.3 - l- DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD; DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. mi LrRCAL, NOTICES PlTi.l w mwmnm m wtryymf n nyy .iflfl ji f yiyaumif j imumwrti i II r - ' y -Tiie War's Effect on Telophonc Traffic Slnco-thc beginning of the wnr the government lie bcm ji very heavy uor of our service, mid private iTQBPSt for telephone fncllItlta'Jmvo been gfaiter than evar blfore. V We nro finding it difficult to meet these Irfcreaaod ile mnmls for service nml equipment because of tho uliortage of inetnls nnd other telephone mntorlnlB. You enn "do your bit" by nnklng only for such telephone 'iulpinelit usrfu must lmrc and by mftUIng only such locnl or long dlstunco calls iih nro absolutely NEBRASKA TELEPHONE 00. I DOING OUR DITj WAR TALKS By UNCLE DAN Number Three II UBIIHIWIBIIIII II ! hWIIMIiMilllil II Ml I M III IIMI' !! rjargBrarmrrmgraMTg The signs of the times tell ou that you will have to pay .1 lot more for good farm lands within a year and that it is go ing to be much harder than now for you to get hold of a Gov ernment irrigated farm in the Big Horn Basin. The New Government Irrigated Farms at Deaver Owing to war conditions it so happens that there is yet available for homestead entry probably 50 Government irrigated farms nar Deaver, Wyo., out of a total of 181 that were opened for settlement September 20th. These have excellent soil and are located on our main line, adjoining the prosperous Govern ment irrigated locality of Powell, Wyo. If you will lake steps quickly, wiChiu 30 days, you 'can secure one of these farms. iNOtnmg liKe mis euance win occur on me minmgioii kouic ior several months. Land is free, 20 years payment no interest, for a permanent water right. At the Government opening of this new locality $.'0,000 worth of town lots at Deaver, Wyo., were sold in one day and over 100 farms were filed on. Write me. I am paid to help yen. S. B. HOWARD, Immigration Agt. C. B. & Q. R. R. 1001 Fiiriuuii Street. Oumlm. Nub Oriler tli Show Cuuse mmm Westcott's Undertaking: 2T3 Parlors Auto Old Phone, 120 Sioux City, Iowa, iiibulsiiicu New Phone 2007 mtrn.mvn.rijpriiiiirmuLt.rvirx'xi:- TmgrtTMimtuua'jTjjAJMj.Litiij.'WHLrv1 Jkii!QSft5Dfa 90 W, i ii ' i ... i i .. i Kfet? wras 6)118 oadlinfl Gasidte)(Siiu I liJte,i i iLi-LJU- yl T i 1-, .Tr Vvi LIVED IN MISERY. "I suffered sreatly fr"m nut vmunmim tout liuafl HClip. Tho Joat "Kflte inent gave mo diaadfut WiS.'L I UCtmu uslnc Dr. MUm Nervine nut) ft few itnya later tnrtil to take Dr. Miles' llesft Treat ment. I soon got so pitch better that I vun encour utrf'fl and cmitlnur-fl taking ttlo two remedies until I waH m v'' hat work v?u HO both, r nt nt ull " Mlitf. LOUIS KIXJ, Idaho I'nlls, Idaho. Striving to satisfy the demands of everyone is apt to affect the nerves, and continual standing may weaken the Heart. Dr. Miles' Nervine is invaluable for Nervous troubles, and for the Heart Dr. Miles' 'tttnnsco is highly recommended. IF FIRST BOTTLE FAILS TO DENE- FIT YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL REFUNDED. Knni-iKTOv..-i11til UC aiwmT-iBrfyvyy E. F1. RASMVSSEH General and Reliable AUCTIONEER KOraCEV.f Box 424 Nefo. Phone No. 'A It will pay you to see me before going elsewhere Terms Ucnsonnblc-Sntlsinctlon Gunrniitccd Haw War Methods Have Changed Evcrybpdy Must Help. "Hello, Undo Dan, Jlmmlo nnd I lime heen wultinj; for you." "Sorry If I huvo kept you long," said Uncle Dim. "1'our mother 1ms been telling me how bashful I used to be. She wild If a slrl spoke to mo lr would blush to my hair roots. Well, I re minded her of the time your father flrHt came to aeo her and tho joke wo played on Jhem, so I guess that will held her for a while." Continuing, Uncle Dan said: "You want to talk more about the wnr, do you? Well, war methods have under gone many changes and they are still changing. No two wars are fought alike. In early times, the weapons were stones, clubs, spears, bows and urrows, swords, etc. In this kind of warfare, victory was with the strong right arm. Men of enormous slzo and strength were tho great warriors. The Inven tion of gunpowder, however, lias changed all this. It has enabled meni to kill one nnother at n considerable distance, nnd do It wholesale. The war, as wo know It now, is a combina tion of chemicals, machinery, mathe matical calculations and highly trained men. .ust think of It I Airplanes, submarines, qrmorcd tanks, or cater pillars, poison gases, and curtains of lire are all used for the first time In this war; and they are destructive be yond anything heretofore known. "Tho methods followed by the kai ser and his allies are simply devilish. He must answer In history to the kill ing of thousands of Innocent women and children. lie has broken every International law and every rule of wnrfare; he has bombarded hospitals and undefended cities, sunk Itcd Cross ships on errands of mercy ; he has de stroyed cathedrals and priceless treas ures of art that can never be replaced ; he has mndo slaves of his prisoners; bo hns tried to get us Into war with Japan ; bis cmmlssarles have blown up our ships, burned our factories ami fired out fojosto. Ho kr.ov.-s no mercy or honor. The most charitable view to take of this blood-thirsty tyrant Is that ho Is crazy. "One thing Is certain," continued Un do Dan, with great emphasis, "Our liberty, tho safety of our homes nnd our country, and tho security of the world demand the speedy and abso lute overthrow of the kaiser and crushing out once and forever the reign of Prussian brutality." "now about -tho German people," said Bllllc. Uncle Dan replied: "The splendid German people were happy, thrifty, prosperous nnd contented. They have been tricked into war and made to suffer the , tortures of tho damned ; they have been cruelly nnd systematic ally deceived. God grant that the real facts may get to them, and If they do, Lord help tho kaiser 1" ' "Of course tho allies will" win," said Mrs. Graham. "Probably so," said Uncle Dan. "But if we nro to win, we must go the limit. Wo must check tho awf ul destruction to shipping by tho German submarines, or wo may not bo able to get food and supplies to our own men and to our al-' illes; wo must also put hundreds of thousands, and perhaps millions, of first-class soldiers in tho battle lino. "Food is tho first consideration," Un-, clo Dan continued. "No army can hold out against hunger. It has been said that food will win tho war, and this is largely true. Ilenco tho importance of tho farm in tho war plans of our country." Mrs. Graham Interrupted! by saying: "In view of tho importance of farming,, don't you think, Daniel, that tho farm-, crs ought to bo exempted from wnr scrvlco?" , "No, n thousand times no," said Un do Dan, striking tho table so hard to emphaslzo his protest that he tipped J over a vase or nowcrs. -we must linvo no class legislation. Tho duty to hervo la tho common duty of all, nnd no class must bo relieved of this ob- ligation. The question of exemption must bu a pergonal one nnd decided by tho facts surrounding each 'case. In no other way can wo havo n square deal, and to Insure this, It is tho duty! of congress to pass Immediately tho' Chamberlain bill, or somo such mens ure, which Is fair to all classes. It would settlo all these questions and do it fairly. Safety now nnd safety hereafter demands 'such legislation, nhd let me suggest that you and your friends get busy with your congress man nnd senators. nnd urgo them to prompt action. "It Is time for us to reallzo that wo aro not living In a fools' paradise; that this great country of ours cost oceans of blood nnd treasuro and It Is only duo to the loyalty, sacriflco and scrvlco of our forefathers that we havo n country, nnd It Is our highest duty to preserve It unimpaired nnd pass It on to posterity, no matter vhnt tho cost may be. Our citizenship and their nncestors enmo from all parts of tho world to make this country n homo nnd enjoy its blessings and opportu nities; hence, In tho crisis beforo us, It Is tho duty of ovoryono to stnnd squarely back of our country nnd bo prepared to defend tho Hag. Every one in this crisis Is cither pro-American or pro-German. (C5rent ns tho coun try Is, there la uoli room enough for twtQ fln3,'i Klrst l'iti-U'-16-4w NOTICE. In lm District Court of Dakota County, Nt'braika. In tho Mnttur or tliei klittf nt frank CI. Mi'llMlllll'O.flm'CIMUtI I 'I hi fiiiuo cnnio on for HhuIiik upon tliu tx'tlllim of Hrrtlirt Al. Hoveruner. inlinliil trutrlx fit tilt- ustnli' of KruliU CI. HuvprniKH. ilrri-HinHl. priiylnic for Himmki' to Holl tlm following (liKfillicd iCiil ,vstut' Minute Hi Knox ctiiintj , stftt of Nt'liiuskii, to-wlt: I,oln7, H mill li. In lilock i'J. Dili! Addition tn lllooinllilil. in tho county of Knor and Ktiili1 ol Ni'liiuslfii.or ii Mlllleti-iit uiiiouiil to luliiK tlm Hum of HM.W for tliu piiymont of ilntits iillnwrtl lurnliiftt Hld rstnio mid costi tit ndiiillilNtuiliiK mill nutate. Hide not lie luff lllllclent peraounl property to pu mild delitH mid ex pen ten; It In Tlieieforo Ordered : Tlilitull pei'MHis Inteie-Ued In anld entuto appear hofoio luu In the dlsiilcH eon it loom lit Pernlor, iSe hrnikH. on the Nth tiny of Jiihllnry, A. 11. 1U1S. nt four o'clock p. in., to show ciitlsu why u license Nlioiild Hot 1m Knuited to tnltl mluilnlHtiiitrlx to noil so much of the de scribed l enl ritnU a MinJI lio necessary to pav Mild tlehlK mid expenes, mid that this inner lie piiiuiMicd in iiiu naiioiu uouuiy Herald. Diite.it thli 0th ilny of No ember A. I). 11117. uuy 'i.urnvus, Juiikp X I""" "" Ef-. &T1 d W t Wfc. TI i nggs rew.JKestaurant &tm Pool Hall - I have ru-nrrnuged my Rcslmintnt building and will install pool tables in the front part of building, All my testaurant patrons will be cured for as be fore. Meals and lunches served at all nasonnblo hours. Everything New, Clean and Up-to-Date Kim publication U-8-6v Notice ol Opening Road State of Nebraska, ' County of Dakota, h. M)TItin TO LANU OWNKnH To nil whom It may concern : Tim commissioner appointed to locate, establish and vacate tliu following roads in Dakota county, NebniHUa, ns follows: 1st. To locate mid establish acounty ronil commencing at tho southeast coi tier of tho southeast quarter of tho northeast quarti'l of section 11, thence running south on the section Hue hot ween sections US nnd 14, anil 1 ami 21, to tho southeast comer of tho southeast quarter of the nnrthenst quarter of section fJ, all in township is, uingc 0, In snld county ; also, To locate mid establish u county load commencing nt tho f outh wost corner of sec tion til, thouco rilunliiR east on the section lino between sections 1!) and 11, all lu town Mil pits, uinw) I!, until It Intersects tho ec tlon line or pioposeil road, mid there tor- nil nato, 2nd. To Mtcnte thnt portion of thecounty load lieietofore established mill ns now tuivollod throuxh tho northwest qunrter of section 2U, township '2H, lanpe n. lu said county, has reported In fiivm1 of lliyestub llslnneilt. location and vacation heieln set foi tli, and nil objections tluuoio, or claims for damages, must bo died l;i thecounty cleik's olllcti on or beforo noon of the Ifith day of December, 11)17, or such loads Will bo established and vacated without lefoience thereto. George llklns. Count v Clock first publication ll-'J.'-riu SHERIFF'S SALE. Notlco Is hoioby Klvon thnt by virtue of mi order of sale Issued by Gcoiko Wllktus, county clerk and et-oillclo clerk ol the district coin t of Dakota county, Nobrnskn, and directed to me, Gcoiko Oaln, sherllT of Dakota county, Nobrnskn, oonnnnmllnK mu to soil the piomlses hereinafter de scribed to satisfy u certain docieooftho snld illsti let court of snld comity and state, obtained nt tho October, A. 1)., 1917 term thoieof, In favor Of Ohnrlos Holzor, nnd amitnst Kmily Hnlston, for the sum of twelve bundled slxty-llvo dollars and ton cents itl-iKUm, loKoiiiei "..lib interest theieon nt tho rate of clnlit norcontDer jiuiium from October 10, A. O.ID17: Kiinrdlnn nil litem loo in too sum oi ten (loiinrsinu no cents (JIO.(X)), mid hU cOts taxed nt the stun of tlilrty-otio dollniH mid sevonty-llvo ci'nts ij:ll.75), and ncciulUK costs. I have levied on lots four i p, live (5), six (01, In block thirty-nine (lift), and lots one (l), two (2), throe (:i), four U), live ifil.sU in), seven m.clRht (8). nlno (0), ton (111), eleven tin and twelve (12). la blockflfty-oluht (CH), In UovlPKton, formeily tho vlllntto ofOov lDKto'i but now annexed to mid h paitof tin I Ity of south Hloux uuy, in uniiota county. Neliraska. And I will on tho 21st day of December, A. D. 11117. nt ton o'clock A. M., of dnlddny, nt the south front floor of the com t house lu Dnkota Olty, Dakota county, Nobinska. pio ceod to soil nt public auction to the lilghost mid best bidder, for ensh, all of tho nbovo described property. orso much thoieof as may bo necessary to ontlsfy said order of sale Issued by said Georue Wllklns, county clork ami et-olllelo clerk or tho dlsttlot court of Dakota county, Nobraskn, the amount duo theieon In ihenKKioimto be- liiK the sum of twelve bundled slxty-nvo ml ten cents isiti.iu;, lofiotnor rest at tho into of eight per cent Dor, milium, rron, uctoner intn. a. ii. iih: Kumdlnn nd litem fee In tho sum of ton dollars and no cents ($10.00), anil prior taxed costs mnouutliiK to tlm sum of thlrty-ono dollars nnd soventj-llvo cents (131.75), nnd the nccrulnu costs. Dntcil this '.1)th flay of November. A. l) 1PI7. i OROKOKOAIM, Shoriffof Unkotn county, Nobrnskn. WM. TRIGGS, DAKOTA CITY NEBRASKA mm mm i Dr Koch s vifwi'.'Fri 'A'i? t rrgyv??'fo'iff?jg7yRjLT.ffl?g AND Son !CS -f'xtracts Poultry Tonic Good for ChioWn5. Weona Dip is a fine !") i l-W i u; IniK tue rii (IoIIris mi with Inter . per.iinuun I Said Little Bo-Peep, "The Nation needs sheep And all cannot graze in the West." So Little Bo-Pcep Found a home for her sheep In Wisconsin, where pasture is best. Upper Wisconsin Temporary free pasture for large flocks for ex perimental purposes. Lpngcr leases at most reasonable rates or out right put chase of tracts of the finest yiass lands in America at a remark ably low price per acre. Thousands of Acr,es. Available Within 200 miles of St. Paul Minneapolis Within 1H0 miles of Chicago I'ecillng In Transit Uullway Kates Itcst flarkcts nnd llest Pasture Kor full Information nililross I'. S. McCAlSL'. Industrial Aifont St. IMul, Minn. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway LET US PRINT IT FOR YOU One farmei from ne;ir Jackicn, fid - One Pail of Stock Tonic and Three Pack ages -of Woun Medi cine, at a cost of S'loO. This same farmer- said the Tcnic and Worm Medicine did him SoOO.OO worth of good. . Persons wishing any of these valuable goods can get thetiKat my place it'i South Sioux City, one block west ftom end of street carTme. E. J. OARLOCK, Agent 73'.a'a,iaTiaaaaTr:iJUitfBTggrTn.zar?JCTa li ovine Tuberculosis andWhat ItCosts" By E. Z. Russell We are pleased to announce that E. Z. Russell, formerly as sociate editor of the Twentieth Century Farmer and one of the best posted hog men of the middle west, is now editor of the I . Z. RUSSELL. is?. emioy gmmw "The Missouri Valley' Great Farm Paper" T. F. Sturgcss, formerly editor, becomes manager of this publi cation. Mr. Itussell Is ltnown through out the country for tho excellent work ho has done for tho swlno Industry. .His articles written for the Twentieth Century Farmer on the subject of hoe cholera are con sidered authoritative and have been of great value in Betting this disease under control. The govern ment has recognized his work and tho University of Nebraska has adopted tho bulletin, reprinting these articles ns a text book in tho agricultural college. rA series of articles' ori the subject of Bovine Tuberculosis written by Mr. Russell, is now appearing in tho Twentieth Century Farmer. They contain material gathered from every reliable source and represented in a clear and comprehensive manner, free from unnecessary technicalities and easily understood by the producer and consumer of meat and milk. The information contained in these articles is not only interesting, but of vital importancp. Have the Twentieth Century Farmer mailed to your home and read these articles so trfat you may know how to act if this disease Should make its appearance in YOUR herd. TWENTIETH CENTURYj FARMER, Omaha Sturges Bros. Have Moved to 315 Pearl Street where we will be glad to see all our old patoms, and we hope, many new ones. This move is nec essary, as the building we now have is too small for our growing business. Old Location, 411 Pearl St. Eros H Sioux City, Iowa $3 The Herald for Sale Bit s 4. Yl" 1. ! "7 m r-'d i.&alr-ifHJ ,