DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD; DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA, J " ft Stt r ' gg. A Woman's Burdens aro lightened when sho itirns to tho right medicine. If her cxlstonco Is mudo gloomy by tho chronic wtal.ne.sses, dell cato derangements, nud painful disorders that aflllct her nx, sho will llnd relief nnd emancipation from her troubles In Dr. Pierce's Favorlto Prescription. If sho's overworked, nervous, or " run-down," sho llnd now llfo and strength. It's a power ful, Invigorating tonic nnd ncrvlno which was discovered and used by an eminent physician for many years, In all cases of "female complaints" and weaknesses. For young girls just entering womanhood ; for women at tho critical "change of llfo": in bearing-down sensations, periodical pains, ulceration, lnllammatlon, nnd overy kindred ailment, tho Favorite Prescrip tion " h tho only medicine put up without alcohol Ingredients on wrapper. Council Ilnrrrs, Iowa. "Somo tlmo cku a uau uispmcenicnt, iu:s caused mo tu iiuvu suvoro pains In my back. I wns nprvnua nml , weak, nnd, ns I was going through mid lo life, would hnvo f hot Austins, nlsri dizzy snells. I took i thn 'T'avnrltn t'rrv. rscrlptlon' and It i provea very beno Ilclnl. It helped to . ,., , , Dulld mo up In health nnd strength, and wns a great liolp to mo in many ways. I shall always recommend It to others whom 1 llnd suf fering." Mas. S. C. JIaiib, 3540 Ave. A. Uunr-rNOTox, Iowa. "I am glad io Bay that Doctor Plerco's Pleasant Pellets liavo been a family remedy for fifteen years. Sold lv dnmgMs I have found them flno to overcomo constipation. They aro not only pleasant but tho results never disappoint, and tho longer-used the bolter they nro appreciated." Mii3. Anna Moseka, 1339 Asumun Street. Make Pennies Talk. Save your pennies iuJ make thera count a hundred before you spend n dollar. GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER lias beonNi household panacea ull over the civilized woi1 for more than half n century for constipation, intestinal troubles, torpSl liver aud the generally depressed fooling that nccohipunlcs such disorders. It is n most valuable remedy for Indigestion or nervous dys pepsia and liver trouble, bringing on headache, coming of up food, palpita tion of heart and many other symp toms. A few doses of August Flower ivUl Immediately relieve you. It is a g'itle laxative. Ask your druggist. Bold in till civilized countries. Adv. House Is Relic. Newburyport, Conn., house built In the seventeenth century will be pro served as a landmark. $100 Reward, $100 Catarrh Is a local disease, greatly Influ enced by constitutional conditions. It therefore inquires constitutional treat ment. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is takon Internally and acts through tho Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys tem. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE destroys the foundation of tho disease, Elves tho 'patient Btrength by Improving the general health and assists nature in doing Its work. $100 00 for any case of Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE falls to cure. DrugglHts 75c. Testimonials free. r. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. Recognized His Sermon. Two of England's most famous act resses are "daughters of tho manse," and Mnthoson Lang Is tho brother of the archbishop of York, Itt. Itov. Cos mo Lang. Hnrnsby Williams, who represents the characters of Dleken to the life, was educated for the church and was only a youth when lie became attached as n preacher to n mission at Dow. So successful was .lie, writes a correspondent, that innnj of his sermons were sold at a penny n copy. lie tells, a good story of one of them. " 'Mono, Mont', Tekel, Upharsln" ('Thou are weighed In the balance nnd found wanting') was my text," he says, "and as I delivered the sermon with all the dramatic fervor at m. command I created a sensation. Some years later r weut to a certain church Tho preacher was a well-known church dignitary. When ho read out his text I pricked up my onrs. Still higher did I prick them, till they neaily fell oil my head, when, ns the preacher read his sermon, I recognized my own ju venllc effort." A Perfect Husband. "Substcr Is a perfect husband." "I never heard he wiiij so wonder ful." "Well, every time ho sees a mill' box he feels In his pockets." Only Fair Bargains. There arc no good bargains that nro not fair bargains, and whoever makes nny other kind cheats himself. Good for Irons. Waxed paper Is good to rub your hot Irons before using. It removes soot aud nny other discoloration. Stop That Cold At Once CASCARAM QUININE The old family remedy In tablet form safe, sure, eaty to take. No opiates no unpleaant after effect!. Curei colds in 24 noun drip in 3 day i. Money back if it fa.Ua. Qet the genuine pox wuu Red Top and Mr. HiU'a picture on it 24 Tablata for 25c. At Any Drugstore W. N. U SIOUX CITY, NO. 47-1917 awAv ' r7wYV Vjt'-4i5r&S5:Sil Nigas, -- W U.S. SENDS OUT DRAFT CALL TO 9,000,000 MEN All Registrants Required to Fill Out Questionnaire Classify ing Order of Call. INVENTORY OF MAN POWER Flvo Divisions to Be Formed Depend ing on Occupation and Claims for Exemption Allowed Local Boards Will Help Registered Men. Washington, Nov. 10. Undo Snm hns begun the most gigantic Inventory of man power ever attempted. Preparations for tho second draft were started when copies of tho ques tionnaire for every one of the nine million men registered for military service were sent to the local exemp tion boards. ' 'I'll t nuncflnnnnlrn tniiRr hn filled nut by overy registered man between the ages or twenty-one and tmrty-one. it will nlnce In the hands of tho gov- ' ernment the life history of every reg I Istered man and will give a complete 1 census of the men of military nge In 87 trades, industries nnd professions. The questionnaire will classify all reg ' Istered men for service. Classification of registered men in tho order of their liability for military service will bo tho tlrst accomplish ment of the questionnaire. Men will be clnssltled In live divisions, the first division to l)e called tho first nnd the fifth division last. Tlie classes and the order In which they will be called are as follows: CLASS 1. Single men without dependent rela tives. Married mnn. with or without, chil dren, or fnther of motherless children, who has habitually failed to support Ids family. Mnrrled man dependent on wife for support. Married man, with or without chil dren, or fnther of motherless children; man not usefully engaged, family sup ported by Income independent of his labor. Unskilled fnrm laborer. Unskilled industrial laborer. Registrant by or In respect of whom no deferred classification is claimed or made. Itegistrant who falls to submit ques tionnaire and In respect of whom no deferred classification Is clulmed or made. All registrants not Included In nny other division In this schedule. CLASS 2. Married man with children or father of motherless children where such wife or children or such motherless chil dren are not mainly dependent upon his labor for support for the reason thnt there are other reasonably certain sources of adequate support (exclud ing earnings or possible earnings from the Inbor of the wife) available, and that tho removal of tho registrant will not deprive such dependent of support. Married, mnn, without children, whose wife, nlthough the registrant Is engaged In a useful occupation, is not mninly dependent upon his labor for support, for the reason thnt thn wlf is skilled in some special class of work which she Is physically able to perform and in which sho Is employed, or in which there Is an Inlmedlato opening for her under conditions that will en able her to support herself decently nnd without suffering or hardship; Necessary skilled farm laborer In necessary agricultural enterprise. Necessary skilled Industrial laborer In necessary Industrial enterprise. CLASS 3. Mnn with dependent children (not his own), but toward whom-he 'stands in relation of parent. Man with dependent aged or infirm parents. Mnn with dependent helpless broth ers or sisters. County or munlclpnl oflleer. Highly trained fireman or policeman, nt feast three years In service of mu nicipality. Necessary customhouse clerk. Necessary employee of United States In transmission of the mails. Necessary artificer or workman In United States armory or arsenal. Necessary employee ill service of United States. Necessary assistant, nssociato or hired manager of necessaiy agricul tural enterprise. Necessary highly specialized techni cal or mechanical expert of necessary industrial enterprise. Necessary assistant or assoclnte manager of necessary Industry, enter prise. CLASS 4. Mnn whoso wife or children are mainly dependent on his labor for support. Mariner actually' employed In sen service of citizen or merchant In the United Srntes. Necessary solo managing, control ling or directing head of necssury agricultural enterprise. Necessary sole mnnnglng, control Hug or directing head of necessary Industrial enterprise. CLASS 5. Ofllcers legislative, executive or Judicial of the- United States" or of state, territory or District of Colum bia. Regular or dulj ordained minister of religion. Student who on May 18, 1017, wr.t preparing for ministry In recognize! school. Persons In military or naval service of United States. Allen 'enemy. Resident alien (not nn enemy) who claims exemption. Person totally and permanently physically or mentally unfit for mili tary service. Person morally unlit to bo n soldier of the United Stntes. Licensed plhtt actually employed In the pursuit of his vocntlon. Member of well organized religious ect or organization, organized nnd ex isting on May IS, 1017, whose then existing creed or principles forbid Its members to participate In wur In nny form, and whose religious convictions are against war or participation there in. Boards to Aid Registrants. To aid tho registrants In filling out these questionnaires nnd determining their clnoolrlcatlnn lognl advisory bonrds have been provided for ench local exemption district. Disinterest ed lawyers have been taken Into serv ice to aid in the general administra tion of the law. All exemptions made prior to this time or revoked. Every man not In the military service must fill out n questionnaire, and the merits of his case will be decided upon ngnlu. Any person fulling to fill out a ques tionnaire lg automatically placed In Class 1 and liable for Immediate duty. Following the classification comes a scries of general questions. There thoiufollow eleven other series of ques tions which fit particular cases rang ing from the man who claims physical disability to questions asked of. men seeking exemption because they arc divinity students. Tho general questions establish n most intimate knowledge of the per sonal characteristics of the registrant, lie must state every occupation at which ho has worked during the pust ten years, giving not only tho name of the occupation, but the number of hours worked each week and a state ment of his education. In these questions the registrant Is given the privilege of stating his pref erence of service, nnd may stato whether ho Is willing to attend a night school fitting him for service prior to being called Into en in p. There then follows a list of 87 trades and professions, nnd the registrant is given spnee to lndicate'whlch he has worked In nnd for how long n period Occupational List. The occupational list follows: Accountant; nrtlst, dramatic or otherwise; auto and gas engine man (a) factory, (b) garage, (c) Ignition system, (d) marine engines; auto and motor truck driver, baker, band In strument, barber, blacksmith (n) help er (b) forger; boatman, bollernmker, bookkeeper, butcher, canvas worker, enrpenter (a) brlgde, (b) cabinetmak er, (c) house, (d) ship; chemical In dustry worker, clorlcul worker, con crete worker, contractor, cook, dentist, detective, draftsman (a) architectur al (b) mechanical, (c) topographical ; druggist, electrician (a) instruments repair, (b) motors and dynamos, (c) oufsldo work, (d) wiring; engineer, graduate, (a) automotive, (b) chem ical, (c) civil, (d) electrical, (e) me chanical, (f) mining, (g) sanitary; fac tory worker, farmer, furrier, fire-fighter, forest ranger, foundry man (a) core maker and moldcr, (b) furnace mnn; grocer, guard, gunsmith, harness maker, horseman, horsoshoer, lnborer, lawyer, lineman, (a) telegraph, (b) telephone ; locksmith, longshoreman, lumberman, machinist (a) drill press, (b) general mechanic, (c) grinding machine, (d) lathe, (e) miller and planer, (f) toohnaker; mason, mer chant, millwright, miner (a) .digging nnd loading, (b) drill, (c) explosives, (d) timbering, (e) track laying; mov ing picture expert, nurse, painter (a) house, (b) sign, (c) scene; puttern mnker, physician, plasterer, plumbing trades, policeman, printer, quarryman, railroad mifn (a) construction, (b) operation, (c) maintenance, (d) re pair1 railway motorman, rigger (a) bridge, (b) building, (c) ship; sales man, sawmill man, seafaring mnn, sheet metal worker (a) copper, (b) Iron, (c) tin; .shipbuilder, shoemaker, stableman, steam engineer (a) motive, (b) stntlonnry; stenographer, stock keeper, structural Iron nnd steel work er, student, surveyor, tailor, teacher, leamster, telegrapher, telephone opera tor, telephone repairman, tile mnn, typewriter, veterinary, wutchman, wel der, acetylene, etc.; wheelwright, wire less operator. Many Questions Asked. Persons clulming exemption on the ground of being aliens are asked to give the date of their birth, their birth pluoo, the time of their entrance to this hiii r tlie name of the vessol upon which they entered and their compun Inn. '11 ley ure also listed, "Are you willing to return to your native coun try anil enter its military service?" Claimants for exemption on grounds of dependency must nnswor a 'series of thirty-one filiations, supported by affidavits of tho dependents. These questions aro most intlmnte, seeking a declaration of tho exact amount of money contributed to tho support of tho dependent each month. Each reg istrant must also declare thu amount of his Income for ih- past twclvw months nnd the amount of his prop erty, real and personal. If n regis trant owns n house he must statu wliethpr lie rents it and If ho how much rent he receives. Encumbrance upi.ii property must hv declared, at well as the amount of taxes paid in tho past yeur. "Has your flfo ever lio'i employed?" Is one question nsk ed. "Is vour wife trained or uUlll. Vd !n nnj tailing?" "Do you or your I wife live i.vltb tier pareuts?" ' Wash day Is smile day If you use Red "runs Rail illuc, American made, therefore the best made. Adv. Before and After. "Why are the stars so dim tonight?" Mio cooed Miftly. "Decause your eyes are so much brighter," ho whlspurcd, pressing her little hand. Thoy were engaged then. "I wonder how many telegraph poles It would tuko to reneh from here to the slurs?", sho murmured, musingly. "One, If it wore long enough," he growled. "Why don't you talk com nam sense?" That was after they were mnrrled. Dr. Plerco's Plenslmt Pellets arc tho original little liver pills put up 40 years ago. They regulate liver and bowels. Ad. On Authority. Hobby, the son of the house, ngo four, was not the sort of boy that comes In to entertain grown-up visi tors. Quito the contrary. His placo was tho back-yard playground, nnd he know It. Hut one day when he entered the drawing room Inadvertently he was beckoned forward for Introduction to n caller. "Hobby," said Ills mother, "this Is Mrs. Lord." Hobby wnit up nnd shook hands gravely. Then ho turned and regard ed his mother with an amused twinkle. "Aw, say, muvver," ho returned, "you're klddln' me. There ain't no Mrs. Lord." . Deaf Can Hear. An Improved telephone receiver hns boon put on the market by tho use of which it is said that oven persons par tially deaf can hear over thu tele phone. Tho receiver has a trumpet shaped design, with n llutcd enr piece, nnd is bo made ns to shut out nil ex ternal noises. It is also claimed for It that It does away with the ear split ting cracks which result when cen tral Is working to get u party who "doesn't answer." SOFT, CLEAR SKINS Made So by Daily Uso of Cuticurn Soap and Ointment Trial Free. Tho Inst thing nt night nnd the first In the morning, bathe tho face freelv with Cuticurn Soap and hot water. If there aro pimples or dandruff smear them with Cuticurn Ointment beforo bathing. Nothing bettor than Cuticurn for daily toilet preparations. j Free sample each by mull with Book Auuress postcard, uuticuru, JJcpt. Oj, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Lucrative Employment. First Newsboy Chlmmle's got a Job ns caddie for a golf club. Is (lore much money In tint? V Second Newsboy Do sulnry nln't much, but flcy makes a lot extra back In' up fellers when dey lies about do scores dey made. Silencing Him. J . ivn illl-l Mill IV 111 )UU iwnuiy hand me the gum? v.iiniutife jw.iiii;i-ri- vt'l Ull IIIJ , with nil my heart. Typewriter Girl No, thanks; only tho gum, plcnse. Youn Women Are Told How to Find Relief from Fain. Nashua, N.II. "I am nineteen years old and overy month for two years I had such pains that I would often faint. and have to leave school. I had such pain I did not know what to do with myself and tried so many remedies that were of no uso. I rtad ahout Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetahlo Compound in the newspapers and decided to try it, and that is how I found relief from pain and feel so much hotter When I hear of any girl suffering aa I did I tell them how Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetahlo Compound helped me." Dklina Mam-in, 29 Eowers Street, Nashua, N. II. c- Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetahlo Compound, made from native roots and herhs, contains no narcotic or harmful drugs, and is, therefore, THE PERFECTLY SAFE REMEDY LYDIA E. PINKHMS VEGETABLE COMPOUND In His Class. "I'm a man of few words.'' "Same here, I'm mrfrrled, too." Easy to Rid Home of Rats and Mice Tlicro Is no need of aurfcrliu; from tlio lepredatlohg of ruta unci mlco now Hint StenrnH' Paste Is readily obtalnublo at nearly every store. A sinnll box ot tliU effective exterminator costs only 35 cents and In usually sufficient to com pletely rid tlio hoiiko, storo or nam of rats and mlco. The U. H. Government luis bouKlit thousands of pounds of Stearns' I'OBte for URe In cities where ruts and mlco ure plentiful, Tho Posto Is ulso iftlclcnt In dextroyltu; cockroaches and waterbUKs. Adv. Women study side ty Hide with the men In the universities of Italy. lXo0 Net' Contents 15Pluid Draohn nii.r.iir.Yiiii wyA'wifMmj kVl s a?uiW ic ,-,- ,'t.uLi 'tV t JHR iQ -i .. r VI ' K& . . n,..,ir n htjo nRNT. AYciclablcrrcnarau'ontorAs tlnthcStomAcasandDwbM rvfffVfwmHTzTTmja HcrctyrromoUn$Di$csUon r.hnntf1 noee find KcsLijomau neither Opium, Morphincnof TWnr-rnt. KotNAHCOTIC, j!fk.;cfCijrhSAMVELntCM. JmpXc5 juxsrwa AxtstStl QanfitSzr U s??s ec3& tm i.f.,fiinmpdvfor asss Constipation and Diarrhoea n.nu rn'"""'""'"' Y.ortEST.l'nP ahpEv rcstflUniS llicrefrofnjnjnfanty. ii'i;i fiSE&ffi ,iWu y Exact Copy of Wrapper. m rm 53 i ' rflcSIrailcSnatorcot I XT tAlf.TTTTt I I" u TTnViniirilfTTrlTM Carter's Little Liver Pills You Cannot be JED Constipated and Happy Small Pill Small Dole Small Trice JpftfflP WITTLE jmmmw hiv nrc JHHf l PILLS. 9r K ' ' AKfhVrsirr fRTER'S IRON PILLS many colorless faces but will greatly help most pale-faced people United States Will Profit. Secretary of Commerce Itedflcld says Germany's foreign trade will largely come to tho United States. nig men with tho toothache alwnys look foolish. than I used to, LYDIA E.PINKHAM Want More Dogs of War. Shepherd dogs, mountain dogs, watch dogs, rat catching terriers and bulldogs ure requested by the war dog service of the French ministry of war, owing to the growing use of dogs for military inirposcs. Red Cross Hall Illuc, made in America, therefore the best, delights the housewife. All uood grocers. Adv. Mustard Removes Odor. After handling llsh the unpleasant odor will bo entirely removed If a lit- V,!.. ill,, lllllLlllltll ll. Mlllllnul .... .!.. ,,,7 11 J lliuniliill IJl iUUUCU UI4 UlL' hands. Vlnletfe Wong Is known as Mary I'lcUford of Chinese lllmdom, CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always i Bears tho $ Signature f Jr drlir off AWiK , V aV B v fy uog For Thirty Years TH OtNTAUW MUMMt, NIWVOM 6 ITT. STOMA HORSE SALE DISTEMPER You know that when you cll or buy throURh the sales you lmve about ono clianco In fifty to escape HA 1,13 STA1IM0 niSTKMl'iSii. 'SioiiNS" is your truo protection, ydur only safeguard, for an Buro no you treat all your horses with tt. you will aoon bo rid of tho disease. It acta da a suro proventlvo, no matter how thoy aro "exposed." DO cents nnd It a bottlo; 5 and M0 dozen bottles, nt alt Kood dniBRlsts, horso Roods housea, or delivered by tho manufacturers. SI'UIIN MUUICAIj CO., Mnnufactnrera, Goshen, fad., U.S.A. A Remedy That Makes Life Worth Living Genuine bear signature The averagu joung fellow is ulwnys hoping that some day he'll llnd u for tuna ready-made. Philadelphia building In which Ben Franklin conducted his printing ofBco Is still standing. MEDICINE CO. LYNN. MASS. VOIl I1EST SKRVICR SHIP RICE BROTHERS Live Block Commission Verrhants at SIOUX CITY, Chlosno or Kanmam City SAVE TIME-MAKE HONEYI Tako aWlntot Short Course Oommarelal, Shorthand. Typewritlwr, Maeblnljt. Automobllo. Farm Tractqr, Qas Engines. vFlna equipment j bhj shops. Term opens December 4th. WiltBfor Information. HIGHLAND PAHK COL LKOti. 200 Euclid Ave., Dos Moines, la. COUGHING annoys others nnd hurts you. Relievo throat iiiuniiuiiami iu:KiiaK,ana set riaorcougtu. colds and hoarseness by taking at once PISO'S I , 'A 1 if !1