Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 22, 1917, Image 1

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alatc Historical S6ci
akota County Herald,
mutm Ail The Nw When It Is New.
VOL. 2G.
NO. 13'.
vm km
'III '(,m
Items of Interest
Gleaned from
Our Exchanges
Sioux City Journal, 17th:- It. .E.
Brown made a business trip to Hub
bard, Neb., Thursday.
Pender Times: Mr. jind Mra ATnli
Niebuhr, who were jrucsta at the
Mrs. Larson home, returned to
Sioux City Tuesday.
Concord Items in Dixon Journal:
Mrs. LeRue Foote and children of
Hubbard are visiting a few weeko at
the home of Mrs. M. F.oote.
East Daily Items in Dixon Journal:
Mrs. Knepper and little son of
Homer, Nebr'., were over Sunday
quests at the Frank Thomas home.
Waterbury Items in Allen News;
Word from E,ric Sayrc locates him
at Garden City, New York .... E. J.
Way arrived Monday for a visit and
to look after his interests here.
Wal thill Citizen: Miss Jessie
Martin, of St. Rflwriniu iin km
been a gueat at the Nunn home, has
returned to her home this week
J. 1 Meridith and family and Mrs.
Robt. McBride, of South Sioux City,
visited at theE. R.Byerly home Sun
day. Mrs. W. II. Mason and Miss
Lena accompanied them.
West Side News in Oakand Inde
pendent: Prof. Conrad Jacobson
of Lyons is spending his vacation
helping E. V. Swanson shuck corn.
The Professor has accepted the call
from Newcastle to superintend the
Schools there the balance of the
school year, for which place the pro
fessor and his wife will leave in a
week or two.
Wynot Tribune: Mr. and Mrs.
Ilackl and son, Rudolph, and II. A.
McCormick and wife were Sunday
visitors at the home of Dr. Tellesen
in Maskell . . . Walter Cheney of Da
kota City visited his sister, Mrs. E,
J. Morin, in this place -last Friday.
Mrs.. Morin and her mother, who
had been. visiting her returned with
Mr. Cheney in his automobile.
Emerson Enterprise: Miss Clara
Blume returned last Saturday from
Omaha where she attended the
State Teacher's association ...Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Wallwey, Mr. and
Mrs. Louis WIIw(v sinrl IUr Pro,!
Blume attended the funeral of Mari
on Ostmeyerat Dakojta City, Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Walwey were in
attendance at the funeral of Mrs.
John Harris of Homer, the same
Lyons Mirror: Mr. and Mrs. J.
L McElhinneyleft for St. Louis,
Monday, where they were to join a
special train of the National Under
takers Association, to journey to
the southland as far as Jacksonville,
Honda. They will also visit Mr.
Specials for Saturday
51b bag of Chase & Sanborn CoTTee $1.25
1 Can Corn 15c
5 bars Flake White Soap 25c
2 Packages Macaroni 25c
Nl Gallon Dark Karo Syrup , 85c
5 Boxes Matches ,. 30c
2 boxes Big Hit Craokers 25c
BXigRcst Pr ice Paid for
W. L.
Dakota City,
McElhinnoy's old home at Dalton,
Ohioj where they have promised to
look up tljo editor Warner relations,
living in and around Wooster, as
there is where our father was born.
Wakefield Republican: Miss Lola
Heikes of Dakota City returned
home Sunday after a week end visit
witb her cousin, Olive Aistrope....
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kate and daugh
'3. Bottv and Fr.inma of IVq
'-es, visited several days the past
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
G. ,A. Aistrope Last Monday
CKi. ko.ilmeier sold his house and
lot in the east part of town to Anton
Holmberg. The reason for the sale
is that iLis nopfiKsnrv fnr Mr. fituK
Mrs. Kohlmeier to move south on
account ot Mrs. Kohlmeier's health;
Mr. llolmuerg takes possession Janu
ary 1.
Pnnon. .Tnnrnnl! Mrs O irinrhnrrv
spent a few days visiting at Jackson,
last weeK . . . .L,eo Liowe nuenueu the
Ilartnet Hereford sale in Sioux City
last Monday ...Bernard Rahn went
to Coburn Sunday to meethis broth
er Werner, from Witlen, S. D.
He visited at the home of his par
ents Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Rahn until
Wednesaday, when he returned
home accompanied by his wife who
has been visiting here the past four
weeks. . . .A score of 16 to 3 stood in
favor of the South Sioux City girls'
basket ball team after the close of
the Ponca-South Sioux City game.
This is a very good showing for Pon
ca because it .was her first year and
first game, while South Sioux City
has played several years. All the
girls need is more practice and a lit
tle experience.
Mrs. Charles Ostmeyer departed
yesterday for Allen, Neb., where
she will be the guest of Mrs. Floyd
iegley Marguerite Brown, Alice
Brown and Sarah Brown, of Dakota
City, Neb., are visiting over the
week-end with their uncle, Jacob
Learner, and family .... Goodsell T.
Pendell, oGT7 Vino avenue, is in a
serious condition at bis home. He is
suffering with Ho'skins' disease.
His recovery is not expected
and his parents, Rev. and Mrs. G.
M. Pendell, of Ponca, Neb., are at
his bedside.... After being -arrested
twice and released each time, Miss
Elma Deal, of South Sioux City, was
again taken in charge yesterday by
II. 0. Crane, chief of police, and will
be sent to Huron, S. D., today to
stand trial on a charge of grand
larceny. Chief Crane may permit
the woman to go unattended, as the
Huron sheriff does not consider it
nncossfirv to snnil nn osonri film ia
accused of stealing $50 from a hotel
Allen News: Dick Lennox caught
a coyote in an unusual manner Sun
day evening' He was driving his
car home from Ponca and just this
side oftown ran into a coyote and
crippling it, he stopped the car and
shot the animal before it could get
away and then brought it on home
with him. . . .On Monday morning R.
C. CViiilk snlii tn .Tnhn ftnnarnml tvJrt
healthy fat porkers that Mr. Ben
steau saici were me largest nogs no
1 IT
had ever bought on the market.
With the market price nt$lG.l().
Mr. Oaulk's check received for the
hogs, was $152.90, which is not so
bad for the lowly porker Mr. and
Mrs. George Bomber, Miss Mary
Davis, Charles Davis and Lew Koser,
all living near Mar tinsburg, drove to
Sioux City last Friday in the latter's
car. On their way home, their car
was run down by a car driven by a
strangtr. Luckily none of the occu
pants of the auto were seriously
hurt, although the Ford was smash
ed up considerably. All of the par
ty excent Mr. Koser. continnod t.hoir
journey home in another car. Mr.
Koser stayed in Jackson over night
to see' that the Ford received proper
treatment in the local hospital, nut
then drove the car home Saturday.
Sioux Citv Journal. 20: Thn fu
neral of Geo. W. Smith, of Jackson,
Neb., who died in a Sioux City hos
pital following an operation, will be
held at 9 o'clock Wednesday mo -ing
at the home of his aunt, Mi.,.
Margaret McDermott, 3005 Co
tionville road. Burial will be in .it.
Calvary cemetery.... Action neither
favoring nor opposing the petitioned
reduction of tolls on the combination
bridge was taken at the meeJ'ng of
eighteen members of the board of
directors of the Commercial club
last night. A resolution calling up
on Secretary of War Newton D.'
Baker to conduct an investigation
tion and make a decision at the ear
liest date practicable was adopted
aftor it had been discussed. Argu
ments in behalf of the position of
the Dakota county, Neb., citizens
and business men who' have signed
the petition for toll reduction were
presented by Attorney Ward Evans,
of South Sioux Citv. who nirnfl fhn
schedule of tolls enforced at Omaha
and Kansas City bridges. The posi
tion of the Missouri River Bridge
COmDanv. the enrnnrnrinn nwnintr
the bridg.?, was announced by E. A.
Burgess. The following resolution
was adopted: Whereas. A petition
has been presented to the secretary
of war signed by many citizens of
Dakota county, Neb., and of Sioux
City, la., praying for a reduction of
tolls on the combination bridge; and,
Whereas, The feeling that there
should be a reduction is shared by
many citizens of Sioux City, the di
rectors of the Sioux City, la., Com
mercial club therefore pray the sec
retary of war to fully investigate
tins matter and to render a decis
ion at the earliest possible date."
It is only a question of days, it was
asserted at the meeting, when the
matter of toll reduction will be fully
and finally determined by Secretary
of War Baker, who under the bridge
charter is the sole and only authori
ty asto tolls that may be exacted.
Both sides to the controversy are
now eneatred in thn nrnnnmtinn nf
data as evidence to be submitted to
Secretary Baker.
.;. Dakota County Chapter &
We are pleased to note the return
of our chairman, Miss Mary Maxwel,
who has spent the last six weeks in
Washington, D. C, and other east
ern points.
Donations in knitted nriiVlps hnvo
been made by the following persons:
Miss Ulara Uook, one mulller, and
Mrs. O. W. Fisher, one muffler and
one pair wristlets.
The II. H. S. C. club turned in to
the Red Cross fund, the sum of $1.20.
The Dakota Citv T.ntliornn Awl
society gave the comfort kit fund $2.
The Huhhard hrnnph riirnnd in (nn
Christmas kits Tuesday.
The followintrhavp dorm toil tn nur
Christmas kit fund since last report:
Uretchcn Llapp $t 00
Mrs. Anna u. Ulapp 1 00
E. J. MdKernan 1 nn
Claud Perry 50
i.nas. i'erry nn
Wm.Biermann 1 no
Ira Howard 1 00
Stephen Howard 1 00
Frank Howard l 00
E. II. Cribble '.... 9 nn
Wm. Johnson i 1 nn
Clay Armbright 1 00 j
wm. ivrmDngnt go
John Stading l 00
15. M. Uoas 1 nn
Mrs. E. M. Blessintr 1 nn
m t r-:ui.i..
i. iy. uuuuic i uu
W.T.Wilson i nn
Harry Brown 1 00
u. w. Fisher l on
Mrs. A. O. Sides rt nn
G. W. Bates i nn
C. C. Beerman l 00
V- red Culbertson 1 00
A. M. Armbright 1 00
Wm. Triggs l 00
The latter name was overlooked
ast week.
For Sale
The east 140 iicrrat nf lntid lmnwn
as the John Gribblo farm, located
throe miles west and ono miln smith
of Dakota City. For information
cuii uu ui uuuroiw,
Mrs. S. A. Stinson,
Dakota City, Neb.
Farm Notes'.
Issued by the University of Ncbrnskn
College of Agriculture.
Every boy and girl who was unable
to attend school this fall and who
would find it necessary to leave
school early in the spring should
write to the School of Agriculture,
Lincoln, Neb., for particulars re
garding the special term which will
open December 3. This term, which
will close early in March, will be
open to any boy or girl who has
finished the- eighth grade.
At the same time the university
proper will hold a special term clos
ing a month later early in April
which will be especially for the
young men and women who have
had a high school education. Prac
tically ali general courses will be of
fered the same as the bomnnintr nf
uie regular school year.
Among the agricultural courses to
be ofFered in both the college and
school of agriculture are farm man
agement, dairying, horticulture,
poultry husbandry, diseases of farm
animals, live stock judr 1g, soils and
fertilizers, blacksmithin. and carpen
try. Manv innuirps am hoinrr ro.
Lceived and those planning to attend
should notity the Registrar of the
University or the Principal of the
School of Agriculture at once.'
The season of greatest demand for
market poultry is approaching.
Most of the market poultry on the
Nebraska farms and town lots can be
profitably fattened if good rations
are fed and the stock is handled in
the right way, according to the poul
try department of College of Agri
culture. A grain ration of GO per
cent finely ground corn meal and 40
per cent shorts, moistened with but
termilk or skim milk to a mortar
like consistency, makes a very pala
table and highly digestible ration.
Full feeds should not be given at
first but each feed should be increas
ed until on the third day the birds
are getting all they can eat in a
twenty-minute feeding period,
mornintr. noon and niirht. Best. m.
ults are secured when the birds are
uiauuium iu a crate or a sman yard.
Preparations should be made now
for winter bees, according to the
department of entomology of the
College of Agriculture. The tem
perature of the hives should be kept
at about 57 degrees. If the temper
ature is below that the bees will
spend their energy keeping warm,
while if it is very much above they
will fly from the hives. With a tem
perature of around 57 degrees, the
bees remain in almost a dormant con
dition, thereby saving their energy
for spring.
If wintering out of doors is con
templated a good plan is to place
each hive within a box about six
inches greater in its dimensions than
the hive, and fill the intervening
snace with sawdust or lnavna. A
small tunnel should be lef for an en
trance to the hive. The entrance
should also be kept free from ice so
as not to suffocate the bees.
Now is the timn tn vnnmnntn
acrainst blackleir. according to thn
department of animal pathology of
the College of Agriculture. Cattle
up to two years of age are suscepti
ble and vaccination should be done
twice a vear. The irovernment vac
cine is supplied free of charge thru
the University and there is really no
excuse for large losses from the dis
A promising industry has been
started in Gage county thru the ac
tivity of the county agent. Early in
the season enough seed was put out
to plant 85 acres of cane and a num
ber of people were interested in the
establishment of a sorghum plant.
A fine quality of molasses is being
turned out and it is believed that
next year will Bee the cane acreage
The University of Nebraska is (let
sirousof obtaining the namoof every
student, former student.and alumnus
who is now serving in the
war. Those having information
along this line are asked to write,
giving names and present addresses
of the men, to Prof. G. It. Catburn,
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, in
order that a roster may be made.
This new book gives a most com
prehensive explanation of cancer and
its successful treatment without the
knife. Based on actual experience
of 20 years and laboratory research
covering hundreds of cases. The
book will be sent free by addressing
O. A. Johnson, M. I)., Suite GU0,
1320 Main St., Kansas City, Mo.
Send for u copy today and learn tho
truth about cancer.
Preserve and beautify your home
with Mound City Paint and Varnish.
For sale atNeiswanger Pharmucy.
DnkotnUlty, Nilir., Nov. 6, 117
llourtl of cutinty comtulHlaiiursot Dakota
county, Nebraska ittotpuriiiMittoiu!Jourii
luant. All nminhors proiont.
W'hoH tho following tiroueeilliiK oro
lmil. to-wlt:
Hoard ant on olork to wrltu warrant on
oonnty farm demonstrator fund to 11. It.
Ailulr, tronsutor, for J9S6.00.
Tlio following clnlnu Miro allowed on
romidroRff inn fund!
John Sohn, rirairitlnit romls, tiimi and
8 toium, tfi hours J (
LnitrltK Jnpnoson,. tlrnKKlnit romli,
man and 8 teams, fi hours ,'i uo
I Inns lionnlctcson, draKBlnu romls,
man and 2 teams, 8 hours 4 M)
D. A. Wqods, dragging loads, iuan
nnd 2 tennis, 21 hours U OX)
Aiau AicKivorgan, drugging roads,
man and 2 teams, sn hours . 15 (X)
James W. Love, d tagging roads, man
ntraa tenuis, ,miours..... ni 85
Christian Hanson, drugging ronds,
man and 2 teams. 23 hours 16 00
Oarl Hanson, drngglnr; ronds. man
nnd 2 teams, $1 hours .".... 18 m
Henry WIIUo, dragging ronds, man
and 2 ten'n 8 hours :j 00
W. W. .. ... . drugging roads, man
UIRl2l.il 1. hours. ... 4 80
Thn folio.,. t.j claims wore allowed on
commissioner district No t .
It. U. Sunt, running county grndor
llilnys u no
James Olork, running county en-
Kino 11 days csm
Tho following claims woro allowed on
coinmlsslonordlstrlct No. 2:
II. O. Sunt, running county grndor
IT days en 00
James W. Ulark, running county on-
glnnlTilay 8500
Mutt MoKlvorgnn, tilling lu bridge,
!l men and 1 tonm, Mi days 12 60
1). A. Woods. lilting in bridge, 2 men
nnd 2tenms2dnys 12 00
Huns Honnlckson, lining in brldgo,
1 man nnd 1 team, 3dny , IB CO
Hans Honnlckson, lilting in brldgo,
1 man and 1 team, El days 112 60
Uhuh Nelson, lining lu brldgo, 1 man
nnd I team,4 days is 60
Luther Martin, lining in brldgo, 2
111011 nnd two tennis. 2ii dnvs 9? m
Harry Jensen, filling lu brldgo, man
anil icuiiih) days 23 00
Kynar Jensen, tilling lu brldgo, mini
and team, 1 day...1. c 00
Louis Pedorson, tilling In brldgo, 2
men nnd 1 tonm, $4 day 4 6
II. O. Sunt, running county grader,
21'i days moo
Tim following claims woro nllowed
on il. j road district fund:
P. O. Van Olenvo, grading ronds, 2
2 tJronthdT.;t:mi Mdnys,dlst:lw tj 60
Knit Hoch, burning brush, i man K
duy,dlst.2 1 m
J. W. DoKorrost, rond work, 2 111011
inn! it tenuis, 18 days, dlst.U 1M) 00
Louis Podorsun, toll nnd rcunlrs,
dlst. 4 , ', 2 05
Potor Knutz.lMiorsu ovoiwr, dlst.n.. 6 60
Peter Knutz, U-horsd evonor, dlst. 0.. B 60
W. L. liroyhlll, road work, 2 men
nnd 8 teams, 1 day, dlst. 8 1100
V. M. Itnnson.uind world man and
1 tenm, Mi dnyB, dlst. 7 0 f Q
John Sohn, road work. 1 man and 1
team, MA days, dlst. 11 u 25
D. A. Woods, rond work, 2 men and 2
tennis, Bdnys, dlst. 14 48 00
Albert Schroedor, rond work, 1 man
and 1 team, 2 days, dlst. 10,.., 10 (0
Larson llros., rond work, 2 niun and
2 tennis, ldn'y, dlst. HI 10 00
Mux Nelson, rond work, 1 ninn nnd t
tenni,2dayg, dlst. 10 , jd 00
u. u.uguurn, ronawork, 1 nmn and
1 tonm, 1 day, dlst. 10 500
Ilnrry Jonson, road work, 1 mnii, 1
1 ilny, dlst. 10 11 no
Martin Kasmusson, rond work, 1
F. Hughes
& Co.
umber Building Ha-,
terial, Hardware, Coal
To "She People of
Dakota. City & Victivity
WH have succeeded Mr. Fred Lynch in the
Hardware and Lumber business in Dakota
City, and are here to stay. Our aim will be
to treat everyone right, and alike, and will guaran
tee satisfaction on all sales and work done at our
place of business. We will carry a full line of
Lumber, Building Material, Hardware, Coal, Paints,
Plumbing Material, Greases and Oils. We have a
well equipped shop where we will do all kinds of
Plumbing, Tin Work, Furnace and Stove Repairs.
Also Concrete Work of all Kinds.
Come in and sec txs,
Let's Get AcqE stinted
H. R. GREER, Mgr.
Corn- Cattle- H6gs
Kxcursion to
Mnrinnna, Florida
nnd return, Siotfx City, Iowa
Dec. 3, 1917
Biggest snaps in Land in the
U. S. Fine climate
For further information
Write Lock Box 593
Sioux City, Iowa
mnnnnd 1 tenm, 1 day, dlst. in 6 00
Henry Schroedor, rond work, l man
and I team, ldny, dlst. 10.'. 5 00
Oeorgo Jonson, rond work, 1 man,
ldny, dlst. 10 6 00
LouU Knudson, road work, 1 mnn
nnd rtaiuu, Uf days, dlst. 10 n 123
Louis Knudson, rond work, 1 mnn
nnd ltenm, I5dnys,dtst. 10 11 25
ahnrtes V. Smith, rond work, I man
mull teuui,2dnys,dlst.l0 io 00
Jnmos 1'. Jonson, road woik.luinn
nnd 1 tenm, ldny, dlst. 10 5 00
Uhrls Krlcksan, road work, 2 men
nnd 2 teams, 1 day, dlst. 10 io 00
Jamos Nelson, road work, t man and
1 team, ldny, dlst. 10 6 00
Geo. Johnson, sr rond work, 1 mnn
nnd 1 team, 1 day, dlst. 10 6 oo
Potor Jonson, road work, 1 man nnd
1 tenm, Mi dnys, dlst. 10 7 60
Axel Jonson, rond work, l nfnn nnd 1
tonm. lKdnys. dlst. 10 7 16
Hurry Jonson, rood work and ovor.
seeing fco, 7dnys, dlst. 10 21 00
Nick .Simmons, road work, 2 men
nnd 2 teams, 6i days, dlst. 17 42 60
llonrd nppoints D.O. HclTornnu Justlcoof
of tho pence in nnd for llubbnrd proclnot,
nnd approves Ills bond,
And now In tho mnttor of tho petition
ofll.O. Hanson, Uhrls Knsmusson, V, II.
Itynn nnd others, with roforouco to a rond
running In n southonstorly direction thru
section 2. in township 27. range 8. In Dako
ta county, Nebraska, snld road hnvtng boon
ostnbllshcdon tho 21th dny of March, WOO,
(seo commissioners record 1C, pngo Din),
enmo on to bo heard nnd wns submitted to
tho board, upon said petition, tlio ovldonco
nnd tho ngref uiout of purtlbs, nnd It up
penrlng tlint tho owner of snld rcnl estate,
to-wlt: Louts Knudson, hereby offers to
nnd doos dedtcnto to tho county froo of
chnrgonnd without dnmngo, a right Of wny
from whoro snld road ciosfioa tho crook,
thence tn southwesterly direction io n
point on tho township lino botweei. nmgos
7 and 8, 21 rods north of whoro f ,i crook
crosses snld township llnoj and nil persons
tntornsted'linvlUR appeared audbouselfted'
to such cliango.
Now, thoroforo, it Is hereby ordorcd by
tho bound of county commissioners ot Da
kota county, Nobrnskn, that snld rond shall
1() oponed nnd worked along tho line ns
originally ostabllsuod, to a point 2B rods
onst of tlio range lino botwooii ranges 7 nnd
8, to-wlt: commencing at n point on tho
section lno 24 rods south of tho northwest
corner ot tho southwest aunrtor of section
28, township 27, rango 8, tlienco running-tn
a southwesterly direction TO rods, thoneo in
a southwesterly direction along tho north
bank of tho crook or dl tch ton point 26 rods
oust of tho range lino botwieu ranges 7 and
H, muff io in tlienco this rond .shall bo along
tho above dodlcntod by snld Louis KnudBOti,
nnd which Is hereby nccoptcd by said coun
ty, to-wlt: lu a southwesterly direction
to a point on the rango Una 21 rods north
of whuiu nnlil oieeL or dltuh crosses snld
rango line. And tho rond oversow for said
rond district Is lioreby noUllcd nnd ordered
to pluco suld rond along tho lino nbovo de
scribed lu condition to trnvol ns soon as
tho sumo oun be conveniently done.
(Ucn tinned next wook)
Dakota City, Nebr.