DAKOTA COUNTY HEftAbfc. DAKOTA ClTY, NEBRASKA. ?- fk 1 w AJ&lxvMnnm SHaeaUtg Sit $rli. Or. oumti. flu'lic lb MAY tho blessing of the light that shown at midnight come to tho hearts that nro shadowed and the homes that are dark. I May the blessing of tho Monger Cradle como to that innumerable company against whom the doors of hope and peace and rest ore shut. QMay the blessing of the Holy Child come to every ono who has forgotten that thou, O God, art hia father and that all men are brothers. J May the blessing of the Guid ing Btar come to those who wan der in the night and cannot find the homeward way- J May the blessing of the Stable come upon all hearts, wakening a kindly sense of kindred with every living thing that walks the field and forest or wings the air or passes along the paths of tho seas. New York World. Cbnstmas Observance THERE Is very llttlo of the right motive in commomorntlng the birth of Jesus the Snvlor. Tho uplrit of the modern Chrlstmns Is to IV"" """Siavo n m business '" Josvb a good old time, feasting and business activity, with the Holy Child figurehead. Such Is n. very great. offense to Al- jilghty God. An offering to God In the spirit of righteousness, by humility, wor.d.iIp, mortification, in self denial and good works, should be the first duty In celebrating Christmas. Really a number of hours similar to Lent ought to bo considered, after which would come the feast and re joicing Respectful thankfulness to ,the Lord God of Hosts for his love and pity for n sinful .race In his priceless gift of a !?ar!or such would bo -a fitting grace before partaking of the good things and many blessings that he has been pleased to bestow on all people. What would a person think In giving a re ception and supper to have the guests hasten to tho dining hnll and devour J7the food without giving the honor and respect due to the host first? Almighty God is treated in a similar manner In celebrating the modern Chrlstmas. George Cashcl in Philadelphia Press, The Old Christmas Hymns. 1 Happy Is the man or woman who, having left behind tho schooldays and he homo gatherings, still sings the old tymns and joins In the readings of the Christmas chapters In some simple church service designed to perpetuate tho true spirit of tho day. H Soft, toft, so sleeps the littlo stranger; ( uroon. croon in tender notes and 'J mild! If'ingly beside the lowly manger r' Broods the Mother Mary o'er tho 't' Child. Mittti. Iiiivh. fnr far inav If rln.rfpt u See, see how winsomely he smiledl v'earn!nilv heslde the lowlv mnniirr Dends the Mother Mary o'er tho Child, imp, thou art the ruthless ranger, T f-uu yti rrc uii must U(CU3 uc s cuuu- h ciled, '.; or still for us beside the low7 manger J M ', Leans the Mother Marv o'er tho 17 Child I Cliotos ScoBerd n Ataslce s. ofber 1') y iff $K -wWm&lmXmmmMXmKm: wwSBttKm m mwimM'i ? mmmk$mmm.mmmmmtfflBwng& w.m wmmmmmmmrfRiimMmsm Mmmm . wwMmmstimsmmmmmmLm.Mmgmm mmm pmMlmKmM"!MSMimmmemw mwBEmMwBS y -. wi&f z ; -x j . mmmmsmfflimMwmmmmmm , w&mr .hL ,& ' mam&ma "m& 1 $mmsffiL ", -1W tsmKmmmmsamsMsmsm fsf t i mrmmmmmif' : mmw &mmEmmmmsm. jnxs. 17' m&m&wm, ' ' mLs .jmmgm$ffimmm zl yi . mmimm,: - -'--- imfflsmmmmmm m&m y mmmisL.im & . t- z-:mmm:&mmm&i v-j sl mms . - . ?mmxamiWiS' m- '. . jffimmr' ssmaMfflBesm mmm jiimmmMmMdmmm, . .nmmsmmm l MVssfcSv tTiiiSsimWfJI' JtedffisJ f 7 rvAMYM rras. ' -wrs SSpWWTri'if y y XlctSSf . ,,:' .i. . ..' '&.?:,mByW- :ii.-. i 'f mA mws c zcrr k sxa kOi-..tvA J(t iWiill 1 TCS -71, 1 I f I, l ,X -X Oh fife J) a$jL J Jt-h-f ' 1 fa il fi AV i . , , ,ic k- i' VvK- TIN MaTsfsp I sleep- Ing? Whom n.gt! greet with '. V SjW 1?!!!!'''' ! V an -themiweet.Wlulehep-herds watch are keep - lng. Sl?' rawQlsBEK ''My-i w-Jiy' 7 j ch7 Wfc0!n a- ttSSi A Aj. ' '-M ahep-herd. guard and an - gelt .ing: Haste, hastate 'JJ Wft tm MwmsBmiSStima X II 1 U m bring Him Uod. The Babe, tba Son of Ua . iyl II M y b 1j j I V- Vfhy tea He In tuch men estate, So bring Him Ineenu, gold, and ranrh, I llT JV ' Wk ki ill yX.1 4V Where oj and ass are feeding? Come peasant, King to own HIra AzlifF k'&Wl flirAl , Xi. Good Christian, fean (or slnnera hers The King of kings, salvation brlngij TO 4 .' ;f''n,9 Vr I W NlwO The silent Word Is pleadingi Let loving hearts enthrone Him, fc9''V (;'"Sv 3 lft Nails, spear, shaU pierce Him throuth, Halse, raise, the song on high, "aJ-vX''- V' "' J2 9 W I I fL TbCrobboroe,forme,(oryom The Virgin sings her lullabyi fcVliS?V - 't B I ?K I "ail. hall, tho Word made flesh, Joy. Joy, for Christ Is born. UiT&k 'W- '"SJ' R VJhJV)i Tbe Bb, ,he Son ' ""' Tho Babe, tho Son olilaryl T'1! 'V'lS- Kjwj vi rvirv KT-L. rx iiriVz-s- mSMf Ti 5 WS&iLS- J fit5 Ss:. j -f555rv ... I i faanS"Xietl A QIlyrtslutuH V Hrru ft. iHlrljarl 3. Saurllr CAVIOUR of the world, humbly J and lovingly we (Jrcet thee, this Christmas rnornkjf, thank in thco for all tho blessings brought by thy coming and ask inj tho Jroce that wo and all mankind may appreciate trtnrn bet ter and make them more trwry our own with every year that posses by. Make us faithful, noble, indus trious, temperate, sincere. Send forth thy spirit that we may bo recreated and the faoo of tho earth may bo renewed. Mako us able to sine with the angels, "Glory to God in the highest and on earth pcaoo to men of iood will."-New York World. Vfoz Season Of peace Tni3 wholo nlr at the llrst Chrlst mastldb was tremulous with Joy,. It wns n time for holy song, for Inspired paean, for seraphic song. Let Joy como still to our homes nnd hearts. Christ gives a brightness and beauty, gladness nnd glory, to tho wholo circle of life and duty. Come, Lord Jesus 1 There shall be room for three In our homos. Once there was none In the Inn, but only In the stnble. Now our best Is thine. Only honor us with thy beneilcent presence. Let us away with strife at this sea son. Now is the time to sponlc kindly words. Let us not carry Info tho new year the enmities of the old. Let not tho harsh notes of contention como Into the henvenly song of peace. Christ came to give peace, and from L heaven's throne today ho bends to give peace to an wno trust him. no wns tho only person ever born Jnto tho world who had his choice as to how he, should come. He might have como man, as did tho first Adam. lie camo a babe. He Inserted hlmBclf Into our race at Its lowest and weakest point. If ho woro to lift tho race ho must sot uuder It Ho glorified tho cradle ; he glorified boyhood; ho sanctified motherhood. But Christ must bo born in each Jteart In order that we may have a true Christmas. Arc wo rejoicing in tho gifts of human lovo? Shall we be mindful of him who Is the ','unsppnk nblo gift?" Itov. Dr. Itobert S. Mac Arthur In Ilomilctlc Itevlew. Blecscd Christmao Day. blessed day which Biv"Bt tho eternal To self and senso and all tho bruto within I sh, como to ua nmld tills wnr of life To hall arM hovel como I To all who toll fn senate, shop and study, and to those til warned nnd soroly tempted, Coma to thorn, blest and ulcBslnff, Chrlst- inns dayt (Toll thorn onco moro the talo of Bothlo- hem, Tho knoellns Bhepherds and tho Baho dl- vlno, And Itcep them bien. Indeed, fair Curlst- nii day. . CHARLES ICINGSLKY. IALLELUJM1 Child Jesus comes from heavenly height To savo us from sin's keeping, )n manger straw, in darksome night, Tho Blessed Ono lies sleeping, din star smiles down, the Angels greet, the Oxen Iciss the Baby's feet, Ilcllelujah, halleluiah, Child Jesus! Take courage, soul in grief cast done; Forget tlio bitter dealing. A Oiild is horn in David' , town To touch all souls witji hesltng. riien lot us go and seek tho Chiid, Children like him, meek, undsfilcd, Jlallelmah, hallelujah, Child Jesus 1 Jlaai Cbrlstluo Aodcraeo. TAH I o oirasp ti -i ! im .i.i.i.. . y..iW-Jfc a Ilia jMMl! You little children fn whose eyes The undimmed tight of heaven jjlowst Whose dreams are bright of para dise, Whose thoughts are whiter than the snowsi From holy lipsand undented Dreathe your soft prayers like Christ the Child. And you whose thinning looks are spent With unreturnlng autumn's rime, t Whose forms, like wind worn trees, are bent' Beneath the heavy storms of time. Take Christ the Child to be - your guide Past the dim tUoot where shadows bide. Oh, saving hands; oh, thou that heme An earthly mother's lullabies, Who shnrcst'all our donbts and fears. Whose bosom trembles to our sighs. Teach us thy gospel pure and' miltfC Make us like thee, O Christ tho Childl New York Tribiio. M Christmas Carol for children Oood news from licavcn the anpelt bring, Qlad tidings to the earth they sing To us tliis day a child is plvtn To crown us with tho joy of ftcatcr. 27i is the Christ, ourr God and Lord! Who in all need ahull pid affprjt; tic will himself our Saviour he. ' From sin and sorrow set us free. To us that blessedness 7e orfnfj, Which from tho Father's botmrt springs; That in the heavenly rcqlm wc iuj With him enjoy eternal day. All Jiail, thbu noble gut,jt, tls vwvn, Whose love did not tho ajitncr :dml In viy distress thou earnest to ihcV IViar thanks shall I return to theel Were earth a tliottsaml times as fairy Beset witth gold and jewclsyrarc, She yet were far too poor to be A narrow cradle, Lord, for thee. Ah, dearest Jesus, Holy Cblldt Make thee a bed, toft, undtfrfed. Within, my heart that it may Ba A quiet chamber kept for thee. I'ralso God upon 7iis heavenly thronei, . W?io gave to us Ills only Eon : For this his hosts, on joyful wing, A blest New Year of mercy orfiip. Martin Luther. , 4Date of the Birth of Christ. "In looking through a refcrenco book I find tho birth of Jesus Christ took place In tho year 4 B. C. How could It possibly bo?" asked a correspondent of the Philadelphia Press. To which tho reply was mado : "Tho attempt to dnto things forward, and backward from the birth of Chrlat was first made in 533 A. D. by n Ho mnn nbbot, Dionysius Exlgus. Ho re garded Christ's birth as taking place to tho year 7B-1 after tho founding of Rome. Early Christians bad put It In. thp yenr of Rome 750. "The ubbot's belated attempt to. data things from Christ's birth was proi ably Inaccurate, and tho proper tleflnU nltlon of the Cbrlstlau era is that It be gins with January 1 In tho fourth year of the ono hundred nnd ninety-fourth Olympiad and tho seven hundred nnd fifty-third from tho founding of ltomo "According to tho lntcst computation, Christ was born In tho year 6 . O. o tho year 7 11. C." What of the Night? Wotcliman, tell up of the night. Wlwt Its signs of promise arc. Traveler, o'er yon mountain's height. Bee that glory beaming start Watchman, doth Its beauteous ray Aught of hope or Joy foretellT Traveler, yes! It brings tho day. Promised day of Israel. Watchman, tell us of tho night. lllchor Vot Hint Htlir nscnmln Traveler, lilesapdnoss and light, X'euce una truth, Its course portends. Wntchmnn, will Its beams nlono SIrt tho apot thut gava thcrn blrthT Tmvalor, ngi's nro :tu own, And It bursts o'er all tho earth. ' Wa'i-limnn. toll us of tho Meat. For tho inornlitf seems to dawn. Traveler, d -rkr.fss taltes Hi fll-jhtj ri"ulit and ierror nro withdrawn, V, iitc' msn let thy woiulcirlngs ceasn, II it" thco to thy quiet home. , Traveler, lo, the Prlnco of I'eaco Lo, tto E'en of God ts coinq ' t - in - K