Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, January 17, 1918, Image 4

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    dakoA counts HkttALU, DAKOTA flWV, NEBRASKA,
Maogi4f.Mi. jmwaatacajrmtr. imnam, m
MNblfc4 -
"" '
I !
v jjLfeuienanf-Cofonf Latham tfuMj
S&M ?. ?ea, 65i L.5. Infan- MM
ri try (the famous old 69th), &fl
atmoliing "Dull" Durham. By
$8.00 for a 5c Sack
Writing to a San Francisco
paper, Francis JolifFe tells how
badly our soldier boys in
France iced tobacco : " One
boy pulled out a half-used
sack of Bull Durham and
caressed it. His companion in
formed me that they had paid
as high as 40 francs ($8) for
a sack of Bull Durham."
69 raacriv go
) Guaranteed by
tixrvdzn, ccri
. .
The Smoke
of a Nation
A Surfrfastion To
rpe Srnokors
'U&Urv trm'mrt n I.hI ffenuW' j
0? WVBluim wifrt yw
ta Sugar in Your Cb
Dakota County Herald
$1.25 Per Year, In Advance
A wookly nowspapor published tit
Jakotn City, Nobruuka.
Permission has beun gnintod for tho
.rnnsnuBslon of this pupor through tho
'iiniiH nn Bacond-class mattor.
Tolophono No. 43.
Official Paper oj Dakota- County
Ktrnt publication I-17-Hw
Order of Hearing on Petition for Ap-
poiiiliuent of Administrator.
In tlio Pounty Omul of Dakota Uounty.
.Statu or Noliiusku, Oiuiiity or Dakota us.
To KilBiir I.. Ho, Ku.jik (I. Ho, llernntd
1;, Jtoiw, Vincent ItOHH, Jennie K, lions.
Ha ruli Mario Itoss, iihU .Iciinli' MniIiii- .In
cobsmi.and to all persons liiurt'tt'd In tlit
intuit of (.uuiinrd Hms.ihH'i'iiMil :
On rcmdluu tint petition or .lunnlt' 10. Itns
Itraylnt? that the nitniliiUtmtloii or utd .
tuto latKranti'd to Sidney T. Kiiiiii iin ad
niluUtralor do lionu non.
It Ih licroliy nidim-d tlmt yon and all pur
sonslntcrokti'il In mild matter may, ami do.
appcarat tho county ootutto lw held In
ami for mild enmity, on tint t'ud day of Koln u
ary, A. I). 11)18. at UloVlimlc A. M., to mIiow
(Hiuv.lf imy there, bo. why tho prayer or
the petitioner Hlioiild not bo tfinnted. unit
that iiotlfHuftliu pendency of Nidd petition
and that tint lioarliiK tlu-ruor Ih Klvi'n to all
portions lutoroHted In tald mutter by imb
IHIiliwacopy or this order In tlm Dakota
t'ountyHurald.ii weekly newpapnr printed
in Hiihl uonnty, for threw t,uccolv weeks
prior to said day of liearliiK.
WltniiKs my hand and t.oal of mild uourt.
tlili tilth day of January, A. U. Iuim.
K. V. Melvlnley,
tsi'-Ajo (loiinty, Inline,
Tho Herald, $1.25 per
Mr. and Mrs. M. Podorson visited
one day Inst week in the J. Jcnnen
Mr. and Mrs. John Luzio enter
tained several families at dinner
! Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs, Luesebrink enter
tained several New Years quests.
Try our 10 to f0 year eunrnntcud
I eomniunity silverware. (!arl Ander-
I nti
The Nols Hansen family sjient a
day last week visiting in the Chris
Miller home.
Mrs. A. (icorjccnson visited a day
in tho Sum Thorn home last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Martin visit
ed last week in the Perry Pintf home
near Walthill.
Millar's coffee, tlrff best on the
market for the money. Carl An
Mrs. A. Schreader was in Sioux
City last week.
Chris Miller, Carl Sleeker and Otto
HuKtfenbertfer were city jocrs last
Art Smith ib helping Mike Green
with his new barn.
Mrs. J. Smith returned last week
from a several days visit in the
home of her brother near Carroll,
For good things to eat, go to
Carl Anderson's.
J. .lessen and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. L. Larsen, Dan Ilartnett and
son Kay, Margaret and Honnie Ilart
nett, Helen Long and Mr. Schreader
were city passengers last week.
Len Harris spent a couple of days
last week with relatives in Homer.
Mabel Kasmussen and Ida Peder
sen, Edna Hansen and Lillie Peder
sen all visited the Carrie Hansen
school last week.
Shoes and house slippere in end
less varieties, at Carl Anderson's
Carl Slacker and Henry Gloo were
passengers for Wayne, Neb., last
John .lessen was in Sioux City
Station Agent Hood was out look
ing up telephone trouble Monday and
Duggan & Ilelfernan are having
their ice put up this week.
Dress goods of all kinds, at Carl
Anderson s.
Chris Hansen, who underwent an
operation for appendicitis is expected
home this week.
C. H. Young, farm demonstrator,
had a car load of Holstein cattle
sent from Wisconsin. They arrived
in Jackson Friday evening. John P.
Beacam, John Ilartnett and Joe
HeU'ernan wore the buyers.
Rev. Father Zonf was in Sioux
City last week.
Mrs. Emil Andersen was in Sioux
City last week.
Wo have a fine line of shirts, neck
ties and sweater coats. Carl An
derson. Henry Thompson is having a new
machine shed built. Peter Jensen is
the carpenter.
L. H. Palmer shipped a car of hogs
to Sioux City last week.
Miss Mary O'Connor, of Omaha, is
here visiting friends.
Hay Heenev was in Dakota City
Jim Waters was an over night vis
itor in Sioux City Saturday.
George Deroin was a county seat
caller one day last week.
L. Sorensen returned from Sioux
City last week after about a week's
visit with friends.
We want your butter and egg3
and will pay the highest price the
market will ailord. Carl Anderson.
Mrs. Jim Waters spent a day in
Sioux City the first of the week.
Mrs. Mogensen and Mrs. L. Lar
son were city goers the 'first of the
L. P. Palmer is going to build a
new corn crib.
Grandma Thornton is not very
Dill and Hen Uooney and Jesse
Graves were in Sioux City Monday.
Mrs. Bill Kooney was a city shop
per Tuesday.
We have a fine assortment of fancy
dishes, aluminum kitchen utensils,
such as coffee percolators, rice bowls
and stew kettles. Carl Anderson.
Mrs. C. M. Kasmussen wasa Sioux
City shopper Monday.
Peter Johnson and Chris Kasmus
sen had stock on the Sioux City
market Tuesday.
A. L. Andersen is considered very
low at St. Joseph's hospital, Sioux
George Timlin was a caller in
Sioux City Tuesday.
Louis Knudsen was a stock ship
per Tuesday.
' F. Nelson and Chris KasinusRfm
autoed to Sioux City Tuesday.
Peter L. Maurice, of Emerson,
Clara C. Wilkins, of Homer, were
married at the Catholic churce here
on Tuesday, the loth, by Rev E.
Wo repair and oil several bund red
sets of harness every season. Why !
not yours? Jackson Harness Shop.
Oren and Edwin Teller, of Woon-'
socket, S. I)., are visiting relatives '
here and at Waterbury. I
Mis. Hungorford nnd children, of
Muait, Neb , won1 guct in the I'.
Gormally homo the past week.
Lola Francisco, of Itoynl, Neb.,
who arrived here last Friday to visit
friends, departed Tuesday for Da
kota City to visit relatives there.
Mary O'Neill, of Sioux City, at
tended the wedding of hqr nioce,
Mae O'Neill, to a Mr. Sullivan,
which took place at the Catholic
church at Willis, Neb., last Wednes
day. Miss O'Neill visited in the
Mrs. Amy Iiraily home until Saturday.
iVi 18. L.OU1S UOOSL atletlUOd 1110
-- . , -. - ,
funeral of the late Mrs.
Schefiield at Ponca, Neb., last Wed
John Mitchell, of Camp Funston,
Ivans., arrived home the last of the
week on a few days furlough.
The birth of a son is reported at
the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Georire
Step ban.
Henry O'Neill had a load of hotrs
on the Sioux City market Tuesday.
A few of the boys went huntintr
bunuay and bagged over bfj rabbits.
M. Andress alone shot fifteen. Rab
bit was the bill of fare for meatless
Tuesday in a number of homes here.
John B. Schaben shelled corn the
first of the week.
M. Colligan, of Pipestone, Minn,,
viHiieo in me rat ijorman nome a
a few days last week.
I. Miller & Co. removed tho last
of their office fixtures from their
building here to Sioux City last Fri
day, among which was a large safe,
weighing several tons.
When Kay Quinn, cashier of the
Bank of Dakota County, opened the
place for business last Saturday
morning he discovered that cracks
men had been busy the night before
and attempted to make away with
the funds of the bank, but had all
their trouble for nothing as they se
cured absolutely nothing. They
had gained entrance to the bank
vault by drilling off the combina
tion and one hinge was broken off
the safe. 'If they had broken the
other hinge they would have got the
cash. No clue to the perpetrators
of the job but several had heard a
car during the night and it is
thought that there were three men
on the job from the footprints in
the snow near the bank the next
Married, Miss Bertha Kasmussen.
of Homer, daughter of Chris Ras
mussen, to Herman Ayres, of Win
nebago, Friday, January 11, 1918.
Miss Alice Harris, second daugh
ter of Alfred Harris, and Charles
Smith, second son of John Smith of
Hubbard, were married January 10,
1918, in Sioux City.
Melford Lothrop left Monday to
re-inlist in the army.
Dr. Kowse was over from Sioux
City Tuesday of last week to con
sult on the little child of Judd Odell,
who is very ill with pneumonia. A
trained nurse is in attendance.
Born, to P. O. McFarland and
wife, of Coleridge, Neb., Jpnuary 8,
1918, a daughter. The McFarlands
moved to Coleridge just recently
from this county.
One of the Goff little girls is quite
ill with pneumonia.
Helen and Catherine O Connor
wore on the sick list last week.
The homeseekers excursion party,
Audrey Allaway and wife, Will Lea
rner and wife, Roy Armour and wife,
and George and Bob Harris return
ed from the south Wednesday.
Mrs. Nelse Van Houten died of
heart failure at her home on the
reservation. She was a resident of
this county almost all her life. She
was a daughter of Robert Campbell,
whom the oldest inhabitants will re
member. Andrew Knudsen has returned
from tho hospital, where he has been
for the last two or three months be
ing treated for a shattered hip. He
is still on crutches.
We hear that a new doctor is to
arrive in Homer very soon from
Miss Phylis Ross passed through
Homer Sunday on her way to Schy
ler, Neb., after having attended the
funeral of her uncle, Will Ross, at
Dakota City.
Tom Clapp, of Sioux City, and
Win, Clapp, of Dakota City, were
Homer visitor this week.
Isadoro Adams has bought a pic
ture siiow "somewhere in South Da
kota," and will sell or close his show
The following marriage licenses
were issued by County Judge S. W.
MeKinley during the past week:
Name and Add rots Aee
Peter I.. Munrluo, Kmurson, Neb 2S
OlaraO. Wllklns. Iloniur, Neb y,
Adolph Hint. Sioux Pity -in I
Anna t'enterl, ' a
Clyde (i.Siuiniol. Slouv Olty s:i
llfuel I.. I'Vrrls. ' j
ltlelmrd . I. Johnson, Hubbard, Neb i
.luiiule .Ioliuou, ' ' in
ICruest Sclilotniim, Sioux Pity I.eual
Kthel Mi' Reynolds Oskaloosa, Iowa I.i'Kal
Win. (. Uohde, Kuierson. Neb . ysi
Martha Kiiibbenhoit, " yi
Itnsnell (i. lirown, Sioux Olty s
lYnil (loodall, ' ' ' 7
lleiman S. A les, WliineluiKO, Neb ... il
lltti tha A. ItiiNnninM-n, Homer, Neb w
Wanen II.. lolilisnu, Sioux Pity ;to
Klla Jm'ohiou, ' ;h
tienr It. rainier, New Itoekford. N. I) . SI
I .it 1 1 I'!. IIoltKiee, Klmisley, Iowa. IH
Auk-nit .1. .elluuir. So. Sioux Pity, Neb SSI
Nellie I'hllllp.. -o
Homer K. Il.ile, Vet million, S. 1 22
Anna V llt'own, ' .... Ill
I lit r t- Lla TO tll .EM Am AUOUT
Exhilarating Burlesquo; Vaudeville
Slit Aleijri Filled with fnlljClili, Funnr Cloini.Osrttoui
tqulptti, Brilliant icinle Eailionmut
everybody Coast Ask Anybody .
J ?' ? ?
(J. ty
IMrpoii Creek
A. Johnson, Clair
ainry Jolinson, Carl Johnson, Harry,
Gootch, Alvoim Gootch, Christ Soren-
son, Mrs. Christ Soronson, rlilll Sor
nnson, Maud Soronson, Clair Soron-
foii, Harry Soronson, Mrs. Tlios.
n'.Vnlll .fnllll Klnrlr Mra Inlin Hlnrlc
( V ... .. r.... .. ..,.,...,. M Vf.... M.l JV,
Alilcnll Nfilson. Kllnn NnlHnn. Atnr-
. ,3-..- , ... -,w. .., ......
vviuiam.vln Nelson, Franklin Nelson. I,. C
Tllton, Hans Lorentzon, Mrs. Hans
Lorontzen, liana Lorcntzen, jr., l'ol-
or Loroiitzen, Alfred Lorenlzon,
Hert Ilnrncs, Mary Barnes, Georgo
Karnes, George Stewart, Mrs. Han
nah Williams, Halllo Williams, Glen
Williams, Wm. E. McAfee, Mrs. Win.
K. McAfee, Josephine McAfee, Hen
ry Luchr, Mrs. Henry Luelir, II. V.
Cronk, Mrs. II. V. Cronk, Frances
Croak, S. .1. Knox, Mrs. S. J. Knox,
Edna M. Knox, Pearl S. Knox, Hen
ry Kopkin, Hans Honnickson, Mrs.
Hans Honnickson, Tcna Honnickson,
Joe Honnickson, Ora Harnhart, Mrs.
Ora Harnhart, John Feller, Airs.
John Feller, Wlllio Feller, Johnnie
Fcllor, Anna Feller, Lyda Feller,
IIonr Gada, Chris Nelson, Chris
Morgensen, Alfred Morgensen, Anna
Morgenscn, Glads Uarnhardt, Theo
dore Harnhardt, Kenneth Barnhardt,
Raymond Uarnhardt, Philo McAfee,
Mrs. Philo McAfee, Ray .1. MVAfee,
Merl J. McAfee, Hannah A. McAfee,
Julia V. McAfee, Albert Parkor, Mrs.
Albert Parker, Jim Parker, Amil An
deson, Mary Londcrgan, Andrew
Crowe, Mary Kopkin, Rudolph Rop
kin, Johnnie Ropkin, Annio Ropkin,
Margaret Ropkin, Art Dose, Anna
Dose, Alfred Dose, W. M. Vos3, Mrs.
W. M. Voss, Raymond Voss, Lillie
Voss, Martin Voss, Mrs. Martin Voss,
Norman Voss, Elmer , Voss, Clarence
Voss, Harry Reninger, Mrs. Harry
Reninger, S. J. Knox, Ueulah Stew
art, J. II. Rcnkln, Mrs. J. H. Ren
kin, Fannie Rcnkin, Clias. Williams,
Mrs. Clias. Williams, Arvillo McAfee,
Joe McAfee, L. C. Tilton, Mrs. L.. C.
Tilton, Opal Tilton, Kaymond Tilton,
Margaret Tilton, Paul Haase, A. I.
Linafclter, Mrs. A. I. Linafelter,
Charley Stewart, Mrs. Percha Stew
art, Walter Stewart, Rutll Stewart,
Malilon Stowart, Clare Stewart,
Frank Nelson, Mrs. Frank Nelson,
Mrs. Geo. Stewart, Myrtle Stewart,
Frank Stewart. D. A. Woods, Mrs.
D. A. Woods, Albert Woods, Walter
Woods, Velma Woods, Ardith Woods,
Ike (Woods, Hesslo Woods, Donald
Woods, Ralph Clem, Clifford Clem,
Esther Clem, Axel Llnd, Mrs. Axel
Llntl, Lew Sierk, Mrs. Low Sierk,
Wm. O'Noill, Mrs. Wm. O'Neill,
Michael Wm. O'Neill, Frances Clair
O'Noill, Max Delanoy, Clyde Arm
strong, Mrs. Clyde Armstrong, Polly
Provancha, Mrs. Martin Springer,
Harry Springer, Mrs. Harry Spring
er, Harold Springer, Melvin Spring
er, T W. Luchr, II. C. Luelir, Chris
tona Luchr, Mrs. Potor Larson, Den
nis Mitchell, Mrs. Dennis Mitchell,
Georgo Poterson, Martin Beacom,
Mrs. Martin Beacom, Mary Beacom,
Stovo Hansen, Mrs. Stevo Hansen,
Carl Rasmusscn, S. K. Brown, Mrs.
S. K. Brown, Georgo Elmer Brown,
Mrs. George Elmer Brown, Vera
Hown. Alma Brown, Rudolph Smith,
Mra. Rudolph Smith, Ralph Lamp,
Mary Lamp, Doloras Mary Lamp, W.
A. Rutli, Mrs. Fannio Ruth, Fred
Saunders, Vera Saunders, James
Perucker, Mrs. Olivo Puruckcr, Her
man Anderson, Nick Anderson, Mrs.
Mary Andersen, Jolian Johnson,
Herman Stobnor, J. It. Carmon, Mrs.
J. R. Carmon, J. C. Cannon, Mrs.
Louise Vanient, John Vrtnlent, Jos-
opli Vanient, Frank Vanient, Ida
Vanient, Anton Vanient, Richard
Leibor, Mrs. Richard Leibcr, Otto
Loiber, Hattio Leibor, Carl Leibcr.
Jackson Brunch.
100 per cent members:
Rev. Felix McCarthy, Joseph A.
Heomins, Mrs. Erlach, J. T. Hart
notts, Petor Frnnks.Dan Richardson,
J. B. Sullivan, C. J. Goodfellow, Mrs.
J. B. Love, C. W. Bollofson, Mrs.
Mollio Murry, Chris Soversons, Mrs.
M. Boyln, M. Mimaugh, John Flan
nory, Matt Zulauf, Win. Hconan,
James Sutherland, Mrs. M. Loahy,
Mray Krampcr, Mrs. Mary McGoni
gal, II. Kenny, J. W. Flnnoll, F. J.
Uudko, Nod oKarnoy, Hans Knud
sons, Robert Erlach, Mlko Uolors,
sr., John Bolors, W. F. Ilickeys, Har
ry Goodfollows, C. K. Heffornun,
Tom Sullivan, John Ryans, Michael
Quinns, J. M. Harrys, John R. Cul
len, diet Smiths, Mrs. Tom McKeov
or, Mlko Iloffornans, Louis Poder
son, Henry Knudson, Mary A. Be
loughory, L. A. Nelson, Con De
loughory, Potor Andersons, Row E.
M. Gleesun, Rich Longs, Chris Chris
tiansens, Mathlas McKlvorgan, John
Olson, J. II. O'Donnells, J. C. Dug
Bans, Mrs. Catlierlno Twohig, John
Shnnnahan, Elizabeth Zimmerman,
Fred Jacobson, Frank Rush, Wm.
Hohenstoin, Joo Franklin, Gas
Dohno, Tom Cullerton, Horaco Du
gan, Georgo C. Toiler, Suae John
ston, Wm. ilartnett, Mrs. Wm. Ilart
nett. Chris Smith. Nick Ryan, Jim
Ryan, Mrs. Carl Nelson, John Gill,
Mario Gill, Joseph Gill, Patrick Gill,
Mrs. Mary GUI, Joo Gill, Elinor Gill,
James Gill, Georgo W. Banoy, Clias.
Banoy, Catlierlno llcenan, John
lleonan, sr., Ernest Johnson, Ida
Johnson, Wm, Ilohonstlno, sr.,
Amolla Holionstlno, Chester Loidig,
Bon Harbor, O. A. Harbor, Mrs. O.
A. Harbor, Georgo Mongar, Annio
Mongar, Morrill Harbor, Sam Hiatt,
.Mrs. Ada Banoy, Dan Hicks, Frank
Wators, G. J. Ryan, Ray Stovons,
Roy Bolton, John lleonan, M. J.
Moors, J. W. Collins, Mrs. J. W. Col
lins, Mrs. H. F. McKcovor, Mrs. E.
Loahy, Mario Leahy, Paul Loahy,
Elizabeth Leahy. Mary Hogan, Nora
llogan. D. F. Wators, Mrs. J. G.
Marsh. J. G. Marsh, Mrs. M. J.
Flynn. Ed Waddoll. Eddlo Flynn, R.
F. Muglrl. Mrs. R. P. Magirl, Monica
Flynn, John Hickoy, Jim Hogan, J.
T. Daloy. Mrs. J. T. Daloy, Mary
Mooro, Joo Hryan, Win. Sundt, Mrs.
Win. Sundt, Mary Smith, F. W.
Roost, Vathoino Roost, Nancy Eblo,
Win. Eblo, Rom Hryan, Hruce Hry-J
an, Iiuth ON. 11 J. A, Hall, Mr-
A. Hall, P, II, Stc'Cenncy, .) -.1.
Smith, Elmer Collin. Geo. Munlrn.
II. W. O'Neill, Mr.s. II. V. O'Neill,
Leo O'Neill, Kdtllo O'Neill. Paul
O'NoJll. Henry Sundt. Kthleen Dal
ey, Dominican Sisters, Pat Hickoy,
Win. P. Hlckcy, Jr., Eugono Gib
son, M. Andrese, David Jassan, Wra.
Hiloy, L. D. Hicks, Prank Konnolly,
Sam Cuininlns. Mark O'Neill.
McCrlll, Mlko Keniiolly, Irvin
C. E. Hansen, Eugono Keniiolly,
Mrs. Eugono Keniiolly, Mrs. Amy
Brady, II. A. Ilamin, Mrs. 11. A.
Ilanim, J. M. Brannan, Mrs. J. M.
Brannan, W. F. Wall, T. II. Sulli
van, Mrs. T. II. Sullivan, J. M. Ken
iiolly, James McCormack, Prod
Hrown, Mrs. Wm. Riloy, Blanch Ril
oy, Win. Hogan, Mike Cullcn, Pat
Gormnlly, Hans Anderson, Hans
Hanson, Mrs. Kristina Knudson,
Win. Mackoy, Ray Crow, Jack Smith,
Mrs. J. Smith, Louis Smith, Michael
Mitchell, Ray Mitchell, John Mitch
ell, Anna Mitchell, John Couch, Mrs.
John Couch, Mrs. J. V. Gassing, Mrs.
J. W. Cassing. Walt Mackoy, Harry
Reed, Mrs. Harry Rood Mrs. John
Nichols, Lawrenco Martin, Mildred
Carpenter, Carl Motes, Ed O'Neill,
Mrs. Albert Carpenter, Albert Car
ponter, David Hognow, Lawronco
Crow, Tlios. Haiinigan, Harry Dowc,
Martin Hoag, Mrs. Martin Hoag,
Martha Hoag, Fred Hoag, Christ
Hoag, Mrs. Joe Hoag, Mrs. Matt Mc
Klvorgan, Catlierlno Mitchell, Boa
trico Jones, Will McTaggart, Mrs. J.
Crapenter, Mrs. Thomas Rush, Mar
garet Crosby, Mrs. John Rush, Mrs.
Alice McNally, Nora Crosby, Mrs. J.
M. Twohig, Mrs. Tlios. Gormally,
Mrs. M. F. Logue, Mrs. J. C. lleon
an, Mrs. Peter Nichols, Mrs. Kitscn,
Dean Cornell, Mrs. Dean Cornell,
Ray McTaggart, Mm. Caroline Bea
com, Mrs. Pat Casey, Laura K'f-
Mary Kitsen, Mrs. John O'NVi , .t.ai
O'Neill, Mrs. John W. Twohig, Mrs.
Dennis Heenan, Peter Nichols, J. C.
Hcenan jr., John Carpenter sr.,
Thomas R. Welsh, Leo O'Connell,
Chester Eastman, Joseph Welsh,
Paul Edward Twohig, J. P. Kram
pcr, R. A. Parker, Mrs. R. A. Parker,
Sam Lawritson, Earl Fisher, J. Wal
ly, R. L. Hawks, Mrs. R. L. Hawks,
John Martin, James O'Neill, J. R.
Hcenan, F. C. Carpenter, Mrs. P. C.
Carpenter, M. Kelleher, Dan Ilodg
1ns, II. Mahon, Pat J. Heenan jr.,
Wlllio Ilodgins, John Carpenter jr.,
Din Heenan, T. D. Jones, Mrs. T.
D. Jones, Joo Hagan, Miss McGov
em, M. G. Williams, 1. A. Evans,
II. G. Bee, James Boyle, Doran Good
ley, M. J. Hynes, Theodoro Kleotklo,
Androw Anderson, Anton Learson,
C. R. Smith, Clias. Gormally, J.
Rush jr., Tlios. Gormally jr., Fred
Eastman, Bertha Smith, Alfred
Smith, Julia Smith, John O'Noill, II.
Bowie, Edward Daly, Pat Ilodgins,
Wm. Burke, George Stevens, John
McGee, Ras Rasmussen, Perry Shan
ahan, W. E. Wenther, Clias. Mahon,
James Mahon, M. P. Logue, Mary
Hubbard Branch.
Joo M. Leedom, John P. Campbell,
James Waters, Dan L. Ilartnett, Ray
Graves, Ray Smith, Ray Hecncy,
Robert Duggan, Wm. Reiss, Thor
wald Reiss, Steve Anderson, Mrs.
Joseph W. Heffornan, Victor Harris,
James Lahey, Mrs. James Thornton,
Fred Reaze, Win. Rooney, Mrs. Wm.
Rooney, Mrs. A. J. Eicliorn, John
Sherlock, C. E. Hood, John Green,
Herman Bonze sr., Herman II.
Renzo jr., John .lessen, J. C. Ilart
nett, John Duggan, Andy Monehan,
Mrs. M. Ogburn, G. II. Ogburn, Lea
na Ogburn, Ralph Ogburn, Ed. V.
Maurice, Orvillo Ogburn, Goo. Tim
lin, M. W. Green, Emanuel Cbris
tensen, Carl Larsen, Jesse Graves,
Mrs. Jesse Graves, Julia Graves,
Ha7ol Graves, Wlllio Graves, Clias.
B. lleoney, John Uffing, John II.
Campbell, Mrs. John Ilarty, Ernest
Scharp, M. T. Beacom, Fred John
son, M. C. Green, Willie Mitchell,
Mike Smith, Mrs. Mike Smith, Cath
ernio Smith, Harry Hippie, Herbert
Harris, Goo. Eble sr., Mrs. Geo. Eblo,
Bornico Eble, Georgo Eblo Jr., Ruby
Eblo, Grace Eblo, Charles Eblo, Mary
Eblo, John ilarty, Guy Weir, James
Howard, Mrs. James Howard, John
C. Howard, James B. Howard, Mary
E. Howard, Tommy Grappor, John
Grappor, II. F. Cain, Tlios. Long.
Mrs. Thomas Long, Holcn Long, Ben
Long, Free Pounds, Mrs. J. M. Leed
om, Josophlno Leedom, P. M. Marcli
ek, Bernard Heoney, Ed Schantel,
Mrs. Ed Schantel, Francis lleoney,
Carl Sunt, Raymond Delaney, Her
man Nelson, Mrs. Herman Nelson,
You Can Get a Gov.-lrrigated Farm in
the Big Horn Basin if You Act Promptly
Uncle Sam built'this irrigating system; lie gives you the land
and charges you only the actual cost of an ample and perma
nent water right. The mode of payment is nearly a gift 20
years' time, no interest; with three years' cultivation, these
farms will be worth at least a hundred dollars an acre; excellent
surroundings; on the Burlington's main line, near Deaver, Wyo.
The Big Horn Basin: Because of the rich oil discoveries,
the great irrigated areas, the heavy alfalfa and grain production,
beet sugar factories, oil refineries, growing population, the Big
Horn Basin teems with prosperity and a rapidly increasing de
velopement. Nebraska and Colorado Lands: For dairying, wheat
raising, for livestock and general farming, these lands can be
bought on good terms. They are cheap and should double in
value, in the face of the world's demand for food stuffs.
Secure my services; they arc free to ou.
The Herald for Sale Bills
,. , it NcIm n, Vi ''ii- i'i NYhcn jr.,
.nit 'ft Iuml, Iii'gli lund, Peter
.Ti liM-n Mrt Poior Jetiurn, Mrs. .1
C. Ilartnett. Florence Grai", John
Jones, Joo IIowITrd. Ed Maurice jr.,
Oscar Reins, Nora Jones, Thos. Ilel
fornan, Clancey llefrernnn, Allcs
Iloffernan, 1). E. Mitchell, Mads Nol
sen, Mrs. Mnds Nelson, C. II. Ander
son, Mrs. C. II. Anderson, Boil Mod
emoycr, Fred Parke, Mm, Fred
Parke, Mildred Parke, Mrs. Frank
Reed. Wm. Ilarty, Mm. Wm. Ilarty,
Phlllis Smith, Louis Larson, Mr-.
Louis Larson. Hans Larson, Mary
Larson, Christ Nelson, Nols Jensen,
Luther J. Martin, Elsie Martin, Surl
la Martin, Flossy Martin, Molva
Martin, Mrs. Premium Rockwoll,
Bert Barnes, Emil Young, Mrs. Emil
Young, Mrs. Ben Purlckoti, Mrs. El
len Duggan, Mary Green, Mrs. Pat
rick Jones, John Mnlonoy, Christina
Beck, James Green, Mrs.L. It. Poote,
Dan Heffornan, Mrs. Kato Iloffer
nan, Veronica Heffornan, Catlierlno
Long, Nels Kagstnnd, Mrs. Herman
Renzo, nelen Johnson, Hans John
sen. in. Duggan. Rasmus Rasmus
sen, Fred Nelson, O. E. Beacom,
Raymond Cullon, Mrs. Mary Cullcn,
John P. Beacom, Joseph W. Iloffor
non, Fiaiicis Smith, Harry RcIcp,
Louis Reiss, John Ileniiing, James
Smith, Margaret E. Smith, Androw
Giesberg, Mrs. Minnie Giesberg, Geo.
E. Rcisa. Joseph E. Smith, Dan B.
Ilartnett, Mrs. Sarah Johnsen,
Frank Vfflng, Beatrice Uffing, Cath
erine Uffing, Dina Uffing, Carl An
derson, Fred Bartels, Mrs. Fred Bar
tels, Mabol Bartels, Elmer Bartels.
Ray Bartels, Ollio Bartels, P. G.
Hale, Mrs. P. G. Hale, Mrs. Frank
Halo, Ella Okoson, Ray Goddanl.
Mrs. Ray Goddard, Win, Portlngton,
Mrs. John Beocotn. John iir '- ,
To' ' i ., :..,. .'..iUiu,
i.i-y iiniuiif, Lawr-re Ar
iiiiiui, Neve Armour, II. 1 Ar
mour, Warren Armour, Pre Bar
tels, Melvin Bartels, Dora Baitels,
E. R. Polly, Mrs. E. It. Polly, Lloyd
Polly, Charles Polly, Alberta Polly,
M. M. IlHeman, Ralph Hileman,
Reynold Hileman, S. II. Hridenb
auglj, Hans Hansen, Eugene Hansen,
Carl Andorsen, Esther V. Lussier,
Mrs. Ilerrlottn Lussier, Edward
Tlios. Long, Peter Peters, Mis. Peter
Peters, John Peters, Peter Peters jr.,
Claus Peters, Herman Peters, Al
tna Peters, Otto Peters, Rudolph
Peters, Mota Peters, John Nelsen,
Mrs. John Nelson, Fred Schumach,
Mrs. S. II. Bridenbaugh, Mrs. Ed
ward Long, Edward Long jr., Mich
ael Hayes, Bonny Ilartnett, Alice
Ilartnett, Carmilla Ilartnett, Goo.
Hayes, Henry Wolfe, Mrs. Henry
Wolfe, Maude Wolfe, William Wolfe,
Henry Wolfe jr., Reuben Wolfe,
Frank Wolfe, John Wolfe, Mrs. Min
nie Francisco, Frank Francisco, Ber
tha Francisco, Jessie Francisco, Eth
el Francisco, Clyde Francisco, Mary
Francisco, Clyde Francisco, Mary
Ann Francisco, Frank Lussier, Mrs.
Frank Lussier, Tliolma Lussier,
Lara Larson, Mart Cimmers, B. J.
Cobleigh, Treff Deroin, Mrs. Trefr"
Deroin, Louie Deroin, Mrs. Louie
Deroin, Alfred G. Deroin, Mrs. Al
fred G. Deroin, Alfred C. Deroin,
Mrs. Julia Fricken, John Hayes,
August Andresen, Elsie Francisco,
Clarence Francisco, Lloyd Francisco,
Theodore Francisco, Hazel Fran
cisco, Mrs. Bert Francisco, John
Provancha, John Ilartnett, Mrs.
J Mike Farrell, Mlko Parrell, Willis
Farrell, Michael Farrell, Maurice
Mullen, Thos. K. Ilartnett, Mrs. T.
K. Ilartnett, Ida Fredericksen, C. 11.
Thompson, Win. Hayes, Mrs. Wm.
Hayes, Clias. Londcrgan, Emma An
derson, C. M. Rasmussen, Mrs. Har
ry Hippie, Mrs. Fred Johnsen.
M. E. Church Notes.
F. J. Aucock, Pastor.
All services next Sunday at usual
hours. Don't let the Sunday school
suffer because the days are cold.
The janitor is on the job soon after
6 a. m., and will make the church
We are planning on some special
music for Easter. A choir composed
of adults and young people will be
organized and will practice Sunday
afternoons before the regular ser
vice: We want to make Easter
worth while.
Ladies Aid meets with Mrs. George
Learner Friday of this weed.
Preserve and beautify your home
with Mound City Paint and Varnish.
For sale at Neiswanger Pharmacy.
S. B. HOWARD, Immigration Agt.
C. B. & Q. R. R.
1001 Fai nam Street, Omaha, Nub