umBHaHnMRHiMHHl DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD, DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. i vi l. - . - j v """ ' ' ' ' ii i , , . 1 III In m m i.lmi KgggjaKggjjjugijK . fTm war TriTMWiiiii lii'nf I ... .J.J..- w fr'V-U I lAflfLI) SMBHIBSSSSiS eR lfrT-"ft' yiyj" -iiiyMBMHiMHBiiiteiri cs-""" y rF""1"" I ITU the entrance of American troops 1K8SK?hHIw iTSSMpTri Into the front-lino trenches the rifle liWllff iTTTIWiryfilii 1 1 1 i iiTffilfflriMnrTr lVy V?? ,2 Of It. MK- - -r.vsra. Wiift,MB .'BK;&dBiiKrr . iij?v'i;-sr,'... :'. j,tt3&.j "Hill FOUR DISTINCT METHODS OF MAKING HAY-EACH FILLS PARTICULAR NEED m ft""""? i W 3gg- "' V ITU the entrance of American troops Into the front-lino trenches the rifle is coming luto its own in the Eu ropean war. Hitherto, lexcept with the Canadians, it hns not played the part thut might have been expected of it. Already the deadly accuracy of American marksmanship has tnken Its toll of German victims, for the rlflo is the favorite weapon of our troops. The reasons for this arc several. 'The American Is a hunter by tradition. It is in 'Ail blood because his father and grandfather bo fore him won the wilderness with the old muzzle Iloader. Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett and IClt Carson are all old friends of his. The wild "West is familiar territory, even though ho may never have crossed the Mississippi. For ho has trend tho talcs of trappers and hunters and prac ticed them on n small scale in the woods out :shle his village. Tho American Is u mnrksinan by training. "What boy has not spent long days In the woods with a gun in his hands? What youth, excepting only some born nnd reared In the largest cities, 'has not come home at night In triumph with n Ibag of cottontails? The third reason why Sammy sticks to his rlflo in the trenches Is that It is the best military arm Jin the world. For these three reasons, then because tlio rifle Is his weapon by tradition and by training, and because the one he carries is the best manufac tured our infantryman backs tho rifle against the Ihnnd grenade and the bayonet. He can use any of the three, but for choice give him a clenn 000 ;ynrd shot at a moving spot of gray outlined ngalnst tho dun Flanders background of a senr- itorn hill. It hns been acknowledged for years that the -American regular army, small though It was prior -ito 1917, is the finest body of mnrksmen in any mnny. Our teams competing nt Camp Perry nnd cat Risley against the best shots of Europe nnd itho western hemisphere, proved conclusively that -the superiority still rests with us. Tho United Stntes government has made for Us mrmy the most perfect military rifles ever pro- duced. These are tho Springfield model of 1903 :nnd tho 1017 model, both of which are beyond question better guns than those used by any other army in the world. The cartridges for these weapons nre tho best now In use. Orders have w ""been plnced for 2,920,000 rifles. The production tiow averages 50,000 a week, sufllclent to equip three divisions. One billion cartridges hnvo been -ordered for practice In the training camps. Our manufacture of rifle cartridges excels In amount that of any other country. One Arm alone turned -out 125,000,000 during one month. The policy of the government has been to np--proprlate about $13 a year for the rifle practice -of each soldier in the army. Target ranges havo "been built In all parts of the country. Theso were available not only for the use of the army mid the National Guard but also for rlflo associ ations. Germnny has not been able to do this. With -a standing nrmy so great as tho ono maintained 'by the kaiser In peace times, such an appropria tion would have Interfered with other plans. If $13 a year hnd been spent on ammunition for the rlllo practice of each man in the German standing army nnd reserve, the Teutons would be far bet ter shots than they are today. But this gain would be at tho expense of tho funds necessary tor the supply of munitions tho general staff wa8 .v-w&umulatlng against the dny of need. Prior to the war the German soldier fired only about 12 tbnll cartridges a year on the range. Tho rifle ranges in Europe nre few and Inferior. Lnnd is far too vnluablo to permit of much be Ing used for such purpose. Scarcely any of theso -ranges nre sultnble for practice nt n distance of over 400 yards. An appropriation of $13 to the nnnn for ammunition would not have made Eu ropean soldiers anything like ns expert as ours. The lack of opportunity to shoot under tho field -conditions, which are the foundation of a good rifleman's work in actunl battle stress, would 'necessarily have debarred this. The American Is n hunter. lie used to bo a Tlflemnn from necessity, since his safety and his food depended on his skill. Ho is now one from -choice. There ore few of our yungsters who do not own or have access to a .22 rifle, nnd but few who do not get an occasional chance to uso n shotgun. The hunting Instinct Is still strong In ms. It Is estimated that about 3,500,000 sports men In this country hunt every year with a rlflo or n shotgun. Even In thickly settled districts gnmo Is still plentiful enough to offer enticing sport. The li cense fee Is smnll, araountlug usunlly to only SI. Ammunition Is cheaper here than elsewhere. Tho llnest nnd least costly mnchlno-mndo guns nro produced in this country. Most Important, wo 'imve no established aristocracy which controls the bhootlng preserves, to tho exclusion of the gen eral public. The conditions In Europe are totally different. Land ts owned by tho aristocracy, and since feudal times hunting hns beep a privilege peculiar to that class. Unless he secures employment as a gamekeeper, the poor man hns no chance to learn to shoot. Nor have tho middle classes nny bettor opportunity. Ammunition is expensive. The license fee is excessive, running ns high ns $25. The only good guns nro hand-made, for the reason that gunsmiths look only to tho upper clnss as purchasers. Henco no good, cheap, mn-chlnc-mnde rifles nre manufactured. Lastly, there Is no open land upon which to shoot. For nil these reasons, the worklngman of Eu rope knows very little about firearms. Man for man, the total number of troops In the field taken into consideration, our Civil war was the bloodiest ever seen. Tho operations in Europe during the present struggle have always been over a wide front. The numbers engaged havo been enormous and tho total losses stagger ing. Yet the wastage of human life has been rel atively small compared with that of tho Union and Confederate armies. There has been no Get tysburg, no Bloody Anglo In the present conflict. Why? Neither the forces under Grant or Leo attained the perfection of training acquired by the armies of today, with the exception of n few star corps composed of picked regiments. The heavy casualties were duo to the individual fight ing ability of tho troops, to their expert uso of the rifle. From the days of tho mlnuto men of tho Revo lution, the superiority of the American rlflemnn has been conceded by nil. Morgan's backwoods men proved their efllclcncy as marksmen in the War for Independence. Tho raw frontiersman demonstrated It again at New Orleans under Jackson ngalnst Pnkenham's trained regulars. At the Alamo, Crockett and Bowie, with n little handful of riflemen, held tho hordes of Santa Ana at bay. Our history Is full of Incidents In which a little bnnd of grim men, their backs to the wall, hnve held off many times their number by sheer tenacity nnd deadly rlflo execution. The reason for this Is not far to seek. In early days America was a virgin land peopled by no madic tribes with an amazing skill nt woodcrnft. These natives had to be outwitted and outfought. No country In tho world, with the possible ex ception of British Southeast Africa, ever had such a wealth of game as this. The first settlers were Anglo-Saxons, the greatest sport-loving people on earth. With them they brought llttlo but fire arms nnd stout henrts. They had to defend them selves against tho Indians and to live by the chase. Gradually they learned to raise grain, fruit and vegetables nntlve to the land of their adoption. But for a long time their main source of supply wns wild game. It resulted that every boy grew up with n rifle In his hands. Inevitably theso frontiersmen, faced with nn opportunity bnsed upon necessity, developed the keen eye, the steady nerve nnd tho woodmanshlp that made them the best shots ever known. With the growth of tho country tho tide of civilization rolled westwnrd. CInrk opened tho great Northwest. PIko led the wny to tho Rock ies. Always the adventurous son pushed to tho more remote frontier. Tho greatest trek In tho history of tho western hemlsphero wns on. For 50 years It continued. Almost every foot of tho West wns won by toll nnd hardship, at the cost of sacrifice from which men and women emerged strong nnd self-reliant. The trndltlon of tho hunt pqrslsts with us. The man used to tramping tho hills for big gamo en dures hardship and privation for tho sake of tho sport. Ho learns to shoot nt fast-moving game under difficulties of dlstnnco nnd visibility. It follows that when ho Is tnken out to tho rlflo range and Instructed ho learns In n few lessons the proper sighting and method of using tho mili tary rifle. These once acquired, he Is In a clnss by himself, for ho Is used to shooting under the snmo condi tions, though with less danger to himself, that ob tain nt the front. No amount of prnctlco nt tho rlflo range can servo as a fit substltuto for his ex perience?. It Is this fundamental training which lies back of target practlco that Is responsible for tho mnrksmanship of tho American nrmy. Tho ma rine corps holds the finest record In tho service. Fully one-third of this organization wears the mnrksmanship emblem. At lenst one-half of tho marines nro first-class riflemen. To win tho expert emblem n mnrksmnn must shoot over tho qualifying course nt all ranges from 200 to COO yards In both rapid and slow firo and must make above 2J3 points out of a possible 300. Tho shnrpshootcr must average 238 out of 300 on the snmo course. It Is no unusual record for a candidate of cither of these classes to hang up ten consecutive bulls eyes out of ten shots nt the 000-ynrd range. Tho German does not rely on his Individual abil ity with tho rifle, no la Inclined to shoot wildly and nt random. Reports hnvo reached us of Ger mnn companies frnntlcally wasting great quantities of nmmunltlon after n feigned attack on the purt of tho foe. Tills Is In pnrt due to the German theory that n certain percentage of hits will result from a giv en number of shots. The Bocho Infantryman, ex cept nt short rnnge, docs not direct his nlm nt a particular adversary. lie fires for general re sults. A German officer, for Instnnce, learns thnt there nro n certain number of the enemy In n given zone nbout 100 ynrds square, 500 yards in front of his position. He estimates thnt if his company sprays this zone for a half-hour n certain pcrccnt nge of casualties will be Inflicted, dependent upon the rapidity of fire, number of marksmen nnd slzo of zone. An American fnrmcr boy could tell him how er roneous this theory is. He knows, because ex perience hns taught him. Time and tlmo again he Jins fired with n shotgun Into n flock of ducks or n covey of grouso on the wing bunched appar ently so closely thnt a miss Is hardly possible. There nro 150 or 200 Individual shot in tho load, yet such an nttempt nearly always scores n com plete miss. Nnturnlly this percentage of failures must be still higher in rifle shooting. An nttacklng party may be advancing In what looks like a dense mass. There Is to tho eye very little space between tho men. A "general results" shot ought to score n hit. In point of fnct, It usually does not. Spaces between the moving men nro constnntly opening. Very llttlo of tho front offers n vltnl target. A shot through n knap sack, n helmet, through bnggy breeches, or thick leggings, even through tho fleshy part of tho body, will not stop n charging foe. Tho only wny to make sure of a hit Is to pick an individual tar get, aim nt dead center, nnd fire accurately. ,An Infantryman in full equipment Is n good deal like n hawk on n fence post. You nro likely to get n lot of feathers from your shot and very llttlo hnwk. The ability to shoot accurately has made tho American rifleman dangerous. This same skill Is making our Infnntrymnn superior to his foe on tho western front. General Pershing recognizes tho need of maintaining this ndvnntnge, for In his reports he recommends that tho greatest care be taken In rifle instruction nt the cantonments since this- Is the most vnluablo weapon both In offense nnd defense. Put a compnny of crack German troops against nn equnl number of ours. Let them direct their flro bnsed on the "general results" theory nt our men while our boys follow tho American method of selecting nn lndlvldunl tnrget. An average company of Sammies would contain nbout ten experts, 20 sharpshooters, 85 marksmen and n lnrge number of first-class riflemen. The result would not bo hurd to determine. It Is because of tho deficiency of tho Germans ns riflemen thnt their general staff hns resorted so largely to the hand grenade. For tho same ren son tho French and British have dono tho same. We rend stories of infantrymen chasing troops n quarter of a mile to get closo enough to throw hand grenades nt them. Well-directed rifle flro would havo been far moro effective. Thero nro times at short rnngo when tho grcnado Is a su perior weapon. Ono tossed Into n group of men will do moro dninnge thnn a single rlflo bullet, but the supply of grenndes n mnn can carry ts lim ited and tho dlstanco at which they can bo used effectively is short. Since tho French nnd British nro better shots than tho Germans they send moro riflemen over tho top nnd fewer grenadiers. Tho British regulnr nrmy had a great reputa tion for shooting. Most of theso hnd seen serv ice In Egypt, Africa or other colonies where con ditions In n degree resemble ours. Tho work theso veterans did In tho first bnttlo of Yprcs and at tho retrtat from Mons, where with practically no artillery they held four or five times their number shows what mnrksmanship can do for un army. The Latlu Instinct is to uso the knife. For this reason the French and tho Italian revert often to tho bnyonct. Because tho German docs not like closo hand-to-hand work ho prefers tho grenade. The Canndlnn Is our born brother nt arms. Tho conditions thnt havo mado uu made him. His ef fectiveness as a soldier Is fmo to his Individual Initiative nnd to his skill with tho rifle. What Is truo of him Is true of our soldiers. Already theyj show n tendency to stick to tho rifle. When they get golqg well tho Germans will prny to bo put against any troops except Americans nnd th chief reason for this dread will bo Sammy'a ex) pertness with the rifle. . s & &$238$83esS JwjTIV-II'Av T vt- eS8&k! Hay Loader In Operation Loader Saves Time and Puts Hay on Wagon Mora Cheaply Than It Can Be Done by Hand. Prepared by tlio United Stntes Depart ment of Afrrlculturc.) There nro four dtstlnct systems of mnklng hny, each of which is divided In actual practlco into several meth ods. Loading by hand Is tho oldest system nnd tho ono most generally used In the older hny-growlng sections of the East. Its retention in theso sec tions Is duo largely to tho fact thnt It requires n minimum amount of equipment, which makes it particular ly suited to farms where only n lim ited ncrengoof hay Is grown. Tho equipment required Includes only mowing machine, rake, pitchfork, wagon and rack, nnd, In most cases, unloading nppnrntus such.ns hny forks or slings. Nenrly everyone Is fnmlllnr with this system, which consists merely of pitching tho hny on tho wagon with hand forks and hauling to stnek or barn, where It Is either pitched off by hand or unlonded with horse forks or slings. While it can be used under almost any conditions, this system involves n lnrgo amount of irksome hand labor, and for this reason, ns well ns tho greater expense of labor, It should bo replaced by some other system when ever practicable. Loading With Hay Loader. Tho second system consists of load ing tho hny with n hny loader. This method Is used most largely In tho timothy nnd clover hny nren. It Is used to n certnln extent In Now York nnd Pennsylvania, nnd to n grentcr extent In Ohio, Indlnnn nnd Iowa. In some localities thero exists n prejudlco against tho loader. Tho first loaders put on tho market were not mechanically perfect, and there fore did not always glvo satisfaction, and tho delay caused by break-downs Influenced mnny to abandon their use. Moreover, the londer often hns been used on uneven or stony ground, with a resultnnt frequent brenklng of vital parts. Tho uso of this loader, under conditions not recommended by tho mnnufneturers, nlso has tended to lim it Its populnrlty. Another, nnd perhnps tho most Im portant, reason for the loader not be ing used moro generally Is thnt to uso It economically tho men on tho wngon must work very hard while the load Is being put on. A study of tho uso of the londer In several states has re vealed tho fact that tho hired men ns n rule do not like to work on tho load er, nnd for this renson push rakes nnd stackers havo supplanted It on some farms In tho middle West. On ono fnnn It wns noticed thnt when the owner was absent five loads were hauled In one afternoon, but when tho owner was present and working on the wngon, seven londs wero taken from tho field In tho snmo length of time. At present thero nro two types of loaders. Ono picks up the hny with n revolving drum studded with spurs of spring wire nbout six Inches long. The other typo tnkes up tho hay by means of n forkllko nrrnngement fas tened to long wooden or Btcel nrms. Tho bed of the carrier Is now mndo solid, so that thero Is little likelihood of losing leaves from alfalfa, clover nnd other legumo hnys. The hay londer, under ordinary con ditions, will Increase the capacity Of a crew nbout 30 per cent over thnt of tho snmo crew pitching the load on by hand forks. The loader Is n vnluablo Implement, and Its saving In labor cost will bo considerable, especially on farms where labor Is Bcarco and expensive. Push Rakeo and Stackers. In system three push rakes and stackers are used. This system came Into general uso n number of years ngo In the region from nbout tho nine tieth meridian to tho Irrigated sections of tho West. A lnrge percentage of tho hay In this part of the country is stacked; and tho comparatively largo nerenges grown, plenllfulness of horses, scarc ity of form labor, and desire to mnko hay with tho lenst amount of hand la bor were Incentives to tho uso of theso two mnchlnes. Push rnkes, nlso known ns "bull rakes," "go devils," "sllp-nrounds," consist of whcelless, two, thrco nnd four-wheel types. They nro capable of handling from COO pounds to a ton of hay, depending upon tho' type, tho skill of tho driver and tho team. Thero nro Foveral kinds of stackers, tho overshot nnd swing-around being tho most common, nome-mndo stack ers arc of various kinds, such ns "gin Doles," derrick stackers of different kinds, nnd Inclines for handling hny from tho largo one-ton push rakes. Tho push rake nnd stacker make an admirable combination, since nearly nil of tho work of getting the hny from tho field to tho stuck Is dono by horse power. The push rako takes 'the hny from tho windrow or hunch to tho stnJr, where It Is dropped ou tho stacker nnd elevated onto tlio stack by horses. Theso Implements enn bo used with smnll crews, consisting of two men, up to crews of twelve or moro men. Baling Hay In tho Field. In system four tho hny Is baled In tho field and push rakes nnd n power press nro used. Tho practlco of baling In tho Hold from the windrow began In tho scml arld middle West, where there Is but llttlo dunger of rain Interfering. It has long been believed that hay is not In condition to bo bnled until It hns gone through tho "swent" In tho barn or stack. This process Is usually fin ished from thrco to sir weeks from tho tlmo tho hny is made. In tho West, growers of pratrlo and ulfalfn hay for tho market realized that If it wero possible to balo hay from tho windrow n considerable sav ing of time nnd labor could bo made. This saving would consist of n lnrgo pnrt of the cost of putting tho hay Into tho stnek. They nlso began to doubt tho necessity of allowing the hay to go through tho "sweat" before It could bo safely baled. Repeated tri als and enreful study hnvo shown that a good quality of hay can bo mndo when bnled from tho windrow under certnln conditions. At tho present time hay Is being bnled from tho cock In pnrts of tho South. Conditions Should Be Right Ilay baled from tho windrow often spoils so badly that it becomes unfit for feeding. This troublo Is some times experienced by beginners nnd moro especially when alfalfn or other legumo hny Is baled. Thero ure thrco causes for this. First, tho hay will not keep unless It Is well cured In tho field, It being necessnry to cure It out moro thoroughly than when It Is to bo put Into tho stnclc. Spcond, hay that Is baled when pnrtly wet with dew or rain Is very Hnblo to spoil. Third, hay Is liable to spoil when tho bales nro Improperly . stored by being pneked away closo together. In many cases If tho boles nro placed on edge with an nlr spnee of nn Inch or two between, nnd tho next layer placed crosswlsa with spaces there will bo much less danger of heating and spoiling. CAN HELP FARMERS ftftAftftft&i!rftftoftiftA - a- 8- (Prepared by the United Slates Department of Agriculture.) Each town, under tho lender ship of Its most uctivo spirits, such ns Its chamber of com merce or county council of de fense, Itself should immedlnto- J. jy mni0 n survey or all able bodied men who huve had farm experience nnd obtain pledges to spend n day or two out of each week, or a week If need be, out of tho month at tho periods of greatest demand, in order to help tho farmers. Thero nro mnny men working In tho towns S whoso places can be taken by tho women. I havo In mind par- J tlcularjy men waiters, elevator - boys, and clerks whoso work can bo well substituted, If tho business sentiment of the town will net resolutely and persundo employers to uso women tem porarily In order that tho men may be released for farm labor as tho occasion niny require. Clarence Ousley, Assistant Sec retary of Agriculture. a a- s 8- a- 8- 8- 8- S..ijiajp PLAN PRODUCTS FOR MARKET Cans, Jars and Other Containers' Should Be Uniform In Pack, Ap pearance and Quality. (Preparod by tho Up'.tod States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Ono of tho first essentials to sntls factory marketing nrrnngements Is standardized products. Cans, Jars, and other containers should bo uniform In pack, appearance, quality, and condi tion. Every container which Is fully up to tho standard represented by tho label or brand will then bo an adver tisement In itself nnd often a guaranty to further purchases.