Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, May 03, 1917, Image 8

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General and Reliable
Poncdk.i Neb
Box 424 Phone No. 3
It will pay you to see me
before going elsewhere
Terms Ucaaonnble-Satlsfnctlon (lunrnntectl
Pure Bred
Perc heron
Captain 90975
Wallace 121599
CAPTAIN foaled May 1, 1012, color black, is a large,
powerful horse, known as a Mire foal getter.
WALLACE foaled April JO, 10 1.1, color dark dapple
gray. Winner of First Prize for 1 year old at Oakland,
Nebr., in 1910. Wallace is a very promising colt, stands
10 hands high, weighs 1 025 lbs at 23 months old.
These horses are both inspected and guaranteed sound
and in perfect breeding condition by the Live Stock San
itary Board of Nebraska.
Terms $15 to insure marc in foal, $20 for colt 9 days
old. Due care will be taken to prevent accidents, but at
mare owner's risk.
Both these horses will stand at my barn in Hubbard,
Nebr., during th? season of 1917.
Louis Bogg
Owner and Attendant
Hubbard, Nebr.
Attractive Summer Tours
Through the East
An extensive scheme of diverse-route eastern tours has been
announced, circuit tours to New York and Boston, going one
way, returning another; eastern trunklines and steamer lines co
operate in these tours thai may be planned to include Canadian,
New England and Atlantic Seaboard resorts, Sound Steamers,
Coast Lines, the Virginias, Boston, New York and Washington.
The general limits of these low fares are for sixty-day tickets.
The Burlington's eastern tourist-rate leaflet is now on the
press. Describe to me the general tour you have in mind. Let
me help you make it and furnish you with descriptive literature
covering the proposed journey.
G. B. Kcefauber, Agt., Dakota City, Neb.
W. WAKELEY, Clement. PiiHHpn(jir Ajji-nt,
100 i Fiminm Streot, Omulm, Noli.
t Lengrand
4 No. 59062.
$ PIUWmiiK-Hlrcri by I'rliu-n tin Uliunoy (aiiHS). ho by Due tin
V, Oliunoy (UilM), out of Olmrlotto II UMi'U); Hum. Mnue!nulThlilH'
5J? (lUtni), ihu liy Oi'KiiulittMiffilil), out of KnnU ill VIIU'iH 1 41I70S).
LenKnind is a hay Hclirfun Stallion, 11 years old, weight
11)00 pounds, with small stripe in forehead, and right
hind foot white. Ho was bred by Mr. Felix Coupe., of
Hassilly, and imported March 1, 1911, by W. A..Lm.k&
Co., of Greeley, Iowa. He was foaled in 190(5.
Will Stand the Season of MM 7 us follows:
Sunday and Monday at Chas. Hliven farm.
Tuesday and Wednesday at Elmer Blessing farm.
Thursday at Hubert Luesebrink farm.
Friday and Saturday at Homer Livery Barn.
IIIKMSl I6 to Insure with foal; 11 for Htiiiiilliitt uolt. I'pou tho
Hiiloor ruiuoval of minus from county, foul litll become iluti itt
ounui or wliuii iimrtM nrti not properly rnturuiil for trial net vice,
ftiim become, due ut once. Due cure will he tuken to prevent nod
(luutu, hut tit ilsk of owner of niuio, If hIic hiihUiIiik any,
Owner and Attendant. Dakota City, Nebr. i5
'J'lio diisliccii, a toot crop Introduced
Into this country from Trinidad with
in recent years by the United States
department of agriculture, is now
grown by a considerable number of
farmers and truckers in the south nnd
promises to become a valuable mem
ber of the group of domestic vegeta
bles, Hiich as the potato, which furnish
Htarchy foods. The duHlieen is itself
primarily u tropical plant. It can bo
grown Kjiecessfully, however, not only
la the warmer portions of Florida, but
In other sections of the south as far
north as South Carolina. The cdlblo
portion of the plant Includes a largo
central corm and a number of tubers,
of much smnllcr size, attached to and
around tho corm.
In food value the dashceu is compa
rable to the potato, though it contains
a Kinall proportion of water nnd a
greater proportion of protein, starch
and sugar than the latter. The" new
vegetable way be prepared for tho ta
ble as potatoes usually are or may be
made into Hour nod used in baking.
The dasheen is grown from whole
tubers weighing n few ounces. They
require a frostless season of at least
Bcven months with plenty of moisture.
A molHt but well drained, rich, sandy
loam has been found to be satisfactory
soli for dasheen culture. A large pro
portion of either clay or muck in the
soil produces strong llavorcd, tough
conns which are often unfit for table
use. Largo crops are produced under
such conditions, however, and mako
excellent stock feed.
The crop is planted in February in
southern Florida and as late as the
early part of April in South Carolino.
Tho plants aro spaced nbout 3 by 3Mi
feet. Dasliccus may be dug for home
use by tho middle of September, and
tho main crop can bo harvested at uny
time after tho last of October.
Silage Keeps Two Years.
Iteferrlng to silage carried over from
one year to another, M. N. Nathaniel
of Henderson county, 111., reports in
the Drovers' Telegram that he had
silage left in the spring of 1914 which
ho fed out in the early months of 1910.
Tho only waste was a thin crust on
top. "The silage was just us good as
though it had been put in u few months
previously," ho said. "This is one of
the great advantages of this feed,"
o o
o o
o Four, cold, any kind of dlscom- o
o fort, is expensive in u dairy 0
o herd. Comfort always uieuns o
o profit. It is up to you if your o
o cows do not turn you a prollt. o
o Never mix warm ami cold o
o cream or sweet and slightly o
o tainted cream. o
o Wooden palls should not be o
o used for milking, us they easily o
o become sour and cannot be thor- o
o oughly cleansed. o
o No loud talking should be per- o
o mltted in the stable, and it is o
o best that the cows be milked by o
o tho same persons In the SfiKio or- o
o dor at each milking. o
o Regularity In milking aids In o
o developing n tendency to prolong o
o the period of lactation. o
o o
rmkota Olty. Nob., April S. 11)17.
Thy honril of county commissioners of
Dukotn county, Nobrnskit, met pursuant to
adjournment. Me in burs piesont: A. Irn
Davis, chulrmnu, Oliver W. Klslior, John
Keller. (Ico. W, Learner, county attorney,
unci Geo. WIIUlns, county clerk,
(Uontluucil from April 12)
Now on this ilny, the Siuldayot April,
1V1T, the day set for hearing the aliuiuvlt
tiled by lames Harris, nskluic this board to
establish a roud from a public hUliwuy to
his laud, described as follows:
Tho southeast iiuartor of the northeast
quarter ami tho east half of tho southeast
quarter of section SI, township ?7. ranuo I),
enstof the lUli 1 M., nil In Dakota county,
(Uor II. Harris and ltolxirt K. Harris,
owners of tho property through which it
Is asked thatsuld highway be located, ap
peared and consented to tho establishment
of n public road In width and description
us hereinafter described, provided tho
county construct and maintain cattle way
for tholr beuellt, said cattlo way to bo nt
least ten feet wldo ami olttht feet lilifh
tlironsh said road.
The lioard, thereupon bclnir duly advised
In the promises, Brants and establishes a
road two roils wldo as follows; Commenc
ing ut tho southeast corner of the south
east quarter of the northeast quarter of
section t3, township 27, rnngu H, running
hence west 110 rods to tho center of county
roud. thence north two rqils, tlicnco enst
10 rods, tuence south 2 rodi to a point or
Also stalling on the section lino 2 rods
lortli of tho southwest corner of the north
vest quarter of section 21, running thence
nst 2 lods, thence south 2 lods to tho coi
nor line, thence cnsl on the quai ter section
line 2:14 rods to James Harris Hue, thenci
south 2 i oils, thence west 210 rods to thosnld
section line on the west fckle of said section
21 thence north 2 lodstotho northwest cor
ner of tho northwest quai ter of tho south-
Aest quarter of section 21, township 27,
anco H.
The damages for hind, moving of fences
uul building fences to be paid out of 1017
evy. and wariaut drawn to Geo, 11. and
Uobcrt K. Harris, on general fund for
Hoard adjourned to meet Monday, May
28,1917. . .
ueorge wiiions, uounty uieru.
First publication B-il-Bv
Notice of Opening Road
State of Nebraska,
Oountyof Dakota, us.
Notice to I.nud Owneis.
To all whom It mny concern:
Tho commissioner appointed to locate
and establish u road commencing nt tho
southeast corner of the southwest quarter
of tho southwest quarter of section ill,
township za, range , in uuKota county, Ne
biuskn. running thence cast on the section
line between sections ill, township 2, range
t), and section 0, township 27, range u, in
Dakota county, Nebraska, HO rods and there
terminating, has reported In favor of the
establishment and location thereof, nnd all
objections thereto, or claims for damages
must l" filed In the county clerk's olllco on
or befoio noon of the Nth clay of June, A. 1).
1U17, or such roud will bo established and
located without refeience thereto.
Ueorge Wllulns,
County Clerk
First publication G-!Miw
Notice Is lieieby given that by virtue of
an order of sale Issued by Oeoigo Wllktns,
county clerk nnd ex-o!Ilclo cleik of the
district court of Dakota county, Nebraska,
and directed to me, Ueoige (Jain, sherllT of
Dakota county, iNemasku, commanding
me to sell the premises hereinafter de
scribed to satisfy a certain decree of the
said district court of said county and state.
obtained at tho October, A. I). 11)18, term
thereof, In favor or Tho Kqujtnblo Compa
ny, an Iowa Corporation, nnd against Sar
ah I.. Knuls, nnd J.H. Knnls, for the sum
of Hl.xteeu Hundred Ninety-five Dollars
aifd No-liio cents (tlDOS.OU), together with
Inteicst theieon at tho rate of eight pet
cent per annum from November 20, lulo,
and Its costs, taxed nt the sum of Twenty
one Dollars and (Seventy-live Cents (21.76),
and accruing costs.
I have levied on tho following described
pioperty. to-wlt: Lots ona (1), two (2),
three (8) and four 14), In block one (1), In
Gilbert's Addition to South Sioux City, In
Dakota county, Nebraska.
And I will on tho 4th dny of June,
A. 1). 1917. at ton o'clock A.M., of said day.
at tho south front door of tho com t house in
Dakota City, Dakota county Nebraska, pro
ceed to sell at public auction to tho highest
nnd best bidder, for cash, all of tho abovo
described property, or so much thereof us
may be nocessnry to satisfy said order of
salo Issued by said George Wllklns, tho
amount duo thereon li, the aggregate be
ing the sum of Sixteen Hundred Mnety
llve Dollars and No-lOU Conts, (JIB95.0U) with
Interest thereon at tho rate of eight per
cent per nmnmi, Iron, tho 20th dny of No
vember, A. I). 1916, nnd prior taxed costs,
amounting toTwonty-ono dollars and Sov-onty-llve
cents (FU.76), and accruing cost;.
Dated this 20th day of April. A. D, 1017.
Gkokok Oai.n,
Sheriff of Dukotacounty, Nobrnska.
First publication 4-20-4W
Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition
for Settlement of Account.
In tho County Court of Dakota County,
State of Nebraska, Dakota County ss.
To Kllzabutli llorweg, II. Il.Grlbble.Mury
J . Stluson, Olive G. Hodglns, John II. Grlb
ble, Thomas W. Grlbble, nnd'all persons In
tel es ted in tho estate of John (J Grlbble,
On reaelug the petition of tho adminis
trator and atuulnlstratrlx praying a final
settlement and nllownnco of tholr account
lied In this court on tho 2Uth day of April,
1917. and for their discharge
It Is horeby ordered thnt you, nnd nil
porsons Interested In said matter may, and
do, appear nt tho county court to bo held In
and for said county, on tho 19th day of
May, A. U. 1917, at 10 o'clock a. in., to show
cnuse, If any there bo, why tho prnyorof tho
petitioner should not bo granted, and that
notice of tho pendency of snld potltlou
and the hearing thereof bo given to all
persons interested in snld matter by mib-
llshlngncopy of this order In tho Dakota
uouniy iieraiu, a weekly newspaper print
ed In said county, for four successlvo
weeks prior to said day of hearing.
LBRAi..) County .Tudgo
First publication 4-?0-4w
Order of Hearing and Notice on Peti
tion for Settlement of Account.
In the county court of Dakota county,
State of Nebraska, Dakota County ss.
To Elizabeth Hurweg. U. IS. Grlbble, Mary
J. Stlnson. Olive G. Ilodalns. John II. Grlli-
A bio. Thomas W. Grlbble, and all persons In-
vurusieu in ine esiaiu oi xtiury uriuuie, de
ceased :
On reading tho petition of the adminis
trator and administratrix nravlnc n tinnl
settlement and allowance of tholr accounts
uieu in tins court on tne 2Utn day of April,
1917, and for tholr discharge.
It Is hereby ordered that you. and nil ner-
sons Interested In said matter, may and do,
appear at tuo county court to be held in
and for snld county, on tho 19th day of
May, A. u, 1917, at lu o'clock a. m.. to show
cause, it any mere be, why tho prnyor
of the petitioner should not bo granted, nnd
that notice or tho pendency of snld potltlou
and that tho hearing thereof Ik given to all
persons interested lit sum matter by pub'
llslilng a copy of this order In the Dakota
county iieraiu, a weekly newspaper print
ed in said county, for four successlvo
weeus prior to said day or Hearing.
S. W. MoKlnloy.
hrai. County Judge.
First pub. 4-2t)-4w
Order of Hearing on Petition for Ap
pointment oi Administrator.
In tho County Court of Dakota county,
Statoof Nebraska, County of Dakota ss.
To Harriet May Demaray. Albert K. DO'
maray, Klecta Demaray, Ira I.. Demaray,
ina Demaray, Jiarry 14. Demaray, Alice M
Hayes, Glenn W. Hayes. Jennie K. IIlle
man. Meryl M. Hllenian. nnd to all persons
Interested In tho estate of Alfred Demaray,
On reading the Dotltlon of Jennie K. Hlle
man. n raying thnt tho administration of
snld estato bo granted to Harriet May De
maray, as auminisirairix.
It Is hereby ordered that you and all per
sous interested In said matter may, and do.
appear at the county court to be held in
and for said county, on tho 14th day of
May. A. I). 1917. at 10 o'clock A.M.. to show
cause, If any there bo, why tho prayer of
the petitioner snouui not uo graiiieu, nuu
that notice of the pendency of said petition
and thnt tho hearing thereof bo given to nil
fiersoiu Interested in said matter by pub
Ishliigacopy of this order In tho Dakota
County Herald, a weekly newspaper printed
In snld county, for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand, nnd seal of said court.
this l9in day of April, A. l), 1917.
hkai.. County Judge
Envelopes In Et-dery
Size, Color or
Sturges Bros. Have Moved
to 315 Pearl Street
where we will be jlat! to see u II our old pni.-nns,
smd we hope, mam new ones This move is nec
essary, as the building we now have ib too small
for our growing business.
Old Location, -111 Pearl St.
Sioux City, Iowa
itra3-ar?-gM?-ar-TTTT?--t.jL .. . -?..i , .-.t y..
Westcott's Undertaking;
Auto Ambulance
Old Phone, 420 New Phone 2007
Sioux City, Iowa.
aiiiiMiiiitaMgtaB3u-animyTnMr ijjuaa..-Liilfii 'j in n. ! i1 . -t H
A - W O R M
Great Worm Destroyer and
Hog Conditioner
Price $2.50 per Jug, or Three Jugs for $G.OO
Manufactuied by , C. A. Wheelock, Bercsfoid, S. Dale.
R. F. D. No. G. Phone 138
Pleasant View Farm, Home of the Famous Silver Lake
Herd of Durcc-Jerseys
Guy G. Sides, Local Agent
Phone 111-L8
Route 2 Dakota City, Nebr.
Fields & Slaughter Co.
Grain, Feed, lPlour, Hay and Coal
PbouoNo. 4 Dakota ( ity, Nobr.
Licensed Embalmer Lady Assistant
Ambulance Service
Wn. F XHck-insotv
Bell 71
Auto S471
4 If) Sixth Street
Sioux City, Iowsi
JD XJ tt E: No. 111255
' , !.SSS2f,"''v
DUKE is a Black Percheron Stallion, with white hind
foot; foaled June 6th, 1014; bred by J. II Clark, of
Imogeiie, Iowa; weighs 1S0O pounds.
PEDIGRRR: Sired by Uosco 40000, by Commodore
24972, by Rutabaga 12101. Dam Louis 2A07S, by
Couer de Leon 2070S, by Kleber 41 9-1.1.
TERMS: S15 to insure with foal; $20 for standing colt.
Upon sale or removal of marcs from county, or when
mares not properly returned for trial service fees become
due at oncQ, Due care will be taken to prevent acci
dents, but at risk of. owner of mare.
Will stand for season of 1917 at my barn in,
Dakota City, Nebraska
JACOB HAGER, Owner and Attendant
s- iw-iw''jr''''