Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, June 14, 1917, Image 3

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Fish Are Misnamed.
Apparently every popular name for
llsh Is n misnomer. There Is ti flsh
plentiful mi the coasts of Alnskn
known as the ntkn mackerel. The bu
reau of fisheries patiently points out
tlmt It Is not a mackerel and nothing
like n mackerel. But It is an excel
lent food flsh, mill can lie shipped salt
ed. Alaska canneries have been en
couraged to salt this ilsh, which will
be known as the atkaflsh, and It
Miould make Its appearance In our
markets In the coming winter.
No humbug! Apply few drops j
then Just lift them away
with fingers.
This new drug Is on ether compound
discovered by a Cinclnnntl chemist. It
Is called freezone, and can
now be obtained In tiny
bottles as here shown at
very little cost from any
drug store. Just ask for
frcczone. Apply a drop or
two directly upon a tender
corn, or callus and instant
ly the soreness disappears.
Shortly you will find tho
corn or callus so loose that
you cun lift It off, root
and all, with the Angers.
Not a twinge of pain,
soreness or Irritation; not
even the slightest smart
ing, cither when applying
freezone or afterwards.
This drug doesn't eat up
the corn or callus, but
shrivels them so they loos
en and come right out. It
is no humbug I It works
like a charm. For n few
cents you can get rid of ev
ery hard corn, soft corn or
corn between the toes, ns well as pain
ful calluses on bottom of your feet. It
never disappoints and never burns,
bites or inflames. If your druggist
hasn't any freezone yet, tell him to
get a little bottle for you from his
wholesale house. adv.
Mantell's Ghost Story.
Robert Mantell tells of a barnstorm
ing company In the West in the old
days that made a try at Shakespeare.
Considerable complaint was heard rela
tive to tho efforts of the man who es
sayed to do tlie ghost In "Humlet."
Ouo day a dramatic man on a local
paper said to the leading man :
"That fellow who plays tho ghost
does not suggest the supernaturul."
"I should say not," assented the
leading man with alacrity, "but he does
suggest tho natural super." Every
body's Magazine.
When You Use Cuticura The Soap to
Purify and Ointment to Heal.
" On rising and retiring gently smear
the face with Cuticura Ointment. "Wash
off Ointment in Ave minutes with Cutl-
l cura Soap and hot water. Continue
this treatment for ten days and note
the change In your skin. No better
toilet preparations exist.
Freo sample each by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
Both AooroDrlate.
) Longmore The former clients of
I Smith, the divorce lawyer, who died
Nlast week, are going to do a nice thing.
Short What?
Longmore Show their appreciation
&y erecting a monument to his mem
lory. Short Have they chosen tho design?
Longmore Not yet. A number of
them wnnt something among tho lines
(' of the Statue of Liberty, and the oth
ers favor a colossal granite cleaver.
The Lamb.
Allen's Foot Ease, the antiseptic powder to be
shaken Into the shoes and sprinkled In the foot
bath. It relletes painful, uwolleu, smarting feet
aud takes the Btlnfr out of corns and bunlonB.
Used by the British and French troops at the
front. Allen's Foot-Ease Is a certain relief for
tired, aching feet. Bold everywhere Adr.
Sinks Rapidly.
"""'What is a sinking fund, Johnny?"
"Pa's bank account when the bill be
gin to come In."
The Effects of Opiates.
THAT INFANTS aro peculiarly Busceptiblo to opium and Its various
preparations, all of which aro narcotic, h well known. Even in tho
Binalleet doses, if continued, theso opiates cauao changes in tho func
tions and growth of tho cells which aro likely to bocomo permanent, causing
imbecility, mental perversion, a craving for alcohol or narcotics in later life.
Nervous diseases, such as intractable nervous dyspepsia and lack of staying
powers aro a result of dosing with opiates or narcotics to koop children quiet
In their infancy. Tho rule among physicians ia that children should never
roceivo opiates in tho smallest doses for more than a day at a timo, and
only then if unavoidable.
Tho administration of Anodynes, Drops, Cordials, Soothing Syrups and
other narcotics to children by any but a physician cannot bo too strongly
decried, and tho druggist should not bo ft. party to it. Children who aro ill
need tho attention of a physician, and it is nothing less than a crlmo to
doso them willf ullv with narcotics.
Castoria contains no narcotics if it
eignaturo of Chas. H. Fletcher.
Genuino Castoria alnnys bears the slgnatnro of
"When one of those musty thrones
topples over In Kuropo do you suppose
there Is much dust?"
"Not as much as you might think.
Most monarch aro crafty enough to
put their dust away In a safe place be
fore a revolution stnrts."
A man is never such n honehead that
ho can fool himself by lying to himself.
Produce More Food, But at the
Lowest Cost.
A trip through most of tho grain
growing districts of Western Canada,
and information received from nuthen
tic sources, reveals that tho spring
seeding of wheat, barley nnd oats Is
finished and the grain Is having n most
rapid growth. Men of farming expe
rience hero say that the conditions aro
similar to those years when there was
an abundant harvest reaped. During
tho past year a number of new settlers
came into the country, nnd they will
undoubtedly have a good crop this
year. This added to the normal ncre
age, made considerably less by tho
lack of labor owing to the number who
have gone to the front, will give a
fair general yield. It Is surprising the
growth that this country Is capable of
Whent has this spring germinated
nnd shown three or four Inches growth
In five or six days, and with anything
like favorable weather, harvesting
should commence about the 15th of
August, or n little over one hundred
doys from first seeding. Hundreds of
farmers throughout this vast country
paid for their entire holdings out of
one year's crop and It would not bo
surprising l'f the same experience met
n grcnt many more this year.
The best authorities on the wheat
sltuotlon give It ns their opinion that
for many years to come, wheat prices
will be high. They base their opinion
on a scientific calculation nnd their
reasoning seems to bo sound. Anyway,
It is quite evident that for some years
to come, the producer of whent will
be amply rewarded for any effort ho
may mnko to develop this branch of
agricultural industry. Money may be
made on the high-priced lnnds of tho
wheat-growing districts of tho United
Stntes, fiut it is a question If theso
high-priced lands would not bo more
profitably employed in other branches
of farming than in growing tho smaller
grains, leaving it to lands just as pro
ductive for wheat, less expensive to op
erate, and with a much smaller
inltlnl price, to provide tho world
with this necessity of life. Here is
where Western Canada, with its vast
rich fertile plains, its low railway
rates, Its exceptionally good shipping
privileges, Its excellent climate, and Its
perfect social conditions, has n com
bination of advnntnges not possessed
by nny other portion of the continent.
Furthermore, these lands, of unex
celled quality, are extraordinarily
cheap, while for the man who docs not
care to undertake farming on so exten
sive a scnle there Is the freo home
stead which offers him nil the opportu
nity for which ho is looking.
The prospective purchaser will have
no difficulty at nil In making a selec
tion of a fine piece of land, well lo
cated and convenient to transportation,
which may be had for from $15 to $25
nn acre, and the railway companies or
other holders of lnrge tracts are al
ways glad to sell on easy terms. Or
if he desires a farm that is already
under cultivation and Improved, many
such aro to be had from farmers who
already havo mado comfortablo for
tunes nnd nro ready to retire.
It Is not to the grain grower only
that Western Canada offers great op
portunities. If one wishes to go in for
cattle raising, there are great stretches
of range land both freo and for lease;
nnd In many sections of the country
there are the finest of grazing lands
that may bo purchased at very low
Tho appeal which has boon sent out
both by the United States and Cana
dian governments, for nn unstinted, un
limited production of food stuffs to pre
vent what might otherwise bo a fam
ine throughout this great continent
nnd then consequently, throughout tho
world should In Itself arouse nil tho
ambition nnd desire In tho heart and
soul of the man who Is not fighting at
the front, to produce nil he can. In
addition, there Is the potent fact that no
chances are being tnken In answering
the appeal. Tnko it from either stand
point you answer the country's call, al
though not fighting, and you aro also
Insured against any loss by tho high
prices that are bound to exist for somo
time. Whether It be in tho United
Stntes on its excellent grain lands or
In Canada on Ila splendid grain lands,
all should do their bit. Advertisement
Pittsburgh has measured telephone
bears tho
Girls Won't Aoree.
While we cannot wholly Indorse the
plnn to Imposo nn extra tax on bach
elors, wo nro frank to say, having been
one for many years, thnt It Is worth it
Topekn Capital.
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Eye Remedy
No Bmsnlne Jnit Hys Comfort. 13 cfcU at
SIX . T , ?
tic. SJr, 6CCi4ii
.urrcau. nnw tor rree Bye nook.
:k eyk umucmc oo., ciucaqS
Most Dramatic Feature of New
Warfare Developed on Eu
ropean Battlefields.
Young Aviators Take Deadly Risks
and Do Work of Terror In Same
Spirit Knights of Old Went
Forth to Battle. '
London. Nothing thnt the great war
has developed Is more dramatic and
thrilling than a battle between nvlu
tors amid the clouds. It has come to
be a common occurrence for a detach
ment of nlrnieu to ambuscade them
selves behind n cloud bank, sweeping
down suddenly from cover upon their
A correspondent with the British
armies east of Arras sends this de
scription of aerial wurfare:
There have been hours when I
have heard overhead a continual tat
too of Lewis guns nnd when a great
sweep of sky has been racked out with
white shrapnel clouds following our
flying squadrons engaged hotly with
hostile machines. One cannot follow
ill?. PJ2SJH? 2 U.lci wcrinl battles,
It Is'onlyTarely Flint one can distin
guish nn enemy mnchino from ours,
except by cloudlets of our nntl-nlr-craft
barrage. But far and high one
sees the daring specks chasing
through the blue, touched sometimes
by sunlight, so that for a moment they
are all golden or glistening or white
as snowflnkes, and down to one comes
tho loud drone of engines and the lit
tle hammer-knocks of Lewis guns.
Look Like Butterflies.
Our soldiers on the march stare up
nt the war above their heads, so aloof
from them, so dreamlike, and the men
on the supply columns get their
glnsses out and laugh when one of our
Kite balloons Is hauled down sudden
ly with grent haste. "Old Rupert has
got the wind up," they say; "u Boche
plane must bo sneaking round." It Js
no joke when a German airman de
scends out of a cloud and hovers over
n battery, signaling back to his guns.
I'was In such a situation the other
day, and had to crouch with tho gun
jners below a bank while shrapnel bul
lets from our own "Archies" whipped
the ground about.
Ked wings have come Into the sky,
for the new German fighting machines
hnve crimson-planes, so that they look
like butterflies when tho sun is on
them. Enemy airmen have been try
ing to compete with our own by swoop
ing low nbove marching troops nnd
gun teams and using their mnchlne
guns. In a way which adds new
perils to war. But, though they fight
behind their own lines with grent skill
nnd courage, they do not come over
our country in nny such numbers ns
our men invade theirs.
These boys for they are absurdly
froung in tho average age take all
these deadly risks and do nil this
(work of terror with the same spirit
ins the young gentlemen of England
who rode out with Sir John Chandos
nnd Sir Walter Manny to seek com
bat with French knights many hun
dred years ago along the roads where
our modern men-at-arms go ranrchlng
German Tires First
During this recent fighting one of
them chnHenged a German Albatross,
which accepted fight, nnd for nn hour
they did every trick known to flying
shilling, banking, side-slipping, loop
ingIn order to get in the first shot.
It was the German who tired first,
though he showed himself master of
his machine.
There are boys In our air service
who havo killed six or seven Germans
in single combat. A few have account
ed for many more, nnd go off again
for a morning's hunting of men as
though on a good adventure. Yet they
know the risks nnd the fortune of war.
They cannot have all the luck nil the
time. When tho turn comes It is quick
to the end; or, if hit and left alive,
they do amazing things up there In the
high ekles to save the final crash.
A few evenings ago two of our
young ofllcers were attacked by five
hostllo aircraft, and both were wound
ed, one In seven pluces, but they de
stroyed one of tho German airplanes
nnd landed safely, though their own
mnchfnes were pierced by many bul
lets. On another evening of the battle of
Arras two hostile aircraft were en
gaged by one of ours and forced to
land, though one of our ofllcers had
his collarbouc broken by u machine
gun bullet.
Man Rejected at First Finally Wins
Place In Marine Corps on Re
cruiting Duty.
New York. Ebklld Bagger has at
tained his nmbltlon. Three weeks ago
he took tho examination for the Ma
rine corps, pnssed and thought ho was
in, hut ns ho utooped to pick up his
clothing n glare eye dropped on the
Undlscournged, ho hod been going
nlmost dally fceeklng enlistment. Cap
tain Evans has Informed him thnt ho
has received orders to reward his pa
triotic fervor. He was enlisted In the
Mnrlne corps reserve, class 4, nnd as
signed to duty it the recruiting station.
Shoe Manufacturers Discover That
Leather From Hides of "Man-
Eaters" Is Useful.
New York. Shark hunting promises
to become a general and profitable In
dustry along the coast of the Eastern
states, since shoe manufacturers have
discovered, by exhaustive experiments,
thnt leather tanned from the hides of
"man-eaters" Is highly applicable for
the purposes of ordinary footwear.
New York fishermen nre prepnrlng
to carry on the hunt on a gigantic
scale If the "sea tigers" como north
this spring. While the industry In Its
Infancy does not promise to be over
highly remunerative, boat owners nro
confident with specialized methods
catches of sulllcient size to warrant
exclusive attention to It will be their
reward. In addition to the lenther
properties of the shark It produces an
oil that Is said to be the slowest dry
lug lubricant known. It nlso Is used
In the manufacture of certain brands
of waterproof paint.
American Universities Are Seriously
Considering the Plan as a War
New York. Many American univer
sities, It Is lenrned here, are serlously
consldering making the college year
consist of four terms of 12 weeks each,
with only four weeks vacation vonr.
It Is nlso proposed, by certain changes
in tne curricula, to teuch as much In
two of the new terms ns wiib formerly
taught in three terms, or the whole col
lege year.
These measures aro succested ns n
war expedient. It is admitted the new
arrangement will not be quite us effec
tive as the old method ; hut the advo
cates argue better results will be ob
tained from the plnn than by trying to
continue with the old sjstem when
young men hnve little time for educa
tion nnd nre In more of a hurry thnn
formerly to get Into the army of some
other active life.
100 Years Old; Does His Bit
London. Age does not deter Thomas
Weeks of Tleehurst, Sussex, from
Joining In the fight for greater food
production. Although ono hundred
years old, he Is cultivating nn acre of
ground without nny nsslstance.
Sharpen It and It Explodes,
Maiming or Killing the
Baggage Contains an Amazing Collec
tion of Bombs, Poisons, Bacilli of
Deadly Diseases and Other
Tools of Death and
Chrlstianln. An amazing collection
of bombs, poisons, bacilli of deadly dis
eases nnd other means of death and
destruction has been seized by tho au
thorities here as part of tho baggage
of Baron von Itosen, n Swedish noble
man nnd nlleged to be a German agent.
The bnron fled to Norway after his ac
tivities had aroused the Swedish au
thorities, lie was arrested, but, as lie
could not be convicted of vlolutlng nny
Norwegian lnw, he was released with
n warning to leave tho country.
Bnron von Itosen's field of opera
tions wns along tho Swedish-Finnish
border. His purpose is supposed to
huve been tho destruction of Itusslan
food and munition storehouses, but
what success he had Is not known.
When he fled from Sweden lust Jnnu
ary part of his baggage wob seized by
tho Swedish authorities and found to
Contain a lurge quantity of high explo
sives, pneked In tin cuns m irked
"corned beef." It remained, however,
for the Norwegian police to uncover
the real extent of his equipment.
"Table Salt" Was Explosive.
After the bnron hnd been ordered
out of Norway those parts of his bag
gage which had not been seized In Swe
den arrived at Chrlstlunla and were
turned over to tho police. Among tho
articles found were cans of explosives
marked "tublo salt," bottles marked
"mouth wnsh," containing cultures of
dangerous bncllll, Identified bj the
state health laboratory; boxes of lump
sugar, each lump concealing a small
glass vial tilled with bacilli of anthrax
of glanders, and several exploslvo pen
cils. The Intter nrtlcle Is an ingenious in
fernal machine and a departure In
frlghtfulness, so far us the authorities
hero are aware. It has tho appearance
of an ordinary pencil, but if sharpened
n drop of acid concealed In a thin glass
tubo Is released and, acting on other
concenled chemicals, causes an explo
sion bulliclent to malm or perhups kill
the bhurpener.
Sought to Infect Animals.
One scheme of Baron von Itosen in
which tho poisoned sugar lumps were
to figure Is believed to hnve been di
rected against the great tralllc stream
which tho war has called into being
between the northern Norwegian town
Color bearer of tho American Junior
Nnval and Marino Scout which escort
ed by a battalion of nnval scouts nnd
a company of marino scouts, hns been
recruiting Its ranks among the Chlncso
hoys of Now York's Chinatown. A
number of enlistments havo been
procured and it Is expected that
shortly the organization will havo
formed a bnttnllou composed ex
clusively of juvenile Orientals, but
withal staunch Americans. The Amer
ican Junior Naval and Marino
Scouts aim to train tho boys in tho
work of tho United States navy nnd
tho marine corps. If on becoming of
ago they desire to serve their couutry,
little further training Is necessary.
More than 40,000 boys arc members of
the organization, scattered through 33
of Narvik nnd Finland. A tremendous
tide of merchandise flows into Russia
along this rond by horse transports.
Between two thousand nnd threo thou
sand horses .nre used for freighting;
goods, nnd barns havo been construct
ed along tho rond for their accommo
dation. The schemo attributed to
Baron von Itosen was to put tho poi
soned sugar in the feed boxes in thoso
barns and start un epizootic among
tho horses which would cripple tho
whole transportation system.
Tho revelations In regard to what
tho bnron described as his "scientific
expedition" have aroused great indig
nation here and the authorities aro se
verely blamed for releasing the bnron.
There havo been some cases of Infec
tious diseases among librses nt places
where" Baron von Itosen stnyed, but his
responsibility has not been proved.
f "ununc dv viiioii io
Lincoln, 111. "I'll be home for
Christians dinner."
That is tho message received
by Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Thompson
of Lincoln, 111., from their son,
Cnpt. John Thompson of tho Ca
nadian army in France, In a let
ter which has Just arrived.
"We'll win the wur now. for
thero's nothing thnt can stop us T
since America Iibb entered," If
cupiuin 'liiompson writes.
Widow Loses Accident Insurance-
When Autopsy Falls to Prove
Her Assertion.
Kansas City. Tho fact that an nu
topsy fulled to find a bug which J. M.
Freeman told his wife had lodged in
his throat, resulted in tho Kansas City
court of appeals reversing a $4,000 ver
dict tho widow had gained against tho
Loyal Protective Insurance company
of Boston.
Freemnn, n ITownrd county patent
medicine vendor, had nn accident pol
icy. Ho died of pneumouln. Tho court
held that slnco no foreign body was
found In his throut ho could not bo
said to huvo contracted tho dlseaso, as
claimed, by "nccldentul or violent"
Wears Shoes to Bed.
To Punish Parents.
Chicago. Judgo Stelk of tho court
of domestic relations believes ho linn
solved tho problem of tho wayward
"Hereafter I urn going to send the
parents to jail Instead of punishing
the chlldreu," ho said, In nn address
to members of the First Luthorua
Restored! to Health by Lydia
ELPinkham's Vegetable
Enhaut, Pn. "I was all run down and
weak inwardly. I had femnlo troubles
anu nervous feelings
and my hoad both
ered mn. I tonnM
often havo cryinnr
spells nnd fool as if
I was not safe If
I heard nnyono com
ine I would run and
lock tho door so they
would not sco mo.
I tried several doc
tors and thoy did not
hcln mn an I nnlil a
mv tnntlinf. T mi...
will havo to dio as thero is no hofp for
mo.' Shogot mo ono of your fittlo
books and my husband said I should try
ono bottlo. I stopped tho doctor's
medicine and took Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegctablo Compound. It soon mado a
chango in mo and now I am strong and
do all my work." Mrs. Augustus
Bauqhman, Box 80, Enhaut, Pa.
Why will women continue to suffer
day in and day out nnd drag out a sickly,
half-hearted existence, missing threo
fourths of the joy of living, when they
can find health in Lyd.'a E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound i
If you would like freo confidential ad
vico address Lydia E. Pinkbnra Medlcino
Co., Lynn, Mass.
For Constipation
Carter's Little
Liver Pills
will set you right
over night.
Purely Vegetable
Small Pill, Small Dote, Small Price
Carter's Iron Pills
Will restore color to the faces of
those who lack Iron In tho blood,
as most pale-faced people do.
KM AimiesI THoW!AD
anA unrhm.Dilu Fly Klll.r attract adkMiia
. Mn!, cltu, ornanMStol, oonT.nldnt, ud nh.rj.
flip mml wfilMt Mil M
IxiUf .arUiaf, dunk
Daisy Fly Killer
CM by tltaWr
t xprM. rrtpaU. (I.M.
Afekfeft'A -
Atoll.t prrrtloa of mtrlv
n.lpi to .radlott. dandruff.
rorRattorins Color nd
Ha. ajd IL06 at DrorrUU.
Lire Stock Oommtsalon Merchants at
SIOUX CITY, Chicago or Kanmaa OM&
PATENTS !?.Bwf.v.isas,-c
I!., ", !tJ-0- Adrlcian'd bookMret
teUiicuoMMe. HUtiott references. Beetterrleaa.
W. N. U., 8IOUX CITY, NO. 24-1917.
Boy, Aged Nine, Kills Cougar.
Lynn Obyo, only nine, of Portland,
Ore, Qallfled ag a huntor when ho
Bhot and killed a cougar that meas
ured eight feet soven Inches from tip
to Up. Tho prowling nnlmnl was killed
In tho foothills of Yamhill county In
tho Const Itnngo mountains. Tho cou
gar had been killing Btock of tho farm
ers and his death was welcomed by
thoso who had suffered from the raids
upon their cattlo.
Two Kinds.
"Do all of your employees talk bnso
ball, horso racing and prlzo flghtingr'
"No, somo or them talk trimming,
hair dressing nnd dancing."
Cockroaches can remember, and
havo emotions.
Nerves All On Edge?
Jut as nerve wear is a cose of kidney
weakness, so is kidney troublo a cause
of nervousness. Anyone who has back
ache, nervoumees, "blues," headaches,
dlrzy spells, urinary ills and a tired,
worn feeling, would do well to try
Doan's Kidney Pills. This safe, relia
ble remedy is recommended by thou
sands who have had relief from just
such troubles.
A South Dakota Case
Un 'Will Hnnkr
802 B. Second Bt.,
Mitchell, 8. D.!
says: "For years t
had lameness
across my back
and left side. At
times, my limbs
pained me and I
yrau almost holp
less. I suffered
from headaches
and dizzy spells
and roy kidneys
acted Jrrcgulony.
NAtnlntf hnln.il va
until I used Doan's Kidney Pills,
Three boxes of this medicine Improved
my condition wonderfully and Z am
very gratefuL"
' 'C4DoajftatAay8tere,S0aaBox
LWkW Iiver
jflptWf pills.