tno 'is,o cornmoal will bo found ait mipou Inf dish and holn to consere when' It is clven'to "us by Airs. Ur-u'rJ Wsj den. of Sacramento, Cal. Southern Spoon llrcml ,2 cups milk, ' 1 cup corn meal. 4 eggs. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 teaspoons baking powder. 1 tablespoon sugar. Aleasuro and set aside nil dry nil torial. Put milk on to hent. DoJ ecir whites until stiff and dry. I3of yolks until thick. Add tho corn ino to tho hot milk and cook until thlc Whllo hot. add salt, tugar1 and oi volkst Alix thoroughly, add bakh powder and fold in egg whites. Bn in a well greased deep pan or cass roio tortv to nicy minutes, ocr hot from nan. with spoon. Wc are coiner to make soap at tl home of Air. C. R. Young, Frjda; August 23, at 2 o'clock. Anyonq i torcsted in seeing this is urged come. 1 iior synou wnicu mec . . , weoks nt Rising CI f ' n 6omo who nro in nrn i ?U . neyolencps. It wouli Whed United Appenl for Larger Acrcngo Tho following have issued a unil ed nnncal to Nebraska farmers sow moro wheat 'this fall! Untt'l Statos Department of Agrlculturl Governor Kloth Neville, state Coui ell of Defense. Collet-o of Agrlct turo, Federal Pood Administratis tor Nebraska. Stale Board of Agil culture Nebraska Extension berl ice, Nobraska Stato Grange, Nebrc ka Farmors' Union, Tho appeal issued as Emergency liullotln No. of tho Nobraska Extension So i vie Nebraska, is asked to sow 17 per eel moro wheat thnii It harvested tw year, and somo of tho orgimteotloi urge sowing 20 per cent moro. ANOTHER IWARSMIXisf tTIMP THRESHING VJaJL4 BUY ANOTHER WAR SAViNCS STAMP ) TIME IS MONEY Doirt waste time trying to get up. steam with an inferior grade of soffT coal. We have a good supply of the GENUINE HOCKING LUMP; Bought and Stored before the present ruling that no Hocking Coal would be shipped to Nebraska points. You can secure this Coal at a price of $10.65 per lon at the bin. Edwards & Bradford "It's a Good Place to Trade." Umbr Co. South Sioux City Nebraska