DAKUA'A UGUM'Y KkUAua. tfAtfOS'A OIYV. TOBRABttA, i i i i 1 1 iV M qjvz a-i.jfr.AJXfc.yacafTrviAii fc- (3?RJ$33$S3?$S m G. F. Hua'hes TJS JXv ra xr-v CX -rJn 1 I terial Ma Lumber, Buildinec Hardware, Coa I I t& TPr& 2ft& lP3nrn! o U.l " '" - - LI J- IjF H Dakota City ,V5ifliiiity I W" 1 1 1 I have succeeded Mr. Fred I.ynch in the Hardware and Lumber business in Dakota Citv. and are here to stay. Our aim will be to treat everyone right, and alike, and will'guaran tcc satisfaction on all sales and work done at our place of business. We will carry a full line of Lumber, Building Material, Hardware, Coal, Paints, Plumbing Material, Greases and Oils. We have a well equipped shop where we will do all kinds of Plumbing, Tin Work, Furnace and StOvc Repairs. Also Concrete Work of all Kinds. DojnHts as arxci see us H. R. GREER, Mgr. Dakota City, Nebr. 6? si B) LIT I n i Xlic Soldier's Telephone Keeds Served First When war wns declared, tlio Bell Telephony System was immediately placed nt tlio disposal of Uio govern-meat. The government lias had first call for local and long distance telephone service, a well as for men, for switchboards, poles, wire and tele phones for use at army headquarters and In tlio field. il You can "do your hit" by asking only for equipment you must have, and mak ing only such local and longvdlstanco calls us are absolutely necessary. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE DOING OUR UIT J 00. mteataatMzM Lutheran Church Notes DAKOTA CITY-SALEM Kev. C. H. Lowe. The Christinas program will bo given nt the churches next Sunday. At Salem at 11 o'clock a. m., unci at Emmanuel at 1 p. tn. At Salem a cantata will bo rendered. This is a fine piecfc of music and our young folks hnve it well in hand. You will enjoy hearing it. Make a special ellort to bo there. It ia tho young folks of our own community and church who aro giving it, and wo are interested in it for that reason, not as a bit of performance, but .as a joyful worship on their part. At Emmanuel the program offered by tho board of education will bo given. And we will enjoy that. Tho offering made at this time is for the maintainance of our schools and colleges. No church can be greater than her schools. Our church needs her schools. If we go east wo find the Lutheran church has more prestige than in tho west. She has members and influence and tho reason is that thoy have had schools there for over a hundred years. Ohio has had her school for over seventy-five years. While in Nebraska we have had one for twenty-eight -years. And m these twenty-eight years our church has made considerable progress because a good number of men have been put into the field as pastors and many of our young men have re ceived training there. If our church had had men long ago to look after her interests when Lutherans were coming into this country settling it up our church would Iftj stronger today than it is. And what is more, our boys and" girls need christian education. If our parents in the church were more careful in the choice of their schools for their chil dren and choose in harmony with their christian faith it would be bet ter. We have a number of young folks who may be going away to school before long. And when they go, do not forget they go from christian homes. You have main tained your church that they may have christian training along with your own christian advantages, and so do not send thorn where they un learn what you have tried to give them. Choose a christian college, preferably your own. Midland. We aro supporting it, so let us send our young folks there. Let us make a good ottering tor our schools at Christmas. Remember the Red Cross and join that, but do not for got our schools at this time when they are having their day of the year. LSGAL NOTICES Mint l'lll 12-20-IW Order of Hearing and Notice on Peti tion for UeTt lenient of Account. In tlio Cortnty Court of luikotu county, Ncbriiikn. State of Nolirnskn, Dnkotii Oounty-rts. To Krito Hbwjit, (JcrtriKlo K. Norilykr, Kiiinri"! Sawyer, I'nti'r f.. sawyer, imd to nil tmrsoiiHlMli'iontuI III till UNtlltO of Jl. V. Suwyor, ilcrcnseri On lending tlio petition of K. vV Nor dykn pntyliiK 11 llmil niittluineiit mid allow iiiii'o ot Iiim account lllfd In tills coin t on tho IHUidiiy of IX'iM'inliiT, 1017. and for de cree Hum con, mid for Ills (HhcIiimko na ntl lnliiMtrntor. , It In liureby ordered that you, nnu nil persons LnlPi-cfitcd III mid muttor may. find do, appear nt tho county court to be held In mid forsiild county, on the lltli day of .Inn iinrj, A. U. 1DIH. nt I" o'clock n. III., to show ciinxc, If liny then- he, why the piio orof the petitioner should not lit' (minted, imd that notice of tlio pendency of snld petition mid tho heiirlim tlioiuof bo Klven to nil persoiiN Interested In utild mutter by puli llbhlhKiicopy of this ouler in tho Dnkotu Oounty Herald, n weekly newspaper print ed in mild county, for four successive weeks pilar to said dny of lieurlnit. b. W. MCKtNl.KY. urai.. Oounty. I uilKo First publication ll-KMJw SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice Is hoioby Klven that by virtue of mi order of snlolbsuod by (Jooiite Wllklns, county clerk and e.x-olllclo clerk of tlio district court of Dakota county, Nebraska, and directed to nie, GuoiKu Unlit, KhorllT of Dakota county. Nebraska, coiutiinudiiiK mo to sell tho promises horclimftor de scribed to satisfy n certain decicooftho said district court of said county and state, obtained at tho October. A.I)., Il'I7 touu theieof, In fnvor of Uhnrles Helper, and mialust Knilly Itnlston, for the sum of tweho liundrcd sixty-live dollars and ton cents (Jl'.HW.lo), tottcthor with Interest theieon at tho rale of eipnt percent per nullum from October lfi, A. 1). 11)17; uunrdlan ad litem fee In the sum of ten ilollurn iwul no cents (IH).(iO), and his coits taxed at the sum of thlrty-ono dollars and eventj-flve cents ($.'11.75). nud nccruliiK costs. I have levied on lots four Hi, live (5, six (01, In block thlrty-nlno (3t). and lots one 11), two (:!), thiee (). foiir(i).llvoin).slx(), soven (7), elKht (H), nine (ID. ton (lo), eleven (lllnnd twelve (li). In block llfty-elidit (W(), In UovliiKtonJforniorly the vitiligo of Uov liiKton but now nniioxed to nnd n pint of tho Olty of South Klou.t Ulty, In Dakota county. Nebraska, And I will on the 21st day of December, A. 1). 1017, nt ten o'clock A. M of said dny, atthe outh front door of tho com t house In Dakota Olty, Daltotn count , Nobi aska, pro ceed to sell at public auction to the hlKhost and best bidder, for cash, nil of the above described property, or so much theieof as inny bo neceshnry to sntlsfy snld order of sale Issued by snld Georao Wllklns, county clerk and ox-olllclo cloik of tlio dlstilct court of Dakota county, Nebraska, tho amount due theioou In thoaBtcreunte bo lint tho suiuof twelve hundrrd sixty-live dollars and ten cents ($125.10), together with intorost at the rate of eight per cont por milium, from October lfith, A. D. 1017; Kiinrdlan ad litem fee In tho sum of ton dollars and no cents ($10.00), mid pi lor taxed costs nmouiitliiK to tho mini of thirty-one dollars nnd sevonty-llvo cents (j:il.70), nnd the accruing costs. Dnted this 20tli dny of November. A. I).. 1017. GrohokOain, Sheriff of Dnkotft county, Nebiaskn. T frT. .4 -.'. Herald jLeiter Box jj Government-Irrigated Homesteads Left In The Big Horn Basin, Wyoming. These are part of the new Frannic Unit, on our main line adjoining the successful I'owsll locality, and the lands 'are watered by the same government system, merely an extension of the canals. Of 1S4' farms, there remain only 50 not taken these will go before March 1st: act quickly. EASTERN COLORADO AND WESTERN NEBRASKA offer splendid deeded lands at low prices. A farmer near Akron, Colo., raised 'this season a S.'l.dOO crop of beans on a $3,200 farm. Query :What is such land worth an acre? You can buy it from 20 to $30 an acre. Thousands of acres of divided large holdings now coming on the market. It will pay ycu to do "some thinking" at once. See me. I am paid to help you. imwrntmrnaameal ,. -. ,.. ;. . Ui. llUVVAIUi, immigration Agt. ..-:-i"i .- -.- .... VVVVV ........., .!.:.:, C 13. & Q. R. 1001 1'n rii iwn Htreot, Omnlui, Nob. Westcotf's Undertaking; Parlor Auto Ambulniico Old Phone, 420 New Phone 20G7 Sioux City, Iov&. 9 I I mxueao u mvxsa o ewsusa a mcJMJ o a e Abstracts of TItl A 510,000 vSurety Uond (.uarantccs the accuracy of every Abstract I make. J. J. EIMERS, Bonded Abstractor. Successor to the DAKOTA COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. HOW AI10UT IT? Jackson, Neb., Dec. 18, 1917 Mr. John II. Ream, Editor of The Herald: According to the report of the State Auditor $22,849.40 was spent by the Food, Drug, Dairy and Oil Commission for the months of July, August and September of this year, and still the price of oil and gasoline is going up and the quality going down. Why should drivers on oil wagons be on their routes for years and never meet the oil inspector? Can anyone oirer any excuse for such management as that? Who is footing the bill? You know, Mr. Taxpayer; and you don't have to make a guess. Why is it tho taxpayers have to dig up $8,.188.11 more for the year 1917 than the year 1916? Why are the taxpayers of Dakota county asked for Forty-Three and One-Third per cent more money for 1917 than 191G from the State of Nebraska? These foxy gentlemen who make estimates of state expenses only levied six and one-tenth mills before election last year, and then came before the tax payers for votes telling them how "clever" they were in managing the state's finances; then right after election whoop the levy up to Eight and Forty-Eight Hundredths mills, which will compel the taxpayers of our county to dig up $S,'188.11 more money irom our county in a single year. How do you like that for manage, mentV And Mell A. Schmied is one of our state officials appointed by the Governor to inspect oil and gaso line for this part of the state; and I personally saw two petitions that Mr. Schmied sent to different indi viduals, trying to fix it up so that his office would be a six year term instead of two years. What do you think about that, Mr. Taxpayer.' How do you like to pay this extra tax? How do you like the gasoline we are getting? I understand that Oil Inspector Schmied is getting n an average of over $100.00 per month for his oil inspection services, and would suggest that some one should bo employed to go into the State Auditor's and the Food, Drug, Dairy and Oil Commissioner's offices at Lincoln and look up some of Mr. Schmicd's reports and ilee exactly what he is drawing and publish it in The Herald, if Mr. Schmied ob jects to publishing it in the Eagle, which ho evidently does or he would make a monthly statement and re port this valuable information in his "all tho news all the time'TO Why docs he not publish this? Air. Tax payer, don't you think you have a right to have this information when you are the one who pays for it? Taxpayer. First publication l2-I3-w NOTICE rOR BIBS. Notice Is heioby Klvou that on or before January 1, 1018, sealed bids will bo received at tlio county clerk's otllcu for lurnlsliliiK books, lutterhoails, envelopes, stationery, and blaul.s as follows; 1I0OK.H Heconls.Scir, plain, each. Keuords, Hiir, ruled, printed heads, loom leaf, McMllleu patent back, each, accords, Hir, plain, printed heads, loose leaf, XcMllluii patent bacK. each. Uncords, nar, printed, loose lear, .mc.mii leu patent back, each. Hecords, flqr, plain, each. Ilecords, 0 ur, ruled, each. All books must bo inailo of tho best linen ledKor paper, full llussla blndlnc, to open Hat, and to correspond with books now In use. I.KTTKIl IIKAUS AND KNVKI.OVKS Latter heads, full sheet, printed, best quality paper, por 1) and per M. Letter heads, half sheet, in luted, best quality paper, per I) and por M. Knvelopos. printed, No. 1, sfzo Oh, white, por M, KuvelopcM, printed, No. 10, manlla, por M. Knvelopes, printed, No, II, manlla, per M. WTATIONKRY Sanford's, Carter's or Arnold's lnk.porqt. Kunlord'H, Carter's or Arnold's Ink, per doz.uts, Spencerlan, Gluclnum or ailletto's pon points, or equal, por gross. Knbor or Dixon pencils, box., per gross. I & II Ilnrdmuth, Mophlsto copying pen cils, No.7Ub, bard, por gross. llluo or red checking ponclls, per gross. Honato scratch pads, por doi. Typewriter paper, slzo 8Jixl3U, ijost qual ity, per loam. 1II.ANKS Legal lllanks, half sheet, por 0. 1) and M. Legal blanks, quarter sheet, por O, D, M. Legal blanks, eighth sheet, per U, DandM. Kor printing bar dockets, each opening. tfopnrato bids will also bo received for publishing delinquent tax list, per descrip tion for lauds and for lots; and for commis sioners proceedings and such other notices as will bo required by tho board of com missioners. $ The boifrd losorves tho light, to rejectany and all bids. Accoptod bidder to give bond for faithful performance of contract. Dated at Dakota (Mty, Nebr.. Dec. fi. 1017. George Wllklns. County Clerk. Thn Pfll KQ AT HOME EXPECT YOO I lit, i ULf0 To TELL 'EM ALL ABOUT Exhilarating Burlesque; Vaudeville StitilltrnFillidilth PrillGirls, FiinnrClownt.Gorfesiii tqolpigi, Brilliant Scinlc Entlronraint LADIES' DIME MATINEE EVERY WEEKDAY everybody Goes; Ask Anybody UWATS THE E1C3EST HID BEST SHOW WEST OF CHICAGO Diiniioiiniiin v utiiiwimiv! .' niuiniiMiruni intiupi raniw w&OiilyGpandPrize (Highest Award) siven lo ! Dictionaries aHhePanama- I PacificExpositiorV was granted to BBMmBBB. i IjHuIAV fftO Superiority of Educational Merit. I 'Una neio creation answers with final authority all kimldof puzzling quotious such as "llovr iii Pnemysl pronouneod?" "When U l'lan dcrsT " "What is a contiiwou.i voy age?" "Whntiiuioiritar" "What U vhltf cotilt" "How is shit pro nounml?" and thousands of others. More than 400.C00 Vocabulary Terms, y 30,000 Geographical Subjects. 12,000 1 Blograplucai Entries. Over C00O Illus trations. 2700P?r,es. The only diction ary with the divided pace a stroke of genius. RtfuliranJUJii Piper Ed;:t3m. Write for upcrl mcu par.s, il lustratloas, etc. Free, a ml of 1'ocLct Maps if Vuu uiina this H p-JKr. 1 MEnn'lAM CD., I SpriruflU, Ulu. M imm Dpty The WA Of a Freight Car ---and Your Duty ' The lowly freight car lias a mighty work to perform in this war first comes Uncle Sam's work, then yours. BOTH cannot be done well unless YOU help and every time you fail to load a freight car to capacity, you fail in your duty, you become a transportation slacker. 110,000 freight cars were needed in 0 months to take supplies to U. S. Camps; 17,000 curs were required by the shipping board, and every day Uncle Sntn needs more cats and will get them.' This Company wishes ro give you good servicfc' our ability to do so rests with YOU. Load oour car ia capacity Loud your freight promptly Unload your freight yromplly Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis &. Omaha Railway A. W. TRENHOLH Vlco-J'res.tuiil Oun'l .MimiiKr ST. PAUL. MINN. H. ftl. I'liARCli fiiMiornl Traill'1 Mnimif r r.. . :., :r ,. f;. ipetmn fr?. ,: "s3ai HI!llll!i!ii!l!lr!llilLMii PilliliiSUii!! aillliPlill'iiliiiUI Triggs9New Restaurant an I have re-arranged my R staurant building and will install pool tables in the front part of building. All my restaurant patrons will 4e cared for as be- "" fore. Icals and lunches served at all reasonable bonis. f-4 Everything New9 Clean and Up-to-Pate WM.TRIGGS, ' DRTiTY i:iii:ti!i'l3!iii!iill!!ii!!i,,i!i!,.:iiili!ii!!i!ifl!i!!ii iiPiiii'i'iLFiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiii'iimiiiiiiiiiiiPiiiwiPiiiii'r ' rmm .dm 1 1 y , Dr. Koch's Tonics fxtarTcts Poultry Tonic Good for Chickens. Weona Dip is a fine Disinfectant for Hogs. One farmer from near Jackson, fed One Pail of Stock Tonic and Three Packages of Worm Medi cine, at a cost of S4 50. This same farmer said the Tenic and Worm Medicine did him SSOO.OO worth of good. Persons wishing any of these valuable goods can. get them at my place in South Sioifx City, one block west from end of street car line. E. J, QARLOCK, Agent Sturges Bros. Have Moved to 315 Pearl Street where we will7 be glad to see all our old patons, and we hope, many new ones. This move is nec essary, as the building we now have is too small for our growing business. Old Location, 411 Pearl St. Sioux City, Iowa , , , . I er-our&e uram o. Siaught DEALERS IN Grain, feed, Flour, Hay and Coal KRED PARKER, Manager Phono No, i DuLotu City, Nobr. J w 1 'Up 7 Tho Hernia, $1.25 per luwiwaMuwwMiiKiiintwiiffiwiiirj'im I y