Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, August 23, 1917, Image 3

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    It '
Mr. Smith Was in a Bad Way,
But Doan's Restored Him to
the 'Best of Health.
In April, 1010, Louis Smith, 00 New
St.. Ilackensack, N. Jv said: "Words
fail to describe the misery I ctkdurcd
from kidney complaint. In my work I
have to do a lot of heavy lifting and
this weakened my kidneys.
At first I only suffered
from a slight backache,
but almost before I knew
it, I was all bent over like
a man a hundred years
"I began to grow worse
as the days passed and
finally I had to take to
Mr. Smith, my bed where t I re
mained for weeKs. My head pained ter
ribly and my back just throbbed. I
was always dizzy ana it seemed as if
everything was whirling. Little black
opecks came before my eyes and I also
Buffered from painful and scanty pas
sages of the kidney secretions. Every
thing seemed dark and dreary.
"Doan's Kidnev Pills completely
cured me and I am enjoying the best of
health now."
"Sworn to before me."
E. 21. Johnson, Justice Peace.
On March 10, 1017, Mr. Smith added:
"I will never forget what Doan's have
done for me. Whenever I catch cold
on my kidneys. I can depend on Doan's
ft fix me up all right."
Gt Doan's at Anr Store, 60c a Bex
Yoar Mom win bi MrnroiD bj yoar druggist
Asutmsua symptoms accompanying nr FeTer
tsaaer bow riolent Uie attacks ot obsUnate the
poMUreljr glres INSTANT RBLIBF In ererr case
ana has permanently cored thousands who bad been
considered Incurable, after haying tried ererr other
means or relief In vain. Asthmatics should arall
thsmsolres ot this rnarantoooSor through their own
druggist. Bur a Kf-cent package and present this
announcement to roar druggist. Von will be the
sole Judge as to whether you are benefitted and the
druggist will giro yon back your money It you are
not. . We do not know ot any talrer proposition
which we could make. (jj
R. Schlllmann Co., Proprietors, SI. Paul, Minn.
no mora neec.iarw
than Smallpox, Army
expcilence has demonstrated
too nUuu.1 miraculous effi
cacy, and barmlestnest,of Antityphoid Vaccination.
Be vaccinated NOW by your lwytlcUn, you anil
Tour f amllr. It Is more vital than house insurance.
Ask your physician, druggist, or send for Ilara
yoa had Typhoid" telling ot Typhoid Vaccine,
inula from use, and danger from Typhoid Carriers.
Prodoiltif Vaccines sjti Seransuiidir U. 8. Lletnta
Tbs Cutter Laboratory, Bcrkeley?Cal., Chines, III.
A tolls prsparatlen at atari t,
H.lps to ra41eLU daadnC
Beauty UQray er Faded Hair.
SOa. and SIM as Urmrftots.
W. N. U., SIOUX CITY, NO. 34-1917.
Good Saddlers Spoiled to Make Law
yers, Opinion of Sir Douglas
Halg on Seeing Work.
Tho fact that Sir Douglas Haig at
tained his llfty-slxth birthday recent
ly brings to mind a story told of him
a short while back.
Sir Douglns Is n soldier first, last
and all the time, regarding all other
professions as of quite negligible Im
portance, a trait In his character which
lends point to the anecdote.
, . He was, it appears, Inspecting a
cavnlry troop, and was particularly
struck with tho neat way In which re
pairs had been made in some of the
"Vnrv pnnrl ivnrk." he remarked to
the troop sergeant major. "Who did
"Two of my troopers, sir," was tho
"You're fortunate to have two such
expert saddlers In your troopt"'saId
"As a matter of fact, sir," was tho
reply, "thoy're, not saddlers, In civil
llio being lawyers."
"Well," ejaculated Sir Douglas, "how
men who can do work like that could
bttvo wasted their lives over law I
ain't Imagine 1"
A Waiting Game.
"By the way, old man, how Is your
suit with Miss Roxley progressing?"
"Slowly. I'm playing a waiting
game Just now."
"A waiting game?"
"Yes ; I'm waiting for her to change
her mind."
Treating Garden Seeds.
"Do you know how to treat garden
"Same as you treat your friends In
a prohibition town give 'cm some
All tho world loves a winner, but
not for long after the winner becomes
a loser.
A good man's countenance may fall,
but It remains for some better man to
break It.
are bully
ood for:
any meal
and for all
the family
1 rjAflpHIH u J
MBiiWifc;jT ls ' V. . MssMsC tSkiTT!. fojdsBhs5sMSwBsfftssfcAJ. essMHt MdJUHmMijMajk BBgBB LbtHl
R.WWI11II J" 'w ftpili!fr--'alAlnTmZi s..,H''-v rettEST; sr.-.ri
t i. . m aa " uw j r.K'ir rr .m w v sun - hk it-.
&XWK && . .&
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trti- . -" - w vi ni
U'" 'T
Woodland Course, Where Big Money Will Be Hung Up In Purses.
Boy a and Girls to Compete for Cham
pionship Gertson to Fly Twice
Dally Race- Program a Good One
Big Stock and Mechanical Exhibits.
To assemblo a fair this yoar that
would excel any of those of tho past
in its sheer largeness, In its particular
appeal to thoso who aro interested in
fino stock and una crops, and in the
spectacular and extonsivo naturo of.
its attractions and amusements, while
at tho time adding an entirely now
and serious note by tho attention that
ought to be paid to patriotic things,
was the task set before Joo Morton,
secretary of tho Intorstato Llvo Stock
Fair, that will bo hold on September
17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 at tho Wood
land park grounds in Sioux City.
It is tho judgment of thoBO whoso
acquaintance with interstate and oth
er big fairs during recent years en
titles them to speak with authority,
that this has been achieved, and that
in respect to oducatlonpj patriotism
as well as to complete exhibits and
novel entertainments, tho 1917 expo
sition will take rank altogether by
itsolf in this territory. Mr. Morton
himself, while saying that he prefers
leaving tho pralso to the people who
attend tho fair, makes no secret ot
tho fact that he is well satisfied with
tho way all display spaco has been
gobbled up and with tho contracts
that he has been enabled to secure
with tho country's best amusement
Boys Compete by States.
In particular the fair management
is pleased by the truly intorstato na
ture tho annual exposition has come
to take, and this characteristic will
bo moro notable this year than ever
before, entries indicate. The four
neighboring states of Iowa, South Da
kota, Nebraska and Minnesota aro in
terested not alone in tho thousands
of exhibits which range from fancy
horses and cattle to the choicest of
grains raised in this section of the
country, and from home-made pastry
to ladies fancy work, but they aro
also keenly interested in such feature
events as tho boys' and girls' canning
contest that will be staged this year.
Through Invitations sent direct to
tho contestants themselves and also
through arrangements made with lead
ers in conservation work in the sev
eral states, Mr. Morton has mado cor
tain that tho interest and rivalry be
tween tho state clubs for top prizes
in this competition will bo exception
ally spirited. Tho state agricultural
colleges and their food experts have
taken the lead in most cases in en
couraging home canning as a patri
otic and sensible duty, and it is
through those agencies largely that
tho boys and girls of tho whole terri
tory nave been enlisted so generally1
in the Intorstato contest. Prizes will
'je given, and the championship itsolf
will stand as an honor to be consid
ered among tho chief awards.
Teach Food Conservation.
Along tho same lino of education
to national duty and to homo economy
that will benefit every family, tho fed
oral and state governments are co
operating in plnns thnt Involve tho
use of a wholo building at the fulr
grounds for food conservation demon
strations. Thoso demonstrations, open
to all fair visitors, will bo conducted
by experts of wldo reputation and
every convenience will bo offered for
the conveying of any Information de
sired to thoso who come. This move
ment has the unequivocal indorse
ment of national food conservation
leaders. Tho demonstrations have
been so arranged as to bo first ot all
practical. Tho object is not to ox
hlblt superior knowledge on tho part
ot exports, hut to got that knowledge
homo to tho people ot the Interstate
territory in such a way that It will
bo of real uso and value to thorn.
That was instated upon by tho fair
management and tho stand was given
tho highest approval by the food ad
ministration. Air Flights Every Day.
Partly military in its naturo will
be tho dally flying exhibitions at tho
fair grounds by Louis Qortson, knswn
as the greatest of American loop-tho-
loop flyers. Thoso flights will bogln
on Sunday, .September 16, tho day bo
fore tho actual opening of the fair,
and will be continued, two fllghtH each
day, throughout the wook of the ox
position. In view of the plan of tho
iST sjml rMvmWi
WLVn., 'vrwJ!!'13
' !
United States to build a great air
fleet, for which $040,000,000 already
has been appropriated by congross,
which is to dominate tho skies ovor
Europo's battle Molds, exceptional in
terest will nttach to Aviator Gortson's
demonstrations ot war tlmo air man
Representatives ot tho Unltod Statos
army and navy will bo in charge ot
military and vala exhibits on tho
grounds during the fair and will ox
plain tho working of objocts ranging
from tho Whitehead torpedo, 'with
which battleships aro sunk, to tho ma
chine gun, that makes infantry
charges so bloody. ,
In tho mechanical departments, all
that is now and, modern In machinery
for an agricultural region will bo on
display, and tho annual automobllo
show will bo complete as novor be
fore Spaco for both thoso featuro at
tractions has boon allotted on a more
generous scalo than last yoar, deal
ors insisting that tho prosperity ot
this section has been such that blggor
sales than over beforo are to be ex
pected this fall. Particularly In view
of tho nation's doinand for greater and
greater acroago cultivation and crop
production, and in view of the certain
ty of high pricos under tho govern
ment's guarantee, farm machinery is
going to hold a high place in popular
Interest, thoy predict.
In tho section ot free attractions,
which will featuro the race track en
closuro on each day qt tho fair, Roda
Royal's Military Elephants are only
one of twelve big acts that aro con
tracted for. There will bo acrobats,
equilibrists, daring dlvors and climb
ers and very funny posers. Tho per
formers will bo Americans, Europeans
and Asiatics, including Arabs and Jap
anese. Last year, when tho biggest
freo series up to that tlmo was pre
sented, there were only ten acts, and
these, owing to conditions in the vau
deville and circus flolds, were not
quite up to tho caliber that Is boasted
by tho 1917 aggregation. On tho Mid
way, where the pay streak shows will
be located, the full Wortham shows,
which heretofore havo never appeared
cpmploto In any oxcopt tho very larg
est of American fairs, will bo located.
This outfit travels in thirty-two spe
cial cars. It claims unusual distinc
tion in that it does not dopend upon
ghastly freaks to attract patronage,
but instead places its claim for favor
upon clean amusement and entertain
In the department of races, ruunlnc
events will be mixed liberally wf?h
harness horse contests, as this policy
was proven last yoar to meet tho ap
proval of the thousands who packed
tho grandstands on big raco days.
Secretary Morton has so adjusted the
programs that each day will offer a
classy card, instead of leading up to
one or two big days with soveral othei
days boasting only minor contests.
Tho total of purses hung up tor the
week's events exceeds $6,000. Nation
ally known starters and judges havo
been engaged, so speedy and unques
tionable work will bo assured in thoso
Fundamentally, of course, the In
torstato Live Stock Fair Is an agri
cultural and stock exposition, and In
the development of now attractions
this fact has not been lost sight ot.
Barns and stalls weeks ago wore
"taken" up to their full capacity by
iiiiiicaiua tc. u.uHuit bpace ior quai
ty llvo stock. The' total array ot
flooded and grade animals Is certain
to oxceed in most all respects tho
uest previous showing of this terri
tory. Tho "million dollar stock pa
rade" that each year follows tho Judg
ing and the awarding of bluo ribbons
will go so far in excess of that popular
.Iguro in real value that the phraso
has ceased to be accurate description.
Big Evening Attractions at Auditorium
Beginning Sunday, September 16,
the Auditorium will offer throo big at
tractions for fair week In Sioux City.
Max Figman and the original Now
York company will present, a now play
called "Nothing But the Truth," on
Sunday and Monday nights, Al Jolson
and tho Wlntergardon company will
appear Tuesday and Wednesday nights
In "Robinson Crusoe Jr.," and the bal
ance of tho week "In Old Kentucky"
with tho Plcklnlny Band and tho raco
horses will glvo a porformancs each
Many Attractions.
Visitors to tho Intorstato Fair will
find many attractions in Sioux City
and many placos ot intorest to visit.
Tho Morgan Wallace Stock Co, at tho
Grand Theatre, vaudeville at the Or
pheum, besides tho Plaza, Royal,
Princess and Strand picturo theatres,
will mako tho evenings pleasant. Trips
may also bo made to polntB of Interest
such as tho boat clubs, Stono park,
Orand Viow park, tho two country
clubs and to Morningsido college
Solidifying Petroleum.
A Frenchman has invented a pro
cess ot solidifying petroleum for eafo
ty In transportation by the addition
ot a solution of soap, it being possl
bio to burn tho resulting comlnatlo
to romovo the soap with alcohol.
" X J.4 . iZJT " w j T J
Celestials Will Not Buy Some Things
Regarded ao Necessities, Says
Commercial Attache.
An American commercial nttnrhe In
China reminds the ninnufiK'turvr nt
home tl.nt the Asiatic denuiiu! for
Western nrtliles Is still soiuovvhat
For example, the Chlunnmn Is n
liberal purchaser of American barb
wire. He likes the locks we ninke.
Files from tho United States sell well
and one American firm holds a monop
oly on scoop shovels. Hut the razors
made here havo no attraction, for tho
Chinaman Is contented with the clum
sy Instrument tho local blacksmith
hammers out of a flic. Trying to sell
him doorknobs and electrical bells Is
to waste tlmo nnd breath. Chinese ag
riculture gets along with the farm Im
plements devised centuries ago nnd
canuot even understand tho mechan
ism of American farm machinery.
Nnlls, bolts nnd nuts hnvo a ready
market, being simple, yet when It
comes to knives, the product of high
skill and workmnnshlp, China Is per
fectly satisfied with the cheap stuff
sent out from Europe.
Tho commercial Invasion of the far
East can bo successful only If tho
character of tho people of tho East Is
given careful consideration, says tho
Toledo Blade. Tbe American mer
chant does not try to sell section hands
fountain pens. The American mnnu
acturers will lose money who seek an
outlet In China for articles that a sim
ple people look upon ns luxuries or
Excrutlatlngly Suggestive.
In a mining district where a great
many soldiers are now quartered thoy
are very kind to tho Tommies nnd get
up nil 9rts of entertainments, for
their beffcilt. The other week-end tho
following notice was posted upon tho
door of tho hnll:
"On Saturday evening n potnto pie
supper will be given to the soldiers In
tho district. Subject for Sunday eve
ning, 'A Night of Agony.' "
His Uncertainty.
Farmer Honk Say, Lenj I
Farmer Stnckrldor Harl
Farmer Honk Is thnt 'ere solemn,
spectacled young nephow of yourn
that's beln' called "Doctor," nnd goes
around lookln ns wise us n trecful of
owls, a dentist, a boss doctor, n corn
curer, a lnyer-on-of-hnnds, n prcsldln'
older, or just a common doctor that
saws b6nes and kills folks?
"All Gaul was divided Into three
"Automoblllsts, motorcyclists nnd
pedestrians, I suppose."
Too many cushions on tho bottom
may account for the room at the top.
Sh8rt accounts make long frlcnds
sometlmes. IffJftt. Contents 15EIuiaPr
a-v&AoUMp PtnaraucWfl -
1 3 :L-f:thf.TfaltrYRcula.-
f I tm6lJicSlraWelarfj
i rfinrrifneanar3t.v'-'i
k i.nfnfiilRfmed7or
FacIm!lcSi4not S
fTwl GENTAV"""7 ,3
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Signer Himself.
"You'll And my ancestor's name on
tho Declaration of Independence."
"Well, you'll And ray narao on the
registration lists of 1017." Kansas
City Journnl.
When a small boy Isn't doing any
thing elso ho eate something.
Alfalfa $0, sweet clover $12, ryo
$2.50. J. Mulhall, Sioux City, Iowa.
All things corno to him who wnlts
bad luck Included.
When Vour Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Eye Remedy
Ho 8sa.nlnjr-Jnsl njt Contort. M cents s.V
ArwsKiit or xafcii. Tiniw v, -MDKINIC
vrHt. for ! Hr Hook.
pwsw W ImI ft As lEtm
Br (
( "After ( )
V even?
Only Half Enough.
She (delightedly) Father say If wo
want to got marrlod he will pny half
tho expenses of furnishing u house for
He (despondently) -But who will
pay tho other half?
Next to possessing there Is nothing
n woman likes better than being pos
sessed. Children
What.is CASTOR1A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium,
Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age js its guarantee.
For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for tho
relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; .
allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the
Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving
healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The
Mother's Friend. 0 '
(Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Years
Th Kind You Hv Always Bought
Appropriation Wanted.
"Gladys Twobblo has agreed to cor
respond with throo soldiors."
"She's a patriotic girl."
"I don't know about that. Sho
seems to think Uncle Sam ought to
supply her with her favorlto stylo of
"What Is tho plural of 'man,' John
ny?" asked the teacher of n small pu
pil. "Men," promptly unswered Johnny.
"Correct," said tho teachor. "And
what Is tho plural of 'baby?' "
"Twins," was tho unexpected reply.
A widow knows whon a man Is In
love with her long beforo he knows It
The goody that is
beneficial to teeth
and stomach is
best for children.
Wrileys is
to ail &ges. it
massages and
the gums,
keeps teeth
clean and
breath sweet
aids appetite
and digestion.
Over the Teacups.
"I'd kick about this egg If you
weren't so pretty," said tho guest.
"I think you nro rather fresh," said
tho waitress.
"Mnybo so, but tho egg Isn't."
"Is Smith n good man for tho plnco?"
"No, ho's not a good man; ho's a
Signature of
University of Notre Dame
Offer Complete Course In Agriculture
Full courses also In Letter, Joornollim,
Library Science, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Medl
elne, Architecture, Commerce aad Lair.
Patents m&aem
Batssrsutratls. lUihtstrmrsnots. Btsnlo.
Sioux City Directory
"Hub of the Northwe.t"
Lire Stock Commission Merchants at
SJCUXOITY, Ohlamgo or Kanaaa City
Cry For