Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, August 01, 1918, Image 5

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to do MOUl'J for ou to inithlully ueave -
' . bo ABSOLUTELY aAVK. . r
y'emn, of "Treating 'cm IUGHT." ' v
Ve do mriny tlilnj: no ithor oank does.
We Know wq can plcns vcu.
The Mid-West' Stat
"Safe ns a Government Bond'
r 'xszx&yBgrMm &
rr rrrr
With its handsomcnew futi '
devices and with its rcputatiu.
&ELA1&K 1HUy E.Y&K.
h i . . A A A A A A A. A A A - .. J
v y v v v y v v v v v v
i mil) cwss notes
DnKodi Count Chanter
vvvvv vv vvvvvvv vvv vvvvi-;; v
The, Work loom wiH bo open Mon
day l-vening at, 7 o'clock for surgical
Ve are very much in need of
powers, Will notthq Inches turn
put frn.d 5h" thuir patriotism by
rowing for our hoys and the suffer
ing refugees'
The quota for the, county received
this week is:
02 boys' undordrnwors.
G!l boys' -undershirts,
45 children!,1! pinafores. "
10 hospital urderdrawers.
Tho Junio'r Ited Cross of. Pigeon
Creek sent in three sweaters and one
"pair of wristlets.
Cif-oou CiM'k if.i: vh
Plpen.i Creek Ur-v.cu Mi;uped
iollovv , articles: .
XV. tosvl
i wah ropr:
I '.-ay rl..h. - '
27 heii shift's.
II hv;una s.:-5. i.
Q14 .l5a TfflcK Va.rto4
S.Spn.'t ivavittjr Iff Brokon
We pay tip to 15 dollars per aet.. Also
cash for Old Gold, Silver and broken
Jewelry, Check sent by return mail,
Goods held 10 days for sender's ap
proval of our offer. Mazer's -Tooth
Specialty, Dept. A, 2007 S. 5th St.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Lieutenant Governor
20 years practising attorney
in all state and federal courtJ.
Former member of Republican
State Committee and President
of McKinley CJuVv i l-
Do favorablo rtr unfavorable cli
matic conditions determine them?
Yes, but more often tho proper ap
plication or misapplication of gener
ally rccognlzod farming principles
evolved by successful farmors and
.r'Qdrrs and tho goverpmfnt flxpOTjv
in a compendium of tho host Jdoau
and successful mothods employed by
successful farmers and breeders. It
is issued semi-monthly at Sioux City,
lu., and deals with farming conditions
as they are horo found. Its subject
matter Is strong and appoals both to
tho farmor and stockman. You want'
to farm profitably -overy JptgMJffPt
WW Wt ' 'tfnijW' ww T)rppter
ill n'p yon to do thlo and mnrq. too,
Splendid Offer,
Special arrangomontB havo been
mado which enablo us to offer Farmer
and Breeder and Tho Iforald both for
ono year for only $1.2.0 Savo money
by letting us havo your subscription
now. Don't let our remarkablo offer
pass without taking advantago of It.
Every subscriber to Farmer and
Trpedcr Jo entlod (o frho kpnaUM
ft i? tfiuru vfmnvmb mm-
Ifiarttiont.airy branch' ot farpilng and
stock raising.
The Herald 1, year, $1.25.
"Bnnk-o' the People"
$ umsmmm
its improved labor raving
fine stitching established,
gives you the greatest possible value
for your money.
''If you try it
You'll bo slad to buy it"
Get a free demonstration from the Whito
dealer. If no dealer is handy write us for
catalogs of Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle
machines including the No. 70 "Sit-Strate."
Cleveland, Ohio
' 1i)RAr xkws rrois
Don Porbos has purchased a Pord
Ed Frederick is now driving a
Ford runabout on his route,
Vern Heikea came, down Sunday
from Chamberlain, S, D for a visit
with home folks,
J, F, Hall is again carrying the
mail after a week's layoff while visi
ting j-elativos in Iowa.
Mrs, O, S. Hughes and two child
ren of Newcastle visited at the- H. R.
Greer home the past few days.
County Clerk Qco. Wilkins and
family drove to Lincoln Klondny for
a visit at the home of Mrs. Wilkins'
The main pipe af tho waterworks
system hero sprang a leak on Mon
day andllooded tho road opposite the
A card received from Will Bes,t,
who enlisted in the navy at Omaha
Monday, says, "Passed OK arid leave
tonight for San, Fran,ciscb;
Miss Elsfu Hnjrdor, v;ho was serious
ly injured in' uu auto acicident a few
weeks uga,-vas able to leave tho hos
pital Saturday and returned to her
home at Ponca, ,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Droyhill loft
for Scottsville, Kas Monday by auto
accompanied by Mrs. Broyhill's Ms
ten, Misses Nora and Hilda Motes,
who rpent a week or so visiting here.
Prof. C. Jacobson and wife were
down from Wayne over Sunday, and
from here went to their home at
Newcastle Monday, where Mr. Jacob
son has contracted to teach another
year. --
Evan M. Maxell, age 20, of- Siaux
City, IpwiV, yj3 pf. ihe. opinion that a
person old enough to defend nis
country was old enough to marry,
until he triel to procure a Hconse
from Judge McKinley on the 'J'Jth.
Mr. Maxwell now thinks there are
other "hellish" things besides war.
Some of the Dakota county boys
who crciin camp at Lincoln obtained
a week-end furlough' last Saturday
and visited their homes. Among
those who came were Verne A!te
mus, Ralph Baugourf, Harold Van de
Zedde, Ray Heikes, and Bill Franklin
from Jackson. They report that
their uniforms arrived last Saturday
but at present tho t;re; sooeloss.
TJti' 'WAS1! ! tUft 'mWiisqr p-
Notieo of tho iiwornoratloii of the
"Jackson Stato Bank" appears in this
issue of the Herald. The bank opens
for bubinebs today, August 1st, with
with a capital stock of $25,000, and
tho best kind of backing. Thos. J.
Hartnett is president of the new in
stitution, John Ryan is '.ico presi
dent, and Chas. J. Goodfellow calshior,
This new bank starts' with a v?rv
promising futuro beforo itj and wHy
csbIs natortftMy 'KftrfdrjV WP HP
tiWS 9niusiitess, xs tht spotionof
pqinta county,
Some of tho roadera of the Herald
wish to call uttontion to the fact
that in accordance with instructions
issued by Dakota City authorities
they havo cut tho weeds and grass
around their premises, but that
their neighbors on the other side of
the street have failed to dp an Thtj
conscqunnrcj urn that $&$ fly !tlV
ra1 UWM4V iHM'tuy1 Vnnsq in Qhargo
of pvitos nn wagons drive over the
"velvety lawns" and spoil them. Ac
cording to the notice if the weeds
were not cut the city was going to
do it and charge it up to tho owner.
Why doesn't the city do it, they usk?
E. C. Blundoll. of Omaha, sunoiiu
tendent'of tho Nehrav, division 'At
tho Phi npi 6l VhfifMioBjSoffg
and l)hlia'uVf-P9, alnd A, (W.
ajsq pf Omaha, immoral afrunt tor the
rmlway, wore In Dakota City Satur.
duy to make preliminary arrange
ments for tho stopping of trains at
this place and South Sioux City.
Stopping of sevoral trains at Dakota
City and South Sioux City ceased lp
December, 1916, and a complaint was
made to the Nebraska state rai!;u.(t
commission by tho rcanle of Xfyifi
town. Lao Uj&asioVftyhicTi y.$
uumieu uowji in August or last vowr,
iroviouu ror 1110 ennnnuauon 01
...i t - . ".v";
stops nt both plnees and tho caso was
taken to tho supremo court. An nt-
fi.if let rtrttif HnlMrr .n.l. 1... 4-1. n
VVi...f (.J nun IIU.IIK IMlilK "Jf HID
railroad company to settle thoquas'l
t,on- ''
Tho Herald 1 jear, $1.2o.
Stevp Howard enlisted in the navy
last Pridoy.
Bob Poasoly and wife wee ob
served, in Dakota City on Siinday.
Mrs. Lucy A. Borgcr returrtod last
Thursday from a visit at Kansas
Mrs. J. Van do Zedde wen J; to Oma
ha Monday for a visit with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Ruby Lang.' . ,
Ray Bowie of Jackson," underwent
nn operation for nppendlcltis fit n
Sioux City hospital Isl Friday. 4
Preservo and beautify vour liomo
with Mound City Paint ami Varnish.
For sale at Neisuunger Pharmacy.
Chas. Derry .wont 'to Murdo, SI D.,
Mi'iidoy to assist his brother-in-law,
W. E. Morrison, with his harvesting.
We omitted to mention in our
previous issue that Maurice Niomoy
er is clerking in tho S. A. Stinson
Amelia Simpson is expected to nr
ri from Port Dodge thin week Tor
a visit with her unclc. G. E.
Taking advantago of tho brilliant
harvest moon George Heikes Inst
week worked all night cutting his
mall grain. -
Tho Order of the Eastern -Sta? will
hold Its regular mooting in. Tuor-
luy ovening. Business of iinport
Mto will como up.
l.Kio Krumwiede, Doris and Doro
thy Barnott and Holon Wnlden arc
enjoying nvacation at Norfolk with
friends this week. ' " lj-
If this copy of the Herald cdntlng
to you this week feels damp, ft' Ms
because there is so much "di;-" on
it. Send us the $1.25 for nt.. '
Frank Powell hos been lait ; 'or
several days with a lame hanu, hav
ing been "hooked" with a pike polo
whilo handling ico at the Consumers
plant at Crystal fake. ,
Roy Rymill came in fro;ii Lusk.
wyo., last week and on Friday wns
npernted on at a Sioux City hospital
and several charts of fluid wore
drained from his chest. '
Mildred Frederick, who recently
had tho misfortune to break her arm
by being thrown from a horse, was
removed to St. Joseph's hospital this
weok for examination and treatment.
Word received from the Derry
family states that they aro having a
most enjoyable and satisfactory t:mo
in Murdo, S. D., where they ore visi
ting with the W., E. Morrison fnmily.
They oxpect to leave for homo some
time this week. Henry Krumwiede,
jr., is driving them in his auto.
Professor Fred "Schricvcr, jr., ar
rived homo for a vacation Saturday
from Lincoln whore he had beea in
attendance at a summer session nt
the university. He reports having
met several of the Dakota cpunty
boys who are in camp at Lincoln and
says they artj all vell and happy-.
Editor H.-A. McCormrck of the
Wynot Tribune has entered the.race
for representative from the Fif
teenth district (Cedar county).
Mr. McCormiok is a sure-enough
democrat; and deserves soma recog
nition from his party. But things
are going republican this year Mac.
Letters received by Emil Ansnes
frpm his brothers, Edward R. Anones
and Harold F. Ansnes, who until re
cently were privates in the Coast Ar
tillery at Fort Winfield Scott, tlalif.,
sttted that both of them had receiv
ed promotion and now held the rank
of corporal. Tho letter also atated
that Edward had Lrmisforrod Irom
tho 9th Ci). ut Fort Winfield Soott to
Btho J8th Co. Presidio. Calf, and that
KHarold had transferred to tho 40th
vo., iorn cantonment, Presidio,
San Prapuiseo, Cttl.
Tho Herald is glad to learn that
tho voters of Sioux City turned down
the proposed purchase of Riverside
Park as it is of the opinion that such
a deal was not desirable nor' docs, it
think thut its neighbor requires such
a largp tract of ground for a pleas
ure resort when the size and growing
popularity of Stone Pork, with its
natural uenuty anu attractiveness.aro
taken into consideration. It sooms to
nnd also tP Stone Park, makinir (horn
moro. aopeasjulq to tho public would
bo , moro suitable project. We,
however, do not advocate the nlmnd.
onment of the ,Stato Fair.
Miss M. Hall, Homo Agent,
Tho sugar shortage and KUtfav sub
stitutes seem tq I? ra-fin most of
us as much or mom yv$M "haii, ho
wheat uttYtdJ, VniW ourselves
ty WAlppunas, t-nopth ign't no hod,
though, We on only enough sugar
tq piuko oui1 monli palatable. About
) lovol tablespoons of sugar or its
equivalent in substitutes, this in
cluding whiU .s uid 1m cooking, will
do this.
In cooking use the dried fruits,
'Wi ".'I.V6, lliltl"- UUI. ' OS ill III)
nlno I cm of Jiiiiiey or one nnd two
thlru.) cupj or corn syrup. If honey
pr syrup ii ustd the amount of li
quid called for. in tho recipe must
bo reduced 14 cup for each iii of
n nicy or syt ,: used, wM'
in using iff y, -m ,. mt,) b,
on oifj. W4i-'U .'unnnftnT .imount !
lW fi' U comp,oty with tho f.jod, I
'the Stlan now is "Miuiiuun (Jim.
ning with minimum Su.gar." L, uo
many cisps wo hive nut our irmi
ui.wn with y,:y loh 1,. dfton
i.rees losw.g tn- - f; . ,' 1 .
fr-.'t. Trt. .eur n mcd'i.m tlju,
srup is Itoiilj, t:d 1 liMiteiw-
y,.i cup 01 o VAn 1 1 ,,i
)f honey .A pf tfttl w j cl ,
uv tai v"n uf syrut nnd o cupB
Wifir-. Wmu olliior mixture
YOf a ilou rtro nnd dimmer uontiy
ivm tit ..,1.. ,;!. tui. '"":v
- .
.... niMiilkwn, LIMB ivrun Minu lw
niurcu over ine iroit in tn-a n.i
....ii 1" '. :
cooked according to tho cold p.ick I
rulon or tha fruit may bo dipped In'
inn uul'i.,. Mmj ml a.I ...... l
H ""! .'"Jr.vH UHU UnillU(.
- .
Tho Hornld-1 y 51,25, (
us that an extension of the, Soi'Vico,
Company's track from Ujjorgq street
along the MUitarv. "fdad'to tho ilvr.
cals or desserts vhoi ,it,la. ThOY
contain smm "'31, '-yrrtpa
VYi to'w1 'l0 V91"''. If '-cIpo
flifiifWr l ouii of auoar use in it.n
Mrs. Chas. Peden
Gains 27 Pounds
ii' Tnlee Kxaiiilned and HachTlme
Told Operation Mould "lie
Her Onl) llopi',
"I havo just finished my third bot
tle of Tnniao nnd hatfo jrnlned 27
pou.uis," was tho thily lomarkablu
statement mado by Mrs. Chas. Peden,
iesiding at G5G,Mill slreiit, Hunts
Mile, Alabama. Mrs. Pedpri is ono
of the boat known and most hicrhiv
tecpected wemon of thpt liri"ing
1 ttlo city where sho h;is undo hor
home for a number of year.?.
"When I commenced takfrg the
nedicino," sho continued, "I r.nlv
voighed ninety-eight (uo) fo.nuls"
now I weigh ono hundred twenty
live pounds and never felt bettor in
m life. For years I havo suffered
with a bad form ofsto.nnoh tioublcj
tonstipntion and pains in iiy ido
i'iid back. At times the pains took
Uh form of torturo nnd 1 was twice
eimtned and each timo toid th it u
operation would no my dliiy hone. I
hid fallen off until' I only weighed
ii ticlvuiiiht nounda and VnK n . v.-onk
i pojUi hoidfy get around.
i nail no appetite scarcely f.t all,
mid what little 1 did oat would
causo gas to form in my ato.imch
winch gave mo palpitation of the
heart, sick headaches arid n dlss?y
idling nnout tnc liea.l.
thnso spells came on me,
git awfully nervoiKi. J.
about myself until 1 c.iuld
ra-t nhl
m p nut little.
"I had fallen off until I was al
most 'skin and 1 -mes and my
strength and energy wero slowly
leaving mo. 1 had a dioad ol tho
iuturc and could sea nothing but
the operating tablo ' "d the knife.
I had a perfect lion of on opera
tion, but had made ip my mind
that it was either life or dejilh 'arid
prepared to submit to ii. I had
made all preparations for the opera
tion and called on my sister to tell
her gdodbyc, as I did not know
whether 1 would live to see her
again or not. My sistor bogged nrd
pleaded with me not to allow them
to cut on mo and told mo to wait
and try a good tonic for a while.
The next day as I returned from tho
consultation room I thought ot what
she said, and ns I had honrif&o much
about Teniae, I decided to try it us
a last resort, and slopped at tho drug;
store anil got a bottle. Of course
I had lost heart and had no f lith, in
medicine, but to please mv sister. I
made up my mind q tuk it, and
oh, what a happy day that v a3 for
" Yap returned for tho per.i.
tjom mt just kept taking Tanlac,
and my imrjrovement lias been sa
rapiu that none of my clothes i!t
me. Right from tho start I Began
to improve. Tho mcdicKe scorned
to take hold right at once. It hitd
a soothing effect, nnd hi a few days
I felt no pain at all. I was so hap
py over my wondelful improvement
that 1 sent for my neighbors to tell
them how much bettor I felt. I
sent nnd got another bottle of Tan
lac and have just unishod mv third
and feel like I havo been rnade nl,
over again into a new womnn
"As 1 havo said " neCo'rc, I now
weigh one- hundred, twonty ilvo lbs.,
nnd none of 'yby clothes nro jig
enbugh Tor me, and I will have to
mukoT thorn over ngaln. I now havo
ft rnvonous apposite and my huaband
says I am simply eating him out of
house nnd homo. I havo oven, gono
back to my cou"eo which I was told
not to touch. Those hon'lolo pains
in my back and head havo all disap
peared and 1 sleep like a child. I
am no longer nervous, and when 1
get up in the mornings I feci re
freshed, cheerful and bright. I am
now abio to attend to my nousewark
again- and I feel as if I had stai;t$oj
llfo.all over. My huabund, i Wj'
delighted and my rpcpVQi; i tho
talk of tho neJKhkoraaad. 1 do
nothing but i-ojoo
the reeftvoiV nt mv
)ico all day long over.
recvuyy of my health and praise
Tanlao to everybody.
"I feel so grateful
for my escapo
rtom tbo operating table and tho
knife thnt you may 'publish what I
havo said: you may if you' wish, toll
other women suffering ns I was, to,
como and see me und I will bo jylpdj
to tell them about my caso.
Tanlac is sold in Dota. City by
Neiswapger Phnrioiqy. Adv.
- Hi . mt
.S'eisnujihlo Itullelliw Available
The. following noiisonnblo bulletins
or circulars ma bo obtained 1'reo
from tho College of Ajrrwilttii'c,
Lincoln, Neb.: No. iC."j,,Gio,vingl igs
fn Summer; No. lf7, ij.tmb Feuding
in the Pall; No. 21, Filling tlio ftikv.
No. .39, Semi-Pit, nnd Bank &lo;
o. 45, Handling Filago- o. 40,
Wooden Silos in MelYUtku; No. 'Kl,
I so of Hog Clioipjrft' Vvarum; No. 44,
Kverv Cow on int Oyvn Merits; Nn
4f, iTUnTf I'lafiy Cows; Ko. 47, 1-arm
t-aAtosMfdtliig; No. ii;2j Wintoiiwv
Mfituro. Brood Sow ! I'xpei tiMt
Station circulars; No. I, fjtwoijrp
Silage and Capacity of '&; No. 5,
From Car Door to (Wmnef, Einor
gency extension uliains' No. D3,
u.se.3 01 unti-V MW'ta Divi Vego' r.D.r h;
W, 1'VMiwniy in uuyiug; rvo. id.
wwy n sno'js; wo. vj, su'ifttr-
vuto for White. Flou" in'BieadMak-
iK. 0- 5i Sugar Coi.sorvntion; No.
;), Substihitcs for Whilo Hour in
Making Quick Broads; No. Ill, Su
stitultis for Whito Flour in Dosarei 4s;
No. 32, WHentless itecipu; 'ifrmo
Card for Canning; Quos-f ; and
Aiiuwors on Canninu; V, iVofiorva
tion. ",.Uib rcdliig In (lie Full
th results of feeding five Jots of
l.imbi nt the Nebraska Experiment
Station havo boon sot forth in u buf
letin for free distiibution. ExpoVi-
ineius wero conduct u on tno ilfwvL
ing mothods of feeding lambs m the
fall: llio uso or fllago feeying; the
rornflold vs, the dry Ipe; clipping
lambs for conifer ttwlhig; the ad
dition of mU ,noul and cottonseed!
nut (ouW u tho o-irnfiold ralfon;
l;Wiis. hi ti wnffold und o bfoo
grass, i ho oulletlii will lio sent on
request to tho Nebraskn Agrfcultur
alf Vlxvvtoicnt Etali-m, Lincoln, Neb.
St insert's
Specials for Saturday, Aug. 1
1 i'f
6e frais
i Pkjrs. Tooth Picka..
2 11)8. 2Sc Coffee for.
U bottloa 15c Cafsunfor
1 Pkge. Crneker Jack for......
Horshoy's Chocolate per bar...
1 can Corns Tomatoes, Pears or
Kraut ,.
1 largo Pkgo Oats
ii rugs. Post Toastles t :."e
Wo ha received 'tho or tho
nicest lines of Percales, Outing nnd
Ginghams, wo have over had,, and you
can save at loaat fc per yard by
Vo hllvo a fow of thosu Kitchen
Reminders ielt that wo will be clad
Ibjjrivo nwny to tho ladies who failed
ti v.iijit.our store two weeks ago.
TJioy nro worth 2Gc each.' Wo give
these to tho ladies (only).
Fruit and Vegetables of all kinds
for Saturday Trade
JJalcoiex. City,
The Herad Tl 125
F. Hushes
& Co.
Lumber, Building Ma
terial, Hardware, Coa
To 2Je People of
Dakota City egLVicimity
WI? have succeeded Mr. Fred Lynch in the
Hardware nnd Lumber business in Dakota
City, and arc here to stay. Cur aim will be
to treat everyone right, and aHke, and will guaran
tee satisfaction on all salus and work done nt our
place of business. We will carry a full line of
&umbcr, Building Material, Hardware, Coal, .Paints,
Plumbing' Material, Greases and Oils. We have a
well equipped shop where we will do all kinds of
Plumbing, Tin Work, Futaace and Stove Repairs.
Also Concrete Work of all Kinds.
Come Ssn aradLsec us
Stories upon Stories
with high ideals
12 Glorious Serials or .Group
Stories and 250 Shorter Stories
and every one with "lift" in it.
Indlsnenstiblo in mmlRv. lrfvish 5n ounntftv
no other publication, in the world
THE 1918 PROGRAMME Includes
uyuie worm's brightest men and acknowledged authorities, Current Events,
Nature and Science, Family Page, Hoys' Page, Girls' Page, Children's
Page, Doctor's Corner and a constant run of the world's choicest fun,
'52 Issues? Year not 12 $2.00
Scad ttils coupon (or tlio numa of thlt paper) with $1.00 (or Thi Oomptsloo (or
k. UU and wo will und you .
rl. 5 2 ISSUES of 1918.
2. AH remaining 1917 WooIUy Issues FREE.
3 Tho Companion Homo Calendar for 1918
Esx.y O0I3'
rtt 111;
nic :idc
a $1.25 a
Dakota City, Nebr.
like if. llSlisS
tho ablest Editorials written, Articles
iifcTsnfAiH yrautyfjsr