DAKUi'A COUNTY HERALD DAKOTA CITY, NEBHAiKA. rr WHiMmr mlitn miiu nirt, jfc,,,nt 1. -ii i----r- . --t-u-uj. -J Our Country's Telephone L Needs Are Served First At tho ontrnnco of (hi nutlmi in tho groat wur, the Hi'll Toluplionw System jilmljjwl Hi entire service, Its ciiilitnunt nml Its inon, winwrieilly, to the ko eminent. Tlio Kovornniptit'n li.ilioiir culls fire Klron riglit-of-wny over prlvnte morninge niel th government's rctiuli-eiiXMits for iiifii, for nwIlclibonrilH, wire, telephones and other equipment nrc sdrvpil tiheml of prlvnte requests. . Won't you pntrlotlenlly eo-operste by ntkliiK only for equipment .a u must Imvp, nml niiikc only such loonl or Ioiir (UnIihicc ciiIIh us uru absolutely tuicos Mirj? NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. BEATRICE LEADS IN UNUOOTBALL GAGE COUNTY CAPITAL HAS FOUR PLAYERS ON THIS YEAR'S CORNHUSKER ELEVEN doincourditJ 3t kmxA Winter Tourist Fares Now Available The entire scheme of Southern tourist fares becomes ef fective this year October 1st. All resorts and principal cities of the Gulf Coast and the Southeast are included; Florida fares include circuitous routes. With its great military can tonments, the Southland, dining the coming winter, will be a most interesting tourist region. Homeseelcers' Fares South. On the first and third Tuesday of each mouth, are available le many Southern dc tiuitiotiF, Texas, ,1'Motida, etc. To California: The usual Winter tourist fates via all rojtes. The Burlington can ticket you either via Denvtr, Scenic Colarado and Salt Lake, in through tourist sleeper seiv ice, or via. Denver, the Santa Fe "Grand Canyon" line, also for the grand Coast tour including the Northwest. Beautiful "Southland" publications, including the Burling ton's Winter Tourist leaflet. With its main trunk lines to the Southeast, either via Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis or Chica go, the Burlington is essentially the route for Southern travel. ttTjy.f-. .TVKTM o fc-i1 -r ..?vii Mim II. R. Parmer, Agt., Dakota City, Neb. Ii IV, V.K15LKY, Oeiieri.l I'lim.-i K, r Ak.H, 1001 FuriiH'ii Stunt. OuihIim, Nh1. IBByiKi??y8 toaritf . mil ' Myyy1'yy,TT!r!F-'rai? T TT 1 rummvttTncia?Mrrir.-i Westcott's Undertaking Parlors Auto Ambulance Old Phone, 426 New Phone 2067 "Sioux City, Iowek. i".1.... " "ti WT )QflddLfQ mm L? VQF-SVFaQBO Every Housewife or Mother is ever under that Nervous Strain which so often results in Headaches, Dizzy Sensations, Faintness, Depression and other 1 Nervous Disorders. , x I I ; I ' B R r H S -i B ,lC Dr. Miles' NERVINE j ; ,,tu vrjr i JiMJVA yJ1 rznmtW 'W AK is Highly Recommended in Such Cases. IF PIPST BOTTLE FAILS TO DENEFIT, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. DADLY RUN DOWN. "I lintl heroine (.really mn tlown mul my mi-. nv in it-iul-lu vomlltloii, 1 lnl frtiiuont licml ncht'H anil liecnno ver weak nutl iih unutilo to '!o unvlhlnir. I ImiiKUt a liottlo vt Lr Mil s1 Jrv ine, I siKin I)ck n to feci better, my ut-neH wote iiilPt d I ro covoreil my Htronirth, ajid Uavu slnco rernniinemleil Dr. Miles' Norvlno to ninny of my friends who li ivo usl It with mtlsfuctory remits." M1JS. KJlNl'i:a AVIUTI.OCK. 1"9 llioadwuy, Hcliencc-taily, N. Y CTflirmr.Tfflffiglmrrammi-rriimiTmg-TT m B Vm.TI7ImjW!iy--gpmn jyy E. F. RASMVSSEN General and Reliable AUCTIONEER Ponca., Web. Box '12-1 Phone No. ', It will pay you to see me before going elsewhere Terms Uensonnlle-Sntisfnctloii (lunrnutced SECOND PLACET0 LINCOLN Omahn, the Metropolis, Not Listed, While Small Cities and Towns Take Lead in Boosting Football Cause Contrary to tho popular bollcf, tho larger dtloa of Nohraskn do not con tribute niott of tho athletic material from which tho state university at Lincoln has been moldliiR Its victor ious football tennis of tho past sever al years. As a matter of fact, Lin coln has slight reprosontntlon on tho Cornhuskor gridiron squad of 1917, while Omaha has not so much as ono atbloto on the university football ros ter. Tho Nebraska team is an all Nebraska aggregation, in which tho smaller cities and towns predomin ate. Of tho twenty Cornhuskcr huskies who will battlo for tho honor of No bruska in tho coming big games at Lincoln with Iowa, Notre Dame, Mis souri and Syracuse universities, with Edson Shaw, Tecumseh Captain of State Unl Football Eleven Michigan at AnnArbor and with Kan sas at Lawrence, all but three were Nouraska bred and born. Threo other stateH South Dakota, Oklahoma and Wisconsin have representation on tho Nebraska squad. Tho city in tho Cornhuskcr state which leads In its contribution to tho stato university football forces is Ueatrlcc, capital city of Gage county and tho homo of two famous Cornhuskcr captains Leonard 1'urdy of 1D13 and Dick Huthorford, 1015. Threo of tho 1917 Iluskors aro Ueatrlco boys, whilo a fourth learned his football at Uoatrlco high school. Lincoln ranks second to Beatrico with two rojyosontatUcs, yet the capl tul city of tho stato gets no better than a tio with Furnas county, which has two players on tho Corn busker squad. SouthoaBt Nebraska is tho region of largost representa tion, yet Custer and Morrick countloa of tho contral section have con tributed to tho Cornhuskor cause, whilo Furnas county speaks up for tho western portion of tho stato. Tho comploto roster of first team players is as follows, tho list including tho homo towns and counties of tho players involved: .Tolm Cook, IJentrlce. Gnue. William D.iy, Ilcntrlce, Uiirc I'aul Dobson, Ulysses, Ilutlur. Albert Dutoau, Oicrn Hay, Wis. Krncst Jlublm, Virginia, Gage Htanley Henry, Hwanton, Kurnas Sam KeUoKff. Nebraska City, Otoe. W. Krlemolmeyor, Cambridge, Kurnas. Kd. Kosttzlty, Yankton, H. D. Harold McMahon, Lincoln, Lancaster. "Wnyno Munn, Falrbury, Jefferson Hugo Otoupalllt. David City, Hutler. "Ted" lllddell, Beatrice, Gage. Itoseoo nhodes. Ansloy, Custer Kelson Sliaw, Tccumsoh, Johnson. Lawrence Shaw, Osceola, Polk. John 1 Toter. Hartley, Tuinas. lllchnrd T Triplet, Unld. Okm. Harold Wilder, Central City, Merrick. l''ailey Young, Lincoln, Lancaster NEBRASKA VS. NOTRE DAME Bio Gridiron Battle Booked for Oct. 20 In Lincoln. Nobraska vs. Notre Damo ono of tho important intorsoctional football combats of tho 1917 season is Bchod tiled for Saturday, October 20, on tho stato university athletic Hold in Lin coln. A Nebraska victory moans that tho Comhuskors would again tnko rat ing as ono of tho "big toams" in Amer ican football a distinction tho Husk era enjoyed after their triumph over Notro Damo two years ago. . Halfback Chamberlain, now coach and principal at Loxington, Nob , was tho GQ-contlmotro howitzer of tho Nebraska attack in tho Cornhusk-or-Notro Damo battlo in 191C Two of Nebraska's touchdowns wero scored by Chamberlain nnd tho Ilusk ors nosed out tho Catholics, 20 to 19. Notro Damo won tho 191C gamo, as tho Nebraska olovou bad no brilliant running halfback of tho Chamberlain typo, but tho 1917 Cornhuskcr aggre gation again has tho spoodboys in tho back Hold in McMahon, ox-Lincoln high; Kollogg, formor Nobraska City high school star, and Schollonborg, ox Ueatrlco hlyh school. Prospects for a winning team havo takon on a pink hua and Cornhuskcr boosters at Lincoln not only expect Nobraska to drub Notro Damo, but to follow it up by dofeatlng Michigan univorsity at Ann Arbor on October 27, nnd to subsequently win from Syraeuso university of New York In tho big Thanksgiving day gamo on Nebraska field. Notro Damo has presented a power ' ful aggregation every soason during tho past several yours. Tho Cuthollo school has a groat coach in Josbo Har por and his protoges two years ago whipped tho Wost Point Army eleven FARM PROFITS. IJD favorable or unfavorablo cli matic conditions determine thorn? Yob, but more often tho proper ap plication or misapplication of goner ally recognized farming principles colvcd by successful farmers and breeders and tho government oxpori mont stations. Farmer nnd Breeder is a compendium of tho best ideas and successful methods employed by successful farmers and breeders. It is Issued semi-monthly at Sioux City, la , and deals with farming conditions ns they aro hero found. Its subject matter is strong nnd nppcals both to tho farmer and stockman. You want to farm profitably every Intelligent farmer docs. Farmer nnd Urcoder will help you to do this and more, too. Splendid Offer. Special arrangements have been made which cnablo us to offer Farmer and Drccder and Tho Herald both for ono year for only $1.00. Savo monoy by letting us havo your subscription now. Don't let our remarkable ofTor pass without taking advantage of it. Every subscriber to Farmer and Ureedcr is entitled to frco consulta tion with its Bpecial servico depart ment on nny branch of farming and stock raising. LEGAL NOTICES Klnt pub. KM-tw NOTICE. To N'ntliau UorrliiRton and Corilng- ton, his wife, mIioim llist and leal name Is unknown, Annlo Ku and Fry, her luixhaml, whoso llrst and icnl name Is un known, defendants: You and each of you aro huieby notllln.i uiaion ini inin nay or August, a. ii. mi", .lames T Huston, the plnlutllT, filed his pe tition In lint lildtilctOouitor DakotaUoun ty. Ni'liiiniKt. the object and prayer of which aru to foreclose a mortgage to K. Zut? eonveylng the easlil.1 feet of f.ots two and tli i Co (2 ntul ll)aml all accietlons theie to In Section Hi, Township SS, North of ltaiige li Kast, in Dakota bounty, Nelnaska, being 2id ncies aecoidlng to survey; Mild iiioi tf age being given toecuie two promis sory notes, one dated Mured 17. litis, for K.iHO. due March 17.11114. with Inteiest at 0 per cent pel aniiuiu fioiu d ite of note. In teiest payable hmiil-aunuall) , and one note for tMK) dated Mnicli 17 1U1K, dm Mnich 17, lll.fi, with lnteiest at the late of li per ci nl iter annum from dale; said notes-and mm tiig being given, executed and dellv mul by II. M. Waddell and Ida Wadilell. ami fur a good nnd valuable eousldciatlon assigned to the above-named plaliitllf on the 17th day of Manch, mill, extuuded for one j ear, or to the 17th day of Miueh, 1UI7; that theio Is now dun on the notes secured oy said mortgage the sum of Si.tma with In Inn st llieieon fiom the 17th day of March, 1U17, and tho fin t her sum of 131 nnd lntei est thereon at ID per cent fioni the llrst day of September, mm, and the fuither sum of J1L1 with lnteiest thuieon nt lu per cent fiom the 17th day of Maich, 1H17, accord ing to tho tenor of the coupon notes executed under mild mortgage ami exten sion agi cement. Vouaie inquired to answer said' petition on or before the fith day of Novomlior, 11)17. Dated this l!7tli day of September A. 1). mn. James T. Huston, f . Plnlntlir. ThfFOlKSAT home expect you lilt, rULMTO TELL .EM all AJJOUT asspfflgtofiBasr Exhilarating Burlesque; Vaudeville tlii Alnra Flllid lth friltiGlf It, Funnr Clowns, Oorgio:i Eqnlptgt, Brilliant Settle Enilrontniot LADIES' DIME MATINEE EVERY WEEKDAY Everybody Goes; Ask Anybody AtWtTS THE BIGGEST U0 BEITtHQW BEIT OF CHICU0 Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, ts thty cantiot reach the dlHeased purllon of the enr There Is only ono wny to cure catarrhal deafness, and that Is by a constitutional remedy Catarrhal Deafness Is caused by an In flamed condition of the mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube. When this tube 1b Inllamtd you have a rumbling sound or Im perfect hearing, and when It 1b entirely closed. Deafness Is tho risult. Unless tho Inflammation can bo reduced and this tubo restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever Many enses of dcarness aro cnuBed by catarrh, which Is an Inflamed condition of the mucous sur faces Hall's Catarrh .Medicine acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of tho system. We will give Ono Hundred Dollars for any enso of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine, cir culars free. All Druggists, 75c. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. CSHb EiiffM BrSrirMtTK' HiintiiiiiinunininEiiiuiiiiuiiiiiuiiiiiiuiiitiniiiiiDn iiiiirniuiinimiiniiriiiitiprmiitiiiii lfie0nly GmitdfPrize 1 (niehGsi Award) 3 ?- oiven to I Diciioiiaries aliKcPanama- Pacific Exposition was printed to WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL I Suncrioritv of Educational Merit. R This new creation answers with 1 B final nuthonty till kinds of puzzlinpr I !e questions such us "now id J'rzemysl pronoiuuxMl ? " "Whcro is 1 lan ders? " "What U a continuous voy age?" "AVhatiiiiioirif.-cT" "What S is white coal?" "How Id slot pro I iioiinciHl?" nnd thou?andd of others. g Moro than 400,000 Vocabulary Terms. 1 30,000 Geographical Subjects. 12,000 I Biographical Entries. Over 6000 lllus- 1 trations. 2700 Pages. Tho only tliction- 1 ary with tho divided page a stroko of genius. Rsnlr nJ fnHtsi- Piotr EdiUcDi. H Write for speci men pone', il lustrations, etc. Free, a tet of rocket Maps if I you naino this g nop MERRIAM CO., SprinificlJ, Mill. muiiUiB.iMMMJHLffliiSiiiic-jiimBirarjiMiiiiii'nKwuinuir.amiiS Have YOU Paid YOUR Subscription, ? IllillllH HIP 'IM I ll'lll HI i 'I ffli,ii!i!iin,ff MliifTflli'i"!'!!,!!!! Triggs9 New Meat Market and Restaurant I have re-opened my Meat Ma: kit in the new location the ttecnnatm building, which I have remodeled and fitted in first-class shape. Besides a full line of the best Meat of all kinds I have added a line of Canned Fruits nnd . Vegetables, Canned lush, Confectioneiy, To bacco and Cigars. Everything New, Clean and Up-to-Date WM. TRIGGS, & SIY I 3 BifiiiiU'iiiH i , -! h'lnniijn!,",!' i ' j,' LET US PRINT IT FOR YOU I KUiK.j.wism.imrmr, Dr. Koch's Tonics fxtracts Poultry Tonic Good for Chickens. Weona Dip is a fine Piiff ' - ; ; ( .. o-,. The people that vi4i Dr. Koch's .Stock Tonic, Poultry Tonic, Linanients, lixtracts and Spices can get these goods from mv wagon, or by send ing orders to my headquarters at South Sioux City, at C. V. liitt's residence, where a supph of all my goods are kept in -tock, n- bOrk west of end of Service Co.'s street car line. Goods will be furnished' when called for, or shipped promptly on receipt of order. E. J. GARLOCK, Agent l smu U.:NMmi i,Jf.T..':j vmar'H-ju . 1 jl i.vwyrmr.murmiK Upper W and the HOMESEEKER To the settler seeking a home and independence, the fertile acres of Upper Wisconsin offer more advantages today than any other section of the country. In this region of wonderful resouices crops are grown in great variety and the ideal climate and ample rainfall make crop failures unknown. Send for FREE DESCRIPTIVE FOLDER Information of value to the settler searching for a location in a community offering an ideal climate, nearby markets and excellent educa tional facilities. Ask for Fblder No. 32-R Mailed Free on Request G. II. MacRAE Gen'l Pass. Agent, St. Paul, Minn. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry. II. M. PEARCE, General Traffic Mgr., St. Paul, Minn. F. S. McCABE, Industrial Agt., St. Taul, Minn. Sturges Bros. Have Moved to 315 Pearl Street where we will be glad to see all our old pat.ons, and we hope, many new ones. This move is nec essary, as the building we now have is too small for our growing business. Stsre Bros. Old Location, '111 Pearl St. Sioux City, Iowa Abstracts f Title A 510,000 Surety Bond Guarantees the accuracy of every Abstract I make. J, J, EIMERS, Bonded Abstractor. Successor to the DAKOTA COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. -t 5 ; j i ! i V A i j' 1 i . : i tho team which pxoviously had J MOMWHMMKgHmHHMnt drubbed Yale.