Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 21, 1918, Image 8

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Meetings Will be Held Friday Afternoon,
March 22, at 2 P. VI., to Obtain Sub
scriptions for War Savings Stamps.
All Schools and Business Houses in thp
County Have Been Asked to Close at
2 P. M. That Day
Governor Issues Proclamation
r MoctingB of all tax payers and wage earners in this county will bo hold in
each school houso in tho county at 2 p. in. on Friday, March 22, 1918. These
woetings have been called by War Savings Director Ward M. Burgess,
appointed under the authority of tho Secretary of tho United States Treasury,
and pursuant to tho proclamation of tho Governor of tho State of Nebraska.
Tho school moderator in rural districts .will preside at each school houso
meeting, and the school director will keep a record of the proceedings. Tho
director will report tho names of all persons present and tho amount of War
Savings Stamps subscribed for by them. He will also report tho names of
any absent persons and tho names of those persons who refuse or neglect to
subscribe and tho reasons for so doing.
War Savings Stamps (which are United States Government Bonds tho
eamo as Liberty Bonds), can bo paid for during any month in tho year 1918,
but it is intended that subscriptions will be signed for them on March 22.
Tho prico of each War Savings Stamp depends upon tho month during
which it is bought. During March each Stamp will cost 4.14. In April each
Stamp will cost 4.15, and so on, ono cent moro each month during 1918.
On January 1st, 1923, tho Government of tho United State3 will redeem all
War Savings Stamps at $5.00 each, no matter during which month in 1918
they were bought. Thoy cost less during tho early months in 1918 than dur
ing the later months because the person who buys earlier has loaned hiai
money to the Government for a longer time than if ho should buy later.
-j. By way of illustration, note tho following tablo;
' 1 Stamp '
SO Stamps .' . '
50 Stamps '. '
100 Stamps
200 Stamps
Cost In Cost In Cost in And Aro Worth
March April May on Jan. 1,1923
$ 4.14 $ 4.15 $ 4,16 $ 5.00
82.00 83.00 83.20 100.00
207.00 207.50 200.00 250.00
414.00 415.00 410.00 500.00 '
023,00 830.00 832,00 1,000.00
The law provides'that no person can hold in his own name, War Savings
Stamps exceeding $1,000 maturity value. War Savings Stamps, however, may,
be purchased in tho namo of other members of the family, including minor
Tho monoy invested in War Savings Stamps is not a gift, or a donation,
but is a loan to tho Government. It will all be paid back with 4 compound
interest. If, because of some serious financial reversed, or calamity, it should
bo necessary to get your money beforo January 1, 1923, you may do so by
giving ton days1 notice to any Monoy Order postmaster, in which case you
can get what you paid for tho Stamps, with interest to date of payment. Tho
Stamps aro tax free; when rogistored at tho postofilco they" are insured against
loss ; thoy aro backed by all tho property in the United States ; thoy cannot
fall bolow par in value; thoy aro the most convenient and best paying in
vestment ever offered by our Government.
Tho Govommout of tho United States expects every school district and
county to subscribe its quota of War Savings Stamps.
It is to bo hoped that the subscriptions taken at tho meetings in this
county will show that tho pooplo hero aro loyal American citizens to whom!
our Government, in this timo of need,. docs not call in vain.
Tho allotment W Wnr SuvIjirs Stamps for this County Is $138,310.
Tho allotment for each school district in tho county will ho stntoil at
tho opening of tho lucctliif? In each. school house. This allotment Is
hascd on asscscd valuation. In order to rnlso tho total amount required
from this county, It will bo necessary that each School District subscribe
tho amount allotted to It. This will imposo no burden upon anyono In
tho District If eacih person docs his duty, and tho school district officers
huvo been Instructed to Insist upon tho total amount allotcd to each
district bolntf subscribed before tho meetings aro adjourned.
In tho following towns In Dakota county, instead of meeting In tho
school houses, tho citizens of tho school district will gather at tho
following places: Dakota City, Court Houso Hull; Jackson, St.Pntrlck's
Hall; South Sioux City, Dank Vf South Sioux City; Homer, Town
Hall; Hubbard, Danish Hall.
All business houses in tho county will bo closed during tho hours
of two and four p. in., while these meetings aro being held.
(Signed) MKLTi A. SCI1M1EI), Daktota City,
t War Savings Chairman for Dnkota County, appointed by State
Director Ward M. Burgess, un-der authority of tho Secretary Vf
rtho United States Treasury.
Sturges Bros. Have Moved
to 315 Pearl Street
where we will bo glad to see nil our old patvons,
and we hope, many new ones. This move is nec
essary, as the building we now have is too sninll
for our growing business.
Slxxr-gcs Bros.
Old location, 411 Pearl St.
Sioux City, Iowa
Alfalfa, White Sweet Clover,
Timothy, and Garden See'd.
Pure Bred Pouhry. w8ee' 0iU
Aye Bros. Blair, Ncbr.
CENTRE;, E &-&&$ ITl
Exhilarating Burlesque; Vaudeville
Stac Alwir FM!(dlt!i FrttljOlrlt. Fuonr Clowat.Corciea
Equlpiet. Eiilllisl tcinle Esilrasmiit
Everybody Goesi Ask Anybody tt
William Slaughter Grain Co.
Grain., Faad, Flour, Hay asd Coal
Phono No. 4 Dakota City, Nubr.
Catarrhal Deafness Cannpt Be Cured
by local applications, na they cannot reach
tho diseased portion of the ear. Thero U
only ono way to euro catarrhal doafnesi,
ana that la by a corntimtlonal remedy.
Catarrhal Deafness la caused by an In
flamed condition o( tho mucous lining- of
tho Eustachian Tube. When thla tube la
Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Im
perfect hearing, and when It la entirely
closed. Deafness Is the result. Unless the
Inflammation can bo reduced and this tube
restored to Its normal condition, hearing
vrtll be destroyed forever. Many cases of
deafness are caused by catarrh, which Is
an Inflamed condition of the mucoua sur
faces. Hall's Catarrh Medlclno acta thru
the blood on tho mucoua surfaces of tho
We will rIvo Ono Hundred Dollars for
any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot
bo cured by Hall's catarrh Medicine. Cir
culars free. All Druggists. 75c.
r. J, CHISNISV & CO., Toledo, a
"Wo must" not overlook the fact that
Russia collapsed, not becauso of the
Gcrmnns on her borders, but becauso
slio failed to organize and feed her.
own citizenship," tho food administra
tion announced
"We must bo warned that if wo aro to
emerge victorious" from this war we can
not risk tho collapse of another of our
associates In this war from this cause
"Anybody that Is looking for the col-:
lapse of the German people on tho food'
question hnd better turn around and.
look nt tho moon, becauso the results'
will bo tho same. Germany Is In no
moro danger of collapsing on that?
scoro than we arc, If as much."
Klrst publication 2-SS-Jw
Order of Hearing and Notice on Peti
tion for Settlement of Account.
In tho county court of Dakota County.
Statu of Nebraska. Uakotn county ss.
to mi persona interested in llio estato or
John O.Uolllns, ileceasecl:
On readlnir tho petition of Tom Sullivan
and. Mary .1. Mclirldu praying uiinal set-
iiemunt aim auowanuu 01 meir account
11 led In this court on tho 18th tiny of Febru
ary, 1918, for an allowance) of u reaoiiallti
feo as such guardian and for their '(lift-chnrgu.
It In hereby ordered that you, and all
DorsoiiB interested In said matter, tuny.
and do, appear nt the county court to bo
held In and for suld county, on the VStli dny
of March, A. 1). 11)18, at 10 o'clock n. in. . tp
show causa. If any Micro be, why tho prayer
of tho petitioner should not be ki anted,
and that notice of the pendency of said pe
tition and Hint tiioneariiiR thereof be given
tO nil poi'dons Interested In said matter by
publlaliliiB a copy of this order in the Da
kota County Horald, n weekly newspaper
printed In said county, for four succexslve
weeks prior to said day of hear liter.
H. W. McKlNl.KY.
skai. County Judge.
Klrst Pub 8-H-3W
Order of Hearing and Notice of Probate
of Foreign Will.
In tho Uounty douit of Dakota counttr
State of Nolnaska, Dakota uounty ss.
To 10 in ma Stono. Allco K. Day. Lucia V.
Stone, Kdgar II. Stone, and to nil persons
Interested In tho estate of Thomas J.Stone,
deceased :
On rendlm? tuopetltlon of William P. war
nor praying that tho Instrument Med in this
court on tho 11th day of March. 1018, and
purporting to bo a duly authenticated
copy of tho last will- and testamont of
Thomas J. Stono, deceased, that said instru
ment no admitted to probate, and the ad
ministration of linld estate bo granted to
somo proper person as administrator with
the will annexed for tho Stnto of Nobrnska,
It is hereby ordored that you, and all per
sons lntorested lit said matter, may and do,
npponrat the county court to bo held in
and for paid county, on tho until dny of
cause, if any thero be, why tho prayor
of tho petitioner should not be Rrnnted, and
that notlco of tho pendancy of said petition
and tho hearing thereof be Riven to nil
portions Interested in said matter by pub
lishing a copy of this ordor in thn Dakota
County Herald, a weekly newspaper print
ed in said county, for threo successive
weeks prior tosnld day of hearing.
Witness my hand, and senior said court,
this 11th day or March, A. D.. 1018.
S. W. McKlnloy.
skai. Oounty Judge.
First publication 8-H-8w
Order of Hearing and Notice of Probate
of Foreign Will.
In tho County Court of Dakota County,
Stato of Nebraska,
Oounty of Dakota, ss.
To Gcorgo P. Day. Abbio L. Day. Alice
Day Moffat, Marlon E. Day, Louise K. Dny,
and to all persons Interested In the estato
of Allco K. Day, deceased:
On reading tho potltion ol William P. War
nar prnying that tho instrument ltlctl In
tills court on tho lltli day of March, 1018,
and purporting to be a duly authenticated
copy of tho last will and tostnment of Allco
IS. Day, deceased, that said Instrument be
admitted to probato, and the administra
tion of sntd estato bo granted to some
proper person as administrator with tho
will annoxed, for the stato of Nebraska.
It Is horoby ordered that you and all per
sons lntorested In said mnttor may, and do,
apponr nt the county court to be held In and
for said county, on the 30th day of Maroh,
A. D. 1018, at 10 o'clock A. M., to show
oauso.ifany thero be, why tho prayer of
tho petitioner should not bo granted, nnd
that notice of the pendoncy of said petition
nnd tho hearing thereof bo given to nil
persons interested in said mnttor by pub
llshlngncopy of this ordor In tho Dakota
Oounty Herald, a weekly newspaper printed
In snld county, for threo successive woeks
prior to said dny of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal of snld court,
tills 11th day of March. A. D. 1018.
S.W. MoKinx-kt,
skai.. Oounty Judge
First pub 3-21-Sw
Notlco is hereby given, that by virtue of
a ahnttel mortgage dated on tho 6th day of
March, 1917, and duly filed In tho olllco of
tho county dork of Dakota county, Ne
braska, on tho oth dny of .March, 1017. and
executed by David Bourdelals to John
Hayes to secure the payment of the sum of
SS57.23, and upon which there is now duo
tho sum of J016.00, default having been made
In tho payment of said sum, nnd no suit or
other proceeding nt law having been Insti
tuted to recover snld debt or any part
thereof, tborefore. 1 will sell the property
thoreln described, to-wit:
One bay 30ldlng,7 yrs.oltl, weight 1K) lbs.
One bay ueldlng.8 y rs. old. weight 1201) lbs.
BTwo gray innres, 8 yrs. old, welghtlOCOlbs.
uno rea cow. t yrs. 01a, ono reu steer cnu,
(coming ono year old at date of mortgage),
ono Aetna mower, one New Century culti
vator, ono walking cultivator, two lumber
wiiKons, two sots of work harness, two stir
ring walking plows, and other farm ma
chinery and small tools, nt .public auction
nt tho houso of John Hayes, located on tho
southeast quarterof section thlrty-ono (ill),
township twenty .eight (28), range seven (7),
east, in Dnkota county, Nebraska, on the
llth day of April, 1018, at ten o'clock A M.
oi snld day.
JOHN HAYKS. Mortgagee.
Dated this 10th day of March. 1018.
First Pub-3-21-W
Probate Notice to Creditors
In the county court of Dakota county,
In the mnttor of tho estato of Wllllo L.
Uoss. docensed.
Notlco is hereby given, that tho credit
ors of the said deceased will meet tho ad
ministratrix, with tho will annexed, of snld
estate, before me, county Judge of Dnkota
county. Nebrnskn, at the oounty court room
in snld county, on tho 10 th dny of April,
1018, nnd on the luth dny of Juno, 1018, at lu
o'clock A. M. each day, for tho purpose of
presenting their clnlmsfor examination,
adjustment and allowance. Threo mouths
aro allowed for creditors to present tlielr
claims and one year for tho administratrix
with the will annexed, to settle sntd ostnto,
from tho 0th day ot March, 1018. This notice
will bo published lu tho Dakota Oounty
Horald for four woeks successively prior
to tho SOth day of April, 1018,
Witness my hand, nnd seal of said court,
this Vth dny of March, A. 1). 1018.
skai. Oounty Judge.
Our Boys in France
Are Fighting for "Freedom For AH Forever"
It is your battle
Do your share in some way livery Day
You can help produce and 'siye food
You can help the railroads vr'...,v . ,
-The service of every railroad ',
of every car is vital to our Nation
The duty of railroads is increasingly
difficult, and your aid is needed ' .
' ' ;v."
' . .' . i'
As the war progresses you" will .' ;
be more and more affected
Get the Habit
Begin Today
Load your car to capacity
Load your freight promptly
Unload, your freight promptly
And you will have more cars
Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway
B. C. Buchanan, Agent, Dakota City, Ncbr.
Vice-I'res. and Otn'l MVr
II. Al. 1'liARCE
General Tralllo Manager
Westcott's Undertaking
. Parlors
i Asuo Ambulance ,
Old Phone, 426 New Phone 2007
Sioux City 3ow&.
Mountain ToursSummer of 1918
The tourist season of 1917 brought more patronage for the
Burlington's Scenic Summer Tour of the Rockies, Tkree-Parks-On-ONE-Ticket,
than ever before.
Glacier, Yellowstone, Rocky Mountain-Estes National Parks
and Scenic Colorado are all embraced enroute via The
Burlington's Three Main Lines.
1 BURLINGTON, Omaha to Denver and Colorado Spring?.
2 BTRLINGTON, Denver to Yellowstone and Glacier Parks
via the Cody Scenic Way, with 700 miles of Mountain Pano
rama from Colorado to the Yellowstone.
3 BURLINGTON, Omaha, Through the Northwest, to Bill
ings, Yellowstone and Glacier.
Ask for the Burlington map. Note the Geography of its
Three Main Lines, and how th?se may be utilized for a summer
tonr that includes the Eastern slope of the Rockies, from Colo
rado to the British Boundary.
W. J. Willoughby, Agt., Dakota City, Neb.
L. W. WAKE LEY, General rueBongcr Agrut,
1001 Farnntn Streot, Omnbu, NeU.
Dr. Koch's Tonics extracts
Poultry Tonic Good for Chickens.
Weona Dip is a fine Disinfectant for Hogs.
One farmer from near Jackson, fed One. Pail of
Stock Tonic and Three Packages of Wor;n Medi
cine, at a cost of $4 50. This same farmer said
the Tenic and Worm Medicine -did him SSOO.OO
worth of good.
Persons wishing any of these valuable goods can
get them at my place in South Sioux City, one
block west from end of street car line.
E. .L GARLOCK, Agent
Your Business Solicited.
Auto Phone 1410
Sioux City, Iowa
Room 29, Lerch Blk. Satisfaction Guaranteed
ty- '
4!i i its u-yi '