DAKOTA OGUrirV HERALD, BAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA, rfyalirjtfgyc3 BIB ; ll Wa I JlflP I Thopuro-brod aheap incluatry in iiXJjM r1! f G. W. Hcrvey Pioneer Sheep Man, Editor Sheep Dcpt., Twentieth Century' Farmer. prices prevuuiii';, mm, ih jmii.. u the excellent work tho Twontleth Century Put me r haw-done Hnd is doing ulone thin lme. Trri3 Iim only hcon powdble by hnvihfj uch n man as 0. W. Ilervey on the editorial staff. Jtr. ITervcy U vty popxitar nmontt nritap brawler and U considered one o: the beat ported tnn on thU ubot In the middle Wt, He wan born ami raited on n hwp farm and his nctunl exper ience In brtcillmt and fcmllftu pure-lirca oheep oxtenui over n period of mora titan iwntilv.Clvo vcara- To Mr. Ilervoy lieTonin the honor of bcina; one of tho first men, if not tho flrt, to ahlp rt oar load of rurenred fecistered nlieep Into the Mnlo pf Nebraska. Although not now nctlvrly minuted In tho brccdlnji and fccdlnjr bunlneaa lilt article In tho Twentieth Century Former ore of Hrcot value to the farmers ef Omanas Trndo torrltory. Jbnae urtlclcs ond hla knowledge of Hhep hat i Iwn n blK lactor In tho erowimr nuccraa of tho puro-bred Hhecp industry In thin termor?. The Twentieth Century Fnrmer In prouil of tho fact that Mr. Ilorvpy has ticcn connected with its publication for more tlian twelve yawra, in wliUh time lie haa necurcd the nlnoluto confidence of the thouaand pf rwdota Of tho work from bin pen. Ilia word on ahcep leave i no room for criticism. Mako your farm and your ltnowledja of he? raoro valuable by reading Mr, llcrvcy'o articles in tho 'SssatiaCtlvcQntQS tSL You cannot afford to bo without them. 'SSNeflaggKw ILL WE HELP THE RED CROSS? Organization Right Now Keeping Millions of Destitute Men, Women and Children Alive in Europe. LEOAL NOTICES The Dakota County Herald Twentieth Century Farmer. -A p i i o Government-Irrigated Homesteads Left In The Big Horn Basin, Wyoming. These are part of the new luannie Unit, on anr main line adjoining the successful Pow?ll locality, and the lands ore watered by the same government system, merely an extension of the canals, Of 184 farms, there remain only 50 not taken these will go before March 1st: act quickly. EASTERN COLORADO AND WESTERN NEBRASKA offer splendid deeded lauds at low prices. A farmer near Akron, Colo., , raised this season a S3, (500 crop of beans on a 33,200 farm. Query :What is such land worth an acre? You can buy it from '$20 to S35 an acre. Thousunds of acres of divided large holdings now coming on the market. It will pay you to do "some thinking" at ence. Sec me. I am paid to help you. 8. 15. HOWARD, Immigration Agt. C. TJ. & Q. R. R. 1001 lfnrnum Streot, Omuhu, Nob. QQdJfei) paQOD Hgp nnrM - r i r-. i . Ft r--N W viraswGJUiiu Every Housewife or Mother is ever under that Nervous Strain which so often results in Headaches. Tim.-v , ... .QAneorSa-wno EJr 3 - .--i -.,-, If &y(k rWMO,l,,u -, wmi uepression ana otner ij Nervous Disorders. Dr. Miles NERVINE is Highly Recommended in Such Cases. IF FIRST POTTLE TAILS TO DENEF1T, YOUR MONCY WILL DC REMINDED. j ' ;y sk ' iwrn 1 1 m$tti&ffi Arlirv A att3w";iYu' vU.i' V ' ffiilavs i W Y W M-e DADLY RUN DOWN. "I lind liecomo rreatly run down nml my nfrvcw were In terrlldo cundltlon. I (mil freayent liead uclios mul booHtno very weak and was tmablo to do nnythine;, I lioualit a bottle of Dr. Mile' Nfrv Ino. I noon began to fool better, my jioneH weie rtulctetl. I re covered my strewctl). mul liave alni o reoommoniletl l)v. Miles' Nervlno to many of my frlendn who liao llid it with ritlsfaetorv rctult"," MUS. FltANCKB AVIHTI.Uflv, 17!) Uroadway, Bchcno i.idy, N. V. All Americans at Home Must Back Up This Great Work Effectually Join the Red Cross Today. The American Red Cross 1ms on Its hands one of the world's greatest nnd firlininost jobs. In order to do the work, tlio organization must havo at onco fifcen million members. It now lniB five million on tho rolls nnd Is (Mimpiilgnlnt; to secure tho ten million additional members by Christmas eve. Eery nmn, woman nnd child in this community ought to belong to the Ited Cross. Being n member doesn't mean that ono is expected to go to Europe, carry woundftd soldiers oil tho battle fluids and nurse them in tho hospitals. It doesn't menu that one need go to tho devastated areas of France, or Bel- glum, or I'61and, or Serbia, and glvo personal caro to tho starving, freezing, nal;ed, homeless women nnd children there. But it does mean that those of us who Htay comfortably at homo will do as much ns wo can in every way to buck up tho organization already at work "over there." It does mean that the men among us will contribute our bit to help our brothers lighting tho cause oC liberty In Europe. It does mean that "the mothers among us will knit and sew for tho wretched mothers of Europe nnd their pitiful babies. It does mean that our young women will show practical sympathy for tho young women almig the "western front" and In Seibln who havo suffered unspeakable cruelties at tho hands of bestial enemy soldiers. It does mean that our children be made to understand tho curse upon the children of Europe', and be taught to make some sort of sacriiico for the cause of humanity. It docs mean that each of us will do what ho can Individually to supply plenty of comforts for our soldiers lighting tho enemy and necessities for the wounded In hosipltuls. Stricken Europe Ls crying to heaven for relief, and Providence is answering that prayer through the Instrumental ity of tho American lied Cross. Now if It had unlimited funds but only a comparatively few members, the Ited Cross would be unable to do tho work before It. The first great need ls for millions of members tho sup port of tho folks "bacfc home." Do you know why our lads In tho army and navy arc acquitting them selves so creditably why they are, amazing tho allies by their bravery, in telligence nnd enthusiasm? It Is be cause those lads are thinking always of their mothers and dads and sisters and sweethearts and kid brothers. Tho same thing goes for tho Ited. Cross. "When nil tho dads and moth ers and sisters and Hw'eethearts nnd kid brothers in Ameriot show their. In terest and sympathy for Bed Cross work, as members off the Bed Cross and as worklng'members, why tho Bed Cross will cover itself with glory for ever more. A ycar's membership in the Bed Cross costs Just one dollar. , If ono wishes to rend tho Bed Cross Maga zlno for n year ho pays another dol lar. Join now. You will never spend a dollar In n better cause., Tho Bed Cross button lsta badgo of honor. Wear onel Kl rot publication 1 2-17-4 w Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement rjf Account. In the Uonnty Court of Dnl-.otit county. Ni)brakn. Stnte of Nebmnkn, Ddliotit Oounty To ICmllto Illume, I'lnru Illume, Ilcntrlco llliimv. Wlnfrwl Illume, MniKnii't Illume, If run i'li Illume, Mildred Illume, IHiimU! Illume, nnd nil iieriuns liiteremed In tbe estnteof Krecl Illume, deceased: On reudliiR tbe DOtltlon of Jlmllle Ultimo prnyliiR n lliml settlement nnd nl lovwiiipoof bur account tiled In tblncotlrton tho St tli day of Docetnbor. 1UI7, nnd for herdlfcclmrgonejcee.utrlx,nnd tbe roleuso of her bondsmen, It In hereby ordored Hint you, nnd nil per son Into rented In mhII umiu r, mny mul do, npuenr tit tho county court to bo held In nnd foranld county, on the loth dny of .Innu nry, A. I). 1DIH, ul 10 o'clock A. M., to sbow rninio, If utiy tboro bo, why tho prnyer ot the potltlonor fthotild not bo Krnntcd, unit Mint nollco of tho pendency of niihl petition mul the henrliiK thereof ltd Klven to nil peroni! Interested In snld innttor by pub lishtmtncouy of thin ore leu In tho imkotu (lountv Ilernld, n weekly newipnpor print ed In sntil county, for four miccomIvo weokt prior loanld dny of hem Inst. s, v . nici.iuioy, st'.j, County .ludce. The WAR Duty 1 r ff mm 'uar First l'ul-lS'!l-4v Order of Hearing and Notice on Peti tion fqr Settlement of Account. In tho County Court of Dnkotn county, Nebniskn. Stnte of Nuhrnikn. Unkotu County ss. To Knte Suwjor, Gertrude K. Noidyko, KumcesSiiwyor. Peter l riiiwyor, nnd to ill persons interested In thr estate of II. F. Snuyer, decensed- On lendlim tho petition of K. W. lor dyke prnyliiK n lliml settleiui-nt nnd ullow mice of Ills account tiled In thlscouit on the ISthdny of December, 1017. nnd for de cree tbei eon, nnd for his dlhcbuiKO us lid ministnitor. It Is hereby ouleied Mint you, and nil portions lutoiobted In mlti mutter may. nnd do, nppenr at the county court to lie lieJU Hi nnd forsald county, on tho lltli Uny of .inn unry, A.D.19IS, nt 10 o'clock a. in., to hhow cause, If uny thoio lie, why thepinyerof tho petitioner Hhould not bo Kiuuted.niid tliut notice of the peiuleney of snld petition nnd tho heailiu? theieof bo iilvoii to all pei sons Interested In falil mattot' by pub llslilnir acopy of this order In tho Iiukotn County Horaid, n weekly newspaper pilnt ed In f-nld county, for four successle ueel.-s nrlorto ald dny of heailmi. H.W. McKini.ky, spa i.. County Judge H'lrst publication lM:l-ilv NOTICH rOR 3IDS. Notice ls hereby nlven that on or befoto Jiinuury 1. llUS.neulecl bids will bo lecelved ut tho county clurk's odlce for lui nlililiiK books, letterbends, envelopes, stitllonery, and blanks us follows; lino KM Records, 8 ir, plain, ench. Records, 8(ir, ruled, printed heads, loose leaf, McMllleu patent back, each, Recoids, Hut', pluln, printed hends, looso leaf, Mc.Mllloii patent bark, each, Records, 8qr, printed, looso lenf, Mc.Mll len patent back, encli. Records, rtqr, plain, each. Records, Our, i tiled, each. All books must bo made ot the best linen ledger paper, full Russia binding, to open Hut, and tocoriespond with books now In use. I.KTTKII 1IKADS ANP KNVKLOl'E.S Letter bends, full sheet, printed, best finality paper, por 1) nnd Per M. Letter heads, half sheet, printed, best aunllty paper, per I) nnd per M. Knvelopos, printed, So. 1, size 0-4, white, por M. Knvelopes, printed, No. 10, mnnlln, per M. I'lnvelopeH, pi luted, No, 11. munlla, per M. STATIONKRV Hnnford'ii, Carter's or Arnold's lnk.perqt. Nauloiu's. curtor's or Arnold's line, pel doz.qts. Hpoucei'laii, Ulucinum or uinette'8 pen points, orcquiu, per gross. Kaberor DUon pencils, hex., per gioss. I A II Ilmdmuth, Alepblsto copying pen cils. No.7;lb, bind, per gross. Dine or rcdchecklngponclls. per gios3. Senate scratch pads, per do.. Typewriter paper, size HJitlSS, best qual ity, por renin. ltr.ANKH Legal lllanks, half sheet. porC. I) mul M. Legal blanks, quarter shoot, por C, D, M. Legal blanks, eighth sheet, per O. I) mid M. For pi luting bar dockets, each opening. Sopnrato bids will nlso bo lecelved for publishing delinquent tnx list, per descrip tion for hinds nnd for lots; mid lot; commis sioners proceedings and such other notices ns will bo required by the bonrd of com missioners. Tho bonrd rosorvos tho right to reject nny nnd nil bids. Accepted blddor to glvo bond for faithful performance of contract. Dated nt Dnkotn City, Nebr., Dec. B. 1917. George AVIlklna. County Clerk. $100 Reward, $100 Tho readers ot this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least ono dreaded disease that science, has been able to euro In all Its stages and that is catarrh. Catarrh belns greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken Internally and nets thru tho Blooit on the Mucous Sur faces of tho SyHtein thereby destroying tho foundation of tho disease, Blvlnrj tho patient strength by building up tho con stitution nnd nsslsting naturo In doing Us work. Tho proprietors havo so inu faith In the cnrntlvo powers of Hnlr Catarrh Medlclno that they offer OL Hundred Dollars for nny case that It ixu to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address P. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Sold by all Druggist, 75c. GREAT CANAL IS PLANNED -i2mivri:M.-TyreTiOTTTirr-T-miOTreiTirrCTaCTTm I l Successor to iE3W O stracls f Title S10,Q00 Surely Bond Guarantees the accuracy of every Abstract I make. SEMESLS, Bonded Abstractor, the DAKOTA COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. CXCW) a Forth and Clyde Waterway Has. Been Under Consideration by British for Several Years. Thero lias been vaguely before the public for some years a great scheme the Forth nnd Clyde canal writes n correspondent of the Loudon Times. Germany did not declare war until the Kiel canal was completed. There can bo no question thnt if during theso last three years-r-wo had been able to move ships quickly nnd safely from ono Mdo of Scotland to tho other It would havo been to our benefit. That benefit will always obtidn, but I am not now talking of mero transit, but of new town planning possibilities u calcu lated incentive to expansion for those who wish to live under tho most mod ern conditions, unhampered by what we now consider the mistakes of tho past. Seven years ago tho government was given powers to mnko a road whero It pleawd and ucqulro tho land on either sido of It for develop ment. Let them now consider taking their courago In both hands and them selves driving ncross Scotland n canal for ocean-going ships. Along Its banks thero would arise during Its construc tion roads nnd rails nnd power sta tions, together -with tho houses of tho men making all these. Later would follow tho factories, nnd wo should eventually havo a lineal stnto garden city, seaport, mnnufacturlng, residen tial, ip-to-dato and uncongestlble. It would bo n governmental experiment In spreading tho,peoplo for their nd-vnntnge. WW"'-. W vukWMiSJT.A kuiJJ i ffimiiiiiiwiiuininiljiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiMiu'iiiiiin' wwuuuiii,inti'iTiuii!ipiuiiii.iim Me(hiy6KmdPnze! I (miKestAward) 1' given to Dictionaries! aHlie Panama- Pacific Exposition was granted to WEBSTER5 NEW INTERNATIONAL ron Superiority of Educational Merit. Thid new creation answers with final authority all kinds of puzzlli g questions men as liowiairrraiji pronounced?" "Where i Flan ders? " "What is a continuous roi- agef" "WlinthiiioiciLvr" "What is ttvutfl coair' "IIowmm pro nounced?" and thousands of othon. More than 400,000 Vocabulary Terms. 30,000 Geographical Subjects. 12,000 Biographical Entries. Over 6000 Illus trations. 2700 Pages. Tho only diction ary with tho divided page a stroke of genius. KrtuurardlaJu. B Paper CJiUcni. j? Write ft r c ix. I- 6 mon psgt', il- h luhtratiuas, etc g Frco. n pet of I Pjckct Maps if 5 u .i jiiu this , t. j I,.. ... i, w. . R t- i IStr kO'i .le lUilCS S1- . ;'Ji-- UialMl', All. :lJ ut a rro V and Your Duty Tlie lowly freight car has a mighty work to perform in this war first conies Uncle Sam's work, then yours. BOTH cannot be done well unless YQU help and every time you fail to load a freight car to capacity, you fail in your dutyytju becptuq a transportation slacker. v ' .' ' llG.OOO freight cars were needed In h rtionlh-j to take supplies to XJ, . Canipsj 17,000 cats were required by. the shipping board,- and every day Uncle Snin needs mote cats and will get them. This Company wishes to give you good st rvice our ability to do so rests with YOU. Load oour car la capacity ; j - Loud your freight prarfiplly i Unload your freight -yromptly ' t Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway A. V, TRHNMOLn Vlco-I'res. and Gen'l MuniiKor ST. PAUL. MINN. H. M. PiiARCR DPUOimI Tinllle Mrmni r !KS2ZZI jii . 3!CX m mimstsmzmMm Etrrdetopes In Jfc-Very Size, Color or Quality Triggs? Hew Restaurant arid Pool Hi l-K LCI. I have re-arranged my Rtstauraut building and will install, pool tables in the front part of building. All my restaurant patrons will be cared for as be fore. Meals and lunches served at all reasonable hottis. Everything New, Clean and Up-to-Date m liiKimuii WM. TR1GGS, DAKOTA CITY NEBRASKA llili! Iiii!!!!i!!l a,11'1 Dr. Koch's Tonics fxtracts Poultry Tonic Good for Chickens. Weona Dip is a fine Disinfectant for Hogs. One farmer from near Jackson, fed One Pail of Stock Tonic and Three Packages of Worm Medi cine, at a cost of S4 f)0. This same farmer said the Tenic and Worm Medicine did him S5Q0.0O worth of good. Persons wishing any of these valuable goods can get them at my place in South Sioux City, one block west from end of street car line. E. J. GARLOCK, Agent m 0fjsms5msss Sturges Bros. Have to 315 Pearl Street . r' where we will be glad to see all our old patons, and we hope, many new ones. This move is nec essary, as the building we now have is too small for our growing business. Stxurge Bros. Old Location, 411 Pearl St. Sioux City, Iowa loved Slaughter -Burke Grain Go. DlSAI.nUS IN GraSrv FGCrlf Flowr, Hay aavd Coal I'RED PARKER, Manacer Phono No. 4 Dnkotn City, Nobr. u 3" M H 17 a ! v .1 M3 " 8 nJ1 m:'i m "M 'a H r 'C t: St ' V s w Tho Herald, 1.25 perl AT THIS OFFICE