Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 21, 1918, Image 7

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Sites at Mmni 8L pl
rlfwr Ar iltettitrai Mitlf
sOR mnny centuries past It has been
(lie custom of Christians of all de
nominations who could accomplish
the Journey to visit spots In the Holy
Lund mado sacred by connection
with the llfo of Christ. They went
at nil seasons, but such ns could
choose their time for this pllgrlmago mndo It at
Enster, that they inlglrt participate In or witness
tiK wonderful series of services which take place
t the actual scenes of the death and resurrection
Bf the Savior. No one who has attended the
services of holy week nnd Enster at the Church
of the Holy Scpulcher In Jerusalem has ever
failed to bo deeply Impressed by the services. . ,
And yet but comparatively 'few people know
that the unique services preparatory to nnd cul
minating In Easter which take place In Jerusalem
are reproduced as faithfully as clrcumstnnces
will permit In ono spbt In our own land at the
Franciscan monnstery on the outskirts of Wash
ington. The Franciscan order of frlnrs has had chargo
of the holy places of Palestine since early In the
thirteenth century. St. Francis of Assisl, the
founder of the order, was granted their custody
by the .Mohammedans. In Washington a body of
devout monks hns. created an establishment which
Is a memorlnl of nil the holy shrines of Palestine
and reproduces the services tnklng place there.
- The Church of the Holy Sepnlcher, named after
the famous basilica In Jerusalem, and Its nttnehed
monastery of Franciscan frlnrs are situated to
the northeast of Washington, throe miles from the
"United States treasury, regarded as the center of
1he city. The holy brothers were wise In their
selection of their site, when some 15 years ago
They those tho glorious wooded eminence now
"known as Mount St. Scpulcher, overlooking miles
upon miles of verdant Maryland on one side and
on the other the capital of tho United States. It
Is a gracious spot and a fitting place for the re
production of the most sacred places of earth.
In the great church, built upon Byznntlno lines,
restrained by the rule of simplicity of (he order,
in the form of the live-fold cross, which wns tho
coat-of-nrms of tho Lntln kingdom of Jerusalem,
ure. assembled faithful reproductions of tho holy
shrines of Palestine, each separate and distinct,
but nil combined in a beautiful and harmonious
The chief feature of the church, as of the wholo
establishment, Is the holy scpulcher, which Is an
exact reproduction of the orlglnnl tomb preserved
In Jerusalem as tho holy of holies and sheltered
"by tho magnificent Church of Holy Sepulcher,
the mecca of all Christians. It wns to preserve
the tomb of Christ that mnny of the crusnders
of old from various parts of the world laid down
their lives.
The hoi 7 sepulcher In the monastery church
here, ns In Jerusalem, consists of two apartments.
Tho outer apartment Is called tho Chapel of tho
Angel, becnuse the angel was found seated hero
on the morning of tho first Easter. And the Inner
chnmber, which is tho tomb. Tho chapel of the
angel Is entered by a low nrched doorway, sur
mounted by n largo relief panel representing
'Christ rising from tho tomb. A casket of stone
In the center of the chamber contains u fragment
of stone from Jerusalem.
Through an archway so low thnt one must stoop
far to enter It Is the sepulcher of Christ. It Is a
replica of tho bare, rock-hewn cell, the tomb of
Joseph of Arlmathea, in which Christ was laid
after his crucifixion. In tho orlglnnl sepulcher
-n slab of marble has been laid over the tomb to
cover it from dececrnting hands. Here thnt slnb
lls reproduced, nnd on Its lies a figure of tho
'Christ, who. after tho anointing of his body, lny
'hero In denth froiti Good Friday until his resur
rection Easter morn.
Allow Um (omli In ti facsimile- of the silver re
lief panel of Raphael's "Resurrection," which
'Cardinal Antonelll donated to tho holy sepulcher.
"In Jerusalem the soft lamps which dimly light tlie
sacred chamber are of gold, silver and precloui
stones. Hero tho reproductions arc of slmplef
mnterials, but produce the same effect upon tho
'hallowed spot.
II Is fit tho holy sepulcher that tho holy eu
chnrlst is administered to tho throngs who come
to Hits most sacred shrine Easter Sunday morn
ling. Above tho holy sepulcher nnd reached by two
fligl ts of marble steps Is tho altar of Thabor, rep
resenting 'lie commonly known Mount Tabor,
-whro tho transfiguration of Christ took plnco In
ttho presence of Moses nnd Ellas.
To the left of tho holy scpulcher, nnd tho nltnr
of Thabor Is tho chapel of St. Francis. Tho
"Sweet Saint of Assisl" Is hero represented in
the figure above the altar as receiving the em
braco of our Lord, according to the conception
of Murlllo. A relief panel on cither side of tho
figure represents, on the right, St. Francis bless
ing St. Louis, king of Frnnce, and St, Elizabeth,
queen of Hungary, and on the left his stlgmntl
zntlon. Tho altar of Calvary, set high nbovo tho main
entrance to tho church, Is a repllcn of tho Greek
altar nt Jerusnlem, which covers the "place of tho
skull," where tho Savior of tho world guvo up
his life for mankind. Behind the altar Is nn Im
pressive group of tho crucifixion, consisting of
tho figure of the Crucified, with tho Virgin Mary
and St. John on either side. Beyond theso figures
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Offer Chance to Help Undo Sam and
Remunerates Worker Many
Towns Take Up Work.
4 ' ., UfCV
arc, on either side, two monuments, one of Mary
Magdnleno; the other known as tho "Pielu" and
representing the lifeless body of Christ in the'
arms of his mother after the descent from the
The distance from this representation of Mount
Calvary to the holy sepulcher, across the length
of the great church, Is about tho same as arc tho
originals from ench other In Jerusnlem, and tho
height Is the same as Mount Calvary.
Beneath the Church of the Holy Sepulcher Is a
series of underground chambers which are true
copies of several of the sacred spots In Palestine.
Tho Enster services at Mount St. Scpulcher ac
tually commence n week before, for tho rites of
holy week are but n preparation for tho glorious
celebration of Euster. They nro carried out with
full detail nnd liturgical splendor nnd nftcr the
manner of those nt Jerusalem, tho, sent of the
actual shrines of Christ, where the Franciscan
frlnrs have been tho custodians since 1223, when
the fervor and piety of St. Francis won this right
for himself and his followers.
The first sen-Ice of holy week takes place Palm
Sunday with the nine o'clock mass, when the
celebrnnt blesses nnd distributes tho palms at the
central nltnr. After this the traditional proces
sion takes place, In representation of our Lord's
triumphal entry Into Jerusalem, when tho multi
tudes wnved palm branches before him nnd shout
ed "Hosnnnnh to the Highest!" This service Is
similar to that now celebrated In Jerusnlem nt
the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.
After tho procession round tho monastery
church at Washington, high mass Is celebrated
and the pnsslon sung according to tho gospel of
St. Matthew.
Late on Wednesday nffernonn tho matins of
Holy Thursday, commonly called Tenebrae, are
sung In tho church, which Is hut dimly lighted.
Holy Thursday, or Maundy Thursday, Is a day
of festival because It Is the anniversary of tho In
stitution of tho Lord's supper.
Good Friday nt the Church of the Holy Scpul
cher Is observed with rites of unique solemnity.
At the morning service of this day no one snvo
tho celebrant receives the holy communion. No
mass is celebrated In nny Catholic church on this
day. In black vestments, accompanied by his
ministers, tho celebrant goes to the altar, which
is baro but for tho candlesticks nnd crucifix cov
ered with a purple cloth. Tho ofilclnnt nnd min
isters prostrate themselves before the nltnr dur
ing tho singing of part of the Scriptures. Then
while kneeling n plain white linen cloth Is sprend
upon Hit bate ullnr, which is now In dnrknoss.
The pnsslon, according- to St. John's gospel, Is
then sung by threo dencons, ns on Palm Sundny,
after which the crucifix on the ninln nltnr Is un
veiled nnd brought down to the altar steps, where
clergy and people venerate It. During this cere
mony nil the crucifixes in tho church have been
After tho yenerntlon of the crucifix tho frlnrs
form In procession nnd proceed to tho holy sep
ulcher, when tho sacrament Is brought back In
solemn stnto to tho central altar. Tho officiant
then consumes the snered species and tho clergy
leave the nltnr In silence.
The Good Frldny evening service nt tho Church
of tho Holy Sepulcher Is unique In this country,
nnd represents lho burial of our Lord, following
closely thnt performed nt Jerusalem. Tho church
Is In compnrntlvo darkness nnd tho scenes In this
dim light take on nn added solemnity. Previous
to this scrvlco the figure of Christ has boon token
fnom Its yenr-Iong resting plnco In tho holy sep
ulcher and Is now reclining on a bier In front
of tho representntlons of Mount Cnlvnry, Tho
figure Is Incensed; prayers nro said, and, follow
ing tho first of a series of sermons In parlous
languages Is preached from tho spbt.
Thon the solemn procession Is formed. The
dead Christ on tho bier, partly covered by n pall,
la borne by tho monks. Preceding this, at the
head of the cortege, aro carried representntlons
of the crown of thorns, of the threo nnlla which
pierced hnnds and feet, of the spear which wound
ed tho side nnd of tho sponge filled with vinegar
wlili'h they gave him to drink. .
Lincoln.- Last year Nebmskn boys
nnd girls working tinder the dlrecttou
of tho agricultural extension servlco
contributed $30,000 worth of fresh
vegetables as their part toward win
ning Uncle Snm'w war. This yeur
they are asked to double that amouut
nnd make it $00,000. And they nro
going to do It, too, for tho agrlcul
tural extension service of tho stnto
university Is whipping plans Into
shape which will make It possible for
every boy uud girl in the stnto to
farm from one-half to ono aero of
ground. '
Ono hundred towns In tho stnto
working in co-operntlon with the jun
ior section of tho extension service
have already signified their Intention
of hiring paid supervisors to udvlso
and assist tho young gardeners In ev
ery way. Amoiiff tho larger towns ot
tho stnto which have already taken up
tho work nro Lincoln, Fremont, Hast
ings, Grand Islnnd. Coluuibus, Hoi
drego, Norfolk, Scottsbluff, Alllnnco,
Ashlnnd, York, Aurora, Auburn nnd
Fullorton. Scores of towns In Ne
braska nh-endy hnv& made n survey,
listing every vncant lot that can bo
farmed. In iu-nctfcnlly every case tho
school authorities will bo only too
glad to nsslgu ono of theso plots to,
nny young person who will ngreo to
farm It.
Tho host thing- about this plan Is
that every boy and girl besides help
Defense met Inst TlOJraddy to consid
er tho question of rtotntf tho em
bargo which had existed" up until thut
time In Nebraska on shipments of
soed corn from tho soreial Nebraska
counties to each other and also out
sldo of the state.
After careful Investigation ft de
cided to recommend to tho Council of
Defense the lifting of tho embargo.
Several County Defcnso Councils and
Agricultural Agents report conditions
which they believe warranted a con
Mnunnce of tho embargo on account ot
local peculiarities. Iu such cases It
wns suggested thnt vigorous nclon
be takenr so that tho use of old and
new stocks- of corn sultublo for scod In
their locality ho had.
It was roportcd that selfish holdrrs
wcro waiting for tho embargo to bo
lifted so thnt they could ship their
corn out of tho stnto at prices above
that made by tho State Council of De
fense. In such cases tho local com
mlttocs should seo to it that this la
not done, to tho dbtrlmcntr of their
Tho extreme seriousness of the seed
corn situation nnd tho Imperative ne
cessity tlf every farmer securing an
nbundnnco of good seed, ennnot bo
too earnestly urged upon our people.
Tho seed corn campaign having
been waged for sovoral months In th&
stnto and tho urgency of tho question
vigorously brohght to tho attention
of our people, tho Nebraska Stat
Council of Defense accepted tlie roc
ommcndntlon of tho seed stocks com
mittee and raised tho embargo.
Stockmen Seek Relief.
Lincoln.' Nebmskn cattle nnd" Hog
men have sent an appeal to Food Ad
ministrator Hoover nsklng that thcr
government do something to reliever
tho stock situation In this stnto. Llln
Itntlou of packers' profits and tho ab
olltton of meatless days, temporarily,
at least, aro asked for In tho tele
gram. "Tho trouble Is that the gov
ernment Is conserving tho meat sup
ply of tho country nnd yot hna not
ships enough to Bend It abroad," Is th-
way officers of tho state Hvo
Ing the country, will got all of tho breeders' nssoclatlon slzo up tho sit
Tho procession moves slowly round tho church,
stopping at Intervnls before the various altnrs.
Tho bier Is rested at each until n sermon In a
different Inngunge Is preached. The figure Is
finnlly rested upon the stone of uiiuUuii, which la
In front of tho holy sepulcher, nnd the last sermon
is then preached. After the sermon tho figure la
again Incensed, prayers aro recited and the dend
Christ Is laid to rest for another year In tho holy
On Holy Snturdny, or Easter eve, quite a num
ber of old liturgical rites are observed at tho
Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Chief among them
Is tho blcfc-slng of the pnschal candle at the nlno
o'clock morning service.
On the eenlng of Holy Saturday the church is
beautifully decorated with Enster flowers nnd
greens, and there Is held tho "service of resur
rection.''' Tho friars go to the part of the church
In front of the holy scpulcher nnd then chant tho
solemn matins of tho resurrection. At the con
clusion of (his office the celebrnnt and bis minis
ters proceed to the holy sepulcher nnd the blessed
sacrament Is brought out In triumph. In gorgeous
procession, amid hymns and the pealing of tho
organ, It , Is carried round through the various
chapels, and finnlly to the high altar, where tho
solemn benediction Is bestowed, and tho first
servlco of Easter Is over.
The Easter Sunday masses, following tho cus
tom of thoso In Jerusnlem, arc snldln the hfly
sepulcher every half hour from f:30 In tho morn
ing. At nine o'clock n solemn high mass Is sr.ld
nt the central nltnr, when tho gorgeous Easier
music Is beau (If ally rendered 4by tho monnstery
choir before n congregation which crowds the
great edifice. A custom of several years' standing
nt the first service of Faster Sunday is the at
tendance In a body of n large number of Howard
university students, who walk out to the monas
tery church to partake of tho early Easter sacra
ment. At the 8:30 servlco In the afternoon tho
chnntlng of the office of compllno Is followed by
tho solemn benediction of tho blessed sacrament.
If Enster day bo bright nnd sunny, such of tho
grounds of tho church nnd monnstery ns may bo
oxplored by tho public nro filled with sightseers
after this song service. They wnnder through
tho Well-kept grounds nnd generally find their way
to tho grotto of Lourdes, lyln In a little valley to
the south of tho monnstery. This Is n facsimile
reproduction of tho famous shrlno of tho Pyre
noes, crentc,d by tho Frnnclscan frlnrs hero for
tho benefit of thoso pilgrims who cannot seo tho
famous grotto of miraculous healing In Its natlvo
home In the south of Frnnce.
It Is only upon special occasions that one may
penetrate tbo seclusion of tho beautiful clolstora
and courtyard of the monnstery, the gi-eut, severe
ly plain rectangular building behind the church.
The courtyard, with Its vine-covered cistern In
the center, Is a spot of rich beauty, which lends
additional charm to tho graceful ambulatory,
where the frlnrs tako exorcise and recreation In
Inclement weather. Nor may one, except by spe
cial privilege, penetrate tho beautiful private
grounds ot tho monnstery and enjoy tho
exquisitely kept garden und grounds which jhc
monks have created behind tbelr horn ,
Patch of beets, sweet corn nnd onions developed with a system of scien
tific Intercropping by a Washington county youth, This garden was lo
cated at Blulr, and is a good illustration of what can bo accomplished by
boys and girls of this state.
money ho or alio can mnke out of it.
Unlike many patriotic activities, there
Is no expense connected with it, un
less, perhaps, tho cost of seed. The
extension servlco will send, completo
Instructions on mnklng tho garden
nnd handling It successfully during
tho summer months. Practical busi
ness experience will bo given tho
children. Every boy or girl stnrtlng a
garden under tho plun will keep aa
account book showing Just whnt Is re
ceived from vegetables which nro
sold. All working tlmo put In on tho
garden will bo figured by tho children
nt ten cents nn hour to bo deducted
from tho gross Incomo before tho
profits nro determined. Just to show
what can be done along this line, ono
boy living near Scottsbluff, Neb.,
mndo nenrly $400 Inst season In clonr
profit. His war gnrden occupied Ien.
than nn ncre. His Incomo was
$130.77, and his expenses were
$10.0!). This garden was under tho
government Irrigation ditch und per
haps nffordB nit exceptional record,
hut It illustrates what can be done.
In many Nebraska towns this sum
mer children's markets will be held
whero tho boys and girls can sell
what they raise.
The agricultural extension service
Is deslroiiR of enlisting 15,000 boys
nnd girls In tho project this summer.
Those desiring to recelvo the bulletins
nnd Instructions should address
Junior Section, Agricultural Exten
sion Service, Lincoln, Neb.
uatlon. "Thoy cun't get it abroad and.
won't let us cat It at home. Tho re
sult is thut prices aro sagging and
feeders aro losing money."
Good War Crops.
Crab Orchard. Buckwheat and'
beans havo proved two good war
crops for F. A. Woodflll of Crab
Orchard. IIo used ono and u halt
bushels of buckwheat Inst Juno In.
sowing a patch and to dato has sole
$175 worth of flour from It Mr.
Woodflll figures that It Is a good crop
for that part of tho stato, slnco It can.
bo put In after tho other crops nro
sown and brings n Uily Income. Mr.
Woodflll nlso raised nnvy beans Inst
year, securing seed from the ngrl-ul-tural
cxteiinlon servlco, nnd found a
nmrket for nil that ho could produce.
Lift Embargo On Seed Corn.
Lincoln. The seeds stock commit
tee of tbo National government and
nlso of tho Nebraska Stnto Council of
Urged to Make. Known Wants.
Washington, Exaggerated 'reports
of shortages of farm labor, th De
partment of Lnbor announced, are hin
dering efforts of tho government to
plnco workers on tho farms. Less
talk about tho shortage and nwro ot
tho methods by which farmers can
make known their needs, wns sug
gested ns a remedy. Any former who
wnnts hands mny obtain nn applica
tion blnnk from Ills .postmaster, rural
carrier or county farm ngent, which
will put him In touch with the department.
Keeps Trousers In Shcpe.
A Now York tailor Is tho Inventor
of n dovlco that prevents trousers,
bogging at tho kneoa by pulling thera
up slightly as a wearer sits down.
Favors Closing Some Enterprises.
Lincoln. Women and school boys
will never solve tho question of addi
tional lnbor on the farm, according to
Prof. II. C. Fllley of tho department
of fnrm management of tho NobrnHkn
uuhorslty. "Wo must get farm labor
from some source or production will
bo lmoded(" ho says. "In every city
nro thousands of men who were farm
raised and thousanrts of others accus
tomed to heavy work. These men
can bo mnde nvhllnhlo for the farm
Nature's Great Hoodoo Temple.
In the Hoodo basin of western
Wyoming aro curious formations
which resemble Punch and Judy
heads, grim savages, alraporing old,
maids, monkoys, rabbits, birds and
animals. Thero aro fifty different
shapes of heads, aays Popular Sciencd
Monthly, and ovor forty different anl
mal and human faces have been
counted. Tho rock out of which th&
hoodoos hayo boon carved by Dame
by shutting down uuneeossarv enter rvaturo is wnat la known as volcania
prises," declared the professor. Ifcroccla.